How to automatically fix the bezdrotovo merezha. What is the WLAN autoconfiguration service?

Golovna / Main functionality

In the comments, often set the power supply so that the laptop does not succumb Wi-Fi Merezhi (Whi-Fi not included), or not far off to start distributing Wi-Fi on laptops. Even more often, such problems are blamed due to the inclusion of the WLAN autotuning service. Є in Windows such a service, there is no dartless z'ednanny. Since the axis, as the WlanSvc service is up, you cannot connect the computer to Wi-Fi or start the access point on the laptop.

If you just want to connect your laptop to a Wi-Fi network, then through the WLAN auto-tuning service, the laptop simply cannot be connected to the available wireless network. Bude status. And when you try to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop, more than for everything, a pardon appears "It was not possible to start the WLAN autoconfiguration service (1068)". In any case, it is necessary to rectify the problem. You just need to check what service is running on your computer. And if not, then run її i install in settings automatic start.

I will show you how to turn on the WLAN autoconfiguration service in Windows 10. But, if you have Windows 7, 8, or go to Windows Vista, then everything will be the same. The process itself is not disturbed.

What is a WLAN service?

Even without folding and boring terms, then the service is given operating system Windows requires all wireless connections (Wi-Fi and Bluetooth). Therefore, the WlanSvc service is responsible for asking, connecting, enabling and other operations that are necessary for the work dartless connections on laptops. Assuming that the Zupinena service is given, then Windows cannot work with the available wireless networks, and cannot connect to them.

Basically, that's all we need to know about the WLAN autotuning service. The system has the locking function turned on. You ask, but why do you need to vmikati? Everything is even simpler, there are a lot of instructions on the Internet, to make it possible to turn on this service, so that the computer works better. Also, the service can be turned on by other programs, especially to love the work of various system optimizers. And if you don’t have original installations Windows image If you choose, the service may be turned on immediately after the system is installed.

So, if you don't connect your computer to a dartless system, then you don't need this service, the computer is good enough without it. Ale didn’t bring, so you can turn on її.

How to enable WLAN autoconfiguration service in Windows 10, 8, 7

Click on the keyboard keys Win+R. Show up at Vikonati. We enter the command services.msc", then press "Ok".

Set "Startup Type" to "Automatic". Press the "Ok" button, then "Stop".

Reboot the computer. Pіslya tsikh dіy everything can be zapratsyuvati.

What's the problem with WlanSvc service not starting?

If you are stuck with the WLAN autoconfiguration service not starting, the problem may be that the autoconfiguration service is up. Let's review and turn on yoga.

I press the keys again Win+R, once again enter " msconfig", then press "Ok".

We know that the list will require us to serve, and we marvel at the cost of a tick. If not, then put, press "OK" and "Stop".

Reboot the computer.

If they didn’t help you solve the problem, then describe it in a report in the comments. If there is a problem with connecting to Wi-Fi, then look at the article. And if you went to this side, to know the root of the problem Wi-Fi distribution from a laptop, and descriptions of the other way were not added, look at the solution in the stats.

What can be simpler, lower connect to dartless mesh WiFi? It is enough to enter the password and to check the installation of the login. Sound like this and sound, but if it’s working, if you are connected to the border (without access to the Internet) why won’t the call be restored? Let's talk about the causes, through which they blame similar troubles, and how to fight them.

Why Windows 8 does not download WiFi devices or it does not connect to them

Computer or laptop pid keruvannyam Windows 8 do not shackle Wi-Fi for offensive reasons:

  • wifi adapter not insertions, vimkneniy or wrong;
  • the system has an daily driver without a dart fence;
  • on the computer, the mode "At the light" is enabled;
  • there is no available access point for dartless meshes near your accommodation zone;
  • hotspot ( wireless router), how to know the order, turned on, incorrectly sewn or faulty;
  • standardize the connection of the computer and the access points are not mutually supported;
  • there are attachments nearby that create a radio signal;
  • WiFi adapter works in monitoring mode.

As if the border is visible, but the connection is not created, but it is fenced:

  • access to the Internet for ciєї merezhі is not secured or fenced;
  • connection to the fence is surrounded by the administrator;
  • the access point cannot be polled via override;
  • incorrect settings of the access point are found.

Required connection to a dremelless tether

Revіryaєmo fringing adapter

Stationary PCs should be sold without WiFi adapters, so for connecting to a wireless network, you need to buy and install an OKremo adapter. For example, like in the picture.

For a laptop, a Wi-Fi adapter is not required - the wine is already in the middle.

In order for the laptop to be able to be connected to them, Wi-Fi must be turned on. On some models, for which one, a jumper or a button on the case is transferred.

On other victors, there are two keys Fn + F1 ... F12. For the notation of the droto-free adapter, you can see the key from the image of the antenna.

After notification, the WiFi adapter is guilty of reporting to the dispatcher Windows add-ons 8. To convert, start the dispatcher from the context menu Windows buttons(Start)

and open the list of "Merezhni adapters". If your adapter is on this list, the system recognizes and installs it. As if the wine appears as an unknown attachment - go to the website of the yoga maker and install the driver.

If the adapter is connected, but don’t bat it, change the settings, what is the activation code for the BIOS.

The option, which vouches for the operation of the built-in WiFi, is called OnBoard Wireless LAN or Wireless LAN support. Її Values ​​may be Enabled.

Until then, change your mind, scho drotoless adapter do not interrupt the traffic monitoring mode (monitor mode). If you want to win this mode, you need to know about it (when you need to install a special driver).

Checking the access point

Whether a PC or a laptop does not saturate the hotspot, try connecting to another. For re-verification, you can vikoristovuvat hromadskі merezhі, for example, near cafes and parks, or privately - from your friends. To convert a stationary computer without being at home, you can temporarily create a virtual access point on another annex.

If there are no connections anywhere - problems are found in the adapter or in the WiFi settings on the computer, and if there is no connection to more than one access point - a problem, it's probably, it's not.

Steps of diagnostics (as the previous step did not call until the end of the problem, go to the offensive):

  • Check that the access point is recognized and that the signal is being recognized (it is indicated by the light of the indicator of the wireless network).

  • Change, there are no additions to the router and the computer, which create electromagnetic transitions - radiotelephones, micro-furnaces, hard power cables. Try moving the access point closer to the computer to improve the signal.
  • Unmute the router and re-mute it. In order to avoid problems - skip the settings: go with the object - a toothpick or a violin, press the recessed Reset button, as it is on the back or bottom side of the fixture. After any manipulations, all adjustments will be updated before I become, after the purchase.

  • Change the frequency channel of the movement. Connect the computer to the access point for an additional cable, see the menu to set up a wireless mesh, find the option " Channel» and go to another channel. It is possible to be inspired by some of them.

  • For this menu, turn on the “Get SSID” and, if it is active, mark “Hi”. Adding SSID to the IM'I merge - in the lists of available connections such a merge is not displayed. Also raise the standards dartless sting b / g on the other hand, as the Wi-Fi adapter on your computer works with one of them, and the access point - with the other, for example "a", which "b" and "g" does not support.

  • If a lot of attachments are connected to the access point at the same time, you can attach a confirmation through the switch. At home, such situations are small, but they often trapleyatsya in organizations. Try to connect to the next, less zavantazheno ї merezhі, or repeat the test in a deyaky hour.

Revisiting Windows 8

Mode "At the litaku"

WiFi can be accessed through those that are koristuvach by activating the "At a time" mode in Windows 8 - in which mode lace adapter vimikaetsya and the computer does not succumb to any dartless mesh. It means that the problems are effectively blamed through the name, in addition, the icon of the link in the system tray - it looks like a hatch.

Purpose: Windows Server 2008R2

Dartless Service local mesh(WLAN) - ce Windows component Server® 2008 R2 and Windows Server® 2008, you can tweak to enable the kernless merging auto-tuning service and enable the droit-less merging auto-tuning service to start automatically. Note that the service for autoadjusting the wireless wire link dynamically selects the wireless wire link until the computer automatically connects and sets the required parameters of the wireless wire adapter. Switching on the automatic selection and connection to the shortest wireless tether, if it becomes available.

Local tetherless service

The droto-free local tether service automatically starts the drote-less local tether service, regardless of whether the computer has an IEEE 802.11 droto-less adapter installed. Having removed, auto -nuclear -melted Merezhi tumor, all up in the comp -adapters of non -crushed Merezhi, keru with non -conquers IEEE 802.11, but one of the Keru Profiles of the Bespokoli, Necokhidnni for the hungry. The service of auto-adjustment of a tetherless tether allows you to connect to the current tetherless tether, to change the connection to a tetherless tether, to connect to a new tetherless tether and to connect to a new tetherless tether. The service of auto-adjustment of a non-rotor tether also informs about access to new available non-rot tethers. When a kerfless tether is mimicked, the arborless tether autoadjustment service will automatically update the adjustment of the arborless tether adapter appropriately to the parameters new lines, and then the sample is connected to the measure.

With the first connection to the kerfless tether, as it is not mentioned, the main installation of the tether is fixed. Ale, you may need to nashtuvati Additional parameters, such as the type of encryption of data or the key of the cell, as the stench is not automatically configured for the additional policy of the wireless cell (IEEE 802.11) in the service Active Directory. You may need to ask merging administrator merezhi vіdpovіdnі allowed for oblіkovogo record.

Notification that the launch of the service for auto-adjustment of droto-free lines

Іsnuє kіlka ways іvіmknennya that launching the service without darts.

  • Master of new possibilities

    Set up the dromeless service in the New Features Matrix of Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2008.

  • Rootless Mere Policy (IEEE 802.11)

    Enable the Wireless Merge (IEEE 802.11) Windows Vista® policy setting. Powerfulness of the Rootless Merge Policy (IEEE 802.11) Windows Vista, on the tab Zagalni, select item Tweak the Windows WLAN autoconfiguration service for clients.

    This setting allows administrators to specify whether the dromeless merging autoconfiguration service will be enabled for configuring and configuring dromeless clients, so that it can be handled by Windows® 7, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2008, up to a minimum of droit.

  • Netsh WLAN set autoconfig

    To run netsh WLAN commands on computers that work with Windows Server 2008 R2 Windows Server 2008 checks, you need to install the service.

    Check out the following syntax for the "netsh wlan set autoconfig" command:

    set autoconfig enabled={yes|no} interface=InterfaceName

    The "netsh wlan" command can be tweaked to fix local computer abo for nalashtuvannya kіlkoh kom'yuterіv for podpomogoyu scenario input.

  • At equipment "Services" of the management console (MMC).

    Go to the service of auto-adjustment of the droto-free barrier and change the authority of the service to the best of your ability.

    Authority of droto-free services

    In this division are described the differences between the service of setting up a non-rotor mesh on computers, which is used to handle the repair of OS from one side, that service of a non-core mesh on computers, which is to be processed under the repair of an OS from the other side.

    Change service name automatic fitting dartless connections

    Vіdomosti about automatically setting up wireless connections for wireless wires with a wide range transmission and without it.

    Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows Vista

    Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 service bezdrotov nalashtuvannya we try to create a streakless streak, as if broadly transmitting your streak names, with the profiles of bazhany streakless streaks, sewn to this computer. For the availability of the available lines, yak proving the profile of the bazhanoy without dart line, the service supersedes the trial, to determine if the lines are not overestimated from the ordered list of lines without a wide transfer.

    As a result, the computer is connected back to the wide-width links, and then it is less likely to go to the link without the wide-width transfer, as if the link without the wide-width transfer is in the list of advantages than the wide-width one.

    Besides, bezdrotov Windows clients XP and Windows Server 2003 announce their lists of bugs without darts for an hour of testing power.

    On Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Vista, you can configure kernless merge configuration profiles as wide merge profiles or merge profiles without wide transfer.

    As a result, the service of auto-adjustment of slingless sidings is connected to streakless sidings in the order in which they are listed in the list of shortest streaks, regardless of whether stings are wide streaks or streaks without wide transfer.

    The shards of a non-kernel link are explicitly marked as wide-width or non-wide-width, non-kernel clients, as a proxy for Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows Vista, for a non-width-width net, they require only a trial run.

    Change of behavior for inaccessible bazhany without darts

    Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows Vista

    In Windows XP and Windows Server 2003, it is not possible to connect to a bugless wireless network, and a wireless client can be installed so that you can automatic connection to wireless railings, included in the list of security railings (for locking), auto-adjustment of wireless railings creates an imposition of wireless railings and switches the adapter of wireless railings to infrastructure mode. Ale, at the vicarious tether without dart, there is a new security, which allows the coristuvachev-evil mischief to connect to the dart-free client, vikoristovuyuchi im'ya dart-free tassels. NOVENENNA of the non-honey-free clip for Windows XP with a package SP2 Zmіnynya Vedvynka, Vynnoye for an adapter of the mere meresa vipadovo that laceless rabbi, and stolen the form of the embrace of the ciphery, the cipher-pile of the cipher-pile of the cephrevannya, the cereminite This new behavior helps to get the evildoer to connect to a dartless client for the help of a vipadkovy name of a dartless thread.

    For computers that work on Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7 and Windows Vista, and update the wireless drivers, the expansion for Windows Vista, the Autoconfiguration Service of the Wireless Network Merges the Wireless Network Adapter into passive listening mode, despite the fact that , on the work of computers under the supervision of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. When in passive mode, the adapter of the wireless network does not transmit frames of the probes in the name of the wireless network, or be it some other name, and the attackers cannot connect to the wireless connection.

    For the selection of supplementary lists of divs. jetless access with 802.1X authentication ( (may be my English page)).

Usі vykonuyut svoї zavdannya that stalking behind the singing sector of the computer's activity. Tsіkava for us is the service of auto-adjustment of the Wlan wire rope. Even though it hasn’t been launched, we’ll take a few problems out of the dart-free missions. What is work? Let's get smart.

Wlan service is secure default setting all dartless z'ednan(Bluetooth, Wi-Fi), assigns algorithms to support a stable connection and active connections. Varto change, IP address mask and other settings you can change manually. If you don’t get any Wi-Fi connections right away, but you know for sure that they stink - you need to connect the Wlan switch, if you can’t distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop - the same ones (sound at the call about the pardon, write “You didn’t get far to start the auto-tuning service WLAN").

Let's get to the reward

So, you have decided that Wlan needs to be turned off. Hello yak? Our service is known among others like them, so it is necessary for us to know them. We press the Win + R keys, enter the services.msc command and press "Ok". We have all the services in front of us, we can connect them to the skin, turn it on or start it, or else we need that Wlan itself, just kidding. Before speech, you can drink in this place even without the “Vikonati” row, for which we go to the checkout panel through the “Start” menu and in the “System and security” category, we know the item “Administration.

Clicking on our row with the right mouse button, we go in at the Yakost. Change the mode to automatic, press the "Start" button and select the change.

Even though Wi-Fi-merezhі still did not show up - the service is turned on, you need to dig a little more. The name for us is to call "Vikonati" to the onslaught of Win + R, and now we enter the msconfig command. At the top, as it turned out, go to the “Services” tab and check our WLAN autoconfiguration service, better for everything, there will be no checkmark for it, put it on the spot. Please change and don't forget to reset your computer. If you have everything with a hardware part (Wi-Fi module is only a few and there is no room on the board), then everything dartless ways zv'yazku mayut zapratsyuvati.

IMPORTANT! Don't think thoughtlessly including right-handed and left-handed services. The skin of them controls the operation of the machine, including whether it is from them, it can lead to the appearance of a great number of problems. In the worst case, you will have to turn to a specialist for many improvements and improvements to the robotic system. Vtim, everything is not so scary, just go to the right place with your mind, you can speed up the work of your computer by turning on the services for you.


The service of autoconfiguration of the Wlan wireless network, like and іnshі, is often turned on through unknown. A lot of smart people recommend to turn on the switch to improve the driver's code of the car, and not far away the koristuvach then stained for an hour to find out the reason for the Wi-Fi. Also, in special Windows settings, the service can be turned on later, so don’t shy away, as you can’t connect to the Internet audibly after reinstalling Windows. If you have winickle food - put it in the comments!

What can be simpler, lower, connect to a non-dartless Merezі WiFi? It is enough to enter the password and to check the installation of the login. Sound like this and it will sound, but if it’s working, it’s like a connection to the border (without access to the Internet) or the call will not be restored? Let's talk about the causes, through which they blame similar troubles, and how to fight them.

Why Windows 8 does not download WiFi devices or it does not connect to them

Computer or laptop under Windows 8 don't download Wi-Fi for the following reasons:

        • WiFi adapter does not install, fail or malfunction;
        • the system has an daily driver without a dart fence;
        • on the computer, the mode "At the light" is enabled;
        • there is no available access point for dartless meshes near your accommodation zone;
        • an access point (routeless router), as if entrusted, disabled, incorrectly configured or not working;
        • standardize the connection of the computer and the access points are not mutually supported;
        • there are attachments nearby that create a radio signal;
        • WiFi adapter works in monitoring mode.

As if the border is visible, but the connection is not created, but it is fenced:

        • access to the Internet for ciєї merezhі is not secured or fenced;
        • connection to the fence is surrounded by the administrator;
        • the access point cannot be polled via override;
        • incorrect settings of the access point are found.

Required connection to a dremelless tether

Revіryaєmo fringing adapter

Stationary PCs should be sold without WiFi adapters, so for connecting to a wireless network, you need to buy and install an OKremo adapter. For example, like in the picture.

For a laptop, a Wi-Fi adapter is not needed - the wine is already in the middle.

In order for the laptop to be able to be connected to them, Wi-Fi must be turned on. On some models, for which one, a jumper or a button on the case is transferred.

On other victors, there are two keys Fn + F1 ... F12. For the notation of the droto-free adapter, you can see the key from the image of the antenna.

If notified, the WiFi adapter is guilty of appearing in the Device Manager in Windows 8. To check, start the Manager from the context menu of the Windows button (Start)

and open the list of "Merezhni adapters". If your adapter is on this list, the system recognizes and installs it. As if the wine appears as an unknown attachment - go to the website of the yoga maker and install the driver.

If the adapter is connected, but don’t bat it, change the settings, what is the activation code for the BIOS.

The option, which vouches for the operation of the built-in WiFi, is called OnBoard Wireless LAN or Wireless LAN support. Її Values ​​may be Enabled.

Also, make sure that the droto-free adapter does not change to monitor mode. If you want to win this mode, you need to know about it (when you need to install a special driver).

Checking the access point

Whether a PC or a laptop does not saturate the hotspot, try connecting to another. For re-verification, you can vikoristovuvat hromadskі merezhi, for example, at cafes and parks, or privately with your friends. If you want to convert a stationary computer without being at home, you can create other additions at the same time.

As far as wireless connections are not shown anywhere - the problems are traced in the adapter or the WiFi settings on the computer, and as there is no connection to only one access point - the problem, apparently, lies in it.

Steps of diagnostics (as the previous step did not call until the end of the problem, go to the offensive):

        • Check that the access point is recognized and that the signal is being recognized (it is indicated by the light of the indicator of the wireless network).

        • Change, that there are no additions to the router and the computer, that they create electromagnetic transitions - radiotelephones, micro-furnaces, hard power cables. Try moving the access point closer to the computer to improve the signal.
        • Unmute the router and re-mute it. In order to avoid problems, skip the settings: go with the object - a toothpick or a violin, press the recessed Reset button, as it is on the back or bottom side of the fixture. After any manipulations, all adjustments will be updated before I become, after the purchase.

        • Change the frequency channel of the movement. Connect the computer to the access point for an additional cable, see the menu to set up a wireless mesh, find the option " Channel» and go to another channel. It is possible to be inspired by some of them.

        • For this menu, turn on the “Get SSID” and, if it is active, mark “Hi”. Attached SSID is not displayed in the list of available connections such a link is not displayed. Also, consider supporting the standards of the wireless b / g connection to the port, so that the Wi-Fi adapter on your computer works on one of them, and the access point - on the other, for example, "a", such as "b" and "g" do not support.

        • If a lot of attachments are connected to the access point at the same time, you can attach a confirmation through the switch. At home, such situations are small, but they often trapleyatsya in organizations. Try to connect to the next, less zavantazheno ї merezhі, or repeat the test in a deyaky hour.

Revisiting Windows 8

Mode "At the litaku"

WiFi can be accessed through those that are short-circuited by activating the Windows 8 mode "At the fly" - in this mode, the wired adapter will be switched on and the computer will not be able to download the wireless wire. It means that the problems are rightly called out through the name, in addition, the icon of the link in the system tray - it looks like a little box.

To exit user mode in Windows 8, open the Charms bar to merge and click the Settings charm.

Then click "Change computer settings".

Reconsider that Windows is re-booting WiFi, and the icon of the border in the tray is nabula in front of you.

Merezheva diagnostics

Windows 8 has a tool that automatically diagnoses problems with connection to a device. Vin is called "Diagnostics merezhe Windows". This tool should be able to download and use a rich code for WiFi robots, for example, if it is blocked, but the computer is not connected to the Internet (the connection is closed) or the Internet is, but access to the site is closed.

If the connection is surrounded, the icon of the border in the tray is marked with a hail sign.

To run Windows 8 system diagnostics, right-click on the mouse icon and select "Problem diagnostics".

Verify Usage Utility fence on the computer, it is necessary to indicate how close access to the Internet is. Local problems, which can be corrected, will be used automatically. And if you don’t get connected, for example, through problems with the access point or problems on the provider’s side, the information will appear at the window with the “Not fixed” sign.

If there is a connection on the PC, there is only one of them, otherwise the diagnosis should not cause problems, it is possible to diagnose only the chosen border. For whom to see to the "Center for Management of Merezhami that double access» and go to the folder « Merezhevy connection” (click on the transition panel “Change adapter parameters”).

Open the context menu of the connection, like an exchange, and press "Diagnostics".

WLAN autoconfiguration service

Inadequacies with connections are blamed even after the cracks of the services, which became vague or through ignorance. For the WiFi robot in Windows 8, the WLAN autoconfiguration service is enabled. As a matter of fact, the Ethernet connection is not obstructed by anything, but the system does not work without a network, to fix the re-checking of the services.

        • Start the "Services" program: open the context menu of the Windows (Start) button and click "Vikonati".

        • Dali to dial a command from the row "Vidkriti" services.msc and press OK.

        • Find in the list Windows Services 8 auto-adjustment of the wireless local network, open the menu and select the Power item.

        • To start a service, press "Start", and from the "Startup type" list, select "Automatic".

So that the WLAN autoconfiguration service could start, if necessary, so that another service could work - Manager Windows connection. Find її in this list and install їy similar settings.

Other parameters WiFi connection do not work on pc manual lashing. All data for Internet access - IP, gateway addresses, DNS, etc., the network is taken automatically from the access point's DHCP server.

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