Format files in vector graphics editors. Graphic file formats

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Lecture number 3. format graphic files

Format graphic files. BMP, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG and other formats. Characteristics and zastosuvannya of different formats. Methods of tribute graphic information in the middle of the file. Format conversion.

Graphic file formats

In computer graphics, there are less than three dozen file formats for saving images. Ale, only a part of them zastosovuetsya at the most important programs. As a rule, it is not necessary to format raster, vector, or trivum image files, if you want to use formats that allow you to save these different classes. A lot of programs are oriented to the "specific" formats, transferring their files to other programs, editing special filters or exporting the image to the "standard" format.

BMP (Windows Device Independent Bitmap). The BMP format is a common Windows format, it is supported by all graphic editors, as it is processed under keruvannya. With the BMP format, there is a great number of programs, so that this support is integrated into the operating room Windows systems and OS/2. BMP files can have the extensions .bmp, .dib and .rle. In addition, this format is included in two resource files RES and PE-files.

At BMP format The zbergati zbreigathennya zlibino koloeru (number of biaws, I describe one pixel Zyutzhennya) 1, 4, 8 I 24 bIT, pi -vidpovіd ’maximum number of vicoristovannanovs 2, 16, 256 I 16777216. The file is more than Palori, Voznna Kolori, Voznna Kolori, Voznna Kolori, Voznna Kolori. at the system.

TIFF(Tagged Image File Format). Destination format for capturing bitmap images high capacity(File name extension.TIF). TIFF is a hardware-independent format, which is supported by practically all programs on PC and Macintosh, so it is also related to graphics. TIFF is the best choice when importing raster graphics from vector programs and viewing systems. You can access the entire range of color models from monochrome to RGB, CMYK and additional Pantone colors. TIFF can save balls, variable contours, alpha channels, and other additional data.

TIFF is available in two versions: for Macintosh and PC. This is why Motorola processors read and write numbers to the right, and Intel processors - to the left. Modern programs can easily tweak the format options.

Another program for this Photo-Styler format today is "taken out of production", but the format continues to develop and be supplemented with new possibilities. Letraset has released a short version of the TIFF format called RIFF (Raster Image File Format).

At TIFF format You can use LZW-, JPEG-, ZIP-compression. A number of older programs (for example, QuarkXPress 3.x, Adobe Streamline, a lot of text recognition software) cannot read TIFF files, prote files, and therefore correspond to new software security, there is no reason not to win compression.

TIFF, regardless of all compression algorithms, everything is the same - the "rich" raster format itself, which is not suitable for typing on the Internet.

PSD(PhotoShop Document). Vlasny format Adobe software Photoshop (filename extension .PSD), one of the most difficult ways to capture raster graphic information. Allows you to remember the parameters of balls, channels, transparency levels, masks. There are 48-bit coding for color, color matching and different color models. The main nedolіk vіrazheniya scho vіdsutnіst іdsutnі іdsutnі efektіvnії іnformatsiі іnformatsiy іdsutnі effektіvі іnіstі іnіstі effektіvі algorіtі svіznі ї to great svyazu іfіlіv. Vіdkrivaєtsya not all programs.

PCX. The format appeared as a format for saving raster data in Z-Soft's PC PaintBrush program and is one of the largest (file name extension. PCX). Opportunity to take care of color images, lack of color models and other fencing caused the format to become popular. Nini vvazhaetsya old.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). Destination format for capturing bitmap images (extension for JPG file name). Allows you to adjust the speed between the steps of squeezing the file and the quality of the image. Methods of squeezing, stosovuyutsya, based on remote "superfluous" information, the format is recommended to be used only for electronic publications.

The JPEG file format is expanded by C-Cube Microsystems as effective method picking up an image with a great depth of color, for example, captured when scanning photographs with numerous ice-catching colors. The greatest recognition of the JPEG format among other formats lies in the fact that JPEG wins over the algorithm for squeezing out information. The embossing algorithm without insertion takes information about the image so that the image exactly matches the original. When squeezed with expenses, a part of the information about the image is sacrificed in order to achieve a greater compression ratio. Unpacked JPEG images rarely match the original exactly, and even more often the number of details of the flooring is insignificant, which can be displayed.

JPEG is an algorithm for squeezing, arranging not so for the sake of the same elements, like RLE and LZW, but in retail between pixels. The coding of these data is taken from the sprat of stages. The first part of the graphical data is converted to the color space of the LAB type, then half or three quarters of the information about the color is returned (depending on the implementation of the algorithm). Next, blocks of 8x8 pixels are analyzed. A set of numbers is formed up to the skin block. The first sprat of numbers represent the color of the block with a zahal, while the coming numbers beat thinly. The spectrum of details is based on the dawn of a person, to which great details are remembered.

At the offensive stage, stalely, in the light of the level of strength you have chosen, one part of the numbers is revealed, which makes fine details. At the rest of the stage, coding is done using the Huffman method for more efficient embossing of final data. Reminders of data are taken from the reverse order.

In such a rank, which is the highest riven of compression, the more data are seen, the lower the quality. Vikoristovuyuchi JPEG, you can take the file from 1-500 times less, lower BMP! The format is hardware-independent, it is still supported on PC and Macintosh, the software is brand new and is not understood by old programs (before 1995). JPEG does not support color palette indexing. There was no CMYK in the format specifications, Adobe added color support, CMYKJPEG prote in some programs to solve problems. The best solution is to use JPEG embossing in Photoshop EPS files, as described below.

Use the JPEG format. Baseline Optimized - files are squeezed faster, but not readable by other programs. JPEG Baseline Optimized was developed specifically for the Internet, all major browsers support it. Progressive JPEG is also split especially for Merezhy, some files are smaller than standard ones, and a few more are Baseline Optimized. The main feature of Progressive JPEG in its analogy is through a series of views.

From what has been said, you can make such visnovki. JPEGs tend to squeeze raster images of photographic quality more often, lower logos or schemes - they have more pvt-tone transitions, and there are some gaps between solid-color fills. Larger images for the web or with a high resolution (200-300 and more dpi), lower with a low one (72-150 dpi), because skin squares 8x8 pixels go soft, for the size of those (squares) such files have more. It is not necessary to take care of the JPEG-pressure whether the image is, de-important all the nuances of the transmission of color (reproductions), shards of the hour of squeezing are taken into account when color information is given. JPEG's should save only the final version of the work, so that the skin oversaving will lead to new expenses (recovery) of data and the transformation of the visual image into a mess.

gif (GraphicsInterchangeFormat). An independent type of hardware security GIF was developed in 1987 (GIF87a) by CompuServe to transfer raster images across dimensions. In 1989, the format of the letters of modifications (GIF89a), was added to support the clarity and animation. GIF with LZW-compression, which allows you to inaccurately squeeze files, a lot of similar fills (logotypes, writings, diagrams).

GIF allows you to record an image "through a row" (Interlaced), why, only a part of the file, you can use the image as a whole, but with a smaller distribution building. Tse reach for the record, and then let's take it backwards 1, 5, 10, etc. Rows of pixels and drawing data between them, another pass follows the 2nd, 6th, 11th rows, the distribution of images in the Internet browser increases. In this way, before the end of the file submission, you can figure out what is in the middle of it, check if the entire file is uploaded. Through the recording of the trohi zbіshuє rozmіr file, but tse, as a rule, vypravdovuєtsya authority, scho buy.

In GIF'e, one or more colors can be recognized, the stench will become invisible in Internet browsers and other programs. Transparency is secured for the account of the additional Alpha-channel, which is taken at once from the file. In addition, a GIF file can contain not one, but a bunch of raster images, as browsers can pick up one by one from the frequency assigned to the file. This is how the illusion of rush is reached (GIF-animation).

The actuality of the concepts implemented in the GIF format was especially evident in the connection with the expanded versions of electronic media (for example, Web-sides or Web-sites). Irrespective of all the increasing bandwidth of the building of merezhevyh hardware facilities, and, zokrema, modemiv, dosily supply food obligatory graphic elements of electronic devices. On the one hand, on the other hand, the effectiveness of electronic vision is rich in what lies in the quality of graphic elements, and, in the first line, in the first line, in the form of a different building and depth of color and pixels of the image. To this, it was mindful of the practice of retailers in electronic publications to win rich graphic images.

From the other side, even to the compactness of files, which are transmitted by merezhevym channels, they didn’t even go to another plane. Graphics files of great volume require more than an hour to capture the image in the browser. Therefore, one of the main tasks of professionals in the field of Web-design is a clear balance between art, informational content of the Web and generally.

GIF is one of the poorest formats, which uses an efficient compression algorithm, which may not be accepted by archiving programs. In other words, GIF-files do not need to be archived, so it is rare if you give a good deal.

Therefore, the GIF format, which is the main name of the minimum size of files, takes its meaning from the main graphic format of the World Wide Web.

Main exchange GIF format Please note that the color image can only be recorded in 256 color mode. For printing, which is clearly not enough.

Іsnuyet two specifics of GIF. First of all, it can be converted to the GIF87a format, in which a record of multiple images is transferred, and GIF89a, which can be used to capture both textual and graphical data in one file.

gif87 a passing the following possibilities to the GIF file:

Cherguvannya (interlacing). At the same time, only the "brush" of the image is taken up, then, the world is taken aback, it is detailed. Tse allows you to not want to use the entire graphic file on the main lines in order to remove the notification about the new one.

Compression behind the LZW algorithm. This characteristic of GIF-files is among the leaders in terms of the smallest file size.

Placement of a number of images in one file.

Rotating the image on the logical screen. This format allows you to designate a logical screen area for displaying images, and place them in a suitable location in the area.

We gave the standard extensions to the specification of GIF89a, so I added the following possibilities:

Highlighting the graphic file of comments (they are not displayed on the screen, but can be read by the program, which supports GIF89a).

Shutter control before changing frames (set at 1/100 seconds or clearing the input of the frame).

Cheruvannya to see the front image. The front image may be omitted, replaced by the color of the ashes, or those that were in front of him.

Designation of transparent color.

Vision to the text.

Creation of blocks for managing application programs (application-specific extensions). In the middle of a GIF file, you can create a block that will be ignored by all programs, for example, for some purposes.

PNG (PortablenetworkGraphics). PNG is a recently expanded format for Merezh, calls to replace the old GIF. Vikoristovu stisk without Deflate insertion, similar to LZW (itself through patenting in 1995 to the algorithm LZW Vinic PNG). As a rule, PNG files are indexed smaller than similar GIFs, RGB PNG files are smaller than TIFF files.

The depth of color in PNG files can be as good as it is, up to 48 bits. There is double interlacing (not only rows, but stovptsiv), which, just like in GIF "e, slightly expands the file. є in the range of transparency (from 0 to 99%) for the Alpha channel with 256 shades of gray.

The PNG file contains information about gamma correction. Gamma is a decimal number that characterizes the staleness of the brightness of the light on the screen of your monitor as a result of the voltage on the kinescope electrodes. This number, read from the file, allows you to enter the correction of clarity when displayed. Needless to say, a picture created on Mac looked the same on PC and on Silicon Graphics. In this way, the peculiarity helps to implement the main idea of ​​the WWW - however, the display of information independently from the coristuvach equipment.

PNG is supported by Microsoft Internet Explorer starting from version 4 for Windows and from version 4.5 for Macintosh. Netscape has added a PNG support for its browser in versions starting at 4.0.4 for both platforms. Tim is not smaller, do not implement such important functions for the format, as smoothly transitional transparency and gamma correction.

PNG and GIF89a may have such powers:

    Format of organizations looking at the flow of data

    "Stick without cost"

    Allows you to save indexing images with a palette of up to 256 colors

    Progressive improvement of the order data

    Pіdtrimka "clear color"

    Possibility of saving data from the public and limited access

    Do not lie in the "hall" of that platform

Advantages of PNG over GIF:

    More progressive fermentation through row schemes

    Expanding the possibilities of collecting data from the Koristuvach

PNG feasibility for GIF format:

    Saving full-color 48-bit images

    Saving 16-bit black and white images

    New Alpha channel

    Contrast guide

    CRC - method of showing pardons in pototsi danih

    Standard tool for rozrorobki program reading and writing PNG

    Standard set of test images for verification of these programs

GIF capability, available in PNG version 1.0:

    Possibility of saving a large number of images in one file


WMF (WindowsMetaFile). Format for saving vector images of the Windows operating system (extension for the WMF file name). For the purpose, it is supported by all programs of this system. However, the number of tasks for working with standardized palettes of colors, adopted in printing, and other shortcomings are between the same zastosuvannya (WMF creates colors, you can not select a number of parameters, so they can be assigned to objects in different vector editors).

EPS (Encapsulatedpostscript). The format for describing both vector and raster images by my Adobe PostScript company, the actual standard in the field of pre-drug processes and printing (extension for the file name .EPS). Since the language of PostScript is universal, vector bitmap graphics, fonts, contours (masks), calibration parameters, color profiles can be saved from the file at once. For displaying the vector on the screen, the format is selected instead wmf, and raster - TIFF. But the screen copy is only half-heartedly reflecting the real image, which is just a short one. EPS. You can use the reference image only at the output of the visual attachment, for the help of special programs I will review it, or after rewriting the file on PDF format in Acrobat Reader, Acrobat Exchange.

Images recorded in EPS format can be saved in different colors: Grayscale, RGB, CMYK, Lab, Multi-channel.

The Encapsulated PostScript format can be called the best and most versatile way to save data. Victory's simplified version of PostScript: Can't put more than one side in one file, don't set low printer settings. Like other PostScript files, write the final version of the robot in EPS, if you want such programs, like Adobe Illustratorі Adobe Photoshop you can win yoga like a robot. EPS assignments for transferring vectors to raster in viewing systems are created by all programs that work with graphics. Vikoristovuvati yoga may sense less than that, if the visnovok is available on PostScript attachment. EPS support everything you need for a friend color models, Among them, such as Duotone, you can record, just like that, data in RGB, visual outline, information and trapping and rasters, font promotion. In the EPS format, data is saved in the clipboard (Clipboard) by Adobe programs for exchange between themselves.

You can save sketches (image header, preview) at once from the file. The only copy of a low-volume format is PICT, TIFF, JPEG or WMF, as it is taken at once from the EPS file and allows you to check, in the middle, the files can be sent to the editors only Photoshop and Illustrator. All others import sketches, replacing each other on a PostScript printer with original information. On a printer that does not support PostScript, the sketch itself works. If you are using Photoshop for Macintosh, save thumbnails from JPEG format, other Mac programs will save thumbnails from PICT format. Numbers and JPEG sketches cannot be copied by Windows programs. If you are working on a computer, or if you don't know where the file will be twisted, save the sketch from the TIFF format (if you hope to choose).

EPS can be rich in variety, which can be found in the software-creator. The best EPS are created by Adobe Systems editing software: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign. Since 1996, Adobe programs may have introduced a PostScript interpreter, so they can convert EPS and edit them. Other graphic editors cannot decode EPS, moreover, the EPS files created by them sometimes appear, seemingly, special. Among the most problematic are Quark EPS, which is created by the Save Page As EPS function, and FreeHand editable EPS, which is created by the Save As function. Don't particularly trust Corel's EPS version 6 and lower EPS from CorelXARA. EPS-files with CorelDraw 7 and more avoid the problem of adding fields to the Bounding Box (a smart PostScript box that describes all the objects on the side). First export from CorelDRAW, CorelXARA i, smaller world, from FreeHand EPS-files to convert rich effects of programs (for example, fill gaps, for example) into raster or simple vector objects. Tovstі contours (greater than 2 pt), it is possible, the sense can also be converted to objects, if the program gives such a possibility. You can convert the EPS file with Adobe Illustrator, but if you see it, it means everything is in order.

PDF (PortabledocumentFormat). The format for the description of documents of splitting by Adobe (extension for the file name.PDF). While this format is primarily used for document storage, it may be possible to ensure that the image is presented effectively. The format is hardware-independent, so the image can be viewed on any outbuildings - from the monitor screen to the photo exhibition building. An arduous algorithm for squeezing out of the way of keruvannya for a bag-based distribution of images ensures the compactness of files at a high quality of illustrations. In each format, you can recreate whether a document or a scanned image. However, in order to find out, in most cases, you need the latest Adobe Acrobat package, which Adobe Acrobat Distiller and Adobe Acrobat Writer.

PDF dated January 1, 2008 is approved by the ISO 32000 standard. The PDF format allows the use of the necessary fonts (linear text), vector and raster images, and the formation of multimedia inserts. Supports RGB, CMYK, Grayscale, Lab, Duotone, Bitmap, bitmap data compression types. May technical formats for printing PDF/X-1, PDF/X-3. Enables the mechanism of electronic signatures for the protection and authentication of documents. This format has a large amount of accompanying documentation.

For a review, you can win the official free program Adobe Reader, as well as programs of third-party retailers. The traditional way of creating PDF-documents is a virtual printer, so the document is prepared like this with its own specialized program - a graphic or text editor, CAD, and then exported to PDF format for rozpovsyudzhennya in electronic form, transfer to a doctor, etc.

CDR (CorelDRAW Document). The CDR file format is a vector image of little ones created by the help of the CorelDRAW program. This is the file format for the expansion file by Corel for retrieval from other software products. CDR files are not supported by programs that are used for image editing. However, the file can be exported with the help of CorelDRAW in other, larger, and popular image formats. You can also open a CDR file with Corel Paint Shop Pro.

Format vіdomyy have past low stіykіstyu and filthy sumіsnіstyu files, tim not less, CorelDRAW koristuvatisya nadzvichayno zruchno. The files of these versions have different compression for vector and bitmap images, fonts can be upgraded, CDR files may have a larger working field of 45x45 meters, richness of the image is supported.

AI (AdobeIllustrator). Vector image file created by Adobe Illustrator; replacement of raster data, composed of lines of chi lines, connected by points; You can include objects, colors and text. AI documents can be opened in Photoshop, but the image will be "decrypted", which means that it will be converted vector image at the raster. The AI ​​format encapsulates and formalizes a structured file for a PostScript Movie Side Description (PDL). These files are approved for display on PostScript printers, and may include a bitmap version of the image without any forward review. PostScript in the newest implementation - in a tight and folding style and building design may be everything that can be displayed on a two-world outbuilding, the format of AI adaptations for collecting traditional graphic data: small, armchair and decorative writing. It is significant, however, that the AI ​​files can be more collapsible. The complexity of PostScript is mainly based on the ability to designate the sequence of operations and combine them with simple syntactic rules. Tsya prihovannost in Adobe Illustrator files іnоdі (but not zavzhdі) zvodit to іnіmumu.

File conversion

The need to convert graphic files from one format to another can be blamed for various reasons:

The program, for some reason, does not accept the format of the file;

Data, if it is necessary to transfer it to another correspondent, may be submitted in a special format.

Converting files from raster format to vector

There are two ways to convert files from raster to vector format:

1) conversion of a raster file to a raster object of a vector image;

2) tracing a raster image of a vector object.

The first way is to use the CorelDRAW program, which, as a rule, successfully imports files of different raster formats. For example, like raster little ones to avenge 16 million colors, CorelDRAW will show the image, closer to the TV one. However, the raster object that is being imported can be large in that case, as the resulting file is not large. For files of raster formats, the information is saved efficiently, the shards are often broken by the compression method. Vector format and such building cannot be. Therefore, the raster object, which is taken from the vector file, can be reversed for the size of the original raster file.

The peculiarity of another method of converting a raster image to a vector does not fit into the offensive one. A raster image tracer (for example, CorelTRACE) searches for a group of pixels with the same color, and then creates different vector objects. After tracing the vectorized little ones, you can edit them as usual. On fig. shown raster image, which is good for transforming into a vector. Right in that raster babies, which can be clearly expressed between groups of pixels of the same color, are well transformed into vector. At the same time, the result of transcribing a raster image of photographic clarity with folding color transitions looks better than the original.

Cob raster baby

Cob raster image

Converting files in one vector format to another

Vector formats for descriptions of lines, arcs, filled fields, text only. In different vector formats, objects are described differently. If the program tries to convert one vector format to another one, it will be similar to a great translation, but itself:

Read the description of the objects in one vector mine,

Trying to transfer them to the language of the new format.

If the translation program takes into account the description of the object, for which the new format does not have an exact description, this object can be described by similar commands of the new movie, or not descriptions separately. In this rank, some parts of the little one can pretend to appear. All fall in vіd skladі vіhіdnogo izobrazhennya. On fig. representations of one of the possible results of converting a file from one vector format to another. The first few creations in the CorelDRAW program are composed of the following elements: a raster image is imported in JPEG format, a frame next to the raster image, text, a rectangle with a final fill.

Use two types of graphic files, one raster and one vector, so that different formats can be used.

  1. Bitmap graphic file must be formatted as *.bmp, *.tif, *psd, *.gif, *.png, *.jpg;
  2. vector graphics file should be formatted as *.wmf, *.eps, *.cdr, *.ai

Knowledge of file formats is the basis for working with digital photographs. they choose the way of collecting information from the file (raster or vector), as well as the form of collecting information (an algorithm for squeezing, which is to be written). Squeezing zastosovuєtsya for raster graphic files, skіlki stench may ring out a great promise. The compressing of graphic files is considered in their archiving for additional programs-archivators (gag, zip, arj and in) that the compressing algorithm is included in the format of the graphic file.

Main graphic file formats


In translation from English - syro. The format that wins in the process of processing photographs, to compensate for unprocessed information that can be found directly from the matrix of the camera and does not have an exact specification. Digital files are not processed by the camera's processor (for viewing in JPG) and the original information about the capture is saved. RAW can be squeezed without wasting power. On the vіdmіnu vіd JPG, which is a kind of processing at the camera and even savings from the pressure of data - RAW gives the widest possibility of processing a photo and saves the maximum brightness.

In other words, pid RAW format the data are summed up, taken off without interruption from the matrix without cutting.

Different algorithms for photographic equipment use different algorithms for creating RAW in cameras. Leather maker foreseeing a wide range of buildings for your RAW file - NEF, NRW - Nikon; CRW, CR2 - Canon.


The most wide format of graphic files. JPEG deserved its popularity for a little bit. For the consumption of the image, you can save with maximum brightness. Otherwise, squeeze it to the minimum size of the transfer file by size. When saving a JPEG-file, you can specify the level of density, which means the level of compression, which sound can be set for some smart units, for example, from 1 to 100 or from 1 to 10. the finest yakistyu, and then expand the file. Ring out, the difference between 90 and 100 per eye is practically not acceptable.

JPEG has a stubborn compression algorithm. What do you give us? The obvious minus of such a system is the loss of image quality for an hour of skin saving to the file. With a little more compression of the image, the transmission of data will be ten times easier. In practice, saving a photograph with a minimum degree of compression does not give a visible decrease in the brightness of the image. For that reason, JPG is the widest and most popular format for saving graphic files.

TIFF (Tagged Image File Format)

TIFF format - bitmap saving format graphic images. Back to top by Aldus at Microsoft Spreadsheet for PostScript Wiki. Vin allows you to take photos in different color spaces (RBG, CMYK, YCbCr, CIE Lab, etc.) and with great depth of color (8, 16, 32 and 64 bits). TIFF wins when scanning, overpowering faxes, recognizing text, printing, widely supported graphics programs. It is possible to save an image from a file in TIFF format with a bit of compression and without constraint. Steps of embossing lie in the features of the most cherished image, as well as in the algorithm, which wins. Viewed as JPG, images in TIFF will not be used as a skin saving file. Ale, sorry, itself through tse TIFF files important at times more JPG.

PSD (Photoshop Document)

Photoshop Document (PSD) - the original raster format for storing graphic information, which is free of cost, creations specifically for Adobe Photoshop and supports all possibilities. Win allows you to save a raster image with a lot of balls, whether it be some deep color or some color expanse. The most common format is the conservation of the intermediate number of bag results in folding processing with the possibility of changing other elements. Also, PSD boosts the pressure without wasting power. But there is a large amount of information, so you can use the PSD file, which greatly enhances your knowledge.

BMP (Bitmap image)

Bit Map image (BMP) - universal format raster graphic files, vindicated in operating system Windows. This format is supported by rich graphic editors, zokrema Paint editor. Recommended for saving and exchanging money with other programs. The BMP format is one of the first graphic formats. You know whether it is a program that works with graphics. BMP saves depth color data in this format from 1 to 48 bit pixels, maximum image size is 65535×65535 pixels. At the moment, the BMP format practically does not work either on the Internet (JPG is less important), or in printing (TIFF handles these tasks better).

GIF (Graphics Interchange Format)

format for saving raster graphic images. The GIF format is designed to save data without loss of quality in formats up to 256 colors. Turn on the compression algorithm without wasting information, which allows you to change the size of the file once. The images in the GIF format are selected in a row, but the format is only subtracted from the indexed palette of colors. Recommended for saving; images, created by a program way (diagrams, graphics thinly) and small ones (application type) with a limited number of colors (up to 256). Winning for the placement of graphic images on web sites on the Internet.

PNG (Portable network graphics)

Raster format for saving graphical information, a kind of victorious stisk without insertion. PNG was created both to improve and to replace the GIF format with a graphic format that does not require a license to use it. On the vіdminu vіd GIF, PNG maє pіdtrimku alpha-channel and mozhlivіst zberіgati nebrazhenu kіlkіst kolorіv. PNG stiskaє danі without spending, scho robbing yoga zruchnym for sberіgannya prodіzhnіh versions of the image processing. Winning for the placement of graphic images on web sites on the Internet.

JPEG 2000 (or jp2)

Graphic format, which is a replacement for the discrete cosine conversion characteristic of JPEG, wavelet conversion technology, which is based on the given signal in a visual superposition of some basic functions of soft packages. As a result of such compression, the image will appear smooth and crisp, and the size of the file in JPEG equals, with the same brightness, will change by 30%. Speaking in simple terms, with the same size, the size of the file in the JPEG 2000 format is 30% smaller than JPG. When strongly compressed, JPEG 2000 does not break the image into squares that are characteristic of the JPEG format. Unfortunately, at the moment this format has few extensions and is supported only by Safari and Mozilla/Firerox browsers (via Quicktime).

WMF (Windows MetaFile)

Universal format of vector graphics files for Windows programs. Featured for grabbing Microsoft Clip Gallery images.

CDR (CorelDRaw files)

The original format of vector graphics files, which is featured in the processing system vector graphics CorelDraw.

AI (AdobeIllustrator files)

The original format of vector graphics files, which is used in the Adobe Illustrator vector graphics processing system.

EPS (Encapsulated PostScript)

The format of vector graphics files is supported by programs for various operating systems.

The axis is practical and all the widest graphic file formats, it is the fault of the nobility of the photographer and designer, what do you respect yourself.

Lecture number 3. Graphic file formats

Format graphic files. BMP, TIFF, JPEG, GIF, PNG and other formats. Characteristics and zastosuvannya of different formats. Methods for presenting graphical information in the middle of the file. Format conversion.

Graphic file formats

In computer graphics, there are less than three dozen file formats for saving images. Ale, only a part of them zastosovuetsya at the most important programs. As a rule, it is not necessary to format raster, vector, or trivum image files, if you want to use formats that allow you to save these different classes. A lot of programs are oriented to the "specific" formats, transferring their files to other programs, editing special filters or exporting the image to the "standard" format.

BMP (Windows Device Independent Bitmap). The BMP format is a common Windows format, it is supported by all graphic editors, as it is processed under keruvannya. With the BMP format, a silent program is used, the oscilloscopes of yoga support are integrated into the Windows and OS / 2 operating system. BMP files can have the extensions .bmp, .dib and .rle. In addition, this format is included in two resource files RES and PE-files.

The format BMP is able to zberigati zichennya zlibino koloru (number of bits, I describe one pixel zobennya) 1, 4, 8 I 24 bIT, pi -vidpovіyy Killevo vicoristovanni Koloriv 2, 16, 256 I 16777216. The file is possible for the visc , vіdminnі vіd accepted by the system.

TIFF(Tagged Image File Format). Destination format for capturing high-quality bitmap images (filename extension.TIF). TIFF is a hardware-independent format, which is supported by practically all programs on PC and Macintosh, so it is also related to graphics. TIFF is the best choice when importing raster graphics from vector programs and viewing systems. You can access the entire range of color models from monochrome to RGB, CMYK and additional Pantone colors. TIFF can save balls, variable contours, alpha channels, and other additional data.

TIFF is available in two versions: for Macintosh and PC. This is why Motorola processors read and write numbers to the right, and Intel processors - to the left. Modern programs can easily tweak the format options.

Another program for this Photo-Styler format today is "taken out of production", but the format continues to develop and be supplemented with new possibilities. Letraset has released a short version of the TIFF format called RIFF (Raster Image File Format).

The TIFF format can have LZW-, JPEG-, ZIP compression. A number of older programs (for example, QuarkXPress 3.x, Adobe Streamline, a lot of text recognition software) cannot read TIFF files, prote files, and therefore correspond to new software security, there is no reason not to win compression.

TIFF, regardless of all compression algorithms, everything is the same - the "rich" raster format itself, which is not suitable for typing on the Internet.

PSD(PhotoShop Document). The powerful format of the Adobe Photoshop program (file name extension .PSD), one of the most difficult ways to save raster graphic information. Allows you to remember the parameters of balls, channels, transparency levels, masks. There are 48-bit coding for color, color matching and different color models. The main nedolіk vіrazheniya scho vіdsutnіst іdsutnі іdsutnі efektіvnії іnformatsiі іnformatsiy іdsutnі effektіvі іnіstі іnіstі effektіvі algorіtі svіznі ї to great svyazu іfіlіv. Vіdkrivaєtsya not all programs.

PCX. The format appeared as a format for saving raster data in Z-Soft's PC PaintBrush program and is one of the largest (file name extension. PCX). Opportunity to take care of color images, lack of color models and other fencing caused the format to become popular. Nini vvazhaetsya old.

JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group). Destination format for capturing bitmap images (extension for JPG file name). Allows you to adjust the speed between the steps of squeezing the file and the quality of the image. Methods of squeezing, stosovuyutsya, based on remote "superfluous" information, the format is recommended to be used only for electronic publications.

The JPEG file format has been expanded by C–Cube Microsystems as an efficient method for capturing images with a great depth of color, for example, captured when scanning photographs with a large number of distinct colors. The greatest recognition of the JPEG format among other formats lies in the fact that JPEG wins over the algorithm for squeezing out information. The embossing algorithm without insertion takes information about the image so that the image exactly matches the original. When squeezed with expenses, a part of the information about the image is sacrificed in order to achieve a greater compression ratio. Unpacked JPEG images rarely match the original exactly, and even more often the number of details of the flooring is insignificant, which can be displayed.

JPEG is an algorithm for squeezing, arranging not so for the sake of the same elements, like RLE and LZW, but in retail between pixels. The coding of these data is taken from the sprat of stages. The first part of the graphical data is converted to the color space of the LAB type, then half or three quarters of the information about the color is returned (depending on the implementation of the algorithm). Next, blocks of 8x8 pixels are analyzed. A set of numbers is formed up to the skin block. The first sprat of numbers represent the color of the block with a zahal, while the coming numbers beat thinly. The spectrum of details is based on the dawn of a person, to which great details are remembered.

At the offensive stage, stalely, in the light of the level of strength you have chosen, one part of the numbers is revealed, which makes fine details. At the rest of the stage, coding is done using the Huffman method for more efficient embossing of final data. Reminders of data are taken from the reverse order.

In such a rank, which is the highest riven of compression, the more data are seen, the lower the quality. Vikoristovuyuchi JPEG, you can take the file from 1-500 times less, lower BMP! The format is hardware-independent, it is still supported on PC and Macintosh, the software is brand new and is not understood by old programs (before 1995). JPEG does not support color palette indexing. There was no CMYK in the format specifications, Adobe added color support, CMYKJPEG prote in some programs to solve problems. The best solution is to use JPEG embossing in Photoshop EPS files, as described below.

Use the JPEG format. Baseline Optimized - files are squeezed faster, but not readable by other programs. JPEG Baseline Optimized was developed specifically for the Internet, all major browsers support it. Progressive JPEG is also split especially for Merezhy, some files are smaller than standard ones, and a few more are Baseline Optimized. The main feature of Progressive JPEG in its analogy is through a series of views.

From what has been said, you can make such visnovki. JPEGs tend to squeeze raster images of photographic quality more often, lower logos or schemes - they have more pvt-tone transitions, and there are some gaps between solid-color fills. Larger images for the web or with a high resolution (200-300 and more dpi), lower with a low one (72-150 dpi), because skin squares 8x8 pixels go soft, for the size of those (squares) such files have more. It is not necessary to take care of the JPEG-pressure whether the image is, de-important all the nuances of the transmission of color (reproductions), shards of the hour of squeezing are taken into account when color information is given. JPEG's should save only the final version of the work, so that the skin oversaving will lead to new expenses (recovery) of data and the transformation of the visual image into a mess.

gif (GraphicsInterchangeFormat). An independent type of hardware security GIF was developed in 1987 (GIF87a) by CompuServe to transfer raster images across dimensions. In 1989, the format of the letters of modifications (GIF89a), was added to support the clarity and animation. GIF with LZW-compression, which allows you to inaccurately squeeze files, a lot of similar fills (logotypes, writings, diagrams).

GIF allows you to record an image "through a row" (Interlaced), why, only a part of the file, you can use the image as a whole, but with a smaller distribution building. Tse reach for the record, and then let's take it backwards 1, 5, 10, etc. Rows of pixels and drawing data between them, another pass follows the 2nd, 6th, 11th rows, the distribution of images in the Internet browser increases. In this way, before the end of the file submission, you can figure out what is in the middle of it, check if the entire file is uploaded. Through the recording of the trohi zbіshuє rozmіr file, but tse, as a rule, vypravdovuєtsya authority, scho buy.

In GIF'e, one or more colors can be recognized, the stench will become invisible in Internet browsers and other programs. Transparency is secured for the account of the additional Alpha-channel, which is taken at once from the file. In addition, a GIF file can contain not one, but a bunch of raster images, as browsers can pick up one by one from the frequency assigned to the file. This is how the illusion of rush is reached (GIF-animation).

The actuality of the concepts implemented in the GIF format was especially evident in the connection with the expanded versions of electronic media (for example, Web-sides or Web-sites). Irrespective of all the increasing bandwidth of the building of merezhevyh hardware facilities, and, zokrema, modemiv, dosily supply food obligatory graphic elements of electronic devices. On the one hand, on the other hand, the effectiveness of electronic vision is rich in what lies in the quality of graphic elements, and, in the first line, in the first line, in the form of a different building and depth of color and pixels of the image. To this, it was mindful of the practice of retailers in electronic publications to win rich graphic images.

From the other side, even to the compactness of files, which are transmitted by merezhevym channels, they didn’t even go to another plane. Graphics files of great volume require more than an hour to capture the image in the browser. Therefore, one of the main tasks of professionals in the field of Web-design is a clear balance between art, informational content of the Web and generally.

GIF is one of the poorest formats, which uses an efficient compression algorithm, which may not be accepted by archiving programs. In other words, GIF-files do not need to be archived, so it is rare if you give a good deal.

Therefore, the GIF format, which is the main name of the minimum size of files, takes its meaning from the main graphic format of the World Wide Web.

The main reason for changing the GIF format is that the color image can be recorded only in the 256 color mode. For printing, which is clearly not enough.

Іsnuyet two specifics of GIF. First of all, it can be converted to the GIF87a format, in which a record of multiple images is transferred, and GIF89a, which can be used to capture both textual and graphical data in one file.

gif87 a passing the following possibilities to the GIF file:

Cherguvannya (interlacing). At the same time, only the "brush" of the image is taken up, then, the world is taken aback, it is detailed. Tse allows you to not want to use the entire graphic file on the main lines in order to remove the notification about the new one.

Compression behind the LZW algorithm. This characteristic of GIF-files is among the leaders in terms of the smallest file size.

Placement of a number of images in one file.

Rotating the image on the logical screen. This format allows you to designate a logical screen area for displaying images, and place them in a suitable location in the area.

We gave the standard extensions to the specification of GIF89a, so I added the following possibilities:

Highlighting the graphic file of comments (they are not displayed on the screen, but can be read by the program, which supports GIF89a).

Shutter control before changing frames (set at 1/100 seconds or clearing the input of the frame).

Cheruvannya to see the front image. The front image may be omitted, replaced by the color of the ashes, or those that were in front of him.

Designation of transparent color.

Vision to the text.

Creation of blocks for managing application programs (application-specific extensions). In the middle of a GIF file, you can create a block that will be ignored by all programs, for example, for some purposes.

PNG (PortablenetworkGraphics). PNG is a recently expanded format for Merezh, calls to replace the old GIF. Vikoristovu stisk without Deflate insertion, similar to LZW (itself through patenting in 1995 to the algorithm LZW Vinic PNG). As a rule, PNG files are indexed smaller than similar GIFs, RGB PNG files are smaller than TIFF files.

The depth of color in PNG files can be as good as it is, up to 48 bits. There is double interlacing (not only rows, but stovptsiv), which, just like in GIF "e, slightly expands the file. є in the range of transparency (from 0 to 99%) for the Alpha channel with 256 shades of gray.

The PNG file contains information about gamma correction. Gamma is a decimal number that characterizes the staleness of the brightness of the light on the screen of your monitor as a result of the voltage on the kinescope electrodes. This number, read from the file, allows you to enter the correction of clarity when displayed. Needless to say, a picture created on Mac looked the same on PC and on Silicon Graphics. In this way, the peculiarity helps to implement the main idea of ​​the WWW - however, the display of information independently from the coristuvach equipment.

PNG is supported in Microsoft Internet Explorer is starting from version 4 for Windows and version 4.5 for Macintosh. Netscape has added a PNG support for its browser in versions starting at 4.0.4 for both platforms. Tim is not smaller, do not implement such important functions for the format, as smoothly transitional transparency and gamma correction.

PNG and GIF89a may have such powers:

    Format of organizations looking at the flow of data

    "Stick without cost"

    Allows you to save indexing images with a palette of up to 256 colors

    Progressive improvement of the order data

    Pіdtrimka "clear color"

    Possibility of saving data from the public and limited access

    Do not lie in the "hall" of that platform

Advantages of PNG over GIF:

    More progressive fermentation through row schemes

    Expanding the possibilities of collecting data from the Koristuvach

PNG feasibility for GIF format:

    Saving full-color 48-bit images

    Saving 16-bit black and white images

    New Alpha channel

    Contrast guide

    CRC - method of showing pardons in pototsi danih

    Standard tool for rozrorobki program reading and writing PNG

    Standard set of test images for verification of these programs

GIF capability, available in PNG version 1.0:

    Possibility of saving a large number of images in one file


WMF (WindowsMetaFile). Format for saving vector images of the Windows operating system (extension for the WMF file name). For the purpose, it is supported by all programs of this system. However, the number of tasks for working with standardized palettes of colors, adopted in printing, and other shortcomings are between the same zastosuvannya (WMF creates colors, you can not select a number of parameters, so they can be assigned to objects in different vector editors).

EPS (Encapsulatedpostscript). The format for describing both vector and raster images by my Adobe PostScript company, the actual standard in the field of pre-drug processes and printing (extension for the file name .EPS). Since the language of PostScript is universal, vector bitmap graphics, fonts, contours (masks), calibration parameters, color profiles can be saved from the file at once. For displaying the vector on the screen, the format is selected instead wmf, and raster - TIFF. But the screen copy is only half-heartedly reflecting the real image, which is just a short one. EPS. The reference image can be used only at the end of the visual attachment, for the help of special programs I will review it, or after converting the file to PDF format in the programs Acrobat Reader, Acrobat Exchange.

Images recorded in EPS format can be saved in different colors: Grayscale, RGB, CMYK, Lab, Multi-channel.

The Encapsulated PostScript format can be called the best and most versatile way to save data. Victory's simplified version of PostScript: Can't put more than one side in one file, don't set low printer settings. Like other PostScript files, write down the final version of the work in EPS, even if such programs, like Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop, can write it like a worker. EPS assignments for transferring vectors to raster in viewing systems are created by all programs that work with graphics. Vikoristovuvati yoga may sense less than that, if the visnovok is available on PostScript attachment. EPS supports all the necessary colors for a different model, among them such as Duotone, you can record, just like that, data in RGB, image outline, information and trapping and rasters, and font support. In the EPS format, data is saved in the clipboard (Clipboard) by Adobe programs for exchange between themselves.

You can save sketches (image header, preview) at once from the file. The only copy of a low-volume format is PICT, TIFF, JPEG or WMF, as it is taken at once from the EPS file and allows you to check, in the middle, the files can be sent to the editors only Photoshop and Illustrator. All others import sketches, replacing each other on a PostScript printer with original information. On a printer that does not support PostScript, the sketch itself works. If you are using Photoshop for Macintosh, save thumbnails from JPEG format, other Mac programs will save thumbnails from PICT format. Numbers and JPEG sketches cannot be copied by Windows programs. If you are working on a computer, or if you don't know where the file will be twisted, save the sketch from the TIFF format (if you hope to choose).

EPS can be rich in variety, which can be found in the software-creator. The best EPS are created by Adobe Systems editing software: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign. Since 1996, Adobe programs may have introduced a PostScript interpreter, so they can convert EPS and edit them. Other graphic editors cannot decode EPS, moreover, the EPS files created by them sometimes appear, seemingly, special. Among the most problematic are Quark EPS, which is created by the Save Page As EPS function, and FreeHand editable EPS, which is created by the Save As function. Don't particularly trust Corel's EPS version 6 and lower EPS from CorelXARA. EPS-files with CorelDraw 7 and more avoid the problem of adding fields to the Bounding Box (a smart PostScript box that describes all the objects on the side). First export from CorelDRAW, CorelXARA i, smaller world, from FreeHand EPS-files to convert rich effects of programs (for example, fill gaps, for example) into raster or simple vector objects. Tovstі contours (greater than 2 pt), it is possible, the sense can also be converted to objects, if the program gives such a possibility. You can convert the EPS file with Adobe Illustrator, but if you see it, it means everything is in order.

PDF (PortabledocumentFormat). The format for the description of documents of splitting by Adobe (extension for the file name.PDF). While this format is primarily used for document storage, it may be possible to ensure that the image is presented effectively. The format is hardware-independent, so the image can be viewed on any outbuildings - from the monitor screen to the photo exhibition building. An arduous algorithm for squeezing out of the way of keruvannya for a bag-based distribution of images ensures the compactness of files at a high quality of illustrations. In each format, you can recreate whether a document or a scanned image. However, for this purpose, in most cases, the latest Adobe Acrobat package is required, which includes Adobe Acrobat Distiller and Adobe Acrobat Writer.

PDF dated January 1, 2008 is approved by the ISO 32000 standard. The PDF format allows the use of the necessary fonts (linear text), vector and raster images, and the formation of multimedia inserts. Supports RGB, CMYK, Grayscale, Lab, Duotone, Bitmap, bitmap data compression types. May technical formats for printing PDF/X-1, PDF/X-3. Enables the mechanism of electronic signatures for the protection and authentication of documents. This format has a large amount of accompanying documentation.

For review, you can win the official freeware program Adobe Reader and the programs of third-party retailers. The traditional way of creating PDF-documents is a virtual printer, so the document is prepared like this with its own specialized program - a graphic or text editor, CAD, and then exported to PDF format for rozpovsyudzhennya in electronic form, transfer to a doctor, etc.

CDR (CorelDRAW Document). The CDR file format is a vector image of little ones created by the help of the CorelDRAW program. This is the file format for the expansion file by Corel for retrieval from other software products. CDR files are not supported by programs that are used for image editing. However, the file can be exported with the help of CorelDRAW in other, larger, and popular image formats. You can also open a CDR file with Corel Paint Shop Pro.

Format vіdomyy have past low stіykіstyu and filthy sumіsnіstyu files, tim not less, CorelDRAW koristuvatisya nadzvichayno zruchno. The files of these versions have different compression for vector and bitmap images, fonts can be upgraded, CDR files may have a larger working field of 45x45 meters, richness of the image is supported.

AI (AdobeIllustrator). Vector image file created by Adobe Illustrator; replacement of raster data, composed of lines of chi lines, connected by points; You can include objects, colors and text. AI documents can be read in Photoshop, but the image will be "decoded", which means that it will be converted from a vector image to a bitmap. The AI ​​format encapsulates and formalizes a structured file for a PostScript Movie Side Description (PDL). These files are approved for display on PostScript printers, and may include a bitmap version of the image without any forward review. PostScript in the newest implementation - in a tight and folding style and building design may be everything that can be displayed on a two-world outbuilding, the format of AI adaptations for collecting traditional graphic data: small, armchair and decorative writing. It is significant, however, that the AI ​​files can be more collapsible. The complexity of PostScript is mainly based on the ability to designate the sequence of operations and combine them with simple syntactic rules. Tsya prihovannost in Adobe Illustrator files іnоdі (but not zavzhdі) zvodit to іnіmumu.

File conversion

The need to convert graphic files from one format to another can be blamed for various reasons:

The program, for some reason, does not accept the format of the file;

Data, if it is necessary to transfer it to another correspondent, may be submitted in a special format.

Converting files from raster format to vector

There are two ways to convert files from raster to vector format:

1) conversion of a raster file to a raster object of a vector image;

2) tracing a raster image of a vector object.

The first way is to use the CorelDRAW program, which, as a rule, successfully imports files of different raster formats. For example, like raster little ones to avenge 16 million colors, CorelDRAW will show the image, closer to the TV one. However, the raster object that is being imported can be large in that case, as the resulting file is not large. For files of raster formats, the information is saved efficiently, the shards are often broken by the compression method. Vector format and such building cannot be. Therefore, the raster object, which is taken from the vector file, can be reversed for the size of the original raster file.

The peculiarity of another method of converting a raster image to a vector does not fit into the offensive one. A raster image tracer (for example, CorelTRACE) searches for a group of pixels with the same color, and then creates different vector objects. After tracing the vectorized little ones, you can edit them as usual. On fig. the image is shown as a raster, as if it were good to be transformed into a vector. On the right, in that raster little ones, which can be clearly expressed between groups of pixels of the same color, are kindly transformed into vector ones. At the same time, the result of transcribing a raster image of photographic clarity with folding color transitions looks better than the original.

Cob raster baby

Cob raster image

Converting files in one vector format to another

Vector formats for descriptions of lines, arcs, filled fields, text only. In different vector formats, objects are described differently. If the program tries to convert one vector format to another one, it will be similar to a great translation, but itself:

Read the description of the objects in one vector mine,

Trying to transfer them to the language of the new format.

If the translation program takes into account the description of the object, for which the new format does not have an exact description, this object can be described by similar commands of the new movie, or not descriptions separately. In this rank, some parts of the little one can pretend to appear. All fall in vіd skladі vіhіdnogo izobrazhennya. On fig. representations of one of the possible results of converting a file from one vector format to another. The first few creations in the CorelDRAW program are composed of the following elements: a raster image is imported in JPEG format, a frame next to the raster image, text, a rectangle with a final fill.

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