TB lg sv'yazok with computer. We say Android - maybe on DLNA. DLNA Wiki for Android.

Golovna / Main functionality


All content that is not tied to wear (music, films, photographs), sound is stored on the computer. To play multimedia files from your computer on any TV, you can play multimedia players, game consoles or multimedia hard disks. However, today's TVs have also learned how to create such content from a computer. For this stink, the protocol under the name DLNA began to be specially developed. The DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) call protocol ensures the ability to communicate with each other with all devices that support it. The call is in the client/server format, the TV is the client, and the server is personal computer. Remain running the DLNA system if you have Windows XP or Vista installed on your new one. OS support includes DLNA support from Microsoft. Apple computers with Mac OSX also include DLNA, but after installation supplementary program. On the other hand, the TV is to blame for the DLNA logo application, which should be checked before buying. We guarantee that you will accept the DLNA standard and be able to connect to your home LAN. Obviously, in order for the TV to display content from the computer, you may have a home network. The best way is to organize it through an ADSL router/switch so that you can access the Internet at once, but don't forget to connect the TV to the computer directly through the cable with cross-cutting.

From the side of the PC

You can win on the server software security, which allows access to files that are saved on the computer. For zamovchuvannyam rest version Windows media player that comes with Windows, provide a similar service. But the interface is not ideal. So, the structure of the catalogs, as you win for saving multimedia files, do not take it to heart, you happen to put together a playlist. Otherwise, you take away a set of files, organized by an unreasonable logic, in which it is easy to know. The program has been specially recognized as a better vikoristovuvaty. You may know a lot, but we recommend TwonkyMedia. This server is available for Windows, MacOs and Linux, you can get it on the website www.twonkymedia.com, You will take a month of the trial period, if you need to get the program for 30 euros. The installation is even simpler, if you don't just download directories to remove multimedia files. If you allow access to TVs, then you will remove the same structure of files as on a computer, which allows you to easily navigate in them and know what you need. You can build an additional computer using a NAS with a shared disk. That NAS day is already combined with DLNA. Having connected such a trinket to yours home measure, You can copy all multimedia files to the new one instead of saving them to other computers. If the computer is turned off, the TV set can still play the content.

TV and ergonomics

The computer is not so often installed at the living room and connected to the TV, it is not easy to play the role of computer in such a role (media center or HTPC). Really, practice with a keyboard and a bear, high up with a dartless one, on the knees of a chi on a kavo table is not so comfortable. Do not forget that such a computer will speed up the whole family, the interface is to blame, but I can be simple.

Obviously, the idea of ​​connecting a TV to the home or the Internet is not so new. However, before such tests, they recognized the shocks, the shards of ergonomics did not match the format of TV or the minds of the vital. Who needs to read a mail on a 52-inch TV? Who needs a bulky remote control or a full QWERTY keyboard? Virobniki learned a little about their pardons, so DLNA TVs can easily access the content menu. Everyone can help with the help of the crossbar of the remote control or a ring, like the expensive models of Philips and Samsung. You can search for the name of the files as easily as possible. For example, photographs are displayed at the thumbnail view, and for the video, the sound is available forward revision. With the help of DLNA, it is theoretically possible to transmit and reproduce all music, photographs and videos. But, unfortunately, TVs still don’t recognize a lot of formats.

In the jungle formats

All attachments with the DLNA logo can be linked one to one.

Files, which are stored on computers in different sizes, vary in format. Tom best option mother will be able to create on TVs of the largest number of formats. As for the music, then the choice is not so great. Obviously, in the first place, the most popular format is MP3, but WMA and Microsoft also have wide extensions. For photographs, everything is simple. jpeg format universal, yogo vikoristovuyut usі bronics of photocameras. However, in the field of video, everything is richly folded, oscalls are impersonal formats. MPEG-2, which appears on DVD, can be used as a standard, and is often promoted if the volume of films is too great. DivX ensures the shortest compromise between the contract and the quality of the picture. TB is guilty of doing yoga without Rivkiv, as well as alternatives like Xvid. Similar in general to that quality, the WMV format from Microsoft is even more popular. The MKV format is obviously new, behind it there is a container (similar to AVI), which allows you to save subtitles, sound and video in one file. But at the same time, TVs with DLNA do not support yoga.

On the other hand, some televisions can read subtitle files, linking to video. Obviously, on all DLNA TVs there is a great diversity of buildings, so it would be better to take into account the possibility of making such HD films. The DivX and Xvid formats are already supported by the HD version, but it does not mean that they can be played on TV, but the support of these formats standard allowance. Most of the time DivX and Xvid are claimed to be worth the SD itself. Є th іnshі formats high permission, such as MPEG-4 H.264 and WMV HD, but stinks are rare. Zreshtoy, zakіnchimo tsey distributed the technology to defend digital content in the form of piracy under the name DRM. Everything is bad here: a TV set from DLNA cannot play music or video, protect DRM, as if you bought it legally, but it’s still smart. At the moment, the situation is such that the support of video formats is filthy and that it is used as a copy of the main transitions for the popularization of televisions from DLNA. Therefore, before buying, always check which TV will support the format you need. Sometimes for whom you happen to look into the instructions.

When buying modern multimedia equipment, you can use the DLNA logo. Tse means what tsey pristriy you can connect to your home network for transferring and receiving various media content. Moreover, everything will be in real time.

How does it work

In order to better understand how DLNA works, what is such a home network, how to win over this system, to reveal such a situation. You've got a movie on the Internet and you want to watch it on your TV. Ale schob tse robiti, it is necessary to burn the film on a disk or flash drive. Moreover, if you want to win a disc, you will need a multimedia player for this creation. So it used to be earlier, but now, for the help of a special protocol for the exchange of information, called DLNA, you can forget about all the body's airways. secure the link between us with outbuildings, which support yoga, which, well, and allow you to create a home trinket. In this case, the personal computer acts as its own server, and the TV set as another client attachment.

The main advantage of such a scheme is that you can easily, without any folding operations, gain access to data that is saved on any home extension. We have captured the film on the computer - and once again you can marvel at the TV. If you take a photo on a digital camera or a phone, you can immediately evaluate it on a computer screen, or you can create an effective slide show for an additional TV. Even more opportunities open up for music lovers, even now it’s enough to record a song that you’ve been able to, for whatever reason, with DLNA attachments, so that we can listen to it for the help of the music center.

Creation of your own things

First of all, you need to understand that there are two types of outbuildings that support this protocol. More precisely, the DLNA client and the DLNA server. What is the client, you, singsongly, guess. Tse attachment for otrimannya signal. And navpaki, appointments for most modern TVs can be used as a DLNA-client, and if for some reason you can’t have such a function, you can connect to the device for an additional media player that supports the required protocol. Merezhevі shovishcha will forever be no longer servers, and the computer axis, smartphones and tablets will be servers and clients.

To transmit the signal, it must be connected like a dart, and without a dart connection. For Windows, you, better for everything, do not need to install additional software. Just download one of the folders or a whole hard drive Vіdkritim for review by other outbuildings. There will be more problems with other operating systems. To convert a computer based on Linux or IOS to a DLNA server, you need to install special software security, which can be paid in full. Approximately so, just do it yourself with the use of mobile outbuildings, for which there are impersonal supplements. Before speech, if you need DLNA itself, it’s smarter to win for these purposes

Connecting outbuildings

As it has already been said before, most of today's TVs and music centers support DLNA. What is a pidtrimka? In essence, it means that the TV set can be independently connected to a dartless or dartless fence without additional attachments. Well, it’s clear that you should accept data according to the DLNA protocol. With whom to access up to hot files To finish, simply press the button on the remote control, after which the TV set independently knows the DLNA server. Then you select the desired movie or another media file from the list.


Among the leading shortcomings in technology, the greatest problems are delivered by the summation of various software. To solve this problem, you can most often install software, which is recommended by the wizard for this server model or TV.

Also, the time of the interest of films from the Internet is a reminder that the majority of television viewers play only song formats, among them mpg4, avi and wmv. Other types of codecs may be unreadable for other models. But this problem can be solved by purchasing a multimedia program.

As for the transfer of data, a wireless tether is used, a weak Wi-Fi receiver signal can cause stutter when playing a movie. You especially marvel at the video high capacity. You can solve the problem in two ways. Strengthening the signal of the router, pushing it closer to the TV, or connecting the TV to the fence for help.


Now, if you know how you can win DLNA, what is hot access before the files and how everything is done, fixing the home's hair is not to blame for becoming a problem for you. And it means that you will be able to enjoy all the adventures in the whole world sleeping victoria files.

For a family review of films, photographs and other video files, the TV should go faster, lower the computer monitor. However, standard TVs can't connect to mobile phone, tablet, computer or other yard building. Tom will have to copy the file on a USB flash drive or DVD, but it's a waste of an hour.

The choice of a TV set with DLNA support eliminates this problem. And even such a TV set can be connected to any computer attachment, which allows files to be viewed, not only on a hard disk, but also on the Internet.

DLNA - what

DLNA is a method of transferring data between multiple devices via dart or dartless channels. Zavdyaki yomu all sumsnі pristroї zdatnі exchange information as a "server-client". In this case, computers, phones, tablets, photo and video cameras can be simultaneously a server and a client, and a TV set can only be a client. The server saves and transmits information, and the client no longer receives it. Krіm pristroїv, scho pіdtremuyut robot DLNA, nіbnі sche and vіdpovіdnі programs, іkі kozhennik vіrobnіk vpuskє іlki іtlki ії іії pristroїv.

Since the programs are installed and all the attachments are connected to one measure (it doesn’t matter if it’s Wi-Fi or not), the stink will be repaired by trying to single system. This is one of the powers of DLNA. As far as the world, DLNA technology is similar to Smart TV and often televisions, which seem to support one standard, successfully work with others, but also recognize these methods of transmitting data in a different way. Smart TV ensures connection to the Internet, and DLNA is less connected to its server. Zavdyaki tsomu, step DLNA zahistu richly visible, even as a server wins a computer, a laptop or a smartphone with more serious anti-virus complexes, lower at the Smart TV.

Offended, you see the net, how to win, so it’s not enough. Wire mesh allows you to connect the TVs to the booth from the concrete walls, which block the radio signal. However, for її laying it is not uncommon to have to drill through doors or walls, which do not improve the interior space. Bezdrotova merezha not subject to such manipulations, however, to lie in various transitions, such as steel reinforcement or other concrete / concrete walls.

Options for TB support

There are two options for DLNA support for TVs:

  • awakened;
  • zvishnya.

The support is similar to Smart TV and securely connects to a wired channel for an additional USB socket or to jetless channel via Wi-Fi module. Codecs (drivers) that are individual for the skin maker ensure the creation of video/audio files in various formats, but may be much less possible when creating files.

Most codecs do not support scaling and other functions, like other ones outbuildings.. New DLNA support is implemented through different outbuildings- Satellite receiver digital television, Blu-Ray players and so on. A support system has been provided to ensure the robot’s work with some crazy attachments, so you won’t be able to look over the video from Blu-Ray discs without a proper program. If you have installed such a player, you can provide support for DLNA playback for these TVs, as well as improve the function and allow playback of Blu-Ray discs.

Skіlki koshtuyut TV z DLNA

The variability of the TV set with the DLNA support is to lie down in the window of the screen. Small TVs with a diagonal of 15-20 inches stand 10-30 thousand rubles. Televisions with a diagonal over 50 inches 60–150 thousand carbovantsiv. The variability of the TV is also affected by the presence additional functions, brand and place of production. Like a TV set in Russia, the price is three times less, lower for TV in Europe, USA and Asia.


Andriy Samkov

29 Lipnya 2015

Mi called vikoristovuvati telefoni yak game console, reading rooms and intestinal cinema. Ale tsim їhnі mozhlivostі do not obmezhuyutsya. The capacity of a modern smartphone is enough to display a clear video on a TV screen. And more than that modern smartphones Mayut all the necessary functionality, we are left with it less quickly.

Various manufacturers to make their way of connecting mobile electronics to stationary AV -Technics. Zokrema, an American company Apple rozrobila vlasny drotovy protocol air play . Let us win the garni, but through our intermingling with the ecosystem of a particular virobnik we create songs of difficulty. So, the programs are lured through qi bar'єri re-string (guess if you want to Allcast ta ), ale tse, be it once, half a solution. It’s better, if the pickers themselves give third-party retailers the opportunity to unite the outbuildings. The creators of technology came along the same way DLNA.

Father, for roboti DLNA we need a multimedia stream, in this role we play our Android -smartphone or tablet PC. So we need an attachment-priymach, sumisny z DLNA . You can also use a "smart" TV (practically all TVs with the possibility of connecting to the Ethernet or Wi-Fi modern technology, as well as a smart AV receiver (this way) or navit bezdrotov acoustics(like for example,). For the sake of simplicity, we note that we will adopt a "smart" TV.


When DLNA is installed it is important to follow one simple rule: i dzherelo, i accept the blame, but connect to one local network (one router), otherwise you can’t stink one by one.

How do you have no meshes in your house? WiFi , you can try to speed up the technology WiFi Direct (direct connection two WiFi -add-ons without a router), but if you need to switch, both smartphone and TV support this technology. Vlasne, after such an order, we can transfer it via DLNA multimedia data is the same, as if it were connected through a router.


One more possibility dartless connection TV set to gadget DLNA - this is the name of the droto-free technology. The largest width of nabuli Miracast and Intel WiDi (yaka, starting from version 3.5, summ_sna z Miracast).

Zavdyaki tsim tekhnologiyam it is possible to transmit on the TV screen a picture from the screen of the gadget, so great screen You can watch a movie that is played by a video player of a smartphone, just like watching a game battle. Obviously, for whom and the smartphone and the TV set are guilty but the sum Miracast, well, Intel WiDi.

Ale, after all, our article is dedicated DLNA , We also tell about it.


Before speech, how to make your TV set not to shine with intelligence, not to be embarrassed. Vlasne, navit bathe new TV neobov'yazkovo, enough to speed up a small, but even more practical outbuilding under the name Google Chromecast, about which mi already. This miniature extension is connected from a USB flash drive to the HDMI socket of the TV and allows you to easily and manually broadcast to new content.

We say Android - maybe on DLNA

Same technology DLNA є the basis of mesh communications for gadgets Android management. Primary support tsієї fencing technologyє on the operating line Android systems, ale for comfortable work all the same, you need a support and on a equal footing.

Deyakі virobniki, for example Sony, on the other hand, implement support for DLNA-streaming in the company's software (Sony has a video player "Filmi"). Also smartphones Xperia Allow to accept files from existing DLNA -dzherel. Mensh pіdtrimka is also implemented in smartphones HTC, Samsung and LG . But the situation can be corrected for help third-party addenda. Let's talk about the programs.

After the launch of the advanced program, the smartphone becomes DLNA -server and ready to see multimedia content. How to connect to the same local network, which is a smartphone, and support DLNA , then everything else will improve without our participation.

In the program on gadgets, select from the list of primers (our TV). Once upon a time, the next thing appears on the TV screen transfer file, be it photography or film. When you use it on your smartphone, you can slur files, and the stench will automatically change on the TV screen. Beauty!

Programs for DLNA-broadcasting

As we were already guessing, a number of virobniks were already realizing the support for the transfer of official data on DLNA . For example, for streaming video on smartphones Sony Xperia it is necessary to speed up the functionality of the company's program "Filmi" ( movies). For LG smartphones for broadcast on DLNA the SmartShare program is won (for a fee, you can install the Google Play and on the gadgets of other manufacturers).

And the cream of the program in the form of generics and distributions and in the form of third-party companies, as a way to promote the broadest functionality and not be tied to smartphones and tablets of the same brands.


About Allcast we already wrote at the article, assigned to the merezhevіy technology Airplay like Apple. Right in what Allcast diysno supports the work like Airplay, so i for DLNA . So it doesn’t depend on where you transfer the content to DLNA -summіsny TV or set-top box Apple TV , You can twist the program.

An important advantage of this addendum is the ability to broadcast content not only from a gadget, but also gloomy gossip, such as Dropbox and Google Drive .

Vlasne, cost and programs , how can I stream music (and only music) on different devices, how DLNA and Airplay . The exchange of only music can be built to be strong, but listening to a lovingly selected music collection from a smartphone on a high acoustic system is just as necessary.

Another one popular program for DLNA -streaming - BubbleUPnP. Belonging to different types content: films, music and photographs, moreover, it is as simple as possible to rob. When you start the program, you need to select the tab devices (Additional) and put a mark on your TV. After which you can go to Library (Library), where all content is divided into three folders: video, music, photo. We are left to choose those to click on us, and open the file, after which the broadcast on the TV starts.

Google Chromecast

Since we already guessed about Google Chromecast, need to say about special supplement to work with him. What is characteristic, and it is called out Chromecast, moreover, the program is available for both Android and iOS (and also for Windows and OS X).

The process of customization is borderline simple and is accompanied by prompts. Nasampered dodatok scan merezh Wi-Fi on Chromecast searches and display a list of knowledge (for the obviousness of the number of attachments to it, I’ll once again give meaningful names so that we don’t stray later). For safety in the process of installing a link, display a numerical code on the TV screen, which you need to enter in the program (it is broken, so that the fryer from the suidnyo's apartment does not overshoot the Chromecast key). After that, you can assign a meaningful name to the add-on, and you also need to provide authorization information to access our Wi-Fi network.

On this finalization, now it is possible to broadcast multimedia from other programs, which already have a lot to do, and the list is constantly expanding.

Apple + DLNA

We all called, what on Android , especially rooting (tobto the OS version with the rights of a superkoristuvacha, root ) you can "screw" everything, including the support of someone else's protocol air play . And how buti, how you want to DLNA -Infrastructure enable iPhone ? It appears, and here it is hopeless. At App Store you can know the value of the low additions that you need to implement the support DLNA on Apple add-ons.


Let's say you already have DLNA -server (for example, on a computer), why do you watch movies on a “smart” TV Android -smartphone. Yak bi get to the point of writing iPhone ? AirPlayer itself will help here.

AirPlayer great kіlkistyu file formats and creative production of films, music and images by DLNA.

Setting up the program is simple and traditional: the program scans the border for an object DLNA -dzherel i, knowing them, proponuє connect to them.

Belkin Media Play

A possible and reversible situation: є "smart" TV without Apple TV I want to show you on a new video iPhone . For whom is an apple gadget worth it? DLNA -server, which can be reached with the help of Belkin MediaPlay software.

I don't care about those that " DLNA -server" sound terribly threatening, there is nothing terrible for anyone to fold. Once the program has been installed, as soon as it is known, it is ready before the broadcast.

Moreover, the program can not only distribute videos from a smartphone, but redirect streaming video from the site: the price is not particularly bad for someone youtube (With him, remember everything Smart TV ), and from what we want to look at the TV video from such a site, with which our “smart” TV is not to be friends ... We just go to I will need a side, we select a video to click on us, in the drop-down menu, right-handed, we select our TV and press the button Beam. All!

Obviously, you can stream and multimedia files from your gadget. For clarity, the stench is laid out behind the tatters “Video”, “Music”, “Photo”.

Drotovі connection

Well, let's say a couple of words about the possibility of a wired connection of smartphones to a TV for broadcasting multimedia to a TV or a receiver.

For masters of gadgets on Android more luck here: more of the present Android -additional support MHL , so that їх roses micro USB wash at once and functionality HDMI . To connect to a TV set, it is enough to speed up with a simple adapter MHL-HDMI : it's just a wire from two roses at the ends. Koshtuє such an adapter is not expensive.

Vlasniki iPhone/iPad happen to buy special adapters, how to release Apple . Moreover, adapters are digital (with visnovkom on HDMI ), so and analogs, which can see the signal on the rose VGA.

All Android devices and iPhones starting in 4 s , at dart connection broadcast a copy of the screen on the TV screen. It's okay to use the iPhone 4 anyway (earlier models did not support similar functionality).

The iPhone 4 model displays programs for playing music, images and videos on the TV screen. You don’t watch your menus on TV, and also instead of the work table.

A lot of people have great feelings about DLNA technology, and some of them already have great ability. DLNA technology is implemented in operating system Windows, so all DLNA add-ons can interact with your computer. Samsung (AllShare) and LG (SmartShare) proprietary technologies are implemented on the basis of DLNA. What is DLNA and how can this technology suit you?

The following is a short description of how to exploit the functionality of DLNA when viewing video, photos, listening to music from a computer and other devices with DLNA support on a different video/audio technology, or maybe more like a screen that acoustic system.

How does DLNA work?

The initiators of the creation of the DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) standard, which allows different multimedia attachments to be shared with each other at the home storage warehouse, were; Intel, Sony, Microsoft, Nokia, Philips etc. Today DLNA is supporting over 230 picks.

Like a medium for transferring media content local merezha, like a home multimedia. The connection can be dartless (Ethernet) or dartless (Wi-Fi). The DLNA standard allows devices that are connected to automatically configure and stream media content for viewing and listening. Sometimes it is necessary to install and update additional software security. The visual center of such media is, as a rule, the great flat-panel TV.

For example, you can organize the transfer:

  • from computer to TV
  • smartphone access to the music center
  • from a lace joint on a tablet computer.

Possibility to promote DLNA technology in the outbuildings. You can place an addition of new photos on merezheve skhovische, with the possibility of reviewing її all members of this family on the screens of televisions, smartphones, tablet computers. You can marvel at the bedroom films, recordings on the hard drive of your home computer.

Most of the new TVs support DLNA, zokrema. all smart models that can still access the Internet. If your TV doesn’t support it, there’s no big deal in it. You can buy additional DLNA, a media player or a Blu-ray player, so that you can further expand the possibilities of your media, most of the time you will have perfect codecs, but you can get into the TV.

As it was already guessing at the cob of stats, virobniks in a different way can mean the summancy of the attachment from the technology:

  • AllShare (Samsung)
  • SmartShare (LG)
  • Simple Share (Philips)
  • AirPlay (DLNA version from Apple).

Creation of a fence

First, to get to the practical solution to the problem, it is important to note that there are two types of DLNA devices. One of them is called the server and has the role of transmitting, the other type is the client, which is receiving the streaming signal. Merezhevі shovischa (NAS) with DLNA support can only act as a server, a TV set can be more than a client, and the computer axis, smartphones and tablets, depending on the situation, can become servers as clients. To transfer a streaming signal from the server, it is necessary to install different software, as it is not installed by the compiler. Like, for example, on TV with support for DLNA or for a shovisch. Software security, which is installed, is free and paid.

How to set up a DLNA server

Install, at the time you need, DLNA add-on. See (otherwise, as it often seems, “share” in English. share) films, music and other files, which will be available for other outbuildings at the Merezha. If the files are stored on the hard disk of the computer, they may be placed in the Windows Libraries(Video, Image, Music) on disk "C". Connections to the merezhі TV set shukatime їх the same there.

At the first glance of the TV set, it is your fault to know the routes to DLNA servers. In order to have a remote connection for the selection of the necessary viewing material. If you don't know the DLNA server, try cheating some other software on the server. To start the function automatic poshuk it is necessary to choose in system menu TV set is the main point. Some functions may be caused by one of the buttons on the remote control.

In the yakost software program On the server you can tweet: Plex, Twonky, TVersity, PS3 Media Player.

Few popular DLNA add-ons for mobile outbuildings on the base androidі Apple iOS: UPnPlay, Twonky, Plex, AirPlayer.

Nedolіki that obmezhennya

On the basis of the single DLNA standard, the skin maker develops its own version of the technology, so there may be non-binding in the same configuration options. So, you can name such possible problems.

Video support in HD in different buildings is not possible on other outbuildings.

Not all types of codecs are supported by video and audio devices. The most popular, to which you can add mpeg2, mpeg4, avi, wmv, DivX.

A wireless connection does not always allow you to transmit high-quality video streams without interruptions, in which case you can connect through a cable.

Vіdkritі standards, to which DLNA lie - great rіch, and then there can be a problem of inconsistency. Therefore, select software for the server, as it is recommended by DLNA TV makers. So for Sony is better pidide PS3 Media Server, LG recommends Plex, Samsung TVs love vlasne software security.

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