How to get to the Play Market: get for new koristuvachiv. Registration in the Play Market and installation of programs

Golovna / Google Play

Play market- an online store for all tablets and phones that work on operating system Android. Zavdyaki youmu, you can install programs and games, buy and buy films, books, music and other rozvazhalni elements. On all extensions, the Play Market program is installed on Android devices for the default, but if there are any reasons on your phone or tablet, you can’t, then you can fix it, install it, update it and adjust it on your own, and after carrying out these procedures, you can often see. A little more, you need to register with Google.

How to get it and install the Play Market

The only way to install the Play Market is to get it installation file programs from one of the converted sites and vodkriti yogo. For example, having crossed for tsim posilannyam -

Download the installation file

What is Robiti, how can the Play Market be updated?

If there is a pardon at the beginning of the update, otherwise the process is interrupted, not reaching the end, then the problem will be helped by the following:

  • Reverse, chi stably pratsyuє іnternet-z'ednannya.
  • Clear cache and data from Play Market and Google services.
  • Restart attachments.
  • Speed ​​up another way Play update Market: delete old version and install a new one manually.

Yak vidaliti

You can only see the Play Market by having root-rights on your device, without them you can only turn it on. However, sometimes a simple inclusion may be enough, so let us consider this option.

Enabled without manifest root-rights

Viewing with root rights

Also, Play Maarket can be manually installed and installed manually, as well as tweaked for yourself. For work with a shoe store, a Google account is required, which is the only one for all services Google. Information about yourself in the form Google entry You can change at any time, the password required for access to the public record, you can always change it again. The mail, tied to the oblіkovogo record, cannot be changed, but if you require anything else, you can see your oblіkovogo record and register a new one.

For a full-scale recruitment of non-obligatory resources Google Play Market it is necessary to go through the registration procedure and create a personal appearance record. For the whole process, you will spend 30 minutes of energy, after which you can immediately proceed to the beginning of any program. Play market may be in its order wide selection like bezkoshtovnyh, so i paid products, yakі zroblyat the robot with the phone

How to create an account with kuti without a phone

First, create your own official record on Google Play, you need to register in Google systems. You can do it for an additional phone and without it (how to add an oblique note to the phone is described in the offensive section). The creation of a Google public record is made up of a number of stages:

How to add a google record to your phone

Addition of created Google account on the mobile phone Necessarily, if you want to purchase or capture content. Thank you for your respect, that one phone can add a single copy of oblokovyh records. The procedure for adding a Google account to your phone is simple: Vitaemo! You have successfully transferred your Google account to your phone, and now you can start working on Play Market tobto.

How to create a face record google play

There is no need to create an oblique record on Google Play. Enough to register in the system and activate physical record on the phone. Go to the Play Store, to the left upper codend click on the horizontal smog and look at your personal account. Here you can ask for a customization automatic update dodatkіv, svіy list bazhany, knowing tsіkavі for you programs or games and vikonuvat іnshі available dії. Intuitively sensible interface allows you to easily orient yourself to unintelligible shorthands.

At once, I can see how to register in the "Play Market" on the phone. Yakscho honestly, then food chain to cackle the rich coristuvachs. Aje, our today's program is going to be corny. So it's true. In addition, it would be good to know, in some way you can start your own profile at Play Market. Not ob'yazkovo s phone. For example, from a computer tezh. In principle, there will be no problems from the moment. It is especially important to know exactly what and how to work.


In front of them on the phone or other gadgets, it is necessary to clearly understand, for which we are on the right. Aje buvaє and so, scho koristuvach tsіkavitsya registration, and then razumіє, scho that chi іnsha service is not needed. І zayviy account only important.

"Play Market" - this service, which allows you to buy and buy your own different software for the help of the Internet on mobile attachment. An addendum like "Google", which significantly makes life easier for a modern koristuvach. And that’s why it’s so rich who can click how you can register in Play Market via phone or be some other gadget. Realizuetsya tse zavdannya dekilkom ways. And all stinks do not impair any special knowledge. Let's get to know them better.


First, why do you need to start - install your own one-menu program on your smartphone. Best download "Play Market" from the site "Google". Abo z be some other nadijny dzherel. Remember, the sumnіvnі chi unverified services happen to be unique. Aje you can just steal the oblіkovy record.

As soon as the program is zavantazhena, install it on a mobile device. Are you ready? Only if you can think how you can register in the "Play Market" through the phone. Adje tsey protіkatime vkrai quickly and without problems. Golovne - the presence of the same program on your mobile device.

Scratch your phone

Well, it's far away. Now, if the program is on gadgets, you can go into it. And then you can start thinking about how to register in the "Play Market" on the "Android" phone. Did you get to the program? What do we care about here?

Here, two options will be suggested. Let's talk about the first time. Vіn is also suitable for the theme of our rozmovi. We choose another option from the window. Vin is called "New". Please pay attention to the fact that you can work on the registration and you can turn on the Internet. You won't see anything else.

After the onslaught of "New" in front of you on the phone will appear all the time. It is your responsibility to write your own name (outside). Quietly "Dalі" and marveling that now the system is working. It is necessary to come up with a login for email"Google" is the login password. We write the official data, then we emboss "Dali". From i all. Now you can go to Google+ and go to Play Market. Nothing special, right? To go out, to submit, how to register in the "Play Market" on "Android", to do it just to start an email Google.

Yakshcho already є

There is one more layout to discuss our topics. On the right, everything is in the fact that just as you go to the "Play Market" before registration, you will be prompted for two options. We haven't talked about the first yet. Tse - "isnuchy".

If you press on someone else, you will have to think for a long time how to register in Play Market on the phone. Tsey method relevant for entrepreneurs, if the correspondent already has his e-mail on Google. You can link to the Play Market and successfully win for authorization.

How tse robiti? Thumb on "Isnuchy" and remember all the fields that have appeared. More precisely, you will have to write the address of the already known electronic mail and the password in it. If everything is broken up correctly, you will deny access to the "Play Market". You can take advantage of programs and games, start a robot with software from the saved month and not only. And more importantly, everyday problems from the robots of the coristuvachiv do not trap for such a layout. Just remember - the mail will be attached to the Play Market. І on any addendum, vikoristovuyuchi її address and password, you can use it with your own record.


For which you happen to just go to the Google website and start there email addresses. Abo vikoristati is already clear. How to "turn" everything? Registering in Play Market via phone is not a problem. And it's even easier with a computer.

You are to blame to see and click on "Show" at the top right corner of the screen. Now press "Create Appearance Record". Vіdkryєtsya vikno registration. Save all fields as much as possible. In the general language order, create a password and login for mail. Spare address can not vkazuvati. And the axis of the mobile is better to write. We enter a "captcha" to confirm that you are not a bot and do not cheat, and then we check for the result. From i all. Vіdteper you have є mail on Google. Won is needed for authorization in the "Play Market". Before speech, on the computer, the service is called "Google Play". Those same, scho i Play Market. As you raptovo vyrishili log in from the phone at your oblique record, vikolistovyte registration from the data computer.

Why is it easy?

The hour has come to pick up the bags. We now know how to register in Play Market on phones, tablets and computers. How can you remember, it doesn’t matter. That's it, the registration can be "omitted" as you already have Google mail.

Before speech, the robot from Google Play on the computer is handy, because all programs are automatically downloaded to the smartphone. So, if you don't want to install that other software on your machine, when you authorize on your phone or tablet in the Play Market, you will have a wine. In this rank, it’s not safe to use a phone that is a computer for robots from the Play Market.

If you have a quick winklo feed on the topic of how to register in the play market, then you are here, for the details cover instructions you know how to register on the tablet in the play market.

To open the registration in the play market, you need the following on your tablet: On the desktop of your tablet, press the "Menu" button.

If you press the "Menu" button, a menu will appear on your tablet, in which you different programs your tablet, we currently need the play market program, for which we know the play market program and run it on your tablet.

As soon as you launch the play market program, on your tablet you will get a special page, in which case we need to register.
And so to start registering in the play market, you will need to press the "New" button.

If you click on the “New” button, your tablet will show the first registration window, in which case you will need to indicate your name.
And so the first row has its own name.
The other row has its own nickname, and it is pressing on special button go ahead to continue registration with the play market.

If you press the "Forward" button, another registration form will appear on your tablet, in which you will need to come up with a login for your gmail mail screen.
And so, in a special row, it is possible to enter a login, which you have been honored with, for mail, which will be registrations and creations Postal screenshot on gmail.
Since you have guessed a unique name for your login, you will need to click on the Continue button.

If you press the “Forward” button, a third registration key will appear on your tablet, in which you will need to come up with a password to enter the play market program.
Return your respect: on your tablet, a pardon may appear, about those that the registration cannot be continued, all through those that have logged in before registering in the play market addendum, and you will need to turn back a crochet and enter a different login, then repeat try .
And so the password for the first row is specified, the password for the play market, it can be formed from Latin great letters and great letters, digits, and the password is also responsible for the formation of more symbols.
At the other row, you will need to repeat the password that you entered at the first row.
Call respect: your login and password from the play market, write down the language in your notebook, so that you need the vin.
After you have indicated that you have repeated the password, you will need to press the "Forward" button.

If you press the "Next" button, your tablet will show the fourth registration window, in which you will need to provide a password reset hint.
For example, if you forget your password, you can save the password by sending it to another mail screen by sending it to the secret password.
And so, from the first point, we choose the food you need.
Then, at the other row, it is necessary to indicate that the power supply has been assigned.
І in the rest of the row “Additional address of the electronic mail” you must indicate your working mail screen, after entering the password, you will be sent a message to reset the password.
In this way, I didn’t prick if I didn’t show up, I won’t send a mailed screenshot to that and I’ll press the “Forward” button to complete the fourth step of registration. Next to the item “I want to download the news from Google Play”, you will need to uncheck or check the box.
If you want to receive the latest updates, then check the box next to the item "I want to receive the updates from Google Play".
If you don't want to receive the latest updates, then on the contrary, you will need to uncheck the box "I want to receive the updates from Google Play".
After vykonannya diy we press on the "Forward" button.

If you press the “Forward” button, the final registration window will appear on your tablet, in which you will need to enter the code from the picture in a special row and press the “Forward” button.

If you press the "Forward" button, a page will appear on your tablet, in which case you will complete the registration of your public record in the play market.
Completion of that saving registration can take up to 30 seconds before the decal is due.

After the registration is completed in the play market, on your tablet it will be distributed, in which you will be asked to add your credit card, but we will not do this and press the button "Not at once".

If you click on the "Not at once" button, a side will appear on your tablet, in which you will be asked to backup copy your programs are improved and other data.
And so, if you need to back up your data on your tablet, then you need to check the box next to the item "Back up data on this tablet PC to my Google cloud record".
If you don't want to back up your data on your tablet, you should uncheck the box next to "Back up this tablet PC data to my Google Account".
If you install or uncheck the box, you will have to press the "Forward" button.

If you press the "Forward" button on your tablet, registration in the play market will be completed again, and you can check in on your tablet appendage play market.
Give respect: what do you have registration play market write im'ya koristuvach is not available, then you can look at the instructions about those

Shche zovsіm recently store dodatkіv nazyvavsya Android Market Prote trohi pіznіshe yogo vіrіshe bulо rename in Google Play. Well, gentleman - sir, you can fix it, how to be tempted. Know what insults and names mean the same. Ale, today we are called for more food - I will tell you about those how to register in this wonderful online store.

Registration from a computer

In fact, there is absolutely no difference, on which attachment you go through registration: on a computer, or directly on your smartphone or tablet. It's just that in the first moment everything looks richer than it should.

And now naytsіkavіshe - you need more than a mother obіkovy record in Gmail mail, that's all Google services tied herself to her. On the site, I have already reportedly explained how it is right to work - to pass and marvel. What do you already have? Gmail, then you don't need to do anything - just go to the Play Market, enter your e-mail address, password and that's it!

Registration with Android device

Well, if you still got the hang of registering from the building itself, you can go through the browser to the site and go through the registration, as I have indicated a little more. Or create a face record through the Play Market. How tse robiti, I will show you on the butt.

  • Croc first. Dodaemo new account. You need to write your name on the back. You, obviously, can guess the data, but I recommend that you use the right ones - at the time, spend it, or the stolen money will be easier to repeat.

  • Another crochet. Now we have to choose our own nickname for mail. You can absolutely write in a word, but don’t forget about those who have borrowed a lot of words for a long time. After that, as you sign up for the names of the oblique record, enter yoga and press “Dali” (or simply press on the arrow, which the right-hander indicates). If you are occupied, the system will tell you about it and prompt you to choose another nickname. Don't forget about those that you can spell out all the Latin letters and numbers!

  • Third crock. Here we need to enter a password - at least 8 characters. And why is there a simple zahist here - the system will not accept the password to the mind 12345678, but it’s too easy. I recommend vikoristovuvaty as letters of different registers, and numbers. And you can add a kіlka special characters, to be calm for your account. The password is entered dvіchi.

  • Fourth crochet. We choose secret food and we see it on the new one. I think you will figure it out on your own. Here you can add the additional address of the electronic mail, on which it will be sent a message for the password removal. Robity is not obov'yazkovo, and without a control power to continue the registration is impossible.

  • Fifth krok. On this side you are told to come to social measures Google+. Either you accept the proposition, or you are guided by the new. Everything is just so logical.

  • Sixth Crook. Here Google encourages to remove the latest news from the Play Market, as well as turn on the history of the joke. Like in the frontal vapadka, tse vy all vyrishuete on the ruling court.
  • Somy krok. Introduction of captcha. Vaughn is simple, so you can get into a child with her.

  • Eight crock. It is important to save information. Here you can add a number credit cards for pridbannya dodatkіv.

  • Nine krok. Wee got to Google Play. Now you can add programs or get free of charge.

Yes, more than that. Before the start of the OBOV'YAZKOVO procedure, turn on Wi-Fi (or 3G), so without the Internet you can't connect to the market!

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