What is antivirus avg. What is the AVG extension? Antivirus for Android

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Have a good time, dear friends, know, readers and other individuals. Today about AVG.

It's been a long time since we've talked about antiviruses, and don't stand on the sidelines, including the non-combat versions (the interface started to fall in love with it so often that I don't always know how to upgrade it).

As you remember, I have already written about a lot of cost-free and navit troch paid anti-virus solutions, something like that and the good old AVZ material "", loves bagatma "", already 30 times reworked and loved by me "" smart-paid "Dr.Web".

Zokrema, in one of the articles, I did say step by step to sort out different antiviruses for you, and to that I would like to continue victorious and talk to you about AVG today.

Let's get started.

What to what and why

Well, on the writing of this material for about a month, I made one of my studies, but earlier my acquaintance with AVG was separated by yoga old version(Here, on the very cob of 2013 rock, sing-songly) and even so, the product is not yet captured. Narazі the situation deshcho changed and, having protested against the antivirus for a few months, I still decided to write a small material.

Yak i u vipadku z Avast! Let's talk about the installation of that upgrade, but I won't give my expert assessment and a thoughtful thought, because I don't like to add a lot of antiviruses and spend the rest of the hour taking a sip of an antivirus-free method of safety.

AVG advancement

Let's get to the point. You can grab the happiness of a programmer's thought by clicking on the button:

If so, you will be asked for an option for the acquisition (a new trial or no-koshtovny obmezheniya), as well as a message on the spot (at the time of writing the article was written by SoftPortal), you can download the antivirus.

After the launch of the downloaded file, it is necessary to check the unpacking of the installer and you can proceed to the installation.

The installation is extremely simple, and I won’t dabble in it. The license for the cost-free option is generated automatically.

Trochs about installation

Having seen the component, you can read this description of the evil. Yak bachite, thinking, I turned the Zahist email, Bozreshtoyu pіshov at home variant vіd , and within the framework of the browser client dodatkova reverification є sumnіvnіy (for the mind's obviousness of No-Script) perevagou.

You don’t have to wait until the end of the installation process, and at the remaining stage - choose what you need to help improve the product and if you want to send all the latest news to your mail.

On tsoma, vlasne, everything. Let's move on to vikoristannya.

For the most part, the program looks like a picture (accepted at the time of writing the article) and its interface becomes more and more standard for all types of antiviruses.

Vikoristannya AVG and nalashtuvannya

Us, traditionally, to chirp nalashtuvannya, scho hovayutsya for alms. Parameters - Additional parameters".

On the deposit sound effects I can turn them on, because I don’t like it if it’s like this on its own without my permission from my speakers :)

On the "Scan" tab - " Scanning the entire computer I include heuristic analysis:

This is the reason for the greater period of scanning, but most of all it helps to know greater number possible viruses during a full system scan.

Subtab Scanning files and folders"і" Shell expansion scan"I ticked the boxes" Scan system".

Other adjustments can be called optional for a skin coristuvach, more, for example, the very layout of the overturns is your special officer on the right for everything and everything. I especially love to work on re-verification and to make updates purely by hand, but here it’s up to someone else.

Get a license for AVG antivirus

Yakshcho Vi Virishili pridbati new version programs (you can expand the paid version of the antivirus, and not the free version of the warehouse), then it is recommended to work not in retail stores (yak not only slacken the national price, but also add to the final price the price of the box with the program, delivery to the delivery order the store and other "logistics"), and in online stores, that:

  • First, cheaper (not only for reasons that it is more important, but also for the fact that software is purchased / sold by wholesale orders);
  • In a different way, by hand, for someone who doesn’t need to go anywhere and can pay with a credit card, even with a text message;
  • Thirdly, do it safely, since you can get a license (free delivery of keys to Email) to check and activate something that you can’t find in offline stores.

From my side, I would recommend simply to those who have misinterpreted the place (accept, still buy software for home / office there) and use it on the software market since 2004. You can read some kind of marketing on the Internet or on the site of the store - my recommendation is on the right.

Before we speak, as if by rapt, for whatever reasons, You know the software store is cheaper (and smut, better!), then contact us through, we will look at your option with the team. Dyakuyu!

Vtim, let's move on to the psym.


The only thing that doesn’t suit me in this antivirus is the impossibility of setting up automatic actions when a different type of threats are detected, that is. traditional " Found those -> Delight -> If it is impossible to rejoice, then see - If it is impossible to see, then rename or transfer to quarantine and other options similar to the type of nalashtuvan.

We call two words like this, but I’m sure that we, who don’t know about this antivirus, the material will be corny.

How and zavzhdi, yakscho є yakіs nutrition, supplementary, podiaki and take іnshe, then radium bachiti їх in the comments to this entry.

AVG was founded in 1991 with a clear mission: to protect people from all over the world to help themselves modern technologies security. Shvidko reaching success, at the given hour AVG hourє one of the largest gravels on the market

List of programs

AVG AntiVirus FREE
Nadіyny and shvidky bezkoshtovny antivirus for Windows. Nada basic protection of your computer and your activity on the Internet against new threats

AVG Internet Security
A fast and super complex antivirus with a gloomy and proactive computer attack, online activity and confidential data. Also, I propagate a collection of data and irrevocably deleted files

AVG Business Security
Comprehensive defense for business clients. Protects against viruses, threats that are spread by electronic mail and wires, and also includes tools for remote detection

AVG AntiVirus FREE for Android
Kostovny antivirus for Android, you can securely protect your smartphone or tablet in real time, allowing you to designate the place of roztashuvannya and block it at the time of theft and spend it

AVG Antivirus FREE for Tablets for Android
Free antivirus for Android tablets, web protector and anti-villain. Nadaye zahist vіd shkіdlivih programs that web sites, and also vіd vіd vіd аbо thеft i'll add zavdyаkа zavdyаnіmі remote management

AVG PC Tuneup
AVG PC Tuneup - a set of programs that you need necessary tools to help you get the most out of your computer

AVG Web TuneUp
Plugin for web browser like AVG, which optimizes the use of the Internet: secures searches and searches for websites, clears trackers in the browser and allows you to control online privacy

AVG WiFi Assistant for Android
Supplement for Android that allows you to tweak and optimize bezdrotovі z'єdnannya on your mobile extension, protecting the battery charge and protecting the potential boost through the Wi-Fi network

AVG Family Center for Android
Child mode for your Android smartphone or a tablet. The safe shell propagates the impersonal children's appendages, Igor and video. Batkiv control allow cheruvati access of children and the hour of their activity

AVG AntiVirus for Mac
Kostovny antivirus for Mac computers iz potryynim zahistom in real time. Smart, simple and easy with the most common anti-virus protection and automatic updates

AVG Family Safety for Windows Phone
A secure and secure mobile web browser for Windows phone, which allows you to protect your children from unsafe websites, and all of them from online fraud, phishing and potentially malicious content

AVG Rescue CD
Antivirus exciting disk, foundations on Linux OS Assignments for removing shkidlivih programs from the infected system and її renovating

AVG LinkScanner
In real time mode, recheck web pages code and other Internet threats

AVG TuneUp for Android
Mobile supplement for android optimization smartphone or tablet. Allows you to increase the hour autonomous robots outbuildings, promoting stability and greater productivity

TuneUp Utilities 2013
TuneUp Utilities includes more than 30 utilities that allow you to increase the productivity, speed and efficiency of your computer, increase the battery life of your laptop and netbook

AVG privacyfix
For help AVG Privacyfix, a plug-in for Google Chrome and Firefox, you can hack your privacy from Facebook, Google and other websites, as you can see, as well as block your online activity on the Internet

AVG Anti-Virus Updates
Updating the virus databases of the AVG virus-free anti-virus, as well as the commercial anti-virus programs AVG Anti-Virus and AVG Internet Security

February 10, 2014, 13:18 Authors: Ruslan Munnibaev, Mykola Redkin

Why varto chekat in the main chatter-party, so you go there upstairs.

1. Are you 25? Brucht's hour

The order "Do not give ЄDI - pishov on AVG" rozpovіst to you about more vіdvіduvachiv. Once again, at trance parties or nostalgic hardcore parties, it’s awkward to hit people over thirty, so in 2040 we’ll check for the AVG nostalgic party with arthritic cracking of liquor.

2. It's crowded

Claustrophobia and social phobia are not checked on AVG. The cards on the entrance are often stretched to the stepping booth, in the middle you also check the cue ball - unfortunately, not the one that you sell at your Chase group. The free time on the dance floor is the best way to take a back seat. Ideally - from the evening of the past day.

3. L'One is nearby

The last fate itself here began to dance with litters - and did not remember, how they danced until the very end. And in tsom L’One, I’ve seen a novelty here - “Mr. Heisenberg”. Assess the hit potential - otherwise, please, let's go to yoga.

4. DJs are cooler than reperives

For a long time, DJs, not rappers, became the main characters of the hip-hop evening (after all, we care that it’s hip-hop). And don’t let yourself see Romsta vіd Pill.One (Are you still aware of Chase?), but at the Moscow AVG from the hall, Guf, Slim, Ptakha, Olivets, ST and a lot of others, but not navpaki marveled at them.

5. You feel like one track by Rick Ross

Possibly, for the sake of being vivacious, ale shorazu, drinking on AVG, we can smell Ross's song "B.M.F". From one side - and the song is good, and listen її zayvi times not shkidly. And z іnshoy - for three rocky sing-song yakіs trap-bengeri appeared.

6. Do you want a rap concert? Vibach, don't come here

Go to AVG for the sake of listening to some rapper - the tricks are no less sensible. Well, tobto the rapper you, obviously, you will feel it. Tse will dial z wigukiv, shouting “pow!” and spitting out a little bit of noise. The very same way at the same time, Waka Flocka performed here - I didn’t hit my own track again, but I can’t turn my tongue and call it vistup filthy: and beat the NATO, and succumbed to the fans. And we listen to the songs at home.

7. You are not A$AP Rocky, but ok

You might get annoyed that only beautiful and rich people go to AVG - the DJs themselves on Twitter discuss design trends, the importance of fitness and collection sneakers. Hі, mass fashion immediately reacts to the public's inquiries instantly: Topshop, H&M and other stores have their own assortment of street-goth for the economy, and the Chinese have one thing to sew - Supreme baseball caps among them.

You go to the party, and then you read about it on your twitter, instagram and vkontakte. Moreover, it is obvious that all life passed like you did. On the video, everything is hoarse, people are screaming and screaming, and you want to be among them.

9. Not all of your speeches survived to the wound

10. You were at other chatter parties, and you were not worthy

They say that other chatter parties are known. There you can also bring foreigners and local lokteloms. Htos navit buvav at such parties. Htos having made a film about them. Ale, we are given that the stinks all look like this.

Another reason for this was the old thought: "An anti-virus without a virus can't be good." Ale, everything is flowing, everything is changing, and the topic of bezkoshtovnі anti-viruses for personal victoria has gained sensation and clarity. At the same time, there are a few companies on the market, as a result of the release of commercial anti-virus products paid versions yakі tsіlkom zdatnі zabezpechiti basi zahist for more home coristuvachіv.

With bezkoshtovnymi antiviruses, a sprig of myths is tied up. The first, and most important, cost-free anti-viruses reveal higher viruses, lower paid counterparts. We don’t call it that way, and it’s shown to each other by looking at it. As a rule, the anti-virus bases in all products of the same generic are identical, as well as the same basic anti-virus technologies that need to be installed. Another myth is that cost-free antiviruses are severely reduced in functionality compared to their paid versions. If it was true, and then at that hour it was too bright, and now the cost-free anti-viruses are overturning the paid versions of competitors for functionality.

These are the main myths related to bezkoshtovnym antiviruses. Why use cost-free anti-viruses, who are rooted in them? Statistics show that the number of cost-free antiviruses is growing at a relentless pace, but do not be surprised at those who, even if it’s not enough, to invest in a pirated version of an antivirus can be skin-hungry. It's not worth talking about those that bezkoshtovnі antiviruses do well with their work, little people trust them. Plus to everything, there is a lot of satisfaction for those who are worthy of a licensed product, hi and bezkoshtovnym.

You can often read that cost-free anti-viruses cry out for suspicion, the shards are unaware of the work of their creators. Movlyav, yakscho bezkoshtovno, then what stink to live on? At whom it looks like a trick. I'm afraid that free versions of antiviruses are released great companies With a great staff, de professionals work, and people earn good money. Loyal koristuvachi, yakі changed as a product, willing to switch from non-kostovny versions to paid tsієї companies. Alone to shy away from the bazhanna additional functions and mothers in full technical support. If you want to support the company, let out a good product.

To that it would have been better to equalize among themselves paid and without cost antivirus products from one virobnik and perverit naskіlki rightly all that has been said above. From whom we cannot deprive the anti-virus products of a productive company without respect. AVG Technologies.

In today's glance, we can see two products: AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition that paid AVG AntiVirus 2011. We will try to show you how paid and cost-free antiviruses like AVG are really used and how to switch from a cost-free product to a more functional paid one.

Validity between versions

Table 1: Features and functionality between AVG Antivirus and AVG Antivirus Free Edition

AVG Antivirus AVG Antivirus free edition
Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Rootkit
AVG Identity Protection (proactive privacy protection)
AVG Social Networking Protection
AVG LinkScanner (Scanner and web pages)
AVG Online Shield
Priority updates
Technical support of the picker

Otzhe, as can be seen from the table, AVG Antivirus may still win in pairs AVG Antivirus Free Edition:

  • Rechecking files before downloading (the Online Shield component), which increases the level of security, blocking shkidlivy programs before being put on the computer;
  • Checking the security of the messages that are transmitted from the companions (the Online Shield component);
  • Priority updates (including updates, anti-virus databases, anti-virus modules updates);
  • Access to technical experts to help you get help.

How and next to check the commercial version of AVG Antivirus for the account additive component AVG Online Shield and prioritized updates are responsible for more security nadiy zahist lower AVG Antivirus Free Edition. In order to understand all the subtle nuances, let's take a look at the products and report.

More traditionally from the installation of AVG Antivirus (the details of the installation of AVG Antivirus Free Edition are minimal, but we can show it), and then we will move on to the functionality and improvement.

System support

Minimum systemic help

  • Intel Pentium (or similar) 1.5 GHz;
  • 512 MB RAM;
  • 390 MB free space on hard disk (including vimogi before installation).
  • Intel Pentium (or similar) 1.8 GHz;
  • 512 MB RAM;
  • 510 MB free space on a hard disk (including widows before installation).

Operating systems that are supported

  • MS Windows XP;
  • MS Windows XP Pro x64 Edition;
  • MS Windows Vista;
  • MS Windows Vista x64 Edition;
  • MS Windows 7;
  • MS Windows 7 x64 Edition.

Supported browsers (for AVG LinkScanner technology)

Installed AVG antivirus

Installed AVG Antivirus do not call for everyday folding. The beginning of the installation is standard, it is necessary to accept a license agreement (div. figure 1). Crimea, at whom you can choose the program interface license area.

Warto signify that the installer itself is entangled from the AVG site, distribution kits of products are entranted already during the installation process. The size of the downloaded distribution kit (at the moment) is close to 120 Mb, which is important to protect against low I will pass the building Internet connection.

Baby 1: The Cob Installing AVG Antivirus

After receiving the license, please prompt to enter the activation key (div. Fig. 2). Like Bachimo, the activation key (in our case is trial) introductions automatically. Ale, as a backdrop, a commercial key was attached, it is necessary to independently indicate it in the introduction field. If the key is entered correctly, then the right-handed entry field will have a green check mark.

Figure 2: Entering the AVG activation key Antivirus

When installed AVG Antivirus Free Edition The replacement window for entering the activation key is displayed when you select the version of the product (div. baby 2a). You can choose between a non-commercial version or a full-featured commercial version AVG Internet security.

Figure 2a: Selected version of the AVG product to install

At the next stage of the installation, you need to select a directory for installing the required program components (div. Figure 3).

Figure 3: Selection of AVG components to install. Antivirus

After selecting the components for installation, it will be prompted to install the extension to the browser - AVG Security toolbar(Div. baby 4). AVG Security toolbar- tse even the same extension to the browser, yak pratsyuє with the component LinkScanner.

AVG Security toolbar reviewing requests for search requests from such search systems, such as Yahoo!, Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Ask.com, AOL, Seznam.cz, in this way, signifies the safety of sites before switching to them. It also provides manual access to Facebook and Skype. Crimium of the main functions AVG Security toolbar can you tell me about the selection of new ones mail order and check the weather forecast.

Figure 4: Installing AVG Security Toolbar

After the installation, the Internet Explorer browser may appear in advance about changing the postal manager (fig. 6). AVG Security toolbar as a postal worker, I’m going to tell you to install Yandex.

Figure 6: Prompt about changing a postal worker

You can also register for new products from the AVG company, and you can also take part in the security program and product enhancements (div. Fig. 7). Registration and participation in this program is not necessary, but the site, on its own side, is recommended to come to it, to help retailers from AVG to improve their products and services.

Figure 7: AVG Product Registration Form

At whom the installation will be completed. After pressing the button Done, the smut of the program starts. Yakshcho restored AVG Antivirus, then it will show additional advance and about those that the trial version and indications of the term until the end of the trial license (div. baby 8). After the installation is completed, it is recommended to restart the computer.

Figure 8: Term completion warning AVG licenses Antivirus

Axis looks like a smut AVG Antivirus(Div. baby 9). Vimogi components and videleni Zhovtim.

Figure 9: AVG Antivirus smut

And so it looks like the smut of AVG Antivirus Free Edition (div. Figure 9a.).

Malyunok 9a: Golovne vikno AVG Antivirus Free Edition

Like Bachimo, the visual features are minimal. AVG Antivirus Free Edition has an included Online Shield component (which is not the same as Vic).

The main window displays the status of the security components, the version of the anti-virus databases, the hour of the rest of the update and the scan. A single mouse click on any of the security components you see, at the bottom of the window there is a short description of the recognition of this component (div. baby 10).

Figure 10: Selection of the AVG head safety component Antivirus

Click on the selected component to view a detailed description of the component and its adjustment (Div. Malyunok 11).

Figure 11: Expanding the menu of the selected AVG security component Antivirus

Let's finish our acquaintance with AVG Antivirus and AVG Antivirus Free Edition, and let's move on to the main division of our review, de mirozpovimo about the functional of these products.

Possibility of AVG antiviruses

Components of AVG Antivirus

AVG Antivirus consists of a set of software components, skin care functionality. Let's get back to the Anti-Virus component.

Anti-Virus component - detects viruses, bugs, Trojans and other non-bug programs. To ensure a high level of protection, the component will need regular updates.

Component Anti Spyware appointments for zahistu vіd spy programs for example, such, as secretly collect special data from the computer of the koristuvach. The Anti-Spyware component will require regular updates.

Varto specify that the components of Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware cannot be installed.

Let's move on to the offensive component - LinkScanner. This component includes two modules: AVG Search-Shieldі AVG Surf-Shield. These two modules protect the computer of the coristuvacha from the shifty site of the site and post it on such sites for an hour to look through the pages on the Internet.

Module AVG Search-Shield practice in browsers Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox. The principle of the robotic module works in the offensive, if the posh system searches for a request for a request, LinkScanner scans all the messages, as if they appear to be coristuvachevy (it seems to be more difficult, but sometimes the results of the scan are delayed). In the fall, according to the result of the scan, a special sign is placed (div. Figure 12 and Figure 13).

Figure 12: Deciphering the meaning of the icons that display the result of scanning by the AVG LinkScanner component Antivirus

Figure 13: Result of AVG's LinkScanner Antivirus

Yak bachimo, a lot of scoring the result when entering "keygen". In addition, how to point the bear’s vkazivnik at the sign LinkScanner bіla psilannya, then s'appear merging vikno s report description threats, risks and the result of scanning.

At the present time, the situation is becoming more and more frequent, that the great "clean" site can be infested and become infected. In this case, the koristuvach cannot be bothered with the fact that the site will require the installation of a program, or the launch of an ActiveX component, which in the end bag will lead to infection.

Dodatkovo protect against such click attacks AVG Surf-Shield, another module of the LinkScanner AVG Surf-Shield component, like AVG Search-Shield, secures protection when browsing web pages, and also on viewing AVG Surf-Shield features for displaying on sites that are browsed, exploit codes, for additional help Malicious people can infect your computer, vikoristovuyuchi yakіs - or else in your software security.

View component view Online Shield(more on that in front), which allows you to recognize more viruses and malware security, the Active Surf-Shield building module proactively detects exploits on Internet sites. Another thing that AVG Surf-Shield sees AVG Search-Shield is the fact that the first one to check HTTP traffic is not victorious in any browser, and this module can be used for any of them.

The offensive component, about which the world is known, tse Resident Shield, like, like yelling out the name, taking care of the fast antivirus zakhist computer. Resident Shield scans files for hours, saves, copies, and protects system areas of the operating system.

At the time of the manifestation, threaten the koristuvach to speak in the wake of the warning. Resident Shield on the driver's license distant diy We will reveal software security issues, or you can tweak yoga on automatic remote.

On vibіr є three dії:

  • Move to a collection (infected files will be quarantined in a collection of viruses);
  • Go to the file (opening the folder to clear the file from Windows Explorer);
  • Ignore (infection files are left in the streaming space on the disk, however, due to the security method, the Resident Shield component is not allowed to be accessed to the new one).

Merit for a short riddle in looking at the components EmailScanner, which is the purpose for rechecking input or output electronic mail independently from the client mail program(for example, TheBat or Mozilla Thunderbird). Email-Scanner supports POP3, SMTP, IMAP protocols. Note that SSL is supported for these protocols.

Component online Shield, which is available in AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition, consists of two modules: "Internet Defender" and "Exchange Defender mittevim reminders". Let's take a look at what these modules are.

Module Internet zakhist Be sure to look at the web pages, scanning them together or including files, which will be taken care of before it appears in the browser or will be taken to the computer (Div. Baby 14).

Defend the exchange of mittevim and notifications, secure the defence, when working with popular programs exchange of notifications, such as ICQ, MSN, Yahoo. For the skin program, you can keep "white" and "black" lists of coristuvachs, which are legally allowed, or it is reserved to deal with coristuvachi.

Baby 14: Online Shield in AVG Antivirus by blocking the probe shkidlivoї programs

And the axis yak on the right side of the wind AVG Antivirus Free Edition. (Div. baby 15)

Baby 15: AVG Antivirus Free Edition by blocking the spyware program

Yak bachimo, infecting the file buv spymany in the browser cache, then in no-cost version AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition wins all the same after spending a koristuvach on the computer.

Another important component of security - Anti Rootkit. Like the names of the names, the names of the destinations for the search and remote rootkits (programs that are used to attach the least amount of activity in the system). For these requests, it is necessary to run the scanning procedure.

Another important component in the warehouse of both versions of AVG Anti-Virus, as we can see. Identity Protection, a kind of proactive technology for protecting your computer against new and unknown threats. For this wine, we need constant monitoring of all processes launched on the computer (including attachments) and over 285 behavior models. If Identity Protection is to designate that the file is corrupted, the file will be placed in the "Virus Treasure" and all changes in the system will be processed, as the program made (changes in the registry, opening ports, etc.). In essence, Identity Protection is nothing more than advanced technology to protect against intrusion ( HIPS - Host intrusion Protection System).

One more component in stock i AVG Anti-Virus, i AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition, about which we would like to know, tse PC Analyzer. The purpose of the assignment component for system analysis with a method of optimizing the robotic system, and PC Analyzer itself can:

  • Show pardons at the registry;
  • see non-essential files (timing files, files that were lost after the program was installed again);
  • Defragment the disk;
  • Shukati and correct the "breaking" labels.

The level of criticality will be graded according to the chotiricolir scale (div. Figure 16).

Figure 16: Result of PC analysis Analyzer in AVG Anti-Virus

After the completion of the analysis, it will be requested to take advantage of the additional utility AVG PC Tune Up, as you can find problems. The first time the administration was pardoned without a cost, for the repeated administration of this utility, it is necessary to obtain a license. In fact, the PC Analyzer component is nothing more than a one-time trial version of AVG PC TuneUp.

On what do we finish rozmov about AVG components Anti-Virus and let's go to the description of other functions of this product.

Scanning a computer for the presence of shkіdlivih programs

AVG Anti-Virus (like AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition) propane wide choice scanning parameters; you can scan a part of the computer, and the advanced scan parameters allow you to adjust the scan to specific numbers.

The next type of scanning in front is designated as a virus checker for scanning and simple rechecking of any folder for the presence of viruses and shkіdlivih programs:

  • outside the computer scan;
  • scanning of all files and folders;
  • scanuvannya znimnogo I will build;
  • rootkit search;
  • scan for help command line.

Before the start of the first type of skin scanning, you can change the standard settings before starting the first one (div. baby 17). Here you can create a task for automatic scanning for the layout.

Figure 17: AVG Anti-Virus scan type selection

Figure 18: How to recheck your computer in AVG Anti-Virus

Figure 19: AVG Anti-Virus virus scan completed

To run the AVG Anti-Virus scan for an additional command line, type the following command in the AVG installation folder (name C:\Program Files\AVG\AVG10):

  • avgscanx for 32-bit operating systems;
  • avgscana for 64-bit operating systems.

For otrimanna new list available parameters, enter the second command at once with the parameter /? or /HELP (for example, avgscanx /HELP).

Let's finish rozmov about PC scanning and briefly review Additional parameters AVG Antivirus.

Advanced settings for AVG Anti-Virus

Regardless of its simplicity, AVG Anti-Virus has the ability to fine-tune it, which will delight anyone who loves to "control" the program (div. 20).

To open the dialog window, select "Tools" -> "Additional parameters". Navigate to the required parameter of the quantity adjustment component; in the world of need, you can take a look at the skin cream dialog box(for the help of the button, the prompt for finishing or F1).

Figure 20: Advanced settings for AVG Anti-Virus

As you can see from the screenshot, the additional parameters of AVG Anti-Virus allow access to the settings of the required modules, as well as other functions.

We do not carry out a detailed description of the above points, however, all the stinks are described in detail in the steps to AVG Anti-Virus.

Warto tell you about one more important part of AVG Anti-Virus - "History of Viruses". Vono є quarantine for all remote, infected or suspicious files(Div. baby 21). Quarantined files are protected from the encrypted view and do not become a threat. In order to open the virus collection, you need to go to the menu "History" -> "Virus collection".

Figure 21: AVG Anti-Virus Virus Finder

The collection of viruses allows you to open the file at the end of the day, or be it otherwise, which is especially beautiful, as if it was a pardon, and a legitimate file can be seen. In addition, from the collection of viruses, you can send files for analysis to the anti-virus laboratory, so that you can confirm the verdict about the speed of the file or correct the pardon.

Remain about what we would like to know about our look - tse Podia magazine. All important AVG Anti-Virus entries are recorded. (Div. baby 22). In order to view the “Journal of Pod”, you need to go to the menu “History” -> Log of Pod.

Figure 22: AVG Anti-Virus log

On tsomu mi konchuёmo spylny look AVG Anti-Virus and AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition and let's move on to vysnovkіv. Let's guess that the main part of the review is dedicated to AVG Anti-Virus, the shards of AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition are practically identical, for a few moments, about which they rose in the look.


Anti-virus products AVG Anti-Virus and AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition are modern products that are suitable for all home needs. Crim for classic anti-virus functions offences, products include some innovations.

Varto value component LinkScanner, which allows you to revise the web page to її zavantazhennia ( AVG Surf-Shield) that evaluate the safety of sites when vikoristanni poke systems (AVG Search-Shield).

Another important aspect of AVG products is the presence of a proactive Identity Protection module, which in real time monitors the activity of all processes running on a computer (HIPS).

Zagalom cost-free AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition basic zahistu And at first glance, it looks a little like a paid AVG Anti-Virus. Offended products can be boldly recommended before the establishment of that victorious station, especially for those who know coristuvachi.

However, AVG Anti-Virus has a component Online Shield, which, with the improvement of current realities, to rob even the vagominous contribution to the advancement of security and protection of information. In addition, paid AVG Anti-Virus account holders can often update anti-virus databases and in case of any incidents, they can pay for the technical support of the vendor.

All in all, AVG Anti-Virus/AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition left us with nothing positive to say about it. These products are easy to install and robotic, subjectively use little computer resources, can be fine-tuned and can have wide functionality.


  • Ease of installation and lightness of the robot;
  • Low saving of system resources;
  • Proactive rechecking of web pages for the presence of exploits (AVG Surf-Shield);
  • Evaluation of the site's unsafety in the first hour of search engine search systems (AVG Search-Shield);
  • Availability of web anti-virus Online Shield (only in AVG Antivirus);
  • Handy add-on to the browser (AVG Security Toolbar);
  • POP3, SMTP, IMAP protocol rechecking from SSL;
  • Rechecking traffic ICQ, MSN, Yahoo;
  • Fine-tuning anti-virus parameters;
  • Vіdmіnna yakіst vbudovanoї dovіdki.


  • Rejection of Jabber traffic;
  • In our opinion, it is not necessary to group the components of the antivirus in the main program, it is possible, varto, to group the components for the functions that are to be combined;
  • Minor inaccuracies in localization, name some components not localized.
  • Less than two tricks in the AVG Security Toolbar Internet browser Explorer and Mozilla Firefox;
  • The results of the LinkScanner scan are markedly delayed by the browser's display.

For visibility on the computer installed antivirus software possible, possible scan all files on the computer, as well as the skin file okremo. You can scan any file by right-clicking on the file and selecting the check option to check the file for viruses.

For example, on to this baby seen file my-file.avg, then right-click on the desired file, and select the option in the file menu "Scan for help AVG". When choosing given parameter verified by AVG Antivirus, which is verified given file for the presence of viruses.

Sometimes a pardon can be blamed on the result incorrect installation software what can be connected with the problem, what is vinyl in the installation process. Can you set up your operating system Link your AVG file with the correct application programmatically , spitting on such a name "associate file extensions".

Sometimes simple Reinstalling AVG Antivirus You can solve your problem by properly linking AVG from AVG Antivirus. In other cases, problems with file associations can be blamed as a result nasty software programming retailer, and you may need to contact the retailer for a refund supplementary assistance.

Porada: Try new AVG Antivirus before the rest of the version, in order to reconsider, that the rest of the correction is installed and updated.

Might be obvious, but often the AVG file itself could be the cause of the problem. You may have received the file via an email attachment, or you have taken over from the website, and the process of taking over is interrupted (for example, turning on the live or for some other reason), the file can be corrupted. If possible, try making a new copy of the AVG file and try again.

Carefully: Poshkodzhenie file can cause subsequent blockages in the front, or even if it's a fluke program on your PC, it's even more important to keep your computer updated with anti-virus updates.

Like your AVG file problems with hardware security on your computer, you may need to open the file Update Appliance Drivers, pov'yazanih іz cim possessed.

What is the problem ring up according to the types of multimedia files, yakі lie down in the form of a successful solution of hardware security in the middle of the computer, for example, sound card or video cards. For example, if you want to open an audio file, if you can't open it, you might need Update sound card drivers.

Porada: So when you try to open an AVG file, you will accept pardon notification, pov'yazanu z.SYS file, problem, ymovіrno, maybe buti connected with poshkogenimi or outdated device drivers, as it is necessary to change. This process can be facilitated with the help of software for updating drivers, such as DriverDoc.

How did the little ones solve the problem, and you are still having problems opening AVG files, but it may be related to number of available system resources. For certain versions of the AVG files, you may need a significant amount of resources (for example, memory / RAM, numbness) for proper viewing on your computer. Such a problem occurs often, as if you were trying to dosing on an old computer hardware security and suddenly I update the operating system.

Such a problem can be blamed, if it is important for the computer to get out of business, shards operating system(that іnshі services, yakі pratsyut at background mode) can conserve a lot of resources to view the AVG file. Try to close all the programs on the PC, first open the AVG Antivirus Virus Database. Having used all available resources on your computer, you will secure the best brain for trying to open the AVG file.

Yakscho wi vikonali all described above croki, and the AVG file, like before, does not show up, you may need a viconate renewal of possession. For more vipadkіv, navit with vikoristanny old versions of possession, the number of tension may be more lower than sufficient for the greater. corystuvac dodatkіv(Even so you don't get a rich resource-intensive robotic processor, such as 3D rendering, financial/science modeling, or an intensive multimedia robot). in such a manner, completely immovable, so that your computer does not get the necessary memory(often called "RAM", or operational memory) For typing a file.

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