Postal program torrent. New version of the “Supply” program: cost-free and effective

Golovna / Zakhist

Bezkoshtovna computer program"Snabzhenets", released by the company "ALTIUS SOFT" in 2015, is actively developing. This is confirmed by the release less than a month later of version 1.02 of the program, until new capabilities are included to automate the delivery process.

What's new in version 1.02

For example, for the reliability of the work of the police officers, the program included the new ability to work with such documents as: the document “Counterparty”, “Rakhunok from postalnik”, “Pributkov’s invoice”, “Vidatkov’s invoice”.

Up to the new version 1.02, the “Supply” program added a contact history, which shows documents associated with the selected counterparty. This is very handy for the koristuvach. In this way, you can get acquainted with the history of documents in just a couple of seconds in order to contact the counterparty and prepare the necessary calls.

Before the speech, up to version 1.02, new information was added: “Analysis of postal owners’ accounts - behind the rakhanki”, “Analysis of postal employees’ accounts - for goods and materials”, “Analysis of applications and prices of postal employees - shakhivnitsa”. These information allow you to select the optimal supplier at a minimal cost of material or frame with minimal waste.

In addition, a number of changes have been made technical points robots in the computer program “Postachalnik”. Thus, when purchasing goods and materials, you can automatically close the “Request for goods and materials” from the “Invoice”, since all the items have been placed in the warehouse before it, and send a notification about it to the author of the application.

Below is a short list of changes and innovations that are present in the recently released version of “Supply”. Report information is available on the website

Beta testing will continue

The retailer "ALTIUS SOFT" guesses what given the program For this purpose, production is expanding without cost and going through the beta testing phase. Any major representative of the purchasing department can become a participant in this stage, since the program is focused on procurement from construction, manufacturing, trucking and other companies. The program itself is being developed and continues to develop.

New ideas for purchasing and supplying

For example, the company “ALTIUS SOFT” has already received a large number of applications to update the functionality of the “Supply” program. Moreover, version 1.03 of the program is being prepared before release, which will include the title “Awareness of mutual frosts with customers.” Plus, before everything, it is planned to add specifications, which will be purchased in the foreground for production. In this way, it will be possible to submit applications according to specifications and check the limit of materials.

We kindly ask!

The company "ALTIUS SOFT" advises all clients to determine their needs in relation to the functionality of the program. It’s very easy to get involved in beta testing of the program. All you need to do is submit an application from the website

The cost-free computer program “Supply”, released by the company “ALTIUS SOFT” in 2015, is actively developing. This is confirmed by the release less than a month later of version 1.02 of the program, until new capabilities are included to automate the delivery process.

What's new in version 1.02

For example, for the reliability of the work of the police officers, the program included the new ability to work with such documents as: the document “Counterparty”, “Rakhunok from postalnik”, “Pributkov’s invoice”, “Vidatkov’s invoice”.

Up to the new version 1.02, the “Supply” program added a contact history, which shows documents associated with the selected counterparty. This is very handy for the koristuvach. In this way, you can get acquainted with the history of documents in just a couple of seconds in order to contact the counterparty and prepare the necessary calls.

Before the speech, up to version 1.02, new information was added: “Analysis of postal owners’ accounts - behind the rakhanki”, “Analysis of postal employees’ accounts - for goods and materials”, “Analysis of applications and prices of postal employees - shakhivnitsa”. These information allow you to select the optimal supplier at a minimal cost of material or frame with minimal waste.

In addition, few changes were made to the number of technical aspects of work in the computer program “Supply”. Thus, when purchasing goods and materials, you can automatically close the “Request for goods and materials” from the “Invoice”, since all the items have been placed in the warehouse before it, and send a notification about it to the author of the application.

Beta testing will continue

The distributor "ALTIUS SOFT" reminds us that the program is being expanded without costs and is currently undergoing beta testing. Any major representative of the purchasing department can become a participant in this stage, since the program is focused on procurement from construction, manufacturing, trucking and other companies. The program itself is being developed and continues to develop.

New ideas for purchasing and supplying

For example, the company “ALTIUS SOFT” has already received a large number of applications to update the functionality of the “Supply” program. Moreover, version 1.03 of the program is being prepared before release, which will include the title “Awareness of mutual frosts with customers.” Plus, before everything, it is planned to add specifications, which will be purchased in the foreground for production. In this way, it will be possible to submit applications according to specifications and check the limit of materials.

We kindly ask!

The company "ALTIUS SOFT" advises all clients to determine their needs in relation to the functionality of the program. It’s very easy to get involved in beta testing of the program. All you need to do is submit an application from the website

Support from the region:
Operating system:Windows
Family: Universal obliku system
Purpose: Automation for business

Posting system

Main program capabilities:

    The program can be used with any number of products and warehouses. All filials operate from a single database via the Internet

    You can quickly formulate an application, enter all the necessary data and identify a special person

    Registration of any number of products with all necessary data. Quick search for the given parameters and the postmaster

    Data from a warehouse of goods can be easily and quickly imported from a wealth of daily supplies electronic formats

    You will have a single customer base with all the necessary contact information and details

    Invoices, applications and other documents are generated automatically

    For each application, it will be possible to follow the stage of treatment and treatment of patients with infectious diseases.

    Sports workers are preparing to complete their plans for any given day. Kerivnitstvo can analyze the strength of work and the fluidity of the entire organization

    You will be able to maintain a comprehensive financial view and analyze the most important propositions Postalnikiv

    At any time at any warehouse, you can carry out an inventory by simply checking the planned quantity with your programs and checking it with the actual one using a barcode scanner or TSD

    The program itself changes all the rules

    A whole range of management skills has been transferred to the director, which will help analyze the activities of the organization from different parties

    Integration with new technologies allow you to win clients and deservedly gain a reputation as a leading company

    The planning system allows you to customize the layout backup, taking away important calls suvoro singing hour and set any other programs

    Special program Save a copy of all your data in the program without the need to log into the system; it will automatically archive and notify you when it’s ready


    You can quickly contribute the initial data required to run the program. For which you need to manually enter or import data

    The interface of the desktop program is easy, so that a child can quickly get excited about it

Business automation by us in Vikonana for large organizations:

Language basic version program: UKRAINSKA

You can also download the international version of the program, so you can enter information anywhere in the world. You can easily change the interface yourself, so that all names will be added to the adjacent text file.

The folding control system is important to control the operations first. You use a number of types of programs to help you keep up your progress. Why do you need to spend an hour switching between programs and mixing their sounds? Of course, no!

For this purpose, we are presenting to you a new generation software program that will help you automate your software process.

The program comes with a variety of functions that will become indispensable for your company. The product management program is universal, so that trading can be carried out from the beginning until the end of the sale, as well as until the purchase of a new product. For complete control, we created a program that was flexible and universal. Automation work will be a great key to the success of your company’s work.

You can process the application form with the program. You can search for applications, and then proceed to the actual work. The advantage of working with our program is its simple interface. If you start working with applications, you will open two main windows of work. The first is the application itself, the other is the warehouse. You can immediately unsubscribe your application for additional assistance. Or it’s easy to formulate a request for additional help.

Install the demo version of the software and get acquainted with it, contact us for help, if you need help. We will help you make your job easier and faster!

The following programs can be used:

Having marveled at the advance of video, you can quickly become familiar with the capabilities of the USU program - the Universal System of Images. Yakshcho you don't be attracted to YouTube video Be sure to write to us, we will find another way to show the demo video!

Possibilities of control and management systems

    • The installation system will ensure the ability of many workers to work simultaneously.
    • The work of the post allows you to protect your skin with a password.
    • Application management allows you to block programs at any stage of work for an hour away from the computer.
    • The work of the management system will positively increase its prestige.
    • Management can be downloaded from our website.
    • Automation of the business environment will allow you to create a successful management system and promote motivation to work.
    • Production planning can be easily done for an additional price for sale.
    • In addition, you can change your password for logging in as an account manager or change the password for any account administrator as an administrator.
    • In the management of applications, clients are divided into singing groups, which give them their access rights to the database (kerivniks, cashiers, comedians, etc.).
    • Before managing the installations, the possibility of ensuring the work of clients in the system was established. local measures What are the Internet connections?
    • In a thorough and respectful manner, we have created a smart and simple interface for the robot.
    • In order to achieve the goal, it is possible to establish a style for the interface as practical as possible.
    • Upon delivery, you can install your company logo in the main window of the program.
    • Before starting the installation process, it was added the ability to display the name of your company in the title of the program window.
    • In this process, the name of your organization, your contacts, as well as your logo can be displayed on your skin.
    • During the installation process, a rich window interface has been created, with the ability to switch between windows.
    • Delivery control has the ability to capture unnecessary or columns that are not needed.
    • Before monitoring the posture, it is possible to adjust the order of the rotation of the cylinders for simple re-tightening.
    • By monitoring the position it is possible to adjust the width of the bars.
    • In post control it is possible to sort the data in the table by one or more fields.
    • The installation system allows you to customize the program. You can set your name, contacts, details, and logo.
    • A daily approach may be possible with an insignificant difference between new entry in the database and copy it explicitly, and do not add a new one.
    • Automation of the order consists of three simple items in the customer menu: modules, advisors and calls.
    • With Vikorist automation, you can add all your current clients, as well as new ones.
    • With automation, you can easily review the history of your purchases for each client.
    • In addition to the application, the program can create several payment methods (cashiers, bank accounts).
    • In addition, the region has begun to work on the subdivision and detailing of financial flows to create financial items.
    • The delivery system supports a number of currencies based on their exchange rates for the major currencies.
    • Virtual postage control allows work with virtual pennies and payment with them.
    • The application management program has the ability to detect errors different types price lists and the recognition of each client’s price list.
    • The program for the provision of support for fighters.
    • The software for receiving the card has the ability to recruit clients with an individual card number.
    • The software for downloading has the function I'll search for you behind the first symbols.
    • The Posting program can easily detect a client's search for an individual number, especially if it has a barcode.
    • The water supply program searches for the client's name, phone number, and any other field.
    • The current environment has the ability to filter data based on the visibility or presence of any significance in the song column. For example, remove more clients from your place.
    • Application automation programs allow you to register the most active clients.
    • p align="justify"> Computer program for postaging to group data in tables according to any fields, review data according to the rules of grouping.
    • An addition to the postal system is the possibility of mass email and

The “Postachalnik” program allows you to automatically:

  • Store applications for inventory items;
  • Rozsilati by email lists for postal customers with prices;
  • Import documents from the program;
  • Select the most attractive propositions;
  • make payments;
  • Control the request process for goods and materials right up to a specific position (arrival to the warehouse, delivery of supplies, etc.).

Download the cost-free specialized program “Supply” from the website

1. Who is the “Supply” program aimed at?

The program is focused on the development of any companies, or even future ones.

2. Why did you decide to create this program?

Clearly managing the purchasing process, supplying materials, working with customers - that’s easy to say. I, of course, OMTS accountants need a logical software product, which would have helped the poor robot, she simply completed the task.

3. How can OMTS help you?

The program allows you to check at any time the production process of an application for goods and materials: whether the order has been paid, whether the goods have arrived at the warehouse, and so on.

4. What are the main advantages of the “Supply” program?

The main advantage of the program lies in the fact that it allows you to automatically disseminate sheets of paper to recipients. And then import from the program. Thus, manual entry of data is required almost every day.

5. How is the program being developed?

Further development of the program is being carried out, so that the developer has a lot of plans, ideas and plans. At OMTS great companies There is a lot of knowledge that needs to be systematized and corrected. So the field for action is wider. The company "ALTIUS SOFT" is open for special orders and will be glad to seriously consider the needs of buyers.

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