10 functions for vk. Secrets of Vkontakte. We fill an empty field

Golovna / Google Play

Zmina movie

You can change language. Great choice: Russian, English, German and others. Ale є th exotic/funny. For example, pre-revolutionary Belarusian. Try it yourself. In the right hand, click on your profile, choose Nalashtuvannya. Mova - Change. And there, from the great list, you can choose everything that you want. It is recommended to try pre-revolutionary.

We fill an empty field

Іsnuє mozhlivіst zapovnіt profile at razdіlі Kar'єra, albeit more fields plіv empty. For whom we go to Editing the profile. Then we insert a set of characters in all rows (divided Kar'єra):


In order for you not to be known by the phone number on VKontakte, you need to go to Settings - Privacy - Call with me. There in the row: “Who can know me when importing contacts for the number +37529 ******” select “Only me”.

Turn on advertising

You, sing-song, are being teased by intrusive VKontakte advertising? Hour її turn on again and again. Just download that install extension Adblock Plus for Firefox or Chrome. Activate all standard filters, and ads will appear not only on VKontakte, but also on other sites. How kind is it to calmly read the news without advertising. Dyakuyu, Adblock.

We listen to music

VKontakti has a lot of music. Bagato garnoi music. Here suddenly z'yavlyayutsya novelties. And then we want to hear not only on the site, but also on smartphones, cars and offline without the Internet. There are no problems. We go to a special site, ask you for authorization, allow and start downloading! Introduced into the search for a song, what to click, and forward!

We change the design

Do you want to freshen up the design of your side? Did the classic design of "VKontakti" fit you? There is nothing simple. You can change the theme of the design of the site to the authority of the court. Tse registration bachtimete only you. For whom it is necessary to go to the site and install the Chrome/Firefox extension. Then, on the site, we choose the topic that suits you, and embossed “Zastosuvati”. The axis of the result is:

Update in news

In "News" you can sometimes take away a lot of necessary and not much information. How to marvel at the list of quiet, whom did your friends add today? Click to share News, and then on the side of Update. Veil! Now we are specific about who was added to the list of friends you know.


If you see a closed person that values ​​privacy, you can take your side with us. Coristuvachi can only make more of your smut photo. For whom, let's go to Nalashtuvan - Privacy. Then choose "Who can get the basic information of my side", or "Only Me". Ready!


If you need to get into the same people again, it’s enough to block you. Go to your profile and choose - Block. Now I can't write to you, save your photos, friends and information about you.

Welcome friends

For zamovchuvannyam koristuvachі "VKontakti" can bachit all friends. To whom it’s handy, to whom it’s not. "VKontakte" speaks for openness. We stand up for confidentiality. Є mozhlivіst prihovat singing (albeit not all) friends. For whom we go to Nalashtuvannia - Privacy. There, click on the item “Who is visible on the list of my friends and subscriptions”, select “Show all friends, Crimea”. We choose friends, which you want to take. Ready!

Publication included

To publish a note or a photo on your side song hourє Corresponding function - Publication has been submitted. Starting її is simple. We go into the interface for writing a message, then click "Shche" - "Timer". There we select the date and hour of publication of the announcement.


If you suspect that someone is following you and secretly logging into your account - it doesn’t matter. We go to the distribution Nalashtuvannya - Bezpeka - Show activity history. There you can find the IP address, the country, the hour and the type of the building, for which you included VKontakte the rest of the time. Naochno that is available. If you see some wonderful IP-addresses from other countries, and if you know yourself in Belarus, you should think about it and change your passwords.

Voiceless voices

There we will be asked to win in different online games, reach the same equal and take away our voiceless voices. Why b i n i?


If you want to guess someone from your post on the wall, you can use the Twitter analogy @. For example, like this: @Petrov

Change the address of the side


Images from any photo album or news can be viewed in full screen mode. For whom it is sufficient to click on one of the pictures and press Alt + Enter. And if you put a tick in the lower left corner, a slide show of all photos in the album will start.

Chi can not know unread messages? Tse is easy to correct. We go to “My reminders”, select “Show reminder in front of you” and click on “unread”. After that, a list of unread notifications will appear.

Can't you find an important news in the bedroom on a friend's wall? Speed ​​up with a standard joke. Click on the top border of the wall (there, where the number of entries is indicated) and in the new menu, click "Go to the search" at the right upper codend. Search for news and comments.

Deyakі koristuvachі anew zavantazhuyut old avatars, schob robiti їh head. But it’s not obov’yazkovo to duplicate old photographs. Just go to the album "Photos from my side" and drag the photo to the very end. The next photo will automatically become the main one.

If you want to attach a photo or video from VKontakte to the latest, it is necessary to zawantage them or add them to your albums. Just copy and paste it into the news, the required content will be attached automatically. Before speech, pictures can be attached to the Internet, it’s enough to insert a message in a text field, and the axis of the video to another resource (for example, youtube) can not be attached to the video.

You can group friends for additional private lists. Go to your friends list and at the bottom of the right menu select "Create a list". These lists will be available only for revision. They are designed to fine-tune the access rights of friends to your specific content.

Koristuvachi, on which more than 100 issues have been signed, can review the statistics on their own side. For someone, go to your profile and find the button "Statistics of the side" at the bottom left corner, under the albums.

Chi do not want to bachiti in your news along with non-common content? Go to "My news" and click on the button "Show only tsikva". Now you have more important news, for example, new photographs of friends, and the news of more sleep will cease to be shown.

Before the speech, you can also turn off the display of reposts. To do this, go to "My News", select "Jerell List", go to the "Black List" and uncheck the box "Show copies in News". Now you stop bachiti friends and sleepy.

How swiftly an hour passes. The axis is already Mayzhe r_k i of registrations at the contact. I don’t shy away from my classmates, because the stink is too commercialized, that one will tell me a different story with them. On this day of the month, there are dozens of millions of people in the social media audience. For example, a number of unique social contributions Facebook merge That MySpace in September 2009 was overtaken by 90 million people. That's about one-third of all US residents. Tsikavo, sho social networks of the Runet, the leaders of the middle ones “VKontakte” and “Odnoklassniki”, for the rest of the month, they are getting closer to their western colleagues. The total number of registered correspondents of social networks on VKontakte and Odnoklassniki is close to 25 million registrations today.
For the data of analytical companies that are engaged in statistical analysis fringing trends, in the year 2009 the number of unique shows on VKontakte surpassed the similar show on Odnoklassniki. For an hour, VKontakte's rating was 13.09 million, and Odnoklassniki's was 13 million. Zvichayno, having explored the minimum, ale, prote, rich about what to talk about. The call was made by TNS Web Index.
At this hour, the bases of data of these resources are supra-lingually caressed with a little piece - even so, you can find yourself easily, there are some special information there. It's no secret that the outstanding coristuvachiv social media are trapping the stars of cinema, show business, and domestic politics. All tsі people zazvychay vvozhayut for better to take their data - and from their oblіkovogo record stench also deprive their data closed in the eyes of strangers. However, those that are closed by one person, as a whole can be revealed by another - even if social measures are no more than a set of symbols in the code, as if they were created by people. It is possible to find out the secrets of the koristuvachіv social networks, as if the stench did not cover up the special information.

If so, then let's do a little more possible access to the classified data of the social media "VKontakte".

Also, the axis is a list of what thousands of thousands of journalists on VKontakte are looking for:
Look over closed sides
Change the date of nationality for any day, month chi r_k
Get music from the VKontakti database
Capture a video from the VKontakti database
How to recognize who has forgotten about you
Request all friends up to the group
How to tidy up my name and nickname "VKontakte"
How to make friends with yourself "VKontakte"
How to create a status on a row of rows?
How to follow the people of VKontakti?

Actually, all the work is not so important, you just need to press the keys and carefully read the instructions.

1) Secrets of VKontakte - How to look over the closed pages? Tse is not simple, but rather simple:

http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?act=user&id=0000 - photos of people
http://vkontakte.ru/video.php?act=tagview&id=0000 - video on some people
http://vkontakte.ru/photos.php?id=0000 - photo album
http://vkontakte.ru/video.php?id=0000 - video recordings
http://vkontakte.ru/groups.php?id=0000 - groupies
http://vkontakte.ru/audio.php?id=0000 - audio recordings
http://vkontakte.ru/apps.php?mid=0000 - add-ons
http://vkontakte.ru/questions.php?mid=0000 - food, de 0000 - id of the koristuvach.

Well, it’s true, there are some deductions here, but you still can’t fix it: if the photographs are available for specific groups of friends, then you can’t look at them! So it’s not enough to just look at the photo of the koristuvach, who has closed his eyes.

2) Secrets of VKontakte - How do you remember the people's day for the day ahead?

This stage is somewhat foldable for the front, but read the instructions to help someone else. The axis of the cut, as it is necessary to work:

Download and install Opera 9.27 (or rather, take the Portable version)
In the public entry, click on "ed." order from the button "My side"
Press keys Ctrl+F3
Scroll the code you see down to the list in rows like 1
For the known shmat, change in a row 1 offensive numbers 1 to the same Bazhan number
Scroll down three times to the list of dates and in 1996 change the offending date of 1996 to the same date
Look up the hill and press the "Save change" button
Click on the edit tab of the contact page, selecting the numbers from the front;
Save the broken change;
Check out the results.

Significantly, that in deyakih coristuvachiv, not respecting the equal hands and brain, that it functions normally, nothing happened. Possibly, it’s just that the month is not in that phase, but software security like a rank vzaєmodiyalo, not giving a positive result.

3) Secrets of VKontakte - How to get music from the base of VKontakte?

If you want to capture music from the singing side, then copy Danish code into the address bar of your browser (when vіdkritіy storіnci"VKontakte" with the Bazhan melody).

javasc ript: function operate (id, host, user, file, dur, wall) ( var str = “Operate
“; mydoc = window.open(); mydoc.document.write(str); ) alert("Patched!");
// do not forget to see clearings

Now you need to press ENTER.
After that, when pressing on the button of the audio recording, a new (!) To download, hover over the message and select "Save Yak". It’s not necessary to download, but you just want to listen, just go for it. For some browsers, the "Save as" item in the File menu is activated.

4) Secrets of VKontakte - How to capture a video from the VKontakte database? Pratsiyuemo after the next algorithm:

Vіdkrivaєmo storіnі іz video clip;
We insert into the address bar of the browser (when the video is opened) this code:
java script:(function()(var s=document.createElement('script'); s.src='http://xantorohara.jino-net.ru/videovkontakte/videovkontakte.js'; s.type='text /javascript';document.getElementsByTagName('head').appendChild(s); ))();
You can see all the clearings (without which it is not practicable). We press Enter.

5) Secrets of VKontakte - How to know who has left an anonymous thought?

I can’t wait to find out, whoever has left the thought, we ask you to send a message like this: http://vkontakte.ru/matches.php?act=a_sent&to_id=0000&dec=1, de (0000 - id of the koristuvach, that’s yours).
As soon as this person is pressed against the message, it will become clear to you who is anonymous. Catch your respect: you must be able to turn on the programs!

6) Secrets of VKontakte - How to request all friends to a group?

At to this particular type dії, yakі it is necessary to live, troch folded, lower at the front slope, ale not rich, do not fawn:
We go to "Ask for a group"
Copy the following code to the address bar of the browser, do not forget to see the probes:
java script:function addall()(var butt_all='[>>>Request! "Install" > "Dodatkovo" > "Merezha".
We take the ensign (tick) from "Turn on automatic redirection".
I repeat, dії, yakі mi vikonuvali for Firefox browser only need to start from the third point.

Method number 3 (significant time spent)
It is necessary to go to the "Information Specialties"
Let's check later (timeout for connecting with VKontakte).
Ready! Seeing all sides, crim "profile.php".

9) Secrets of VKontakte - How to paint high-art graffiti?

Most koristuvachiv can hardly boast of artistic skills. A little low cunning, which will help to create a masterpiece on another wall:
In order to draw perfectly straight horizontal and vertical lines, it is necessary to switch the control of the mouse to the additional keyboard. Rob the whole combination of keys Shift+Alt+NumLock.
A robot with small details will become richly simple on a larger scale. Help with "Screen Magnifier": Start > Use Programs > Accessories > Special facilities> Screen magnifier.

10) Secrets of VKontakte - How to insert audio into notes?

To finish the core function, in order to save the great number of tracks on VKontakte, you can create a similar playlist:
We know the track behind the address http://vkontakte.ru/audio.php;
Know the order to send “Add” and copy it, turn the side and pin it down;
Viyshlo posilannya mind - http://vkontakte.ru/audio.php?act=add&add=0&gid=0&aid=48008192&oid=14904316&hash=af1e2261c6ba61d7487e66c2ca741f61;
Copies of the first number after the change &oid= and &aid=;
We insert the qi of the number into "[]", where * - the number of the next &oid, ** - the number of the next &aid. We insert a deleting tag ([]) from the note.

11) Secrets of VKontakte - How to make friends with yourself "VKontakte"?

Some people want to please themselves and their friends with something extraordinary - and "VKontakte" offers a lot of opportunities for personalizing your oblique record. For example, you can make friends with yourself - it’s explained how you can work, with the butt of a robot Opera browser.
We go to the side of editing a wet profile;
Show the exit code of the party, search the code for the list and add it to yourself: Me;
Pressing "Zastosuvati change" and on the side of the editing is chosen by yourself;
Save the profile.

By the way, Firefox can help us build given food, however, for self-friendship, you need to install the Firebug plugin.

12) Secrets of VKontakte - How to add special characters to the status name?

Coristuvachi are chattering, in the name of the status of such and unimaginable symbols. In order not to face progressive people, it is necessary to choose a symbol that you are worthy of, and insert your HTML code wherever necessary - in im'ya, status, or simply in proposition.

13) Secrets of VKontakte - How to follow people on VKontakte?

If you need to know, how many of your friends, friends, or should you spend at the top of the social network "VKontakte", win the SocialWatch.ru service. Everything is simple here: register, add strength to the profiles of the quiet, for whom you want to follow. If so, it is possible to spend more than an hour with ease in the social sphere.

14) Secrets of VKontakte - Yak wonder closed photos"VKontakti"?
Turn on the function "Acceleration mode review photos".
Idemo to the distribution "Photographs for some designations of the coristuvach".
We select a photograph, as if open and close, we review all the “closed” photographs.

15) Secrets of VKontakte - How to play a friend?

For the help of a little cunning, at once, from the trustfulness of friends, you can inadvertently guard the victim for the vocabulary of the victim. І all through one message - http://vkontakte.ru/?lang=number. When switching to a sent language, it changes from the Russian one to the one, the number of which bula is indicated. For example, Russian language - 0, and then - everything is in your hands, that courage of friends.

Zvichayno, over time, everything is being corrected by retailers! But there are no ideals.
All the best! Eric Newman aka rxn

Would you like to know about the fundamental functions of megapopularity in our latitudes of the social network VKontakte? Then read about this attraction of VK opportunities and win over the loss of knowledge already at the same time!

Zovsim recently we wrote about those. There, everything was done for the help of installing a special plug-in, which automatically added the functionality we needed, in the middle of which the media files were involved - only a small part of the improvement.

However, do not start and not at the skin level, it is possible to install it on a computer, for which reason you can go online ... That one shows that in most cases it is far from obov'yazykovo vikoristovuvaty third party software, - smut to know the secrets and vmiti їх vikoristovuvat;)

To that, I propagate to your respect a little, but I’ll give you a good deal of joy, as if I allow you to signify your change on VKontakte:)

Zmina movie

And why do we, perhaps, from the most important, ale fun functions - change the interface of our oblique record. Previously, in the "lower part" (lowest part of the side) of the social merezhі, they called for the help of a Swedish change of mov, in the middle of which there were two comedy versions of the Russian: "Pre-revolutionary" and "Radyansky".

Potim Kontakt having recognized the redesign and part of the "tricks", the middle of which were used to determine the options for the interface, here is the sign. Ale, really, everything was lost in the city, it was just moved:) Radyansky and pre-revolutionary Contact dosі can be turned on. For whom it is necessary to go to "My settings" and at the bottom of the "Mova" list there are two the rest of the paragraph i will be our command parameters :)

We select the required design option, press the "Stop" button and we will accept the desired result. Alone, Skoda those who don't cheer and appreciate your new interface, only you can see the shards of the wines. However, the company can and smile, for example, changing one of the comrades on your computer to pre-revolutionary language, and with an unwavering look of posterity for the reaction:).

Before the speech, on the first depositor on the first deposit ("Zagalne") You can also change the address of your page like "vk.com/id_page_number" to a more convenient and remember option, like "vk.com/vasya_pupkin". For whom, it is enough to enter the name of your oblіkovogo record in the "Addresses of the party" field, just above the list of mov.

How to add symbols and reassurance at the reminders

If the change of the mov interface will only be visible to us, then at once I will tell you about those that can be done in Contact so that everyone can see it :) Specifically, I may be able to design the text in my notes. After the rest of the redesign (approximately in kvtnі-grass), a lot of formatting functions for the text were cut off, but a little was left behind ...

The general concept of formatting the text of VKontakte is as follows: before the letter, as it is necessary in the sing way to see it, put a special code, which starts from the symbols and ends with the sing number with a two-pointer on the kіnci. In practice, it looks something like this (the butt is introduced without paws):

The cream of the flimsy baptism is contagiously practiced in the following codes:

  • - voice (put in front of the letter, on the way you want to add an accent and practice only once in one word);
  • - non-exploring gap (replaced by an empty symbol and allow, for example, send an empty reminder);
  • - nadkreslennya sutsilnoy equal line;
  • ̅ - crossed with a dotted line.

At the moment, in terms of formatting, however, everyone can guess what VKontakte codes often use popular ALT codes. If you don’t know yet, then the ALT code is a special set of numbers that can be entered from the numeric keypad (a block of buttons with right-handed numbers) from the pressed ALT key. While the button is pressed, we can enter the first digits, which will not be visible, but then release the key and the first symbol will appear.

So the axis ... Experimenting with the numbers after, you can see the results. For example, the code © to see us the copyright icon - :)

Recordings on the wall, visible only to friends

As soon as Rozmova went about the information, then here the varto guess about one far from obvious, but the main function, such as attaching information to the wall from the surviving ventilators, the Crimean druziv. If you try to work for the great editing of "My Side", then you don't see anything, there are no necessary options.

You can justly remember that at Nalashtuvannyah, at the "Privacy" (friend) depositor, you can fix it so that only friends could look at the wall (otherwise, nobody else). Ale tse will be globally improved. And what, how do you want to grab a tenement?

It appears, it’s possible and it’s awkward. You only need to know, de shukati:) And you need to shukati at the distribution of "All Records"! You can have a drink in the new one, as if on your side you will click on the writing, which will display a number of entries on the wall (in the mountains above the field "What's new with you?"). When you see a side, which only shows your wall, that expanded field of introduction of news:

Under the field for introducing new items, we will have a mandatory checkbox "for friends only". Activate yoga, publish news and you will be invisible to everyone who is not on your friends list!

The only nuance is that if you add news earlier, you won’t be able to catch it. You can only save new posts, if you publish directly on your wall, which can be an address like vk.com/wallyourID.

How to find out who is the most likely to come to you

With friends on VKontakte, it was connected with a lot of different meals ... For example, we can’t officially recognize who from friends came to us on the side. For this VKontakte there are dozens of programs, which, with varying degrees of reliability, show who, nibito, sees you. However, most of the time such programs do not work.

It seems to be real way find out who the rest of the hour most often came to you, navit without third-party addenda sumnіvnoї akostі. It is true, it is not known that there is a certain amount of certainty in this way oskіlki perevіriti can only be, energizing people without intermediary, chi stinks came before you. If I want, everything fell into place with me, we’ll tell you about the way, and verse it to you :)

Otzhe, it is necessary for us to go ahead to "My nalashtuvan" and at the very bottom of the side to know the inscription "You can see your side." For the sake of asking for help from whomever writes, we turn to the side of the left of your oblique record:

You don't need anything! We are less likely to click on the item "My side is not commented on." We choose yoga in the field with a standard password, the system will show us the names of two people, who saw your side in the rest of the hour :) So you can repeat, the docks are not countable! I had 7 people in a day - it seems to be the truth, if you want someone who knows them :).

How to ask a friend for help

The rest of the situation, connected with friends, is often blamed on VK correspondents - applications for additional submission to friends due to unknown reasons, a doubtful kind of activity :). Previously, the button was used, which allowed you to see whether there was a request for additional payment. Today, there are only two options for us to pronounce: either add, or deprive the front-payers ...

Subscribers cannot write to you without intermediary information, but they can read and comment on your notes on the wall ... If you don’t want people to get information about all your new plantings, then you can do it like this ...

We take people from prepayers, and then we go to the "My prepayers" section (in the menu under the avatar on your side). Check out the list of people signed up for you. We know the avatar of the person, yak mi shoyno added, and in the upper right fold її embossed on the button with the cross "Block". Everything is ready - you will not be disturbed anymore :)

How to capture music and video

For downloading music and videos from Contact, there are a number of services, plug-ins and additional ones. However, there is a way to capture media files and without additional attachments :). For whom we need to be a browser that allows you to review the code (sound the review code, click on the CTRL + U keys).

To download music, go to the distribution of "My audio recordings" and search for the track that you want to download. For a quick copy, I'll name it and call the side code for the additional context menu (Chrome has the item "Reviewing the side code") or another combination (used for all popular browsers). Click on the search for the code (CTRL + F) and paste it and copy the name of the required song (as if it were a sprat, then I’ll manually spell the code):

For the sake of simplicity, we need to know what all we need to send to the block with id="audios list". Now we know I will name the necessary song, and the message on it will be in the block in the block class class="play_btn fl_l". Copy sent, starting with "http" and ending with ".mp3", creating new tab, insert the message into the address row and emboss Enter.

In some browsers (most importantly old ones), after such manipulation, the download will immediately start, and in some browsers the player will appear. As soon as you started to engrave, you need to call context menu and in the new one activate the item "Save the yak". A standard save dialog will appear, in which you can choose the place where the file is to be taken and set it normally.

To capture a video, we need to add it to "My Video Recordings", click on the video and press CTRL + U quickly to gain access to the code. Video in Contact can be saved in two formats: .mp4 or .flv. Introduced to the search on the basis of insulting options and marveling at the result. It is guilty to know the power of this kind:

Like a bachimo, she takes care of her working look. Itself її pratsezdatnostі zavazhivayut zvorotni slishi, yakі stand three in front of straight lines. We need to copy the message, starting with "http" and ending with ".mp4" or ".flv", and then insert it into the address row and clean up the zayvі groups of slashes. They gave the algorithm the same as for sending to music: either the video will be more likely to get into the folder "zavantazheny for zamovchuvannyam", or the program will appear and we can save the video through the context menu.

One, what can I say, only those who can take advantage of such a rank of video can only be in that case, as if they are interested in one of the servers VK.com, VK.me or friendly video hosting, but not YouTube or RuTube. And more:) For some video recordings, send a sprat - stench is transmitted by codes url240, url360, url480 or url720. Qi digits mean allowed, and also, i yakist video;).

Status "At the land of the mobile annex" on the PC

For a snack, one more simple trick :) mobile annex"So it looks like you are sitting next to a phone or a tablet. Deyak comrades immediately "pros_kli chip" and began to brag about them that they have cool tablets and smartphones. As proof, of course, the stench induces their status :)

Ale, the status for the necessary can be easily removed, as your browser is similar to the new one (new tezh pidide :)).

We need to go to the browser menu and know there the item "Tools" - "Tools of the retailer" (also called CTRL + SHIFT + I). Now, in the panel, which has been shown, "Emulation" is actively distributed, and in the "Device" tab, we select from the list of attachments, which we want to emulate. I selected Google Nexus 10, download the tablet high quality screens and with such a razdіlnoy zdatnіstyu comfortably pratsyuvatime on a sizable monitor.

Now it's no longer enough to press the "Emulate" button and re-advantage the Contact side. You will be automatically redirected to the mobile version of the site, and next to your name there will be a beautiful status-icon next to the mobile phone :) the rest of the crop switch to the new version of the site by pressing the button " New version"at the left menu at the bottom. If you want the government mobile version, you can get rid of ...


Axis and end of our mini-excursion to hobbies of opportunity VKontakte. Actually, VK has a lot more secrets, but it’s unrealistic to know them all! That old and quiet chi іnshih fіshok vіdbuvaёtsya dosit shvidko. So far, this article was being written, for example, at Kontaktі they turned the function of choosing a movie from the website :) And the article was written for only two days ...

In a word, you can’t get behind everything, that victorist is the best of the day, that you can still victorist, and tomorrow - more fun:) Good surfing and more friends, with whom you can talk to be-yakі those!

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article for the understanding of the inscription of an active message sent to the savings by Ruslan Tertishny.

Secrets of Vkontakte (vkontakte.ru): 1. Revision closed sides(profiles)

This is one of the most important secrets. Well, who at least once did not dream of marveling at the photograph of a chic unknowing woman, with whom they do not reach their friends? And how is access to this side closed? Let go! Otzhe secret dosit forgiveness. Necessary umovoy є vіdkritіst photo album, video recordings, audio recordings, notes too. For the cob, you need to know the ID of the koristuvach. How to recognize Vkontakte ID? Too simple! ID - the same number that Ide in the URL after http://vkontakte.ru/id. For example, Pavel Durov has ID 1. To change the number cost n_k, then just point to the message “Add to friends” and you may see a prompt at the bottom left corner of the browser (wherever the message is). There you will know the id of the koristuvach. Since you have recognized the ID, you only need to submit it in the required URL. Below is a list of "secret" URLs for access to other branches of the koristuvach. Instead of "*" enter the ID of the carrier you need.

Recordings on the wall:

Photo albums:

Video recordings:

Audio recordings:



Vkontakte secrets: 2. Special characters for "Vkontakte"

You, singsongly, mentioned that the deacons are coristuvachs in their names, statuses, or simply in their profiles they can be coolly unidentified symbols. From the keyboards of їх, obviously, it is impossible to get through, but the secret is simple. Qi symbols are called special and are entered after the additional HTML code. Find out which code for which symbol "Vkontakti" can be consumed. For this address you will know practically usі code for "Vkontaktі".

Secrets of Vkontakte: 3. Let's get rid of the name (how to clean up the name and name))

So many people want to be incognito like life, so is Vkontakte. You know everything, you know everything, but nobody knows about you. It's possible! You can create your own appearance record without a name. The secret with one small minus is that you will need to register again at some point.

  1. We are re-registering Vkontakte. Zapovnyuєmo all fields krіm "Im'ya" and "Prizvische".
  2. Copy the javascript code to the address bar of the browser: this.disabled=true; document.regMe.submit();
  3. Press "Enter" or the "Go" button in the browser.
  4. Ready! You are registered without a name and a nickname!

Secrets of Vkontakte: 4. Become invisible

Another way to get close to the invisible man. For this secret, you can walk on the side of the social network, and others will think that you are offline. Alas, I can’t view the “profile.php” side, that’s why. own profile and the main side of the profiles of other koristuvachivs. Є 3 ways, more like a secret:

Secret No. 1 (only suitable for Firefox)

  1. Enter about:config in the Firefox address bar. Browser settings are displayed.
  2. Us sled timchasovo zaboronit readdressing. For this, in the Filter field, enter network.http.redirection-limit and change its value to 0. I have defaulted to 20.
  3. Open a new tab and go to the side http://vkontakte.ru/login.php and enter your login and password.
  4. Show up for a pardon. Don't boast, so be it.
  5. Let's go to the other side of "Vkontakte" (cream "profile.php").
  6. Turning to the tab with settings and changing the “network.http.redirection-limit” parameter to those that were behind the lock.

Secret number 2 (only suitable for Opera)

  1. Go to "Instrument" > "Settings" > "Dodatkovo" > "Merezha".
  2. Check the "Enable automatic redirection" checkbox.
  3. We repeat for the Firefox browser, starting from three points.

Secret number 3 (simple, but it will take an hour)

  1. We go to the section "Special notices"
  2. Checking 15 minutes (timeout for contacting VKontakte).
  3. All is ready. You can navigate through the sides of the social network, crim "profile.php".

Secret #4

Those same can be zrobiti for help programs Vk A-Vision. Read about the programs for "Vkontakte" in one of the upcoming posts. Obov'yazkovo, so don't miss it.

Secrets of Vkontakte: 5. How to make friends with yourself

There are no special secrets in this secret, but you still want to be seen in front of your friends. It's easy to make friends with yourself. For the cob I will explain how to work with the Opera browser. Go to the side of editing your profile (http://vkontakte.ru/profileedit.php) and enter the exit code of the side. joke the code to the list, what you see, and in the very end add to yourself . You choose to print "Zastosuvati change" on the side of editing. If you don't want to save your profile. You can also use the same operation in the Firefiox browser, for which you need to install the Firebug plugin.

Secrets of Vkontakte: 6. Significantly all friends on the video

I signify friends on the video manually for a long time and it hurts. It's easier to find vicorist's offensive secret. Vіn vengeance total 4 kroki:

  1. We go to the side of the video.
  2. Pressing "Vіdznachiti".
  3. Insert the script into the address bar of the browser: javascript:for(blabla=0;blabla<5000;blabla++){ var elem = document.getElementById("f"+blabla); if(elem == null) break; elem.onclick(); }».
  4. Press "Enter".

At my glance, it’s absolutely marna rich, but all the same, someone can be in good luck. It’s necessary to ask back, so that on your side it says “Information on this side may not be valid.” How tse robiti? Just. Create a side like a star, add a copy of the photographs of Marilyn Monroe and write what you want. The profile can be completed by 100% - tse obov'yazkova mind. Otherwise, the secret is not kept. Let's join one of the groups, which have moderators. How do you just accept the additional notice "Information on this side may not be valid." start seeing information from the side. For example, if you can see the avatar, the rating will be -30%.

Also, let's talk about those that make up the rating and how to move it up to the maximum mark. Otzhe, how to increase the rating of Vkontakte that filling of such waters at the social borders on the new one is poured:

Vіdsotkove svіvіdnoshnja: Photographі – 25%
Special information (deposit) - up to 20%
VNZ - 5%
School with usma danimi…. - twenty%
Career - 10%
About myself:
— 10%
- Sub-loga - 2%
- Family camp - 2%
- Date of birth (once) - 2%
- Rіdne misto - 2%
- Political look - 1%
- Religious look - 1%)
City - 10%
(1 piece - 1%, up to 10 pieces)
Contact information - 10%
mobile phone - 4%
ICQ - 4%
home phone - 2%)

Secrets of Vkontakte: 8. Change movie

For the help of this simplest secret, you can miraculously play a friend. The essence of the offensive: when you go for the help http://vkontakte.ru/?lang=the number of the language changes from the Russian one to the one you indicated. Russian language - 0. And then experiment! Don't forget to write a good text that zazyvaє. For example: “http://vkontakte.ru/?lang=10 is a special New Version of Vkontakte! Come on in - don't mess around!"

Secrets of Vkontakte: 9. We can apply for an addendum to friends

Sometimes it’s like this: they added people to the friends, and then they changed their minds. Chi not bіda, the application can be seen, more accurately say. Enter http://vkontakte.ru/friend.php?act=remove&id=* into the address bar of the browser, where * is the ID of the inappropriate friend. When someone comes to tell you: “Do you really want to see Im'ya_friend Prizvische_friend z-help friends?”. Press "Yes" boldly.

Secrets of Vkontakte: 10. Status on a row of rows

Yak and іnshі secrets, tsey dosit simple. One mind, we need the Opera browser. Open the side of your profile and go to the mode of reviewing the exit code. We know the next bit of code:

« »

Replace yoga with:

« »

We take the result. Now you can write status "Vkontakti" at the kіlka rows.

Secrets of Vkontakte: 11. Insert music on the note "Vkontakte"

Really, it's a corny function. As you save the great number of tracks, you can create similar playlists for additional notes. We are being checked for 5 kroki. Let's get started.

  1. We know we will need a song. You can do this at vkontakte.ru/audio.php.
  2. The order from the song is the message “Add”. Copy її. You can do it this way: open it up in the new window and immediately increase the interest of the party. I have had the following axis: .
  3. Copies of the 1st number, so that it goes after &oid= and &aid=.
  4. We insert the qi of the number in ["]", de * - the number of the next &oid, ** - the number of the after &aid.
  5. Insert a deletion tag from the note. I have wiyshlo []. Everything works.

Vkontakte secrets: 12. Vkontakte graphite secrets

Often asked, how do deyaky koristuvachs have chic graphite? Secrets, like forever, simple and lie on the surface.

  1. To draw straight horizontal and vertical lines, it is necessary to switch the control of the mouse to the additional keyboard. The delete is just a combination - Shift + Alt + NumLock.
  2. A robot with a scale will help you paint the details more quickly. You can zoom in the browser, or you can use the standard Windows function - "Screen magnifier". To zoom in, you need to go: Start > All programs > Accessories > Special features > Screen magnifier.

Secrets of Vkontakte: 13. How did you get blocked on Vkontakte

This secret will be especially dark, as you have on your robot or in the initial mortgage Blocked Vkontakte. Vihіd yak zavzhdi є. Navіt yakscho "VKontakti" blocked anyway you can go to social measure, moreover, two different ways. The best and simplest way is to enter through an anonymizer. Anonymizers can also be blocked, but I think there is one robot from the proponated list in one of the spoof systems.

Problem h block "Vkontakte" out.

Vіrazu varto designate that this secret is not practiced. But you can try it. Otzhe, shob identify the author anonymous thoughts"Vkontakte" needed:

We are creating a new proposition in the “Propositions” section. Try to come up with a cicava.
For this reason, “Propositions” are mentioned in the “My Settings” section.
Let's force the author of the thought to come forward http://vkontakte.ru/matches.php?act=a_sent&to_id= *** &dec=1 de *** is your Vkontakte ID. How to recognize ID I already wrote more. Posilannya may "complete" with the text, sob anonymously clicking on it.

Secrets of Vkontakte: 15. How to look over closed photos of Vkontakte

The price of a new secret, which became known after the New Rock. Algorithm for offensives:

  • We turn on a new function - "Acceleration mode for reviewing photos".
  • Idemo to the distribution of "Photographs for some indications of coristuvach" (optionally, schob vin buv vіdkritiy). Call more photos there closed for review.
  • We choose a photo, like to open it and give it away with arrows or by clicking on the photo, as if we were looking through the album. All closed photos will be visible to you.

This secret of "Vkontakte" is working on the start of a new function "Acceleration mode reviewing photos", as it is implemented trohi crookedly.

If you know the secrets of "Vkontakte" - don't worry, write me in the special notification "Vkontakte". Let's sweat the stench will be added to the whole settlement. Secret information about vkontakte.ru is also not allowed.

With a new or partial copy of the material, it is actively sent to the article on obov'yazkovim.

In one of the upcoming posts, I will tell you about the korisn cool programs for Vkontakte. don't miss it.

"The world is for optimists, pessimists are less than peeps." © François Guizot

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