Convenience of information exchange between organizations.

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The term for conducting non-state examination of design documentation and the results of engineering studies becomes 10 days. The plunger of the Vidkorigova for the results of the spertis of the design documentary to the єdin sovereign Rechstra Visnovkiv Expertizi (єdrz) of the design documentary Ozkktv, assigned the numbers of the vision of the vidachnik Visovtizhnik Vispertizi in one day. Please about

information exchange

with the Committee on Architecture and Placemaking in Moscow


№ ________________

Please about mutual information Committee for Architecture and Urban Development of Moscow

Moscow location "___" _

__ _____ 20 rocks

Committee for Architecture and Urban Development of Moscow

(Moskomarkhitektura), which is called “Side 1”, in particular the intercessor

Head of the Committee for Architecture and Placement of Moscow - .0 3.2015 Kerivnik Contract Service BelovoiL. 03 -832/5, N., what's on the stand?

________________________, powers of attorney 05

No. MKA-

(_____________) from one side, i , I have a certificate of accreditation for law

carrying out non-state examination of design documentation

and the results of engineering efforts __________

in guise

1General Director _________, in accordance with the Statute, named in

1.1. Next, "Side 2", from the other side, further at the back

They are called “Sides”, they wrote about the attack:


Subject later

The subject of this service is information

mutual cooperation between the sides during the transfer of positive developments from the non-state

m. No. 363 “About information security of local activities”,


No. 225-PP “On the introduction of an information security system”

local activities near Moscow and molded media

electronic interaction to ensure local everyday activities

PP “On the approval of the Administrative Regulations”

Sovereign servant of the city of Moscow “Providing information about what is located in

integrated automated information security system

approval of administrative regulations issued by sovereign powers

services of the Moscow City Council “Issue of permits for everyday life” and “Issuance of permits

for putting the facility into operation.


Qia Ugoda is laid out with the mark of the viconanny vimog

organization and provision of state and municipal services",

Improved information exchange between government agencies

power of the place necessary for the security of the organs of sovereign power,

bodies of local self-government, physical and legal entities of current and

2.1. Reliable information from the local authorities.

2. Organization of mutual cooperation

Honorable representative of an expert organization with a length of 7 (Seven)

working days from the date of the positive outcome of the non-state

a correct copy of the layout is submitted to the Moskomarkhitektura for examination

examination and a reference copy of the design documentation and (or) results

engineering research and a copy of the document that confirms the design


Transfer of materials referred to in clause 2.1 may be subject to

Integrated Automated Information System

2ensuring the local activity of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as IAIS OGD).

m. No. 87 “About the warehouse of sections of design documentation and support for them


According to the objects of capital everyday life of the industrial sector

non-viral significance:

Section 2. "Scheme of planned organization of land plots."

Section 3. "Architectural solutions."

Section 4. “Constructive and volumetric planning solutions.” 5.1 Section 5. “Videomosti about engineering skills, about measures of engineering

Section 4. “Constructive and volumetric planning solutions.” 5.2 technical security, transfer of engineering and technical inputs,

Section 4. “Constructive and volumetric planning solutions.” 5.3 -Pidrozdil

"Electrovoltage system"

Section 4. “Constructive and volumetric planning solutions.” "Water supply system"

Section 4. “Constructive and volumetric planning solutions.” 5.6 "Water system"

Section 4. “Constructive and volumetric planning solutions.” 5.7 – subsection 5.4 “Scorching, ventilation and air conditioning, heat

5.5 “Merezhi ties”

"Gas supply system"

"Technological solutions"

Section 6. "Project for organizing everyday life."

Section 9. “Come in before fire safety”

Section 10. “Come in to ensure access for people with disabilities”

Section 10(1).

“To ensure safe operation of the facility

capital life"

Section 11(1).

“Come in so you’re safe and dotrimannya vimog

2energy efficiency and possible equipment budivel, budivel and

Sporuded adjustments to the development of energy resources"


By objects of linear significance:

Section 1. "Explanatory note."

Section 2. "Project of Smuha Development".

Section 3. “Technological and constructive solutions for a linear facility.

Stuffed things."

Section 4. “Were, there will be and disputes that are included before the infrastructure of the linear


Section 5. “Project for organizing everyday life”

Section 6. “The project of the organization is working on the demolition (dismantling) of a linear facility”

2(if obvious)

Section 7. “Come in to bury some unnecessary middle ground” Section 8. “Come in before fire safety”.3 Formation of electronic documents listed in clause 2.1, May

interact with the wikis of a single file

PDF format

(version 1.7)

Acrobat (version 8.0 or higher).

2.4. Electronic copies of documentation that are transmitted must be scanned into

color mode with separate 300 dpi and electronic digital signature

(electronic signature).

Moskomarkhitektura after removing the documents listed in paragraph 2.1,

their current registration and placement in the IAIS OGD upon installation,

by the orderly legislation of Moscow, terminology.

Technical functions with reception, transmission, registration and placement in IAIS

OGD documents can be transferred by the Moskomarkhitektura to the installed

2.5. procedure for a specialized organization.-The interaction between the Moscow Architecture Committee and a specialized organization is regulated by the minds 2 sovereign contract, laid down in the order established by federal legislation

Priyom - transfer of documents transferred from the item.

2.1, comes from

I accept registration in the Journal

types of design documentation

2.7. .6 Moskomarkhitektura after registration of documentation on paper paper

will ensure placement of the electronic image in the ISAIS OGD for the transfer of records

- to Mosgosstroynadzor for the security of obtaining permission to work.

Moskomarkhitektura can help you with the registration of documents in IAIS OGD

in vipadahs:

as long as design documentation and engineering results jokes are guaranteed to the fullest extent of the law state statistics and other federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of subjects Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, courts, prosecutors, Bank of Russia, state budgetary funds, trade unions and employers' unions

On the page of presentations of the form of the document “Recommendations for information on the interaction between the Federal Service of State Statistics and other federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of subjects of the Russian Federation , local self-government bodies, courts, prosecutors, Bank of Russia, state budgetary funds, trade unions "ob'ednan and ob'ednan robot sellers" with the ability to entice him into DOC format that PDF.

Document type: Ugoda

Document file size: 11.1 kb

Document form

Enchant the document image

Save this document in a manual format.

It's no cost.

about information exchange between the Federal Service

state statistics and other federal bodies

sovereign power, organs of sovereign power

subjects of the Russian Federation, local authorities

self-government, courts, prosecutors, Bank

Russia, state budgetary funds,

vocational training and employment benefits for workers

Federal State Statistics Service (hereinafter - Rosstat) and other federal authorities, authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, judges, prosecutors, Bank of Russia, foreign states Ethnic funds, trade unions and employers' unions (hereinafter - koristuvach), named by the Parties, complying with the Federal Law dated November 29, 2007 N 282-FZ "On the official statistical structure and system of state statistics in the Russian Federation" laid down this agreement about the attack.

1. Purposes of information exchange

For the purposes of mutual information exchange: Creation of minds for information security

activities of the Parties, making management decisions;

Organization of provision of official statistical information; Security of madness information resources


The parties communicate information in the following ways:

Data from official statistical information, which is formed in accordance with the federal statistical work plan, which is confirmed by the Government of the Russian Federation;

The creation of normative legal and methodological documents that regulate the national statistical activities of the Parties;

Ensuring the integrity of information in all automated data processing systems of the Sites.

3. Procedure for information exchange

To achieve the purposes of this Party:

Organize weather flows and provide official statistical information;

It is more methodological and organizational to feed information exchange, establish the order of interaction and formatting of data;

Coordinate information exchange between territorial bodies of Rosstat and territorial bodies of the State Statistics Service;

Favor the structure, format and methods of providing information in electronic view at the federal and regional levels, it is ensured that the software and technical features are blocked and that access is prevented, which includes a computer virus;

If necessary, conduct detailed visits to organize and conduct professional training for your recruiters in the area of ​​information interaction (for example, seminars, etc.).

4. Obov'yazki Sides before implementation Please


Rosstat relies on the following obligations:

The supply of official statistical information is provided until the requested transfer indicated at Addendum 1 to this date;

Coordination of the work of territorial bodies of Rosstat prior to their interaction with territorial bodies of the Federal State Statistics Service is consistent with this goal; Data from foreign-Russian classifiers of technical and economical social information

ta change before them;

Granting of consulting services to the client.


The koristuvach is subject to the following obligations:

Submission to Rosstat of official statistical information and administrative data necessary for the formation of official statistical information, subject to the required transfer indicated in Appendix 2 to this єї Please;

Coordination of the work of territorial bodies of the State Statistics Service during their interaction with the territorial bodies of Rosstat is consistent with this goal;

Granting of consulting services to Rosstat.

5. Final provisions


This is also supplemented by an unknown part of the official statistical information provided by the Parties at the federal and regional levels (Addendums 1 and 2).


This benefit is subscribed to two examples, which may still be valid.

Signatures of the parties:

From the Federal Service From the State Statistics Service (Rosstat)

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I will be in trouble.
Did you know what they were joking about?

So cute!


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  • documents)

“Recommendations for the purpose of information exchange between the Federal State Statistics Service and other federal authorities, authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies , courts, prosecutors, the Bank of Russia, state budgetary funds, professional bodies and about “Ednan robot sellers.”
Documents that may also be available: Recommendations for the information and technology interaction of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, its territorial bodies and other federal bodies of the Royal Government, bodies of the Royal Government subjects of the Russian Federation with the participation of subordinate Ministry of Energy of the Russian organization Standard form please about the interaction between the Federal Migration Service and territorial authorities with the administrations of hotels, sanatoriums, holiday resorts, boarding houses, campsites, tourists financial bases, medical organizations and other similar installations, installations of the criminal-medical system, which will result in punishment for the appearance of reduced will or Primus robots , when given directly or when directed from a victorious connection that enters the warehouse, or from a vicarious information and telecommunications network, as well as infrastructure that ensures information technological interaction information systems

, what is needed for the assignment of sovereign and municipal services and the appointment of sovereign and municipal functions electronic form, information about the registration and removal of citizens of the Russian Federation from the registration office at the time of renewal PLEASE, about information exchange or other similar installations, installations of the criminal-vicon system, which results in the appearance of a reduction in the will of either primus bots) when given directly or when directed from the vicinity of the connections that enter the warehouse boundaries, or from other information and telecommunications boundaries, and as well as infrastructure that ensures information and technological interaction of information systems that are developed for the provision of state and municipal services and the implementation of state and municipal functions in electronic form and, information about the registration and removal of citizens of the Russian Federation from the registration office at the place of transfer. ___________________ "__" ___________ 20___ r. Federal Migration Service (Administration (Viddil) of the Federal Migration Service for ____________________), hereinafter referred to as the “Operator”, in particular the officer (chief) _____________, who acts on the stand _________________________________________________________________________, (date, number, name of the document, date Presentation of some kind of kerivnik (chief ) Federal Migration Service (Administration (Viddilu) of the Federal Migration Service) on one side, that _______________________________________________________ (outside and briefly (for obviousness) name, IPN, KPP, _________________________________________________________________________ OGRN, address of the locality legal entity or information about _________________________________________________________________________, individual entrepreneur (nickname, for obviousness), series, number, date of issue of the document, which corresponds to the person, IPN, VDRNIP, registration address at the place of residence)) is further named “Information Postalist”, in particular _________________________, (name, , according to Father (for obvious )) official on the stand _________________________________________________ (date, number, name of the document, on the stand ___________________________________________________________________________, what kind of representative it is, in which case it is a party legal person or the individual party) on the other side, collectively referred to as “Parties”, put this information about this:


2.1. The provider of information through ________________________________ (meaning the term by which information is provided) provides the Operator with information about the registration and deregistration of the citizens of the Russian Federation from the registration Liku behind the place of rebirth***. 2.2.

The transfer of information is subject to ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________.


The Parties are responsible for the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for maintaining the confidentiality maintained within the framework of this Agreement for information and source information not transferred to godoyu.


The order of the highest disputes and the breakdown Please


The disputes and differences that arise between the Parties during the implementation of this Agreement are determined by the course of negotiations.


In cases where it is impossible to reach a mutually acceptable solution, disputes between the Parties shall be subject to the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine.


This benefit may be separated from the initiative of either side.

The party that initiates the dissolution is required to send a letter of notification of the dissolution to the Agreement no later than 30 (thirty) days before the dissolution date.

V. Rows and please


The agreement gains strength from the day it is signed by the Parties and continues throughout the same period.


The treatment may be extended for the duration of the skin attack, if the Parties do not indicate their obligation to apply this procedure no later than two calendar months before the end of the line.


The granting by the Parties of access to information, access to state (municipal) information systems, the transfer by the Parties of non-exclusive rights to certain state (municipal) information systems is subject to the Parties' knowledge of proper legal rights having become for granting such access, for making such transfer.

The Parties undertake not to violate the intellectual rights secured by the Parties, and to violate the objects of intellectual power, including for the purpose of their own benefit.

The stated price does not mean the transfer of copyright rights to information systems and databases.

How to arrange information mutually

The initiating Party forces the other Party to notify the written form for the specified reasons, the date of the beginning and the line of suppressed information exchange.

3. Access to the information that is hoped for is renewed after the facts and reasons specified in paragraph 1 of this article have been clarified.

4. The parties agree on the basis of partial or externally unconventional demands for this purpose, as this unconvention has become the result of conditions of insurmountable force that arose after the laying of the land tea and unforgettable reasons (or their inheritances): natural natural phenomena (earths), typhoons and others), conditions of life (military actions), directly and indirectly confront the Parties, which Parties could not transfer or avoid at the time of laying this Agreement. Once agreement is established, the parties have the right to exchange information among themselves, which is aimed at accelerating the pace of development and reducing interaction between participants. At the bottom of the page you can see a sign about mutual information.


The exchange of information between participants can be carried out in

electronic format

The obligation of rights to obtain the results of intellectual activity and other minds for this purpose, at times, is regulated by the parties in certain agreements and (or) additional agreements that are laid down on the basis of this Agreement. Article 6 Mutual provision of information within this framework is subject to the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and legislation.

Leningrad region
The exchange of information between the Parties is carried out electronically in accordance with the rules established by the specific government information system of the Leningrad region, including the following dpisu.

The exchange of information between participants can be carried out in

Uzgodzheno Kerivnik of the Federal Treasury R.Є.ARTYUKHIN 12th anniversary 2011 year Head of the Association of Control and Management Bodies of the Russian Federation S.V.STEPASHIN 12th anniversary 2011 year Please about mutual information between the Federal Treasury Departments for the subject of the Russian Federation and control (approximate form ) R. » » 20 rub. Department of the Federal Treasury of (the name of the subject of the Russian Federation) in the special sector, which operates under the Regulations of the Department of the Federal Treasury of (the name of the subject of the Russian Federation has been closed) by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated 4 February 2012. In this case, the services from the placement designated in this paragraph, audio materials are provided by Party 2 at the same airtime hour and at the line, which is additionally agreed upon by the Deputy.2.11. About Vidmova at the location
information materials
for appointments at p.


In clause 2.10 herein, Party 1 expressly informs Party 2. Party 2 undertakes to replace the audio clip or bring it into line as soon as possible on the radio company. ii and/or legislation of the Russian Federation.

The data that is transmitted cannot be transferred to third parties without the written consent of the Poster of the data and the subject of the personal data.

The procedure for information exchange of information, including between territorial bodies and (or) structural units of the parties, operates on the basis of various electrical connections, directly on the nose, so as to Yes, or paper nose. IV. Compliance of the Parties 4. The Parties are subject to compliance in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of Ukraine.
V. General provisions 5.1. Organizer", acting on behalf of the Leningrad region, official on the basis of the Regulations on the Committee, approved by the resolution of the Leningrad region, on one side, which is called in the future "Participant", in particular, which is on Standing on the other side, they gave their nickname " Parties" through the implementation of the government programs of the Leningrad region " Information partnership
in the Leningrad Region”, approved by the Decree of the Leningrad Region (hereinafter referred to as the State Program), included this information: Article 1 The subject of this Agreement is the creation of minds for the provision of effective information mutual and information exchange of information between the Parties within the framework of the creation and functioning of state information systems Leningrad region. The subject of regulation is the interaction of the Parties with the information exchange within the framework of the functioning of the state automated system of legal statistics (hereinafter referred to as DAS PS). 2. Inter-household information between the Parties is subject to further consideration.

federal laws

This Agreement may be terminated at the initiative of either Party, but it is necessary to notify the other Party by letter no later than three months before its termination.

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