How to find duplicate files from dad. Chotiri ways to know duplicate files in Windows. Search for duplicate audio files

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Why don't you save yourself on a hard drive! Copies and copies of copies, created about every kind of change, step by step disperse in different folders, and we already forget about their foundation. As you have done, you have tried to clean up the mess and remove the unnecessary files that are repeated, special utilities will come to the rescue forWindows(More similar programs are free of charge).


The program can achieve a simple interface, but it has a lot of possibilities. Duplicate Remover Free allows you to shuffle files with the same size and name, as well as duplicate images and copies of documents. You can scan for the presence of duplicates or partitions of the disk or turn on the other directories (for example, directories with backups or system folders). Also, look for the same sound files and video recordings can be associated with file tags (which can be corrected, for example, when updating your home music library).


The Duplicate File Finder program from Auslogics may be similar functionality. The utility knows to repeat files of all types. In addition, there may be more than a copy of sound files, images or video recordings - in this way, system files are guaranteed to be lost from security.


AllDup is another program, which also cannot be lost without respect. This effortless utility for Windows allows you to shuffle files that are repeated, according to the number of parameters: same name, same size, repeat time of creation, etc. Imovirno same files the program rechecks the checksums (you can choose the calculation algorithm in customizations), so you can remove it other files one rozmiru zero. Also, the utility in my shukati similar images in JPG formats, PNG, etc. We can also correct when making copies from the home photo archive (for example, duplicates of the same image - with a frame and without). AllDup expands and looks like a classic installer, and looks like a portable version that doesn't require installation.


I can recommend this utility to fans of cross-platform solutions. The program is released in various packages for Ubuntu and Mac OS X (an unofficial version for Windows 7, as well as in the latest versions of the OS). It's easy to download it: select a directory, search for copies of files, and start scanning. After one hour, the program will find duplicate files, and you will be able to see them.

Windows"Disk Cleanup"

Do not forget about standard program Windows, to help you call out a little bit of space. This utility does not look for files that are repeated, but it can also be removed from the system and outdated and inappropriate information.

1. To run it, press the Win + R key combination, write in the cleanmgr.exe entry field and press the OK button.

2. Choose the disk you want to clean.

3. Significantly the required items (maybe you can still see time files, sketches, DirectX texture alarm cache) and press OK.

4. After a few seconds (or a little bit of thin - to lie in the productivity of the computer and the number of files), the non-essential information will be removed.

Today's Windows versions you can speed up with other methods of the system. For example, you can run PowerShell, go to the directory you need with the cd command and type the following script:

ls *.* -recurse | get-filehash | group -property hash | where ($_.count-gt 1) | %($ | select-skip 1) | ls

After a deaky hour, after the cob Robotic PowerShell display on the screen the files of the same size. If you change the rest of the ls command to del, the files will be immediately deleted (or rather, look through the list and delete everything manually, so as not to miss the root information).

However, I want to guess - with my hands I can see the files that are duplicated, from the system directories of the C drive (Program Files, Program Files (x86), Windows just) is very unbearable. The result of such a "cleansing" of the disk may be an inappropriate operating system. It costs to delete files from the /etc, /bin, /usr directories on UNIX-like systems. Particular care should be taken when files are deleted with the rights of the administrator (or root). And, obviously, don’t forget about backups - the amount of access to the available information is not great, it’s better to be insured.

Sometimes, every computer activity is responsible for knowing duplicate files. There may be no reasons for this: lack of space on a hard disk, try changing the entropy of your files, sorting out photos from a camera that are different in different hours, and anonymous other necessary types.

You can find a large number of programs at Merezha, which allow you to shukat duplicate files. Ale navіscho shukati like programs, like a chic tool for such a work, zavzhd zavzhd under the hand. І is the name of the instrument Total Commander (TC).

In this article, I will show all the methods based on Total Commander versions 8.5 In this version, the search for duplicate files has become even richer in functionality.

!!!Small important entrance. What is needed to understand the word duplicate file? Two files are identical to each other, if the stench is more likely to run out bit by bit. Tobto. Whether or not the information in the computer is represented by a sequence of zeros and ones. So from, the files are saved only once, if the stench is repeated the sequence of zeros and ones, then the files are added up. All the same about those that you can compare two files for some other sign, deep forgiveness.

TC has two, they are divided for their own sutty, the method of searching for files that are duplicated:

  • Synchronize directories;
  • Search for duplicates;

Їx special features and zastosuvannya best show on the butts.

1. Synchronization of directories.

This method zastosovuєtsya only if you have two folders, which are sorted, may have an identical structure. Tse sound buvaє at rich vipads, the axis of sprat is from them:

  • You regularly robbed the archives of your working folder. After one hour, you needed to know if the files were added or changed from the moment the archive was created. You will unpack all the archives into an okreme folder. The structure of the tech at the new one is practically zbіgaetsya with work. You carry out the alignment of the two folders "retired" and "revised from the archive" and easily view the list of existing changes, additions or delete files. A couple of clumsy manipulations - and you can see all duplicate files from the duplicated folder, like in the worker.
  • You work in the folder on a small disk and regularly copy a copy to yourself on local disk. Goodbye yours working folder began to finish the great hour, which is stained on outside copying, became even greater. In order not to copy the whole folder, you can start copying from the backup and copy only those files, as if they were changed or added, and also see in reserve father files, as if they were taken from the main one.

If you savor, consider all the power of this method, you yourself will be able to come up with thousands of situations, if the catalog synchronization method will give you great help in your work.

Otzhe, as everything seems to be in practice. Let's get started.

Let's say we have the main folder "Robocha", at which files to lie, from which the robot appears. І є folder "Archive", in which to lie the old copy of the folder "Robocha". Our task is to know in both folders the files that are duplicated, and to see them from the folder "Archive".

Vіdkrivaєmo TC. In the right and left panels, the folders are split:

Press menu "Command" - "Sync directories ..."

Vіdkryvaєtsya vіkno porіvnyannâ catalogіv

Next, you need to set the pairing parameters. Put checkboxes in the parameters "with sub-catalogues", "with custom", "ignore the date"

  • "with subdirectories"— porіvnyuvatimuvatimutsya files in all subdirectories, folders;
  • "for the sake of"- Axis key option, how to change TC to move files BY BITS! Otherwise, the files will be sorted by name, size, date;
  • "ignore the date"— tsya option zamushu TC show different files, without trying automatic appointment directly possible copying;

!!! Only files with the same names will be copied! If the files are identical, but the stench may be different, the stench will not be matched!

We press the button "Repair". Fallen into obsyagu files, por_vnyannya can go even longer, do not lakaytes. I’ll let you finish, and I’ll stand in the bottom row (on the little section 1) to see the result:

As soon as the buttons in the "Show" section (on the small section 2) are clicked, you will see the result of matching for the skin file.

- This button enables the display of files, which is in the left panel, but there are none in the right panel;

- This button enables the display of identical files;

— this button enables the display of other files;

- This button turns on the display of files, which is in the right panel, but there are none in the left panel;

If you have all the buttons turned off in a row, then the result of the alignment can only be assessed in a row (section 1 is a little bigger), in to this particular type 11 files have been paired, including 8 files that are the same, 2 files are different, and the left panel has a file, which is not on the right panel.

For the purpose of our task, it is necessary to remove only identical (same) files, so all other buttons must be removed

Now we have lost more than identical files, and we can safely see them from daddy "Archive". For whom we see the files. The simplest thing is to work out the onslaught of a universal combination CTRL+A. Abo see the first row with a bear, then press the key on the keyboard SHIFT and do not let the bear see the rest of the row. As a result, you can see the axis like this:

With the final click, we press the right key of the bear on any row and select the item from the menu "Vidality evil"

TC will kindly tell us about our banter,

and as we press "SO", then you can see all the marked files in the folder "Archive".

After that, two folders are automatically re-arranged. If you do not need to re-pair, the process can be interrupted by pressing the button "Interrupt" or press a key ESC on the keyboard. If the re-pairing was not interrupted, and we turned off all the buttons for displaying, then the axis is still the same

All. Appointed vikonano. All the same files found and deleted from the paps "Archive".

Initial video on the topic

2.Search for duplicates.

Korinne vіdminnіst given method in the method of synchronization of directories in that TC ignores the names of the files being copied. In fact, I'm pairing the skin file with the skin file, and show us identical files as they were not named ! Such a search is more convenient, if you do not know the folder structure, nor the names of the files being copied. In any case, if you search for duplicates, you will find the exact list of identical files.

I will show the search for duplicates on one practical task, the search for duplicates of special photographs. You often download photos of your digital gadgets onto your computer. Often the situation gets confused, sometimes it is thrown off a lot of times, sometimes it is skipped. How to quickly remove the files, throw off the sprat once? Too simple!

Let's get started.

It is acceptable, you will always drop all your photos to the folder "A PHOTO" on the D drive.

Like Bachimo, some files are located in folders, named after the date of zomka, they are thrown off to the root of the folder "_New"і "_New1"

To search for duplicative searches, open a folder in the TC panel, in which case we will search. Our guy has a folder "A PHOTO"

Dali pressed on the keyboard combination of keys ALT+F7 or select in the menu "Commandy" - "Search files"

Vіdkryєtsya vіkno standard TC search. Row "Shukati files:" fill empty, then all files will be rebuilt.

Let's go to the bookmark "Dodatkovo" and check the boxes "Search for duplicates:", "for expansion", "for change" that onslaught "Start Poshuk".

Poshuk can go for a long time, without the need to slander, so how great is the number of pairs of the great obligation of files. With whom, in a row, I will grow up

If the search ends, the result of the search is displayed, and the button is pressed "Files to Panel"

At the window, ask for that at the window panel, identical files are selected from the section, with dotted lines

The skin section displays the name of the file and the next path to the file. Names of IDENTICAL files can be absolutely different!
In this view, it is clear that one and that photograph itself was recorded THREE times, moreover, the two were under the same name ( IMG_4187.JPG) and the third photo was recorded under the names of others ( IMG_4187_13.JPG).

Dalіshaєєєєєєєєєєєєі вілити inappropriate however the files and vidalisti їх. You can work manually, seeing the skin file by pressing the keys Ins. Ale tse dovgota is not effective. More correct and quick ways.

Otzhe, our task is to ensure that you can see the files that are repeated in folders "_New"і "_New1".
For whom it is pressing on the additional keyboard, the right-hander of the great key [+] . Click the button in TC to see files by weight. You can start this operation through the menu "Vidіlennya" - "Vіdіliti group"

At what point does it open "Seeing Duplicates", in which we go to the tab "Behind the catalogs"

Back on deposit "Behind the catalogs" seen all catalogs found for an hour by search

Put a tick “So choose subdirectories (if you see it manually, or follow the template)” and press the button "Take from us". When you see it, the list is taken from the list of directories

Now I see it manually, I press the bears, there are directories in the list, in which it is necessary to see the files that are duplicated. With whom to see all the subdirectories of the seen catalog

Everything, we press the button "OK" and re-trapplyaemo to the panel with the found files. Only now all the files that are duplicated are already known as chervonim. Give respect to distribution from three identical files. She saw two of the three, as it was necessary.

That's it, it's no longer possible to see files by standard TC methods. You can press on the keyboard F8, you can key DEL, you can press the button "F8 Vidalennya" on the screen. TC will tell you once again about your need to see files,

onslaught "So" that's all, the files are deleted! The panel has lost its unique files that have not yet been seen.

There is no other way to describe re-instructions for a joke that the removal of duplicates. Vіknі "Seeing Duplicates" Significantly more opportunities have been laid down to see the files. The latest description occupied a larger space.

Initial video on the topic

Let me try to serve you as a starting mail for efficient manipulation of your files.

You can also mean


Last time we looked, and today we look at a cost-free program for searching for the same files on a computer (as well as music and images).

The program is called Duplicate Cleaner Free, zavantage її possible from my disk :

The program is Russian. After the launch, you can see it and see how it turns out))) But everything is still easy ...

When you start the window, it will show up in the search criteria. Є Okremі nalashtuvannya for the search for images and music. We choose those that you need and go to the division of scanning paths.

Here it is necessary to choose de robiti search for duplicates. I selected the disk from the information. And it’s on pressure to scan.

Follow the process of looking for duplicates.

After the appointment, a list of duplicates will appear. For help in choosing a helper, you can set the criteria for the selection, or select everything manually by ticking the boxes on the side. Those that are not needed can be seen with the button to the beast in the panel.

The program is cost-free, but there is a paid function, which helps you to know the same folders more easily. But this function is especially uncommon.

Axis so help cost-free program to search for duplicates You can find many similar files and folders.

After a thriving, postyny ​​koristuvannya computer, on yoga disks, like it or not, accumulate great tributes, so all sorts of photographs, videos, films, music, documents and more. If the data take up a lot of space, it’s normal, for example, I have the most necessary data more than 600 GB, and sometimes even more. And yet, often too much time is taken up by duplicate files.

Such files can appear, if you, for example, transfer them from a new place to the disk, forgetting that you have such files on that disk. Well, as a bulk of duplicates of all kinds of documents, but if there are a lot of duplicates of photos, music and especially videos, then, as a rule, you will take a decent space on the disk. I recently reviewed and revealed that duplicates would take me close to 100 GB. on a zhorst disk, sho, yak on me, it’s too rich :)

In this article, I will show you a simple way to know all the duplicate files in Windows on your disks, so that you can easily reverse them and quickly see everything that is not necessary.

Unfortunately, Windows does not have any normal integration tools for searching for duplicate files. Є variant zrobite through command line PowerShell, albeit not handy, it will be more important for beginners. It’s easier for that to speed up third-party programs. One of these is called AllDup. It’s completely free of charge, available in Russian, supported by all Windows operating systems and, nareshti, it’s easy to download.

Downloading and installing the AllDup program

The program can be downloaded free of charge from the official website of AllDup. Below is the order for the distribution of the interest:

The program is available in two versions: the primary one and the portable one. It is portable and does not require installation on a computer, so the program can be run directly from the downloaded folder.

To get started, press the button "Server #1", or "Server #2" or "Server #3" (as the first button does not show up, it is given a spare server) under the required version of the program.

Directly sent to the download of the rest of today's version (March 2017) AllDup: standard version, portable version. Per fresh versions Be sure to get back to the official site of AllDup!

The installation of the program is rather simple, it can be said that it is composed of the last onslaught of "Dal", none special skills Viroblyat is not necessary. I can't see the whole process for that.

A report about the nuances of installing programs for Windows is given

Search for duplicates for help AllDup

After installing the program, run її. Vіdkryєtsya smut vіkno for making a joke:

Nashtuvannya poshku includes a sprat of stages:

Tse all the main stages of the establishment of a joke, the decision can not be taken.

Now, to start the search for duplicates, press the "Search" button at the top of the AllDup window:

Pochnetsya process poshuk.

The more files in the specified folders are on your disks, the more time you search.

After the completion of the search, the program looks at the tables and displays the found files with duplicates.

First, what better to do it right - save the results of the joke, to the fact that you can immediately close it all with the results, then the joke will happen again. To save, press the button from the image of the floppy disk or select “Shoot result” from the top menu and press “Save the result of the search”.

Now, turn on your computer, and then run the program again, you can get the results of the search again.

The results of the search you can sort for different parameters, by clicking on the headings with the column next to the table. The best, my look, criterion for sorting is file expansion. So, if you want to see the most known files appear in the tables, then click on the “Rozmir (Byte)” column.

Come on, what better to improve for clarity, I will review the results - rozmir, what is being seen. The program will show a list of files in bytes, which is not easy. It is better to display in megabytes or in gigabytes. For whom to press the button, it is indicated on the screenshot below (1), after which one of the options (2) is indicated:

Now I’m dwelling on the fact that, like, well, I’ll look at the results of a search, like I’ll marvel at seeing inappropriate duplicates.

Found duplicates of the program are subdivided into the so-called group. One group - all known copies of the same file, including the original (can also be viewed in this group).

To see duplicates of one of the groups, you need to open it by clicking on the arrows. Butt:

Having opened the first group, you can reverse what the file is, opening yoga. For this, simply double-click the file in the group, or press RMB and select "Open File". The file will be opened through the standard Windows program, through the yaku you will hear all the files of the selected type.

To remove duplicates, mark them with a checkmark, right-click and select one of the options: to remove the file in the Windows cat or to remove it permanently.

Obviously, do not see all the files from the group, so you can see and duplicate the original once! For example, if there are 3 files in a group, then having deleted 3 in a row, you will see the original and 2 duplicates. In order to save only one copy of the file, you need to delete 2 files from the group.

In this way, you can review the entire skin group and see duplicates. But even though a lot of information is known, it can be done in a simpler way. Just so that the program automatically collected all files in the skin group, except for one (so only duplicates), so that you can remove all duplicates, or before that, try and recheck again, so everything is cleared for sure.

To automatically identify duplicates, go to the “Select” menu (1) and select one of the options (2) there, for example, “Select all files, for the first file”.

As a result, the program in the skin group sees 2 duplicates, and the first file in the list is not selected. Tobto, in this order, you will designate 2 duplicates, and the original will not be assigned. Otherwise, you can try other options that are convenient for you through the “Select” menu.

Once the program has identified the files, you can recheck the selection again, as needed. In order to quickly see everything that is not necessary, or to vikonate as a further action, press the button indicated on the screenshot below:

At the vіknі vіbachit zagalny obsjag vybranіh filіv, so sіlki lіstsya occupies the knowledge of duplicates and the number of іѕlіkіst sіbranіkh files. At the bottom, you need to select a file over the selected files. You can delete files through the cat, delete them irrevocably (item "Visual files"), copy or move files to a folder, and also rename found duplicates. If you are convinced that the files are assigned as duplicates and you don’t need more, then it’s easier to see them, but in any case, the choice is yours.

Otzhe, choose need for diya(1) and press "OK" (2). More here you can not say anything.

After the next program, I'll take care of you over the files that were previously assigned!

Axis and the whole process:) To see the results of the search, just close the window. If you saved the results of the search, then we’ll see if you need the result, you can get to the new one through the distribution “Result of the search” (1) at the main window of the program. Saved by you, the results will be displayed in the table (2). To display the required result, just click on the new digit.


AllDup is a handy program for searching for duplicate files on a computer. The program does not have, in fact, nothing special, it has all the necessary tools, filters, and parameters for the manual processing of the great obligatory knowledge of duplicates. Zvichayno, є th analogical programs, yaki, singsongly, also well cope with their tasks. I've been trying for a while only AllDup and changing it, I still don't get any sensation.

The program for searching for duplicate files is most often necessary for koristuvachs, as they save a lot of music on disk, photos and documents.

If you want to see such a copy of the application, you can do it manually, special building additions can save a little time.

Especially, as the files are sorted in other folders or at the attached directories. Shukati such duplicates are possible for the help of the universal software abo rozrakhovanogo on a specific type of tribute.

In the first one, the ability to search is increased, in the other, the ability to make all copies is increased.

Universal programs

Universal programs for searching for copies, basically, work on the principle of file expansion. І, scaling the number of bytes in different photos is practically equal to zero, however, the values ​​are considered a sign of a duplicate.

Another algorithm for transferring names is also an important parameter for the search, more importantly, since the same data in most cases are collected for the name.

The advantages of the program є mozhlivіst know s їх additional files, be it of any type, that is equal to the high speed of the work. Nedolik - less accuracy of manifestation. So, for example, if you use such utilities, you won’t be able to take a duplicate of that same photograph, saved it from various retail buildings.

1. DupKiller

The addendum, which secures the search for files practically with any extensions, can be free of charge on the official site of the search engine.

Among the powers of the program - the interface of the Russian language, robot cloak that great kіlkіst nalashtuvan.

For the help of DupKiller, you can pair files by size, date, and size ( remaining opportunity podtrimuєtsya less than singing types).

Rice. 1. DupKiller software window.

2. Duplicate Finder

The Duplicate Finder program allows you not only to search for duplicate files with different extensions, but also to sort them.

For the sake of clarity, the customization of the utility allows you to conduct searches for rozmirs, and control sums, and for names.

In addition, with help you can see empty folders and "null" files. And in the midst of short periods, one can name the heba of the Russian language.

Rice. 2. The result of the Duplicate Finder robot.

3 Glary Utilities

The program is not a single utility, but a bunch of sprats - for repairing the registry, for cleaning the disk and for managing security.

One of the add-ons in the set gives the ability to search for duplicate files. The middle part of the utility is the Russian interface.

To the minus, you can add the same upgrade to the robotic computer under the hour of using the program.

Rice. 3. Utility to search for duplicates in the Glary Utilities package.

How to increase FPS in games: all possible ways 2017 rock

4. CCleaner

The main tasks of the rich functional CCleaner softwareє purification hard drive computer (as well as a tablet and a smartphone, so the addendum has a version for Android). The middle of її achievements can be called:

  • ease of installation;
  • the establishment of a number of criteria for the search;
  • the ability to ignore the current files (with the same date of creation, and to remember the system attachments).

Important: When the files are displayed with a zero size, they cannot be seen visually. Other times, there may be information created in another operating system (for example, Linux).

Rice. 4. System optimization program CCleaner can search and duplicate files.


The middle one program, AllDup, can be used to support the current operating Windows systems- From XP to 10. Where is the search conducted and in the middle attached folders, and visit the archives.

If you want to follow the promotion for the names of the files, then it’s better to change it. At the same time, you can look through the search for duplicate knowledge without closing the program.

And with the revealed copy of її, you can not only see it, but also change it to transfer it to another place. Before the additional advantages of the program, the Russian menu is introduced no-cost robot stretching out for some period of time.

In addition, the compiler releases a portable version in order to copy copies on quiet computers, on which third-party software is installed (for example, on a working PC).

Rice. 5. Search files for help portable version of AllDup.

6. DupeGuru

One more brown appendage, to conduct a search for duplicates with any extensions, є DupeGuru. Її єdina vada - the number of new versions for Windows (at the same time, updates for Linux and MacOS are released regularly).

Tue, now it's outdated utility for Windows 7 badly copes with its tasks and every hour of work with new operating systems. With help, you can easily navigate system files, and the menu is intuitively understandable to Russian people.

Rice. 6. Revealing copies for additional DupeGuru utility.

It is noteworthy that the cream of the splendid universal variant the company-virobnik has created a utility for file search of the song type. There is only one other version for images and another one for music.

І, if necessary, clean your computer not only from documents and system files(like, to the point, it’s necessary to see it more carefully - sometimes it’s necessary to make a copy of the “zayva” copy, to destroy the system’s practicality), to take advantage of these programs.

7. Duplicate Cleaner Free

The utility for displaying copies of any Duplicate Cleaner Free file has the following features:

  • filtering data as wide as possible;
  • Russian my interface;
  • the possibility of a costless victoria;
  • high speed roboti.

Up to її nedolіkіv vіdnosutsya small zamezhennya when looking for an image (for which it is recommended to bring paid version) i do not know the exact translation of the other elements of the menu english movie. Tim is no less, the beginnings of his efficiency and victoriousness, an addition to the song of popularism.

Rice. 7. Search for duplicates for additional utility Duplicate Cleaner Free.

Search for duplicate audio files

If the results of the search are not to corrupt the koristuvach, you can look at the option for assigning songs to songs. For example, for music, which has accumulated on the disk.

Such a need is often blamed for when you are overwhelmed by a number of albums and collections of one of those albums - quite often the same tracks appear in different folders.

The stench can mothers are similar to each other, and to wake up, behind the great rahunka, with no more names. Specially for this utility for searching for similar melodies.

8.Music Duplicate Remover

Among the features of the program Music Duplicate Remover - por_vnyano shvidky poshuk that bad efficiency. In fact, this program will listen to the composition and carry out matching with other audio files.

With this, naturally, the hour of її work is greater, lower at universal utilities. However, the number of data that are reverified by the program, as a rule, is dozens of times smaller, and the average reverification rarely exceeds a couple of years.

Rice. 8. Showing copies of music and audio files behind albums.

9.Audio Comparer

The middle part of the Audio Comparer utility is an even simpler menu and a quick search for copies of music. So, among thousands of audio files it is possible to know copies and duplicates (of course, for obviousness) in just 1-2 years.

With this manifestation, there is no value for the track, no bitrate (bitness, that is the quality of the sound, the change of which to bring to a different obligation of data with the same trivality of the melody).

Rice. 9. Search for duplicates for help Audio Comparer.

10. Dupe Guru Music Edition

Addendum - one of the addendum versions costless utility DupeGuru. Shvidkіst її robotic less, lower in the universal version, then the ability to display a duplicate of the audio file in a sprat of times.

The principles of work and interface practically repeat the basic program, and one of the main advantages are those that Music Edition uses "original" music with the highest bitrate. Otzhe, the removal of duplicates will not be created before the use of more than the same audio files.

Rice. 10. DupeGuru version for searching for duplicate music.

Search for copies of photos and other images

Not less often, you may need to see duplicate images. Especially, as on the hard drive, there is a collection of special photographs, sorted by date or month of the month.

For the help of special software, uploading photos and pictures will show those images, and the space on the HDD (SDD, flash drives and other storage devices) will become larger.

11. Dupe Guru Picture Edition

An addendum for searching for the same pictures is another option of the DupeGuru utility, which can also (and navіt bazhano) zavіtzhіtі for the visibility of the universal version. With this analysis of the photo, you can try more, lower the search for files, no matter how wide, but the result is true to itself.

Images are distinguished from that by the way, if there are a few duplicates of one picture on the disk, but with different different buildings and, apparently, different. In addition, in order to improve efficiency, the files are checked, no matter how graphic extensions– from.jpg to.png.

Rice. 11. Seek images for another version of DupeGuru.

12. ImageDupeless

The ImageDupeless program is considered to be a high speed robot and a small expansion, which can be important in case of competition, for example, for capturing the mobile 2G-internet.

If you won't expand without a cost, that may be a Russian interface. And the virobnik periodically releases updates before it, increasing the efficiency of the search image.

Rice. 12. Stylish interface of ImageDupeless software.

13. Image Comparer

The benefits of the Image Comparer program, apart from a simple interface, can be called the presence of a cover master, which allows you to learn how to quickly and efficiently search for an image.

It is especially important to use the utility in the form of more others, for the work of which it is possible to read the files of the update, do not correctly translate (and sometimes it will take less than English).

In fact, the addendum is yet another version of Audio Comparer, and it can be expanded for a smartly cost-free license - that's for sing functions koristuvachevi happen to pay.

Rice. 13. Image Comparer - the best way to know duplicate images.

Search for copies of films and videos

Krіm muziki that izobrazhen, yet another type of data, duplicates of which are joking around, є videofiles. Even for 1–2 appearances, or 4 terabytes of space on a hard drive, you can “ruin” movies.

Abo home videos, rozpodіlenі for different catalogs. Protect the space, seeing copies of the video, you can get help specialized utilities, the number of such richly less in pairs with programs for searching for other files.

14. Duplicate Video Search

The work of the Duplicate Video Search program is based on equal bitrates, roaming and name.

At whom do you behave like this different formats– .avi, .mpeg4, .mkv etc. And the results are visible in the thumbnails with the characteristics of the files.

Rice. 14. Search video results with Duplicate Video Search.

15.Video Comparer

The Video Comparer program is highly efficient. However, it may be short for a domestic coristuvach - a utility robot without a cost only for the first 30 days (if any happen to be or new version, so clean the registry and set it up again).

In addition, the program interface is only English. However, for quiet people, like constantly practicing from videos on a professional level, you can think about buying a program.

Tim is bigger, but it costs more than 20 euros for a home-made victoria and it is even more expensive - for 40 credits, up to 500 videos are changed, no matter what size.

Rice. 15. Appointment of duplicate videos for the help of Video Comparer.


The need for programs to search for copies of files is serious in order to want one of them to be installed on the skin computer.

Especially, as a koristuvach postiyno vykachuє z merezhі raznu іnformatsiyu. For additional utilities, which reveal duplicates, you can save more than one year of your time for that extra gigabyte of space on the disk.

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