Google Keyboard: classic Android keyboard. Google keyboard is an alternative keyboard for android.

Golovna / Main functionality

Programs that can change voice to text, but not so rich. But for some people, stinks can become irreplaceable helpers. For example, V is a blogger, and you are very friendly today, otherwise you need to work electronic version books, or maybe you just type correctly on the keyboard.

Zagalom, as if there were no reason, to dictate the text in a voice that can be changed into another text, it’s easier, lower, type it from the keyboard. Therefore, in this article, I will tell you how to find ways to transform the voice into text.

Voice notepad– ce costless supplement split the company Google Chrome. Apparently, it works only in your browser, which, for a notepad, is better to upgrade to the rest of the version.

In the settings, go to the "Expansion" tab and click on the extension "Chrome Web Store".

І in the “Programs” section, click on the “Install” button at the top row. To appear in information at the end, in order to confirm the installation of the program.

Find out insertion of supplements at "Services" you open it with a click of a bear.

On the site you can learn about the basic possibilities of a notepad for instant entry. By clicking on the black arrow in the name, you can take away the information for identification. The notepad clearly recognizes the voice, so you speak clearly, placing punctuation marks and great letters.

Choose a language from the list, press the button "Start recording" and then dictate the text.

One more cicavi appendage for Google browser Chrome - tse Voisnot II. Find yoga in the Chrome Web Store, as described above, install it.

Pratsyuvati іz it is also easy. Choose your text input, dictate її, see, copy and paste into the required document.

SpeechPad is an extension for Google Chrome that allows you to use voice typing in the required fields on web pages.

To install yoga, go to: "Browser menu" - "Setup" - tab "Extension" - enable "Chrome Web Store". At the prompt, enter "speechpad" .

Give at the "Expansion" branch "Voice input text - SpeechPad" and press on the opposite side of the new “Install”. The splicing window must be confirmed that the extension has been installed.

Now, for example, press in a row Google right mouse button and select "SpeechPad".

Check it out, the text entry field is illuminated in erysipelas color, and speak the text.

You can use the SpeechPad extensions on any site or any social network.

Now you can type text for help voice dialing directly on the web pages on the Internet, or else dictate the text to the program, and then easily copy it and paste it into the required document.

Keyboard as retailer operating system Android for zamovchuvannyam can't be trashed. Її a characteristic feature of the support of an uninterrupted introduction to the text without opening the finger of the screen. Short interface for perfect ergonomics. You no longer need to constantly press on the screen, with the Google keyboard, it’s enough to move your finger from character to character and the program perfectly recognizes the word, so you enter even before you enter all the characters. It is necessary to move your finger in the display only after the completion of a word, after which a space is automatically entered. You can also put a pass on your own, it is not necessary to attach a finger to the sensor in this way.

Vicherpny vbudovaniya vocabulary from pіdtrimkoyu bіlshostі mov svіtu will help you not to allow spelling pardons and proponuє the most suitable options for correcting. For a quick collation of notes, you can literally speed up voice inputs on the go. If you don’t have enough words, or you just want to discriminate your mind, smileys come to the rescue, there are hundreds of them on the Google keyboard. At the same time, the zavdyaki of the summation z usima other versions Android, your browser language manager automatically removes the same emoticon, which you have corrected. Behind the bazhannym, automatic conversion of singing words from a smiley is possible.

Key Features and Functions

  • uninterrupted typing text;
  • voice input support;
  • predictive introduction with the proposition of the variants of the offensive word;
  • hundreds of emoticons from the embodied podtrimkoy on all Android devices;
  • dictionaries and spelling for 26 mov;
  • support for non-standard layouts.

Voice input to the text on Android - you should manually enter it with the initial typing of SMS, and if you need to type a large amount of text messages per day, or you can do business in parallel with other working clothes, then this function will become simply indispensable.

In Android OS standard function dictation with a voice, which can be turned on in the settings without being confusing additional supplements. The system will automatically add a microphone icon to the electronic keyboard, and you can use it if you need.

If you don't need to change the input, you don't need it anymore, and if you want to turn it on, select the "Uncheck" button in the same menu, or uncheck the checkbox for the checkbox.

How to greet the voice introductions

How to increase this function, we already figured it out, now it’s necessary to understand, how to swell with it. It will be available practically in all menus and programs, in which you can use the electronic keyboard.

  1. To dictate the text, click on the text screen or part of the text, as already entered. Visvіtlyuvatisya standard electronic keyboard.
  2. Click on the microphone icon on the main screen, or go to the layout of the symbols, so you moved the key with the microphone there when you pressed it.
  3. A menu will appear on the screen to record your voice and write: "Speak". Dictate the desired text on the microphone of the smartphone, and automatically change the voice to text.

Punctuation marks should be promoted with the words: “Nutritional sign”, “Coma”, “Point”. Try to speak more clearly, otherwise the program may misunderstand your words, apparently transforming them into similar sounds.

Sound on the Android OS the text, which the introductions by voice, appear under the armchair. You can edit and continue the robot.

Such settings are available when Android recognizes the voice

You can set the standard voice input on Android in the “Move and Enter” menu, in the yak you can use it through the “Nalashtuvannya”, or by clicking on the “gear” on the button right in the menu, it hung after the microphone was pressed (the settings button should ring in the left hand "Speak").

Nalashtuvannya recognition of movies. Here you can work like this:

  • Select language. Recognition is also available in offline mode, but for locking you will only have a Russian language installed (or Russian + English). For other mov, the function will work or less when connected to the Internet, or else, if you want need a movie. Take advantage of the needs move packages You can set up a move and entry in the menu by pressing “Recognize the movement offline”.
  • Recognize "OK Google". If you have fixed this item, you can choose the manager poke system when vodcritiy Google systems, just saying "OK Google". And then we need to say what you need to know in the search system.
  • Turn on the ability to cry with voice dart headset or a Bluetooth accessory.
  • Improve the recognition of obscene words. The program automatically turns on the item "Prihovuvaty recognize obscene words".
  • Turn off or turn off the results in standard mode or in headset connected mode.

Other ways to enable voice dialing on Android

Crim "native" way of translating the text to the voice, you can win in other ways. For example, install from the Market special programs for recognizing movies. The butts of such programs are VoiceButton, Cyberon Voice Commander. If you want to convert the text to mov, you need to either set "Synthesis Movie" in the menu "movie and introduction", or select a program with such a function, for example, SWOX Classic TTS or Voxdox.

Literally, it was practically impossible for this reason, because all similar programs were implemented at the entrance and were English language. At the moment, the situation has changed short bik. Now, be a copywriter, you can significantly forgive your everyday tasks.

Sounds like it's not that simple. To be honest, I myself have trochly won the service, which is described, but then I have seen the new work, so I got it given rozrobka even sirvato. If I want to start again, just like that, what happened, for example, in 2012 to rock - it’s just a miracle!

Service for voice typing

So, go about the service. After going to this site, you will click at the bottom at the end of a standard notepad. AT to this particular type- Tse voice notepad. Here the text is displayed, voice introductions.

Before that, how to test the voice engine, it is necessary to reconsider that your microphone is correctly connected to the computer. Even though there are no problems, you can press the “Enable recording” button:

At field No. 1, the text is displayed, which you said in the rest of the seconds. As long as your proposition is there, it will be turned into a voice engine and recognize words. Let's all be dictated to be transferred to another field, de yogo can already be edited standard procedures- the keyboard and the bear.

Friends, as I said, the service is not a tablet like a keyboard entry into the fire. In principle, it's not surprising! Aje at the moment there will be an engine that will perfectly recognize the voice, the demand for copywriters and typists will greatly decrease and make a splash in internet marketing. Accept I think so. Ale, let's turn to our voice notebook and that obіtsyanikh joys.

  1. Do not hurry and clearly (even more clearly!) Move the skin word.
  2. Just so you know that in the first field the proposition of the troch has hung - do not hurry to dictate the text to the beast, for it will be swayed, if the program is simply succumbing. Bring the recording back on and reread the zipped proposition.
  3. Adjust the microphone in such a way that it does not fix your breath, the shards do not negatively spill onto the recording of the text of that recognition.
  4. Edit the text with pens directly in another field after a successful entry of one proposition. You don’t need to record at any time, but keep an eye on it so that a pause for a long time does not automatically record the record. I tried to recite the entire article (indeed, not all of it was recognizable, and there were enough pardons) and then I’ll once again edit everything Word programs. Practice has shown that this method is not effective. Better than ce robiti on the leota.

With different signs of problems, it’s not your fault. Sob to put to whom, do not hurry and calmly say in the required place "COMA", or "POINT", or "SIGN VIKLIK". In my plan, everything works well and I have not had a chance to change anything in manual mode.

Additional possibilities of voice input

Okrim standard capabilities online service, you can install an add-on extension in Chrome, so that you can cast voice commands in any field.

Moreover, the retailer was able to create an integration module for the operating room Windows systems. With the help of yoga, you can deal with various programs and functions of Windows with just one voice. You can grab and pershu, and another program on the same site in the same paragraph:

I won’t give you detailed instructions in any direct way, because I don’t particularly like it, everything is written on the site. To whom it is necessary - they can install everything independently. If you like the service, you can register and do a lot of things on the site for yourself. Below is short, but more informative video on voice typing. I check the opinions of my readers, who happened to get help from the Speechpad site.

On top of that, good luck to you!

You should be quite friendly on the keyboard, and learn the ten-finger method of typing, you can try to speed up current programs that with the help of voice input to the text.

The keyboard, without a finger, to finish a handy tool with a computer. However, if you get to the right to type a long text, we understand (and, if we are honest, then ours :)) lack of perfection ... It’s still necessary to use a sharp draft!

For this reason, I, asking myself to write articles, having learned to know such a program, would allow me to transform the voice of the text. I thought it would be good, I was just saying everything that is needed in the microphone, and the computer will take care of me :)

What was my rozcharuvannya, if I understand that at that moment there were no really practicable (and more free) solutions for tsієї. Buli, schopravda, vіtchiznіnі rozrobki, on kshtalt "Gorinich" and "Dictograf". The stench roamed the Russian language, but, unfortunately, the quality of the recognition of the language was small to do low;

Then the world appeared Android and the situation broke the dead center. In this system of voice input, it turned out to be an alternative to virtual input on-screen keyboard. І axis recently in one of the comments I was asked, what is the possibility of voice input for Windows? I’m sure, so far, but I’ve been poking around and found out, maybe I don’t know the full value, but such a possibility exists! About the results of my research and will be today's article.

Movie recognition problem

Before that, I would like to start sorting out the solutions for voice input in Windows today, I would like to see a little bit of the essence of the problem of recognizing the computer. For a more accurate understanding of the process, I will be amazed at the following scheme:

Yak bachimo, the translation of the movie into the text is found at the end of the stage:

  1. Voice digitization. At what stage is it possible to lie down in the form of clarity of speech, the quality of a microphone sound card.
  2. Correspondence of the entry with the entries in the glossary. Here the principle "the more - the more beautiful" is applied: the more words are written down to avenge the dictionary, the greater the chance that your words will be recognized correctly.
  3. Vision to the text. The system automatically, orienting by pauses, is shown in the stream of movi okremi lexemes, matching template lexemes from the vocabulary, and that will display the knowledge of the lexemes like the text.

The main problem, no matter how hard it is to guess, depends on two main nuances: the quality of the digitized version of the movie and the scope of the dictionary with templates. The first problem is to really minimize it due to the presence of a cheap microphone and a standard sound card. To finish it, just speak slowly and expressively.

With another problem, unfortunately, not everything is so simple ... Computer, on the face of people, can not correctly recognize that very phrase, I say, for example, a woman and a man. For whom in the yoga base are guilty of insulting options voiced by different voices!

At tsomu i kryetsya the main trick. To create a vocabulary for one person, in principle, is not so smooth, however, vrakhovuchi, that the skin word can be written in many vipads, it’s hard to go out for a long time. Therefore, most of the programs used today for recognizing movies are either costly too expensive, or they don’t make good dictionaries, giving them the opportunity to create them independently.

I didn’t guess for nothing about Android a little more. On the right, in the fact that Google, a kind of yogo, has created and is the only globally accessible global online vocabulary for recognizing movies (moreover, rich!) under the name Google Voice API. A similar dictionary for Russian is also created by Yandex, but for the time being, unfortunately, it is still unsuitable for quotation in real minds. Therefore, all cost-free solutions are practical, as we look below, prac google dictionaries. Obviously, all the stinks can be the same as the clarity of recognition and the nuances are more likely to be found in the advanced capabilities ...

Voice entry software

There are not so many programs for voice input for Windows. That and tі, yakі є і razumіyut russian mov, basically є paid ... For example, the variety of the popular system for converting voice into text RealSpeaker starts from the badge of 2,587 rubles, and the professional complex Caesar-R as much as 35,900 rubles!

But in the middle of all the expensive software there is one program, which doesn’t cost a penny, but if you give it functionality, it’s more low enough for more koristuvachivs. It's called MSpeech:

The main program can have the simplest possible interface - an indicator of equal sound and only three buttons: increase the record, start the record and open the sound again. Pratyuє MSpeech is also easy. You need to press the record button, insert the cursor at the window, in which case the text will be displayed and start dictating. For greater clarity of recording, it is better to carry out the sound with hot keys, which can be inserted in the Settings:

Hot keys, you may need to change the type of transfer to the text of the window required programs. Behind the lock, the view is set to the active window, however, you can set the transfer to inactive fields or the fields of a specific program. Z additional capabilities varto designate a group of nalashtuvan "Team", as it allows to implement voice control computer for help with your phrases.

Vzagali Well MSpeech - dosit zruchnaya program, as it allows you to type text with your voice at any time vikni Windows. The only aspect of її vikoristanny - the computer is responsible for connecting to the Internet to access Google's dictionaries.

Voice input online

If you don’t want to install any programs on your computer, but if you try to enter text by voice, you can use one of the many online services that work on the basis of Google’s own dictionaries.

Well, obviously, we’ll tell you about the “native” Google service under the name Web Speech API:

This service allows you to translate into the text of the non-negotiable vіdrіzki mov bіlsh nіzh on 50 mov! You just have to choose the language you are speaking, click on the microphone icon in the right upper codend form, if necessary, confirm allowed to access the site to the microphone and talk more.

If you don’t win as a high-specialized terminology and speak clearly, then you can take even the wrong result. Krіm slіv servіs "razumіє" shch razdіlovі signs: if you say "dot" or "coma", the necessary sign will appear at the form of viewing.

When the recognition recording is completed, the text will be automatically seen, and you can copy it to the clipboard or send it by mail.

With a small amount of varto, it is less possible for the service to work with Google Chrome browsers older than version 25, as well as the possibility of multi-movie recognition.

Before the speech, on our site in the mountains you will find the most Russified version of the ciєї form of recognition of the movie. Cheer up for health;)

On the basis of the Google service, you can access similar online resources for recognizing movies. One of the most interesting for us is the website:

Viewed from the Web Speech API, looks more stylish than a notepad. The main advantage in front of the Google service is those that allow you to download the record, and then restart it and save the text when you enter it until you press the "Clear" button yourself.

Yak i Google service hail sign and food, but do not start a new proposition from the great letter.

If you are looking for a service with maximum functionality, then, without a doubt, it will be one of the best in your plan:

Headlines for the service:

  • presence of a Russian-language interface;
  • the possibility of reviewing and choosing options for recognition;
  • the presence of voice prompts;
  • auto-switching off the recording after three pauses;
  • awakenings text editor with the functions of copying the text to the clipboard, rozdrukivka yogo on the printer, overpowering the post or Twitter and translating in other languages.

The only small service (for example, the descriptions of the big shortcomings of the Web Speech API) does not have a basic robotic algorithm for such services. After pressing the button to record that dictation to the text, you need to review it, choose the option that best suits what you want to say, and then transfer it to the text editor below. Then the procedure can be repeated.

Plugins for Chrome

Let's look at the advanced programs and online services, there is one more way to recognize the movement in the text. Tsej sposіb zdіysnyuєtsya for rahunok plug-ins for browser Google Chrome.

The main priority of choosing plugins is those that, for their help, you can enter the text by voice, not only in a special form on the website of the service, but also in any field of introduction to any web resource! In fact, plug-ins occupy an industrial niche between services and advanced programs for voice input.

One of shorter expansion to translate the movie into text є SpeechPad:

I won’t hesitate, I’ll say that SpeechPad is one of the best Russian services that will translate movies into text. On the official website, you will find an obtuse (even a few old designs) online notebook with no features that have been inserted, among them:

  • podtrimka voice commands computer management;
  • the footprint for the placement of rose signs has been improved;
  • sound mute function on PC;
  • integration with Windows (although, on a paid basis);
  • the ability to recognize text from video or audio recording (function "Transcription");
  • translation of the rozpіznanogo text, be it mine;
  • saving text in text file, available for zavantazhennya.

As far as the plug-in, we hope that we will simplify the functionality of the service as much as possible. Insert the cursor at the input field required context menu and press "SpeechPad". Now confirm access to the microphone i, if the input field becomes erysipelas, dictate the required text.

After that, as you pin to speak (pause longer than 2 seconds), the plug-in itself will record the record and you will see everything you said in the field. You can go to the plugin setup (right click on the plugin icon in the top) and change the parameters for the lock:

It's not surprising, but the entire Google Internet-shop extension didn't have the same plug-in any more, which would allow the voice input to be implemented in a text field. The only similar expansion was English. You add the microphone icon to all fields entered on the web site, but if you don’t enter the correct button, then the screen may appear on the screen.

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