Incorrectly entered the key of the postal worker oschadbank ast. Pardon signing Error calling method on NPObject. Possible problems with robots Sberbank AST

Golovna / 2 Cool Readers

Linking a new certificate may be related to different situations. For example, at the new one, bypassing the term dії, which is to become 1 rіk. Abo the old certificate is ruined. Є vipadki, if you need a post-planned change that attachment. Like an old spіvrobіtnik having ceased to be engaged in projects on ETP, and a new person appeared.

Entrance to LKS on Oschadbank-AST are carried out under the EP certificate. If it is not possible to enter the personal account, the system sees that the system is corrupted and the client certificate cannot be matched, then it is necessary to attach a new one.

Instructions for linking a new certificate on the site Oschadbank-AST:

  1. It is necessary to fill in and apply for the registration of a new koristuvach. Go to the vіdkrit part of the Maidanchik, know the menu "For Participants". Rozgornuti tsey rasdіl that press on "Registration". After that, press the button “Select” and “Submit an application”. Rebuy the button next to the field "Registration of a registered participant".
  2. Choose your own EP certificate from the requested list. Let's fill in the form fields. The active fields are filled in automatically (IPN, OGRN then), and the login and password are specified as new.
  3. Sign an application for accreditation of a new EP. Get confirmation that it is working successfully.
  4. By stretching five hvilin new EP become active. You will be able to re-enter the LC and continue the robot.

Under the hour of work with the Treasury at the Continent AP program, the deyak koristuvachiv have a pardon for the signature of the key with the number 0x0000065b. Pardon is dear, ale is at home. The most common reason is the license for Crypto-Pro CSP. For some versions of the Crypto-Pro distributions that are being installed, make sure to enable full functionality on the trial term, do not ask serial number product licenses, prote through song hour get blocked. As a rule - after 2 months. If the program worked properly with the Continent AP program, the Treasury ceased to give the opportunity to sign documents with certificates of the coristuvach, seeing the pardon 0x0000065b. The only way out for you is to enter the Crypto-Pro program and enter the serial number, following the path: Start - Control Panel - Crypto-Pro CSP - Global - License Entry.

How to review the license for Crypto-Pro CSP?

It is necessary to launch the program shell by price: Start - Control Panel - Crypto-Pro CSP. For the first vital program, please note the type of your license and the term її dії (div. small below).

Yakscho did not help

Even though the recommendations for re-verification and the installation of licenses did not reveal the problem, there may be a technical problem with the Continent AP program, in which case the pardon for the signature of the key 0x0000065b is called. Here we can reconsider the possible conflicts of the programs with Firewall, Antivirus, install it on the computer or reinstall the special certificate of the coristuvach, before cim having cleared the forgotten passwords of certificates from the Crypto-Pro program. Fight like this:

Start - Recovery Panel - Crypto-Pro CSP - Services - Visibility for forgetting passwords - Ok

Have a good time to all the readers of our portal dedicated to the servants of the Oschadbank of Russia. Today we would like to tell you how to pardon when signing the signer's data. And so, let's fix and analyze this problem in order.

This pardon is due at the hour of the registration of the coristuvacha, if after the signing of these vinicators he wrote that he said that 'The signer's certificate is not valid for signing'.

Informing about the inaccuracy of blame through those who, in the process of accreditation, pardons were allowed, due to the execution of low official documents.

Documents that can have more than one side of the text should be packed in the recommended zip format, not rar.

The volume of the file is to blame for the borders of 10 Mb, and it is better to change the distribution of the buildings of the sides, so that you can get involved in this contract. Even if it is impossible, then it may be possible to create a piece of archives, so that you can give a clear name, so that the operator to the center, deactivate the electronic digital signature, not immediately raise claims.

It is better to scan all the documents, and to replace the instructions on the recognition of the continuation of the renewal, it is sufficient to file a decision, as it was confirmed and signed.

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Ways to correct the pardon for the signing of the signer's data

We are going to have to turn around to the installation center, as if taking care of the electronic digital signature. Tse can help the yakomoga better fix the situation.

If you want to pardon the hour of signing to the point that the interface simply stops being tuned, then you need to get the library of the CryptoPro utility and install її.

It is important to remember the pardons for the hour of signing the tribute to the one who can find a set of keys, without which it is impossible to parse.

Most of the time, it is due to the fact that the password was incorrectly recorded, otherwise they simply did not remember it. So, for help, you need CryptoPro to see all the memorized passwords and only then enter new ones.

Verify the key floppy disk, and if the copy was made correctly, it will happen again. In addition, it is necessary to perekonatisya in the fact that the term dії utility is not passing.

Supporting us, we could help you with all your nutrition and help solve the problems that were caused by the work of Oschadbank AST. If you are blamed for the quality of the service and services of Oschadbank of Russia, look for them on the sides of our portal.

Oschadbank-AST - the system of trades for purchasing, selling, auctions for municipal, state and commercial structures was automated. To access Oschadbank-AST, it is necessary to take the status of acceptance, and at the same time - an electronic signature, which is a kind of digital key for accessing the system. For the help of this key, the signature of electronic documents is required (where it is allowed). De i yak otrimati EDS for Oschadbank AST, chi є in the new term dії? How much do you have to pay for the creation of an electronic digital signature of a bidder?

Headlines about the ECP

ECP for trading Oschadbank AST gives the opportunity to trade on six different Maidans, accredited by standards Federal Law 223 about State purchases. Krim Oschadbank AST - tse:

  • Single electronic trading maidanchik;
  • AGZRT;
  • MICEX;
  • Russian auction booth;
  • ETS-Tender.

The registration of the ECP at Oschadbank AST also allows you to sign an electronic signature for a digital document for verification of a correspondent (including a legal entity) on the websites of State Services. Today, there are close to 100 similar systems of electronic interoperability, and it is not allowed to sign a contract for Oschadbank AST through the ECP, and the list is regularly expanded. Therefore, the elimination of an electronic signature is the reason for the expansion of business opportunities.

How to take the ECP?

Vіdpovіdno until vstanovlenih rules from the side of Oschadbank AST, registration, revalidation and revalidation of the new EDS on Oschadbank AST to be carried out in the Authorized Centers, which will tell. Such at the moment Russian Federationє vіsіm:

  1. Oschadklyuch.
  2. Korus (dіє bіla SND).
  3. National center of consecration.
  4. Tensor.
  5. UC "Garant".
  6. National Center for Marketing and Price Conjuncture.
  7. SKB "Kontur".
  8. Taxi.

Wash away the re-verification of the EDS for Oschadbank AST with whom they are filled with similar ones, as well as documents. Varto vrahuvaty, scho їхній list is regularly zmіnyuёtsya, koriguєtsya, so next clarify it without delay before submitting an application.

For the time being, for the adoption of the ECP physical persons need:

  • passport;
  • SNILZ;
  • certificate of issue of the identification number;
  • I will declare with the form of a certificate.

For entrepreneurs, it is also necessary to issue a letter of registration from ЄDRІP or ЄDRYuL (deposit in the form of entrepreneurship).

Skіlki koshtuє?

How much does the ECP cost for Oschadbank AST? Podsumkovu vartist has the right to establish a center, which without intermediary zasvіdchuє, fallow in the spectrum of vicaristic services. From them, it is possible to give information support, as well as to give additional help in preparing a package of documents for filing an application. Obviously, the appointed servants are added to the rank of the ECP itself.

The average price is 5,000 carbs per river.

Dumka expert

Volodymyr Anatoliyovich Sorokin

Warto also lie, that there are two variations of the electronic signature. Tse is so called "Individual" and "Derzhavna". The same for trading on Oschadbank AST, as well as for participating in various auctions and auctions, come on. Vіdmіnnostі іmіzh them polagayut more important іn dodatkovomu funkіonіlі (zaєmodіya z raznym portals derzhposlug).

How to sign electronic documents?

The signing of electronic documents will follow the established standard. It is necessary for us to install a sum of software security (for which the certification is transferred from the side of the FSP). Quite a few, who actively win the EDC, including those at the Oschadbank AST auction, recommend installing CyberSafe, stubbornly, that the output code is given by the program, it is possible to change the skin and confirmed by the presence of a license in the FSP). I, obviously, the program is cost-free.

Then, through the program, install a digital certificate (you can see it on the nose, and copy it on the electronic Postal screenshot). For legal osіb, as if stinks were taken away from the certificates (for skin spyware it’s okay), it’s necessary to carry out the installation of all of them.

Varto also give respect, so in order to revise the ECP Oschadbank AST, or vouch for the signing of documents it is necessary to extract the computer from the installed operating system Windows families, moreover, editions 7 or more (8, 8.1, 10, including corporate versions).

It is also necessary:

It is also planned to win over Internet Explorer itself - the address of the electronic trading platform Oschadbank AST must be added to the list of relevant nodes. Before the first hour, try the signature of the browser and request permission to use ActiveX-elements. Obviously, it is necessary to allow the use of technology.

Unfortunately, on Linux-systems, as well as on MacOS, it is completely impossible to see the EDC - for them, the sum has not yet been split software. Often this problem can be solved with Wine (software emulation) Windows environments through the kernel libraries), but you can't expect any guarantees of stable operation. FSP and representatives of Oschadbank AST vikoristovuvaty do not recommend this option.

EDS wiki for trading on Oschadbank AST

How to add EDS to Oschadbank AST? It is necessary for us to go through the registration on the site using the established form, then go to your special office. Certification of the certificate is consummated by the star itself head side. There is a detailed cover instruction it is not the fault of the problems to blame for the ignorant koristuvachs.

Dumka expert

Volodymyr Anatoliyovich Sorokin

Accreditation specialist with a job with a maydanchik

How to sign a contract for the Maidan Oschadbank AST for an additional electronic signature?

So it goes, as if there were another document.

Tobto back is necessary download the form special office (all fields will be filled in automatically), then – sign a document through a program like CyberSafe(be it an addendum for robots from the ECP), potim - get ahead of signings electronic document in a special office.

Varto vrahuvati, scho given the opportunity to practice for just an hour of an active trading session (simply seeming - at working hour according to MSC).

More detailed instructions for all the nuances of work with Oschadbank AST can be taken into account for the address. Everything is written there as clearly as possible, including technical support to a PC and software warehouse.

Possible problems with robots Sberbank AST

The widest pardon - the same pardon at the hour of signing Oschadbank AST. Most of the opinions point to those that the software medium does not support minimal helpers otherwise, there is an insane software security.

As well as signing an empty Oschadbank AST (may be on the verge, when signing the act), it is possible to indicate those that the process is victorious during non-working hours (so the maydanchik is not practicu), otherwise the clerk did not let ActiveX be signed in Internet Explorer. It will be the same way, as the maydanchik himself to Oschadbank AST did not add to the list of other domains.

How to sign a contract for Oschadbank AST? For whom it is necessary to take an electronic signature near the center, as you can see. It is possible for both physical persons, and individual undertakings, and legal persons. The very process of signing a signature takes literally 1 day, but remember that all the necessary documents have been submitted to the center, which you are grateful for.

A lot of participants in the purchaser, regardless of the knowledge, are confronted with the problem of the correctness of the work on the electronic trade maidanchik. Many pardons may appear at some point, including in the process of electronic trading.

The notes can be different, but at the same time:

  • The application for participation in the competition was not submitted at the line
  • Prograniy electronic auction
  • Chi is not signed at the lines of the sovereign contract

Three of the most widespread problems in the work with electronic signature

  1. The certificate of the participant of the purchase is not displayed on the electronic maidan
  2. Electronic signature does not sign documents

Indeed, there could be more pardons, but we will analyze the main reasons for them, and also significantly possible ways fixing problems.

Naygolovnіshe - remember what for correct work An electronic signature must be signed with the Internet Explorer browser not lower than version 8, but no higher than 11 (with version 11 there is no guarantee of stable operation of the signature).

The signature key certificate is not visible on the Maidan for an hour try logging in

At to this particular type the viklikan's pardon for the sake of kіlkom reasons, but for herself:

  • Incorrect assignment of the signature key certificate
  • Incorrectly configured Internet browser
  • Daily root certificate.

How to fix the problem?

It is necessary for us to reconsider that you have correctly installed a part of the certificate in the specialty through SKZI (Crypto Pro). Which version installed software appropriate for the type of operating system.

Let's sweat Internet browser Explorer it is necessary to add the addresses of the maydanchiks at the appropriate university and enable all ActiveX elements.

An electronic signature confirms the pardon at the hour of signing the documents

As a rule, this pardon is blamed on a number of behaviors:

  • Bypassing the term "dії licenses" of the CryptoPro software
  • Inserts worn with a different certificate

How to fix it?

For which you need to get a new license by going back to the Center, which you can see. After the license has been successfully revoked, it is necessary to launch CryptoPro and enter the serial number of the license.

In another case, you need to check all closed containers (carriers) inserted into the USB socket of the computer and check the correctness of the choice of the required certificate.

The system provides a pardon at the entrance to the electronic Maidan

Tsya pardon can be a viklikan for the succession of reasons that are more significant. As practice shows, such a pardon in Persh Cherga is blamed for wrong installed libraries capicom. It is recommended to check the presence of the installed library on your computer and pay attention to the need for copying 2 system files with extensions.dll into one Windows folders, When coring with a 64-bit system.

In order for you to avoid such pardons, before setting up an electronic signature, read about setting up and setting up an electronic signature, or apply for the release and setting up of an electronic signature in our company.

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