What is a robot at home via the Internet. Is it really possible to work at home? Vidguki people. Ale є a number of vіdmіnnosti

Golovna / Main functionality

Koristuvachі Internet with mistrust put up to I can work without deposits on the Internet on sites and exchanges. Often, if you try to earn money, they end up in deceit and fraud with bank accounts of a koristuvach, the result is a person - a minus.

The newcomer throws at once other ways, the bazhanya disappears - which is logical.

Varto rozіbrati perverіrenі sites, de really you can earn money without investment and deceit, without leaving the house.

Method number 1. Content exchanges

Content exchanges targeting people, how to write texts, select photo and video rows to texts. Payment for the work to be deposited according to factors:

  • vykonavtsya rating - step by step with the skin vykonanim incantations;
  • varity for a thousand characters - for a beginner 30-50 rubles, for a professional 100-250 rubles for 1000 characters of the text;
  • additional payment for the task - inserting keywords, meta tags, photos from a special archive and others.

Rozmіr zarobіtka stale in the form of invested work and as a cost of vikonan work.
What is necessary - to remember clearly and simply to express thoughts, to put together a speech competently.

Knowledge of competent Russian obov'yazkove. Before building the article, it is necessary to check the uniqueness of that number of signs (assigned to the statement).

It is better for the Pochatkivtsy to choose simple articles, on which you can read.
Plus such work - good payment and zavzhdi є vacancies.


Let's close the texts, available for closing to the end:

  • translate;
  • sales of unique photographs;
  • ready for a long time writing articles;
  • proofreading;
  • vykonannya SEO-optim_zatsії site.

On this exchange, to know the work as newcomers, so do the copywriters. Vartist work and vykonavtsya to fall in vіd kvіfіkatsії i varostі zamovlennya.


The exchange is popular;
The term is for skin tightening, which is often compensated for by the cost of tightening.

The first lower article is forced upon the deputy, and the editors of the stock exchange revise it.


Site, de for vikonannya zamovlennya komіsіyu zamovnik pays. The term vikonannya is obov'yazkovі, available to individual propositions of substitutes for specific authors.

Є zv'yazok from the deputy at the process of vikonannya zamovlennya. It is necessary to check for uniqueness by the website for verification.
Statti with low uniqueness do not pass the re-verification automatically.


Ce exchange of information about vikonavtsiv.

The commission for zamovlennya is drawn up only from vikonavtsya, as the robot is not suitable for the help of the deputy, then the author turns to the additional support of the doti, the docks will not be vikonan in the case of the deputy.
Waking up:

  • automatic export to WordPress;
  • re-testing for water content;
  • re-verification for uniqueness.


The diversified exchange can be earned overnight on written articles, reviewing news and written viral advertisements.

At the skin protection, it is reported that it is necessary to grow, schob. The versatility of the vikonan work also varies in the degree of dependence on the obligation of the vikonan.

Advego is a popular resource for revising the uniqueness and other parameters of the text.

Method number 2. Likes in social networks

Boost, barking other people's posts - real, even though people in social networks often gain respect for popular records great kіlkistyu"likes".

In order to take away pennies in such a rank, it is necessary for the mother to have a “live” oblique record.
Wimogi to the side:

  • Friends' people are not boutique shops;
  • Photos, profile activity, collection of local publics of the type "Liked";
  • Special information - PIB, field of study, interests - the side of pretending not to be fake.

After registration on the stock exchange, it is necessary to choose a manager.
After the minimum threshold is adjusted, the pennies are deduced in a manual way.
Payment for the next day, immediately after the re-checking of the appointment. The minimum fee is collected from 100-150 rubles.


Exchange-leader, for proposition of comments, reposts, likes, for groups and organizations.
1.5 million koristuvachiv and over 25,000 days are registered today. You can earn here, you can:

  • Write comments;
  • Put likes;
  • Feedback on the forum;
  • Write reviews;
  • watch the video;
  • Robiti rіposti.

Minimum amount visnovka - 100 rubles. The cost of one vikonan zavdannya varies in number of copies up to 50 rubles.


It's just a stock exchange with a clear sense of functionality. To earn money, pass authorization:

The more public records are connected, the more days will be seen. It is important to remember those that the administration reserves the right to block the koristuvach, which can simultaneously 4 types of records in one social measures.


  • Mail.ru;
  • Google Plus;
  • Comments and likes on google play.

The resource gained popularity for the work bypassing the “anti-cheat” and the ability of the patrons to independently set the price for the work.

For a steady income, it is necessary - im'ya, vіk, place that country.


Another exchange has been overturned, de paying for joining a group, an overpayment on the side of a person, likes.
Earn for:

  • Positive feedback;
  • Experience;
  • Likes;
  • Reposts;
  • look back;
  • Entry to groups.

Also pay pennies for registration for instructions, activity on the forums, support for training.
Only living people can link an account here, try to make the bot work or automate the process until the account is blocked.

Method number 3. Stock exchanges

Stock exchanges є schos middle є mіzh exchange copyrights and opinions.
Job options:

  • Registration on websites;
  • activity on the forums;
  • Writing and publication of prepared comments;
  • Suggestions;
  • Video manager;
  • Dribni zavdannya.

Raznobіchnі instruktsiy, payment for vykonannya one of that zavdannya on the stock exchanges are estimated according to their formulas.


Schob rozpochat robot and write comments, pass the test. It is important to remember about those who cannot be reissued, that is passable without pardon.

  • video review;
  • registration on third-party sites;
  • reply to a specific comment;
  • publish spellings behind the back of the head of the commentary;
  • writing a review of the goods.


The manager of the stock exchange is similar to the manager of other resources - leave comments on the post, post on the forum, site.

It is important to remember during registration, the removal of successful orders from the side of the payment after payment, are punishable by eternal blocking. Cheating is not to be boasted.
Job options:

  • Lose likes, repost and pay in advance;
  • Vote;
  • Write comments;
  • Create posts and posts on forums;
  • Razmіschuvat at the damp bliss;
  • Recommend goods on the website, forum, blog, comments;
  • Subscribe to people's sides;
  • take part in competitions;
  • Video manager.

Commissions for the removal of cats from whom the resource was not transferred.


On which resource is available earnings from similar other exchanges?

  • look at the sides;
  • popularization of video;
  • comments;
  • rіposti;
  • likes;
  • registration and overpayment for the channel, bill, account;

Available sumi whiskey up to 0.01 rubles on WebMoney, PerfectMoney, Yandex, QIWI, Payeer.
Getting to work referrals, win hundreds of pay them.

Work Zilla

Exchange with a large number of available jobs.
Perelik appointment:

  • re-processing of the audio track in text file;
  • downloading and installing programs, files;
  • rozmіschennya chi komentuvannya goloshen;
  • additional help on the robot site - layout, creation from scratch to the site (blog).

Method number 4. Internet access experience

A popular type of work on the Internet without a contribution is the passage of experience for pennies. International companies offer such reporting resources, addressed to supporters about the quality of their services and goods.

Really earn money, so that you can give a report and enough food.


The questionnaire is respected by the most popular site, de paying for a thought.
Explore different topics:

  • Get expensive;
  • Product selection frequency;
  • choice of brand product, services;
  • Credit services - as often vikoristovuyutsya, payment and other.

You can spend pennies less than 1000 rubles, or transfer it to charity or pay the newspaper in advance.
The average fee for passing the test is 50 rubles. For a short experience - as a vikonovets does not fit the criteria - 20-30 rubles. You can also experiment over the phone.


On the vіdmіnu іnіd kontіnіії - postіyni vacancies on professіynіnі іtuvannya. These are special educational trainings for people of different professions - doctors, marketers, vikladachivs, and other specialties.

For help, support for food of the economy or the strong state you can take away additional pennies.

Narahovuєtsya pevna sum of the passage of the skin okremuvannya. The results of these studies are often vicorated ZMI.

Power supply

The power source follows the same principle - entry through VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Google account.
Rewards for skin nutrition - from 15 rubles for simple treatment up to 500 rubles for folded rubles in a kilka stage.

You can earn and on the best people - referrals - up to 10% of your earnings. The first amount to be paid is 100 rubles, it is allowed to show on the Visa card.

Method number 5. Services

There are a lot of services on the Internet, where people make money on what they write long and honest reviews about the product, serving the organization. Among the popular resources that provide such services are Irecommend, Widguk and Tutux.

There are no such vacancies, the koristuvach registers and proceeds to work.

In order to deduct payment for writing reviews, it is necessary to write a general review, additional photographs, a video of a subject, about which one to go.

In 2019, roci, review services offer a hybrid payment for the text itself, which is revisited by others.


On this resource, it is most common to find about comrades and servants, which were especially victorious by the Vikonavtsy. A photo of the packaging of the product is attached and the assessment of the zastosuvannya is set.

Interface at Irecommend


Take away pennies and give a good thought about what is good - such a possibility is given.
Categories of reviews:

  • Tourism;
  • Restaurants;
  • Products;
  • Cinematography;
  • Medicines;
  • Commodity or service.

Є obmezhennya, it’s necessary to take a surplus for otrimannya:

  • Commit less than 500 characters;
  • The text to be read;
  • Do not take revenge on matyuka, as well as frivolous vocabulary;
  • Dovzhina vydklikannya does not exceed 5000 characters;
  • The number of photographs is no more than three.

For the selection of non-unique and other people's photos of appearances, records are blocked.
As the topic is new and popular - the cost will be 4 - 12 rubles per video.

In addition, pay for a look - 0.06 rubles for a leather look with a coristuvachy vodklikannya.

Interface at Widguku


On this exchange, the fixed tariff for reviewing a skin response is not less than 500 characters - 10 kopecks.
Competitions are often held, prizes are real pennies. The minimum amount of withdrawal is 300 rubles.

Tutux interface

Method number 6. Freelance

Freelancing is an expanded way to work without investment through the Internet.
Why are newbies on a particular site and rating, more likely to spivpratsyuyut zamovniki, more expensively tsіnuєtsya robot and tim shnoblive setting.

Fahіvtsі in the gallery freelancing go through the Internet from home and office.


Most often they say the heads of the search for professionals:

  • Rozrobka interior design and furniture;
  • creating a logo, web design;
  • Setting up contextual advertising;
  • tutoring, teaching language, writing reviews to scientific achievements;
  • Additional assistance in accounting, legal matters and auditing;

Scheme of work here іnsha, nizh іnshikh exchanges
Vikonavets does not indicate the variability of the work independently, the exchange has a fixed price - 500 rubles per 1 quarter, to which additional options are added.

You can withdraw coins on bank card, WebMoney, QIWI.

Earnings at Kwork


Earnings on Advego start from small tasks for a small amount - leave the comment, like, repost.

At the skin vkazuёmo dosvіd znachennya podіbnih articles, readiness to proceed to work.


When registering koristuvachs, they are added to vykonavtsiv and deputy. We choose specializations, in some places there is a need to set up a filter. Please fill in your portfolio and indicate the number of services.

Pochatkivtsy better not to tell high prices. The deputy is looking for a necessary person in the catalog of freelancers.

Here you can find one-time jobs without contributions for employers, but there are vacancies for a long term.

Method number 10. Installation of supplements for pennies

Overview of services, what to pay for downloading add-ons. Such a way of earning money becomes available to those who are registered on the stock exchanges, special projects.

To get started, you need an app for Android/iOS.

Spend enough earned pennies - after replenishing the phone balance before withdrawing to a bank card. Until then, it is possible to test new programs.

Advert App

Vicoristannya tsієї programs transfer the daily exchange for the removal of koshtіv and the number of vykonuvannyh zavdan.

There are no shkidlivih programs in the transfer of zavantazhuvanih, that does not want such a profit.


With an addendum, you can:

  • Take advantage of more paid supplements without cost;
  • Take prizes for the robot from whom you add;
  • View on the card, mobile phone;
  • Vineyards are zavantazhuetsya swidko;
  • Take pennies for watching ads and videos.


Another option to make money on a simple download of add-ons from the store. Available on both iOS and Android.
Please enter an email address - there you need to be informed about new orders.

There is no fee for the amount of money to be paid.

AppBonus add-on options

Method No. 11. Affiliate programs without investment

This kind of work on the Internet is spread among the hosts on the authority's partner posts on forums, social networks, and Internet messengers.

In the first one, the partner pays for a skin-treated client, and in the other, an advertisement is looked over by the short-haired clients for the skin.



You can earn money and send money quickly. Let's make a short message, as if it were a cicada koristuvacha.


To save pennies, we place promotional material on the sides of the fence, and it’s safe, like people to go for the benefits.

Website AdFly
You can earn income by commenting on the assigned partnership, publishing thematic videos and posts, as well as capturing relevant information in albums.

Everything is a report article.

Method No. 12. Video advertising

Tse resources, yakі pay vossilan to Vlasniks for revisiting the video. This is a special player on the website or a special resource with video clips.

It is possible to earn a vipadka with whom, but not rich. Until then, the routine way - step-by-step videos become boring.

Moe video

For high-quality sites with videos, the Moevideo player will be installed, automatically replacing the other player and adding advertising to the top of the video, the middle, and for example.


On this site, short videos are available for review. Dermal average 30 seconds. The theme is varied.


Detailed information.

Method No. 13. File hosting

To take pennies from file exchangers, it’s not necessary to save money every day. Increasing earnings can be made by newcomers, sending requests for a file and people are interested.

Ce stable passive income. The main subtlety is to know de and how to spread the power for the race.

Vlasnik's income is proportional to the demand for files. As soon as there are rare and large files, then the variability of the interest is installed more.
Varity for 1000 unique downloads can reach up to $30.


Payment is less in American dollars.
There is available an unlimited number of downloads and a summary of the material that is being saved. Also available is an operational support for new coristuvachs and an additional payment for downloading advertising software.


Available to purchase premium access to the file, download yoga on high speed for yogo pridbannya to pay vlasnik file.
Pay up to 40 dollars for 1000 new bids for a file. Also, the administration of the site pays extra for the installation of the advertised software by the koristuvachs.

Do I earn skils?

Since 2014, I have been publishing thousands of posts about income.

I tell you in detail about my pributka, I can look for new ones.

Description: on the Internet you can find a lot of information about vacancies at home, but not all stinks are safe. Among similar robots, there are a lot of shakhraiv and varto, be on your guard. I will look through the door of all kinds of vacancies and I will bring butts of home-based work without investment and deceit. We've got 16 real options, but still not complete list. For bazhannya you can know th іnsha work.
Payment: price
Wimogi: Bazhano vmity schos robiti

I will not, within the framework of this article, look at the robot on the Internet, the entire my site is dedicated to this topic and you will easily find the information you need. You can tell z qih silan:

Do not varto throw off rakhunkiv to the Internet robot, to that in the home minds there is only one iz best options. And if it doesn’t suit you, let’s bring some robots home.

Home-based robot with attachments and deceit

I’ll start early - be respectful for an hour of poshukiv, because you can spend on shakhraiv and get pennies. On your own knowledge, it’s unacceptable to go through it, so let’s take a look at the door of all vacancies.

  • Folding handles at home- a lot of dosi add a vacancy, and a lot of stunned people do not rush. Don't be among them - don't be like them. In the vowels, there can be different zapevnennya, explaining such a work, like folding schemes payment (imposition of payment, payment to the courier upon payment). But remember - every day you don’t pay for picking up pens, even now they pick up automatics. You can read a report about this type of separation in this article, and also look at the video with automatic pen selection. I think, after all, you have a lot of doubts.
  • Envelope gluing- Vacancy s tієї w spheres, scho th handles. Often shakhrai are pretending to be Russian or Ukrposhtoi, in order to speak out to the point of deafness. Navit did not hesitate to create copies of sites, on which to ask the payment data to enter all the information about the card, including the numbers from the back side. And if you send them, the evil-doers can clean your rahunks. Do not trust similar slanders, read the language in order to look over the schemes of separation for pennies.
  • Warehouse of texts- in this sphere, real patrons can still eat, but the rarity is great. More often than not, you will be asked to pay a security deposit, pay an insurance deposit, transfer pennies, so that you can confirm your card just fine. There are a lot of schemes for otrimannya, but it’s easy to assign shakhrai - to pay a lot of pennies. The average price for 1 arcade text is close to 10 rubles, in order to proponuyut more, then, do not pay. Detailed schemes and notes about shakhraiv in this article.
  • teletrade- comments about this company are more importantly negative, but in voiceless voices do not write the name of the company. Some people don’t name it for the first time, but simply say “to go through 2 similar trainings and start earning a lot of pennies on the Forex exchanges”. You will spend not only a penny on this occasion, but it’s still a good time. 2-year courses from scratch are few in order to successfully start on the stock exchange. Spivrobitniki simply wash their faces, tell the stories of success and promote the sum of money (for example, $ 100 to the limit), and even more all together. I especially do not trust the robots on the Forex exchanges, but just like that, read the basics in this article.

There are still impersonal other ways to fool the trusting hulks, so you always have to be on your guard and fool around in a vacancy. Never pay a robot seller a penny, for some reason without naming wines.

What kind of robot can you do at home

If you take a look at the stunned, you see, like a lot of shakhraiv trying to know the naive victim. Now you have a lot of knowledge, you can master fraudulent vacancies, and the axis of a real robot in a dumbfounded knowledge is richer. Ale, it's possible. Let's marvel at the options, on which you can win respect.

  • Dispatcher- most often recruit people to the office, but sometimes you can find such a vacancy at home. Call dispatchers to recruit taxis from small companies so that you don’t open a special office and staff of workers. I wrote about my experience of such a work in my article, you can read it in more detail.
  • Cold calls- similar to the dispatcher's robot, but є suttєvі vіdminnostі. In your case, you don’t just call the calls, but call yourself for the best numbers and offer goods / services. Call to see instructions, rose templates, prompts food parts the same information to help you conduct a dialogue. The most common payment to lay down after the success of the negotiations is the sale. In my opinion, not by myself best robot even if you don’t go to sell, you can be left penniless.
  • Online consultant at home- Pratsyuvati from home, but through the Internet. You need a headset so that you can use Skype or special program from purchases. In my case, I’m still giving instructions, giving advice on the supply of that information, and the payment is mostly fixed, or it’s weather. If you don’t happen to buy the blessings of people, just ask for food. Read the report for the references to the article.
  • Merezhevy Marketing- Well, well, everyone already knows about this kind of income. It’s rich who, maybe, zdivovaniya, scho tsey variant not leaning against the list with other wiring, but you can earn money on this right. Far from everyone go, sometimes pennies come out, but in the literal sense they are not separated. It’s easier to read the pluses and minuses of work in this article, so that you could yourself virishity - fit chi.
  • Local shopping coordinator- you rarely tell people, as if you never heard of secret buyers. It’s not a filthy robot, but you can’t sit at home (like you can only turn over online stores), so I won’t add it to the list. Ale behind these secret persons, it’s even more secret to post, as if you’re always stuck behind lashtunks - coordinator and curator. Looking for a boss, who is recruiting workers, seeing a manager, asking for food, controlling a work and forming a call for a company. If you already know about this work, I recommend reading about it.
  • Scan goods at home- It’s not rich to pay, I’ll say it right away, but you won’t get anything done (5 khvilin per day). If you want to increase your income a little (by 300-500 rubles per month), then you can. Ale zagal to pay a little pennies, schob accentuate on your robot respect.
  • Spile purchases- the topic is already popular with mothers, to save pennies. And the organizer can earn money for the same. The work is not at home, because in any case you happen to go at least to the post office. Wiide is practically a mini-business. As all the authorities, that basic information can be viewed from this article.
  • babysitter at home- mother of pedagogical enlightenment, but if you put a small price, you can know people without suvori could. Sound like this to young mothers, as if they could get to know the little ones and be ready to sit with someone else's child. With this varto vrakhovuvat deyaki moments, about yaki you know from the article.

As you can see, for these options you do not need a mother as a special light, but you need to work specifically. I specifically brought them into the okrema group, so that the stench did not respect other, more foldable options. So below you can look at the list of jobs, for those who need to remember, or learn how to work.

  1. Accountant at home- as you have economical education, or you work in an accounting company, you can earn extra money in the evenings. Hundreds of people will require the help of a specialist to fill in declarations, pay taxes or other financial transactions. If you are in the right mind, read it and practice after fach.
  2. home lawyer- you can also carry out consultations after the work, as the forces are being depleted to take care of this. Adje, there are few people who can independently solve all legal nuances without special training.
  3. Tutor- foreign languages, physics, chemistry and other folding subjects. Bazhano for tsієї work and be a teacher, but other than that, just do a good thing about nutrition. You can learn not only school knowledge, but also other wisdom: painting, playing on the guitar musical instrument etc.
  4. Massage therapist at home- you still haven’t got a similar light, you can work and finish it quickly. Do not happen to read 5 years of my mastery. Wanting to start learning about professional sores and other minuses of the profession, first of all, attach to this life.
  5. Sew on a prayer- Come to the mastrins, if you love cherubs and want to earn a loved one's right to life. Zvichayno more and more began to develop in this sphere, happened to increase mastery and work out, first to begin to take off for a penny. І if the hour has come, read it as a warning.
  6. Earn on hobi- rukodillya, preparation, painting, turning flowers and so on. Everything that brings you joy, you can bring surcharges. Adzhe zaroblyayut people, roaming in the igri, it means, be it as a sack of the building, transform into a pributkovy business. Apply like a tse robiti. For bazhannya, you can turn it into a waste of money for income.
  7. Designers- It’s real to know the work at home, but it’s better to know the magic on the Internet. Aje vminnya to create a harn graphic here is valued and highly paid. For example, you can create banners and designs for groups at social networks.
  8. Computers, then. people who are well-versed in computers can provide services for the repair of equipment. A lot of people can't understand how to get a virus, or how to install Windows, you will definitely have clients. But for whom it’s not enough, just get to know the coristuva PC, it’s enough to understand rich nuances.

Such a list of ideas will be enough, so that you know what is right, or you could learn something, so that you know the ideal job for you at home. Don't be afraid to take on new skills - call out, don't take too much time, but open up a sea of ​​opportunities in front of you.

Reading hour: 31 minutes

If є postiyna robot, it’s necessary to come every day for the schedule, you don’t think about the Internet robot. And in the meantime, the market is step by step picking up wraps and more and more people - who were called, the deacons drank away the fast, if they understood the prospect, what they did, - they need to be independent on schedules, hard and necessary to get up early and go to the office.

In the midst of falling incomes for various economic and political reasons, freelancing is simply necessary to secure yourself. Don't speak obov'yazkovo, even if you can and just shake it off at the border.

    1 Work at home on the Internet without investment: basic for beginners

    2 Pros and cons of working at home via the Internet

    • 2.1 Advantages of a robot at home on the Internet to do a lot:

      2.2 Minuses of working on the Internet at home:

    3 Work on the Internet at home without investment: 10 best vacancies

    • 3.1 Vacancy in the company #1: designer

      3.2 Vacancy in the company No. 2: copywriter

      3.3 Job #3: project manager

      3.4 Vacancy in Internet No. 4: in the distance pomіchnik

      3.5 Vacancy No. 5: call center operator

      3.6 Job #6: programmer

      3.7 Job #7: Consultant

      3.8 Vacancy No. 8: distant teacher

      3.9 Vacancy No. 9: remote marketer

      3.10 Vacancy No. 10: remote administrator

Work at home on the Internet without investment: basic for beginners

Work on the Internet at home without contributions (freelance)- Promising galuz . The only thing in a right way is stability. Labor work for hiring is true - work contracts are laid down with you, accept, you can be sure that a skin month in such a number will be repaid for wages. However, at the merezhі, all the trochs are in a different way - it’s unlikely that the number was overestimated, as if they were taken away from the splendid life. I want to tell you already,

Ale didn’t give me a chance to see the prospect of earning money from the Merezha! Call me. It is necessary to try new obov'yazkovo, and it is more tim - yak for family budget, So for yourself - you will try your best, otrimuyuchi payment for work on the Internet at home, dragging without a contribution. Everything comes from a dosvіdom, and a leather freelancer (it doesn’t matter in the same gallery of wines working) having started “from scratch”.

If you are only looking for a world of earnings for yourself in a measure (like, varto respect, superbly wide), you should follow the deeds of understanding.

Freelance- Diyalnist "how and if you happen to." Tobto, tse, in essence, those same postures by the state. You have a substitute and we will clearly write down the TK and youma, at the insertion of the term, it is necessary to submit a ready result and as a result you will deduct your payment.

Vіddalena robot at home in practice, they don’t care about freelancing or permanent employment, prote at the distance and their own advances. First, you work only in that closet, as it suits you. In a different way, work on your own schedule, obviously, there is no such thing as terminology. And thirdly, the future can become permanent. Those same stuєtsya and freelancing - if you know a lot of permanent deputies, then the robot will already become stable and stable and look further away the prospects for growth, about how not to forget in some time, so as not to get stuck in one place.

It varies widely - from kopіyok to hundreds of thousands for quiet, hto.

For diligent diligence, your monthly income on the Internet will gradually increase and increase, oholyuyuchi rubіzh from 10-20 thousand to 100-150 thousand .

For wash up, you are self-fulfilling, you are going to be new, scorched, do not sit on the floor.

Freelancing will also be good for these people, who do not particularly like to contact or know bad language. At the border, the splintering is razyuche vіdіznyаєєєєє reality, then it is necessary to put it in place to keep the Rozmovu from the deputy richly simpler, fear and praise are more and more, then it’s rare.

Pluses and minuses of working at home via the Internet

The pluses of a robot at home on the Internet to do a lot:

  1. neobov'yazkovo buti osvіchenim. So, to instill a deep light, you can practice, don’t forget to take care of self-light, read more and try your hand at whatever the room (IT, design, that’s more). This point is especially relevant for schoolchildren and students, it is important to put yourself in front of yourself, do not cross the deadline and honor the deputy head;
  2. You can earn skils for free! Profit less obmezhenі you. If you lint, work on the giblets, then the surplus will be good, then - work on it, work on it and work on it (do not forget to remember, obviously);
  3. I will tell you the hour under control. To create a permanent interest in life, you can watch an evening movie or TV show and work on the Internet at home. Neobov'yazkovo suvoro dorimuvatisya one schedule, even the first warehouse (fri = free in English) and means "freedom".

The main advantages and pluses of freelancing and working remotely: all work on yourself - you will take pennies only for those who need to work for you, flexible schedule - you can practice at any hour, be your plans, not being afraid to work in the office , great prospects and the ability to make a stable and passive income - the Internet gives impersonal opportunities, do not smut to them, and always try yourself in other areas.

Far from all the gains, here you can also attribute savings on penny dollars (travel, fare, etc.) and savings in an hour and a lot, a lot more. Ale do not zatrimuvatimemosya, let's move on.

Minuses of working on the Internet at home:

Yak i pluses, є deyakі minusi. First (it’s important to hang out with people, like they called out to greet them), the presence of the boss. So, this is a great plus for the rich and the hour for people, yakі zvikli vykonuvati plan, a significant minus. You can break up, become lazy, contribute to sweat.

Therefore, since you firmly believe in practicing on the Internet, you would like to set goals and domagatisya їх! Motivate yourself, no way .

In another way, the social package is covered by the paid liquor. Well, if the income from the merezhі becomes significant, you can pay for the medicine yourself.There are no such great minuses, as there are none. Yakshcho mother dod. busyness, then you can forget about the minuses.

Let's move on to our TOP 10 vacancies. If you remember that if you had the courage to work in the house at home, it’s enough and irrevocably, then it’s better not to rush. Navіt yakscho and there will be failures, then, tse yak at pіdpriєmnitskiy dіyalnostі, it is necessary to heroically accept їх i virіshuvati problems that winickly, not falling into vіdchai and not throwing to the right.

Work on the Internet at home without a deposit: 10 best vacancies in the city

Vacancy in the number 1: designer

On freelance sites, for example (project overview) or that and vzagali, if you are wondering what to do, this vacancy is widely demanded. Perhaps, due to popularity, the vacancy can be found with a programmer, and often web designers are needed - for sites, blogs, social media and other services in the community.

A great plus for a designer-starter will be the presence of a portfolio - ready-made projects, which can be demonstrated. Once you take a look at an expensive expensive project, it is unlikely that you will be able to take part in other competitions, or you can build a portfolio “on the go”.

Simply put, a portfolio for the sake of a portfolio. Let it go and don’t pay, prote, if the deputy officers show up, it will be a great plus to evaluate and trust you with the project.

The designer's earnings are extremely varied. At the cob stages on the road, projects can and do not grow. With diligence and at the request of the post-deputies (and, obviously, because your projects are really good, creative and attractive), the monthly income can be 15-20 thousand rubles. Already in the world of creativity and professional development, one can develop and know in the future a work with a steady, decent pay.

The field of designer's activity is wider:

  • igor designer;
  • Designer of printing products (brochures, business cards, various layouts, etc.);
  • Technical designer;
  • Designer 3 D objects;
  • Graphic designer;
  • Flash graphics designer;
  • I, obviously, a web designer.

With creative zdіbnosti and bazhannі choose kakus galuz (or navit kіlka) to get good pay for your work is not important.

Vacancy in the number 2: copywriter

Have you, if anything, pointed out, what, vydkrivayuchi raznі storinki s tієї w those, the main theses and zmіst articles of controversy? Surely, they remembered. I can confidently say that you got to rewrite like one article. rewrite, SEO and just copywriting are one and the same profession.

Most of the time, it’s so that the outsider can pretend to be unfamiliar. And not less than a zavdyak for a yakіsny rewrite (retelling the article in other words), and for the one who comes on the statty to give a subdued rewrite of the article. So you can get confused. I often say that the facts are the same in one article, but in another. In fact, there is a twisting of the main article ... But let's not talk about all the subtleties. Without a doubt, as if you yourself were a copywriter, you made up your mind.

Copywriting whole lot for creative people. First of all, you can train your writing skills, try to style the text, try different genres and articles different individuals. Vіdminno pіdіyde yak.

For zagalnoe razvitku that podalshoy kar'єri - a good cob. Adzhe krіm smarten up with words, train and be patient, sit down, smart analyze different texts and work your unique salad out of the wild vinaigrette (read - text).

For the professional profession of a programmer, you can get a light copywriter. Wanting to the essence of the profession, they don’t worry about it: in this and in the other practice with words. But here, rather, the dizzying factor is light, interests, and bazhannya. With humanitarian education, if in schools literature and Russian language were given lighter for others, copywriting would not be better. With technical - programming.

The salary of a copywriter - especially on the back - is not too high. Copywriting exchanges, for example otherwise, it’s impossible to bring hundreds of thousands of thousands of earnings, however great earnings for suchwork on the Internet at home without a contribution from a generous payment totally real! As it was said earlier, everything should be left to fall until its own activity and self-organization. Watch the video about earnings on Advego:

If your text is good and the site’s master (or a third-party substitute) is clear, then a good text directly adds yoga vlasnі earnings, vin ready to pay a significant price, aby get customers. Tse to speech about texts, what to sell.

With creativity, good hair style and daily nights copywriting as a whole can become the main source of income.

Job #3: project manager

In the context of the article, obviously, the Internet project is in danger. This vacancy can be placed before long-distance work on the Internet at home, but sometimes the project is being developed for a period of time or months, and often the demand for the profession is in different advertising agencies and companies that are engaged in the creation of sites and promotions.

The project manager’s instructions include planning a strategy and concept for the project, optimizing and promoting the project (website), and searching for search engines for third-party tasks – writing texts, developing landing pages.

For the management of one project, you can take over 30 thousand rubles , Scho, wait, it's quite decent.

And vrahovyuchi, scho advertising agencies and site-budget organizations and other buvayut zavantazheniya, this vacancy is widely demanded. And yet, for all that, the vacancy means a reliable work, because molts and lack of evidence are simply unrewarding.

Vacancy on the Internet №4: in the distance pomіchnik

Even tsіkava vacancy, and with tsomu tsіlkom can become the main source of income. Zvichayno, it’s important to keep your appointment to your own duty and that of your boss’s appointment to you.

Maє on uvazі pіd yourself in the distance pomіchnik onset - vedennya zvіtnostі and graphics "bosa", obrokka other documents, Folding plans and other schedules, as well as coordinating the activities of the team, including the team of freelancers, so that you, as a manager, will have to put together technical specifications and distribute orders, with which you need a lot of memory.

The “boss” can be, like a serious businessman, so you can be a businessman. Your income is less than the generosity of the boss.Obviously, for the wisdom of your side, that successful management is right, you can not hesitate to ask for an increase in payment. Ale, do not varto napolagati. Be-yaky pіdpriєmets - tezh lyudina i zavzhd pat harn vіddacha until the right.

So, taking on the lanyards of the guardian, we prepare the varto buti until the reception of the late calls, and also to ring on our own. For example, for clarification of the schedule of another admission, in order to recognize it, or if you have a service, to book a room for that richly іnshoy.

Show the smut at the first sprat of months that you are ready for a permanent entanglement then your fast income will be significant, lower for other employment for hire.

Job #5: call center operator

Often this vacancy can be disguised as a robot seller, like a “sales manager”. Pratsyuvati, before speech, you can and far away - enough headphones from a microphone and a well-placed movie.

It’s just that it’s impossible for an operator to become a call center. Obov'yazkovo it is necessary to go through training - the study of topics, which the organization is engaged in, as you pay. It is also the practice of typical phrases, that of animals, the transfer of comrades (as if by telephone it is necessary to pronounce their services) and a lot of other things.

Before the operator's notifications to the call center, you can also enter and communicate in online chat, accept incoming calls, and also not rare and video calls.

Job #6: programmer

To be honest, it’s safe to say that this vacancy means more work, less others. Firstly, and, maybe, more headily - it is necessary to know English, if only on the middle level. In another way, knowledge of mov programming. Thirdly, in the meantime, the programing is done with the help of language.

For example, if you know Python well, then you will be foolish about programming in C ++.The vacancy of a programmer is widely demanded, but with whom we won’t take the matima for this profile of that song of knowledge. Ale and earnings, varto signify, for programmers, significantly more, lower, for example, for call center operators.

Job #7: Consultant

Practically nothing matters to the seller-consultant, only works far away in the measure and often it is not necessary to “vaporize” any product.

You can consult from psychology, from esotericism, everything is always welcome: accounting, jurisprudence, medicine are at the top of the TOP. For such services at the Merezha, you won’t be able to rent an office, even if you can give them a call, whether it’s by electronic means: by chat, via Skype, by email anyway.

Earnings vary, but if you have contacts, you know the language well, and also get along well with your topic, you can earn 300 - 1000 rubles per year on the Internet at home .

Vacancy No. 8: distant teacher

You can be a long-term tutor. Deposits for whom are practically not needed, especially if you already worked, for example, as a depositor. Okrim knowledge, don't need to invest anything.

You can also be a long-term tutor and conduct online lessons. Until the speech, the deacons of the modern school, who teach English, German and other languages, can give the whole vacancy with an annual payment.

Request for remote online training. It’s already clear that live splkuvannya, Let it be separated by a black screen, it will be more effective, lower when self-learning. With whom it is important that you do not play a role. You can live in Kaliningrad, and learn someone in Omsk and Khabarovsk - get a call to give such a chance.

Vacancy No. 9: remote marketer

Tsіkava and not less popular profession, ніж інші.The knowledge of marketing and sales is too much, the shards without them may not be accepted into the state.

In the minds of a large-scale ta repackaged market marketing is practically the last hope to reconsider the purchase in that your product itself is needed by you. Knowledge of psychology, schemes for sale and design is already needed.

Vacancy No. 10: remote administrator

The rest, the 10th vacancy for remote work on the Internet at home without a contribution, we can look at it today.

Behind the principle of service obov'yazkіv administruvannya site chi groups in the social media little chimneys in the vacancy of a content manager. It is also necessary to send (information to the site manager and third parties already hire practitioners) copywriters, especially for advertising texts, plus it is necessary to moderate the content and comments.

The profession of an administrator at the Merezhi Cicava especially as it fits with a creative approach and add an extra hour.

Earnings can be like that, even if you don’t include anything, you can work on as many projects as you like.

Vranci, for example, you can administrate another site, a group a day, and another site in the evening. Golovna does not stray, but it is necessary to victoriously set the task.

Start your job on the Internet at home without a deposit and you can easily freelance on the upcoming exchanges:, . A axis i

Today we will tell you about the remote work on the Internet, see the vacancies that are relevant in 2019, and also how to know the work in Merezh without investment and deceit and take the average salary from your city.

Vitaemo you, shanovny chitachu! Here are the founders of the HiterBober.ru business magazine Oleksandr Berezhnov and Vitaliy Tsiganok.

Already over 7 years we earn money through the Internet, now we have our own team, we can have a flexible schedule and work at home.

Ale, don't be so hard on yourself.

We didn’t have rich fathers, on the cob we were led by kintsy z kintsy and more than once stuck with deceit.

From the stats you know:

  • Yak to know a real work at home that does not run into shakhraiv?
  • Yaki vacancies Are jobs on the Internet relevant in 2019?
  • Why varto fix your way to the Internet newbies?

Sit smarter and close all the extra screens on your screen! Don't be fooled by reading the article to the end!

1. Work on the Internet at home

Working on the Internet at home gives people the opportunity to forget about the schedules, about the 7th day and the admission for the layout. Having begun to take income through all-world merezh, You will know financial stability, and it’s more important - you can only practice on yourself.

In the rest of the world, the market for remote work and freelancing grows by an average of 30% per river.

For the data of leading Russian analytical agencies in 2015, a large number of large sums of money were paid, freelancers and far-flung specialists, close to 1 billion dollars!

Forget about it, your profits will not be high, step by step you will thoroughly save your money and you will surely achieve equal income that pleases you.

However, rich people are blamed for fighting, if there is a job on the Internet, even for more - it's a guess. Let's face it, it's impossible to earn a penny while working at home without your contributions and cheating on the side of robots. People, who repeatedly stumbled behind shahrai, cautiously set themselves up to new opportunities.

We are convinced that the Internet-dealing is a real prospect, accessible to practically everyone who wants it.

In order to save income for the help of a computer, we should not obov'yazkovo but we are cool as an “IT specialist” or as a programmer. Sufficient for the mother, constant access to the merezhі, free time, electronic gadget, for example, WebMoney or Yandex.Groshі and bajannya pratsyuvati.

Jobs on the Internet

Let's take a look at the main advantages that give us a job in Merezh:

  • Not required formal (special) lighting. Regardless of how many classes you graduated from, which one you have social status and kim wi є, on the Internet є robot, yak you can vikonate and take away for a penny;
  • Non-refundable income. There is no upper bar for your income. If you can see the talanovite of a person and build a new one, then without any problems you will achieve success in your right;
  • Possibility to cherubate in your own time. Pratsyyuyuchi at the border, you yourself will establish your layout. You can work interrupt, if you want to start your working day after resentment, recognize the rest of the next day. People who work in the office or in the workshop from call to call can only think about such a schedule.

Sliding ahead of the newcomers, who have high incomes in the first year and start months of work in the least checks, it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to earn money without a deposit of money. Work on the Internet for the first time - just call a penny and one-many work: earning money on the vikonannі raznomanіtnyh cheap jobs.

This kind of work is more suitable for those who want to earn a few pennies on vacation or at a good time.

Here you can see the earnings on the games, paid internship on the Internet. Use this kind of income like typing text: you just need to translate audio or video content into a text file. Such a robot is paid, it must be said, meagerly.

Golovna - do not hesitate on this eve for a long time, otherwise the financial and special plans will check on you. Starting to work in the electronic space, always think about the prospects: as your income increases steadily, and the hour of stained work, on the other hand, changes, then you are on the right path.

How does a robot work on the Internet as a standard work in an office - 10 main departments

I suggest that you inadvertently equalize the advantages and shortcomings of the work in the Internet with the standard office work on the verge.

Please note the table below:

Matching criterion Standard work in the office and in the manufacturing Vіddalena robot
and freelancing
1 Gnuchky schedule Hi

(mayzhe zavzhdi)

2 Rozmir income obmezheny

(in most cases)



3 Income Growth DynamicsLow Visoka
4 Official manufacturing So

(in times official registration according to the labor code)


(with official registration of activity - IP or TOV)

5 Zalezhnіst vіd zamovnik (chief) Є

(greater world)


(in a smaller world)

6 nature of income Predictions



(unstable on the cob)

7 Steps in the rangeMiddle Visoka
8 Shape of the winegrower Per process

(for the greater part of the salary)

For the result

(Wake up)

9 Work hard to the penniesHigh High
10 Geographical binding to the monthЄ Hi

The axes of me and th understood the concepts of "Robot on the Internet", poached at first її advantages and shortcomings.

First, go to the next information block, I want to say that a robot on the Internet is impossible without a powerful site, on which you, for example, you can place your portfolio, but at least without knowing about those, how the sites are created and functioning, it’s impossible to transfer transition to freelancing to undergo special training. A resource, on which all these subtleties can be learned without cost and in online mode and which we trust especially -

2. Long-term work and freelance: features and benefits

Freelancing and work away- Mayzhe similar understanding.

Freelancer means in translation from English - "foreign spivrobitnik", that is a person who works far away without a hard schedule.

If you have taken this route, then you will have to find the clients yourself. Knowing the deputy, you win the job and take the fee for the price. Freelance is possible).

Vіddalena robot- it’s practically the same robot in the classical sense, only in this way you don’t get to know the robot seller in the same office or in the territory. For example, you are an accountant, who works at home and maintains the form of finance and documentation of a singing company.

Representatives of hundreds of professions – journalists, designers, programmers, broadcasters, translators, managers, engineers – can learn about the work of hundreds of professions. Be it the newcomers of that mind, if they do not interfere with your uninterrupted presence in the workplace, they can be realized through the Internet.

Today, across the border, you can write articles, read people of English language and yoga, paint pictures, create business projects and work bets on football matches that are played in New Zealand. Whether it’s some kind of activity, like you’ve got it right, you can, with a reasonable approach, bring a stable income.

Working at home on the Internet is a chance to express yourself and transform your talent for pennies.

Today, freelancers are representatives of creative professions and higher education institutions.

Behind the statistics, people, as if working far away, earn from 1.5-2 times more than your office colleagues, while spending less than an hour on the job (here you come in an hour before you get on the road to the job).

The average income of a fakhivtsya, which works in a measure, becomes approximately vіd 30 to 100 ths. rubles shomisyatsya.

With the classic remote robotic assistant, the vikonovets do not chat one by one in particular, but communicate exclusively through the call - the Internet, telephone, Skype through e-mail.

However, freelancers can know clients in their own locality and deal with them in a special way, in which case the robot will not be far away.

For far away, work is not important, you live - near the village with a population of 2,000 or near the metropolis. The Internet will give you the opportunity to get in touch with any point on earth.

As a practicing copywriter, translator, specialist in IT-technologies, you can communicate with clients from different countries: the head of the mind is a successful spivpraci - it is reasonable to pay for the work.

5 major pluses (+) in remote work and freelancing

Now let's take a look at the main advantages of remote work and freelancing:

  1. Saving time and penny resources. You do not spend money on travel, car, office clothes and an hour on the road to work;
  2. Stability and prospects. Pratsyuyuchi in the office or on the job, you can only have one robot giver, in order to lay down your salary. Even though you work in a merger, the number of deputies is potentially not fenced: you can choose the most generous and most adequate partners yourself. The entry of one of the deputy - tse not zvilnennya;
  3. Gnuchky schedule. For example, you have children, whom you cannot leave without seeing, or it’s physically difficult for you to get up on the 6th wound: all these problems are easily overcome, so you choose to work at home;
  4. Seeing inner freedom. A freelancer does not have an unbiased boss that ties to the job: you are a free person, as you live there, de want.

    Deyakі see freelancing pay for the work of the day: better, lower salary once a month and once every 2 days;

  5. Possibility to increase the cost of work. You can live in warm lands, continuing to work on your own schedule: it doesn’t matter to the deputy, the stars you overpower the broken work, the smut - dotrimanny terms that kindness.

Ale, don't think that becoming a freelancer means taking a penny practically for nothing. This kind of work has few minuses. The main one of them is the responsibility of the social package. If you haven’t formalized your duty, if you don’t, you don’t have quiet blessings, if you have officially trained people.

For example, you happen to pay for the services of the doctor yourself, because you are sick. You may also have to pay for your admissions for your intestines.

On forums, blogs, and on special sites for freelancers, you can find tips about working on the Internet, who have really tried Danish view activity or practicing yoga dosi. Below you will also find our tips and tips from our friends about working on the Internet.

Є y tі, whom categorically do not vlashtovuє "full freedom": no one seems to you, how and what to work, we must come to our own mind. Ale, as you have already joined your business far away, then, better for everything, you no longer favor any other work, freelancing.

3. Work on the Internet at home without contributions - TOP-10 vacancies

As you are interested in the prospect of working on the Internet without a contribution, we encourage you to find out about the most popular vacancies.

I want to get ahead of myself, that the robot in the merezhі - tse pratsya, as if transferring discipline, vidpovidalnist that spend the hour. If you are a lazy, neobov'yazkova, that bezvidpovidalna person, then it is unlikely that you will have a lot of deputies.

However, if you love your right, you know exactly what you are doing on your building, then the Internet will give you impersonal opportunities to realize your potential even better.

Vacancy 1. Designer

A designer is a highly demanded profession, a proteo and a competition among our galusi to reach the temple. It took an hour and effort to join in, it took an hour and effort: you will have to pay for a penny a little bit, you will increase your cost incrementally.

For any designer, the most important smart work is a portfolio. Like your dad (or on the site) - apply in the distance author's projects, the ability to take away the promise of the bagatar is growing.

It is necessary to say that in this specialty there are no different directives; The most popular specialty in this category is a web designer. In fact, this is a person, how to make your site beautiful, familiar and functional.

A retailer of design for an Internet resource needs to be a specialist in some areas, then the payment can be very good. The price for one project varies from $100 to $3000 and more.

Popular design tips:

  • polygraphic design (creating the layout of packages, magazines, booklets);
  • 3D design;
  • videogor design;
  • creation of flash graphics;
  • creation of illustrations;
  • technical design;
  • graphic design (creation of logotypes, corporate identity as well).

Like Bachite, the field of activity is bigger and wider, and for a person with creative abilities, there are thousands of options for self-realization.

Vacancy 2. Copywriter

, - In fact, ce rіznі directly one profession.

The essence of the work of a copywriter is the creation of unique text content for Internet resources. The most classical way of working through the Internet: the writers of the Mayzha are by no means known for their deputies in a special way.

The specialty of a copywriter makes a person tolerant, to sit and smut - a virtuoso volodinnya with a word. The author of the text content is guilty of writing technical instructions for repairing a refrigerator, working on advertising for a spa salon, or rewriting the article in such a way that the author himself does not recognize it.

The profession is not easy: far from all become creators of the text. Helping someone to get a job of a journalist, a collection of literature, philological education. If you learn how to sell goods and services in a word, or create unique content for readers, your services will become demanded and expensive.

A good copywriter can earn for a month from 45 to 100 thousand rubles (500 $ - 1500 $).

For talented authors, for them, that popularity with the merezhny expanse of the upper stele does not exist. As a master of the resource of understanding, that in the form of a textual change, the income of the site is uninterrupted, and he is ready to pay that price to a good copywriter, as he assigns himself.

The activity of a copywriter is similar to the work of a creative and talented salesperson - in the future, you can sell the goods to earn the same income.

Vacancy 3. Internet project manager

Fakhіvets tsgogo is directly involved in the creation of the concept, strategy, structure of the Internet project (website). Such a person develops technical tasks, conducts marketing follow-up, optimizes the site, develops and runs in search systems.

Fahіvtsіv z Internet management is not yet prepared by universities, but he himself directly has to file requests.

Managers of websites, online stores and other commercial resources are ready to pay managers of their projects vіd 30 ths. rubles ($500) for a month and more.

Vacancy 4

Functions special caregiver admission to the Internet as a helper in real life - organization of streaming information, optimization of the schedule of the boss, robot with documentation.

It is clear to anyone that the work is carried out via the Internet. This specialty means respect, creative approach, mindfulness of thought, smartness to accept non-standard solutions.

In most cases, a helper will require a high level of communication skills. Adzhe vin often interacts with clients and partners of his maker.

In the distance, the helper of the businessman is guilty:

  • good luck with IT-technologies, computer;
  • remember to send the sound;
  • put together business plans;
  • work with freelancers and put technical tasks before them;
  • mother of a gnuchka of thought that high rіven of business splkuvannya.

A six-month income of a good fakhіvtsya from tsіy sprіvі nebmezheniya: everything is to be deposited due to the generosity of the enterprise.

Vacancy 5. Fahivets call center

The call center operator is a person who helps to get information, tell about the services, consults on the other side via the Internet.

Basically, qi fakhivtsi work for two in a straight line:

  1. Obrobka of entrance animals;
  2. Sales or informing customers (weekly notifications).

One of the functions of such remote spivrobitniks is to communicate via online chat.

Fahivets is known to the direct ether and vіdpovіdaє on text messages, audio calls, and other video calls.

The robot in this gallery conveys a deep knowledge of the subject, with which the operator works, plus he also communicates with people.

Vacancy 6. Programmer

Who is such a programmer know us.

Programmer- ce rozrobnik and creator of unique computer programs.

A real job on the Internet for a good fahivtsya digital technologies get to know. Yakshcho vy volodiete English my, You can pratsyuvati z zakordonnimi zamovniks, there is a payment for a rich thing. To become a programmer on a distant robot, I need to learn technical knowledge, or be self-taught.

At the same time, a particularly popular direct route for programmers is the distribution of add-ons. Fakhіvtsі at tsіy galluzі zaroblyayut up to 10000 dollars.

Vacancy 7. Private consultant

A specialist at any other place can consult other people online - via e-mail, chat, skype and other electronic calls.

This kind of activity does not require a special placement, a hard work schedule and other attributes of the work for the "real".

Everything that matters to you - all your knowledge and ability to communicate with people.

Vacancy 8. Vikladach of foreign language

Hundreds of thousands of people want to learn foreign language. It is useful for students, schoolchildren and all those who need a general reason, for example, for the English segment of the Internet space.

As a teacher in your gallery, you can learn other languages ​​via Skype and other methods of video or audio communication.

Let's not change anymore: theoretically, you can, living near Voronezh, learn the Russian language of a resident of Alaska, so, obviously, you can know.

Vacancy 9. Internet marketer

Marketer- Fahivets, whose meta - zbіlshennya obyagu sales company.

An Internet marketer sells goods, services, and enters companies and private clients on the Internet.

The salary of such fakhіvtsya on the market 50 000 before 150 000 rubles and more, as if you were working as a staff spy. Data about payment for work was given by authoritative portals hh.ru and superjob.ru.

As soon as you master your profession, you can easily work far from any point in the world, being a full-time faculty member. Tobto, perebuvayuchi, for example, near the city of Voronezh, or to send to another country, you can easily work for a client from Moscow and New York.

I wrote that 50-150 URAHUVANNYAM.- tse income of a STAFF specialist, so that you work for a company, if it will be your salary, maybe with a bonus part.

Another way to make money in this profession is to provide marketing services for companies and businesses on the Internet for hundreds of sales.

For example, if you know clients to visit (concerts, trainings) via the Internet, you can also ask for your tickets from the organizers using a skin ticket sold.

How to sell tickets through you 1500 000 rubles, then you can earn money with 25% of your commission. What's in to this particular type stock 375 000 rubles from one project.

How to learn your profession?

For whom I recommend that you take an initial course in Skillbox. The training is carried out by fahіvtsі marketing agencies іz garantієyu pratselushtuvannya.

Vacancy 10. Administrator of sites of that group in social services

Dialnost merging administrator similar to the work of a site content manager. Groups in social media are a potential spontaneous audience: the head of the administrator is the creation of advertising posts, texts, competitions and other organizational work.

The administrator of the site (group) is also involved in the moderation of comments and keeping a close eye on the work of the project that is being administered.

4. Our authority about work on the Internet

We are also not the first time we are engaged in Internet-diyalnistyu with a method of taking income. Started from "offline" and freelancing, de and step by step went to the power business on the Internet. Narazі may have known both the post-distant helpers in the company, and the robot-sellers. Below, briefly rozpovimo about the skin directly okremo.

1) Yak in the distance spivrobitniki

From whom everything began. Only through a few years of hard work, and rightly so, got into the Internet technologies, marketing, promotion on the Internet.

Vitaliy Tsiganok, co-founder of business magazine HeatherBober.

On the created sites on the zamovlennya we earned close 500,000 rubles ($7,000). They took the first order of business from their place, and later connected Internet channels at the request of customers. Chimalu played a role and sarafan radio - satisfied clients recommended us to their friends and no longer whispered about us, and the patrons wanted to work with us as if they were vikonavtsy.

I would also like to say a big thank you to our work with Oleksandr at the School of Business and the Special Development of Alex Yanovskiy, where we took care of nutrition, marketing and positioning the brand of the Business School.

At the same time, they created their own business in the merezhi, and we were deprived of the work on the Internet, and the Internet business, having become richer, brought us more and we did not grow up, but only develop our right.

In my opinion, everything has become, like a little. We went from simple to collapsible: start, then first projects, then work and post-improvement, and then we will develop our own Internet business, at once we will bring us a thousand dollars a month.

That’s why I’ve changed my mind on the vlasny, that it’s not only possible to practice on the Internet, but it’s necessary, it would be a blessing, but a penny will come.

2) Yak robots

At the same time, we don’t take the wicked prayer, wanting to be able to please the lads of our friends, as if they were wicked.

At the moment, we are developing our business by creating and monetizing information sites on the Internet. On one of these sites you read this article at once.

Now we ourselves, on a regular basis, serve as the servants of distant spivrobitnikov, as a copywriter (authors of texts), as well as hourly and hourly with designers and programmers.

Having been at the “skins” of distant workers, we learned how to choose the right specialists, the price and quality of their services to the maximum satisfaction of the needs of our projects.

And if you work on the Internet, doing freelance work, then you should know that for the job you will be richer than running your own business, lower than the classic office spokesperson.

Aje freelancer - tse i є pіdpriєmets!

5. Testimonials from real people about working on the Internet

Evgen Bobishev

I develop my business on the Internet and I'm going to go from my main job

Working as an intercessor for the director in the design institute and borrowing money from purchases of a few years, at the same time I launched my website, which gradually became my home business. I’m already thinking about going to work, because there are more prospects for bachelor in the Internet activities.

The bula is even more relevant and small on the feet: the preparation of a lovely handmade robot, the cultivation of mushrooms, the preparation of chogos from beads, the selection of handles thinly. Ale dyakuvati God, everything went down in history. Earn at least in similar ways, as I see it, so no one got away. At the link z tsim usі tsі "pributkovі propozitsії" became less demanded and allowed - irrelevant. The stinks and contagiously sometimes rush in the merezhі, but only rarely, to that the daedal is less bad among us (I succumb). If you want to save money off the Internet, try this site. It’s less necessary to ask for food about the goods, but it’s easy and good to pay!

A lot of people were deceived, because everything was conceived as a way to win money from trustworthy people. And yet, at the same time, similar propositions are being circulated on the Internet, as if only a few have evolved. At the soul of the present hour, so be moving.

It’s even more vague, more to say about those who dosі є such people, like rozrobiti tsimi, obviously, Shakhrai and primitive methods. There are a lot of such propositions on the Internet at once. Today there are hundreds of new sites with new cheating schemes.

In the case of a robot at home, directness can be clearly defined - the purpose of a robot on the Internet. Forget about the pens and that's cute, but more about the mushrooms. Ale here is also not without folds, so be a kind of koristuvach, typing in the search phrase work on the internet» or « ways to make money online otherwise you will find work at home swear by millions of known sides. At the result - eyes widen and wines do not understand, for what to take.

I work on the Internet already this year. I wonder myself, but it's a fact! I can guarantee that 90% of this information, if you see a joker, if you have a set of higher-value drinks, it’s a whole scam, or you can make money, which in principle is impossible to earn pennies, or you can, but a penny.

Virishal pardon for a newcomer, who tried to earn money at home - it’s wrong to think about it, like those wealthy middlemen, like wines, they came for a penny. Most of the vipadkіv vіn rozrakhovuє for free, if you want to take everything fast and straight away, and the scammers only check such "practitioners" that they repair, with razkritimi volumes.

On the Internet, you can definitely earn money. At once, to the point of speech, a lot of people live for the Internet. It’s just necessary to think with your head, if you’ve got your old debt at the bottom of the devil’s financial pyramid, investing the rest of your money there, or if you choose to pay some uncles on this site, you didn’t understand for what. Tverezy rozum nebhіdny, without a new check cіlkovity failure.

Reversed methods of earning money on the Internet are really not so rich. I'm talking about those ways of earning money, which are the right way to bring some kind of income to people. Yakіs more, and yakіs less, ale brandy - everything is honestly the same without the contribution of cats. For this fate of my activity on the Internet, I have mentioned a few such methods.

Before that, I publish on my website information about whether there is a project or a website, I check everything, so there is no scam here. Before speech, if you are a practicing buddy on the Internet, then obov'yazkovo read a small article about deceit in a merezhі, you definitely won't be naughty. Tse your first sorrel, skip yoga - risky popovnit rows, you yourself know whom.

Work on the Internet for pochatkivtsiv

Let's say you decided to take up a job at home. For the cob to call everything for and against. The work on the Internet takes away a lot of strength that hour. Here it is easier to learn how to earn money for future mothers, like sitting at the decree. For the impersonal food is constantly appearing, and it will take an hour to complete it. But on the other hand, there may be a lot of advantages in comparison with other types of activities. Men, for example, are more likely to earn extra income on the Internet, lower work on an uncle, lower, to the point of speech, a sprat of rock and business to the possibility of earning at home.

If you still dared to try to earn money at home, on the Internet, and you are new to this sphere, then let me give you a kilka simple pleasures:

- don’t be fooled, that you just give pennies on the Internet. The propositions of such a plan: “Invest 10 rubles and take away 10,000 rubles for the day” must always be ignored, otherwise you will surely be disappointed;

– don’t believe that it’s really practicable business plans or super-methods that promise great earnings. On the Internet, there are a lot of such propositions for looking at books and discs. The author of this motlohu promises to save money, but as a result, you will only spend your pennies and you will naturally not shine;

- foolishly at the cob stage, invest in great pennies for earnings. Work on the Internet is cumulative more projects for those who work, they have a greater income. Practically, for example, you can earn 300-600 rubles per day on the pits. You can also earn money on written reviews, at a cost of 100-150 rubles per day (if you have an active job). It is necessary to earn money in ways, only if you can earn more or less normal sums. The very same thing I’m on the Uvaz, that I wrote the code, that the robot on the Internet is made up of rubbish. A leather project can bring a remarkably insignificant income - it is also necessary to work on a great number of projects - the most important way to earnest money at home;

- Don't worry about not going out anyway. It is necessary to believe in those that you have all seen. Only with such a mindset do people reach success in life. So not only in the sphere of Internet earnings, so in everyone you know the simple truth;

- for a good income on the Internet, it is necessary to think about creating your site - one of the most profitable ways to earn money on the Internet with the necessary ones (as a variant of 100%);

- turn your head 360 degrees, marvel, stitch, listen! The world is changing rapidly, today there are some trends, tomorrow they will be different. Vikoristovyte the Internet not only like a vikno at the world of roses, but like a library. If you are active, you need to, then it will be much easier to earn money in the future. Perevіreno, chi works 100%!

P.S. If it’s right to go to nutrition at home, then the chances of achieving success are in the skin. I myself am the butt of this. At the cob stage, hands drop and you want to throw everything. But success is within the reach of those who have the whole cob stage of proishov. At the same time, I live for the robots on the Internet (literally), why is radium. But what else did I know, only I know ...

Axis I often rozmirkovuyu on such a topic - how to sleep with 100 osib: would you like to stink at home and live for the rahunok? I think that 90% will definitely give an answer - “So”. Let's ask: why stink, what can you earn at home on the Internet? Surely, for the shortest time, 5% say - so. Why so vіdbuvaetsya?

I know that the situation is such because people cannot believe in success and confidence, but stink themselves in this wine and nobody else. Why not believe? For if they got rich, they spent pennies. And maybe in front of him, how to carry your pennies, it was necessary for uncles to just seriously think about him, what are you robish. BUT? Why am I not correct in my understanding of the situation?

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