Automator mac os image ready. Automated work in Mac OS X. Built-in security camera

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Automator is an Apple add-on that automates the repetition of procedures that run on a computer. At Automator koristuvachі can inspire as well as foldable working processes from modular blocks, which call out to you. Dії vykonuyut discrete zavdannya, such as vіdkrittya file, trіzannya izobrazhennya or overpowering voіdomlennya. The working process is next to the last one, if the working process is completed, the data along the conveyor will run from one day to the next, until the result is achieved.

Apple hopes to collect ready-made content from Automator, but retailers are encouraged to contribute their own content. It is possible to create some, like implementations like bundle-packages that are interested, or AppleScript, Objective-C, or a combination of two mov. You can also create custom scripts or other scripts, such as Perl and Python.

Automator was introduced in OS X version 10.4. Vіn works on more early systems. Automator development features were developed with Xcode 2.0. Added capacity, will be added to Xcode 2.1.

Whether there is a retailer, you can create functions for Automator, like, vtim, a system administrator, or "Last Koristuvach", if you know about AppleScript. Ale, the retailers of supplements may be especially motivated by the distribution of diy. The stench can create dії, as if they turn to the special powers of their additions, and then we will set up qі dії at once from their їkhnіmi dodatkіv. The Automator clerks can figure out what programs they need and what stinks they can ask for.

Retailers can also create inputs from Automator by creating their programs based on scripts, or by using a software interface (through the framework), which retailers use when creating their own scripts.

An example of a simple program Automator

For this application, we will create the Automator program, so that you will grab the song folder in zip archives and rename archives accordingly to the streaming date.

Launch Automator and choose to create a new program.

We select a folder for the addendum, so we want to archive it.

Turning to the list of diy, in addition, spread out "files and folders" by selecting the "Create archives" diu, and similarly dragging it into the field of the working process in front of the diu. Here you can enter the name of the extracted archive file.

I turn again to the list, and again in the same place "files and folders" select "Rename Finder objects" and, similarly to the front buttons, drag it into the field of the working process. Here we select the date format, which is added to the file name, as well as the way to add that reseller.

Now let's run this simple butt with Automator and switch over from yoga practice.

For example, if we save the Automator program, and if we choose "Create a program" on the cob, then we can, without launching Automator itself, run the program we have saved, so that we can get a copy of the specified folder.

The computers were recognized for processing the repeated tasks efficiently and sequentially, so why do we sit and manually change the files on our computer? Abo v_dkrivaєmo program only radium druku? You can sing along a dozen other references, which you could automate for yourself. For whom can be another way, and win є - Automator and AppleScript. In addition, you can put your tasks on autopilot, and you can also teach your Mac to merge PDF files into one, automatically save iWork files, and send a smart plan.

7 marvelous actions of Automator

Automator allows you to automate tasks for an additional "drag-and-drop" interface, which makes it easier for you to create them.

Automator, released on Mac OS X starting with version 10.4 (Tiger), allows you to easily create workflows that mimic tasks that are repeated. To create a workflow, drag Automator's file from the list of workspaces (on the left side of the program) (from the right side). You can save the workflow as an Automator file, otherwise I'll save the program. In order to save the work process, it is necessary to complete the work process with the necessary minimum.

The skin function of the Automator may include input and output functions. To view detailed information about Automator's actions, select them from the list and read the information in the description.workflow, select the standard savings dialog box (File > Save). To save this as a program so that you can save it as and in other Mac OS X programs, choose File > Save as. A new dialog box for saving is opened, so that you can enter the name of the file and indicate the place of saving. First, press the "Save" button, select the program with the file format from the list. Tse allow you to run the working process of the Automator posture, as if it were another program.

It shows the main characteristics and parameters of saving by Automator. We'll give you 7 Automator to help you save hours and hours of work on your Mac.

1. Batch renaming of elements by a joke

Nobody likes renaming Finder items. If you have a set of files to rename, such as photos, videos, or stats, it may be a laborious process ... if you do not win the Automator workflow, which allows you to rename files mittvo.

For starters, open Automator and select the “Workflow” template from the template selection, and then drag and drop two or three to workflow:


>> Change Finder Items

Tsі dvі dії will soon become yours best friends to rename files after setting "Rename Finder Items". This is a big deal for you, to recognize different options, how to change them. For our purposes, we choose "Zrobiti posledovno", we have a lot of files.
To complete this workflow, press the "Add" button in the "Remove the Finder Element" dialog. In the file selection window, select the files you want to rename and press the "Add" button. After adding the files, press the "Vikonati" button in Automator. As soon as the working process starts, your files will be renamed using the "Rename Finder Items" option. You can save it as a working file, or you can save it in front of the program, so you will change those rules to rename them permanently.

2. Export iPhone video with QuickTime help

Automator is still not all productivity. You can also use other QuickTime apps for exporting iOS smart video files. To do this, open Automator and select a workflow template. Drag and drop such things into the working process:

>> Request a movie

>> Export movie

The only thing that you will need to learn, perebuvayuchi in the boundaries of the "Export movie", so the file format, which you can choose from the list that you can see. You can choose iPhone, iPhone (Edge), iPod, Apple TV or QuickTime.

When you are ready to run the workflow to convert video files for Apple, a specific annex, press the "Vikonati" button in Automator or save the working process like a program. At the beginning, you will be presented with the iLife media browser, which allows you to select a movie file from iTunes, Photo Booth, iMovie, or your own movie folders. After selecting the video, press the "Select" button. This video will be edited and placed in the folder with your films.

3. Combining decals of PDF files into one

Sometimes you need to merge a few PDF-files into one great one. If you want, you can work in the kіlka stages looking ahead On a Mac, Automator can help speed up the process and allow you to merge a PDF file at a time.

To choose a workflow template on the cob, add the following:

>> Select the selected items Finder

>> Merge PDF Sides

>> Move Elements Finder

To start the workflow, drag the files to PDF format at the menu “Remove the assigned Finder elements”, and then press the “Vikonati” button. After a few seconds, a PDF file will appear on the work table, which will replace the PDF files, which were redirected to the first stage of the work process.

4. Grab mp3 from open Safari webpages

Sometimes when you work on the Internet, you can drink on MP3 files, if you want to take advantage of the song site, or if you want to go through all the sides, clicking one by one on the request to download? Let's repeat one more time. Automator can grab all the MP3 files on the web site, as shown in Safari at the given hour.

To do this, open Automator and select a workflow as a template. Dali to drag the offensive steps into the working process:

>> Retrieve streaming web pages from Safari

>> Filter URL

>> Request a URL

We need to fix the “Remove the URL from the web page” by setting the ensign with the inscription “Turn the URL address of the same domain as the home page”.
To start the working process, go to the web page, like to delete MP3 files, and then press the "Vikonati" button in Automator to activate the process. When the workflow is launched, MP3 files will be downloaded to the workbench, which will be linked to the Safari side. You can save this workflow as an addition, as you plan to win yoga often.

5. Creation of miniatures

In the world, to edit photos with high extensions, miniatures of low resolution, like before, it is necessary for victoria like avatars on sites and add-ons such as Twitter, Facebook, iChat and others. You do not need to use a program for creating miniatures to make them. You can create a service that allows you to right-click on the Finder image and create a thumbnail of that image. For whom you need to create new template Automator services and drag the following steps into the workflow:

>> Create a thumbnail image

To change the file type, tag the menu at the top of the workflow, to select "File Image" from "Whether it's a program". They gave me to choose the size of the miniature at the diy “Create a miniature”.
Then choose "File" > "Save". Enter a name for the new service. To launch the workflow, go to Finder and right-click on the image and select "Services" > "Name your service". After pressing the menu, a new thumbnail will be created and placed in the file name "_tn".

2. Easy startup

When we turn on the computer for the morning, as a rule, we run the programs: Mail, Safari, iCal and Twitter. But I also don’t want the stench to run at the same time with the computer, the shards are not tied to the work of the program on weekends. Why do we have to manually open these programs? One of the solutions is the creation of a simple AppleScript program to run, which necessary programs with one click.

To create the task, open the AppleScript editor and enter the next line of code:

Now run the script. Did you remember that Safari started up? You can change the name of the program in underfoot for any other addition to your poppy.

Repeat a row of code from a new row to start the program. For example, if you want to launch Mail, Safari, iCAL and Twitter, you need to enter:

tell application “Mail” to launch

tell application “Safari” to launch

tell application “iCal” to launch

tell application “Twitter” to launch

Save this script as a program file and click on new automatic start. You can create a few launchers for different programs, for example, one for work, one for friendship and one for social services.

3. Friend of good plans iCal

Paper can be used by the “old technology”, even if you have a big business program planned for the day, sometimes you would like to look at the friend for a swedish understanding. You can use AppleScript for help:

tell application “iCal”

view calendar at (my (current date))

switch view to day view


tell application “System Events”

keystroke "p" using command

delay 1 - (seconds)

keystroke return

delay 2 - (seconds)

keystroke return

end tell

end tell

Add this script to the AppleScript editor and press the Vikonati button. iCal vіdkrіє current date and a different schedule of the day for the assistance of the printer for promotions. Save like a program.

One of the most underrated tools on the Mac, like before, is important. The very beginning of this utility is the ability to automate the great number of routine tasks, as they are being worked out every day. For this material, we will apply 6 ways to select Automator from your favorite browser on .

Opening a webpage for tasks for an hour

On weekdays, I get up about my sixth morning and go to work until the eighth year. Just ten minutes before I leave, I marvel at the weather, so I can figure out what to take in. Then why not make it so that about 7:50 at weekdays, the forecast is automatically displayed? With such and other descriptions below, it is easy to get into Automator.

1 . Run (open explorer FinderPrograms or run yoga through Poshuk Spotlight(received keys Control (⌃)+ probіl).

2 . At the splicer, choose " new document ».

3 Calendar notifications", and then press the button" Vibrati».

4 . At the left beach menu at the retailer " Libraries» choose a section « Internet».

5 . For another column, find the parameter " Please select the specified URL» and pull yoga into the working space (workflow) of right-handed hand-drawing.

6 . See the proponed web address and add the needs.

7 . Now from another column drag the parameter " View web pagesPlease select the specified URL».

8 . To change the praxis of our script, press the button " Run» at the right upper codend vikna Automator. You need to open the browser for promotions and show the side.

9 File → Save as... and save the reminder of the calendar.

10. After that, as the regular calendar is being used, choose the current day that day. At the right side menu, indicate the hour on the cob that end of the day, and also repeat the hour, for example, only on weekdays.

Now about 7:50 am on my Mac, I need a weather alert. And there’s also a disgraceful signaling device about those that the time has come to get to work.

Vіdkrittya number of selected sites

Zavdyakov these mini-instructions you learn how to create a small algorithm that allows you to run a few selected web pages. For example, in song hour look over a group of news sites. I have to open the tabs themselves, and so they clicked on special supplement, and everything is on the verge.

1 . Repeat points 1-2.

2 . How to enter document type " Program».

3 . I'll move on to the division again " Internet» and drag parameter « Please select the specified URL» at the working space.

4 . Add a copy of selected sites.

5 . From another column, drag the parameter " View web pages» at the working space in a row and under the block « Please select the specified URL».

6 . Go to the menu row to the distribution File → Save as... and save the new program.

Having launched the created program in the browser, all the tabs that need to be clicked will be opened for the lock.

Capture all images on the side

An absolutely beautiful option for low professions for designers, journalists, etc. outstanding coristuvachiv. With such a utility, you will no longer have the opportunity to zavantazhuvat sumnіvnі vіdzheti or sort out the sides with the code. The only minus is that it can be done less with the Safari browser. If you know a way to perform a similar operation with other browsers, enter comments in a language.

1. Repeat points 1-2.

2. Specify the document type " Process».

3 . Go to distribution " Internet”, and again, once again, drag the parameter “ Take down the current side of Safari».

4 . Let's drag the parameter " Select image URL from webpage» and in the new choose option « on these websites».

5 . For example, add the parameter " Get URL» and for the consumer, enter a folder for the attachment.

6 . Go to the menu row to the distribution File → Save as... and save the new program.

Now to download all the images, open the page to click on in Safari, go to the devis folder, save the script and run yoga.

Vіdkriєtsya . You will have to press the button " Run» at the top right corner and check while the files are downloading.

Capturing all audio and video files from the side

Well, at the same time, we create more specific, but not a smaller script, it’s enough to take advantage of practically all media content in a difficult warehouse.

1 . Repeat points 1-3 front instructions.

2 . Now drag the parameter " Remove URLs from web pages". If you uncheck the checkbox, then all audio and video files from the domain on which side are located will be captured, and if you do, all files from the side will be captured independently, depending on which domain the stench is located on.

3 . Add the parameter " Filter URL". Zavdyaki filter, you can concretize your request.

For example, if you want to capture only MP3 files, then at the link " Way - revenge» add « .mp3" (without paws), like a video in MP4 - " .mp4", and so far.

4 . Well, now it’s lost to add the already known parameter through which one we specify the place for saving files - Get URL».

The request for the help of this script is written in the same order as in the previous paragraph.

I downloaded a bunch of Mozart's compositions in one click, otherwise I would have had a chance to capture a skin track.

Launching web pages in a look-alike program

I don’t know if such a script is needed, but if it’s possible, then it’s absolutely necessary for someone. You can tell about your options for stosuvannya tsієї lotions in the comments.

1 . Run Automator → New Document → Program.

2 Please select the specified URL» and add the URL to the web address.

4 . Go to the menu row to the distribution File → Save as... and save the new program.

By launching a new program (ours has “Yablyk”) in a very dark night, the tasks of the website are displayed. Vin will be displayed over all vicons.

Checking the headings, how to avenge the songs of the keywords

It's easy to find out among hundreds of RSS-headlines in one's own way. With Automator you can run searches for keywords among the titles of selected sites.

1 . Run Automator → New Document → Process.

2 . Drag the working space parameter " Please select the specified URL» and add an RSS feed to the web address to click through.

For whom go to the side of the resource and know the icon or write from RSS. Posilannya ring out to avenge the word " feed».

4 . Drag parameter " Win the URLs of 3 articles". Respect! For some sites (including those on the site), you need to uncheck the box to select addresses from different domains.

5 . You have to add the parameter " View web pages».

6 . Save the script and press the button " Run» Initiate the process.

After launching in the browser, all tabs are opened for locking, what to revenge is shown keyword at the heading.

And in the comments, obov'yazkovo write about your favorite scenarios .

Leave without a mind in the form of Siri commands in beta iOS 12, we are familiar with the grown-up games with Automator - the macOS automation editor, which is more like a monster at first glance. I replace a dozen third-party utilities, if you already bought it, or locked it up, and 5 more, if you just got it.

Let's pump the robot with macOS files today: let's create 10 commands for context menu Finder with the most popular teams for any relish.

Copchatku zrobimo template for diy іz files

Krok 1. Vіdkriy Automator.

Krok 2 Press the "New Document" button.

Krok 3 For the type of new document, select the "Service" option.

Krok 4. From the Service menu, select "Files or Folders" from "".

Krok 5. Open “Files and folders” from the menu, choose “Remove selected Finder objects” and drag this item from the right-hand menu.

At this stage, you have a blank, on the basis of which you create 10 items for the Finder context menu, which will help you work with files.

Before we speak, for promotions, new services are saved in the catalog Libraries > Services.

1. Change with date

Krok 1.

Krok 2 Duplicate Yogo via File > Duplicate.

Krok 3

Krok 4. At the first drop-down menu, select “Add date or hour”, and all else add the butt on the base from the bottom.

For help, order the propon you to add the exact date, starting from the rock right in front of them. You know, this chip is handy, if a bunch of fresh files are constantly on your Mac.

For example, you are a photographer and send pictures for today. In order not to get lost in them, it’s easier to call them by the date. Good?

2. Rename sequentially

Krok 1. Vіdkriy template, which he created at the first point of the lecture.

Krok 2 Duplicate Yogo via File > Duplicate.

Krok 3 Drag and drop the righthand script "Rename Finder Objects" from the "Files and Folders" section from the menu.

Krok 4. At the first drop-down menu, select "Zrobiti last", and all else, put the butt on the base from the bottom.

Another handy tool for renaming files. For example, if I'm preparing material for publication on the Internet, I'll use vicorist yoga to quickly rename screenshots or other images. Tse spare me an hour.

3. Replace text with file name

Krok 1. Vіdkriy template, which he created at the first point of the lecture.

Krok 2 Duplicate Yogo via File > Duplicate.

Krok 3 Drag and drop the righthand script "Rename Finder Objects" from the "Files and Folders" section from the menu.

Krok 4. At the first drop-down menu, select "Replace text", and then

You can specify what and what you need to change in the file name when using the skin command.

4. Install the promo program

Krok 1. Vіdkriy template, which he created at the first point of the lecture.

Krok 2 Duplicate Yogo via File > Duplicate.

Krok 3 Drag and drop the right-hand script "Install a program for files" from the menu "Files and folders" from the menu.

Krok 4. At the “Program” menu, disable “For locking”, and then open the “Parameters” menu and tick the box “Show activity in the process of typing”.

The same files, for which you change the program for locking for additional help of the command, are turned into a new one. to this particular type about specific documents, not the format in a flash.

Similar to the front menu, we also have an additional window for selecting programs for creating a universal command.

5. Filter and archive

Krok 1. Vіdkriy template, which he created at the first point of the lecture.

Krok 2 Duplicate Yogo via File > Duplicate.

Krok 3

Krok 4. Open the "Parameters" menu and put a tick in the box "Show diy in the process of vikonannya".

Krok 5. Drag the right-handed script "Create archives" from the menu "Files and folders" from the left-handed menu, drag it to the authority's judgment.

I continue to simplify the commands, so that you can understand them better with the Automator program.

This time we defeated the team not by 2, but by 3 equals. The intermediate stage at the new stage is the designation of the types of files that need to be added to the archive. Mi vivodimo yogo okremim viknom.

To go out, you can see all the files you want from the menu "Recent" and add to the archive only an image.

6. Vіdfiltruvati vidaliti

Krok 1. Vіdkriy template, which he created at the first point of the lecture.

Krok 2 Duplicate Yogo via File > Duplicate.

Krok 3 Drag and drop the righthand script "Filter Finder Objects" from the "Filters and Folders" section from the menu.

Krok 4. Open the "Parameters" menu and put a tick in the box "Show diy in the process of vikonannya".

Krok 5. Drag the right-hand script from the menu “Move Finder objects to Koshik” from the “Files and folders” section from the menu, drag it to the authority's judgment.

At this team, we robbed the same ones that at the front. Only the deputy archiving of files in the filter victorious over the past.

This command should be better if you want to clean up the files on the disk. For example, you can see films, if you take up a lot of space - you can easily get through the filter without any problems.

7. Filter and rename

Krok 1. Vіdkriy template, which he created at the first point of the lecture.

Krok 2 Duplicate Yogo via File > Duplicate.

Krok 3 Drag and drop the righthand script "Filter Finder Objects" from the "Filters and Folders" section from the menu.

Krok 4. Open the "Parameters" menu and put a tick in the box "Show diy in the process of vikonannya".

Krok 5. Drag and drop the righthand script "Rename Finder Objects" from the "Files and Folders" section from the menu.

Krok 6 Open the "Parameters" menu and put a tick in the box "Show diy in the process of vikonannya".

As you are sensible, you can win not alone, but once a sprat dialogue vicons pіd hour work іz files.

In this way, we filter the files, if we want to hack, and then we change them for the template that is necessary for this particular way.

I hope you now know for sure that you simply don’t need any additional software for renaming objects, you can create the necessary command yourself.

8. Filter and rename to folder

Krok 1. Vіdkriy template, which he created at the first point of the lecture.

Krok 2 Duplicate Yogo via File > Duplicate.

Krok 3 Drag and drop the righthand script "Filter Finder Objects" from the "Filters and Folders" section from the menu.

Krok 4. Open the "Parameters" menu and put a tick in the box "Show diy in the process of vikonannya".

Krok 5. Drag and drop the script "Copy objects Finder" from the right-hand menu to the "Files and folders" section from the menu, select the locale and select "Replace relevant files".

Krok 6 Drag and drop the righthand script "Rename Finder Objects" from the "Files and Folders" section from the menu.

Krok 7. Open the "Parameters" menu and put a tick in the box "Show diy in the process of vikonannya".

Here we are working the same as in the last paragraph, but the files for renaming the victorist are no longer originals, but copies.

Reveal that you overpower other photographs in one folder. You will be able to sort out only the most recent ones, rename them by date, or copy them sequentially and twice into an okrema folder. Miracles of automation!

9. Filter and send email

Krok 1. Vіdkriy template, which he created at the first point of the lecture.

Krok 2 Duplicate Yogo via File > Duplicate.

Krok 3 Drag and drop the righthand script "Filter Finder Objects" from the "Filters and Folders" section from the menu.

Krok 4. Open the "Parameters" menu and put a tick in the box "Show diy in the process of vikonannya".

Krok 5.

Krok 6

You are guilty of good reason, that in Automator you can win commands not only from one division. You have the ability to combine differences and take away the result.

For example, for some reason we created a command, for the help of which you can filter the necessary files from the views and attach them to a new sheet of electronic mail. Tse mozhe become in good luck with you in robots.

10. Send archive by e-mail

Krok 1. Vіdkriy template, which he created at the first point of the lecture.

Krok 2 Duplicate Yogo via File > Duplicate.

Krok 3 Drag and drop the right-hand script "Create archives" from the menu "Files and folders" and select "Input folder" from the "De" menu.

Krok 4. Drag the right-hand script from the menu "New Post" from the menu "Poshta" from the left-hand menu.

Krok 5. Drag and drop the right-hand script from the menu “Attach files before notification that it is being enforced” from the “Poshta” distribution from the download menu.

Forget about the file filter. For additional help, the command ty simply put the files to the archive of the seen files and immediately attach them to a new sheet of e-mail.

I'm in charge of the vicorist team itself, if you ask me to send you some documents email, it’s too easy.

Today we have gone through just some basic elements, which can be implemented for the help of Automator, so that you have a brighter understanding of the work with the program.

How do you support the topic with a like and a comment, we continue the series of articles on automation. I check for feedback!

P.S. Obov'yazkovo write about your task, if you want to automate. Let's try to help.

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website Well, you yourself asked to pull Automator for you!

Addendum Automator creates procedures for document management (workflows), as a lanyard of standard operations, with the improvement of typical operations, for more addendums. These types of sequences of operations allow you to automate stomlyuyuchi, one-man and routine tasks, as you often need to work on a computer. To work with the Automator program, you do not need to know any programming language in order to create typical workflow actions. For those who are not strong at writing command scripts (shell scripts) or just be afraid to type command line Terminal, appendage Automator - ce best way creating programs for automating typical routine tasks. Everything that you have to work with is to put together a scheme of operations, as it is necessary to vikonat, and reverify, chi є in Automator, you can vikonati tsi operations.

For example, let me know what you need to rename, rescale, and then send a set of photos by e-mail. All the following sequence of operations can be programmed like a lancet for Automator, which can then be performed automatically. Let's look at one more butt - it's acceptable, you need it, schob backup copy specific folders were created at random, as soon as you post something new before it. Automator can help you here. Or, let's say, you just want to close your running programs From the Dock, Automator already there is a procedure that suits itself for each. All aims and applications look at elementary tasks, but you can create and fold procedures - like writing programs in AppleScript, so for additional extensions and additional applications and Automator.

In this article, I will show a few simple application procedures, to demonstrate the development of a solution for the help of Automator. In addition, I recommend that you check out some of the websites dedicated to Automator programming. On these sites, additional information has been provided about the development of document processing procedures, as well as ready-made solutions available for investment. Axis only works, the most informative Web sites associated with Automator:

  • Apple Mac 101: Automator Help (
  • Automator World ( - a site where a large number of document processing procedures ready for implementation are available, as well as guidance fawn over, recipes and news about the Automator program.
  • Ready solutions (dії that procedure of documenting) are available for free download and on the Apple website:

Automator procedure for closing all programs

Familiarity with the Automator 2.0 add-on, which can be installed at once with Mac OS X Leopard, is much like creating a simple automated procedure, like closing all the programs that work, cream Finder. If you don't want to disable the list of starting points of Automator procedures, when you start this program, click on the Automator button in the left part of the menu row and select the Disable Starting Points command.

The Automator program, represented by the Otto icon, can be found in your Applications folder (Otto is the name of the robot). If you open the program, you can add a list of chimney points, from which the next steps to open the distribution of document flow schemes (Fig. 3.27). Select the Custom option and press the Choose button.

As before, you have already greeted (otherwise koristuetsya) the first version of Automator (which was included before the Tiger warehouse), it is possible that she called out (or continued tweeting) you have known. For help qєї early version You can really create miraculous automated procedures, but if something goes wrong, then the procedure simply doesn’t work, and it’s hard to figure out what the cause of the failure is. There are few fixes in Automator 2.0 and newer versions. Now you may be able to follow the skin of the automated procedure and work, as the results of the wine are turned. This ability is even more important for those who really want to use Automator to automate routine tasks that are often repeated.

At this stage, you will learn a lot, which is composed of five parts. At the left side you can find a list of programs, Finder functions, as well as utilities, which are included in the warehouse and have been installed for them. You will also find intelligent groups of folders, for the help of which you can organize all your activities (elementary operations) and automated procedures. At the middle stouptsi, all the available things are repaid, as you can see, having looked at the mouse, or having seen the clicks of the mouse, one of the elements, resurfacing at the first stovptsi. In the area, roztashovanіy under the first two columns, aim short description selected diy. At the field, which is located in this region, information about copyright for skin care is provided. The larger panel, folded to the right, is intended for folding the lanyard, which allows for an automated procedure.

Folding procedures are carried out by a way of dragging them out of the middle column. Retightening is used for the help of the standard drag and drop technique. The simplest automated procedures are made up of one single function, as well as the creation of more complex procedures that require additional introduction. Dії ta podії mayut be in order. For example, deyakі dії vmagayut іdentifіkatsії іnо one аr kіlkoh іnformіv, in іkіh іnformatsija іdеkіїtіetsya advancing іѕ аnd podіyam.

At the upper part of the window, there is a tool panel with five buttons. The last button, Hide Library, allows you to attach the first two columns. The Media button gives you access to all the audio files saved in the iTunes library or those saved with GarageBand, your photos, created with the help of iPhoto and Aperture, as well as video clips, created with the help of iMovie ’08, iPhoto, iTunes and saved with Dad Movies. All multimedia files can be saved for creating automated procedures.

The Record button allows you to record a sequence of actions. Tse - new function that Automator 2.0 has arrived. She will be more closely reviewed further. The Run button is victorious for launching an automated procedure that allows you to protest and change the robot in practice. For some reason, the presence of the Stop button, for help, you can interrupt the robot of the automated procedure that is waiting.

On the Library panel, until the first two columns overlap, click on the Actions button and select the Utilities option. Go to the next page, scroll down and find out Quit All Applications. Drag the right panel to the right, it is recognized for folding an automated procedure. As a result, the window of the Automator program looks like it is shown in Fig. 3.28. At this stage, you can protest the automated procedure by pressing the Run button on the toolbar. As it turned out, the procedure for closing all running programs, including Automator.

If you believe that before the program was closed, the system would initiate a request for saving changes, please fill out the Ask to Save Changes ensign. If you want some of the programs to run out of work and not shut down (at times, they are running), you can add them to the Do not quit list by pressing the Add button. At the bottom of the window, which describes the action, there are three additional options. When vikonannі avtomatizirovannoї procedure or dії, click the mouse on the button Results, if you want to check if it was successful. In case of failure, you will take away an explanation of the reasons.

Pressing the Options button allows you to set options to choose from, so you can choose up to or after the end of the automated procedure. For this particular application, you will also select the Show this action when the workflow runs option, you will be able to select the next step, and you can add it to the automated procedure of the program listed in the list (Fig. 3.29). The Descriptions button is on additional information about those, how pracyuvatime given an automated procedure and how the results are planned to be taken for help. In addition, she gives deakі vkazіvki schodo included to її warehouse dіy and podіy.

Once the automated procedure has been put in place and tested, you will need a method to launch the Automator program without having to run it. To reach the goal, save the automated procedure like a program. For which choose File → Save from the menu. Choose a folder, where you need to save the new automated procedure. Possibly, you want to save it with your father's Applications, or in your father's office, in a way you can create specially for saving all the automated procedures. Let's select the Application option from the File Format list (Fig. 3.30). As a matter of fact, you can save the procedure and look at the set of steps (for which next, select the Workflow option), but in the next case, when the mouse is pressed against your procedure, it will be broken in Automator. If the procedure is automated, it will be saved in the format of the program, it will be the same, as if it were another program, it is installed on your computer.

You can create a similar automated procedure for choosing to close add-ons, which will have more programs included before the list. To drag and drop Quit Application (detected from the list directly after Quit All Applications) for the skin program, you need to close it automatically, and save the entire automated procedure from the program view.

If you save the automated procedure in front of the program, you can display it there, de її saved it, and drag the program icon to the Dock, placing it in the Finder icon. In this way, you take away the possibility of even quick (actually, with one click of a mouse) to close all the practical programs, without the need to complete the procedure individually for the skin from running programs.

Access to review media files

If you can view programs from the iLife package, for example, such as iMovie and iDVD, or iWork programs, such as Keynote or Pages, then you know for sure that there is a special browser for reviewing media files, assignments for Select a selected image from your iPhoto library (or Aperture 1.5, as you installed the software).

However, please note that if you need to allow access to iPhoto or Aperture photos in the process of working with programs, it will not affect the functionality of the media browser. In this case, I will come to the aid of the Automator program again. Using Automator, you can create a browser for photos or audio files, access to whichever you can (for example, from Finder).

For whom do you need a vikonati like this:

  1. Launch Automator 2.0 and select the Custom option.
  2. At the leftmost column of the Automator browser, select Photos. Let's go to another site and choose the Ask for photos option. How can you create similar browser For music files, which are saved from your iTunes libraries and GarageBand, click on the Music Actions option in the Automator library, and then in the middle column, select the Ask for Songs option.
  3. Drag and drop Ask for photos at the top of the page editing an automated procedure.
  4. In the Prompt field, enter a descriptive text string, for example Get My Photos.
  5. Now choose from the menu command File → Save As and save the automated procedure in front of the program. Save the new program manually in the Applications folder, you can drag and drop the mouse to the Dock panel to secure it swedish access to supplement. In addition, you can save the automated procedure for looking at the plug-in file (File → Save As Plug-in), access to which in Mac OS X may be required in a different way. For example, if you saved the procedure for looking at the Finder plugin, then access to that plugin can be removed by pressing the Ctrl key or by selecting the command More → Automator → Get My Photos from the context menu. You can save the plugin from the view script, if it will be saved and available through the Scripts menu, so you can add to the menu bar (run the program /Applications/AppleScript/AppleScript Utility and select the Show Script Menu in menu bar command).
  6. Now it will be enough for you to click on the icon of the new program in the Dock, and the iPhoto or Aperture photo browser will appear on the screen (you know, one of these programs is installed on your computer, or both programs - Fig. 3.31). Now you can drag the required photos to your program, you can manipulate the picture from high-rise building so, as you are welcome.

Watch Me Do function

The more active you are Automator and the more powerful you are, the better you can organize and automate your work. On top of that, you'll be able to see Apple's classic automation program, AppleScript, and you'll learn how to create even more complex automated procedures. Tim is not less, if you can’t, or if you don’t want to play my own programming, you can start Automator to record the sequences of pressing keyboard combinations and operations, which are called for help, to create new actions, which are not included in the standard Automator’s warehouse.

For this purpose, the Watch Me Do function, recognized specifically for recording operations that are worthy of note, and creating new automated procedures on their basis, will be speeded up. To speed up this function, open the parameter panel in short fitting Universal Access (System Preferences → Universal Access) and activate access to additional devices. If the mother is on the verge, that the recording does not work in all modes, but if the function is available, it will be too bad.

First, to protest, discuss the possibility, create a WatchMe folder on the desktop and place a copy of insignificant files, which you do not value. Let's move this folder to the mouse in the Dock panel, you will always be available. Continue with the following operations:

  1. Launch Automator and select the Custom option.
  2. Click on the red Record button on the Automator toolbar. As a result, the Automator interface will change - instead of the Automator window, a small black square will appear on the screen, which indicates that all matches are connected with the keyboard and the mouse cursor is moved, dots will be recorded, docks and you will not press the Stop button.
  3. At the butt, let's finally start the operation. While Automator is in recording mode, hover over the WatchMe folder in the Dock and press the Command key on it. If the folder is visible on the desktop, press Command+A on the keyboard. Let's press the Delete button on the toolbar. All files stashed in the WatchMe folder will be visible to Koshik. Do not call Koshik, but press the Stop button at the top of the recorder. You can rotate all files back in the WatchMe folder by pressing the Command + Z key.
  4. Now the moment has come to marvel at the automated Watch Me Do procedure, as if it were showing the results of recording all the events that were recorded on the front edge (Fig. 3.32). Press the Run button on the Automator toolbar. You sing like Automator to accurately reflect all the movements of the cursor and the onslaught of keyboard combinations, like you victorious on the front crochet. After the completion of the automated procedure, press the Command+Z keyboard shortcut on the Finder window, so you want to enter the deleted files.
  5. After that, you can repeat the operation again, or change the speed of the creation a second time by moving the Playback Speed ​​button on the right side of the window to the indicator 10x, so that the operation is ticked faster, lower for locking.

Placement of automated procedures

Once you've done that automated procedure, you can open your home folder and navigate to the Library/Workflow/Application folder. You will have folders for all automated procedures in your warehouse, if you save Finder, Folder or iCal for your automated procedures.

In addition, you can save your automated procedures for further development of chi modifications. To save the automated procedure in Automator, select File → Save or Save As from the menu and save the automated procedure in the Workflow format. It is possible to save an automated procedure - when you open Automator, it will start automatically, and you can continue the process of development until the end, until you are completely satisfied with the result.

It is quite obvious that the possibilities of Automator are much broader, below described in this section, a recipe for assignments in order to give you the necessary minimum knowledge of the basic idea about those, from which you should start. Why do you want to succumb and naskіlki suttєvo you want to forgive your life for additional automation, lie down less than you. I’ll respect myself that spending time on the development of the Automator’s ability to pay off even more quickly, and you can reach the real savings in an hour and zusil.

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