Just zero functions. What are zero functions and how do we mean them? Zero analytical function

Golovna / Troubleshooting

What are zeros? The answer is simple - it is a mathematical term that refers to the area of ​​a given function whose value is zero. Zero functions are also called. It’s easiest to explain that there are zero functions on several simple butts.

Apply it

Let’s look at the awkward equation y = x +3. Remnants of the zero function - the value of the argument, when a zero value occurs, we substitute 0 in the left side of the equation:

U to this guy-3 is zero, which is a joke. For this function, there is only one root, ryan, but this will not happen again.

Let's take a look at another example:

We substitute 0 for the left side of the line, as in the front butt:

Obviously, for every zero function there will be two: x=3 and x=-3. Yakby in Rivnyanni there would be an argument of the third stage, there would be three zeros. It is possible to create a simple structure in which the number of roots of the rich member corresponds to the maximum level of agrument in the vine. However, there are a lot of functions, for example y = x 3, which at first glance seems to be true to this rule. Logic and common sense suggest that this function has more than one zero - at the point x = 0. It’s true that there are three roots, it’s just that everyone avoids the stink. If there is a relationship with the complex form, it becomes obvious. x = 0 at the time, root, multiplicity of which is 3. In the front example, the zeros were not added up, so the multiplicity of 1 is small.


From the pointing of the butts it is clear how the functions are zeroed. The algorithm is the same:

  1. Write down the function.
  2. Substitute or f(x)=0.
  3. Look at what happened.

Foldability last point lie under the equal argument of equal. With the highest level of high levels, it is especially important to remember that the number of roots of the level is equal to the maximum level of the argument. This is especially true for trigonometric equations, where you divide both parts into sine and cosine until the root is lost.

It is easiest to determine the level of a sufficient degree using Horner's method, which is a method of dissection specifically for finding the zeros of a sufficiently rich member.

The values ​​of zero functions can be either negative or positive, active or lying on the complex plane, singular or multiply. Otherwise, the root truth may or may not exist. For example, the function y=8 will not have a zero value for every x, so it will not be included in the value of the change.

Level y = x 2 -16 there are two roots, and it lies at the complex area: x 1 = 4і, x 2 = -4і.

Typical favors

A common mistake made by students who have not yet fully grasped the concept of zero functions is to replace the argument (x) with zero, rather than the value (y) of the function. It is necessary to introduce equal x=0 i, coming from this, to know y. This is not the right approach.

Another calculation, as already mentioned, is shortened by the sine or cosine of the trigonometric equation, through which one or a number of zero functions are used. This does not mean that nothing can be quickly achieved in such rivalries, it’s just that it’s necessary to take care of the “wasted” partners.

Graphic display

You will realize that such zero functions are possible using mathematical programs such as Maple. You can create a graph by indicating the number of points and the required scale. Those points in which graphs are all OX and zeros are found. This is one of ourselves in many ways the discovery of the root of a rich member, especially if its order is greater than the third. So, there is a need to regularly complete mathematical developments, it is known that the roots of many terms of significant levels, there will be graphs, Maple or a similar program will be simply indispensable for this process and verification of calculations .

The mathematical expression of a function shows precisely how one quantity directly determines the value of another quantity. Numerical functions are traditionally viewed as relating one number to another. By calling a function zero, call the value of the argument whose function is set to zero.


1. In order to find zero functions, it is necessary to equate their right side to zero and remove the equation. Let's say you are given a function f(x) = x-5.

2. To find zeros of this function, we equate the right part to zero: x-5=0.

3. In the following equation, we assume that x=5 is the value of the argument and will be the zero of the function. Therefore, for the value of argument 5, the function f(x) goes to zero.

Under taxes functions Mathematicians understand the connections between the elements of multiplicities. As they say more correctly, this is a “law”, for which element one multiplier (called the area of ​​​​assignment) is assigned to a type singing element Other multiplicities (named in the value area).

You will need

  • Knowledge in algebra and mathematical review.


1. Significance functions chain area, the meaning of which functions can be acquired. Let's say the area of ​​​​value functions f(x)=|x| from 0 to infinity. Shchob viyaviti significance functions at this point it is necessary to substitute evidence functions yogo numerical equivalent, the same number and will be significance m functions. Let the function f(x)=|x| - 10 + 4x. Viyavimo significance functions at point x=-2. Let's substitute x for the number -2: f(-2)=|-2| - 10 + 4 * (-2) = 2 - 10 - 8 = -16. Tobto significance functions at the point -2 and -16.

Increase your respect!
First, find out the significance of the function at the point - turn over to enter the area of ​​the significance of the function.

Corisna porada
In a similar way, you can find out the values ​​of a function for several arguments. In this case, instead of one number, it will be necessary to substitute a number for the number of arguments of the function.

The function is an established connection between the variable and the variable x. Moreover, all the values ​​of x, called the proof, are confirmed by the guilt values ​​of the function. In a graphical view, the function is displayed on the Cartesian coordinate system in the graphical view. The points across the graph with all the abscissas, where the proofs are given, are called zeros of the function. The search for acceptable zeros is one of the tasks associated with the search for a given function. In this case, all permissible values ​​of the independent variable x are included, which define the area of ​​the assigned function (OF).


1. The zero of the function is the value of the argument x, for which the value of the function is equal to zero. These zeros can include any evidence that is included in the area of ​​significance of the function being monitored. This is the meaningless meaning for which the function f (x) is meaningful.

2. Write down the given function and equate it to zero, say f(x) = 2x?+5x+2 = 0. Unravel the result and find its root. The square root is calculated using the additional discriminant. 2x?+5x+2 = 0; D = b?-4ac = 5?-4 * 2 * 2 = 9; x1 = (-b +? = -0.5; x2 = (-b-?D) / 2 * a = (-5-3) / 2 * 2 = -2. f(x).

3. All displayed values ​​must be turned over to the area where the function is assigned. Reveal OOF, with which reversal of the cob expression reveals the roots of the paired step of the form? f (x), the presence of fractions in the function with the proof in the sign, the presence of logarithmic and trigonometric expressions.

4. Considering the function with the expression under the root of the paired step, take as the area of ​​significance all the evidence that does not transform the root of the expression with a negative number (however, the function does not make sense). Specify whether the identified zero functions fall within the specified range of acceptable values.

5. Since the fraction cannot be reduced to zero, we must turn off those arguments that lead to such a result. For logarithmic quantities, look at the values ​​of the argument that are greater than zero. Zero functions that wrap a sublogarithmic expression between zero and a negative number will be added from the final result.

Increase your respect!
When the roots are found, the roots may fail. It is easy to verify this: just substitute the original value of the argument into the function and convert it and the function turns to zero.

Corisna porada
Sometimes a function is not obvious from its argument, so it is easy to know what the function is. The butt of this could be a ripple stake.

2. We know the zero functions.

f(x) at x .

Version f(x) at x .

2) x 2 >-4x-5;

x 2+4x+5>0;

Let f(x)=х 2 +4х +5 then let us know such x for such f(x)>0,

D=-4 No zeros.

4. Systems of nervousness. Irregularities and systems of inequities from two changes

1) An impersonal solution to a system of inequities is the intersection of the multiplicity of solutions to inequities that go before it.

2) The non-decoupling unevenness f(x;y)>0 can be graphically represented on the coordinate plane. The line, given to the lines f(x; y) = 0, divides the surface into 2 parts, one of which is separated by unevenness. To determine which part, you need to put the coordinates of a sufficient point M(x0;y0) so that it does not lie on the line f(x;y)=0, into unevenness. If f(x0;y0) > 0, then the solved irregularities are part of the plane to locate the point M0. where f(x0; y0)<0, то другая часть плоскости.

3) An impersonal solution to a system of inequities is the intersection of the multiplicity of solutions to inequities that go before it. Let’s face it, for example, a system of unevenness is given:


For the first irregularity there are no connections with a radius of 2 and centered on the origin of coordinates, and for the other - a surface, moved above the straight line 2x+3y=0. The impersonal decision of this system is to serve as a retina of the values ​​of the multipliers, then. just about.

4) Butt. Virtue the system of inequalities:

The decisions of the 1st inequality are to serve without personalities, for the 2nd without personalities (2; 7) and the third - without personalities.

The cross-section of the values ​​of the multipliers is the interval (2; 3), which is a non-detachment of the system of inequalities.

5. Determination of rational inequalities using the interval method

The method of intervals is based on the power of the binomial (x-a): the point x = α divides the entire numerical value into two parts - the right hand at the point α is the binomial (x-α) > 0, and the right hand at the point α (x-α)<0.

Please don’t change the imbalance (x-α 1)(x-α 2)...(x-α n)>0, where α 1, α 2 ...α n-1, α n - fixed numbers, among them there are no equals, and such that α 1< α 2 <...< α n-1 < α n . Для решения неравенства (x-α 1)(x-α 2)...(x‑α n)>0 using the interval method to find the next step: put the numbers 1, 2 ... n-1, n on the numeric whole; In between, the right-hander is the largest of them, then. numbers? Then, without any disconnections, the unevenness (x-α 1)(x-α 2)...(x-α n)>0 will combine all the gaps, which have a “plus” sign, and without any disconnections unevenness (x-α 1 )(x-α 2)...(x‑α n)<0 будет объединение всех промежутков, в которых поставлен знак «минус».

1) The rise of rational inequalities (the same as inequalities in appearance P(x) Q(x) de – rich terms) is based on the immediate power of a non-interruptible function: if a non-interruptible function is converted to zero at points x1 and x2 (x1; x2) and between these points there are no other roots, then in intervals (x1; x2) the function saves its sign.

Therefore, to find the intermediate sign of the function y=f(x) on the number line, we identify all the points at which the function f(x) goes to zero or indicates a break. These points divide the number line with a number of intervals, in the middle of the skin, and the function f(x) is continuous and goes to zero, then. saves sign. To determine this sign, it is enough to know the sign of the function at any point along the number line.

2) To determine the intervals of significance of the rational function, then. For the highest rational inequality, it is indicated on the number line, the root of the numerator and the root of the sign, which are also the roots and points of development of the rational function.

Detachment of inequalities using the interval method

3. < 20.

Decision. The range of acceptable values ​​is indicated by a system of unevenness:

For the function f(x) = – 20. Known f(x):

stars x = 29 and x = 13.

f(30) = - 20 = 0.3> 0,

f(5) = - 1 - 20 = - 10< 0.

Subject: . Basic methods of unleashing rational relationships. 1) The simplest: there is a path of primary forgiveness - bringing to the final banner, bringing similar members, etc. Square alignment ax2 + bx + c = 0 for help...

X changes to space (0,1], and changes to space )

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