Poor wifi speed on the laptop. Internet over wi-fi is practicable enough to work

Golovna / Main functionality

The article describes one of the options for negligently correcting the situation with the problem, if more Wi-Fi becomes a headache. No focus: q command to allow you to normalize the TCP protocol configuration and update the IP address local lines. It is recommended to be stuck at the bulk of the fences when corysteve jetless points access. In some cases, the trick is to allow you to significantly speed up the speed of the exchange of data and to reconcile on which side the problem of the nasty business is on.

If you respect the darts, you don’t see the difference. Until the Wi-Fi signal is strong, there is no chance of any change. If you are famously with a radio signal, you are on the other side.

More Wi-Fi. How do you solve this problem?

It was clear that the signal that is being cut off is incomprehensible in another part of the apartment and simply goes beyond the declared characteristics, it can be broken at any time. At the summer hour it’s already remembered, like a router it’s important. І the most important tool in the fight against bulk just re-advantage attach the on/off button with a push button. And if the problem is three, then it’s like a specific site. The axis here is your router, nothing to do with ...

I will give you one more option to solve the problem. Just try hour after hour.

Otzhe, just as the problem is marked, we type WIN+Rcmd . At the console we type the command

ipconfig /all

Shukaєmo to the address of the gateway for zamovchuvannyam (bіlshostі z us have a local mérіzhі vіn however, but all the same). Shout row Main gateway:

and then enter the command to display the strength of the signal from the router to your computer or laptop in the format

ping -t default_gateway_address

After the end of the current hour, interrupt the process with the keys ctrl+c. Let's revisit the hour. Mіy zaminyuvavsya less on the first package, reshta in the middle of the norm. If you have an hour to worry about my bik zbilshennya, that is also accompanied by another package, you have real problems with a sound. Introduced

Netsh int tcp dump

that vivchaemo row parametrіv. Yakshcho є wanta b_dminn_st at the installations long row information, vouch for the same command, but with an ensign for a discount ( reset ). Vaughn below in the same photo:

baby clickable

It is possible not to robit the wildly dropping parameters, but to indicate the less necessary by the team

Netsh int tcp set Global autotuninglevel=normal

I don't have any more disabled or restricted. Vіkno for the receiving TCP protocol is the key parameter in different ways, which injects the security of the exchange of data.

More Wi-Fi: what else can you do?

After zastosuvannya commands reverify one more parameter of the system under the name TCP scaling heuristics(TCP Windows Scaling Heuristics). For whom we can continue the robot in the console with the command

Netsh interface tcp show heuristics

And the axis here is a small cunning, and the stars screech out deeds of rіznochitannya. For locking, this parameter is activated. You can still have a meaning enabled. However, after the mirroring, it doesn’t mean that the system a priori cuts off your channels (ale, to the point, it works and sometimes even more successfully). The essence of the adjustment is to control the transfer of data fallowly to the needs of the system and the obvious adjustment of the merezhny zadnannya:

For an idea, nothing is needed here. However, for deyaky minds twill adapter zastosovno to the functions of energy saving - and the goal of all mobile outbuildings), throughput capacity you can go down. Insignificantly, ale unacceptably, and at times even more perceptibly. Try її vimknuti:

Netsh interface tcp set heuristics disabled

As if the problem is not in what, it’s just that nothing will change. Hello, you are changing. For home computer I think, what to stick.

After manipulation, you can repeat the verification and propping the router again.

Better Wi-Fi: maybe the problem is in the server itself?

Vykoristovuyuchi method, you can reverse the quality of the s'dnannya s be-yakim іz servers (sites), the robot z іnоdі can't. Enter command

tracert website address

then trasuvannya to the necessary resource from the router through the provider of that bad services right to the site - you will see in a moment, from whose side there is a puncture. Like a bachite, the parameters of the time of the day can be equalized and not called out problems with a call to the resource. For the purity of the experiment, conduct a few times. Even if the hour at which I am from a row is significantly more equal than imagined, the problem may not be entirely on your side. I want to clarify the situation a bit, can you help me to know ping to the site with ensigns, for example, such:

ping –n 25 -1 500 site_address

de team vіdsilає 25 packages by volume 500 bytes skinned to the specified address. The specified parameters, how to change it, it is sufficient, to isolate the router from reasons, it is difficult to make a connection with a specific server through such a connection.

Shvidkist Robotic Wi-Fi router to lie down in the bagatioh chinnikiv. Before them, one can see problems related to the efficiency of the building itself, so and so, that calls are called. As a rule, by identifying the reasons for the widespread speed of the Internet, and by typing a number of awkward actions, you can get rid of such problems forever.

Main reasons proper work WiFi

  1. Old possession.
  2. Incorrect rotashuvannya router.
  3. Injection of a third-party router into a channel without a dart.
  4. Infusion of electrical appliances.
  5. Unauthorized connection of other correspondents.
  6. Wikoristannya program, scho to change the throughput of the buildings of the city.
  7. Invisibility of the capabilities of the router and the adapter of the computer.
  8. Rіzny rіven signal podstroїv, podklyuchenih to the fence.

1. Old possession

Most of all, the low speed of Wi-Fi is a wake-up call to old low-efficiency owners. Tse next vrahovuvati pіd hour koristuvannya dartless standards IEEE 802.11 A, B, G.

Solution: For the highest speed the Internet, the best way to win merezhnu card for a computer, the one that supports the IEEE 802.11 N standard.

2. Incorrect routing of the router

More often than not, the reason for the lack of security is the presence of some kind of transition between a coristuvachy router. Such transitions can be walls, overall furniture and other transitions. If you are near the house, then if you receive a complete signal, you can, among other things, stop cars that are passing by.

Solution: Mother router slid on the screen, nothing is blocking the place. In addition, yogo bazhano raise the flooring high, it is possible to lift the floor. The best signal will be caught by itself in the place where the attachment is installed.

3. Injecting a third-party router into a channel without a dart

A router (another name of the router), which can be found, for example, in the significant world, can be connected to the security of the Internet connection. Vіdbuvaєtsya tse vypadku, yakscho for both Wi-Fi add-on koristuvachі vykoristovuyut і themselves, аbo сanal.

Solution: To alleviate this problem, it is enough to know the channel with the smallest volume. Tsієї meti can be easily reached, vicorist WiFi utilities Stumbler, or Wi-Fi Anflizer.

4. Infusion of electrical appliances

A lot of coristuvachiv ask why when the micro-furnace is turned on, the Internet works properly. Vіdbuvaєtsya tse through those scho tsy prіy pratsyuє on the same frequency with the router. However, tsyu frequency vikoristovuyut іnshі pobutovі elektronnі accessories.

Solution: You can get a dual-band router, which operates at a frequency of 5 GHz. However, as financial possibilities do not allow you to make a purchase, you can simply move the router away, enclosing it from the influx of other accessories.

5. Unauthorized connection of other carriers

You can remember that Wi-Fi works on insufficient speed, without worrying about those visible reasons. In this case, it is possible to suspect that the password has been compromised by a third-party hacker and victorious over the Internet.

Solution: To protect yourself from similar problems, you can solve it simply by choosing the right password. Best solutions Whenever you will, you will have to recover the WPA2 password.

6. Any additions that will change the capacity of the measure

Stay victorious, be a kind of client online supplements, changing the bandwidth of the network, which is why the Internet works better. Such programs can be video chat, online games, also, you can have your own files, which will be zavantazhuyutsya, for example, through a torrent.

Solution: For some reason, QoS is better. Tsya akіst oblugovuvannya to establish priorities over these other programs. In this rank, you will be able to establish a stable pass through the building of the capital addendum.

7. Uncertainty of the capabilities of the router and the adapter of the computer

Insufficient Wi-Fi security can be disabled and, if a new adapter is accepted, it will ensure that the router's Internet security is compatible with the router's capabilities.

Solution: It is necessary to check the availability of the computer adapter and the choice of the router. Bazhano, that the stench was one firm.

8. Different signal level of outbuildings, connected to the fence

Those who work Wi-Fi connection, without intermediary lie down in line with the signal of all outbuildings. With a different yogo, the swedishness will be oriented itself on that attachment, de vin is lower than anything. In addition, when switching to a different distribution, it is possible that the signal is not received quickly, which is why the Internet often freezes.

Solution: For a stable operation, however, it is necessary to adjust the level of all outbuildings to receive a signal.

Other ways to improve internet security

1. Increased signal range, vicorist materials Not the most effective, but even better way to improve the security of the Internet and improve the router for the help of self-reliant devices. A lot has been written about such priyomi on the Internet and for an hour, for their implementation, it is enough for an aluminum can or food foil.

2. Hacking the router Hacking the router and installing a new DD-WRT firmware will also help improve the security of the Internet, and also improve it in a new way, including increasing the security of the connection.

3. Expanding the range of Wi-Fi network For help with this firmware, you can download it from your router without a root extension. You can get such a booster. Cost of wines is not too expensive, prote wines will help expand the area dії Wi-Fi router.

What do you need to know?

Video instruction:

One more question on the power of why the internet security is correct, you can have a type of connection to the provider. Slid vrahovuvaty, scho povіlniy іnternet can be vyklikany and nevіdpіdnіstyu purchased tariff planіz the possibilities of an explicit router.

At the same time, we can try to expand and repair the wireless Internet, which is quite practical, like ByFLy, wireless calls, which can be permanently shaved, on the M200a modem.

Tsya statya look at least the most parts of the cause proper work without a dart WiFi for an hour of work on modems to Beltelecom M200a. A 100% improvement result is not guaranteed, but it definitely won’t be better!
Even more often traplyatsya, scho factory ADSL setup modem M200a, installed in the standard firmware, can cause permanent crashes in the robotic network of the Internet: to properly connect to the robotic Internet, shave a half hour of the session when WiFi connection. Quietly nalashtuvan, as we published earlier, in such a situation it would be clearly insufficient, to try to change the deeds of the “zamochuvannya” for a better and more stable result. Moreover, respect that the cost of fixing the quiet, earlier placements, the articles were correct, just the situation with electronics, if necessary, correct.

Otzhe, like WiFi ( wireless connection) is switched on permanently, Internet is working correctly(objectively more, lower through fencing cable) You are to blame for the beginning of the deeds of arranging the dart-free merezha.

Otzhe, revіryaєmo:

If the modem is close, the signal is strong, the judges don’t sit on their tails, the laptop works stably, then ...
Changing the M200a modem itself.

  • We go to the interface of the M200a modem. Go to Interface Setup - Wireless. At this depositor, you have to set the parameters manually - how to stand/stood otherwise;
  • change the number of the channel - let 6 set 9, 1 set 7 and so on;
  • put less encryption strength, but often do help. Better than less encrypted data, lower more Internet. Especially for a home computer, it's nothing to steal from data. So you can encrypt less.

Dali yourself diї (algorithm in pictures):
as the situation is as in the picture below, or it is one of those seen by the arrows.

Change the movement channel.

Changing the encryption of the stream is less than the rate.

After making changes, emboss Save. Check to re-enable the modem. After that, our laptop turned on in the lane, the scale parameters of the lane have changed.

To reconnect to the updated network, let's go to Start - Control Panel - Merge Control Center double access— Management of dartless streaks.

We know our vast amount of mesh - you can see it її.

Give a list of available dartless tethering WiFi. This list may show up and our company will save us the SSID (for the little ZTE). Quietly connect. We enter the password. We try to practice - we can often practice pratsyuvati more and more stable. You can also set other parameters - for example, you can change the channels to a specific one.

This is one of the methods to speed up more wireless internet WiFi is not stable for the robot connected to the M200a modem. As if nothing happened, we phone to the company, de

Dosit often at the service technical support zapitayutsya іz zapannyam: “Our Wi-Fi network is povіlno and intermittently pratsyuє. What do we need to work for?" Let's try to find out in detail what to deposit the security and stability of the work.

1. Bad client.

First, on what should be respected, - tse, obviously, on equal signals that are accepted. Look at technical characteristics multi-mode priming Wi-Fi add D-Link "DIR-300".
Receiver sensitivity for 802.11G

(typical for PER< 8% для пакета размером 1000 байт и комнатной температуре)

  • 65dBm for 54 Mbps
  • 66dBm for 48 Mbps
  • 70dBm for 36 Mbps
  • 74dBm for 24 Mbps
  • 77dBm for 18 Mbps
  • 81dBm for 12 Mbps
  • 82dBm for 9 Mbps
  • 87dBm for 6 Mbps
If we want our Wi-Fi tether to work on the latest speed of 54 Mb/s, then the signal on all the outbuildings of our tether is to blame for the highest rate - 65dBm. (For I will build this WiFi!) How is your Merezhi Wi-Fi If one or more clients may have a higher low signal that is received, then at the time of the exchange of packets with them, the base station will be alarmed and reduce the rate of exchange. The whole process itself takes a working hour for the convenience of the necessary security. At this moment of time exchange basic information all the measure will be pinned. In addition, as the access point switches to a reduced speed, the exchange for all services will be reduced to a reduced speed, navigate from clients, as it may be a high equal signal. The transition to high speed will be possible only after the completion of the exchange of packets with an undesirable point. The very process of switching to advanced security means that it takes an hour to make the exchange easier, which calls out the song of simplicity in the system.
Poghanom client can be not only distant from the subscriber’s distance, that I have a weak antenna, that does not give the necessary level of the signal, but it is also close to spreading the client, that he is in the zone of daytime direct visibility. Otherwise, between the antenna of the base access point and the receiving antenna of the client, there are periodic faults. Trains pass, cars pass by, as if for a certain hour they block the passage of the radio signal.
A typical drop with low-mounted antennas. Here is the rule "Anteni love height!"

Because of the special features of the robotic radio attachments in Wi-Fi, we see a sprinkling of visnovkiv:

1. Peak capacity of the merezhі to deposit from the most undesirable client of the merezhі. As much as we want mothers to find the security of the company, we are to blame for equal radio signals of subscribers. For whom, for distant clients, or I will accept, who are in unfriendly minds, we are guilty of stagnation.
2. Since short-time downtime is not allowed in the measure, then the speed of the exchange is more quickly set to a value sufficient for a single connection with a "weak" client of the measure. In this case, the exchange rate for all measures should be on the lower shvidkost, but without ribs and teeth.
In the minds of direct visibility, without switching to the radio signal path, the level of the signal is easily given by the Wi-Fi calculator. With unfriendly minds, the width of the Wi-Fi signal will be equal to the radio signal, which will be, obviously, lower than the Rosrakhunk one. To compensate for the losses, the radio signal is needed.

What are the necessary brains for a stable high speed in the radio channel in which direction?

It is necessary to change the signal, that all clients at the border have a sufficient high level and there is no change, which periodically blames on the broadening of the radio signal.
Raise the signal to the remote client after installing the antenna with great strength. Raise the straightened antenna higher for the possibility of switching. (Trees that cars are passing by.) Antennas are to blame, but they are hard-wired, in the wind they are not guilty to blow up, otherwise the head band of the directivity diagrams of the antenna can be misplaced to the maximum reception.

Coming problems associated with protocol 802.11 peculiarities.

The problem of the attached node.

Information speed of 1 Mb/s with standard IEEE 802.11 b/g (Basic Access Rate).
Vikoristovuetsya vodnosna quadrature phase modulation DQPSK (Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Key). DSSS encoding from 11-chip Barker codes. This is the most shvidky thing. Usі sluzhbovі exchange vіdbuvayutsya itself on tsіy іyіnformatsiіynіy shvidkostі.
In the 802.11a standard, the frame header is encoded in OFDM, which makes the system more productive.

Package structure high speed 802.11g transmissions.

The standard 802.11g. frame header is encoded for additional CCK codes,
The frame data itself is transmitted with the help of high-frequency FDM coding.

Vuzol (participant in your organization) that sends information to the public on the air and, if not busy, overrides the RTS package. The otrimuvach is guilty of submitting a CTS confirmation package. CTS package notifies you about the readiness to accept notifications and immediately a team of other universities to evade the transmission, so as not to create an ethereal collision. But the rest of the members of the merezhі may not be a little CTS commands, then they can start the transmission of the wrong information that is being transmitted. The RTS packet does not block transmission to other nodes. Also, through the posting on the air, you can not go until the end.
With a large number of participants in the merezhі such unfriendly transfers, that further mechanism of renewal can take a significant amount of time.
For more than an hour you can go to inconclusive tests of the day, ushkojuvani under the hour of transmission.

The TDMA protocol (Nstreme, NV2, AirMax) is used to control access to the base station, allowing you to guarantee the distribution of data between clients without ethereal collisions.
Efficient for the great number of clients, especially for those who have a shaper.

At to this particular type leaving one station - connect a reasonable number of clients to one base station.
If you need further expansion of the network, install additional access points for new clients.

Change from other measures.

Another problem with the 802.11 protocol is not so obvious.

Let's say you have a client in the distance. І tse client chuє Іnsha mezhu working channel.
Having watched the CTS command in the field, whatever you want, it will be heard to be heard in the transmission of data.
What is in the measure, what is important, where is the intensive exchange of danim, emotions of a simple client of yours measures can be significant.

Note. Riven the signal of the measure, which you respect, maybe even lower, more than sufficient, so that the headers of the received packets were read!

The third problem with the 802.11 protocol is even less obvious: it's super slick.

At remote client a straight-lined antenna was installed behind the high-rise buildings. Such an antenna is designed to be chosen from a significant point of view.
For example, a highly efficient antenna on the basis of an optical monitor + satellite dish, installed at a height of 5 meters above the ground and at a height of 6 km. from the metro station of Voronezh to supply access points with standard antennas, pipettes, as if they are staying at the apartments near the koristuvachivs near the metro station of Voronezh. On any channel, when direct at the bіk place, you can see from 10 to 20 and more WiFi extensions. Be-yake s tsich WiFi outbuildings having corrected the CTS package, it will stop our possession for an hour.

More recommendations on how to improve the radio coverage to promote stronger antennas. The antenna is straightened with great strength, it can have more fluff of pellets at the horizontal plane. Won zdatna ease the transition from the main stations of the distribution beyond the boundaries of the main line of the straightening diagrams, but, unfortunately, it reduces the change from the distance from the distant stations, which are found in the main separation of the industry.

The situation is paradoscal, we sound like a pelust, and the ruff is not changed from other stations. We may have a high level of signals, and the speed and stability of WiFi work are low.
What work?
Vihіd vyyavlyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє, і vіn arguzhe mismatches. Ring out, for the minds of the perishkod, you want to raise the signal, stop the signal.
And in this situation, in order to increase the speed and the high level of the connection, it is necessary to simultaneously reduce the level of signals, zastosuvat.

A little more respectfully, it should be noted that the installation of an attenuator in the WiFi antenna can cause problems in the bagatioh revantation meshes.

What do you see?

Antenna with high gain significantly attenuates the signals from the side to the main pellus by straightness diagrams, and the attenuator attenuates the signals from far-flung stations, as if they are consumed at the opening of the main pellus of the antenna.
Zvichayno, and the rіven of the coris signal falls. Ale tse does not call out everyday problems as long as the signal is equal to the noise of the primal outbuilding.
Slid say, scho z such a change A.F.U. We also create much less crosscodes for landline stations, which are working with us in one channel. The electromagnetism will improve at the point of operation of our possession. In this way, the world rationally vitrachaemo vycherpny natural resource - radio broadcaster.
The privacy of our radio measurements is being promoted, because To achieve a high level of signal є only bezperedno bіla receiving-transmitting antennas. And on a larger distance of the radio transmission, the signal is insufficient for the reception, because the weakly straightened antennas do not equal the signal, which outweighs the noise of the receiver.

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