Electronic spreadsheet for android Russian language.

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  • I'm looking for a simple add-on for working with spreadsheets on Android phones.
  • Bajan features:
  • The main functions of electronic tables, then.
  • Entering data in rows and columns, including correctly formatted dates and hours
  • The formula is simple, for example, add, sum, average
  • Sorting or filtering of items
  • Import and export of data in standard formats, such as CSV

Works offline

There is an advantage to the easy addition, which does not require a great deal of memory


Types SeanPercy42 I tried several programs for my spreadsheets on Android, but also called my list up to two. The two, it seems, will try out the most common commercial interfaces and (cost-free) options. I highly recommend identifying them and trying them out to see which one is best suited to your individual needs.

They both have everything you guessed


I noted that I can’t create more than two “arkushes”, vikory WPS Office.

A problem I haven't had with Google Sheets, so Sheets may be a winner in this category, but I suspect that WPS will soon add this option if it is discovered. I'm sure one of them is doing a good job for you! On reading 3 xv.

Working with tables, graphs, charts and on smartphones and tablets has been a problem for 5-7 years - the middle of the data did not fit on the screen, complex calculations led to villots and partial allowances, and files that were transferred with XLSX extensions were standard nogo

Microsoft Excel

The two, it seems, will try out the most common commercial interfaces and (cost-free) options.

, simply did not wake up or did not save themselves back. Recently, the situation has changed - things have settled down, tables have begun to scale to fit the size of the screen, and the tables have become devoid of rare guesses about the past hours. Dropbox, Evernote, OneDrive, so information can be easily transferred, captured and exchanged.

WPS Office

And also – WPS Office with all the variety of functions, which does not suffer from a menu overloaded with buttons or a confusing algorithm of actions – it is much easier to get to the truth here, compared to competitors in the genre.

An addition to the classic genre of the compact Vikonanny.

Tables, graphs, diagrams, formulas and macros - developers from Microsoft Corporation have completely transferred the main tool for accounting, auditing and finance to Android as clearly as possible.

There are no gaps associated with optimization, there are no problems with notations, spaces and scaling, and editing other people’s tables here appears quickly, a silent robot appears on the computer. Additional advantages include a classic design, which eliminates the need to quickly adapt to working on mobile platforms. You can start working on your computer and you can safely throw the results in the dark, and then continue working on your smartphone. True, you have to pay - without a subscription, a lot of activities are blocked., Polaris Office Universal

office package

, a sum of half the programs available on the computer – Word, Excel, PowerPoint,

Adobe PDF text editors , tools for programmers and layout designers. Polaris can create any information, and then make adjustments and start working in the required format, without registration, payment or advertising.

And despite the availability of effective tools, speech activities are in great demand – especially those related to productivity. Through parts of pardon and forbearance, the speeches here are not thorough. Docs To Go Google Sheets- Installing these programs on the gadget allows you to work with tables manually.

Google Sheets makes it easy to manually edit and review world documents. Simple tools work and stability.

You can also work with files created in Microsoft Excel.

Create new documents, edit existing ones, and give your colleagues access to them.

  • Once you have gained access, you will be able to work with the entire team, and each person will be saved from making changes to your colleagues.
  • Using this table, for example, you can keep track of your family budget, put together shopping lists and record the price.
  • Features of Google Sheets for Android:
  • adding new table files;
  • edit table;
  • saving, editing, reviewing Microsoft Excel files;

you can work without an Internet connection; insert formulas, format books, use the search and replace function, sort data; All changes are saved automatically. Vantage without

Google registrations Tables for Android, no SMS, no cost from our website below. Google Spreadsheets is a program specially designed for electrical appliances, ceramics operating systems Android. Tse

security software Gives you the ability to work with tabular data sets in a simple and manual way. Tables are divided into similar ones

Google programs more manual and intuitive interface, stability and greater productivity. Addendum for creating files created with

Wikoristanny Microsoft

Excel, which significantly expands the scope of your work.

Screenshots of Google Sheets for Android

Spreadsheet processor for robots with electronic spreadsheets on your phone.

Would you like to use a calculator for your mobile phone?

In general, there are still all sorts of minor issues on the right.

It often happens that you need more than just a calculator, if you need to link the calculations with a specific database, for example. On your computer you run programs called spreadsheets.But few people know that similar programs are implemented in JAVA, which allows mothers to use a powerful spreadsheet processor on their mobile phone! Today I will tell you about a really nasty spreadsheet editor for

mobile phone

  • Sheet
  • .
  • With this help, you can create price lists with formulas for automatic purchases for several categories or, for example, a dynamic database of these products.
  • List of Possibilities Sheet
  • creation and editing of electronic tables (authorized format);
  • saving table in the middle of programs without creating an external file;
  • hand-crafted formulas for rozrakhunku;

seeing the middle colors;

manual change of center sizes; functions for copying and pasting data from middle texts; keruvannya to the verified text in the magazines.

All good, but one thing, but great, ALE - Sheet cannot work with tables created in other programs, so it saves all the data to itself, without creating an external file: (. Therefore, for the help of the finished table pay by the hour, Let's wipe out the creation.

Ok, let’s install the program on our phone.

For whom it is important, as we know a number of methods: installation via the Internet and

local computer (Read the report). Sheet interface


Let's launch the program and try to work with it.

There are five sections of the main menu.

The first one is responsible for editing data from a specific merchant, the other one is for the size, color and other external attributes of the merchant itself, the third one allows you to automatically reschedule all formulas on the arch, the fourth one clicks on the saved menu It opens files that create a table, and opens them again update on the program.

In order to enter data into our first middle, we will probably select the “Cell Data” item in the menu. The new menu will give you a few more options. The first allows you to edit in place, the second allows you to clear the entire space, the third allows you to copy, and the fourth, of course, inserts data.

The remaining point

turns us to our main table sheet.

Select the first item "Edit Cell":

In the window, enter the required value (you can enter text, div. further) and select “OK” in the menu to save it. This is how we enter the next value into the next number (A2), for example, the number 6. And now, let’s say, we need to pay back the sum of our two numbers entered earlier. For this, develop a formula.

Formulas in Sheet are created by pressing the * button on the phone keypad.

Once we entered the data into boxes A1 and A2, it would be logical to set the formula for box A3.

We see it and press “*”.

In the window we write the formula for adding two fortune-telling middles:

Now smut, so that you enter the names of the middle ones yourself

To make it easier for you to obtain the required information, you also need to choose the colors of the rows of middles (for example, unpaired - black color, guys - white (serial vikorystuv not Raju)).

The hour has come to save our money.

For this, select the fourth item in the main program menu - “File”:

Here I am again introducing a small menu of five sections.

To save the table, select the third one - Save:

In the window, enter the name under which you want to save the table and stamp “Ok”.

Now, if you want to open the created table in the future, you will only need to go to the File menu and select Open.

In the list that opens, click on your table and run it:


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