Do not use the router for possible reasons. Throw off the front patch. How router parameters are not saved

Golovna / Main functionality

Priceless certificate

On the Internet, there are new instructions for the repair of any kind of radio equipment. The axis of only 90% can be replaced with one phrase: “opening the wind-blown capacitors-replacing-working”. When people are trying to paint the process on several sides. Seemingly, it would be shameful for me to write about such a repair.

Today, I want to tell you about the repair of Wi-Fi routers based on the products of the famous "people's" TP-LINK compiler. Most of the information is valid for Wi-Fi routers and other manufacturers. Why TP-LINK? So it already happened that I had a lot of faulty routers in the same manufacturer from the warranty service of one company. The company is small and is not going through the worst hours, so it was important for it to be unprofitable to hire an engineer and repair Wi-Fi routers, so the buyers turned for a guarantee. Possibly, from the worst point of view, the stench was correct. Such a situation dominated me even more.

Some models of routers, especially ADSL models, have a mesh part, Wi-Fi and a telephone circuit are wired on the same microcircuits. More cheap and popular Ethernet models, for example TL-WR740 (741), 720, 841, 3220 or so. on the board, all functions are controlled by one microcircuit - the processor. Even if the faults are more frequent or more frequent (break through the WAN port and / or LAN), but often, the repair of such a router is not worth it. The processor is soldered to the board with its own basis, contacts at the bottom of the two rows. The microcircuit of the processor costs from 5 to 10 dollars, a second-hand used router is sold for a little more than 10 dollars. Buying and replacing a processor is unprofitable, it’s easier to just use such a router or put it on the “organ” as a donor.

SO, do not forget that the router has been used up to you from the wrong hands, singly in the new change of Wi-Fi passwords and access to the admin panel. Therefore, before repairing, we will try to rob it of yoga at the factory installation. How tse robiti, I think you know.

It is possible to fix defects and it is significant what and how to repair, but what will not be possible. Let's make a table:

There seems to be an error, because the router does not start, or it starts, but there is no way to enter the admin panel.

Malfunction (symptom) Solution
1. Do not burn the light

The processor does not start for some reason. Possibly, the problem is with food. Re-checking the old block of life (replacement), re-checking the stabilizer on the board, re-checking the temperature of the processor (it’s hot after a couple of chills - the processor died, reanimate the patient without a heart).

On the floor, blocks of life TP-LINK routers, wanting and simple as a rake (on the controller AP3706 typical scheme from the datasheet), it’s not good to use the selected components. Therefore, the stink is even more nadіynі and it’s rare to get out of the way. Cannot be matched with D-LINK competitor's life blocks.

2. It’s not enough to burn the light of the “merezha”

Tsya injustice is widened and ambiguous.

The first option is to start the processor, but the flash memory can't be read at all. For routers with a guarantee, the price by 90% means that you are a sensible koristuvach, after reading articles on the Internet, flashing your router with an alternative firmware (Openwrt, DD-WRT, Gargoyle, etc.), then we didn’t zmіg, we wanted to turn back the original firmware. for his krivorukistyu "sprinkling" the router. Another option is a buggy flash memory chip, which can easily be misinterpreted and corrected.

You can try to flash the router via tftp. How to find more instructions on the Internet. It’s easier for me to solder the microcircuit, change it to the programmer, protest and replace it with a new one for the need. The chance that the next router will work properly may be 100%. Do not forget that in the flash microcircuits, mac-addresses are saved wifi password for zamovchuvannyam, scho records on the back of the router case. On a good note, it is necessary to change them in the firmware dump, otherwise it may appear that in one measure an add-on with the same mac-addresses may appear. And tse, you know, is not good.

In me, 99% of routers with such symptoms came to life.

2nd option - a problem with the processor. Abo vіn "vmiraє" or vіd overheating vіdpayavsya like from contact maidanchikіv. I had a little flurry, if after warming up with a hair dryer that light onslaught, the router came to life and worked without problems. Like a processor at the “death” stage, it can only help one replacement. But the cost is not easy and unprofitable.

3. The router turns on, the "merezha" LED lights up, then after a few seconds all the LEDs light up and the processor is reset (cyclical reset)

Flash memory microcircuits have incorrect firmware or “smite”.

Everything is like in the front view. Checking the flash chip, flashing the correct dump. In me, 100% of routers with such symptoms came to life.

4. Light up the “merezha” light and all 4 “LAN” lights. Other repaid. 100% viyshla z fret microcircuit flash or її piping. For me, if one of the resistors (jumper) is missing, one of the resistors (jumper) is missing, the microcircuit is flashed, the soldering is bad, and it falls into vibration (maybe the router has fallen). Another option, if a thin track burst to one of the lower microcircuits of flash memory and the flash drive “died”. In my case, 100% of routers with such symptoms turned out to be okay.
5. Light on the "merezha" light and the "LAN" light (one or a sprat) and/or "WAN" when cables are not connected, "WiFi". Break the processor port. As a variant of likuvannya - cut the paths from the processor to the narrow transformers in the port. Light out, break through the port, stop respecting the robots in charge. In principle, even though the LAN port is broken through, it is still practical with wi-Fi and other ports. Like a broken WAN port - higher. Without WAN port the router ceases to be a router and can be just a dot WiFi access otherwise yak rozshiryuvach Wi-Fi Merezhi for WDS technology. As an option, flash an alternative firmware and recognize the WAN port as any of the three correct LAN ports. But in any case, such routers do not show commercial interest, it is impossible to sell them. I don’t know how to mess around with them. I have a dozen of these lying around. Start and get rid of Skoda.
6. When connected to a LAN cable, the light is switched on not only to the port, in which case, but also to the light of the other LAN port. Broken LAN port. Option - re-route the paths from the processor to the narrow transformers in the port that burns. The next port penetration (port) is not dependent on the router's robot. Protect functionality.
7. Other ups and downs. Gra not varta candle. Router for wikid (organ donor).

On the board, instructed by the processor to solder the microcircuit operational memory. I don’t see the option of getting out of the way, because I have never been trawled by routers with faulty RAM and I don’t know how it is guaranteed to identify the fault. Shvidshe for all the router is not startuvatime. In quiet weather, if the processor did not start, I specifically identified the fret of the processor itself, warming up to a temperature of more than 100 degrees.

Now let's look at the differences, if the router is vantaged, it gives you the opportunity to get to the admin panel.

Variant of penetration (vigorilimy) LAN ports we have already looked at more. We don’t turn to them anymore.

It seems that there is an error, as the router starts up and it is possible to enter the admin panel.

Malfunction (symptom) Solution
1. When the WAN cable is connected, the LED does not light up or it lights up, but there is no connection to the Internet and in the admin panel in the WAN branch it is written that the WAN cable is not connected. Shaving at the Lanziugs port WAN. I wonder if the transformer is suitable for the WAN port and the resistors are white. I had a few drops of a transformer or a resistor. Theoretically, it is possible for a transformer to flicker intermittently, but there was no such fluctuation in the alternator. Like a transformer and thesis history, the problem is better for everything WAN port processor.
2. When connected to a LAN cable, the LED does not light up, or it lights up, but there is no connection to the router. Unable to access admin panel from th th LAN port

All the same for the WAN port. I wonder if the transformer is suitable for the WAN port and the resistors are white.

3. Periodically, the router is changed.

Wondering with an oscilloscope for eating after a stabilizer. you may need to replace capacitors or microcircuits.

Yak variant - marveling at the thermal regime of the processor. I had feelings of depression, if I wrote stickers on the microprocessor to the beast of a small radiator, the router was repaired stably.

4. Weak Wi-Fi signal. There were falls. For now, I'm throwing in my other antenna from a donor (fortunately, spare parts are available). My mind was having a problem. Even if the re-soldering of the antenna did not help, you can marvel at the antenna from the antenna to the processor, I never had a chance to do it again.
5. Periodically check Wi-Fi My mind was having a problem with the processor. Having soldered from the donor, everything worked. You can replace the antenna for cleaning, if you want to help. Shvidshe for everything, with such a router there is no particular sensation to bother. You will be invisible.

Well, at once, trohi of pictures from signatures.

Such a typical router is in the middle. At the center - a processor, in the middle - a flash, a right-hander RAM.

Livoruch - processor, right flash memory.

Flash microcircuits from various manufacturers.

The axis is under the processor. Donechko soldered that contact in the 2nd row. Solder such a processor - more satisfied. Nі, zvichano, it is possible, ale chi varto?

The window of the programmer after erasing the flash microcircuit and rechecking. About programmer ta yoga software security I will tell you as if in a clear look, for that reason.

Antennas 5dBi different colors, change and none.

Uzgojuvalnі transformers. Zliva WAN, right hand two LAN.

And here it is, right-handed WAN (one more hand, soldered from the donor), 1 LAN

The axis is in the middle of the uzgozhuvalny transformer to the WAN port.

Soldering the transformer is awkward, but not so easy. The great risk of vismiknuti vysnovka and zipsuvati transformer or metalization opening the board. It is necessary to be careful and do not hurry. Behind the transformer, you can see the resistors. It’s rare, but oh well, that the stench comes out of harmony and goes into the urinal. It's easy to override them, but not much from soldering. Dzhe stinks dribnі and stand close to the transformer. Ale, nothing is impossible.

My know-how. Having soldered a socket into one test router, and now after soldering the transformer from the donor test yoga. Tse allows you to be convinced by the one who soldered a 100% correct transformer, without short-circuit turns. The transformer with short circuit turns to ring like a normal one, you can turn it over even if it is turned on at the right router.

The overturned transformer in the panel feels tight and sits tight.

And this is how the transformer of two LAN ports looks in the middle. Before the speech, the wine after the cієї razprav (trepanation) became a robot worker.

My love is wrong - the flush is dead. More precisely, on this board, there are no signs of it.

At the left lower kutka - vbudovana wifi antenna. It's marvelous, but to get 720 TP-Link out of it is even more disgraceful. Aje there is still a place where you can solder a normal antenna. That same router became a star and opened the Internet with such power that fencing cable zі stіn vityaguє…

On whom I will finish my little glance. I wrote yoga fast and troch chaotically. In advance, scho vin razrahovany on more-less prepared koristuvachiv. I specially report not rozhzhuyu deakі moments, but just show that it is necessary to work, prepare people to know how to fight, and not to get in the way if not prepared.

An expanded situation, if there is a chain of attachments, including a home router, does not react to anything, and the coristuvach virishuє: faulty. How to convert a router to work?

You can get out of tune, whether it’s a kind of attachment, the router itself or the yogo life block. Before that, the router can be set up in the mode, in which case it is “inaccessible” via ping. How to get around everything, to understand, what is the most wrongly true - we can look at it.

Router and life adapter

The first day, as a vikonati is necessary, it is a throwing off. Without this, scrounge up, you will be worthless. It is also bugged before turning on the distance to see the reference block of living, summіsny іz tsim pristroєm. If the "Merezh" light is on, it does not mean that "everything is working" (the voltage of the adapter, for example, may not be filtered, but the light will still be on).

Below, a sequence of actions is indicated, which is standard: hardware drop, setting up a lace card, ping.

It is important to know that using adapters that are not included in the list of recommendations by the picker will void the warranty.

Standard sequence

Throw off the front patch

Nasampered, you need to know the reset button, installed on the router case. Vaughn - іsnuє in any vapadku:

reset button

For ASUS, the button can be called "reset/restore". How far away it is necessary to know, to win like this:

  1. All signal cables must be connected. Turn on the live block of the router, check 1.5 speeds
  2. The drop button on the router body is pressed, not letting in її 10-19 seconds (important)
  3. Letting go of the button, we take the attachment out of the locks "for locking"

At the process, the buttons are pressed, the indicators are to "blink" or change the day they are turned on. As soon as it becomes, reset is allowed.

It is important to know that reset is more than 20 seconds - it means to put the extension into emergency mode for renewal (which is true as a minimum for ASUS routers). Be respectful.

If the drop is disabled, the router itself can be unplugged (to get to the new LAN cable). So, as it is looked at more, it will be thrown off on the most important models of outbuildings. Krim exotic 3Com (find the instructions for them).

Custom lace card

Follow the instructions to the router. It has an IP-address value, for which won it is available. For D-Link DIR-XX ce For other models -

The router is connected to the computer as follows: leather from four LAN ports - connect with a mesh card (for an additional patch cord).

Let's fix the mesh card of the computer:

  1. Change the transition "Internet Protocol TCP / IP" -> "Power"
  2. How IP-addresses indicate the value that is shown in the IP router with the remaining digit (div. butt)
  3. Mask - obov'yazkovo "with stop 0"
  4. Like a gateway - specify the router itself (yogo IP).

The result looks like this:

Butt of sewing a lace card (under D-link DIR)

After pressing "OK" to increase the life of the router. І check 1-2 quillini.

Win the Ping command

Open console command row. This program can be run with administrator rights.

Let's wait and see if we can stop it: we type ping to the “router address” Enter. The correct result is the yak axis:

ping result

What to revise:

  • Watching hour (time) - may be about one (i - no more than a few ms)
  • If Lost is greater than or less than 0% (or less than 100%) - the router is faulty
  • When the ping command is repeated, the result does not need to be recognized as the first

Vlasne, that's all. Like with ping - "didn't work", it's possible to be in the wake-up mode. It is not possible to enter yoga in this mode, and it is recommended to install the firmware in the SC (there is no router for service center). The axis is now everything.

How to throw off the router (which is not clear to anyone) will be shown in the video. Often, though not always, all the information is shown on the label. You can find the IP address there.

Body sticker

For routers that do not have LAN ports, do it yourself, but you can connect to the building via Wi-Fi (after 2 weeks after notification). Let's wake up the console and stop ping. Away nalashtuvannya!

And now the movie:

Zavdyaki to a wireless router chi router is able to connect the Internet to a number of computers. Also, through the new one, you can connect to the Internet for the help of other attachments - tablets, mobile phones etc. However, it turns out that the router does not work, but it does work, but it does not give a connection to the Internet, and at that moment, if you want to reverse it, it functions, for example, your store of children's toys. The troubles can be different, and the stench can also lead to different solutions.

If the router is not working, it is necessary to change the connection to the electrical connection. Poshkodzhenya contacts. For richer models, there is a button to increase / disable, perhaps the problem is in it. Also, you can get through those who have burned the block of life. Yogo is not easy to replace with a new one. If the problem is not in the new one and not in the contacts, if you happen to carry the router to the service - with your own hands you will not solve other problems.

We call for more power, even if the router is connected to the Internet. For the cob, it is necessary to reconsider the timing of paying for a special rahunka. If everything is wrong, the problem may lie in the fact that the installations are broken due to a voltage drop, or the router is connected to the network. Podіbne mozhe buti pov'yazane іz firmware. Like this trouble - often a manifestation, you can install new firmware. For re-lashing router varto consult with the provider, which is not the only one for all schemes to establish access.

Buvaє tak, that the router did not catch up with the connection with the Internet. To re-check it, you can turn it on for a few seconds in the mesh, then connect it again. Obov'yazkovo is necessary to establish respect for the establishment of a connection with your operating system. Possibly, you just have a disabled connection local lines. The problem can also be a firewall or an antivirus. As soon as the timchasovoy was turned on, everything was done, it is necessary to create a link for the connection. Also, access can be blocked by virus programs. In this case, it is necessary to scan the computer outside with an antivirus, but rather a kilkom.

For the elimination of such problems, it is recommended to buy these routers, as a provider. You will have fewer failures, because the firmware of the routers is sharpened by the provider. You can know the instruction fix the router on your own, in an extreme mood, having scrambled with telephone prompts to the call center of your provider. And then you won’t have any problems in order to have some kind of hour and whether or not I’ll build it up, how your online toy store functions, or whether it’s some other site.

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