Why can't I run the program as administrator. Launching the program, which requires the rights of the administrator under the oblique record of the splendid koristuvach. Launching the program in administrator mode

Golovna / I'll build a cleaning

Bagato short Windows singly, at least once stuck with the problem of lack of access rights when starting or running the robot and other programs. And here it is practical to help to launch the program under the name of the administrator.

However, it is not possible to run the program as an administrator through the context menu manually. It is better to recognize the program as a post-launch in the name of the administrator. How tse robit mi rozpovimo at tsіy stattі. Let's see how it works for Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10.

Robimo launch the program chi gri zavzhdi in the name of the administrator

The best way to launch as an administrator is to right-click on the shortcut of the program and select from the context menu the item "Launch as an administrator".

In order to be able to work, and when you want to run the program with a primary moving click, you need to work on your feet.

Right-click the mouse on the shortcut of your program, as it is necessary to run it with the rights of the administrator, and in the menu select "Power".

The power of the shortcut program

At the end of the day, as it turned out, go to the "Miscellaneous" tab and check the "Run this program as an administrator" checkbox on it.

Establishment of permanent administrator rights

Now you can reconsider that when you start the program with a dependent click, you open it yourself with the rights of an administrator and pardon about the marriage of access rights are not declared.

The shortest way credit the author of the article - make a repost to your side

Good afternoon!

Operation Windows system take revenge on your own safety tools, which do not allow the unseen coristuvachev to control the integrity of the system and data on the disks. Be-yaky koristuvach (navit system administrator) for promotional launches programs without administrator rights. If you need to run the program as an administrator, see the instructions below. However, keep in mind that you can run a virus or a shkidlivu program in the name of an administrator, or you can bring it to a full exit from the computer or laptop.

How to run as administrator (instruction):

The instructions are universal, suitable for Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10. Also, read about the faulty situations below the instructions.

1. Open Explorer, go to the folder with the program. It is necessary to launch the downloaded program file itself, and not the shortcut. If you run the program as an administrator through a shortcut, the program will be launched with the highest rights (how to open the shortcut as a program is described below).

2. Right-click on the mouse on the program and select context menu"Run as administrator":

  • How to create a koristuvach in Windows: a universal instruction with pictures
  • How to turn off Windows alerts - instructions with pictures
  • If the item "Run as administrator" is not allowed, then the program cannot digital signature. How to run yoga read below.

    Run as administrator (disabled):

    1. If you run the program under the name of the administrator for the help of the shortcut, then it will run with the greatest rights. You can add a label to the program itself for a characteristic mark of evil at the bottom of the program icon:

    In order to recognize, to know the program, looming yogo yarlik, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Power". Vіknі bude povny way to zastosuvannya.

    2. Windows 8 and Windows 10 will prevent you from running (do not allow digital signature) programs as an administrator in the best way. To run the following programs, click on the instructions:

    2.1. Open the folder with the program from the explorer.

    2.2. Press the menu "File" => "File command line" => "Enter the command line as an administrator":

    2.3. At the command line window, write the name of the program (name the .exe file without ".exe") and press the Enter key, after which the program starts.

    Like you have no food or you need clarification - it's simple.

    Any programs for robots in Windows will require elevated rights, and it is necessary to run them as an administrator. When you see it, ask " Control of public records of a coristuvach" (User Account Control or UAC), in which the system asks your permission to start the program.

    It is wrong to think about the richness of the coristuvach, that the "Control of the public records of the coristuvach" is less important, and include yoga. I seriously suffer from the security of my computer, tk. you can’t wait to launch programs anymore, and be it short program you can run it without interruption and pratsyuvati. The presence of an antivirus also cannot 100% guarantee the security of a computer.

    At this article, I’ll tell you how to ask the process of launching certain add-ons as an administrator, not including UAC (as a whole or often) and without security for security.

    To run the program in the name of the administrator, you can speed up the number of ways:

    As an example, we will run the command line (cmd) in the name of the administrator.

    Method No. 1 (default) - launch through the right mouse button (upload UAC is displayed)

    Click with the right mouse button on the pictogram required supplement and choose " Run as administrator":

    Method number 2 - launching from vikoristannym " Ctrl+Shift+Enter(the UAC request is displayed)

    Press Start, in a row I need to dial a command and press Ctrl+Shift+Enter.

    Method #3 - install the launch as an administrator in the authority of the shortcut (the UAC request is displayed)

    Right-click on the desired shortcut and select " power".

    Go to tab " Yarlik", press " Dodatkovo", install ensign" Run as administrator":

    Or go to the tab " madness"ta install ensign" Check out the program in the name of the administrator":

    Method No. 4 - it's easy to launch for other programs for the help of the scheduler on the day (UAC request is not displayed)

    Important! This method works only for public records, which can be entered before the group Administrators. I don’t use the wines of the most famous coristuvachis, to that I lay down the law.

    Let's go right up to cіkavim way. As a program, as a matter of fact, you run it constantly, and it won’t be taken away from the nadiy maker of the PZ, for example, tse Windows program- You can ask the launch. Label creation for required programs do not borrow more than 2 khvilin and tse allow zabutisya zayvih diy nadali. Let's start planner zavdan (Start---> All programs ---> Standard---> Services---> planuvdan) and pressing " Create a task":

    It is possible Im'ya for a new task and ensign Vikonuwati with the best rights":

    Go to tab Dії, pressing " Create", at the advancing vіkni onslaught" looking around":

    Vkazuєmo way to the necessary addendum that is pressing " Vidkriti":

    More little ones

    It's pushing " OK":

    Curve the planner and move on to the creation of the label.

    To create a shortcut on the desktop, click with the right mouse button, select " Create" ---> "Yarlik":

    In the field Roztashuvannya object input:

    schtasks /run/tn cmd_admin

    de cmd_admin- Im'ya created by us zavdannya. They tried to take revenge on them, yoga must be taught at the paws.

    Set the name of the shortcut:

    More little ones

    The yarlik of creations is ready to win.

    To change the icon - right-click on the shortcut, select " power":

    Go to tab " Yarlik"ta press" Change icon":

    "looking around..."

    We show the way to the program:

    More little ones

    We choose the required icon and close the offense with the button " OK":

    Now the launch of the required program in the name of the administrator will be connected to the dependent clicks on the created shortcut, with which the UAC will not be displayed and the security will be left in the security.

    Utility for automation "Method No. 4"

    It is necessary to create shortcuts for a large number of programs, manually speed up the utility Elevated Shortcut.

    A robot with a utility can be started up to two simple steps:

    • Installed
    • Dragging the file to be iconized (*.exe, *.bat, *.cmd) to the utility shortcut:

    Auto focus shift to a running program

    The specifics of launching programs from the planner is that the focus on the window is not shifted and, for example, to type a command in the command line, to be brought additionally to click on the window. Such a behavior can help automate routine operations for the layout, but for "Method No. 4" do not start it manually.

    For the "bypass" there are a few methods. Try the stench of the troch in a different way, so choose the one that suits you best. The first one is good for running programs, and the other one is for running scripts.

    We add the hour of the meeting of the task:

    Start command prompt

    Program or scenario:


    /c start /d "way_to_program" im'ya_file.exe

    /c start /d "C:\Windows\System32\" cmd.exe

    NirCmd utility wiki

    Program or scenario:



    Exec show "path_to_program\im_file.exe"

    Exec show "C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe"

    Launching the "Vikonati" dialog in the name of the administrator

    By analogy with the launch of the command line, you can configure the launch of the dialog window " Vikonati", and entering before the new command will also be launched as the name of the administrator.

    At the hour of the meeting of the task at the planner, at the window " Creation of diy enter:

    in the field" Program script":


    in the field" Add arguments":

    Shell32.dll, #61

    Get the utility, unpack it. We start the command line, enter the necessary command, the syntax is rather simple:

    <путь к утилите> <путь к нужному приложению>

    It looks like it will request UAC and the program will start as an administrator.

    Note: contextual windows menu 7 - the function of copying a path to a file is already manual: overwrite Shift, right-click on the file, select " Copy like a way".

    Launching the program under the name of the administrator without entering the password of the administrator

    Important! This method is not secure, because it allows the code to be run with limited rights to run the code with full rights. Cunning koristuvach or shkidliva software can speed up and compromise the system.

    Let's take a look at one more problem: Your Windows cloud record is included before the administrators group, and one more cloud record, which is included before the corestuvachs group. Koristuvachevi it ​​is necessary to run the program, as it requires the promotion of rights. Sound, looking like this: right-click on the mouse on the file and select "Run as Administrator", with which you will be prompted to enter the password of the administrator:

    I guessed, handing out the password of the administrator to the correspondents is not the best idea. How to "get around" the victorist utility of AdmiLink by Oleksiy Kuryakina. For help, the administrator can create a launch shortcut for the koristuvach necessary programs, when you enter the administrator's password, you need only 1 time - every hour the shortcut is created. At the start of the program, the program will be transmitted to the encrypted viewer.

    This way is practicable, like launching the program is possible only in the name of the administrator and the retailer without forgetting to specify the mind in the manifest. However, there is still a large number of old programs or programs, the launch of some of the possible as in the default mode, and in the name of the administrator (when a different set of functions is available). If you try to run such a program for AdmiLink help - it will start in normal mode (without administrative privileges). And yakscho try to affix the ensign "Method No. 3". The original style of the author is preserved.

    Thursday, October 17, 2019

    Sometimes the process of getting started and the installation freezes, otherwise installed games do not start. Click the links below to fix problems with Origin games and continue playing.

    Igor safe mode now you can go to Origin for a lock. This means that you will not be able to launch yoga on your own when you try to solve the problem, so that all your games will be already taken in safe mode.

    We worked hard to save the potential poshkodzhennu danih under the hour of vantazhennya and promote її nadіinіst.

    Problems under the hour of zavantazhennya or installed, like before, blame? Read further.

    If your PC is crashing and your drive is stuck at 4 GB, it's possible that the problem is caused by formatting hard drive. Deyakі zhorstki disks formatted in FAT32 file systems, through which problems with files larger than 4 GB can be fixed.

    To recognize the file zhorsky system disk, read the instructions below:

    1. Click on the menu "Start" on the Windows taskbar.
    2. Find out "Tsey computer".
    3. Click with the right mouse button on the item and select "Management".
    4. Choose "Keruvannya with discs".

    Find out about disks. You can expand the distribution of your discs in that format (for example, (C:) XXGBNTFS or FAT32). What do you have other hardy disk, convert yoga format.

    What is the disk format FAT32, go back to your PC finder to find out how to fix the problem.


    1. Close the Origin client
    2. Vіdkryte "Control panel"(її can be known from keywords"control panel" in start menu).
    3. Press "Vidalennya program" under heading "Programs".
    4. Click on origin and choose "Vidality".

    Try running Origin as administrator:

    1. Close the Origin client
    2. Right-click the mouse on the shortcut of the Origin client on the work table (or in the Origin folder, as there is no shortcut on the work table) and select the item "Run as administrator".

    In this manner, you launch the Origin client as administrator to allow the game to be installed.

    Try to change the parameters of the keying with the oblique records of the coristuvachs:

    1. Close the Origin client
    2. Click on the button Windows and then dial "UAC" in a row of jokes.
    3. At the vikni, what happened "Parameters of keruvannya by oblіkovy records of koristuvachіv" lower the runner (by pushing that stretching yoga) to the minimum allowable level.
    4. Press "OK" at the lower part of the window.
    5. Open the Origin client and try again insert Gru by pressing "Insert".

    How to install the game, do not go out, so that you can take dodatkov help.


    Try reinstalling Origin:

    1. Close the Origin client
    2. Vіdkryte Finder.
    3. Open folder "Programs" .
    4. Pull over origin V cat or press the right mouse button on the icon and select the “Move to Cat” item.
    5. Click right mouse button on cat that choose "Empty Trash".
    6. then try to install the game.

    Try to run the file from extensions.dmg:

    1. Close the Origin client and other programs.
    2. Press "Transition" on the menu Finder at the top of the screen.
    3. Choose "Computer".
    4. Vіdkryte Macintosh HD > Libraries > Application Support > Origin > DownloadCache.
    5. Find the gri folder, you can try to install it, and then the file with extensions .dmg.
    6. Open file with extensions .dmg. In this way, you start the game in the same way as you start from disk.
      • If you start Vinicate Pardon or you cannot find the extension.dmg file, the game will not work.
      • Empty folder DownloadCache by dragging the files to cat. Restart the Origin client and fix the entanglement.

    Igor won't start in Origin? Option "Replace" to rewrite installation files and automatically import all necessary files for replacement or daily files. What has been found poshkodzhenі files, they will be zavantazhenі and zamіschenі.

    Try speeding up with the "Ready" option

    1. Vіdkryte igor library in origin.
    2. Press the right mouse button on the pictogram gr.
    3. Choose "Inspiration".

    Rechecking files may take up to a year, fallow hardware security computer.

    Windows can overlay Windows application programs raznezhnі zamezhennya on svіy rozsud, and also vіdpovіdno pіdpovіdnya pіdpovіdnya pіdіvannya politіkі line ї oblіkovoї Windows entry. Particularly worthy of the Internet-oriented software, yakim є software complex socialkit. Come in about living in operating system do not help, however, for an hour of work with the program, it can lead to pardons. As a rule, these pardons will be due to the fact that the program cannot access other hardware or software resources. For example, the fence is created and the files are changed in folders, right up to the fence I go to the Internet.

    SocialKit does not transmit daily special data of the correspondent during the hours of work anywhere, the crime without intermediary on the Instagram server and only in the necessary situations. For example, when authorizing an Instagram account. We guarantee privacy when working with SocialKit, the presence of spyware that code at the distribution kit for your mind, what are the benefits from our official site socialkit.ru. That is why we graciously recommend that you give the program more access rights, so that it does not matter to a comfortable robot.

    In the instructions for the installation, there is a point in which it is indicated that after the installation of the program, it is necessary for the authorities to launch SocialKit on the Desktop (it is created automatically during installation) to give the program Administrator rights. Because installation of the software complex - it is necessary to do a simple operation, then most clients do not read the instructions and, obviously, skip the paragraph about the rights of the Administrator.

    If you also missed this moment when installing our PZ, then you can disable all the necessary steps to improve access rights at any convenient moment and after installation.

    Use two simple way to see the Administrator's program rights:

    1. One time pіd hour to launch the program. For which one you need to open the folder where the SocialKit software package is installed (for the abbreviations: " C:\Program Files (x86)\SocialKit Pro"), know the wicked file" SocialKit.exe", click on the new one with the right mouse button in the context menu, select" Launch as Administrator It is shown on the screenshot.

    Wrath, for such an approach, the program will run with the rights of the Administrator once. Yakshcho at offensive launch and launch it with a sub-click, then the program will start with promotional rights.

    2. Change standard rights. This pidhіd is recommended at the hour of the first installation, tk. Allows you to set the rights to launch the program once and do not turn around until the next power. If you run a program from a shortcut on your desktop, you can change the launch rights for a promotion from the shortcut's authorities. You can also start the program from the installation folder by clicking on the file " SocialKit.exe", then you can change the launch rights for the shortcuts to the authorities of the file. SocialKit.exe at the father, where the software package is installed, click on it with the right mouse button and in the context menu select the item " power It is shown in the screenshot below.

    Vіdkrittya powers of the shortcut on the working table
    Viewing the authority of the shortcut in the papacy, where the program is installed

    At the dialogue window, what happened, go to the bookmark " madness"and put a sign in the paragraph" Activate the program in the name of the Administrator It is shown below on the screenshot.

    Once the program is launched, it must be launched with the rights of the Administrator.


    If cloud record control (UAC) is also activated on your PC - and behind the lock, a skin version of Windows older than Windows 7 is configured, then the launch of the program will change the additional dialog, as shown below on the screenshot.

    At different versions Windows, starting from Windows 7, visually it can look different, but the essence is the same. If you don’t particularly fight, then you can attack So", after which the launch of SocialKit will be continued.

    Showing which dialog can be turned off in the panel Windows management at the block, the creation of oblique records is corystuvachiv, or the onslaught of forces " Nalashtuvannya vidachі quiet svіschen".

    At the dialog, you can move the button down to the item " Never mind and push OK".

    IMPORTANT! Expanded changes in the block to adjust the parameters of the core records of the core records will be expanded not only on SocialKit, but also on all other programs. If you are not convinced of software security, then you should not change it.

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