Windows 7 installs the light mode.

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Golovna Optimization of work Windows 8 came out a long time ago, but still it often suffers from problems with the insanity of programs.

Please check this if you are trying to launch the original program (if you have a different operating system installed) or you cannot launch

new program

for Windows 8.

1) The window with a treat looks like this: After this, the prostitutes will become embarrassed and either lose interest in it or wonder how to fix it. There are 2 ways to solve this problem:

2) Find on the Internet (
Windows Stores

) version for Windows 8 and the latest update.

1. Now more and more manufacturers are refining their products to make money from Windows 8 Run the program in combination mode with the operating system.

2. This option is not the most reliable, but you can ask. It is not disabled so that the program runs correctly in this launch mode. So, how can I launch and install the program in super mode in Windows 8? Click RMB behind the program icon to select what you want to launch/install Powerful Go to the tab Crazyness

, put a tick " Run the program in slow mode» select from the list

operating system for sumity:і You can also check the box “ Check out this program as an administrator

”, so it asked melodiously:





The first way to activate the power mode in Windows 10 is to use the power of the exe file or program shortcut.

  1. For this purpose, click on the Authority of the target object using the context menu or the Alt + Enter key combination.
  2. Let's go to the "Sumity" tab.
  3. In the section “Superness mode” we put the ensign of his name.
  4. Open the menu that drops down and select the version of the operating system for which the add-on is assigned or in which it runs without failures.

The intensity is indicated by unchecking the single option in the “Intensity mode” section.

With the release of nearly 10 years of programs created under XP, you can try to run the program in a reduced edition, with 256 colors or without visual design. You can also specify the operating system that this supplement

The next step is to run as administrator to save the hour it takes to click the context menu of the file to select the appropriate launch mode.

The mode is turned on through troubleshooting

To start the troubleshooting mode, you need to click on the troubleshooting tool, which is called “Windows programs designed for other versions of Windows.”

You can click on it through the “Troubleshooting” applet, by selecting one of the other ones in the Care Panel under the hour of visualization of the elements in the icon view, or through the search row. Run the program with administrator privileges. This allows you to identify additional factors that cause problems with the functioning of the programs.

Having checked a little bit, let’s look at the list of installations on your PC

software products , in which case you need to select the problematic program. Depending on the purpose of the utility, select the first item in the list “Not in the list”, click “Next”, after which you select the path to the compiled file.

Having selected the program or entered the path to the startup file, you will be prompted to select the diagnostic mode.

To select a specific

At the next step, click “Check the program” to confirm that it is not functioning before starting with the specified parameters.

When the test ended in the distance, it was stamped “Dali”.

To further select the software from the specified parameters, select the first item in the remaining window, save the settings and close the window. After searching for additional problems, close the window or re-watch Additional information

about the problem.

If the program was able to run in mode with Windows selected, try a different edition of the OS or check the recommended settings.

As a last resort, you can always ask for help from your network by reporting the problem to Microsoft representatives or looking for answers on the forums.

If you use the Windows 7 operating system on your robot, then you may have already experienced the situation when, when you start the old program, you see a message about the crash or it won’t start. And you know for sure that before, when you had a different version of Windows installed on your computer (for example, Windows XP), this program worked fine for you. What's on the right? And how can you get out of such a situation? And everyone on the right is in the absurdity of the operation

Windows systems

7 active programs written for

earlier versions Windows. Tobto.

If we are running a program on Windows 7 that was originally written for Windows XP, then such a program may not start, but may close on its own, or it may crash during operation.

With this information, there may be discrepancies. For example:...or maybe it could be different.

To fix such problems, Windows 7 gives the ability to run such programs in a special mode - crazy mode with latest versions of Windows.Increase your respect!

- this mode

You can't become a vikorist for antiviruses, as well as programs that work with disks or the registry (tweakers, cleaners, etc.), because:

This can cause damage to the system or destroy its security. - First of all, check the error mode, check the update of problematic programs (or drivers) on the manufacturer’s website, because from now on there is a certainty that has already come out

Once the program has started, it’s a miracle!

Anyway, it’s too early to get embarrassed! At any option, press the Next button (2) and select the required option in the next window: Once the program has started, click on the item So, save these parameters for the program:

and in the next window select the item Close the fault clearing module:

If the program did not start (or it saw a problem again), then select the item

No, try other parameters

After this (depending on what checkboxes were checked), we will be provided with information about nutrition (select options):
We press this button again and check the efficiency of the programs.

If the program has started, then we close the mode of operation (as described above), and if not, then we can repeat this procedure several times, using other parameters (until the program starts or until all possible options are selected). Run the program in combination mode with the operating system. Thus, we tried to launch the program with the help of the Master of Madness. It is not disabled so that the program runs correctly in this launch mode.:

Please note that the steps themselves can be done in another way (manually). If it is a bagan, then you can try it and earn it. To do this, you need to click on the icon of the problematic program with the right mouse button and select the item , then go to the tab Here after the establishment of the ensign

Run the program in the medium mode with: From the list (1) you can select the operating system in which given the program

I performed normally.

Lower cost can be installed Additional parameters

screen (2):

Vikorystuvati 256 colors

This parameter

limits the number of colors in a program to 256 (this number was used in older programs).

Vikoristovat separate screen size 640 × 480

Launching programs in a separate window 640x480.

You can try turning down this parameter if the program’s images take a long time to appear (“disturbed”) or may be uneven. Include visual design You can resolve any problems from the menu or program buttons.

Place the composition on the desktop

Increased clarity and other visual effects. Click if there are problems with the window display. Click to zoom in on the image

high permission screen Another similar window will open, but the settings in this new window will be blocked for all computers.

If you are the only user of your computer, you do not need this button. After all the pressure is on Ok

And we try to launch the program again.

That's all!

I hope that now you will be able to launch your favorite (or outdated) program in your current operating system.

When Microsoft releases a new OS, the functionality of advanced programs is a feature that developers need to think about ahead of time.

Once again, try to start the old one until it is washed out.

Is it wrong for Microsoft employees to be so disrespectful about their jobs?

However, for old software it is recommended to turn on the mode of operation, which does not work 100% Zgornuti How to run an old software program on a new OS

Regardless of the numerical changes in Windows 8.1 and 10, they support programs for XP and 7 with a rare culprit.

Problems with the functionality of Windows 8 are becoming more frequent, and there are only 1 episode in 100. The same applies to programs for XP and OS released earlier. The problem that is growing is the inability to start an old game., what has no analogues, but it won’t start or “glitches” on “everything”? Running old games Windows 7 or 8 can be stable. To do this, press the right button on the label and select

context not menu


Return respect to the point of Power. Open and select the “Sumity” tab. This window contains the necessary parameters that will help you install legacy programs on Windows 8.

  1. Launching old programs on Windows 7 will be easier, as you know, for which OS your game was released, then for the “Run programs in bulk mode with...” parameter, select that operating system.
  2. According to statistics, 90% of programs with conflicts with Windows 8 and 8.1 run without problems with XP update package 2 or 3. Select the appropriate option, click “Stop” and “OK”.
  3. If it didn’t start the first time, try other options, don’t forget to press the “Freeze” button.

If you want to turn on the crazy mode in Windows 7, just go through the descriptions in the reverse order.

Ale tse tіlki

basic adjustment

. The “Nonsense” tab at the authorities of the program shortcut introduces and expands customization: low color mode;

Reduced display space;

Increased image scaling for current screens.

Reduced color value Games and programs for older operating systems were created to run on computers, the monitors of which were divided into separate image units of 640X480 or 800X600 pixels. And the video games were played before launch on monitors 10-20 years ago, on new displays the stink occurs - the images are stretched and smeared.

To prevent this from happening, check the box next to “Turn on image scaling...”. Now the picture looks correct. I will tell you everything

  1. absurd addition
  2. Windows 7 Not often.
  3. It is not recommended to use the speed mode for the following programs:
  4. antivirus;

smitty cleaners;

hard drive utilities;

tweeters. This results in disruption of the stability of the OS. Automatic setting of parameters

Windows has a special software that provides an appropriate mode of correct startup for older applications and games.


good reversal

great with Windows 7, 8 or 10. To launch, select the context menu of the installer file.

At the top, click on the row “Correcting problems from madness.”

It's OK, save the result.
  • Now the program automatically starts as required, with the necessary options.
  • The diagnostics item helps you select options for correct startup, in case of problems with robot programs.
  • For further assistance, edit the registry
  • You can increase the power of Windows 7, 8 or 10 using the registry.
  • This method is used in several ways, and other methods also exist.
  1. For advanced users, to run the game in the mode of madness or an old add-on:
  2. VISTARTM – for “news”;
  3. VISTASP1 – “news” with update package 1;
  4. VISTASP2 – “news” with update package 2;
  5. WINXPSP2 – for “expi” with update package 2;
  6. WINXPSP3 - "exp" with update package 3;
  7. WIN2000 – for Windows 2000;
  8. NT4SP5 – for Windows NT fourth version;
  9. WIN98 – for Windows 98;
  10. WIN95 – Windows 95.
  • Do you intend to open the program in medium mode with administrator rights?
  • After the selected option, add the word RUNASADMIN (separate with a space).
  • Now find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AppCompatFlags\Layers.
  • Repeat steps 5 – 10 for the entire nail.

Save and renovate your computer.

Now you know how to turn on the slow mode on Windows 7, 8, 10.

WONDER VIDEO If the computer is used by two or three other computers under the same cloud records, it is recommended to set the parameters of the programs for “shapes”. Otherwise, having logged in under a different login, you will have to set up from scratch.

To get started, log into the OS as an administrator cloud record.

To set the capacity mode in the first way (in the shortcut menu), set the item "Change settings for all users".

Now the program starts with the new characteristics of all cloud records.

Players suffer from problems if the old software does not start after final manipulations and no program for gambling on Windows 7 does not help.

Players suffer from problems if the old software does not start after final manipulations and no program for gambling on Windows 7 does not help. This does not mean that there is no chance of getting into the prehistoric program quickly, but there is no loss of playing the retro game. What is it timid?, which allows you to download programs written for earlier versions of Windows


  • Don’t be a victim of eliminating problems from the absurdity of programs for the elderly antivirus programs, disk service programs and others system programs, fragments of corrupted old programs of this type can lead to the loss of data or create a threat to security.
  • Some performance problems may be caused by drivers. Reduced color value old driver There is a problem, you need to update it manually.
  • To resolve problems with a variety of programs, you can also open it by clicking on the program icon with the right mouse button and selecting the item

Please check your instructions to resolve your problems. If you can't install the program, install it Installation disk And for another way to find the program installation file, call Setup.exe, Install.exe, etc. Solving problems does not support work

with programs that can create file name extensions

MSI Run the program in combination mode with the operating system. Changing capacity parameters manually It is not disabled so that the program runs correctly in this launch mode.

To change the capacity settings for programs manually, right-click on the program icon and select the command

and then the tab Advice on choosing parameters Launching programs using parameters

latest version Windows.

Select this option if you know that the program is intended for the same or another older version of Windows (or ran in it). Launch in 256 color mode - Obzhenya set of colors in the program. Some old programs vikoristuyutsya borders set of colors.

Vikoristovat separate building of the screen 640? 480

- Launch programs from a changed window. Decrease this option if graphical interface The koristuvacha has an uneven contour or appears incorrectly

Inclusion of visual themes- Consideration of the design themes of the program. Select this option to detect problems from the menu or using the buttons next to the program title row. Vimknenny door to the work table - Witness the insight of others additional possibilities

screen Turn this option down if windows move smoothly or if you have other display problems

screen- Select parameters that will be selected for all users of your computer.

The Windows 10 computer shutdown timer is a handy option for computer users who often idle robot processes.