What is aїs gz. Regulations for the organization of filing a quotation application in the form of an electronic document when placing an order for the quotation of prices for the supply of goods, the collection of services for the needs of substitutes in the Smolensk region

Golovna / Corisna information
Updating the other half of 2010 for the tasks of the Committee for Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade of St. Petersburg with the help of NAUMEN companies ( ) and St. Petersburg State Unitary Enterprise "Information and Methodological Center" (www.imc.spb.ru) a large-scale work was carried out to modernize the automated information system sovereign pledge(AIS GZ) St. Petersburg.

Why is the modernization of AIS DZ needed?

The previous version of the automated information system of the sovereign state of St. Petersburg was inspired by the principle of a “common” client, which is characterized by the fact that part of the logic of the system is based on a seemingly okremo program and is installed on the computer of the skin koristuvach.

In some cases, such an architecture is true, and navit sruchnіsha kіntsevomu koristuvachevi, shards, with the correct implementation of the system, the productivity of the system will be more counting strains computers koristuvachiv. If there is a rich-functional system that is insured for a large number of coristuvachs, and then it will constantly require a change, then this system is not optimal and bears great labor costs of the organization, which we hope to support the system, but the pardons of updating bother kіntsevy koristuvachs.

Crim of architectural problems, was caused by the problem of the system refurbishment, the fragments of the old code were insufficiently documented, and the new teams of retailers could not take up the refurbishment. Considering the continued efforts of the creators of the old AIS DZ, for example, in 2009, it became clear to the fate that it was necessary to fundamentally change the system.

AIS DZ modernization strategy

Since 2009, the need for support, modernization and development of the AIS DZ of St. Petersburg and the official website of St. Petersburg in the Internet for the placement of information about the state of St. ) ). So the problems of the "old" AIS DZ became
headache spіvrobіtnikіv and kerіvnikіv "ІМЦ". At the same time, the legislator was actively developing the regulation of the process of placement of the state and municipal government, including the introduction into the official website Russian Federation for the placement of information about state purchases (OOS)
regions zamovlen z yogo resources. Bulo was assigned to the transfer of electronic trade maidanchiks for conducting critical auctions in electronic form. Vidpovidno, step by step, the need for integration of the AIS DZ of St. Petersburg with these resources was formed.

In this way, the problems described above and the legislative tendencies led to a large-scale modernization of the AIS DZ. The faculty members of the Committee of Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade of the State Unitary Enterprise SPb "IMC" formulated the following task directly:

  • change the architecture of AIS DZ from a "thin" client to a technology with Internet access to the system functions from a point or point (on a "thin" client);
  • grant access to the system's default codes and the right to change them to the Committee of Economic Development, Industrial Policy and Trade of St. Petersburg;
  • organize a group of distribution, training and processing of quotations for operational distribution, promotion and support of changes in the AIS DZ of the city of St. Petersburg;
  • enter into professional exploitation new AIS DZ of St. Petersburg, I am as ready as possible before carrying out the work of integration with environmental protection.
As a technology partner and postal worker software solution project manager by choosing us - the company NAUMEN. In front of the Priyutti Rishhennya, the Zamovnik, Kilka alternatively wars, came up, a reference was applied to the comical of the Ekonomichnaya Rosvitka, the fourth-names of the GUP SPB “IMTS” to the Sverdlovskiye, the method of Vivchennya, danih persodzherela. To complete the task of modernizing the proposition of our company, it turned out to be the most visible both from the point of view of the vitrat, and from the point of view of the level of the quality of the service.

We advocated for the modernization of the software platform for water distribution - the product of Naumen GPMS, already tested and good recommendations in the forests of the Sverdlovsk and Orel regions. Our proposition allowed, in the style of the term, to set the task of modernizing for the account:

  • Naumen GPMS, which is web oriented software product;
  • nadannya vihіdnih kodіv system for їkhny doopratsyuvannya on korіst committee of economic development, industrial policy and trade;
  • carrying out full-time training of robots from the system of spivrobitnikiv of the State Unitary Enterprise of St. Petersburg "IMC", as a retailer, and fahivtsiv from the promotion and training.
Tactical task of modernizing AIS DZ

Crimean listing more strategic direct modernization of AIS DZ, and more specific tactful steps, and itself:

  • у зв'язку з введенням у дію з 1 січня 2011 року загальноросійського офіційного сайту необхідно було реалізувати інтеграцію АІС ДЗ та ООС та забезпечити її максимальну прозорість (архітектура «тонкого клієнта» найбільшою мірою відповідає задачі інтеграції, оскільки необхідно налагодити взаємодію лише двох точок: єдиний AIS GZ server and single OOS server);
  • create a painless transition of coristuvachs to a new software platform.
For whom it is necessary to become a viconate, come in:
  • due to the consistency of the integration protocols, it was necessary to adapt the essential functions of AIS DZ (there was no other alternative, according to the law, in all regions of goiter or to integrate or to accommodate without intermediary environmental protection);
  • migrate data decline from the "old" system in new system that the process of placing a seal is not clear and in part of the data;
  • to develop new multimedia materials about the rules for the functioning of the system;
  • to carry out the training of coristuvachiv in just a short interval of an hour;
  • to prepare specialists for the center of the processing of wires for the okіsnoї podtrymki koristuvachіv new system.
Also, special respect for the modernization was given to such functions of the system, such as the planning of the sovereign estate of St. Petersburg, control of budgetary goiter limits, integration with the information systems of the treasury of the city.

Current indicators of the functioning of the new AIS DZ

At the moment, the coristuvaches of the system є:

  • the main orders of budgetary expenses - 65;
  • otrimuvachi budgetary funds - 2964;
There are 6623 cases in total in the system, of which up to 600 cases are processed in the system at once.

Current work with the development of AIS DZ

In the meantime, work is underway to develop new AIS DZ modules:

  • support by regional policy programs;
  • supported by targeted investment programs.
The module for managing regional target programs (RCP) for the development and development of advanced line target programs and analytical work from the history of the development of stages of formation and change of target programs. Automation for the next cycle of work with the RCP: in the form of a concept molding target program before the end of the ceremony, that the filing of zvіtnostі by the deputies-coordinators of the RCP. The module for the integration of the structure of the AIS DZ as a way of winning the solemn collection of data, as well as a way of uninterrupted business processes: part of the purchases, which are carried out in the AIS DZ, pass within the framework of the RCP, to place an order and to complete the laying of part of the contracts .

Module for management of targeted investment programs (AIP) of appointments for the formation, weathering and completion of targeted investment programs of St. Petersburg. The module has transfer boxes for automating the processes of molding, shaping, rozpodіlu finance, hardening and finalization of programs. Module AIP, yak і RTsP, povnistyu іntegrovaniya y structure AIS GZ.

Krіm expansion of functional modules, permanently carried out work from the introduction of changes to the functions of AIS GZ for the implementation of changes in legislation, changes in the protocols of integration with the official Russian site, improvement of the efficiency of the functioning of the system and the selection of the system

1. Eskіzniy project AS GZ; GOST 34 2. Technical order for the modification of the Official site at once from the Broker subsystem (with the improvement of the requirements of clause 2.1.4 of the technical requirements); GOST 34 3. Projects of documents on how to ensure the maintenance of the Official site, pointing at clause 2.1.4 of the technical standards; in the format designated by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia 4.Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including the external texts of the software components expanded under the contract together with the instructions for selecting from them the working (viconuated) programs), software Official site for the placement of information about the placement of the application at once with the Broker subsystem; CD-R 5.Звіт про проведення обстеження інформаційної системи Федерального Казначейства щодо можливості реалізації функції інформаційної взаємодії блоку «Реєстр держзамовників» Офіційного сайту з аналогічною підсистемою інформаційної системи Федерального Казначейства в рамках відкритих стандартів інформаційної взаємодії (або іншого реалізованого способу) для забезпечення ідентичності відомостей; ГОСТ 7.32 6.Приватне технічне завдання на реалізацію функції інформаційної взаємодії блоку «Реєстр держзамовників» Офіційного сайту з аналогічною підсистемою інформаційної системи Федерального Казначейства в рамках відкритих стандартів інформаційної взаємодії (або іншого реалізованого способу) для забезпечення ідентичності використовуваних відомостей, якщо звіт за результатами проведеного обстеження ; GOST 34 7. Act on the testing of the Official site at once with the subsystem and the Broker: the Concept of sovereign appearance, including the possibilities of mutual interaction with the systems of disclosure of information, electronic notaries and electronic archives (div. www.economy.gov.ru); b) for the transfer to the final operation of the Official site from 01.01.2007 within the framework of functional powers to oblique systems formulated in the Concept of the Sovereign Appearance, including the powers of interoperability with systems of disclosure of information, electronic notary.gov.electronic archiving (www. ru); 8. Draft order of the Minister of Economic Development and Trade on the introduction of the official website and subsystem Broker into operation on 01.01.2007 within the framework of the functional powers, assigned to clause 2.1.4, and is subject to clause 3.1. 9.Technical order for the modification of the specialized information system "Register of Contracts" (with the improvement of the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of the technical requirements); GOST 34 10. Project to the regulations to the regulations of the Rosynnya Redistra of the Personal Contracts of the Federal District Federal Property Committee 11. Instructions of the set, a set of technical documentary software for the specialized information system "Register of Contracts" (version 2. 0); CD-R 12.Звіт про проведення обстеження інформаційної системи Федерального Казначейства щодо можливості реалізації функції інформаційної взаємодії блоку «Реєстр держзамовників» АС РК з аналогічною підсистемою інформаційної системи Федерального Казначейства в рамках відкритих стандартів інформаційної взаємодії (або іншого реалізованого способу) для забезпечення ідентичності відомостей та for fixing in AS RK limits of budgetary goiter; ГОСТ 7.32 13.Приватне технічне завдання на реалізацію функції інформаційної взаємодії блоку «Реєстр держзамовників» АС РК з аналогічною підсистемою інформаційної системи Федерального Казначейства в рамках відкритих стандартів інформаційної взаємодії (або іншого реалізованого способу) для забезпечення ідентичності використовуваних відомостей і для бюджетних зобов'язань, how such a possibility would be passed on to the stars for the traces of the conducted obstezhennia; GOST 34 14. Act on the testing of the AS RK: c) for transfer to the permanent operation of the AS RK from 01.01.2007 within the framework of the functional powers, assigned to clause 2.1.4, with a vinat to the cloud systems, formulated in the Concept of the Sovereign Shape, including ways to interact with information disclosure systems, electronic notaries and electronic archives (div. www.economy.gov.ru); d) for transfer to the final operation of the AC RK from 01.01.2007 within the framework of functional powers to oblique systems formulated in the Concept of Sovereign Appearance, including the powers of interaction with the systems of disclosure of information, electronic notary economy and electronic archiving (www. ru); 15. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including the final texts of the software components expanded under the contract together with the instructions for the compilation of the working (vicon) programs from them), software security "Register of unsatisfactory post-workshops 1" (0); CD-R 16. Act on the testing of the RNP AS: e) for transfer to the permanent operation of the RNP AS from 01.10.2006 within the framework of the functional powers, assigned to clause 2.1.4, with a little credit, to the cloud systems, formulated in the Concept of Sovereign Shape , including the possibility of interoperability with information disclosure systems, electronic notaries and electronic archives (div. www.economy.gov.ru); e) for the transfer to the final operation of the AC RK from 01.01.2007 within the framework of functional powers to oblique systems, formulated in the Concept of Sovereign Appearance, including the powers to be mutually compatible with the systems of disclosure of information, electronic notary arch and electronic (. www.economy.gov.ru); 17. Draft document on the transfer of RNP to the jurisdiction of the Federal Antimonopoly Service; in the format designated by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia 18. Projects of standards (formats of data and regulations) of informational interdependence of functional subsystems (modules) of AS GZ; GOST 7.32 19.Technical order for the creation of software security of the AS "Rozmіshchennya zamovlennya" (with the improvement of the requirements of clause 2.1.4 of the technical requirements); GOST 34 20. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including external texts of software components expanded under the contract at the same time as instructions for selecting a working (converted) program from them), software security AS "Release" (version. 0); CD-R 21. Draft documents regulating the operation of the AS RZ by the state authorities, including, in the case of informational interaction between the AS RZ and the official website of the AS RK; in the format designated by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia 22. Act on the testing of AS RZ; in the format designated by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia 23.Technical order of AS "ANALYSIS" (with the improvement of the requirements of clause 2.1.4 of the technical standards); GOST 34 24. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including the external texts of the software components distributed under the contract at the same time as the instructions for selecting a working (converting) program from them), software security of AS "ANALYZ"; CD-R 25. The act of testing the AS ANALYSIS with the improvement of the ability to ensure the security of information interaction between the AS ANALYSIS and the official website of the AS RK; in the format designated by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia 26.Technical order for the modification of the AS POS (version 3.0) (with the improvement of the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of the technical requirements); GOST 34 27. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including external texts of software components distributed under the contract at the same time as instructions for selecting a working (vice-converted) program from them), software support of AS POS (version 3.0); CD-R 28. Owl about the conducted of the monitoring of the federal treasury of the federal treasury of the pins, the realized function of the INFORMALICAL DECIPITION OF PERSONAL SYSTENSIONAL FOR FISTING OF THE PROSONISEN GOST 7.32 29. The private technology of the Zavdannya at the realization of the results of the conduct of the system of the federal treasury for the FICSASIT in the Asa LIMITIVA for the formulant, the forecast of the vestigs of the worship of the worship GOST 34 30. The act of conducting the testing of the AS POZ with the improvement of the ability to integrate with the AS GZ modules and the tribute to the Official site, the AS RK and the AS ANALYSIS in an automated mode; in the format designated by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia 31.Technical order for the creation of software AS "Klasifikatori" (with the improvement of the relevant requirements of clause 2.1.4 of the technical requirements); GOST 34 32. Installation kit, a set of technical and operational documentation (including external texts of software components distributed under the contract at the same time as instructions for selecting a working (converted) program from them), software “Classification 1” (version 0); CD-R 33. The act of testing the AS CLASSIFIER; у форматі, визначеному Мінекономрозвитку Росії 34.Звіт про консультаційний супровід до 20.11.2006 року представників уповноважених органів виконавчої влади суб'єктів Російської Федерації на ведення офіційних сайтів суб'єктів Російської Федерації (тільки для тих суб'єктів Російської Федерації, Офіційні сайти в мережі Internet for the placement of information about the placement of such applications was created on the basis of software support of the official website and / or the AU Portal of state-owned purchasers of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia in 2005 - 2006); GOST 7.32 35. Notice about informational support to the project; GOST 7.32

Affirmations by mandate
Director of ODU "Smolensk Regional Center for Information and Communication Technologies"

Type "__" __________20__ р. №____


organization of filing a quotation application in the form electronic document when placing an appointment by the way, the quotation of prices for the supply of goods, the cost of services, the provision of services for the needs of the deputy

Smolensk region with an automated information system for the placement of the state government of the Smolensk region near the "Internet"

1. Basic understanding

Request a quote- Office of the pinkishness of the shuffle, with a yangformation about consumes in goods, robots, subsidiaries for the consuming of the mines, the uninhabited stake of the osіba gap of the rosemannik on the offensive website of the cot on the recording of the Kotiruvan, I was bothering,

Site– частина інформаційного простору в інформаційно-телекомунікаційній мережі «Інтернет», яка має унікальне ім'я (адреса в інформаційно-телекомунікаційній мережі «Інтернет»), яку можна переглянути з будь-якого комп'ютера, підключеного до інформаційно-телекомунікаційної мережі «Інтернет » for help with special programs.

Merezha "Internet"– information-telecommunication network of slanderous koristuvannya, which is recognized for the exchange of information between computers and other outbuildings in electronic form.

Server- a computer, connections to the information and telecommunications network "Internet", which gives customers access to sleeping information resources systems of accommodation in the Smolensk region and the key resources.

Automated information system for the placement of the state government in the Smolensk region(further - AIS DZ)- Software and hardware complex, participants of electronic interoperability in a way to establish a number of rules, appointments for filing a quotation application in the form of an electronic document and confirming the rules that are presented to such systems by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the regulatory legal acts of the Smolensk region.

Vіdkrita chastina AIS DZ– a part of the AIS DZ website is publicly available, as it does not require registration in the AIS DZ for work in it.

Closed part of AIS DZ– is available only to registered correspondents of a part of the AIS GZ website, which allows correspondents to take access to information and to be able to access it independently up to their equal access.

Registration– procedure for ensuring the Participant's access to the closed part of the AIS DP for filing an application for quotation in the form of an electronic document.

Administrator AIS DZ- Smolensk Regional State Budgetary Institution "Center for Information - communication technologies».

Zamovniki - sovereign deputies of the Smolensk region

Official website of the Russian Federation for placing information about placing an order (further - OOS) The official website of the Russian Federation in the "Internet" for posting information about placing an order for the supply of goods, working, providing services for federal needs, needs of subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal needs. Addresses to the site at the Merezhi "Internet" http://*****.

Upovnovanie body Head Office of the State Protection of the Smolensk Region.

Participant of the placement of the request (hereinafter - the Participant)- I apply for the contract, whether it is a legal person, regardless of the organizational and legal form, form of power, place of capital or a physical person, including an individual entrepreneur, registered as a postal worker in the AIS DP.

Re-importantrepresentativeb - a physical person, as an electronic digital signature, she is entitled to file a quotation application in the name of a legal person, or an individual entrepreneur.

Condolence center - Smolensk Regional State Budgetary Institution "Center for Information - Communication Technologies”, as well as other organizations, listed in the distribution “Posvidchuvalni tsentry” in the critical part of the AIS GZ, as a matter of giving service to the AIS GZ coristuvachs, in connection with the election of the electronic signature of the Federal Legislation of the Federal Law digital signature”, as well as organizations that enter the warehouse single sphere entrust the Federal Law dated 01.01.2001 to the date “On Electronic Signature”.

Accreditation center - Center for Appreciation Upovnovazhenim federal body vydpovidnym vimogam federal law dated April 6, 2011

Electronic signature (further - EP)– information in electronic form, as received before other information in electronic form (information to be signed) or in another rank associated with such information

Posilena unqualified EP (further - Unqualified EP)– canceled as a result of cryptographic transformation of information from the EP key variation, which allows you to designate the person who signed the electronic document, which revealed the fact that the change was made to the electronic document after the moment of its signing. Created from the victories of the EP.

Posilena qualified EP (further - Qualified EP)- Unqualified EP - the key of reconsideration of any indications in the qualified certificate for the verification of the EP, the EP has been verified, as they took away the confirmation of the validity of the visas, established by the Federal Law on April 6, 2011.

EP verification key certificate - an electronic document or a document on a paper nose, seen by the center, which is certified, or trusted by a special certification center and which confirms the validity of the EP reverification key to the owner of the EP reverification key certificate.

Qualification certificate of the EP reverification key (further - qualification certificate) - certificate of the EP reconciliation key, endorsed by an accredited accredited center or by a special trusted accredited center, which is certified, or by a federal body of victorious power, approved by the sphere of EP recognition.

EP key - The unique sequence of symbols is recognized for the creation of the EP.

Electronic document- A document in which information is presented in electronic-digital form.

Electronic notification- whether it is a separate order of information or an electronic document, which is superseded by AIS GZ clerks one to one in the process of AIS GZ work.

Vlasnik of the EP verification key certificate - a person who, in accordance with the procedure established by the Federal Law, has received a certificate of the EP reverification key.

Regulations for stosuvanya EP in AIS DZ-The regulations of the gap of the Electron digital PIDPIS in the AS DZ, hardening 17 worm 2009 Director of the Smolensk Region Center INformation-Komunikatychiynye Technologies, and the order of the gap of the EXTROMNITURY REMOMITIONS, for the DRISTIONAL DRIVING, for the DRIKENT-CHIL hand-held.

2. Light positions

2.1. Цей Регламент організації подання котирувальної заявки у формі електронного документа при розміщенні замовлення шляхом проведення запиту котирувань цін на поставку товарів, виконання робіт, надання послуг потреб замовників Смоленської області з використанням автоматизованої інформаційної системи розміщення державного замовлення Смоленської області в мережі «Інтернет», розроблений у відповідно to these documents:

Budget Code of the Russian Federation;

Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law -FZ "On the allocation of orders for the supply of goods, vikonannya robit, nadannya servits for state and municipal needs";

Federal Law-FZ "On the protection of competition";

Federal Law-FZ "On licensing of other types of activity";

Federal Law dated January 1, 2001 “On Electronic Signature”;

Federal Law dated January 1, 2001 “On Electronic Digital Signature”;

Постанова Уряду Російської Федерації «Про затвердження Положення про користування офіційними сайтами в мережі Інтернет для розміщення інформації про розміщення замовлень на постачання товарів, виконання робіт, надання послуг для державних та муніципальних потреб та вимог до технологічних, програмних, лінгвістичних, правових та організаційних засобів забезпечення користування on specified sites";

Decree of the Order of the Russian Federation “On the approval of the regulations for the conduct of the Register of unfair postal employees and the promotion to technological, software, linguistic, legal and organizational benefits for the maintenance of the Register of unfair postal employees”;

Decree of the Order of the Russian Federation dated 4.11.2006 No. 000 “On the transfer of goods, work, services for the state and municipal needs, placement of goods on how to get from subsidiaries of small enterprises, those (boundary prices)”

Постанова Уряду Російської Федерації «Про затвердження Положення про ведення реєстру державних та муніципальних контрактів, а також цивільно-правових договорів бюджетних установ на постачання товарів, виконання робіт, надання послуг та вимоги до технологічних, програмних, лінгвістичних, правових та організаційних засобів забезпечення користування офіційним сайтом at the edge of the Internet, on which the register is placed;

Decree of the Council of the Russian Federation dated 01.01.01. No. 000 “On the establishment of a postal (maximum) price of the contract (lot price) when rozmіshchennі zamovlennya for the supply of goods, vikonannya robіt, nadannya services for sovereign or municipal needs of the sub'єktіv small pіdpriєmnitstva and the introduction of zmіn to the transfer for the commodities, servitors, that municipal needs, distribution of premises on the basis of zdiisnyuetsya at the subjects of small business”;

Decree of the Order of the Russian Federation “On the order of transferring the establishments and undertakings of the criminal-viconauchy system and the organizations of the disabled, to take part in the distribution of orders for the supply of goods, vikonannya robit, the assignment of services for the state-owned municipalities”;

Decree of the Council of the Russian Federation "On the Approval of the Rules for Evaluating Applications for Participation in the Competition for the Right to Place a State or Municipal Contract for the Supply of Goods, Vikonanniya Works, and Services for State or Municipal Needs";

Decree of the Council of the Russian Federation “On the procedure for forming cob (maximum) prices of contracts (prices of lots) on the basis of medical equipment with the method of their inclusion before documentation about bidding for the supply of such possession” (at a time from the “Rules for the formation of cob (maximum) prices (maximum) prices ) lotiv) on the territory of the state of medical possession with the method of their inclusion before the documentation about tenders for the supply of such possession”);

Order of the Order of the Russian Federation - r “About the transfer of goods (work, services), placement of orders for deliveries (vice-country, delivery) of which are ordered by the way of the auction”;

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation dated 07 March 2011 No. 000 "On the approval of the nomenclature of goods, work, services for the needs of deputy";

Order of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation “About the admission of goods that resemble foreign powers, with the method of placement of goods for the supply of goods for the needs of the deputy”;

Наказ Міністерства економічного розвитку Російської Федерації № 000, Казначейства Російської Федерації № 20н від 01.01.2001 «Про затвердження порядку розміщення на офіційному сайті планів-графіків розміщення замовлень на постачання товарів, виконання робіт, надання послуг для потреб замовників та форми планів-графіків розміщення замовлення for the supply of goods, vikonannya robit, nadannya servitors for the needs of the deputy”;

Order of the Ministry of Region of the Russian Federation "On the approval of Perelika for the work of engineering works, preparation of project documentation, life, reconstruction, overhaul of objects of capital life, and capital work on the safety of production";

The staging of the admi -line of the Smolensko region “About the solidenal of the fraud about the organizing of the mutual resource of the Smolenikov region of the Vikonavcho Vicoloi region, who was worn -out to the health of the dancer for the supply of commodity, the Vikonnia of the Robi, and the realization of the Service, the yield

Постанова Адміністрації Смоленської області «Про затвердження Положення про організацію взаємодії державних замовників Смоленської області, бюджетних установ Смоленської області та органу виконавчої влади Смоленської області, уповноваженого на здійснення функцій щодо розміщення замовлень на поставки товарів, виконання робіт, надання послуг для державних замовників Смоленської області та бюджетних the establishment of the Smolensk region when placing an order for conducting an open auction in electronic form”;

Order of the Administration of the Smolensk region -r / adm "On the approval of special forms of state contracts for the supply of goods, services, services, air conditioning, work, service work, service contracts (budget, repair, other orders from the state to work and repair) consumer work" ;

Decree of the Administration of the Smolensk Region -r/adm "On the Approval of the Regulations on the Plan of Placement of the Smolensk Region for the State Needs of the Smolensk Region and the Needs of the Budgetary Establishments of the Smolensk Region".

2.2. The Regulation establishes the procedure for submitting an application for quotation in the form of an electronic document when placing an order for the quotation of prices for the supply of goods, the provision of services for the needs of the Deputy.

2.3. The regulation establishes the procedure for the interaction of the parties:


Administrator of AIS DZ;


2.4. The Tsey Regulation expands on the procedure for placing an order by way of a request for quotation of prices from April 27, 2011.

2.5. Tsey Regulation є agreement adjoined to article 428 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and determines the participation of the parties in this process, regulating the blaming between them.

2.6. The Tsey Regulation is expanded in the form of an electronic document at the address: http://goszakaz. admin. smolensk. en.

3. Admission to the regulations

3.1. The arrival of the Participant of the placement of the appointment (Postachalnik) to this regulation is subject to registration in the AIS DP.

3.2. Admission to this Regulation is followed by a registration procedure on the website of the AIS DP in accordance with the division of the 4th Regulation at the time of approval in the AIS DZ qualified EP.

At the time of the selection of the Unqualified EP in the AIS DZ, the favor of the selection of the unqualified EP is placed under the form Addendum No. 1.

3.3. From the moment of confirmation by the Administrator of the AIS DZ registration on the website of the AIS DP, I am especially interested in such a person who has come to the Regulations, and is a Party to the Regulations.

3.4. PIDARENNYA REASTRASHINIKINITER AIS DP Ta gaze, I am about the vicoristan, unwinded, for the shape of the appendage No. 1 (Vikoristani by the member of the non -vimogamy federal law of the federal law “About the Elektroni PIDSISH) from the moment of vikonannya special paragraph 1 point 3.2 of interest. which regulation.

3.5. The fact that the Party has come to the Regulations is to the full acceptance of its minds of the Regulations and that it is in the editorial office that at the time of the registration procedure on the AIC DP website is valid until division 4 of the Regulations.

3.6. After coming to the Regulations, all Parties to this Regulation shall collect all agreed agreements on non-significant terms.

4. Registration of Participants in AIS DZ

4.1. In order to make it possible to submit an application for quotation in the form of an electronic document, the Participant or an important representative in the name of the Participant must go through the registration procedure in the AIS DP.

4.2. Registration in the AIS DZ transfers the physical special unique identification data for entering the Closed Part of the AIS DZ with the method of filing in the system of the Participant's interests.

4.3. Registration in the AIS DZ depends on the year of the individual for the vykonannya goiter, which vindicated the connection with the activity in the AIS DP, and also carried the compliance with the current Regulations, the official legislation of the Russian Federation normative documents.

4.4. When registering, the participant of goiter must ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information specified in the registration form, transfer of AIS DP. The registration form may be signed by the EP in accordance with paragraphs. 6 and 10 of the Regulations on the EP registration in the AIS GZ.

4.5. After the Participant has passed the registration procedure in the AIS DZ, the AIS DP Admin confirms the Participant's personal identification data, which allows him to enter the closed part of the AIS DZ and submit a quotation application in the form of an electronic document.

5. Attachment of contractual vouchers.

5.1. Contractual agreements can be attached to the initiatives of one of the Parties in such cases:

On the right side;

In times of violation of one of the Parties of the minds of the Regulations.

5.2. At the same time, the contracted agreements for the benefit of the Party are proactive. The Party informs the other Party about its agreement in writing, by e-mail or by facsimile.

6. The procedure for making changes to which Regulations

6.1. Amendments (additions) to the Regulations, including additions to the new one, shall be carried out by the AIS DZ Administrator.

6.2. Information about the introduction of changes (additional) to the Regulations is sent by the AIS DZ Administrator by way of a binding placement of significant changes (additional) on the AIS DZ website for the address http://goszakaz. admin. smolensk. en.

6.3. All changes (additional changes) to be made by the Administrator of AIS DP before the Regulations, which do not comply with the changes in the official legislation of the Russian Federation, become official and become obligatory for the Parties to the Regulations from the moment of placing the names of the additional

6.4. The changes (additions) to be made by the Administrator of AIS DZ to the Regulations at the time of the change of the official legislation of the Russian Federation shall be added to the ranks at the same time with the ranks of changes (additions) in the designated acts.

6.5. Whether there are changes (additions) in the Regulations from the moment of recruitment of rank, however, they will expand on all the rules that have acceded to the Regulations, including before the date of the date of recruitment of rank. In case of bad luck with changes (additions), the Party to the Regulations may have the right, until such changes (additions) have been taken up, to attach contractual vouchers in accordance with the procedure transferred by section 5 of the Regulations.

6.6. Supplement, change (addition) to the th Regulations, th warehouse that invisible part.

7. Vіdshkoduvannya vitrat on registration atAIS DZ and filing a quotation application in the form of an electronic document

7.1. Submission of a quotation application in the form of an electronic document is entered in the AIS DP for Participants without a fee.

7.2. Registration of the Participant in the AIS DZ is done without payment.

8. Wiki of electronic documents in AIS DP

8.1. Електронний документ - Інформація в електронній формі, підписана кваліфікованою ЕП або некваліфікованою ЕП, у випадках, встановлених федеральними законами, що приймаються відповідно до них нормативними правовими актами або угодою між Учасником розміщення замовлення та Адміністратором АІС ДП за формою додатку до цього Регламенту (у разі використання A participant in an unqualified EP is recognized until the Federal Law of 01.01.2001 "On Electronic Signature").

8.2. An electronic document, which is victorious in AIS DP, is subject to duly formalization and may have the same legal force, like a document on a paper nose, as the procedure for yogo registration of a vikonan is compliant with the Regulations for enrolling an EP in AIS DP, which determines the order of organization of part of the form of cryptography exchange electronic notifications in the AIS GZ, that with the authentication of coristuvachiv, as well as in the case of technical support, vykladenim in paragraphs. 6, 10 to the Regulations on the EP registration in the AIS DZ.

8.3. When the EP is elected, the AIS DZ coristuvachi are protected by the strict legislation of Ukraine, as well as by the Regulations for the EP registration in the AIS DP.

8.4. The hour of creation, management and administration of all electronic documents in the AIS GZ is fixed by the hour of the server on which the AIS GZ functions. The administrator of the AIS DZ bears responsibility for the safety informational zakhistu server clock management system, which has AIS GZ.

8.5. Participants, if they take part in the request for quotation of prices, due to vikonati sukupnіst dіy, necessary for the withdrawal of admission to the AIS DZ and the introduction of the DZ to the AIS DZ, acknowledgment to the documents published in the official part of the AIC DZ from the distributors of the AIC DZ rosettes (Post-chiefs)".

8.6. The formation of an electronic document for sending to AIS DZ is allowed with the following standards:

Vіlno rozpovsyudzhuvannogo software forms a document in Rich Text Format (rtf);

Vіlno rozpovsyudzhuvannoy software for forming a document in a cross-platform format of electronic documents (Portable Document Format) - pdf;

Plastic bag application programs Microsoft Office form documents doc formats.xls;

Graphic files in the format: Joint Photographic Experts Group (jpg), portable media graphics (png), Graphics Interchange Format (gif).

9. Order of selection of EP in AIS DZ

9.1. The order of selection of the EP in the AIS GZ is dependent on the regulation of the registration of the EP in the AIS GZ.

9.2. Vymogy until the time of the certificate of re-verification of the EP and the preparation of the EP is carried out at clause 6 of the Regulations for the registration of the EP in the AIS GZ.

10. The procedure for filing an application for quotation in the form of an electronic document.

10.1. Information about the request for quotation of prices and the draft contract, which is consistent with the results of the request for quotation of prices, will be posted on the Environmental Protection Agency.

10.2. Submission of an application for quotation in the form of an electronic document is carried out in the closed part of the AIS DZ.

10.3. The date and hour of submission by the Participant of the application for quotation in the form of an electronic document is determined by the hour of the server on which the AIS DZ is placed.

10.4. The possibility of submitting a quotation bid is available at any time from the date of the date of the term of the submission of the quotation bid until the end of the date of the term of the submission of the bid for the quotation, assigned to the notification of the quotation.

10.5. The quotation application is formed and is submitted to the server of AIS DZ at the sight of an electronic document signed by the EP of the Participant or an important representative of the Participant, by the AIS DZ.

10.6. The quotation application may be filed behind the form, forwarded to inform about the request for quotation of prices.

10.7. The participant may submit only one quotation application, changes to which are not allowed. The application for quotation has been canceled and is registered and an identification number is assigned, which is collected on the AIS GZ server. When accepting an application for a quote by the AIS DP server, you see notifications about the rejection of an application for a quote, in which the identification number and date of registration are indicated.

10.8. Since the beginning of the filing of quotation bids in the form of an electronic document on the website in the closed part of the AIS DP, the following are due:

Registration number for the request for price quotation;

Name of the Zamovnik;

subject of the contract;

Maximum variability of the contract;

Terms of submitting an application for quotation.

10.9. If during the organization of the submission of quotation bids in the form of an electronic document in the AIS DZ, faults are blamed, which cause the impossibility of continuing the filing of quotation applications in the form of an electronic document, the Administrator of the AIS DZ, for good reason, may have the right to accept the formation of quotation documents from the form of an electronic document. In case of distribution of "News" at the official part of the AIS DZ, the Administrator of the AIS DZ distributes information about the impossibility of submitting quotation applications in the form of an electronic document and the time of updating the AIS DZ processing data.

10.10. Submission of quotation bids in the form of an electronic document to AIS DP is due after the end date of the filing of quotation bids in the form of an electronic document.

application program

To be filled in by the electronic signature writer


about the adoption of the Unqualified electronic signature in the automated information system of the placement of the sovereign declaration
Smolensk region (further - AIS DZ)

Smolensk Regional State Budgetary Establishment "Center for Information and Communication Technologies", given the name of the Administrator of the AIS DZ, which is on the basis of the Statute, approved by the Order of the Administration of the Smolensk Region -r / adm, from one side, that ________________________________________________________________________________

(name, name, according to the father's e-signature)

Passport: series ______ number ___________ visions: ________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ "___" _________ _____ p.

from the other side, which is of interest ________________________________________

(name of AIS DZ participant)

They did it for the sake of it.

The parties recognize electronic documents signed in the AIS DZ Non-qualified electronic signature with the licensed certificate taken by the AIS DP in _________________________________________________________________________________

(Name of the care center)


serial number of the certificate of verification of electronic signature: _____________________________,

an equivalent document on a paper nose, signed with a handwritten signature.

Smolensk Regional State Budgetary Institution "Center for Information and Communication Technologies"

214008 m. Smolensk, pl. Lenina, bud. 1



"____" _________________ 20__

(nickname, im'ya, after the father's vlasnik EP)

Passport: series ______ number ___________ visions: _________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ "___" _________ _____ p.

________________ /________________________

(Vlasnik EP)

"____" _________________ 20__




Vіdpovіdno until the Decree of the Council of the Russian Federation on 28.11.2013 N 1091 "About the unity of assistance to regional and municipal information systems in the sphere of purchasers of goods, labor, services for the provision of state and municipal municipal needs"

1. Designate an automated information system for state purchasers of the Smolensk region (hereinafter - AIS DZ) as a regional information system in the sphere of purchasers of goods, labor, services for the provision of state needs of the Smolensk region.


2. Approve the Procedure for the functioning and selection of the regional information system, which is to be given, in the sphere of purchasers of goods, labor, services for the provision of state needs of the Smolensk region (also referred to as the Order).

(As amended by the Decree of the Administration of the Smolensk region in 07.07.2016 N 402)

3. The sovereign deputies of the Smolensk region and the regional state budgetary regulations, which are the AIS DZ correspondents, should ensure the introduction and updating of data assigned by the Federal Law "On the contract system in the sphere of purchases of goods, labor, services for the provision of state and municipal needs" and before.


Smolensk region

Smolensk region
dated December 17, 2014 No. 857

Koristuvachi Ais DZ - Smovniki Smolensko Klusti, regional state budgets (Dali Takozhniki), Viconavicho Vikonavicho, Ustnikovs, Vikonnikov (Pidobrandelnikiv, Vikonavtsiv) for the sovereign of the mines of the mines. ), the body of the vikonavchoi government of the Smolensk region, on the enforcement of control over the pretrial legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts on the contract system in the sphere of purchasers of goods, labor, services for the provision of state and municipal needs.

(As amended by the Decree of the Administration of the Smolensk region in 07.07.2016 N 402)

1.3. The administrator of the AIS DZ ensures:

a) the functioning of the AIS DZ hardware and software complex;

b) integration of AIS DZ with a single information system in the sphere of purchasers of goods, labor, services for the provision of sovereign and municipal needs (further - a single information system);

c) registration of AIS DZ in a single information system;

d) cooperation with retailers and services for support of software and hardware features that AIS DZ victories, power supply, modernization and supplementary work, correction of pardons, support for AIS DZ and other functions, support;

e) the appearance and documentation of all the violations of the order of functioning of the AIS DZ;

f) informing employees of AIS DZ about planned breaks at AIS DZ robots;

g) protection of information to be filed in the AIS DZ;

h) compliance of AIS DZ with legislators and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, which regulate the release of information in the sphere of protection of information, the election of an electronic signature;

і) backup copy that renewal of information posted in the AIS DZ;

j) support of the AIS DZ domain name;

k) administration of koristuvachiv AIS DZ;

l) updating of information about the certificate of electronic signature of the AIS DZ koristuvachiv;

m) keeping the documents of AIS DZ;

o) organization of the organization of orders for the purchase of goods, labor, services for the provision of the state needs of the Smolensk region (further - purchases) from the AIS DZ selections;

(As amended by the Decree of the Administration of the Smolensk region in 07.07.2016 N 402)

e) the establishment of regulations for the selection of the AIS DZ;

p) other functions related to the safety of work, technical support, operation of the AIS DZ and other functions, processing of information that is known in it.

1.4. Адміністратор АІС ДЗ забезпечує ведення, обслуговування та модернізацію АІС ДЗ з метою її відповідності єдиним вимогам до регіональних та муніципальних інформаційних систем у сфері закупівель товарів, робіт, послуг, встановлених законодавством Російської Федерації та іншими нормативними правовими актами про контрактну систему у сфері закупівель товарів, робіт , services for the provision of state and municipal needs (hereinafter - the legislation of the Russian Federation about the contract system).

1.5. Vlasnik of information, which should be sent to the AIS DZ, Smolensk region. In the name of the Smolensk region, the eligibility of the information clerk who is filed with the AIS DZ is determined by the administrator of the AIS DZ.

2. Structure of AIS DZ

2.1. AIS GZ includes a collection of information systems, program contributions database management systems, databases, hardware devices, other software hardware security, that they support the legislation of the Russian Federation, that they signify the power to the sovereign information systems in the sphere of purchasers of goods, jobs, services, as vikoristovuyutsya deputies.

2.2. AIS GZ includes the following main structural elements:

The module of planning, molding and ordering the purchaser, which ensures the complex automation of the duties of the deputy and the approved body;

Модуль інтеграції з офіційним сайтом Російської Федерації в інформаційно-телекомунікаційній мережі Інтернет для розміщення інформації про розміщення замовлень на постачання товарів, виконання робіт, надання послуг, а також з єдиною інформаційною системою після введення її в експлуатацію;

Module for molding other documents, which ensures automatic molding of all documents that are victorious in the processes of molding and making purchases;

Module for the preparation of information about contracts, depending on the results of the purchaser, as well as the form of information about the information, placement at the register of contracts;

Module, appointments for integration with information systems for control and the appearance of financial security of purchasers;

Module, assignments for ensuring the exchange of data between modules, which can be entered up to AIS GZ;

Module, appointments for informational, methodical and instrumental support of all stages of the purchasing process;

The module that provides information security.

3. The order of functioning of AIS DZ

3.1. AIS DZ provides:

a) shaping, processing, collection and data collection (including automated), necessary for the AIS DZ coristuvaches to wrap their functions in accordance with the Federal law;

b) guaranteed transfer of that placement in the single information system and information and documents transferred by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the contract system. До введення в експлуатацію єдиної інформаційної системи інформація, що підлягає розміщенню в єдиній інформаційній системі, розміщується у порядку, встановленому Урядом Російської Федерації, на офіційному сайті Російської Федерації в інформаційно-телекомунікаційній мережі Інтернет для розміщення інформації про розміщення замовлень на постачання товарів, виконання робіт, nadannya services;

c) control over compliance:

Information about the obligation of financial security, included in the plans of the purchaser, information about the obligation of financial security for the establishment of the purchaser, confirmation and notification to the deputy;

Information included before the plan-schedule of the purchaser (hereinafter referred to as the plan-schedule), information that is included in the plans of the purchaser;

Information about information about purchase orders, purchase documentation, information about plans-schedules;

Information about the protocols of appointment of post-employees (contractors, vikonavtsiv), information about the procurement documents;

Minds of the draft agreement, which is sent in the form of an electronic document to the participant of the purchase, with which the agreement is laid down, information, which should be included in the protocol of the appointee of the supplier (contractor, contractor);

Information about the contract, included in the register of contracts, settlements by deputies, mind contracts;

d) implementation of supervised control over the pre-trial legislation of Ukraine on the contract system;

e) subpoena of an unqualified electronic signature for the signing of electronic documents transmitted by the Federal Law and legal acts of the Smolensk region.

3.2. AIS DZ revenge:

buyer plans;


Information about the implementation of purchasing plans and schedules;

Information about the purchase, transferred by the Federal Law;

Information about the conclusion of contracts;

The register of the purchaser from a single postal worker (contractor, vikonavtsya), which is valid up to paragraphs 4 and 5 of part 1 of Article 93 of the Federal Law;

(the paragraph was filled in by the decision of the Administration of the Smolensk region dated 07.07.2016 N 402)

Library of standard contracts; typical minds of contracts;

Call deputies, forwarded by the Federal Law;

Drink coristuvachiv AIS GZ;

Methodical that іnshу іnformatsiyu, rozmіschennya yakої do not superechit the legislature of the Russian Federation about the contract system.

3.3. Coristuvachi AIS DZ zdіysnyuyut:

Formation and placement in the AIS DZ of information about the purchase from a single postal worker (vykonavtsya, contractor), zdіysneh vіdpovіdno up to paragraphs 4 and 5 of part 1 of article 93 of the Federal Law, stretching five working days from the day the contract was laid down, the contract was terminated;

Formation and placement in the AIS DZ іnshої іnformatsiї in the cases, in order, in line, established by the Federal Law and adopted by the legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Smolensk Region.

(clause 3.3 before the redaction of the decision of the Administration of the Smolensk region dated 07.07.2016 N 402)

3.4. The placement of information in the AIS DZ is subject to the introduction of official statements, screen forms a special web-interface, as well as the placement of separate electronic documents like other files in the AIS GZ distribution.

3.5. Electronic document processing is carried out in the AIS DZ in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of electronic signature. Information placed in the AIS DP without confirmation by electronic signature, has no legal significance and is not valid for the purposes of preparing information about the purchase order, documentation about the purchase, preparation of information and assessment of the progress of the purchase.

3.6. Published in the AIS DZ, information is processed according to the provisions of the Federal Law and adopted legal acts of the Russian Federation and the Smolensk Region. Processing includes systematization, assignment of statuses, analysis and monitoring, calculation of operations, establishment of viability (logical re-verification), updating, change, reconciliation, removal and other operations.

3.7. Оновлення, зміна та видалення інформації, розміщеної в АІС ДЗ, здійснюється користувачем АІС ДЗ, який розмістив таку інформацію, або уповноваженими на відповідні дії співробітниками адміністратора АІС ДЗ на підставі письмової заяви користувача АІС ДЗ, що розмістив таку інформацію, і допускається лише у випадках, overridden by legislation. Russian Federation.

3.8. The administrator of the AIS DZ takes care of the safe collection of information placed in the AIS DZ for ten years, which is not otherwise transferred by the legislation of Ukraine.

3.9. Access to AIS GZ koristuvachіv АІС ГЗ zdіysnyuєtsya for additional authentication.

3.10. AIS DZ administrator ensures the safe functioning of AIS DZ, access to information resources and data exchange without interruption and security.

3.11. Муніципальні освіти Смоленської області можуть використовувати АІС ДЗ при здійсненні закупівель для муніципальних потреб на підставі заяви, поданої адміністратору АІС ДЗ відповідно до Порядку реєстрації муніципальних замовників в автоматизованій інформаційній системі державних закупівель Смоленської області, затвердженого наказом директора смоленського обласного державного budgetary"Center of information and communication technologies" dated 18 september 2014 to the date N 49

4. Informational interaction between AIS DZ and other information systems

4.1. AIS DZ interoperability with such information systems:

Єdino іnformatsky system before introduction in the executive of the єdinoi systems of systems - the ofitsyymy site of the Federal Autonomous Educational Institution of Sciences of the Federals in the INFORI -TELOKOMUNII -Merezhny Merezhniy INformation, the worship of the goods about the roseman, the worship of the goods of the goods, about the roseman of the vein, about the roseman

Information systems that ensure the conduct of electronic forms of procedures for appointing post-employees (contractors, contractors).

4.2. Information and technological interaction between AIS DZ and information systems, designated in paragraph 4.1 of the 1st Order, is followed by a path for their integration behind additional software and technological infrastructure that ensures the exchange of information systems

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