You need to upgrade your computer to Windows 10. You need to upgrade Windows

Golovna / Optimization of work

You need to turn it on automatic updates Windows?

And who wanted to upgrade the operating system?

If you are interested in such nutrition, then this article is covered by you, and in it you will find information about the nutritional requirements for updating the Windows OS. Are you interested in anything? If after purchasing a new computer, reinstall operating system Automatic updates are immediately considered unnecessary.


We are gradually installing the remaining system updates, thinking that they are important for security and stability. Roboti Windows.

Who runs the radio?

It is true that the updated system allows for greater protection from various types of spyware.

With new

Microsoft updates release protection that closes various “holes” in the operating system through which they can penetrate. And if you don’t have a strong enough antivirus, or you don’t have one, and you don’t update the system, then the risk is that a virus will penetrate your PC.


With new updates, various “bugs” in the system are corrected.

These renovations may reach significant proportions. Z High-speed Internet Of course, you won’t notice an update of 200-300 MB. Ale koristuvachi, yakі vikoristovuyut mobile internet With a per-megabyte tariff, obviously such an update cannot be praised.

There is, of course, only one way out - turn on automatic system updates.

For an hour, while the mobile Internet is being used, in the countryside it is permissible, or in a busy place, where it is not possible to connect to

unlimited Internet . You can install it manually, the least and most important updates.

And the answer is for the first opportunity.

For those who use a pirated copy of Windows, it is already clear that automatic updates need to be turned on without fail, otherwise you will be caught early and again get black screens, crack the system, get caught in Russia and so on. I don’t need to tell you about the zagalom. From this article, I assure you that you are wise - whether you want a new one or not. With new updates in the operating system, the doors are closed, through which harmful programs can penetrate. Updating and correcting the productivity of the system.

Sometimes there are costly renovations, without them there is no way.

Windows 10 has two important technologies that will make it easier to identify a user and immediately increase the level of security.

Windows Hello uses a camera or a finger scanner for identification.

We have already told you about those for whom biometrics is not a panacea, but the good news is that in Windows Hello you can use these methods with the classic password entry - you can ensure greater security, but zhena okremo. In addition, Windows Hello supports a much wider range of biometric devices than before. For example, she runs a robot with infrared cameras - they can’t be fooled by showing them a photograph of a cashier. Another technology, Microsoft Passport, allows you to create a “link” with specific outbuilding either PIN code or Windows systems

Hello. For example, a customer can register a laptop and smartphone on this system. Windows Phone


To log in to your laptop, you need to bring your smartphone to the next location and swipe your finger across the finger scanner - all access is unlocked.

Good passwords!

Another important element of protection is to prevent attempts to guess the password or fool Windows Hello. Windows 10 now has a special option - when BitLocker is disabled, the device is blocked from logging in after a number of recent attempts, and when the next one is unlocked, you are prompted to enter the 48-character password that is generated the first time.

And at the moment the device starts, the integrity of the firmware is checked so that the evildoers do not add anything nasty there.

Updating UEFI also requires a digital signature, and changing settings is available just before the start and with the obligatory presence of the operator who changes them. The downloaded OS also includes a digital signature. This includes the components of the OS kernel and drivers for other devices.

The system will become increasingly popular as all components bear the correct signatures.

Some of these options may not be enabled for now, but Microsoft plans to make them available to everyone in the future.

Strictly speaking, this approach is not new. Similar schemes at once third party decisions

on the “Kaspersky Anti-Virus for UEFI” template, you will be victorized in the PC for robots with especially important data. In addition, Windows 10 separates the points where code can be run (this technology is called Control Flow Guard, abbreviated as CFG), and for this reason, other techniques protect against traditional methods of introducing malware onto the computer. External buffer or replace code in memory. That's why it's nasty against attacks from vikoristanny zero-day attacks. CFG is supported in Windows 10 modules, and third-party developers can use it in Microsoft Visual Studio 2015. Specialized protection, as before, is necessary!

In general, Microsoft has made a great deal of progress with the security advancements of the new Windows - the “ten” plan is much better in this regard

front systems

. However, this does not always mean relying on third-party solutions. Why? Everything is very simple.

All remaining versions of our products that were released in the other half of spring are completely different from the new operation Microsoft system. Windows 10 works wonders and Kaspersky Internet Security 2016, Kaspersky Total Security 2016, and other flagship products of Kaspersky Lab, and news costless utilities on Kaspersky xtalt Virus Removal


So, be kind, and don’t forget to update your crazy decisions. Finally, Windows 10 is officially on sale. This idea cannot be ignored, since it is important that most PC users rely on Windows itself as the main operating system.
Why did Microsoft allow all legal customers of Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 to upgrade to the new Windows without cost, which is why many of them have a lot of money - they are also upgrading to the new Windows, and what has appeared in Windows 10?

First of all, it should be said that it is not necessary to update both Windows 7 and Windows 8.1.

As you are conservative and you are in control of everything

Windows versions

, then falling in love is not at all obligatory. Now there is a bunch of words about the new OS. After learning about the test version of Windows 10, I lost all my positive feelings.

Microsoft listened to its customers and, in my opinion, carried out a series of steps that included all the latest versions of Windows, as well as other operating systems.

To tell you the truth, things didn’t work out for me at all with “visimka”, and before switching to Mas I worked for “semtsa”.

I think that just like Vista in its day, Windows 8 became a transitional system and the “top ten” took over from it. Let's talk about everything in order., which is accessed from the Start menu by clicking the right mouse button. This one can be taken away quick access

Adjust the OS functions as required.

The test version of Windows 10 had the ability to rotate the start screen to the Metro style, as was the case with the “Visiemtsa”. The authorities were working on the taskbar and the Start menu, but the developers removed all the adjustments from the final version. Perhaps, you will return later with any updates, since some users have received the start screen, and some people have started using a computer with Windows 8 and are now aware of its inconveniences. Before the speech, the start screen of the “visimtsa” has appeared through Microsoft's trial to create a universal operating system as a way to desktop computers both for laptops and for tablets and smartphones. The “ten” Microsoft did not see the versatility inherent in Windows 8, and the same

Windows distribution

10 is available for PCs, tablets, and smartphones. In my opinion, universality is fraught with problems, but time will tell. In any case, the operating system in tablets and smartphones is more advanced to work with a touch screen, then touch screen.

It appears based on the size of the control elements.

Other features, as far as I know, are insignificant. New innovation is coming - this is the addition of an element to the design panel. Because of the joke, “Simtsi” had a lot of problems and a lot of people koristuvach Windows XP were amazed in Windows 7. In Windows 8 the situation was significantly improved, and in Windows 10 Danish element becoming available both in the Start menu and in other elements of the Taskbar. Another innovation is the appearance of virtual desktops. For Linux and Mac OS users, virtual desktops are an essential part of the operating system.

Back in the “ten,” the Snap function, which appeared in Windows 7, was further developed. This function allowed you to position program windows, snap them to the screen and automatically change their dimensions.

True, it was possible to place only two windows on the desktop (on the side of the left-handed screen), or the window could be expanded to cover the entire screen (or bring it to the top edge). Now it is possible to position up to four windows, bringing them between the two sides of the screen. Depending on the size of the screen, the screen will automatically change and fill half or a quarter of the screen. Well, it’s absolutely impossible not to say about the new Edge browser. I'm even radium, which Microsoft has decided to praise Internet Explorer, such a stench brought more than ten rocks to you.

New browser

It has an attractive minimalist look and a lot of additional functionality, in addition to which you can work with notes on the hidden web page, adding text and graphic comments to it.

Then such a note can be sent from the view of the picture behind

email , publish to social networks or save the OneNote organizer program. Having also appeared in the reading mode.

I often use it in Safari, which I have been using for a long time. When switching to this mode, the web page is optimized by the browser so that it is easy to process information and nothing unnecessary can be read. And other innovations, but I overinterpreted those that seemed to me to be true.

Like a pouch.

On me nova windows?

I dealt with the most positive impression and it seems that she works a little faster than her predecessors, but not objectively:) I can’t confirm 100%.

Although no completely revolutionary or hitherto unknown functions appeared in the computer world, the “ten” included the greatest evidence of other operating systems and

Although the “ten” have passed their full testing, there will still be additional testing and I think suttev.

Microsoft has always been famous for its updates, which come out in batches and as a result require new installations of the OS. As if I didn’t want to cancel the new functions all at once, in my opinion, it’s time to spend some money while the developers correct the most serious problems and problems that have already accumulated. Navit for the legal one Windows update 7 or 8 on the “top ten”, a lot of koristuvachs were faced with problems and favors, so it’s still worth checking.

Until then

bezkoshtovne renovation

will be available by extension - until June 29, 2016. Don't miss the opportunity to do good: I welcome you, my favorite blog site owner! Otje, Microsoft company

, decided not to stand up to progress and gave us

upgrade to Windows 10

  • .
  • It’s impossible to call him Chergovim, because the number “9” is not enough for logic.
  • Let’s not be too picky about such frivolities, since they all have their own reasons and are still going on.
  • It’s possible that you don’t have the same food, but why am I writing from myself, and not from Windows 8, for example.

It’s just that your humble servant has not taken this version seriously and is likely to lose his family.

And for the remaining point.

I know that my colleagues – pensermen – pensioners – are worried about this.

Over time, Simka and XP will gradually fade into the background, and it will be even more important for you to learn new things.

So it’s better to work at once while the meat is still fresh, so that later it won’t be disgraceful in front of the onuks.

You need to upgrade to Windows 10 now More than one reader would singly throw stones at me at once. The first part of them is small.

Ale is the part that is used only for work.

We are with you, gentleman Pensermen, who is looking forward to perfecting his knowledge of this miracle of technology.

  1. Good, it’s starting at about the same time. I respect the pensioners, but they don’t work. Not to mention, Windows 10 is still gray and still has some bugs.
  2. This is where all the beauty lies.
  3. Willingly not, you and I will have the opportunity to learn and capture them.

And at the same time we come to new knowledge about the operating system. All the same “bad” without any “good”. And yet, there is still no decision left for you to accept anything good.
I can only say that this is not the first time I’ve moved to the top ten;

And then, with “new forces” and firm intentions, we still upgraded to Windows 10 and

home computer that laptop. antivirus software.

Kaspersky is especially valuable.

You just have to install the remaining distribution. After this, the antivirus program will be adapted to the system, but other components, which are unimportant, are frequently interconnected every day. There’s a problem that you won’t be able to keep checking for a long time when there’s a problem with your Wi-Fi after you turn on your PC and go to sleep.

Only appears after “Problem Diagnosis” is enabled. I think it's the fault of the hem adapter. It still conflicts with ten at the hour of waking up and turning on the PC.

Ale, for the sake of fairness, it is necessary to note that this will not happen again.

Before speaking, this driver seems to have been updated to

new versions

So there will be problems with PC connections for a long time.

І transition at “sleep” - after long thoughts, vimikati is in darkness. If there is such a problem, you will need to do something like this. Right-click on "Start", select and click on "Device Manager".

Know hem adapters!

Open the list, then right-click on what you see and click on “Update drivers”: A window will open where you will need to select “Look for drivers on your computer”: Next, click on “Select a driver from the list of already installed drivers”:

And now we select the same driver when the system works more or less stably:

Please note, in such situations, I try to show the buyers the main advantages and disadvantages of this product, and the decisions, as a rule, have already been made by the buyers themselves.

Tim, who still decides to update, I kindly give instructions about those on our website.

Tim, who didn’t want to go through the trouble, I simply recommended it, constantly informing about the possibility of a cost-free transition to ten.

Therefore, some of the information about those who are soon upgrading to Windows 10 is even more relevant today, I decided to share my thoughts not only with those who asked me not in the middle, but also with other readers of our blog.

Perhaps, after reading this text, it will be easier for someone to make the right decisions before installing Windwos 10. Be in love with Windows 10 or don't be in love with it, why don't you eat it? Well, I’ll tell you straight away that I won’t tell you that this system is cool, but I won’t be completely useless.

The essence of this article will be this: first I will point out the positive aspects of Windows 10, and then those that I did not like in this OS.

Let me first say that the “+” and “-” I described are not stereotyped problems that can 100% appear in you, it may happen that you will never get along with them, I will repeat once again that this is inclusively mine thought, it is based on

I have heard this not only with myself, but also with my friends, which is a big minus because it can make your skin fall out.

Not all programs run on Windows 10. I have already encountered a similar problem and asked for help to launch old program What they did on Windows XP, but it turned out to be crazy, the add-ons did not start.

So, since you are the owner of such programs, take note.

Well, I think I'll finish it.

In principle, the updated system is suitable for me, the axis is only due to problems with the Internet, so that it has already happened many times, but I was wondering about this, immediately marveling at the desktop and noticing, What do I have to re-install again? All my programs immediately forgot about this thought. It may be surprising that this problem may be less likely to occur, but Microsoft has found a solution, smarter update

What to earn for me.

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