How to convert an interesting USB drive? MobaLiveCD - verification of exciting flash drives and ISO images

Golovna / Zahist

Good day!

It's too early for a computer (laptop) to run into problems caused by incorrect work hard drive (note: often called short - HDD) ...

The most common symptoms of the fact that not everyone is safe from the HDD are:

  • the impossibility of capturing the "old" Windows (and installing a new one);
  • skidannya deyah nalashtuvan OS chi programs;
  • the impossibility of opening files or programs (often there may be a pardon due to the integrity of the files);
  • even more copying and reading files;
  • high processor load when downloading to the disk and trying to open (read) any file from the new one;
  • Windows hangs for an hour, try reading, copying files from the disk;
  • appearing clattering, creaking, tapping languidly at the robotic disk (especially to strike at your respect, as it didn’t happen before!);
  • unreasonable restarting of the computer and in.

With the appearance of symptoms, resurfacing more, nasampered (so far everything works) - I recommend copying everything important documents on the nose.

Well, what the heck, you can rewrite it...

Vzagali, hard drive- The thing is to finish the trend, and if you don’t guard it, you can easily bring it out of harmony. Causes of yoga unstable work(and out of tune), most often, є:

  • failure of failures in the supply of electricity - if the PC is simply sharply disturbed (laptops, to the point of speech, in the form of protection). And when it comes to PC - then UPS (DBZH) is far from having skin koristuvach (sorry);
  • Primus's vimknennya zhivlennya koristuvach. Sometimes, if the computer freezes "tightly" - other options are simply not suitable;
  • strong vibration, hit the disk - laptops suffer the most, as they carry with them. Also, the disk can be damaged during transportation;
  • with an unstable robotic life block, filthy contact on the disk (if life is tobto, no ...);
  • work on optimal temperature conditions (mostly overheating);
  • physical wear (with the help of a trivalent robot);
  • filthy party (with some shortcomings) in the form of a disc maker.

All these factors can be the reasons for the pardons of the file system broken sectors(they are also called bad blocks, bad - mean filth, in translation from English). Let's take a look at the review on those and on those reports, and in detail.

for a pardon

Rechecking and repairing the pardons of the Windows file system is being followed up by the help of the program. chkdsk. Won in all versions of Windows: XP, 7, 8, 10. Before the speech, it’s possible, you can see the robot, after the emergency winding up of the electrics: before the Windows OS is taken, watch out for the black screen and there they run screenshot below).

How to run the chkdsk utility

Method No. 1 - at whose computer

On the back, you need to open the explorer and go to "My computer" ( note: used to be called "My computer").

Then, open the "Service" section and press the "Check" button (requires administrative assistance).

Windows has completed rechecking

Method number 2 - through the command line

Also run the utility chkdsk possible for the help of the command line (though command line may be launched under the name of the administrator).

For this, open the task manager (click on the buttons - Ctrl + Shift + Esc), then press file/new task , write in a row "Vіdkriti" cmd, and tick "Create a task with administrator rights"(Butt of testimony on the screen below).

  • chkdsk d:- command to recheck the disk in read mode;
  • chkdsk d: /f- re-verification and correction of known pardons;
  • - Take care of the possibility of the utility.

On bіd blocks / bit sectors

What are bid blocks?

Maybe, I can’t do without a short explanation. In fact, a hard disk is made up of several magnetic disks, over which the head moves, which is read. When writing to a disk is required, the head magnetizes the songs of the disk ( from computer science: zeros and ones ).

This information is recorded on the songs of the delyanka, as they are called sectors. Some information cannot be read from the sector (reasons, through which it is indicated on the cob of the article) - such sectors are called bitim (otherwise bid blocks. Bad - filth (English)).

Schob pereviriti disk on the bad blocks, you need special. program: it will search to all sectors on the disk and try to extract information from them. Everything is fine with the sector - the hour of reading becomes 3 milliseconds, the critical hour of reading is 600 milliseconds (it's time to talk about those that this block has become "unreadable" and work with it is not varto).

Before speech, those are special. utilities can not only know such sectors, but reassign them to the backup (a similar operation is called Remap).

Now about those, how to fight ...

The best software for HDD robots (test, diagnostics and other) -

Z-pid Windows

One of the best programs for testing and diagnosing a hard drive is Victoria. For help, you can look at the S.M.A.R.T. tables. (technology for disk self-monitoring, report), evaluate the technical camp of the accumulator, replace the weak sectors on the reserve workers and a lot more.

Another one important moment : Victoria does not show defects in file systems, software pardons, etc. Vaughn evaluates the physical state of the disk! About the joke, that correction of pardons - div. first part of the article.


Retail website: (various versions)

Adjust mode tab robotic HDD in BIOS -

After rechecking the disk Victory, turn the option back. In another way - the disk is more galmuvati, Windows "sipatime" pardons.

Before speech, below is how the problem disk looks like. Bring respect to the row G-Sensor shock jacket(The tab shows they didn’t hit, didn’t hit the disk) - as you can see below, they hit. Through tse, vlasne, the disk became hung, and galmuvati. Zagalom status at new bad(І chervoniy). At this point, there is only one solution - copy all the information from the new one (as it is possible) and buy a new disk.

TEST tab

Let's go directly to the disk test: for which one open the TEST tab and set the adjustment (as in the screenshot below: read, ignore). For the beginning of the test - press the button "Start".

Vіctoria will change the disc more often, and you will reckon more, as you will increase the number of instructions from the rectilinear cutters of different colors (see-3 on the screen below). Special respect must be given chervonimі blue straight lines (tse and є bad sectors, yaki not readable).

If blue rectangles were found on the disk - you need to run the disk again Victory with the option enabled Remap(Square-4, div. screen below). At this point of Victory, replace these sectors with reserve ones, for that very reason, they will tell at that point about the word "jubilation" ...

Testuvannya (likuvannya) of the disk // Test Victoria

Yakscho you are too rich blue rectangles - then such a likuvannya, as if to help, then it’s better for everything not for a long time. As soon as the disk is "slowed down" - I recommend transferring all the data from the new one (as you have not yet been robbed for the miraculous increase of the surroundings ☻) and shukati you change.

Before speech, on the new Winchester, the appearance of blue blocks is unacceptable!


If you want to pay attention to one moment - if you run a re-scanning of the Windows OS disk, if it is running from the same disk, which you scan - then the test results may be somewhat inaccurate ) don’t talk about anything). Maybe, in my opinion, you can marvel less at blue (bid-blocks).

A better option is to win Windows, installed on a different disk, or an emergency LiveCD. Rechecking the DOS test will show more accurate results and give a real assessment of the disk. About those, like її robiti - it is told a troch below.

Z-pid DOS

Bagatioh, obviously, lyakaє DOS and everything will be unreasonable there (accept it is not so, like in Windows). I’ll try all the same (as far as possible), show on the butt, where and how to push, so that I can turn over my disk.

Victoria (3.5 for robotic z-pid DOS)

Of. website:

As having already said Victor, finish a rich version. For robots z-pid DOS - you need special. version (sound victorious 3.5). It is an outstanding ISO-image, which needs to be correctly written to a USB flash drive (or disk). Often the image goes to RAR archives or ZIP, the ISO image from the archive needs to be taken in front (WinRAR for help).

How to write Victoria correctly, so that she won from a flash drive

  1. to burn the ISO image - you need the WinSetupFromUSB program (official site WinSetupFromUSB - );
  2. insert a USB flash drive on the right and start the program;
  3. Next, select your flash drive from the list and check the boxes next to the items: Auto Format it with FBinst, align, copy BPB, FAT32;
  4. at the point Linux ISO/Other Grub4dos compatible ISO- enter your ISO image with Victoria;
  5. press the GO button (note: the program once again educates you about those you know that all data from the flash drive will be deleted!.

Vlasne, like with a flash drive everything is OK, and you have done everything correctly - for a sprat of hvilin, please help Job Done- Vikonan robot!

Note: if you write the USB flash drive incorrectly (for example, if you write a lot for UltraISO help) - then you can pardon the form "no kernel sys ...". Just rewrite the USB flash drive, let's proponate in a different way.

How to take advantage of flash drives with Victoria. vibir required disk for dough

For a great deal (like a flash drive is written correctly), then the zavantage is not disturbed by anything, yakbi vice robbed for an installation flash drive from Windows.

The best option, in my opinion, viklikati boot menu then choose our flash drive. If you don't know how to call Boot Menu - you can speed up this article:

If you burned a USB flash drive from WinSetupFromUSB (as recommended more) - then you will need to choose exciting menu Victoria (div. screen below - "vcr35r").

It’s not a fact, what’s behind the mind, the program will choose that hard disk, which you need. To independently select a disk - press a key P.

The menu will appear: to move the visitor, use the arrows "up" and "down". The last item in this menu is to select a hard drive on a PCI/ATA/SATA/RAID controller.

In order to get to the rest of the menu - then you need to indicate the disk number (specified in the found list) and press the Enter key (butt below).

Disk testing in Victoria (DOS)

For testing on the cob at Victoria - press function key F4. When the menu appears, it is necessary to set the parameters: "Start LBA", "End LBA", "Line Reading", "Ignore Bad Blocks"(Ignore sectors that cannot be read). Vibіr zdіysnyuєtsya for help arrows "Right" and "Vlіvo".

Important! Instead of line reading, you can set "Record (previous)", "Record from file", and in the next menu item - "BB = Erase 256 sect": be aware that such parameters erase information that is on the HDD!

Sob the test is running- press the button again F4. Blame it on the screen of the monitor. Now there is no more need to check the completion of the revision (before the speech, Victoria tells about the hour of rechecking, div. lower right cut - remain).

What to marvel at and yakі vysnovki robiti ...

In principle, everything that I said about the re-verification of the Windows z-pіd disk is relevant here. On the right - showing sectors, fallow at the same time reading. The more red ones and the orange ones - Tim, Vlasne, Girshe for the disc. If it’s too red, it’s too rich - it means that the disk can still get out of tune (as a rule, in this mode it’s very tinny, it’s easier to read and copy files on it, often the PC freezes, that is, “Joys”).


Give respect to the same way "Defects"(right-handed, approximately in the center of the screen). Everything is safe with the disk, ideally, it can be written there - "No defects found" (Yak in the photo is higher). If you have found any defects in your area, you can talk about serious problems with the disk.

And stop, if you know the difficulties with the robot with the program and you don’t know what to press - try to marvel at the results - key F1. Vzagali, with the utility of Victory, be careful not to carry out "testing" with your disk, as if on a new data.

To show all aspects of the work with Victory and look at all the nuances - I think it’s hardly possible to wind a few articles at the borders. Well, I’ll set the meta - evaluate zhorst camp disk, I'm spodіvayus, vykonav, and I will complete that article.

For an addendum on the topic - zazdalegіd dyakuyu.

good luck!

Tsey butt is problematic ( Butt of inspiration ) situations - cover-ups when working with TestDisk, which allow you to correct and fix the wrong extensions.

One mind for an hour of work at the program:

  • The launch of the program may be subject to the privileges/rights of the "administrator".

Important points for the TestDisk wiki:

  • To go to TestDisk, use the arrow keys uphill down і PageUp/PageDown .
  • To continue, confirm your choice by pressing the key Enter .
  • To turn to the front display or to enter TestDisk, press the key Q (leave ).
  • To save the changes at the time of the TestDisk work, you are guilty, confirm it with the button Y (so) that/or Enter
  • To write data to the MBR partition, you need to select "Write" for an additional selection from the keyboard and press a key Enter .


1. How to avenge the first part on a hard disk operating system, then, better for everything, you don’t have to be more interested; through the first division avantage sector.
2. If you want to remove a hard disk from a secondary distribution, to which it is impossible to remove access, or you can connect your disk to another channel in another computer (sound the CD / DVD connection there), and warning of the onset of symptoms

  1. Windows Explorer or Disk Manager displays the first first partition raw Unformatted and Windows shows:
    Drive is not being formatted, why do you want to format it all at once? [ Your disk is not formatted. Reformat yoga at once?]
  2. Logical division of the day. Windows Explorer has no logical drive available. In the Disk Management Equipment, only "unoccupied space" is displayed, on the spot logical division stitching letters.

Running Test Disk

If TestDisk is not installed yet, you can get it from TestDisk Download. Unpack all files from the archive, including subfolders.

To restore the insertion of the split or to restore the file zhorsky system disk, USB accumulator, smart cards..., you must have the right to access the annex.

To renovate the image, I will add it, or renovate file system image, run

  • testdisk image.dd to split the image
  • testdisk image.E01 to download files from the Encase EWF image
  • testdisk "image.???" yakscho the image of Encase is broken into a sprat of files.

To restore a file system that doesn't show up in TestDisk, run testdisk device , for example

  • testdisk /dev/mapper/truecrypt0 or testdisk /dev/loop0, to support NTFS or FAT32 private sector files from the TrueCrypt partition. The same method works with encrypted file systems for the help of cryptsetup/dm-crypt/LUKS.
  • testdisk /dev/md0 to back up the filesystem on a Linux Raid add-on.

Creation log

  • Use the up/down arrow buttons to select the "problematic" hard drive.

If possible, select a lower (raw) /dev/rdisk* add a logical replacement /dev/disk* to increase data transfer speed.

Select the type of Table of Distributions

TestDisk displays Partition Table types.

  • Select the "Analyse" item to check the partition structure of the stream disk and search for "embedded" partitions.
  • Press Enter to continue.
  • Give advice on nutrition Chi varto vikonati testDisk for the party created by Vista? (Do you want to know more about the distribution of Vista OS creations?).
  • Choose your division and press p to display the list of files (To exit the mode of displaying the list of files, press q ).

All folders and files display normally. (The utility does not understand Russian language, so files with Russian names will not be displayed correctly)

  • To continue, press Enter.

Save the table of distributions and continue the search?

  • If all the shukans split the presence and the data about them is displayed correctly, you should choose the item Write at the menu, to save the structure of the distributions. The Extd Part menu item gives you the ability to revise, if you want the extensions to split all the available disk space or only the required (minimum) one.
  • Oskіlki first split still today , select menu item Deeper Search (so it was not selected automatically) and press (Enter) to continue.

Shared still available: Deeper Search

Deeper Search just wondering FAT32 vanishing sector backup, NTFS vanishing sector superblock backup, ext2/ext3 superblock backup for more details,

After Deeper Search, the results will be displayed as a tiny bit below:
First division "Partition 1" for help backup copy lucrative sector. At the bottom row of windows you can ask for help "NTFS found using backup sector!" and razmіr razdіlu. Other division Partition 2 dvіchі z different sizes.
Offended people were distinguished by their status D far away, because the stench often escapes.

  • Highlight the first partition Partition 2 and press p to list its data.
File system of upper logical partition (label Partition 2) is damaged (Click on thumb).
  • Let this partition Partition 2 with damaged file system marked as D(deleted) .
  • Highlight the second partition Partition 2 below
  • Press p to list its files.

Tse robots, you can make a big party!

  • Scroll left/right navigation key in your folders and watch your files for more verification

Note: FAT directory listing is limited to 10 clusters, some files cannot be commemorated, but they are not corrupted.

  • Press q for Quit to go back to the previous display.
  • Available statuses are Primary, * bootable, Logical and Deleted.

For help left/right arrow keys, statue change selected partition to L(ogical)

  • Confirm at Write h Enter, y and and Ok.

None, all parties are recorded in the party table.

Updates to the NTFS avant-garde sector

Name the combat sector of the first party sector Partition 1 є still damaged. This means that the NTFS boot sector is bad and the backup boot sector is validated.

  • To copy a sector call over a sector call, select , validate with Enter, use y to confirm and next Ok.

More information about speeding up your boot sector under TestDisk Menu Items . The following message is displayed:

Boot sector and its backup is now identical: NTFS boot sector can be successfully updated.

  • Press Enter to quit.

  • TestDisk displays You have to restart your Computer to access your data so press Enter a time and reboot your computer.

Restoring deleted files

TestDisk can reinforce

  • files from NTFS distributions starting from version 6.11.

If you don't work or for another file system, press PhotoRec , click on the file recovery utility.

An installer or an advanced wearer for Windows 7 may need to be reinstalled, installed from scratch, rolled up or upgraded the system. Also, you can create your nose not with the operating system, but with great programs, files and games. A little more often you happen to create a disk image, so that you can rewrite yoga on a third-party device: a disk or a USB flash drive.

How to create an exciting Windows 7 disc: ISO

Disk image - the same file in ISO format, so that you can remove all the necessary elements from your own. You can do yoga for help third party software. One more way - zavantazhit ready image from the Internet. Ale, be respectful, there is a great chance that you will use a viral image on evil chi.


There are some programs that allow you to create and record images of disks, and one of the most rich and functional ones is UltraISO. You can buy or get a trial version of the program from the official website of the retailer -

  1. Having installed and launched the program, you will see the smut menu. At the left block, you can click the icon at the sight of the disk with a song name, so you can change it.
  2. At the bottom of the program there is a explorer that allows you to work with files. Select a folder from a new file, so that it will be edited into a disk image, and transfer it to a block that is found more, opposite the disk image.
  3. After all the necessary elements will be transferred to the disk image, open the "File" menu.
  4. Select "Save the yak".
  5. Name the file and select it for the new .iso format.
  6. Dock, the program docks to create the required image in automatic mode.
  7. After the process is completed, open the file, to reconcatenate, to remove all the necessary elements.

How to record the Windows 7 installation laptop

Once you have created the disk image, you can proceed to writing to a third-party wearable. Is it possible to work for additional standard Windows chi through a third-party program.

Via Windows

Through a third party program

  1. Speed ​​up with UltraISO programs. You can buy or get a trial version of the program from the official website of the retailer -
  2. After starting the program, open the "File" menu.
  3. Select sub-item "Vidkriti".
  4. Specify a path to the file on the disk.
  5. Turning to the program, click on the icon near the visible disk near the fire.
  6. Set Maximum to the Write Speed ​​row to increase the speed at which the image is written to the nose. But you can reduce the quality of the recording, which will lead to problems for the next hour of installation. Therefore, it is easier to insert the Minimum parameter.
  7. Tell me, on what kind of viconate record.
  8. Click on the Burn button to activate the recording. Done, check out the completion of the process, which can be done as 5 times, so it’s safe: the speed of the procedure is to lie in the number of files that can be stored in the disk image.

Creation of multi-purpose wear

Multizavantazhuvalny disk - an image of a disk, for which the program is changed at once. Such a disk can be created sensibly, so you need to invest in a computer for a few programs, but you don’t want to worry about saving the file.

  1. Download the installation archive with the Xboot program from the official website of the retailer - Pardon: 06/07/2017, 15:11
    %D1%83%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D1%81%D1%81%D1%8B%D0%BB%D0%BA %D1%83
    ">"> .
  2. Rozarchive archives and install the program.
  3. Fuck that ISO files necessary programs you are guilty of creating a faraway.
  4. Transfer files from the .iso format to the main Xboot menu.
  5. Some programs, if you don’t call the programs suspect, you’ll take a swipe, but if the transfer is not possible, your program may appear at the end of the green color, which means that Xboot cannot determine the type of program from the ISO file.
  6. Explain for Xboot which warto file to accept as universal - Add using Grub4dos ISO image Emulation.
  7. Click on the "Add file" button.
  8. After that, as all files will be formed into one archive, press the Create ISO button.
  9. Finally, you need to press the Browse button.
  10. Specify where to save the multi-advantage file.
  11. Dock, the process of creating the file will end.
  12. You will be asked to reverse the process of the created file for the help of a virtual machine, which is installed in Xboot. If you want to change it, press the "Yes" button.
  13. Select Utility.
  14. Dock, bye virtual machine start up.
  15. Perverte, yak programs work, and yak - no. Done, on what basis that re-verification of the multi-advantage disk is completed.

Creation of a disk of inspiration

The recovery disk is resurrected as a great vanishing disk, which can avenge the operating system, which can be hacked for renewal, installation, or vodkatu. And for that disk, a special backup image is needed from the backup system, you can create it with such actions:

  1. Through the "Start" menu, the panel is opened by the computer.
  2. Let's move on to the "System and Security" section.
  3. Let's move on to the subtitle "Archivation and Remembrance".
  4. We select the function "Creating the image of the system".
  5. Choose where you want to save the disk image after your creation: on a hard disk or on another nose. At the same time, you create a non-exploring disk, just a file for a new one, so you can distribute the disk image to one of the partitions of the hard disk. But if there is no space, you can edit the file on a third-party device.
  6. Mark with ticks a hard disk, imagine what to create. Check that the main partition, on which Windows itself is installed, will be assigned for locking, and the disk, on which the disk image will be installed, cannot be assigned.
  7. Confirm the correctness of the parameters by pressing the "Archive" button.
  8. Dock the end of the process. Do not interrupt yoga, otherwise the file will become unsuitable for creating an exciting wear. The procedure can be three times as long as 5 minutes, and five years: її the first time to fall, as the system is heavily occupied.

After creating an image with the main files of the system, you can burn it to a disk or a flash drive. As a matter of fact, it is described in the front paragraph of the article “Recording an image to a disk or a USB flash drive”.

If you want to get started from the created by you start-up disk or flash drives, you need to change custom BIOS Note: Computer hacking can come from the hacking port, not from the hard drive.

computer from a zavantazhuvalny disk and learn how to work with a sim disk in a calm environment. Then, if you need to speed up a disk for copying data and rechecking the system, you can easily do it.

Press be-like a key. A screen will appear (Fig. 8.6), on which it is necessary, the arrow buttons on the keyboard, select the language, as you would like to use the keyboard while working.

Viberemo here Ukrainian. After the choice of the movie, it is necessary to press Enter. The license area screen appears (Fig. 8.7).

Here in order to accept license favor, it is necessary to press the key with the number 1 on the keyboard. On the next screen (Mal. 8.8) you need to select the work mode.

Required work mode: "Kaspersky Rescue Disk. Graphics mode" is not included. To continue, it’s enough to press the key Enter on the keyboard.

The computer will be occupied from an optical disk, however, the next time the occupancy will be shown a window that warns about the incorrectly completed robotic system (Fig. 8.9).

Here you need to press the button Continue.

Robot z graphical interface Kaspersky Rescue Disc tells Windows robots. Next, check out the Kaspersky Rescue Disc program (Fig. 8.10).

Here, to launch a recheck for the presence of viruses, you need to select objects for recheck and click on the text Vikonati reverification of objects.

Before proceeding, check the revision. At this stage, you can turn off the computer and turn it off again by trying to take over the main operating system (you can read about how to turn it on in paragraph 8). If the main OS is vanquished, it means that the antivirus has fixed the problem. If not, ask again for the help of Kaspersky Rescue Disc, and if you reach the point, skip rechecking and continue with step 6.

Give respect to those who have a sprig of folders on the working table of the system. Sound of particular interest is the folder Z:. Vaughn vіdpovidaє disk Z: computer. Call for yourself important data are saved, as it is necessary to copy for old zhorsky disk. If you have connected an old hard disk to the computer, as indicated in paragraph 1, you should add one more folder with letter names here. Our guy has a folder D:. To go to the folder, it's enough to vikonate under the clatter. On fig. 8.11 you can bachiti in folders C:.

Here you can download some folders. Click us folder Users. They save the data of koristuvachiv, as they work at the computer. Among them are folders of documents, images, video clips. How did you get used to save data by standard places, such as a library Documents Tse means that your data is right here. So you can copy the entire folder to a different hard drive.

They didn’t inquire, how to distort zavantazhuvalnu flash drive without rebooting the computer? It’s easy to finish it and you won’t need it for a rich hour, just beat the next few kilka krokiv.

It is possible to work for the help of cost-free software security, which is called. Tse portable software security, as you can easily misinterpret, zavantazhuvalny attachment, pratsyuє vіn in an appropriate rank chi nі. I'm doing it virtual medium This virtual hard drive is for testing the USB attachment. І tse software security does not help re-engage the system, so that its work can be done. Everything you need to do, just plug in the exciting USB storage device and then run the program. If you see it, and if USB works correctly, then it’s more likely to get involved in the same order, as it’s supposed to be on a computer.
Sometimes the hour of the creation of an exciting USB-disk is blamed for a pardon, which is called for USB capture pіd hour zavantazhennya system. The axis de ce software security will be darker. After the creation of an exciting disk, it can be reversed, which is correct in practice.

How to convert an interesting USB drive?

Bootable USB Test - even better software security, as it will help you to verify that the USB-disk is working properly. That portable software is easier, as it will help you easily convert a USB storage device. In addition, you can adjust the current parameters, so virtual memory, virtual hard drive expansion, etc. Do not touch your PC every day. Everything you can find in virtual networks is more than enough for testing exciting USB.

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