Why didn’t I get connected to the minecraft server. How to play in the local area in Minecraft. Problems connecting to the server

Golovna / Corisna information
  • Problems when closing the server:
  • Problems when connecting to the server:
  • Other pardons


These problems can be divided into two categories:

  1. Problems under the hour of server creation. You created the server for instructions, but for some reason it won't start. You see unknowingly and long pardon.
  2. Problems pіd hour pіdklyuchennya to the server. Either way, your friends can't connect to the server when they want to start up.

Often in case of virishenni one problem vinikaє іnsha. It can mean that either a few problems and you have solved one of them, or you have done everything crookedly and you have got one more pardon. Also, do not varto bad instructions.

Problems when closing the server

  • FAILED TO BIND TO PORT- Closed port 25565. . I’ll add to myself that the change of the port in the next few valleys can help. Especially I put port 25566 on the vlasny server. If you want, it’s possible, it’s a pardon, but it’s not easy to try everything.
  • - hot prefix for all problems that are blamed through plugins.


  1. You installed the plugins incorrectly.
  2. The plugin version is not the same as the server version.

Solution: Viewing/rearranging plug-ins, via yaki vinyl given a pardon. It is highly recommended to install the plugins sequentially, one at a time, and not all at once, and change the server's practice.

  • **** NOT ENOUGH RAM!- a pardon is given not virubuє server, prote zavazhaє yogo povnotsіnіy roboі ("galmuє PPC"). Won means you don't have much operational memory, because Java has little memory.

Solution: If you really don't have enough RAM (256 or 512 MB), you can buy a new one if you have a lot of money. If you have її є wanting 6 gigabytes, you need to build an axis that:

  1. Create a text file.
  2. Write to the new row "java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraft_server.jar"
  3. Change your extension from .txt to .bat
  4. Profit!

Problems connecting to the server

  • Disconnected by Server. published server!- this pardon is applied only if the version of your minecraft is higher, the server version is lower (for example, you have 1.3.1, and the server is 1.1). Install a new version of the server (it's easier to upgrade your client and server to the other version).
  • published client- does not mean that your client's version is lower, lower on the server. For example, you have version 1.2.1, and 1.3.1 is installed on the server.
  • Connection Lost. Flagged login: bad login- pardon given is displayed, as if on the server with the parameter online-mode=true (only with a licensed version) try to log in with no-cost client(pirated, not purchased). This is how such a pardon appears when you enter a friend's server - it means that you forget to change true to false.
  • User not Premium- Solution of the problem is similar to "bad login"
  • connection reset- otherwise the server is not available for some reason (for example, it was turned off for a half hour), otherwise you have problems with it.
  • Connection refused- does not mean that either there is no running server for this address, otherwise you have problems for now. You can also ask for a dynamic ip from the server host.
  • Logged in from another location- tse pardon dosit rіdkіsna, but all the same іnоdі vinikaє. This means that there are already people visiting the server under your nickname (mostly blame it if your nickname is "Player").
  • Read time out- Literally translated as "viyshov hour ochіkuvannya vіdpovidі". The reason for the pardon is in the server hang, or in the client hang.
  • Internal Server Error- "Internal pardon server". Vinikaє through a pardon at the vikonuvanu code. Nayimovіrnіshe, tse robot to the virus chi curve modification (chi hands... :().
  • end of stream- Translating literally like "throw the flow."
  • Reasons:
  1. If the pardon occurs irregularly, then the fault is the communication with the server, as it can be a viklikana yogo hanging up or we will filthy Internet connections (the link interrupted for a couple of seconds).
  2. If the pardon is issued permanently, then in which wine it is installed on the client and server snapshots(I'm guessing that the snapshot is the beta version of the offensive version of Gri). To solve the problem, it is necessary to put new version Minecraft on client and server(At the time of writing, the version is 1.3.1). Versions of the client and the server can be booty the same.
  • Internal expertise: bad packet id %number%- you have installed a mod on your client that is currently on the server. Get a clean (no modification) client.
  • Can't reach server- means that the ip of your server is not visible (great sum::). Grati can only be done on hamachi. If you are trying to connect to the community server, but if you get a pardon, then it means that there are technical robots(server downvoted).
  • Took to long to login- Forgiveness is blamed on those that server versions and client versions do not run.

Other pardons

I don’t want to blame the stench and not through problems with the server, but still I’ll write about them, so that the most famous fans of our site didn’t go to the forum and didn’t write about them :)


  • Black screen. You can formulate like "Mincraft doesn't work!!! 11 Black Screen!! 111". Better for everything, you installed a mod on the client, which itself is crooked, otherwise there is a different version. To fix this problem, delete the META-INF folder from the Minecraft.jar file
  • The "Play Offline" button does not work.("Please help me minecraft don't want to run!!11"). Paradoxically enough, the gravitational tag is ignoring the instruction that says "It's a good idea to put the Minecraft.exe file in the folder %path to folder%/application data/.minecraft" . gra obov'azkovo is guilty of being there, not in Program Files chi Games! So, the Application data folder is attached.
  • Could no create Java Virtual Machine- reinstall Java, or install, as if nothing was broken. .
  • Bad video card drivers- update video card driver. If it didn't help, it means that your video card does not support OpenGL (you can't run Minecraft on this video card: (()).
  • Minecraft has been crashed!(Valіtaє vіkontsі) - Arrive to install the client, because. Vіn z kakoїs cause "breaking" (shvidshe for everything through modi)

Pislyamova, otherwise the article did not help ...

If you don't know your own problems (which is small), otherwise, for some reason, the solution didn't help you, write to the forum.

Hurry up for the cob search on the forums:

І only If you search without giving results, create a topic. Write in such a way that those who wrote you could understand (but without pardons, as if you don’t want to be laughed at). Necessary obov'azkovo follow the template (you take it directly, and write point by point, and not everything before buying)

Template for creating themes, all points obov'yaskovі to vikonanna:

  1. The name of the pardon is English.
  2. Name your OS, antivirus, firewall, and everything else you care about.
  3. Vlasne de vinikaє pardon: when the server is closed or when you enter the server.
  4. Upload a screenshot of your pardon ( obov'azkovo). If you don’t, then I’ll explain: press the “Print Screen” button, open Paint, insert an image, press File --> Save as ... --> Save as a file with extensions.jpg (Not.bmp, but itself.jpg !). Please attach the file before you post it on the forum and paste it wherever you need it. Don't say later that you can't work screenshots!
  5. As you create a server, write, as if pardons were blamed to the last (as stink, obviously, blamed). Try to guess, to help you solve your problem. If there were no pardons, then write it like that.
  6. Write down what you tried to do to solve the problem (to resurrect). This is necessary in order to speed up the search for a solution.


  • The theme is written not for the template.
  • The solution to the problem is described on the website or the forum.
  • Such a problem is already on the forum, but it has been lost without help (it means that no one knows the answer).
  • Nothing dawned on what you wrote.

Then your topic will be deleted, and the screenshot will be redirected to Stenu ganbi, and vi banned.

So, you can not write about your pardon in the comments, you can't tell anything >:D. Vibachte for such a suvor, come in, just stinks are necessary for maintaining order, and also shvidkoy poshuk the top of your problem.

Every time you start Minecraft, you can get stuck with this pardon - "Java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information". In this article, we will analyze the reasons for the blame for pardon and the ways of adoption.

Java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information

The pardon of this notification will sound at the moment of connection to Minecraft servers. The text has a note about the Java crash and about the end of the day. Reasons, through yakі koristuvachі stikyuyutsya z cієyu pardon, rich:

  • Working with the Internet is more correct or unstable;
  • Java version is outdated and needs updating;
  • Outdated version of minecraft grey;
  • Zbіy on the server, which you try to connect;
  • The connection is blocked antivirus program chi firewall;
  • The koristuvach is dynamic, so the IP-addresses that are constantly changing (be sure to use the provider's name);
  • Incorrect operation of the router through a kind of gamer connections to the Internet.

How to pardon Java.net.ConnectException?

Way to fix pardoning Java.net.ConnectException to fall due to the reason it appears. Let's take a look at the situation, from which the most coristuvachi are most often.

The pardon for the launch of Minecraft may be due to the fact that the version of Java on the computer is outdated. Її you can change different ways, The simplest way is to download programs from the official site. Click on the request http://www.java.com/ua/download/ and press the button, and then wait with your mind license area. The file will be downloaded to the computer, if you don't have it, run it.

If you need information about Java - read ours.

Problem on the server

Systematically skin game server go through technical work. Anytime you try to run the game, the Java.net pardon will pop up.ConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information. Go to the official forum and find out information about technical work, and also try to connect to a new one.

Antivirus and firewall

It is not possible to turn off the blocking of grey with an anti-virus program or a firewall. Try turning the antivirus off at the same time and adding the game to the turn off list at the firewall (you can also turn it off for the next hour). How to turn off the firewall, you will figure it out, marveling at the screenshot. As soon as the next pardon was found, the problem was found.

Gri version

Rozrobniki minecraft games constantly release updates. The version installed on your computer is due to the fact that the server was created. Otherwise, when connecting to a new one, you might get a pardon Java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information. The version of the Grid is indicated on the main screen in the lower right corner, which can be seen when the Grid is launched:

Game Mod

Sometimes a pardon is given when connecting to the Minecraft server to show up, as you have too many mods or extensions installed. Deyakі їх repovneni bugs, yakі call system pardons. Before you try to install a new fashion, change your mind, you are a distributor of misconceptions. Try to see the rest installed modi, after which the Java pardon began.

Paid overpayment

A lot of servers for Grid in Minecraft are paid, so gamers need a special overpayment. If the term її dії ends, you will no longer be able to connect to the server. In case of any reasonable advance, the same pardon with the warnings "Java.net.ConnectException Connection timed out: no further information" is given.

P_vedemo p_bags

Like a bachite, you can easily get into more problems, but there are other reasons for a pardon. For example, as on the right in the low speed of the Internet, try to connect to another measure or change the tariff with the provider. Well, pardon blamed through the failure of the robot router, then try to throw it off, reset it, or reset it, or set the replacement for a new attachment.

Have grі already long ago prevented the possibility of creation local server in your own world, with which everyone who is in the same place can connect to your server. In general, none is simple, but there is a lot of subsoiling; in the article, everything is reportedly described. Select the appropriate type of adjustment and select the point below.

Updating the server for an hour of rebuking with another grave in one measure Wi-Fi or Lan

If there are a lot of computers nearby, one type of one and be in the same way: Wi-Fi or Lan (by cable connection), then you will be given the setting.

Windows: On the computer, where the server will be displayed, it will be displayed Start she fits into the joke cmd, vіdkrivаєmo qiu program:

Vіknі vysuєmo ipconfig, pressing enter. Shukaєmo your local IP, which is based on 192.168.*.* , At the application of wines (you will have a different one!), Copy yogo.

macOS: To find the local IP, enter the Terminal (Terminal), you can enter in the Mac search for the program and know її, you can enter in the window ifconfig |grep and I can tell you the IP that is being repaired 192.168.*.* copy yoga.

version with TL icon

We go to your world in the menu Pause (Esc) click 31790 (You will have a different one).

Now on another computer, which is guilty of connecting to the server, it is also necessary to enter the version with the TL icon (plus the version of the ghee is the same but the same with the first computer), go to Multiplayer (Merezheva gra), vіdkrivаєmo .

Now we enter in the IP address + port field, which we took earlier, in the application

Setting up a server for grі on the Internet with a smaller graver for help Hamachi

Even though physically you can’t deal with another graver in the same way, computers are far from one kind of one, then you can create special measure vikoristovuyuchi Internet s help Hamachi.

On both computers, it works like this: We create a Hamachi record and download its program (after switching to the prompt, the Download button in the center).

Now open TLauncher and select the version with the TL icon and launch the game (It's also easier to authorize the site under the account). If you select without the TL icon, you will not be able to connect to the server without a Mojang license.

We go to your world in the menu Pause (Esc) click Open to Lan, the chat will have a notification about the success of the server input, as well as the server port, in the application 60000 (You will have a different one).

On another computer tisnemo "Connect to basic lines", enter the name of the password created earlier. If the connection is successful, your friend's computer will be visible at the Hamachi window.

Let's sweat just like that check the version with the TL icon (plus the version of the Greek is faulty but the same with the first computer), go to Multiplayer (Merezheva gra), vіdkrivаєmo Direct connect.

Now enter in the IP address of Hamachi (computer, desktop server) + port, which we took earlier, for example . If everything is good, then you will be connected to the server! You can join a server with a friend.

Setting up a local Minecraft server with mods

In addition, as you have set up a server for playing in one WiFi (Lan) or with the help of Hamachi, you can install a mod to play with them with your friends. The instruction is rather simple.

We install the same mods on all clients, so that everything is identical, plus itself Forge version May be the same, for example, ForgeOptiFine 1.12.2. Don't forget that the version can be with the TL icon!

Now we are creating that connection to the server absolutely for the same instructions more, fallow in your land. Done, you can play with Minecraft mods!

Possible problems and their manifestation

- When connected to the server, it says: "Unacceptable session" or "Reverse im'ya koristuvach".

Solution: It is necessary to launch the version with the TL icon (you will also need a license for the GR), so you launch it, turn it over, and check the checkmark (in the launcher) in "Checked by accounts" -> "Wake up TLauncher skins".

- When connecting to the server it says: "Io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel$AnnotatedConnectException: Connection time out: no further information"

Solution: The game couldn't find information about such a server, so, it was not correct to fix the borders. Try on the host computer, turn on the anti-virus and the firewall, or set it up correctly.

- When connected to the server, the chunks will be promoted and immediately retrieved from the server (opening the connection).

Solution: the network is fixed correctly, but the antivirus and firewall are opening the connection. Turn them off or set them up correctly.

When connected to the server, it displays: 1.14.2: Bad packet ID 26; 1.13.2: Bad packet ID 27; 1.7.10: Stuck on Logging in... or "received string length longer than maximum allowed"

Solution: your nickname is more than 16 symbols, it is less.

When trying to connect to the Minecraft server, the corewatch may get stuck with Java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information. Appearance what message sound a signal about the vindication of a different family fencing problems when access to the game server is denied, through which the power of the coristuvach is saturated with the Minecraft game worlds, it becomes unrealizable. Below I will analyze the essence of this dysfunction, describe the reasons, and also explain how to fix the Java.net.ConnEctexception pardon on your PC.

Connection timed out: no further information

At the translation, the text of which explanation sounds approximately like «Zbіy fence Java. The hour of the day has passed: further information on the next day».

A Java.net.ConnectException pardon has been assigned, ringing the vinication for the hour of connection to the Minecraft gree server, and also sporadic occurrences have been fixed appearing for pardons for the hour of the work of other products, like “Java” (for example, “Azure notification hub”).

The "Java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out: no further information" problem can be caused by:

  • Koristuvach vikoristovu is unstable merezhne z'ednannya with better internet;
  • An old version of Java is installed on the PC of the koristuvach;
  • Koristuvach Koristuetsya old version of "Minecraft";
  • There are problems with the robotic game server, which is trying to connect to the server (the resource is unavailable, go through technical robots and others.);
  • Antivirus and firewall blocking the connection to the game server;
  • Koristuvach vikoristovuє dynamic IP;
  • Koristuvalnitsky router works incorrectly.

How to fix "Java.net.ConnectException: Connection timed out"

There are a few ways to pardon Java.net.ConnectException. Let's look at them in order:

  • Reboot your PC. Some of them have a simple method allowing the pardon java.net.connectexception connection refused;
  • Install the latest version of Java on your PC. Finish off common cause solved problems - outdated version of "Java" on PC. Go to the Control Panel, then at the "Programs", there find "Java" and click on it. When the window appears, click on the “Update” tab, click on the “Update Now” button, and install the necessary updates in the system.

This procedure must be carried out both on your machine, and on the machine of that koristuvach, with which you choose to play in Minecraft as much as possible;

Upgrade your Java version


The most wide-spread reasons for pardoning Java.net.ConnectException are the old version of Java and the firewall blocking the connection to the required game server. Check out the list below to allow you to fix the Java.net.ConnectException pardon on your PC.

Let's say, we have a bunch of bugs to play with a friend at minecraft by local lines.
Local tethering - tse temezha between kilkom computers connected by a tethered wire, or one WiFI mesh. Cegra not through the Internet.
Denmark is able to go for a meeting with friends, who knows the guarantor, as well as in the city, there is no Internet.

Other ways to play with friends as much as possible, including through the Internet:

How to play Minecraft with friends through a local network?

Workplace preparation

First way:
On the panel, at the bottom right corner of the screen, right-click the mouse on the Internet icon or the Wi-Fi indicator. At the vіknі, click on the item- The center of management of the fences and the open access.

Other way:
Let's go to Start => Parameters

On the side Merezha and Internet, on tabs WiFi, at the bottom of the side, press on the forces .

First way:
Just right-click on the mouse icon in the tray and select the item " Center for management of facilities and bedroom access«:

Click on the connection with the right mouse button (RMB) and go to power.
At the list of components IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)(itself 4, not 6) and we go to the yoga of authority.
Included Vikoristovuvati tread on the IP address: and write new addresses:

As soon as all the addresses are registered, the cables are connected - we check the presence of the connection between computers:

Vidkrivaemo command line and then enter

Click on the Start button and R (Win + R) on the keyboard - a small window appears "Vikonati"
At the input field, write

For whom we need to distribute WiFi on the main computer. Axis of the main ways of distribution:

Let's go to Start => Parameters

Let's go to the division Mobile hot spot , here I change the WiFi name (Im'ya merezhі:) and the password is up to the new one (Merezhevy password:). And then we just yogo vmikaemo.

Vіdkrivaєmo command line

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ss >
de ssid - Wifi name, key - password

The fence has been created and now we are launching її:

The fence has been created and now we simply connect to it from another computer. Now we need to recognize the IP address of this computer (another one). V_dkrivaєmo command row and input

Forgotten rich text, but it’s less for us to cackle

Here we look at 2 rows:

Well. here we don’t need to work anything, we just know our local IP addresses, її cannot be recognized via the Internet, only in the ways described above in the article.

Creation of Gri and connection

The best and easiest way to create a server is:

  1. Turn on the game
  2. Go to the world
  3. Go to gri menu (Esc)
  4. Squeeze " Vіdkriti for merezhі«
  5. We choose the required parameters and emboss " Vіdkriti svіt for merezhі«

If someone shows up at the chat

Download the server, let it be a kind of archiver (7zip, WinRar) and unpack everything into an empty folder

We go to the folder " Launcher", let's go to I need a folder, depending on your system - Windows (Win) or Linux, you can see all the files and copy them
Idemo back, go to the folder " Server» and insert our files.

Open the server.properties file anyway text editor i joke in a row

We enter here our IP address, how we recognized it more Now we marvel at the field

І remember the port

Set-up server, IP address is registered, recording port, which means that it's time to turn on the server by running the file start.bat
At startup, the console window will appear and everything that we need to work, check. Different folders and files are created. As soon as the text breaks, and in the console you will see different plugins (AuthMe, Vault, etc.) - it means the server has started.

Let's assume that the launch server is one of the suggested methods, when the time has come to connect to the new one, it's just to do it:

  1. Turn on the game
  2. We go to " Merezheva gra«
  3. As we created the server immediately through the client, then tisnemo Direct connection» that you enter the IP address of the server and the port through a doublet, which is the spelling of the chat on the server itself.

If everything is correct, then when direct connection the login to the server will be saved, and when the server is added, the wine will appear in the list

If I run minecraft by local network and go to the map to a friend when I got the VIN, I searched the server for a long time and then write that I don’t know how to correct the VIN?

The local border is diє only on the deakіy vіdstanі i yakshcho one vіd you are far away, then neither of you can reach you to connect

In a friend, do not open the port, or do not start the server

zagalom graєmo mi with the other as much as two computers ale in the same place. everything was fine, there were no problems, and literally on the 2-3rd day, I stopped running yoga in the local area, so I create a line of measure, but I don’t work yoga, but if I create a group and open a line of work, what's the problem? we need to create the vins ourselves and play them.

1. Chi stand hamachi \ tangle that іn? How to stand, see.

2. Can you connect with a local IP? (Nibito [port, port on chat lane]). If you don't know the local IP address, then you need to find the host like this. Win+R -> cmd -> ipconfig. Next, search for the next IPv4 address. . . . . . . . . . . . : Vlasne tse i IP

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