The smartphone does not connect to home wifi. Does your laptop, phone or tablet not use Wi-fi? The decision is. How to get a router on your phone

Golovna / Corisna information

A large number of subscribers who rely on mobile phone calls often ask questions about networking problems, one of which is: “Why doesn’t the phone have WiFi?” The infection cannot be detected so that anyone from mobile devices will be unable to access the Internet for this purpose. Naturally, those who live in their homes also use WiFi at home.

Why don't mobile devices have Wi-Fi?

WiFi connectivity is now important, even manually, accessible and mobile in almost all corners of the earth. She has no other advantages. For example, it is possible to achieve decent savings on the installation, installation and expansion of the Internet. In addition, WiFi connections guarantee compatibility with a range of equipment of varying directness and a wide range of equipment mobile connection at the same hour in the same coverage area. But, unfortunately, not all those who use mobile devices have a chance to quickly get involved in this type of connection. And, of course, they ask for food: “Why doesn’t the phone have WiFi?”

The most common problem of boundary visibility

Naturally, you first need to figure out why your phone stopped working on your home WiFi in order to check what connections are missing. For this purpose, you can perform complex manipulations, for example, wonder what it is like to connect to WiFi from other types of mobile devices. It is also necessary to re-install the adapter.

Possible reasons why the phone does not have WiFi can be related to the current situation: the mobile device of the owner may have a special chip. The number of self-employed people is so great that it’s not surprising that they can’t adjust this measure on their own.

To solve the problem of why your phone won’t use WiFi, you first need to look at the setup of the router itself. The WiFi router automatically selects the specified access point (channel). Many mobile phones are starting to experience minor problems when the channel costs more than 12. Change the channel itself to values ​​from 1 to 9, restart the device and try to connect until the end. Of course, you don’t need to forget about setting up your mobile phone itself.

If everything is set up correctly, you need to check the operation of the router and mobile device. You can also connect here to a free access point to check. And if the phone is intermittent, then, most likely, the WiFi problem lies with the home router.

Connection problem for Lenovo phones

Very often, users of such phones as Lenovo also experience problems with connections until the end. The problem is that Lenovo phone don't turn on Wi-Fi. The device itself has the ability to work on channels 1 to 11. Often the router is tuned to a channel higher than 12, which leads to the insanity of the mobile device and router. If for other mobile devices it is possible to change the channel, then Lenovo will need to do other things.

First you need to know the build.prop file on your phone and replace the ro.wifi.channels row with ro.wifi.channels=14. This manipulation can be done directly on your computer or text editor by transferring the original file via USB. After this, you need to re-enable both the phone and the router. After all this activity, the mobile device may run out of power.

WiFi program for phone

In order to take advantage of all the capabilities of your mobile phone when connected to a network, use a wide range of software. There is now a great choice of WiFi programs for your phone. Use such programs to create an access point to a WiFi network from your mobile device. Golovne - to get good and inexpensive traffic mobile internet, and, in principle, a mobile device that can turn into a gateway between 3G and Wi-Fi networks. I do not allow the device to connect until to the world wide web. The programs are available on a variety of mobile phone platforms, the most popular being Android, iOS, Windows Phone.

WiFi programs based on Android: WiFi Tether and WiFi HotSpo

Nowadays, all high-function phones that rely on internet access, social services or surfing the Internet are practically becoming unnecessary, since the phone stops working on WiFi. Given the current problem, many people understand that even the simplest program for the phone uses WiFi Tether for Root Users. However, it is not so popular among homeowners, so it requires Root access rights, but it pays off with easily accessible functions and ease of use. This program asks for instructions WiFi point In closed mode, you can connect without a password. Therefore, before you use this program, you obviously need to select an encryption protocol and enter the key to connect the network.

One more WiFi program for the phone - this is WiFi HotSpo. It's just as simple as Wikoristan, but it has fewer functions than WiFi Tether, but with Vikoristan it's the same program. mobile phone There is no need to “rut” from afar. What's great about this program is that it has a function called USB Tethering. It allows you to use your phone as a mobile modem when you connect a USB to your computer.

WiFi programs based on iOS

In addition to programs for the Android platform, such utilities for IOS are not available so often. Ale after all Garna program WiFi for phones based on iOS and MyWi. This program allows you to create a modem from your mobile device. Ale shob has become mozlivim, Apple devices it is necessary to “unlock” the head. The program has good monitoring capabilities. And since the raptom does not install connections, or it works with recodes, MyWi allows you to select a different channel. The only downside is that it is paid.

Program for Windows Phone

In one of the first versions of phones based on the operating system Windows systems Phone vikorystuvati tethering was impossible. However, in newer models of mobile devices, this option was built into the system. They can be placed on blocking indefinitely because specific model Vikorist. The maximum connection to the access point for active tethering should be no more than five other mobile devices.

The problem of connecting mobile devices to the limit is the same

It is a very broad idea that without restriction of WiFi, it is possible to replace one of the available connections - mobile. However, there is one problem. Still suffers from the infeasibility of roaming on a light scale. Even so, the boundary at once affects a small radius of its action. And the problem appears to be that the phone does not connect to Wi-Fi.

Nini this boundary is already widened everywhere. Some of the first phones to be launched were such retailers as Samsung, Zyxel, Hitachi. Just about an hour later, such telephones began to be released by other distributors.

Nowadays, the standard connection is respected, of course, as the cheapest one, and a lot of employees are provided with these services without cost. It’s never too late to have the opportunity to exploit your advantages dartless lines, and sometimes the power supply fails, so you have to work because the phone does not connect to WiFi.

It may happen that the mobile device needs to connect to the network itself, but does not want to connect to it. This is especially true if the phone does not connect to your home WiFi. Since such problems have not arisen in the past in places where there is a limit, the problem is often not in the phone itself, but in the home router, in its settings.

If such a problem arises, it is not necessary to turn to professionals; you can fix everything yourself. To do this, you need to go to the settings of the device and change them. You can use any web browser for help. You just need to dial the router's IP. Designation value: and Next, you need to find the DHCP section and check the Enabled section; in other sections – Default Gateway and Primary DNS – you need to enter the router’s IP.

In this way, since all things are considered correct, then food about those that may be most important. This method helps to protect data exchange, allowing you to set a password for connection at a time. Until then, only those who are allowed to join are connected.

Smartphone owners often get stuck in a situation when the phone does not have Wi-Fi running and is unable to connect to the Internet. To deal with the problem, you need to know possible reasons Such failures and recommendations should be taken into account. We will take a look at these foods in the report from the statistics.

The main reasons why the phone does not support Wi-Fi connections

Remember, you know the situation when the router is turned off, other devices are connected to the Internet, and the phone does not use Wi-Fi. The worst suspicions arise in my head, related to the breakdown of the phone or. Don't panic. Most often the problem lies on the surface. Apparently there are possible reasons.

Router malfunction

Situations occur periodically when the “router” freezes. In such environments, connections and devices must not interfere with the WiFi network. One more obvious reason- Wi-Fi router does not block the phone. Most often, the smartphone’s values ​​are automatically retrieved, otherwise they are deleted.

The limit for connecting devices has been reached

During the hour of setting up the router, you can set the maximum number of devices that can be connected. Once the limit has been exhausted, the phone needs to turn on Wi-Fi, but I can’t connect to it. One of the reasons is the illegal connection of blood vessels.

Troubleshooting the router settings

It turns out that the phone cannot connect to the WiFi connection near the apartment, because the router settings were entered incorrectly. Select parameters for channel, data transmission speed, region and other data.

It appears that the Wi-Fi connection is avoided by the connection profile. In this case, a person is tempted to simply connect to his profile, but not cause the authentication to permanently fail.

The problem has been expanded - amends at the hour and date. However, your phone cannot connect to your Wi-Fi router through this device. When connected, the smartphone and router cannot be connected installed adjustments, through which the connection will be interrupted.

No less important moment- password. Sometimes users change the security code, but forget to make the change on their smartphone. As a result, the connection test is unsuccessful.

Anti-virus programs and errors in the software

It is clear that the smartphone cannot be connected to the Wi-Fi router through security software (anti-virus software). For example, the program was infected with some kind of virus and blocked access to the Internet. A similar problem can occur with a firewall, which, if it fails, can block the input to the global limit.

Do not turn off or in the very security software Through which you can’t turn on the phone or you can’t connect to Wi-Fi. In such a situation, drastic changes may be necessary before re-engaging the device.

Circle radius coverage

The most common reason why the phone does not use Wi-Fi from the router, but other measures are connected to the router or over-the-air codes. For example, a smartphone and a router are supported at a distance of 40-50 meters or between devices there are a number of reinforced concrete structures. In such a situation, the device is blocked by the closest barriers, but through large obstacles we cannot recognize our own.

Instructions on what to do if your phone does not receive Wi-Fi

In most cases, the trick is to check the setup of the Wi-Fi router and the device itself. To get started, work out the following steps:

  1. Make sure that the phone does not know the WiFi connection when you switch to the router;
  2. check the correctness of the entered password or replace it;
  3. enable antivirus program Then try connecting your smartphone again.

Restarting the Router

If simple steps do not help, global actions can be started. For food, what to do, if you don’t want your phone to be connected to the Wi-Fi network, I would like to recommend it to experts. For whom:

  • go to the router interface;
  • Locate the System Tools section and reinstall your device.

You can do it in a simpler way - press the power button for 10-15 seconds (as indicated) or unplug the router from the socket for an hour. Often such visits are sufficient to renew the effectiveness of the measure.

Router discount

If you haven't had any results for a while, and your phone doesn't use WiFi for home networking, try it. Action algorithm:

  • Go to the router interface.
  • Go to the system section.
  • Give the command to go to factory settings.
  • Try connecting your phone to good Wi-Fi.

You can press the reset button on the back panel of the router (box). Vaughn to stay with the deceased in order to avoid the fall from the fall. For this purpose, you can use a violin or other thin object.

Setting up the router

One of the reasons why the phone stops using Wi-Fi at home is changing settings or incorrectly entering data. To turn the situation back to normal, you need to introduce correct adjustment. Here is the attack algorithm:

  • Go to the router's configuration panel.
  • Go to the drone-free monitoring and security settings section.
  • Change the encryption to WPA-2, and the type to TKIP.

In addition, complete the following steps:

  1. Install correct date that hour.
  2. Set the transmission speed to the maximum value.
  3. Set the correct region.
  4. Restore respect to the number of connected devices. If this parameter is too low, change it to the higher side.
  5. For reliability, the connection standard is 802.11 bg.

Once you have made adjustments, save your data before moving on to another section. If the phone does not detect the WiFi connection, continue investigating to find the cause of the problem.

Restarting the phone

It turns out that other devices normally connect to the Internet, and the smartphone is forced to catch Wi-Fi: do not turn on the phone Merezh or it will crash. If re-installation and checking of the router settings did not yield results, you need to reset the settings on your smartphone. To start, restart the device. Most often, this is needed to normalize Wi-Fi operation. Return respect to equal charge. If it is too low, the system could turn on Wi-Fi. In this situation, you need to charge the device and try to connect again.

Global croc - discounted to factory settings. If you cannot understand why the phone cannot catch Wi-Fi, although all systems are working, other devices are normally connected to the limit, you can turn to basic parameters. Ale tse extreme approach. In any case, to protect valuable data, take out a memory card. Continue like this:

  • go to the adjustment section;
  • confirm this.

Fuck you, what the hell completely discounted The tributes of Koristuvach appear. Might as well shut up root access to the annex. After restarting, go to the droneless network menu again, find the Wi-Fi network and try to connect. After successful login, you can go to Google Play and install necessary programs.

Additional moments

With the emergence of difficulties with connecting your phone to Wi-Fi, you need to keep the following low:

  1. If your phone does not use the 5 GHz WiFi frequency, remember that not all devices recognize this frequency. If possible, it’s best to switch the router to standard 2.4 GHz mode, after which you’ll check again.
  2. In a situation where the phone is not running on Wi-Fi, you can identify a mechanical problem. For example, the WiFi module may go wrong. Such a situation has only one solution - brutality to service center for further help.
  3. Check the router for blocking. Once such a function is installed, it is better to turn it on. If you don't know how to configure it, you can reset the router to factory settings.
  4. As it turns out, one of the reasons why the phone does not connect to WiFi around the house is a weak signal. Try removing additional codes - go closer to the router, remove the cover and remove other possible codes. Once the situation returned to normal, the cause of the problem was insufficient signal strength.

If the above methods do not give results (including throwing away the router and phone), you may need to get a new router. Wider breakdowns:

  • exit from the microcircuit mode;
  • constant overheating and shutdown;
  • hanging through natural antiquity;
  • breakdown of the router due to increased voltage;
  • Connecting an unconnected power adapter.

Replacing the router is urgent because you still cannot connect to your current device. In any case, do not rush to the store before consulting with a retailer. It is possible that the phone will not load Wi-Fi for some simple reason - through incorrect password entry or security settings.

In this article, we will find out why your Android device does not download WiFi ctmn from the list of available networks, although you will remember that it is there to blame.

This article is suitable for phones and tablets of all Android devices: Samsung, LG, Sony, Huawei, Xiaomi, HTC, ZTE, Fly, Alcatel and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

This article will look at the most common problems with any tablet or smartphone on Android system raptom ceasing to count Wi-Fi connections or one song to the line. For example, let’s take a smartphone that operates under Android controls. The axis has gotten to the point of being at home, but immediately just stops pumping. Wi-Fi network.

This is limited to the list of categories available for connection. Other devices work and connect to this network without problems. There may still be situations if the sun has burned up and the birds do not draw dartless lines. In such situations, you should check the router, then re-enable it and notice that the new Wi-Fi indicator lights up.

Identical fits occur when huge towns(shop, cafe, restaurant) other devices come and go to some important (most often hidden) level, but your tablet or smartphone simply does not know.

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It doesn’t matter here whether you use a smartphone, tablet or TV set-top box. Let's look at the situation for devices on the Android system. It is certain that if your gadget stops using the Wi-Fi network, having previously connected without problems, then there may be a problem with the router (access point). Since this is not your limit (there is daily access to the router), it is unlikely that you will be able to earn money.

To avoid getting lost, follow the steps:

  • If the gadget does not use any Wi-Fi networks, and other devices are in the same radius, the problem lies only in the device itself. This situation can happen in the future: turning on and off Wi-Fi, re-installing a gadget, removing the case. In extreme cases, you can reset the gadget to factory settings or flash it. If, after resetting the device settings, you don’t need to download any available drones, then, most likely, the problem comes down to the hardware. It is necessary to take the device to a service center.
  • Another type of attack is the most popular, which we will examine in detail. We are talking about a situation where Android does not download a specific Wi-Fi network, but other devices can be found and connected without any problems.


Let's take a look at the cob ourselves sorry decision, which is the trace of the viconati before us:

There are very few options for virility on the device. Reinstallation, reset, connection, upgrade of Wi-Fi network - this is the maximum that can be configured on an Android device. There is another option - changing the router to set up drone-free monitoring.

Changing settings on the Wi-Fi router

You can conduct an experiment by changing the Wi-Fi channel, check the border mode, change the width of the channel. Of course, the configuration data may be stored separately from the actual router. Most often they are located on one side in the menu of the router panel: “Wireless”, “ No-dart mode", "Wi-Fi".

In settings you can, for example, install the 6th static channel or select “Auto” if a static channel was already installed. Then we save setting up and then resetting the router. Take the gadget and check the visibility of the Wi-Fi network.

You can immediately check the settings so that the 11bgn mixed mode is indicated. You can change the "Channel Width". You should also check that the region is entered correctly, as it is configured in the router. The screenshot below shows the butt on a TP-Link router.

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If, after the first change, the gadget is not adjusted to the dart-free system, then you can quit again. We are installing other settings. For example, another operating mode (only n), channel. If there are no results, it is better to return to the factory settings, which were installed before changing the parameters. You will also need to reverse all settings if you encounter problems connecting to other devices.

Setting up a virtual access point on a laptop to define a network

Power supply is still being wasted, which is why Android does not mean the Wi-Fi connection that is created on a laptop. However, creating a virtual access point is not enough. After this, you need to hide the detection and allow access to it.

It's easy to be timid. From now on, you need to go to the border management center. To see this, the center needs to know the border icon in the tray (at the bottom of the right corner of the desktop). We click on it with the right mouse button, then a window opens, and in the menu the required item is indicated.

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Once the menu is open, you will need to go to the “Change” section Additional parameters for sleeping access. There you just need to connect the barrier to the identification and date allowed for hidden access. At the bottom of the menu, click on edge access iz guard for the password. You can also use the Virtual Router Plus program to create a drone-free route on your laptop.

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Increasingly, to access the Internet, vikorysts use not a computer or a laptop, but mobile gadgets, such as a tablet or a smartphone. And here’s an explanation: the Internet is used for promoting websites, versions of which are specially developed for small screens ( social measures VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram), that laptop is too much for you. Well, if the smartphone can be accessed via a 3G or GPRS connection, then it does not require additional access, other than through a wire provider (for example, ADSL or local measure h private access to the Internet), then the mobile phone initially needs to connect to the router, and the router does not turn on the phone, otherwise there will be another problem, there will be further solutions.

Before speech, mobile devices have a number of Internet access modes for distributing them to other connected devices (access point mode).

Smartphone hotspot mode

There is also a 3G modem mode, when the smartphone connects to the computer additional help USB cable, and thereby the computer itself denies access to the network via a 3G connection.

Also in this article we will look at the connection mode of the smartphone up to droneless Wi-Fi router, and are associated with problems in some cases.

Connecting your phone to the router

In order to successfully integrate into computer to measure phone with a router, we first need to make sure that the router is disabled, the Wi-Fi module is active, and the WPS function is disabled (if necessary).

Wi-Fi networks found

If the network is protected by a password, a window will open in which you must enter the password.

The password only needs to be entered once, the phone will remember it and will not require further connection.

If there are no options, the status “Connected” will appear under the network name. That’s it, the phone is connected to the router’s drone-free network.

It is not possible to connect

It’s never been so easy and simple, and for a number of reasons, to connect until you don’t quit.

Let's take a look at the broadest types:

    1. In the router settings, check the “Add SSID” checkbox.

Admission Wi-Fi network

If a fence is installed, the router does not communicate with the network's name on the air, and to connect to it, you need to manually enter the name of the network in your smartphone;

    2. Standards are not followed. For example, the router uses the IEEE 802.11g 2.4 GHz standard, and the smartphone uses the IEEE 802.11n 5 GHz standard. In this case, it is impossible to work together as a couple, the standards may be either inconsistent or crazy;
    3. The settings of the router can be used to exchange connections for a number of subscribers, and your smartphone simply appears to be active.

Reducing the number of subscribers

    4. I, as practice shows, is sufficient common reason It's just the router hanging. Let it dry and dry, maybe it will help, otherwise it won’t get any worse. Then try updating the router firmware to make it more stable.

Other software

We looked at how to connect the phone to the router without help third party programs only using the wireless operating system of the phone. There are programs directly for help this food. Let's point out the butt of one of these.

External view of the program

The program is called WeFi, you can download it on the program’s official website free of charge:

Even reduce the multi-platform nature of programs. Select operating system our smartphone and then transfer the program to the computer, and then to the phone.

Select operating system

For example, select Android version. Once installed on the smartphone, the program is launched in the first window.

Pochatkove vikno program

A great plus of this program is its fun animation. There is a radiator at the bottom of the screen, so you can easily connect to the Wi-Fi network.

However, the programs are recognized even more, in addition to making the connection easier, and WeFi copes with these tasks efficiently.

Program connections

One of the main features of the program is automatic connection to the extent possible to match the signal. Of course, it can be adjusted according to the timing, but after all, the program itself is designed for automation. Of course, you will have to enter the password once, otherwise there is no way around it.

Another very useful function is to continue Wi-Fi activity after the smartphone goes into sleep mode.

Setting up programs

One small disadvantage of the program is the presence of a black list, which may be necessary in some situations (for example, in large places with paid, but not blocked access).

You can learn more about the robot program from the video overview:

Often koristuvachi Android Check the availability of your connection to both public and home Wi-Fi. Therefore, for all those who have encountered a similar problem, we have prepared material that will explain the causes and methods of eliminating problems.

Why shouldn't your phone use wifi?

Problems that affect the access point are mentally related to problems:

  1. On the mobile device.
  2. On the side of the router.

To troubleshoot Wi-Fi networking problems, it is necessary to properly diagnose the problem. To identify reasons in the best possible way serve to connect another mobile device. If another smartphone also does not support the drone-free network, then the problem is related to the router or incorrect settings. To find out more, connect to another access point.

Real problems and ways to solve them

Problem 1: Wi-Fi on the phone is disabled, but access points are not displayed

Reason: the Wi-Fi module on the phone is faulty

Sometimes the phone experiences problems that interfere with the display of the list of available access points. More often than not, this problem occurs in custom firmware, the Wi-Fi/mobile connection is not established.


  1. If problems started after changing the firmware/module, flash the factory system.

Problem 2: the phone does not connect to Wi-Fi at home

Reason 1: incorrect router settings

Just don't let your phone run home trim, but it shows other access points to the cabin/apartment or in other places, it is likely that the router is incorrectly configured to work with your phone. Then you need to go to the router management console and check the settings again.


  1. Make sure that the mobile Internet distribution function is activated. To do this, open the section “Setting up a dartless survey”, the name of the item varies among different detectors. It is important to set the proportions opposite to the points “Disable the router’s wireless communication” and “Disable the SSID of the Broadcaster”.
  2. Change the monitoring mode to a smaller current standard, for example, 11b or 11g. Some phones are equipped with outdated standards and you should always update your Wi-Fi network with new standards.
  3. Also change the region, channel and channel width, as most of the recommendations are ineffective.

  1. If the router receives a signal at a frequency of 5 GHz, and the phone supports a frequency greater than 2.4 GHz, the frequency will not be displayed on the phone.

Reason 2: the frequency range is incorrectly set

If the smartphone has a dual-frequency Wi-Fi module installed, the mode is set to auto. Thus, the phone assigns access points that operate at frequencies of 2.4 and 5 GHz. If the settings are set to operate only on one frequency, routers that broadcast a signal at a different frequency will not appear in the phone menu.


Check the operating mode of the module in the phone settings: phone settings – Wi-Fi – put settings in the list – Wi-Fi frequency range – automatic mode.

Problem 3: The boundary appears periodically and is not known

Reason 1: weak antenna signal, bad

Since the access point appears in the phone at different intervals, and then it knows, most likely, the router antenna is set to low transmission intensity. Varto increase your respect to the number of icons in the row under the name of the access point. One or two signs of a weak signal.

The strength of the signal is also affected by changes. For 2.4 GHz routers, it is critical that there is a great deal of variation in the vicinity of the access points at the same operating frequency. And also other useful things: micro-hairballs, joysticks, bears, etc. For models to receive a signal at a frequency of 5 GHz, it is important to change the codes to the paper.


Increase the transmission pressure to the maximum level. To do this, open the router configuration console and select the “Advanced drone-free network configuration” section. Set the value to “High”, and then save the settings.

Take away objects that disrupt the antenna and interfere with a strong signal everywhere. Replace the router with the appliance, which creates problems - micro-hair, dartless mice and keyboards, etc.

Reason 2: the option to assign an access point with a low signal is active

IN configured Wi-Fi A function that allows you to pick up a selected access point if the signal strength is low or frequently interrupted. Deactivating this option will expand the number of available access points nearby.


Unlock your phone's settings - Wi-Fi - put settings in the list - remove the rule from the point "do not interfere with a weak connection."

Problem 4: the phone does not receive Wi-Fi at home, but works reliably with other access points

Reason: the router is faulty or the firmware is corrupted

If the device does not connect to the home access point, but rather consistently connects to neighboring routers, and changing the router settings did not produce results, the home router is likely to be compromised. Sometimes the firmware is corrupted.


Vikonati skidannya nalashtuvan and/or update the firmware. If this is not possible, replace the router or take it to a service center.

Reason: failure of the Wi-Fi module in the phone

Getting out of order Wi-Fi is a rare thing. Please make sure to use other modules – Bluetooth and/or GPS. To detect a breakdown, you should carefully check the settings on your phone and router. Make connections with other devices at frequencies of 2.4 and 5 GHz. If changing the firmware/module is unsuccessful, please contact the service center. If a module is confirmed to be broken, it is replaced more often for renewal motherboard lessons from another building.


It is not difficult to know the problem, as you can determine where the problems are caused. During the whole day, settings/firmware changes were not carried out, and at least do not reboot the old phone, then the problem arises in mobile device. If the access point does not work with other smartphones, then the problems are related to the router. It is also not possible to turn off cross-codes through other access points that operate at a frequency of 2.4 GHz.

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