How to get a paid phone number How to connect a paid number of paid services? Connecting SMS numbers: how to get paid SMS numbers

Golovna / Zahist

The number of a mobile phone can be obtained by paying absolutely with a different method. As a rule, on the basis of such a service, the Vlasniks are allowed to earn income. However, paid numbers often win shahrai, roaring for trusting citizens. The axis of why the greater potential of the spazhivachiv to be distrusted of such services.

What is it?

A mobile phone number is called a paid one, when you call to some kind of caller, you pay pennies, as if they are transferred to the hairdresser's account. As a rule, such a victorious opportunity is for organizing private consultations.

Tse zruchno for both sides. It’s not necessary for a spy to tell you the possibility of transferring pennies, to get it, just to restore the balance of your phone. Subscribers from the postpaid system will have to pay with the operator. For vikonavtsya, a similar system is also convenient; The success of both sides is determined by the fact that it is not necessary to self-sufficiency in the provision of the consultation, the shards all appear automatically.

How to get a paid number?

It's really easy to get a paid stationary telephone line. As a rule, such a possibility on the side of operators is hoped exclusively for legal persons for understanding the given package of documents.

However, with mobile everything is much simpler. It’s a pity that not only sumly hulks are often writhing in their ability, but make money from the jokes of the easy.

Order dіy

As if you are talking, as if you are getting a paid number, all the necessary steps are taken to the next simple points.

  • Know the operator, who is giving the service.
  • Put a contract.

However, the skin from the guessing points will require an explanation.

Find an operator

Otzhe, in return for food, like a paid number, you can’t bypass the company’s jokes, we give you a good service. At the same time, there were few operators proposing a similar service for their own clients.

As a rule, there are a few tariff plans, which are subject to change. Costs, as an operator, are taken for the service "Paid number", are automatically repaid by the client. For example, on bank card or electronic gadget. You can also pay for cooking. All lie in the minds of a particular operator.

First turn back to the operator, try to pick up a new one as possible more information. Otherwise, it is possible to become a victim of shakhraiv, as it is unlikely that you will help those who squawk, like a paid number. And to know how to put down a contract, it’s high to understand that you won’t be able to translate money for your service.

Place a contract

Acting companies give the opportunity to place an agreement on a paid number on the site without contacting the office. However, you can see the difference standard way she especially goes to the operator's office. This option is also acceptable for quiet coristuvachiv, as they do not plan to coristuvatize as intermediary servants.

To connect a paid number, you need a copy of documents. Specify yogo distant ways communication with the operator.

Tsіkavlyachis, like a paid number for incoming calls, it is necessary to know one particular tsіkava. Vaughn believes that Russian operators can ask a potential subscriber for a reason, because he needs an okremiya number. It is not included that the company needs an hour to review the application, so that you can get a check for a decision on the authority's request.


Persh nizh robiti paid telephone number, it is necessary to be nominated for service, as you plan to give such a way to potential clients. It is not less important to talk about advertising and to designate the power of the target audience, on which the proposition will be straightened.

Ideally, it is necessary to officially register a similar activity. Another possible option, if the operator is assigned to this paid number, then the potential subscriber will be treated as a private person, and not as a representative or a representative of the company. The reason is that paid numbers often cheat shakhrai to deceive real customers. Why do companies closely monitor those who register paid numbers.

Before contacting a specific operator, you can choose more information about the company, so that you can sign up for a paid number. Find out, think, tariffs, varst service is too short. Tse is important. For example, business leaders can promote inexpensive connections, and then compensate for their financial expenses with a high monthly fee set for the subscriber. In addition, some operators claim a part of the profit, which paid number brings to the Vlasnik.

How to make money on a paid number?

It turns out that it’s easy to make money on incoming calls. It is enough to distribute advertising, get calls from subscribers and collect profits.

However, such a simple scheme is only in theory. In practice, as often happens, everything seems to be collapsible. Such a way to earn money from oneself was chimal underwater stones.

Nasampered, the registration of a paid number is expensive. In addition, part of the surplus must be paid to the operator, who is given a service. The number of bills varies from forty to eighty points. It is necessary to say that it is similar to the mind that it will significantly speed up the expansion of the rationed surplus for those who plan to win paid calls.

However, this way of earning money is entirely real. Ale, for a sufficient income, they can only provide for those who provide the necessary services. It is unlikely that subscribers will charge paid calls, so that we will not take away the ringtone or Corresponding information. The axis of which it is important to assign services, to drink among the population.

It is impossible to forget the fact that a lot of companies make money for the help of a paid number in dishonest ways. Because of the method of stench, I will charge a fee for a fee for a simple power supply, or it’s easy to capture the fact that for a weekly call from a subscriber, I will try to pay a high fee. Axis why among subscribers is a low price to trust to such services and services. However, you don’t realize the fact that you yourself can earn a victorious paid number.

  • So the axis, rozpochati podіbniy biznes can be practically leather and the threshold for entry to the new one is from 1000 to 9000 rubles.
  • At qiu sumu enter the connection of your number to the tariff plus spending on advertising.
  • After that, all input calls (you specify the mobile phone number in the contract with the company) to the number for subscribers will be paid.
  • The variance of a one-time payment for connecting to such a tariff is set from 1000 to 2500 rubles, for some cases 4000 rubles.
  • Having concluded an agreement with a company that provides such a service, having paid the indicated amount, you will have to figure out how to get clients to call your number.
  • On the cob of the stati, I rozpov_v about those, like a company, I don’t remember to name, could solve the problem of input calls.

Paid numbers - ideas for making money on incoming calls


    Here it is necessary to understand that the more people come to your site, the greater the number of participants. For yourself about those, how you know you can directly recognize on the sides e-book“Successful technologies for increasing sales”, and having bought it, having installed the “Tell a Friend” script on the site, you will forever forget about those who are not available on the site and take them. Detailed information about the book (having read a short annotation to the skin) You can find out on our website under the heading E-book store.

    Children's nursery for the grown-ups With retirement, people spend the most head-to-head - splkuvannya, which is the most important way to lay down our health.

    As a manifestation of the problem, in order to start a lack of communication, it is possible to organize a small business - "Children's nursery for grown-ups".

    How to get paid phone number

    How to connect a paid number free of charge? What is possible? At tsіy statti mi tse y razberemo. But for the cob it is necessary to talk, now we need a paid voice number? Naturally, it is possible to speed up with him, most often given numbers and vicorist shakhrai, and next to signify that shakhraystvo on paid numbers is no longer gaining wraps. Yakby is not great at connecting a number, then five times a year you can connect a number and earn a lot of pennies.


    Vykoristovuyut qi numbers and not only shakhrai. For example, you can arrange consultations with other direct contacts. For example, the legal advice of the koristuvachiv, this type of consultation is popular, but still, it’s still right to go to given food, and if you know your right, then you can completely destroy. Obviously, there is one practically inexhaustible problem.

    The importance of the availability of a paid number.

    Post navigation

    • Like another butt about those, how to create a similar business proponing the advance:
      1. It is possible that you have signed a contract with one of the companies, so that you can take the numbers mobile phones with paid tariffication of all incoming calls and now you can have such a “enchanting” number.
      2. Dali, you create an Internet site, on which place you place a sprat of food. Depending on the request, there will be words, as they will be sorted out, for example, at the center of the crossword puzzle. In order to improve the appearance on the skin without any problems, it is necessary to solve a crossword puzzle, which will bind to skin nutrition (crossword puzzles and nutrition should be changed, for example, skin 2-3 days).

    How to get a paid number?

    Variety of input call from 35 to 380 rubles per piece. When dialing a subscriber to a weekly call to an intelligent platform, the calls should be forwarded to your phone number, which is supposed to be a telephone service. As soon as the Subscriber calls from a mobile phone, from the first telephone, the telephone operator writes off the call rate of the mobile phone and the rate, so it is the same as the call of the mobile operator.

    The service is, let's say, a handy tool for organizing various information and consulting services, for the provision of consulting services in rich circles of human activities, such as prac- асії, voting, payment of voices and everything that you think up for development Your business on a paid number. It is necessary to advertise the number, otherwise there will be no calls on the new one.

    Ideas for business from scratch

    Also, take short numbers, for example 0000, and without a prefix, such a number can be connected absolutely free of charge. Price for fluff to this particular type deposit according to the tariff, tariffication from 5 rubles per flute and up to 80 rubles per flute. Your number is paid approximately 40% - it's not bad for you, so you can tell that this number is free of charge.

    Yogo can be forwarded to your number, you can also win special program how to know the same service, about which I wrote at once. So I want to say, shanovni koristuvachі, that I will not vilagodzhuvat any other information about the company. If it is necessary for you, write, we will give all the information for a special purpose.
    Like this, the skin of the bazhayuchy is sagging, it’s not clear to understand.

    Paid mobile phone number.

    For whom it is necessary to resolutely prepare, follow the various changes at the chosen place, lay down the butt of a cold fire. The principle of operation of a paid number A paid number is the same as earning money on incoming calls. The average prices in Russia are 35-400 rubles per piece.

    By dialing the number, the subscriber is directed to the platform, the calls are redirected to the registration of a paid number, for which an information service is hoped. From the subscriber's account style operator write off pennies vіdpovіdno up to the established tariff. Earnings on paid numbers may be relevant for women who do not know what to do, to earn pennies on maternity leave.
    This idea is relevant and for private rents, when looking for information on voicings (rent or sales of non-robust objects, cars, etc.).

    How to connect a paid number for paid consultations?

    For anyone who wants to earn money at the entrance, he is obliged to give his requisites (as a legal person) or a copy of the passport (for a physical person). After a good deal of wits and signing the contract, it is necessary to pay a monthly subscription fee (depending on the operator and the tariff). Earnings on incoming calls to become approximately 50% (average prices in Russia) for the number of clients who call to a paid number.

    The registration procedure is also a cost of a penny sum (about 30-35 thousand krb.). Yak bachimo, given an idea it is relevant only for those who can send a specific request for advice and send a request for the services of a steward. So important is the reputation of the company that makes the calls.
    Give paid consultations may be less than expertise in your own gallery, so that the subscriber wants to speed up the service again by recommending it to his loved ones.

    How to connect a paid mobile phone number

    You can only get a stable and high income on incoming weeks only for competent advertising of your services. It is necessary that everyone knew about the background of your company. For whom you can vikoristati callish advertising, give voice to the drukovanih dzherelakh, push the servants to the merezhі.
    A great plus is the need to rent a job for a job. You can take the entrance calls at home or go back to the center of the coworking. Save the article in 2 clicks: Earnings on paid calls is a simple and relevant tool for organizing a small business.

    The sphere of informational services was always revived by the promotion of drinking. Golovna - to know the sphere of activity, as if that cicava will be demanded for wealthy people. Just then, at the order number, you need to send a call, and the gamanets should be replenished with a deposit.

    How to connect a paid mobile phone number

    Earnings on conducting weeks are entirely real, but you can earn good money only in that case, if the servant, you hope, is effectively demanded among the broad masses of the population. A similar service is relevant in higher profile areas - information consulting, legal services, technical support, primary courses, medical services. Nobody spends pennies on paid calls, so the service requests will not be in a right way brown and cikavim.

    There is a large number of companies that will make their earnings on incoming calls in an unfair way, trying to earn millions of rubles. For this stink, they indicate the wrong statements (for example, a lottery with a penny), introducing a client to Oman, or attach information about those who have to pay for the instructions of the calls.


    This company deals with these numbers with the code 809, in which case you can connect a paid number free of charge. Є low subscription fee. Well, I in the Tsomu Vipad, є є є alone, yaksho vy rapt, take the contract, but you can wilting in Shahrasty, vika you will be a fine, approximately 200,000 ruble, and you can’t take care of the dialistye more. Yes, of course, there are more options. You can connect the number by paying a total of 3,000 rubles, 1,500 for the number, and 1,500 monthly subscription fees.

    In this case, you do not need to give IP, this company gives numbers to private persons. You will have to submit passport data. І describe your future project, so that you can tell the interviewers that you have a number. And you can rob everything for yourself at the PAYY SMS aggregator.

    I also want to signify that I give all the necessary information absolutely free of charge, you take it to the address of the service, and I will describe the procedure for taking the number below. For quiet, who has not remembered, for the beast before me, the form zvorotny zv'azku on site. For those who really want to connect a paid number free of charge, it doesn't matter if you contact me.

    How to get a number As I have indicated above, on this service you can connect a paid number free of charge. What is needed for whom? In addition, how do you contact me for the address of the service? Do you happen to describe your project as clearly as possible, what and how do you choose to work? If you are consulting, then in some direct way, as you are going to advertise your service.

Advice SupportIVR» Viv Berezen 09, 2010 12:41

Apply income:

2) You create a number of women's profiles on dating sites, specifying the mobile phone number in the special data, which will enable you to increase tariffs. You are left to know the balakuch girl, how to send calls to people. The better the girl is on the phone, the more your earnings are (because the billing is schohvilin). This way is the shortest.

- physical persons: SCHODEN about 19:00

I) 41r. (21.5 rubles) - 5250 rubles.
II) 100.5 rubles.

How to connect a paid phone number

(50r.) - 8100r.
III) 147 rubles. (77r.) - 9450r.
IV) 180 rub. (90 rub.) - 11000 rub.
V) 220 rub. (110.5 rubles) - 13250 rubles.
VI) 250 rub. (131r.) - 15000r.

[email protected]
ICQ: 497-288

- Vibranium tariff plan


According to the idea of ​​the organizers of the program (show), the manager can forgive the laying, that you can guess yoga (put the word down) can but give the strength to inspire the student of the younger classes. It is most necessary for the fact that the flow of twinklings from the lookers came near the majestic kilkost. I have a chance to think about the ideas of the organizers of this “vistavi”.

How to get paid calls for the person who is calling? Say 10 $ / min.

In order for the number of inputs to be sent to the order, the number was simply majestic, it is necessary that the order for the moment of vikonati is practically leather.

  • Tens of thousands, or even hundreds.

  • Here you need to be smart

Nursery nursery for grown-ups

  • I think that there are enough young families who can allow themselves to “rule” their old relatives to such a mortgage. In such a nursery for grown-ups, it will be possible to organize a sprat of gurtkiv for interests, a healthy group, a collective review of films in their youth, a medical support and a lot of other things. The mode of operation of the child nursery is the same as that of the child nursery.

Cikave video
"Cute Hand Robot".

Read at once from this article
Trays with peat

Robimo enters your number with a fee for the one who calls.

Advice SupportIVR» Viv Berezen 09, 2010 12:41

Connected to the IVR-platform mobile numbers MTS, Beeline and Megafon.

Mi priv'yazuemo to be yours mobile number above-described operators at tariffs from 41 to 250 rubles per piece of bread (table below).

Your task is to get calls to paid numbers, which are visually not recognized by the operator's primary number style tie(for example, 8915XXXXXXX, 8903XXXXXXX, 8926XXXXXXX, etc.), it doesn’t matter to us, how You call the “client” by phone, win your imagination. FIGHTING SPAM VIA E-MAIL AND SPAM VIA SMS! Others see spam (forums, stunned boards, guest books, social measures) are not described as fenced in our agreement with operators, and also, their choice is allowed.

Apply income:
1) You are posting on the Internet about cheap sales style phone, the car is thin. Fill in the contact number (beforehand, connecting to a new tariff). The buyers, who are interested, call, You confirm and say that the phone or the car has already been sold, and the one who telephones, at the same time, will be deducted the sum of money from your tariff. For clarity, it is recommended to put automatic notifications on all entrances, to let you know that the goods are already on sale. You can place a dozen similar stuns by specifying the same contact phone. For leather entry call 41-250 rubles are charged for the bill of subscribers. Your earnings from these pennies are close to 50% (approximately 45% is taken by the operator himself, 5% is taken for the support of the service). You can look at the amount of your earnings in the reserve in the amount of the returned tariff at the bottom of the announcement in the table.
At the discretion of our partners - garna distribution of cost-free private voiceovers in regional newspapers.

2) You create a number of women's profiles on dating sites, specifying a mobile phone number in the special data, which will enable you to increase tariffs. You are left to know the balakuch girl, how to send calls to people. The better the girl is on the phone, the better your earnings (because

Pay number.

billing shokhvilin). This way is the shortest.

For a day with 100 tickets, at a tariff of 41 rubles, you will earn a daily income of 2150 rubles, and for a tariff of 250 rubles you will get 13100 rubles.

Earned cats are crying:
- physical persons: SCHODEN about 19:00 for the Kiev hour on the ruble money of the Webmoney system.
- legal persons and private enterprises: SCHOTIZHNEVO order to the bank account.

PRICE LIST FOR THE CONNECTION OF IVR-PLATFORM (in rubles of the Russian Federation for the amount of money):
Vartist dzvinka (partner's wineries) - Vartist podklyuchennya (for 1 trip)

I) 41r. (21.5 rubles) - 5250 rubles.
II) 100.5 rubles. (50r.) - 8100r.
III) 147 rubles. (77r.) - 9450r.
IV) 180 rub. (90 rub.) - 11000 rub.
V) 220 rub. (110.5 rubles) - 13250 rubles.
VI) 250 rub. (131r.) - 15000r.

For legal entities, there are other tariffs for connection (please ask the manager).

If the number is connected to one of the tariffs, you can change the tariff after 30 days.
When changing the tariff, the number of new connections is paid in completely expanded out of the tariff tables.

[email protected]
ICQ: 497-288

When returning to managers, please indicate to the first one:
— You are a physical and legal person
- the number until which you want to connect the service
- P.I.B. individuals, on which the SIM card is issued (if you don’t know, you can recognize by doing " special office on the operator's website)
- Vibranium tariff plan

Applications for connection and payment are accepted without exception.
Number connection is available on weekdays from 11 am to 5 pm

Tram dash there

| vidpovidey 5

Food is like that. Maybe htos please scho.

I give paid consultations, and I think, how can I connect a paid number to the phone?

How to take a pay phone and get into a new business

Should I call the client, I give him a consultation, and for his account pennies are written off to the payment account? (By itself, ahead of itself, and voicing varst). Having obizhav mayzhe all operators vyv'yazku, but I did not say anything so. And what can you do? Shakhraї tsim, however, are shriveled as if.

Choose great operator If you need such numbers, contact me and consult. For contact, tweet a letter for work with legal persons - I will explain everything to you.

Tram dash there

| prompt 3

I have already called practically with us operators (beeline, mts, tele2, megaphone, rostelecom) all advised. Everyone said that such numbers should not be given.

I'd sobі podklyuchiv)) Let me call the collectors))))

W physical persons on this topic, the stench is not rozmovlyatimut. Clarify with them where to know their office for work with legal persons, see them and clarify them to fit the contract. With a great technical support, to speak on such a marno.

Tram dash there

So I'm big in sales offices for corp. clients. Ale did not give results

Tram dash there

By the way, good idea!)))

Call to the CENTRAL office of the selected operator. DO NOT go to hell on missions - most of them know only three speeches: how to sell sim cards, telephone tech. podtrimki, and how to change the balance. What do you want - people from the streets! If you don’t need help with the central office, write to the operator’s corporate address, indicated on the main site, set the power supply, ask someone to effectively obtain such simple information, indicate that you spent an hour at such and such offices. You will be given a confirmation, finish the shvidko. Hi? Forget the same operator, as the client does not need it, and go back to the next one.

I live. Raja connect through Danish service: It’s not bad to get a bonus to the salary, when connected, you don’t blame problems with taxpayers and bureaucratic procedures. Raju.


You might even disrespectfully read the letter: "Tram Tiri tam" is not the RYAZAN number of such an operator with a number capacity of 3700 numbers, but a single, PREMIUM-NUMBER, such as this "operator" IS NOT MAY. In order to propagate a premium number to your subscriber - mega-telecom, you can rent it to another operator, which will threaten the subscriber with payment for the services of an inappropriate intermediary.
Dodatkovo: site for registrations 17 SEPTEMBER 2016, the fate of the PRIVATE CLIENTS, that VIKLIKAYA GREAT AMOUNT of honesty and quality of "service".

Boys, forget about this crazy idea! First, mother needs IP, GO, etc. In a different way, it is necessary to take a bunch of papers. Third, it's too expensive. In order for you to earn your service, you are responsible for your mother's business, otherwise you simply do not need this service. If you want to start earning more good money, go ahead. Navchu. My mail:

Zagal can connect 2 numbers for 1 sim. Ale shodo paid is not charged.
And read it here.]

Paid mobile phone number.

How to make money on a paid number

At this article, I want to promote a business idea with a paid mobile phone number. Bagato who, singsongly, watching the program on TV, in a garna girl ask for a word with a combination of letters, like a chaotic order of stitching on a small stand.

And at once, from this article, find out about those how to earn money in a crisis.

The one who guessed the word is guilty of telephoning the number of the mobile phone (pay number) and telling him, after which he will take the prize or the sum of pennies.

  • "Why do the organizers make money" - ask Vi.
  • Everything is simpler - the number to which you telephone is paid, so all entrance calls are paid for a special promotional tariff and can cost 80 rubles per call, and the billing starts from 2 seconds of call.
  • Having “talked” in such a manner, or, as a rule, having listened to auto-reviews, for example, for 5 seconds from your number, everything is written off to the show organizers’ mischief, the cost of re-excuses is 80 rubles.
  • Organizers should take the sum of 40 to 50% of the surplus.

Bagato who is for you, singsongly, marveling at such a program (show) on TV
According to the idea of ​​the organizers of the program (show), the manager can forgive the laying, that you can guess yoga (put the word down) can but give the strength to inspire the student of the younger classes. It is most necessary for the fact that the flow of twinklings from the lookers came near the majestic kilkost. I have a chance to think about the ideas of the organizers of this “vistavi”. In order for the number of inputs to be sent to the order, the number was simply majestic, it is necessary that the order for the moment of vikonati is practically leather.

  • Now, how many people can call at the hour of the broadcast of the program?
  • Tens of thousands, or even hundreds.
  • I, what is more important - having phoned the person’s number on the instructions, you can hear the voice of the auto-repair and you can try to do it for a long time, and the hour is better, as I already said, in 2 seconds of the day.
  • In this way, having listened to the voice of the auto-dispatcher for a long time, you can spend hundreds of rubles on the back of your mobile phone for the cost of the organizers of the show.

At my costless electronic book “Yak rozbagatity” informational dissemination) I have already told you about my business idea.

  1. So the axis, rozpochati podіbniy biznes can be practically leather and the threshold for entry to the new one is from 1000 to 9000 rubles.
  2. At qiu sumu enter the connection of your number to the tariff plus spending on advertising.
  3. After that, all input calls (you specify the mobile phone number in the contract with the company) to the number for subscribers will be paid.
  4. The variance of a one-time payment for connecting to such a tariff is set from 1000 to 2500 rubles, for some cases 4000 rubles.
  5. Having concluded an agreement with a company that provides such a service, having paid the indicated amount, you will have to figure out how to get clients to call your number.

On the cob of the stati, I rozpov_v about those, like a company, I don’t remember to name, could solve the problem of input calls.

  • What do you come up with? I don’t know, I can only give you one joy
    - In one of the newspapers of our city, I have been slandered, in order to find out about the phone number (contact) of the robot, which has posted a vacancy about hiring a job, people need to call the mobile phone number (as you already guessed - all in i calls to this paid number), de vin you can take what you need, in this case the phone is a robot, and N-a sum of pennies will be written off from the th number.

    - U advertising block a few dozen vacancies were posted from the designated wages, and in order to find out about the phone of the robots, you need to call the number of the jobs. I am convinced that the number of input calls for such voices is large, especially for a place with a population of 300,000 people.

  • The axis is a simple example for you about how to motivate (zmusity) people to call a paid number. Warehouse success in your business, original idea and low window dressing effective ways advertisements for services, volodyuchi yakim, you can rozpochati dosit pributkovy business with the smallest start-up capital. You can see that 90% of the success in your right lies with the number of clients, as they know about your service. And the more it is, the more it will be, the more your income will be.

To know the company, what do you think Danish view services (subject to service - paid mobile phone number) dial in Yandex in a row ask for "Paid voice numbers" or it's similar to that request.

  • Like another butt about those, how to create a similar business proponing the advance:
  • It is possible that you have signed a contract with one of the companies, so that you can take away the numbers of mobile phones with a paid tariffication of all incoming calls, and now you have such a “enchanting” number.
  • Dali, you create an Internet site, on which place you place a sprat of food. Depending on the request, there will be words, as they will be sorted out, for example, at the center of the crossword puzzle. In order to improve the appearance on the skin without any problems, it is necessary to solve a crossword puzzle, which will bind to skin nutrition (crossword puzzles and nutrition should be changed, for example, skin 2-3 days). And only after the client solves the crossword puzzle, you will win (take away) the last word.
  • Crosswords are due to be changed for folding and due to folding in such a rank, if after the first folding in the first part there is a single word, for example, in the center, it will be necessary to eat SMS notifications to the phone number or call and say a word.
  • The prize for this person will be a sum of pennies for the correct name of the word. Well, you know that everyone, who called, there will be a little bit of avtovіdpovidach, that one hour you will be just not in the know at your rate). And it’s not a fact yet, but the first one, who phoned up, would say the correct answer.
  • I think that there are hundreds of people who tried to call, to ask for a ticket (otherwise they gave the wrong answer), You take a tidy sum of pennies, a small part of which you can pay for the prize.

In conclusion, I want to say about those that are here, as if advertising is needed, so that the more people know about this site, there will be more potential customers. And in order to take away the flow of potential customers, you need to know how to conduct advertising company, so that with a democratic budget and efficient flooring, one or two times will be enough, not only to turn all the stained-glass windows, but also to carry out repeated promotions, but without spending pennies on advertising.

  • Here you need to be smart The more people who come to your site, the more participants there will be. The axis itself is about those who want to know You can immediately recognize on the sides of the electronic book "Successful technologies for increasing sales", and having bought it, having installed the script "Tell a Friend" on the site, you will forever forget about those who are not x take.

    Detailed information about the book (having read a short annotation to the skin) You can find out on our website under the heading E-book store.

Nursery nursery for grown-ups
When people retire, they spend more than nothing - splurge, in the light of what is the best way to lay down our health. As a solution to the problem, in order to start a lack of communication, it is recommended to organize a private business - "Children's nursery for grown-ups".

  • I think that there are enough young families who can allow themselves to “rule” their old relatives to such a mortgage.

    How to connect a paid number for paid consultations?

    In such a nursery for grown-ups, it will be possible to organize a sprat of gurtkiv for interests, a healthy group, a collective review of films in their youth, a medical support and a lot of other things. The mode of operation of the child nursery is the same as that of the child nursery.

Krym tsgogo, for otrimannya additional income, you can organize different initial paid courses.

Similar "children's cages for grown-ups" can be organized in different districts of the city, having created a whole series of such centers in this way. I think that there are a lot of children, that they have grown up, to know the bones, to rule their summer fathers at such centers.

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Trays with peat

At the same time, more and more often paid services are paid via SMS, in order to check the identification code (prefix) on the skin short SMS number. Different rozvagi, sms voting and sms quizzes are also victorious sms numbers and paid type. Moreover, on the websites social measures zastosovuetsya payment for assistance forcing SMS to a paid number. Tobto, the whole way of paying for extensions and requests, more money handy option. When connecting a paid SMS number: when connecting a short SMS number, it will be charged for a few days.

Vinikaє nutrition, how to get sms number ? At the norm, the procedure for removing the paid SMS number is forwarded according to the agreement. If so, how and when the contract is drawn up, it is necessary to submit the installation documents and sign the contract for renting a short SMS number. Execution of an agreement transferring your allowance for payment of the total number of subscriber services, as well as the category of a paid number.

Earnings on receiving calls.

Skin SMS number at the skin operator has its own price, how the subscriber pays, sending SMS to the number. This price is hard to fix behind the number and її it is not possible to change it directly in the text, which is written in SMS notifications. Cream of addition, you can choose new number otherwise vikoristovuvati already the actual number.

Connecting SMS numbers: how to get paid SMS numbers?

New SMS number unique number. If there is another vote, then one and the same number wins at the same time by providers. Tse number, scho razdelyaetsya. SMS number connection guarantees earnings, which can become approximately five hundred dollars per vartosti sent by a short text message. Naturally, what kind of minds are paid sms numbers do not register without cost. To that, add the SMS number to the sensor, if you are sending a specific SMS, which is to be corrected. How to do it so that you can receive the most SMS to your paid number - ce nutrition, the best way to lie only in your eyes. Our company is ready to give you a short number to share and see.

Pay numbers to make a living, to give the opportunity to earn money from mobile phones to earn income for the salary of the income of input calls.This service can speed up physical and legal persons. It’s possible, you’ve been through the TB program, to ask a girl to guess the word. Someone guessing the word, call for the specified number, to say your opinion and win the win. The number that people pay for calling. Entrance calls are paid for a specific tariff. At the middle quill, you can change the cost of 50 rubles or more.

Need to win paid numbers?

that shakhraystvo with paid numbers


We will forgive the organizers of the program to hold the meeting. Also, gazing eyes can quickly guess the word. Tse stinks to shy away in order for the dzvinkiv to be rich. Under the hour of broadcasting the programs of the bazhayuchykh guess the word that wins the prize of the great number. If people call for the specified number, then they can smell auto-reply. It is important that in another second the pennies are known. If a person listens to auto-discovery by stretching a few quills, then spend a few hundred rubles.

Connecting paid numbers is even easier.It is necessary to bring an additional number to the SIM card, which is connected to a paid line. The calls will be paid according to the indicated tariff. The principle of earning money on a paid number is simple, no matter what you think. After connecting the number, you can change services and indicate the phone number.

After that, the person will call on the new one and you will take the amount of money in the amount of money, as if the bula was taken for an hour of remembrance. Earnings to lay a deposit in addition, the skilki Trivala Rozmov. At first glance, everything is easy to finish. Ale, it's not really bad. This income can be rich in nuances and folding. The most wide-spread water stones: the procedure of a paid number is expensive, half a penny is required to pay a mobile operator.

Which services are most often used for connecting to a paid number 8809xxx?

It’s real to earn money on a paid number, but for whom you need a mother, I need a service. Todі before you call a great number of people. Similar service is always up-to-date at higher profile activities:

  • Medical service;
  • informational consultation;
  • legal services;
  • Light courses.

If the service will not be cliqued and crooked, then no one will have to pay a penny to call a paid number. Today there are a lot of companies that will be doing business in the wrong direction. The stench is not honestly a hundred people. Such companies want to win millions in a short hour. The stench is to introduce people into Oman. Nowhere do they say that the call is to their paid number. That's why rich people have paid numbers and call out less negative emotions. Where can I win a paid number? Tse can be game services, quizzes, rozvazhnі services, hot lines and richly different. Benefits of a paid number:

  • Simple and unforgettable mobile number;
  • Connecting a number for a sprat of khvilin;
  • Forwarding to other numbers;
  • Change of tariffs for high-rise buildings;
  • Bagatorіvneve voice menu;
  • Handy special office with customizations.

If you want to get more bags, you can say that a paid number can win money. Alas, there were a large number of people who telephoned, it was necessary to call. For example, a quiz, informational advice, legal service. Then your earnings will be bigger. You can connect such a number without problems. After that, you can proceed to earning money.

It is important to know about victoria

pay numbers in type 8809xxx Think...

Dear koristuvachі, it is possible, You already heard stories about those, like unscrupulous rulers of such numbers deceive people.For example, to give a pardon to the voice indicating the number in the format 8809..., or to get to know each other on dating sites and when splicing, give the number, so that the potential victim called to the new one. And then we’ll be quiet, who, having telephoned on this number, will come to the majestic rahunki.

So the axis, perhaps, Vitezh want to get a number with such a method, so that you can profit from a deceitful path. Just chime in and think!

Believe me, it’s too early for similar acts to appear against the Vlasniks of such numbers in different Shakhrai districts.

On the Internet, at the same time, there are a lot of working schemes from earnings,it’s just not necessary to shuffle light ways, as if to rob more people. Shukayut, de b, download free of charge, etc. a smut for free, but with it, it worked and brought them pennies. Tse share! Think about why you don’t have a lot of pennies all at once, but you don’t get it regularly? So to that, you must buy (zavantazhuєte and etc.) like a cost-free scheme-course from a salary in for critical access, and obviously the stench does not bring any value and does not bring the same crust. Remember the money-free sir, only in the Misholovtsy. We have an hour to pay for everything.

A new fresh topic of separation for those who need money to earn money. And yet, in other similar schemes of "sweet money", shakhrai are being saved.

You can talk about the same kind of voiceless voice.

Earnings on receipt of calls [from 5.000 rubles for production on a full machine]

The essence of the scheme without driving:
We rent a paid number like MTS, MEGAFON or BEELINE. Call you -> from the one who calls, they charge 40 rubles for the credit, 20 for you.
Now for the points:
For the first time, we need to take a paid number without announcing the billing rate. At the moment there is only one option. Qi contacts do not smoke raja to anyone, our gold lived.
We write the sheet by e-mail:
[email protected]– For MTS number
[email protected]– For Megafon number
[email protected]– For Beeline number
Sheet subject: Application for a paid number.
The text of the sheet: P.I.B., Rozrahunkovy account of Oschadbank for payments of earned money, Sphere of winning - Paid consultations, MTS number, MEGAFON or BEELINE.
Important! Payment is connected to your special number MTS, Megafon and Beeline. For whom you need to buy a sim card of the indicated operators with the cheapest tariff, but without a subscription fee. You need the same sim card, so the calls will go steadily 247. It’s better to buy it yourself cheap phone at a flea market for ~300 rubles for receiving calls for the same reasons.
Important! Fill in the sheet with the template above.

2. Wait for two working days. They will give you a commendation, if it is possible to connect with your mist to the service, chi no. In order to serve, you can connect and all the necessary information, you will be given the price of connection (deposit in the region, in the average 1.500 rubles), and details for payment. Datings are awarded for the first day of active work. Pay for the need of the same day, if you took the sheet from the vіdpovіddu, tse obov'yazkovo.
Important! Service given connects to the number not officially, because officially, you can connect only a large organization and only through a contract. You don’t take away documents about the connection of services, the only minus. The subscription fee for the warehouse service is 1500 rubles per month. The minimum monthly income in your warehouse is 150,000 rubles, so it's not a big penny. Until then, the first month the subscription fee does not get better. Pay once for 2 tizhnі.
You can receive information about the coins you have earned by asking for a mail order [email protected]
Now the most important - how to get traffic.
The simplest of all schemes. Idemo on the same, we create an announcement about the apartment building (take a place for a millionaire), put the price lower by 5-7 thousand, lower for similar parameters. For example, prices in St. Petersburg - 16 thousand. for a 1-room studio apartment with a European-style renovation, within easy accessibility from the metro. Such a variant is more and less pleasurable, and not too fancy. There will be no competition for this proposition, accept it.
So we take it on the vkontakte. Driven in at the polls: renting a dwelling [place], and looking for options WITHOUT intermediaries. The text of the reminder (sends on the wall or in the discussion, where there will be a topic for the placement of similar reminders from Vlasniks) of approximately offensive change:
I'm renting an apartment (vlasnik) - studio, 5 hvilin pishki to [metro station near the center of the city], evroremont. 16.000 rubles + light. Phone - (our chargeable phone number).
!Choose the photo as the best, from the same options on Avito!| !Obov'yazkovo marvel, schob vіdpovidalo description!
Calls start for 2-3 minutes after the placement of the voiceover.
Obov'yazkovo put on the phone automatically pick up the handset, so that the ring will immediately call you, and not check, until you manually pick up the phone. So you can't hear the beeps and you can't hear it. A person can stay on the line for 5-10 minutes, thinking that this is a glitch of the operator, and call ahead.
A person to call you -> send an auto pick up of the handset (automatically receive a call on all phones, search for information in -> from a new charge from 40 to 100 rubles per credit (deposit from your region) -> allowance go to your office from 20 to 100 rubles per piece.
With 2 placements of voices on the air and in contact with the contacts, it will take at least 5-6 years to go to the extraction.
6 years = 360 hours
360 khvilin * 20 rubles = 7200 rubles.
Once again - minimally with 2 placements of vowels on 2 resources, you will take 7200 rubles for production.
The topic is scalable. Tobto. The more stunned you are, the more your earnings will be. For a rozrahunka, a minimum is taken.

Like in a scam about "a lot of practitioners of webmoney", like to know "enchanting gamants", what a penny will win, so here - a good soul of a person, like working in MTS / Beeline / Megaphone, as much as I want to make you happy.

And so you didn’t get caught up in rapt, and while you’re on the edge of enthusiasm, and now you think that you can buy with a penny earned - pay for the shoes of the shoes of that day, as you take away the evidence.

"This service is connected to your number not officially. "
So so so. And so companies like MTS/Beeline/Megafon will take such a black scheme and then transfer it to you "zaroblene"??? Presenting yourself before the regulatory authorities for the sake of your income? Do you seriously believe? Do you believe that they will give you a paid number without a contract?

After payment of 1500 rubles. "for the connection" of the number - you will definitely stop talking to you.

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