Normalization of audio files Normalization of density and the maximum allowable level of the audio signal Saving the processed Audacity track into an okremia audio file

Golovna / Nalashtuvannya

Sound normalization in Sound Forge Pro 10

Raise the level of the sound signal without risk, spend the brightness, enable the function "Normalize". Algorithm її robopolyagaє in the offensive: the program recognizes the value of the highest signal from the value of the maximum possible signal, raising the highest value of the highest quality to the file for retail. Shchob speed up "Normalize" function You can see the same dialog window that is at the “Process” menu item. The main parameter є "Normalize to", which indicates the maximum possible value of the signal, which will be protected when sound normalization in Sound Forge.

It is possible to normalize the signals of a large number of files, which is critical when recording a CD. For whom, pressing the button "Scan levels", we will scan the audio file, for the accuracy of any other. Let's watch the upcoming audio file and in the "Normalize" dialog box we will set the ensign of the switcher "Use current scan level (do not scan selection)". We press the "OK" button at the dialog box "Normalize to". Program to spawn normalization of density in audio files.

Function "Normalize" you can also make a larger folding cut, calculating the average "getting thick". Sometimes you blame the situation, if there is any sound in the audio files, perebuvayushi on the same quality with others, sound louder. The reason for this is the power of human hearing. Sound Forge can tamper with a file at a human glance. For which in the dialog box "Normalize to" it is necessary to activate the jumper . If so, more parameters will be available: "Ignore below"- The value of this parameter determines the threshold of the permissible sound level. If the value is lower than the assigned threshold, when scanning "medium density, which is accepted", it will be ignored. Have more vipadkіv meaning given parameter approximately "-45 Db".

Parameter Attack time Specify the program, how to quickly trace the digital gateway to the signal, so that the valid sound level is corrected when scanning data. Therefore, there are sounds in the audio files that often change one by one, for example, drum sticks, then insert given value yakomoga is lower, otherwise the sounds will not be harmed. The greater number of fluctuations has a value that is more than 200 milliseconds, it can cope with the resolutions of the tasks.

Parameter Release time Instruct the program, how quickly the digital gateway closes. As it is necessary when scanning data, so that more material is insured, after inserting a larger value of the parameter.

In the wake of the current obmezhennosti of human hearing, even higher that low frequencies feel more folded, lower than average. Tse provisions can be corrected by setting the ensign "Use equal loudness contour". Tsya funktsiya polyuє vague ranges in frequencies, at large fluctuations in її dotsіlno to install.

After setting all the characteristics, press the button "Scan levels" to start the scanning process "accepting the richness".

When working with a function "Average RMS level (loudness)", but be careful by adjusting the “Normalize to” parameter, the shards selected even at a higher value can cause the sound to deform, or else it can be deformed. If you do not override the "-6 Db" value, the overrides are turned off.

For the best zahistu according to the data you can select the item "Apply dynamic compression", which is bookmarked "if clipping occurs".

Press the "OK" button. The program normalizes the quality of the audio data based on the values ​​of the streaming parameters.

Introduction to Sound Forge Pro 10
1. interface 3:13 4 25906
2. Navigation for Sound Forge Pro 10 2:00 0 8937
3. Markery 1:50 0 6369
4. Regions 4:23 0 5093
5. Poshuk 4:01 0 4476
Sound Forge Pro 10 Editing Basics
6. Magnify Tool 1:21 0 7006
7. Vision 1:41 0 4729
8. Copy and paste functions. Part 1. 3:20 0 7352
9. Copy and paste functions. Part 2. 3:20 2 44121
10. Skasuvannya diy 2:45 0 2863
11. Tool "Olivets" 3:16 0 5686
Processing functions
12. Shift along the amplitude axis 2:16 0 5631
13. Change of capacity 2:17 0 4908
14. Sampling frequency change 9:33 0 5605
15. Visible fragments in silence 4:41 0 4850
16. Insert silence 1:05 0 3643
17. Replacing the thickness of the sound. Part 1. 1:09 0 8053
18. Replacing the thickness of the sound. Part 2. 1:09 0 9455
19. Sound normalization 2:37 0 27550
20. Canal replacement 4:31 0 4636
21. panorama view 3:26 0 3538
22. Equalization, part 1. 2:12 0 5807
23. Equalization, part 2. 2:12 0 5087
24. Equalization, part 3. 2:12 3 3056
25. Right at the gate 3:20 0 4656
26. Change of speed 1:57 0 18614
Effects in Sound Forge Pro 10
27. Efecti moon 2:21 0 5897
28. Multi Tap Delay 3:51 0 3021
29. Chorus 2:09 0 3275
30. Flange 2:25 0 2491
31. pitch bend 2:42 0 3149
32. Pitch Shift 3:08 0 12197
33. vibrato 2:47 0 2171

Music lovers, I guess, more than once had to stick with the situation, if some compositions of one dobirka sound more loudly, and others, on the other hand, even more quietly. Such a boom, if the coristuvachi zavantazhuyut music from different dzherel, as well as compositions with different bass sounding often zastrіchayutsya in mixes, de zіbranі songs of different vikonavtsіv. Well, it’s conceivable, just how to fix it in such moods, don’t regulate the loudness of the eye, how can the song sound louder and quieter?

No, it’s obvious that the thickness can be overcome, moreover, it’s simple. For whom do you need a little cost-free utility. This program allows you to process audio files of popular formats in batch mode up to the specified density parameter.

Otzhe, let's go to the retailer's side and I'll stop again (!) version . For locking, the program is installed on English language And, in order not to save you, set it to the default mode, so that you can immediately take the Russian interface into account, at another stage of installation, you need to check the box "Ukrainian" at the menu "Language files".

Click the button on the menu "Upload Files" ta zavantazhuєmo vіkno utility audio files it is necessary to correct some of them. Far on the pressure "Analysis track" And check until the program completes the analysis of files with a method for detecting their complexity. The procedure can take a little bit, all fall in the form of a global expansion of files that are analyzed. For a sample of 1 GB, approximately 10 lengths are required.

Then it is necessary to install the bagan's thickness (for locking tse 89 Db) and press the button "Type track". As a result of processing, the density of all audio files will be reduced to a single specified value. Change of equal density takes less than an hour, an_zh analysis. Also, make sure that all files in the process of processing and saving will be overwritten.

І nasamkinets kіlka slіv about those that mean the parameters opposite to the skin file.

  • Riven- streaming thickness.
  • Kliping- a birdie is installed on the opposite side Y show, what is the noise for the flow density on the track? (Che will be їх chuti chi nі, lie down in the sight of your hearing).
  • Track- We will show the difference in decibels between the exact and the set-up corysteve parameter of the density.
  • The presence of the sign at the column "Clip (T)" tell me what background noise to get rid of the afterwork.

So that these noises were more obvious, it is not recommended to set the thickness above it high, or above it low. Optimal values ​​for the parameter "Norm of density"є approximately 85-95 decibel.

Normalization of audio signals from peaks led to significant differences in the diversity between motion channels;

The display of the QPPM standardized in European countries by the document EBU Tech Doc 3205-E and the quasi-peak value of the QPPM level ce attachment to the back of the head is not assigned to register the average value of the signal;

With the constant growth of digital phonogram production and digital distribution of audio content, the standardization of the allowed maximum level of the audio signal is determined by the ITU-R BS document. 645

Document ITU-R BS. 1770 appointments international standard vimiryuvannya versatility of audio programs, what to enter new parameter to the audio signal - a unit of accuracy.

Vіdpovіdno to vyschevikladennogo, Єvropeyskiy union movlennya recommends when vymіryuvannya audiosignal koristuvatisya new unity equals LU (Loudness Unit) and LUFS (unit of multiples of the same scale). (The name “LUFS” is based on international conventions on terminology and is equivalent to the name LKFS, as opposed to ITU-R BS.1770-2).
It is recommended to re-characterize the transmission by vibrating three main parameters:

- Program Loudness;
- Loudness Range;
- Maximum mitteviy rіven (Maximum True Peak Level).

The main rules for vimiryuvannya tsikh parametrіv zvoditsya before the next paragraphs:

For the nominal value of the density of the EBU R 128 program, it is recommended to take a value equal to -23 LUFS, and in case of failures, if the value of the nominal value is unattainable (for example, during live broadcast), the allowable allowance for the nominal value is not guilty of ±1.

The audio signal of the transmission is due to but, as a rule, fading as a single whole without seeing a few specific fragments, such as mov, music or sound effects.

The maximum allowable transmission time limit is -1 dBTP (Decibels of True Peak).

All tests are carried out by tests, specified in the relevant documents: ITU-R BS.1770, EBU Tech Doc 3341 and EBU Tech Doc 3342.

*EBU - European Broadcasting Union

For the record, members of the EBU (EBC) in Russia have only "First Channel", "VGTRK", "Radio Mayak", "Orpheus", "Voice of Russia". Other modern companies are basing themselves with such standards, only guessing is left.

At the attachment archives of EBU documents in Russian language, and itself:

EBU Tech 3341;
EBU Tech 3342;
EBU Tech 3343;
EBU Tech 3344;
Esse_625v2- Yes, Anatoly Sokolin: "The revolution, as it shook the world of audio";
R68_2000_EBU- Technical recommendation EBU R68-2000. Installation level in the field of digital audio production and digital audio recorders;
EBU R1771- help to the fittings, which win the thickness and the true peak riven;
EBU R1770-1- Recommendation MCE-R BS.1770-1. Algorithms for vibrating the density of sound programs and the true peak level of the sound signal;

Here you can view up-to-date original documents.

So with sound files, only they don’t smell the stink, but save it. Some files save the sound from equal density according to the norms. Others save the sound from the equal volume, Tim, who looks like the norm. However, the density of the output sound signal does not change. Everything shows up less equal to the record sound signal. And the date of the record with the method of preventing the creation of the creation is set in such a rank that beep, which is fed to the input of the analog-to-digital converter (ADC) three times lower than its maximum possible level at maximum values ​​(peaks) of density. Otherwise contemplation do not vanish and the sound swells unnatural created character. Until then, I’ll write down the record at the lowest technical reasons.

For people norm sensitivity to hearing range otherwise, two positions are similar to the lower and upper equal sound - these are the same titles dynamic range but the realm of strangeness. One position is indicative of the weakest equal to the loudness of the sound (threshold of sensibility) of a still commemorative person. This position is the strongest equal to the loudness of the sound (pain threshold) is still accepted by the people.

For sound files, the same is the norm, but the norm is equal to the accuracy record. Get out range otherwise, two positions are in line with the lower and upper levels of the recording of the richness of the sound and the same titles dynamic range. Oskіlki komp'yuter razumіє ta obroblyaє sound u digital look You save the same for the files as well as for the digital look. Therefore, the range is assigned by two numbers, i.e. the upper and lower limits dynamic range. Fallow view like the sound that is saved range of matime width.

Talking about sound files and math memo on Uvaz files with extensions .WAV, then wav files. Oskіlki tse tі files, like vikoristovuyut for recording audio CDs.

On the audio CDs sound files are saved with extensions .RAW. When recording on a hard drive, the stench for the help of a special program of a rapper or a grabber is converted to wav files. When recording to an audio CD, sound files with extensions .WAV converted to files with extensions .RAW.

Dosit often equal to the recording of the richness of the sound on audio CDs for different musical compositions, they seem to be uneven or lower normi what I create is unacceptable in the transition from one musical composition to another. So often, it appears nervous that value is equal to the recording of the richness of the sound in two stereo channels in one musical composition. For usunennya tsikh nedolіkіv nebhіdno vykonati normalization. Yaku and vigadali for tsyogo.

I'm not a Vikonati normalization, then a low level of sound quality for recording the sound of a musical composition when an audio CD is played, with compensation for the visual more strength from the side of sound-making equipment. What to do unhandedly and lead to the vindication not obov'vyazkovyh connivances from the side of sound-making equipment. Yaki can be used to disappear, huddled inconsolable shaping the sound like normalization.

As a powerful tool for normalizing wav files, I would like to recommend you a smartly-shareware program. This program allows you to process wav-files with 8 and 16-bit digital format and one or two stereo channels. The program Sound Normalizer 2.2 creates sound and wav files copy original sound file, with yakim won't work. Allowing tsim in critical situations to disappear irreversible change original file. Also, one of the advantages of the program is the possibility independent regulation equal to normalization of sound from the skin channel. At a glance for other similar ones Program Sound Normalizer 2.2 May let's forgive and understand the interface.

Normalization is due for peak or maximum equal to sound. And tse means that the skin meaning is equal to the sound proportional change and save ourselves natural sound all musical compositions.

However, the sound for two stereo channels should be accepted after normalization for the maximum level. different equal thicknesses. Tse tim, scho priynyattya ugnostі maє sche dynamicі frequency warehousing, yakі mozhut plating strongly vіrіznyatimutsya in two channels, scho vyklikayut strong perekіs average value equal to the thickness of the skin canal. You can recommend vikonati to your vipad by the method of trying pardons manual regulation equal to the normalization of the skin canal.

Recently, I know a wonderful resource of independent sound engineer Des McKinney. Tse just dzherelo korisnyh articles from the current sound recording and vіdomosti! І axis is one of them (forward translation):

The normalization process often benefits newcomers to digital sound recording. Seemingly, "normalization" has a different meaning, which, of course, beats pantely. However, newbies and fahivtsі can be spantelic myths and misinformation, which are enough on this topic.
I will tell you about 10 broader pardons and those that are true.

Peak Normalization

Spontak, deyakі clarification: Oskіlki “normalizatsіya”, may mean a few speeches (div. below), the myth below will be placed before the peak normalization.

Peak normalization is the process of automating the process, which changes the skin sample rate in the digital sound recording signal to an even number, in such a way that the best sample reaches the specified level. Start the cycling process to ensure that the signal reaches a maximum of 0dB - the highest level allowed in digital audio.
The process of normalization is similar to moving the volume knob or the fader: the entire signal is changed by the same “unbreakable” kilkistyu, uphill or down. With normalization, the system knows the most significant peak and, in a new way, it will also be the highest peak.

Deyakі z mіfіv lower vіdobrazhayut no more, like the incomprehensibility of the process, as if you have widened pardons, but not less, deyakі z mіfіv look like a fundamental incomprehensibility - in to this particular type in sound, mixing and digital sound recording.

Myths and disinformation.

Myth #1: After normalization, a lot of stinky tracks sound the same way.

Normalization of a few tracks to a wild level is guaranteed only for the mind that the tracks are identical. However, our ability to find richness depends on a variety of factors, including the intensity of the sound, the frequency and the frequency. The peak of the signal is important, but it cannot be directly related to the fullness of the track.

Myth # 2: Normalization to rob the track of the flooring is thick, as it is possible.

Listen to two mp3 files, normalized to -3dB:

If the level of the track on the floor is low, you can no longer beat the Gain controls and the thickness to make the track thicker. If you point out the problem with recording, ideally you can rewrite the track with the necessary level ... But if it's not possible, normalization can eliminate a distant double.

If it is necessary to set the peak rhubarb to the track without changing its density, which is accepted. For example, pratsyyuchi s test signal, with noise and other non-musical content. Obviously, you can set the peak rive manually - listening to the track and indicating the peaks ... but the robot can do the normalization for you.

Myth #9: Normalization guarantees that the track will not be clipped.

Single track, normalized to 0dB, not over-adjusted. However, the track will be processed or filtered due to the increase in density (for example, during equalization) to be created. І as a track - a part of the mix, which includes other tracks, normalized to 0dB, є guarantee that the sum of all tracks will outweigh the greatest peak of any single. In other words, normalization protects you from being more adventurous in the simplest way.

Myth #10: Normalization assists an additional dithering operation.

The rest of the myth is a trifle esoteric, and yet it appears in the discussions on the record. Sound, at the form, say: "it's better to normalize in 24 bits, if not in 16 bits, that's why ...", which is accompanied by explanations, as it conveys an incorrect understanding of digital sound recording.

I'll just say: dithering zastosovuetsya for changing bits. (For example, conversion from 24 bits to 16 bits). Normalization works regardless of the bit depth, changing only the skin sample rhinestone. Shards of no change in bitness are not required, dithering is not required.

Other appointments.

Normalization can mean a few other speeches. In the context of mastering an album, engineers often normalize the tracks of an album on the same level. It should be worn to thickness, which is accepted, and it cannot be applied to the peak level of the skin track.

Deyakі system (for example SoundForge) to promote Normalization by RMS, which is based on the calculation of RMS density. Tse approximately shows the density that is taken, and also does not lie in the peak level. However, as with peak normalization, this stagnation will also require a thoughtful approach.

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