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Optimization of work Now I have lost the ability to insert a diagram of our calculation.і It’s really easy to do this: Two columns are visible A

B . Select the item from the menu Insert->Diagram... In our version, the first row is signed by the axis x that's unchecked First row as signature.

. Value area, written in the field.

Region , Signed up automatically, as it was transferred, ancient.


Our diagram can be placed either on one of the existing arches, or on a new arch.

  • If you place a diagram on a new frame, it will take up the entire area, which is very handy for dividing the diagrams into a whole frame.
  • Our application is equipped with diagrams
  • Arkush1
  • After filling the skin dialog box, the button is pressed
  • Dali
  • From which window you select the type of diagrams from the following:
  • Two-world diagrams
  • lines;

s regions;

  • histogram;
  • line part;
  • Krukova;
  • XY diagram;
  • sіtchasta;


Three-dimensional diagrams

schedule 3M;

s 3M areas; histogram 3M; linear 3M; Krukova 3M. If there will be a diagram with two sides, then we select the XY-diagram.

A number of these data are given to the staff.

In which the entire window is clarified with diagrams.
Let's call it diagrams;

There are only one deposit of fragments present on it, we uncheck the legend box.

  • Enter the labels of the X and Y axes.
  • Diagrams of any type are objects to be explored in
  • electronic documents in order to present the array of numerical data to the manual graphic formatThis makes it possible to significantly simplify the understanding and acquisition of a large amount of information and the connection between various data.

  • So let's take a look at how you can create a diagram in OpenOffice Writer.

  • Indicate the type of diagrams.
  • Select the type of diagram depending on how you want to visualize the data Crocsі Data range Rows of tributes

You can skip it, the fragments of the stench will now replace the necessary information Crocs Please note that it is necessary to create a diagram not for the entire data table, but only for any specific part, then finally Data range In the same field it is necessary to indicate only those items that will be entered into the operation.

  • Those same people are fussing and crucifying where you can specify ranges for the skin data range For example, on the basis

Elements diagrams

  • If necessary, indicate the title and subtitle of the diagrams and the names of the axes.
  • Here you can also display a legend using diagrams and a grid along the axes in order to present the array of numerical data to the manual Creating diagrams in OpenOffice Writer without previously creating a data table graphic formatThis makes it possible to significantly simplify the understanding and acquisition of a large amount of information and the connection between various data. Open the document for which you want to create a diagram

  • The result will display a diagram filled with template values Speed ​​up with a set of standard icons upper codend

programs for editing diagrams (indications of this type, representations, etc.) Varto increase your respect to the icon Data table with diagrams


After pressing this, a table will appear, followed by a diagram

  • Please note that in both the first and other types, the koristuvach still has the ability to change the data with diagrams, and:
    • external look
    • so add other elements to it, for example, writing
    • As a result of these simple steps, you can create an OpenOffice Writer diagram.
  • Goals::
    • Home
    • learn how to make diagrams from OpenOffice.org Calc;
    • learn the basics of their design;
    • It is practical to attach the material to your PC.
  • Vikhovny:
    • inspiration for something new and progressive;
    • training in objectivity, resilience, discipline.
    • education of practicality.

strengthening the skills of independence in work. Developing

development of cognitive interest; development of logical thinking, respect;

formation of information culture, computer literacy and knowledge requirements. Type of activity:

mastering new material. Interdisciplinary connections:

mathematics, Russian language, economics. The acquired knowledge:

remember and have some skills. Control:

Vikonanny of practical actions. Carefree activities:

Instructions for practical operation.

I. Organizational moment

This makes it possible to significantly simplify the understanding and acquisition of a large amount of information and the connection between various data. – this is a method of presenting information directly, tasks like a table of numbers.
Demonstrating the data with well-thought-out diagrams helps improve their understanding and can often speed up the work.

Let's look at the diagrams, which are even more colorful for the visual presentation of information that can be found in large sets of numbers in order to recognize how these sets are related to each other. By quickly creating a diagram, you can identify trends and structure in a process that is practically impossible to work out without just typing numbers. Diagrams are created from the arrangement of numbers, like a worker’s arches. Call up the data that is displayed in the diagrams, compiled in one arch or a separate file, but not at all obligatory. One diagram can collect data from any number of arches and produce any number of workbooks. OpenOffice.Calc

allows you to create it yourself different types diagram The table shows the variety of types of diagrams and the number of subtypes similar to the skin type.
Subtype - This is a different type of the main type of diagrams.
External look diagrams
Diagram type Note
Histogram Vikorist is used to display discrete data, which ranges from continuous data.
Line parts And a histogram, rotated 90° behind the year arrow.
The advantage of such diagrams is that category tags are easier to read. An XY chart in its basic form is based on a single series of data, which consists of a list of values ​​x and a list of values ​​y.
Each value pair (x|y) is displayed as a point in the coordinate system. A number of these data are associated with meanings and are indicated in mental meanings.
The following problems arise: 1) x-axis scaling; 2) Creation of a parametric curve, for example, a spiral; 3) creation of function graphics; 4) investigation of the statistical connection between the different variables. The XY diagram can contain a large amount of data.
You can see differences between three different ones. Two changes are determined by the corresponding position of the X axis and Y axis, while the third change is represented as the actual size of the skin vesicle.
Sіtchasta The data values ​​are represented by dots connected by lines on a grid, which indicates the spider's track or radar screen display.
For the skin row of data, a radial arc is displayed in the diagrams, with the data descaled. All data values ​​are shown on a single scale, which is due to the single size. Birzhova Browse to display information about prices on the exchange.
They require 3 to 5 sets of data.
Stacks and lines It is a combination of frequent and linear frequent diagrams.
Kiltseva It is a combination of frequent and linear frequent diagrams.


circular diagrams with a creased middle.
The significance lies in the fact that ring diagrams can represent dozens of data series. Rows of data appear as concentric rings.
Circle diagrams of several rows can lose their originality. Cylindrical
Konichna Such diagrams can be used instead of line diagrams and histograms.
Pyramidal 2. Elements and diagrams
Element diagrams Description of the element in diagrams
Diagram area An object that places the elements with diagrams, the background with diagrams.
Area by diagram The diagram itself has no legend.
All categories All categories are shown in diagrams.
All meaning All the meanings are presented in diagrams.
Row Consecutive points of one row of data.
Krapka Specks in a number of data.
Mesh lines Main and additional lines for the skin axis.
Heading in diagrams Named diagrams
Category axis title Name of category axis
Axis title value Axis name value
Legend Diagram element that deciphers the meaning of data series
Legend Key A graphic object that represents a series of data
Element of Legend Significance of data at the skin point

Malyunok 1. Elements of histograms

Malyunok 2. Elements of volumetric diagrams

3. Creation of diagrams for help Maistri diagram

The most effective way to create diagrams is to use your own Meister diagram .

This consists of a set of interactive dialog boxes that guide the process with necessary dialogues.

At any moment you can turn around to the front stage. Everyday diagrams begin from seeing the data. When you see data, include the range and elements such as row and column headings that go before the data series. 4. Modification of diagrams .

Once the diagram is created, it can be changed at any time. To modify diagrams, use menu commands Format that toolbar Everyday diagrams begin from seeing the data. Format Menu Maistri diagram Form

T 4. Modification of diagrams Appears in the main menu row after activating the displays. When selecting menu commands appear on a daily basis dialog boxes , how you can make the necessary changes. .

Toolbar T 4. Modification of diagrams

T 4. Modification of diagrams appears automatically when the diagram is activated or after clicking on the activated diagram. And also when pressed RMB

i having selected the command from context menu Vipravlenya
diagram Malyunok 3.
Krapka includes
Category axis title 9 instruments
How to use the tool to make basic changes to the diagrams. The table contains a description of the tools.
Pictogram Name
Description After pressing the open button, a palette of diagrams appears on the screen, from which you can select the desired type of diagram.

Adds a legend and deletes it. Displays a table of the data resulting from the diagram.

Horizontal mesh The horizontal mesh vibrates and vibrates. Text scale

The ability to zoom text on the diagram changes/wiggles.

Automatic marking Enables automatic layout of diagrams. III.

Practical robot

(30th century): Vikonannya in charge of the PC. Learn to follow the instructions (in paper's view) before finishing .
practical robots for PC. Order of Vikonannya Roboti Enables automatic layout of diagrams. ».
Create table Enables automatic layout of diagrams. Sales figures by region
"Take a histogram.

For whom: 1. Launch« Enables automatic layout of diagrams. »

OpenOffice.org Calc 2. Rename the shortcut Arkush 1 Meister diagram , having pressed your name "
3. On which side create a table "behind the eye. 4. The table displays a range of values, including column and row headings.

Malyunok 4. Krok 1

7. Select type using diagrams Subtype .
A histogram is one of the most widespread types of diagrams. , Signed up automatically, as it was transferred, ancient .
This type of diagram is designed to display discrete data, ranging from continuous data. 8. Press the button 9. At another stage of work at Vikni Master Diagram (croc 2 from 4): Range of data The data range is checked and the orientation of data rows (as in rows and sections of the data table) is specified.
Based on the orientation of the rows of data, it is important to place those that appear in the diagram. Crocs In most cases

Calc make the correct choice.

On deposit change the orientation of data series. Set the orientation of the rows of the stackers.

Malyunok 6. Croc 2

10. At the third dialogue window Maistri diagram (croc 3 from 4): A series of data .
Here you can set or change the data that will be used for the skin row of data diagrams. Adjust the data ranges for the skin row of data one by one: Malyunok 7. Croc 3 12. At the fourth dialogue window Maistry diagram (croc 4 from 4): Elements of diagrams 12. At the fourth dialogue window More headers are set. In the field

Headings Enter text

Sales by month , in the field All X – Months
All Y – Sales Obligation . Please note that the entered headings appear on the diagram.
Malyunok 8. Krok 4 .
13. In separate Display grid set the main lines for the Y axis. Be aware that the large number of grid lines reduces the clarity of the diagrams. 14. Install an ensign Show legend

and specify the placement of the right-hand legend in the diagrams. 15. Press the button Ready

16. Activate ( see

) diagram, two clicked on the free field of diagrams
LMB 14. Install an ensign .

A black frame with markers will appear next to the diagrams.

Practical robot

  • Malyunok 9.
  • Diagram 14. Install an ensign "Sales by month" Note: All upcoming activities with formatted diagrams are displayed in the activation mode, including and above that, if it is visible.

17. Move the diagram. 14. Install an ensign For which to press on this frame, press
and re-tighten the diagram in a new place. 14. Install an ensign When moving the diagrams, the mouse indicator turns into a straight arrow.

20. Try changing the title text on the diagram.

Practical robot

  • See title.
  • Press two 14. Install an ensign in the middle of the area, when you change to the cursor, change the text.

To exit the editing mode, click the bear in any place.

21. Change the fill of the free area with diagrams.

Malyunok 10. Vikno The significance lies in the fact that ring diagrams can represent dozens of data series.

Practical robot

  • When selecting menu commands and select the item from the menu Diagram area format .
  • In the dialog box The significance lies in the fact that ring diagrams can represent dozens of data series. on deposit x change the fill color of the area. For example, select the menu Zalivannya paragraph Texture

Then select one of the texture fills from the list.

Practical robot

  • 22. Change the settings for the title font. When selecting menu commands Click
  • behind the title. Select a team Header format...
  • From the context menu. In the window, what appeared on deposit Header Font

set parameters: Install near the field Headset – Arial, near the field Armchair – Bold italics, near the field – 15.

  • Skittle Click on

Ok. Malyunok 11. In the window, what appeared

Vikno 23. Change element format, Row “Pivnich”, Row “Pivden”, Row "Zakhid".
Row "Skhid" To change the format:

  • 22. Change the settings for the title font. When selecting menu commands Row "Pivnich" By.
  • behind the title. Row "Pivnich" Header format...
  • From the context menu. Data series format... on deposit x A series of tributes
  • Skittle set a gradient fill from two colors..

Ok Malyunok 11. Data range

Malyunok 12. Click on similar activities with, Order "Pivden", Order "Zakhid".

Order "Skhid" 24. Change font settings for, X axis headersі Y axis elements of legend (similar)
set parameters: Install near the field Headset – Arial, near the field paragraph 22 – Bold italics, near the field– Italics, near the field – 10. Change the color of the font (on the tab).

Effective font

Practical robot

  • 25. Set up frames for the diagrams. When selecting menu commands and select the item from the menu Diagram area format .
  • In the dialog box The significance lies in the fact that ring diagrams can represent dozens of data series. on deposit Click on any area of ​​the diagrams Framed
  • install: in the field Style - Sutsilna, near the field Color – Blue, near the field Width
  • Skittle set a gradient fill from two colors..

- 0.10 cm. Malyunok 11. The significance lies in the fact that ring diagrams can represent dozens of data series.

Malyunok 13. 26. Place over, rows of "Pivnich", "Pivden"і "Zakhid""Skhid" in order to present the array of numerical data to the manual ––>I will sign the data. .
For what, click on the required row and click on Data signature.

27. Save the deleted file under the name


Home improvement
Control food:
1. What is a diagram?
2. Rearrange the main types of diagrams.

3. What elements make up the diagrams? 4. How can I change the size of the diagrams?

5. How to set up frames for diagrams?

Practical robot

V. Completion of the lesson.
Suitability of pouches
(5 khv.)
"Take a histogram.


Calc allows you to create different types of diagrams.
6. At the first dialogue window Master Diagrams (part 1 of 4), what appeared: Type of diagrams, look at the main types of diagrams and their subtypes, read the description of the diagrams.

Malyunok 5. Krok 1

7. Select the type using Histogram diagrams.
A histogram is one of the most widespread types of diagrams.
This type of diagram is designed to display discrete data, ranging from continuous data.
8. Click the Next button.

9. At another stage of work in the Master Diagram window (croc 2 from 4): The data range is checked and the orientation of the data rows is specified (what is in the rows or in the columns of the data table).

Based on the orientation of the rows of data, it is important to place those that appear in the diagram.

Most commonly OpenOffice.

Calc select the correct one.
On the Data range tab, change the data orientation.

Malyunok 6. Krok 2

10. In the third dialogue window of the Master of Diagrams (croc 3 from 4): A number of data.
Here you can set or change the data that will be used for the skin row of data diagrams.
Adjust the data ranges for the skin row of data one by one:
Malyunok 7. Krok 3

12. In the fourth dialog window of the Master of Diagrams (lecture 4 of 4): Diagram elements are specified by additional headings.

In the Headings field, enter the text Sales by month, in the Whole X field - Months, in the Whole Y field - Sales volume.

) diagram, two clicked on the free field of diagrams
Please note that the entered headings appear on the diagram.

A black frame with markers will appear next to the diagrams.

Practical robot

    Malyunok 8. Krok 4

19. Some elements of the diagrams can be transferred.
Select an element using diagrams, for example, a title, and click on the new LMB.

20. Try changing the title text on the diagram.

Practical robot

    In this case, next to the title, a frame with markers placed on it will appear.

To exit the editing mode, click the bear in any place.

21. Change the fill of the free area with diagrams.

Move the mouse handle to the frame, press LMB and drag the frame to the desired location.

Practical robot

    See title.

Then select one of the texture fills from the list.

Practical robot

    Click the left mouse button in the middle of the area, and when you move to the cursor, change the text.

Malyunok 10. Vikno Area diagrams

    Click on a large area using RMB and select Format Diagram Area in the menu.

In the dialog box Area Diagrams on the Area tab, change the fill color of the area.

For example, select Texture from the Fill menu and select one of the texture fills from the list.
Right-click on the title.

    Select the Header Format command from the context menu.

In the Header window, on the Font tab, set the following parameters:

Set the Typeface field to Arial, the Writing field to Bold Italic, and the Point size to 15.

Click OK.
Figure 11. Header window

Effective font

Practical robot

    23. Change the format of elements Row “Pivnich”, Row “Pivden”, Row “End”, Row “Departure”.

To change the format of the "Pivnich" Series:

Click RMB to command “Pivnich”.

Select the Data Series Format... command from the context menu.

In the Data Row window on the Area tab, set a gradient fill in two colors.

The table is filled with numerical values ​​and does not contain the same mathematical expressions. This makes it possible to significantly simplify the understanding and acquisition of a large amount of information and the connection between various data. To wake up the graphics, you need to use the same tool on Toolbars

(Circle in red in the illustration).

He took a good look at the one in front. This makes it possible to significantly simplify the understanding and acquisition of a large amount of information and the connection between various data. To start the schedule, you need to see all the posts you want to add data to, as well as the names of the data you want to add. Meister diagram The graph legend will be based on the name.

The image is shown in the illustration with a rye color. diagram - The advantage of such diagrams is that category tags are easier to read..

After that, when you see the middle ones, the button will be pressed Crocs, start . Here you need to go through the same exact steps. If you use graphics rather than diagrams, your choice of options will be slightly different. First croc Another Croc the data itself was already collected at the time of the vision required middles.

However, to display the graph correctly, you must select the option Data range Rows of tributes in rows I will sign the data. zamіst

...at the hundred where you can specify ranges for the skin data range, what in to this guy logical. Third krok.

- There is no need to change anything for this guy. Krok 4 Ale can be added Maistri diagram, as needed.

Fourth Croc

allows you to set


then determine the position Legends

Button pins the robot. The graph is displayed on the work field as an attached object that can be moved and the size of which can be changed. Just like in the diagrams, the graphic displays a menu that allows you to change its appearance - choose the color of the lines, the type of smoothing, the appearance and size of the fonts, etc.

entice. This makes it possible to significantly simplify the understanding and acquisition of a large amount of information and the connection between various data. Use the graphics functions using LibreOffice Calc Maistri diagram.

In fact, it is important to interpret the data in an empirical way, like in the front butt. spreadsheet And the schedule can be fascinating.

Additionally, it can be seen that the table header shows a “normal”, mathematically basic form of writing a function. Please select additional LibreOffice Math programs to log in before office package It is automatically installed along with other components. LibreOffice Math is only used for extracting such “normal” records and nothing else.

There will be no schedules. LibreOffice Math can be launched just like any other program, but it’s much easier to open requirement record

directly from the LibreOffice add-on - Calc, Writer or Impress.

This is true, however.

Inserting a mathematical expression works approximately as if it were some other object, for example, a baby.

For which there is a main menu item

Insert -> Object -> Formula . When you select it in the lower part of the workspace, an area for entering a virus appears in accordance with the rules for recording viruses in LibreOffice Calc.

Changes will appear in the document location where the cursor was at the time of insertion.

This is the object that can be moved and the size of which can be changed.

Other ways to keep your schedule

LibreOffice Calc allows you to edit a wide variety of applications.

However, in some cases, specific directness is required, for example, to work with cheap documents. Or sometimes you need serious mathematical tools. In such situations, you can use special specialized mathematical programs.

Its axis is not very large with a very short characteristic.

Quickplot - simple plotting.

Gnuplot - inspiration of two worlds

three-dimensional graphs

It’s easy to send your money to the robot to the base.