Avg antivirus free op. Improved that match with AVG Antivirus FREE. Scanning a computer for the presence of shkіdlivih programs

Golovna / Additional functionality

Today it is important to show the work on personal computer without connection to the Internet. And if there is a link to light spiders, it means that there is a threat of infection with various viruses. They can be assigned to the software security and / or hardware of the computer, open special, including confidential data, the data of the master of justice, for the help of such evil-doers, they can be assigned to the wrongful financial well-being of the rest. Protecting against such threats can be secured with anti-virus programs, which are quite common today. How to choose from them for typing on a computer? Let's try to help someone else by looking at a representative of such software - AVG antivirus.

Zagalni vіdomostі

Use free (AVG Free AntiVirus) and two paid versions (AVG AntiVirus and AVG Internet Security), as if it’s easy to quarrel among themselves for functionality. All versions are developed by the Czech company AVG Technologies and for the rest of the hour sit in the same space on the market for similar software.

Why do they stink one kind of one? Can you choose a cost-free version of the product to protect your PC from virus attacks? Let's try to get acquainted with these food.

AVG virus-free antivirus

On the thought of fahivtsiv, a set of functions paid version Antivirus "AVG" allows you to secure the most basic protection of the operating system of your PC. Particularly noteworthy is the importance of this anti-virus product as a significant reduction in system resources. It is safe to protect against viruses and Trojans, and the data base is updated automatically. With this help, you will be safely taken care of by the exchange of files, chatting, copying with game programs, and reviewing films. AVG Anti-Virus for Windows 7, as well as for Windows 8.1/8/Vista/XP, is installed on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of these operating systems.

The fact that this product is the result of the work of a great company from a decent number of fakers from the organization of protection of data is worthy of the costless antivirus. The AVG company has paid versions of its products, for the price of which I will charge a profit.

Just because a software product is cost-free, it doesn't mean that it's better to use its own code like a computer hack. Even anti-virus technologies, which are installed both in paid ones, and in versions, which are freely available, are absolutely identical, however, anti-virus bases are regularly updated.

Roseeveryday no-cost version Program - tse, shvidshe, advertising reception of the virobnik. Vіn rozrakhovuє, scho koristuvachі willing to buy a paid version of the product of the company, as if they were able to variant, scho vіlno rozpovsyudzhuєtsya. I stink to want to take yoga additional functionsі technical support virobnik. And really, this advertising technique is effectively working.

Also, the basic computer protection will be a full security version of AVG Free AntiVirus, in it there will be only daily technical support and additional functions, for example, antispam and a firewall. So there is no defense of your penny operations.

Antivirus - AVG Trial

We looked at the possibility of a different version of the free version antivirus software. And AVG is promoting a trial version of its paid product AVG AntiVirus Pro term for a month without payment. It is also possible to carry out promotions, in the course of which the license for the AVG antivirus is distributed free of charge.

Varto spend in such an action and wash the vikonati with it. As a result, it is possible to download the entire roku without cost to speed up the full version of the AVG program (antivirus). Registration of such a trial license is required for the term її dії - 374 days from the moment of installation on the computer. This proposition may be realized less at the time of the first installation given antivirus on the computer.

Pokrokova instruction for installation

Before installing the free version of the AVG anti-virus program, uninstall all other similar programs. Otherwise, the computer may be unstable.

  1. On the official site that promotes AVG antivirus, select the option of no-cost scam.
  2. Download the installation file.
  3. Check for the completion of your interest and launch.
  4. Master of the installation, which showed, suggested your actions at all stages of the installation of the program. Mova choose Russian and press "Dali".
  5. Take your mind license area.
  6. Important! When choosing a product (promoted basic version bezkoshtovna or trial for 30 days) zupinaetsya on the first - basic protection, put on the new jumper.
  7. You will automatically be seen at the next window unique number licenses, push "Dali".
  8. Choose express installation - optimal option for zahistu vіd vіrusіv
  9. On an insufficiently exhausted computer, you will see a notification about the incompatibility of the system. You can look at a distant installation. But it’s better to continue її.
  10. Watch the process of installation, which is three sprats of whilin.
  11. Let me know about the completion of the installation.
  12. Check out the brand new anti-virus program, update the virus database.
  13. If someone appears, he writes that he is a coristuvach of theft. Can you revise Windows system slyakh її skanuvannya, pressing the button of the control panel.

Antivirus for Android

Statistical data show that the activity of viruses directing to mobile systems based on Android. Due to the growing popularity of such systems. Rozrobniki, okrim anti-virus programs for computers mobile outbuildings on the basis of "Android" is not only the AVG anti-virus, but the version of AVG AntiVirus PRO with a trial cost-free license term for one r_k. It's not just an antivirus, but rather a rich system to fully protect the phone. We have no need to encrypt data, a lock system, so you have used your phone. And also defending against theft, blocking the phone and that’s a lot of other things. Special features of the program are a small amount of system resources and life of the device.

Calculate the arithmetic mean of the set of values, as in the singing field.


Avg ( viraz )

Argument virazє row viraz, which designates the field with numerical tributes, for those it is necessary to know the arithmetic mean, or viraz, for the help of which a rozrahunok is carried out. Operand y virazi You can use the name of the table, a constant or a function (they are used in a shorthand, but also an aggregate SQL function).


Significance, otrimane for auxiliary functions Avgє arithmetic mean (the sum of the value divided by their number). For example, you can twist the function Avg, to improve the average delivery rate.

Function Avg do not check fields with Null values.

You can vicorist AVG in order to determine the SQL query and authority of the QueryDef object, or when creating the object, the collection of records based on the SQL query.




Select AVG ([Price]) as Viraz1 with ProductSales;

Rotate the arithmetic mean of all the value of the UnitPrice field from the "ProductSales" table and display it at the Viraz1 column.

Select AVG ([SalePrice]) as AvgSalePrice, AVG ([Reduced]) as AvgDiscount from ProductSales;

Rotate the average value of the "SalePrice" field and the "reduction" in the ProductSales table. The results are displayed at the "Avgsaleprice" and "Avgdiscount" stations according to the arithmetic mean of all "Saleprice", de "kіlkіst" sold more than 10. The results are displayed at the "Avgsaleprice" station.

Select ABS (AVG ([Reduced])) as AbseverageDiscount from ProductSales;

Turn the absolute value of the "Reduction" field and it will be displayed in the "Absavere discount" column.

Note: This side has been translated automatically, so the text may be corrected by inaccuracies and grammatical pardons. It is important for us that this article should be corny for you. What was the information core? For visibility also

Let's try it out today with the AVG Security Toolbar. What is it? Need a new program? How can you see? What is required? About everything at once and timetsya.

What kind of "animal"?

AVG Security Toolbar - what is it? Core utility help to practice with a computer? Or maybe, Poshukovik, what a great site? Let's figure out why we should have a mother on the right today. Aja, be it a modern coristuvach, is guilty of a clear understanding of what wines you allow or you will install yourself.

AVG Security Toolbar - what is it? In truth, as you have recognized, you represent yourself tsey supplement, then, better for everything, you already had a chance to shut up with him. For itself, this "infection" represents its own toolbar (a panel in the browser), which is somehow guilty of helping us All-World's Spider. Ale, it’s true, everything goes out anyway.

Well, in front of him, how to get down to fixing some of the other malfunctions in the computer, we need to understand you, the stars of the stench come from. This is even more important when the operating system is "healthy". Let's find out what's what.

If you thought about how to see the AVG Security Toolbar, then for the cob varto, you should consider a sprinkling of the leading region from infection with cim spam. Aje to uniquely potentially unsafe places, make it simpler, then later excite the computer in the face of the virus penetration, why not?

The first variant of the development of subdivisions is the introduction of advertising sites and clicks on banners. It is not possible to say exactly whether some of them are more unsafe, and some are not. Sensation does not change: if you bring a computer infection into the system.

If you don't want to think about how you can see the AVG Security Toolbar, then, obviously, it's not necessary to be corrupted by various hackers and unlicensed software. The warehouses themselves, as a rule, are in charge of the majestic shkodi computer. If we already know without them, then try to go in only to the re-verification of sites, stars and zavantazhuvatimete programs.

Also, to report on the popular message after the introduction or curiosity of what you can see the AVG Security Toolbar program - it's, obviously, different managers are zavantazhen. The stench often installs the zayvi software with a "patch", and not all wines are safe. The least vindication of our current problem is to be tested for the "Download Manager" quotation hour.

System Behavior

And now let's take a look at how to infect a computer. Even behind insignificant signals, you can understand that the hour has come to think, how to see the AVG Security Toolbar.

The first sign is the indication of galm in the operating system. Dosit often similar behavior does not give a special meaning. So, really, it can be provoked by minor systemic failures, but it won’t bring you to the ready.

Also, the operating system is infected and starts to show coristuvachevy even a lot of different spam in the browser. Plus, you'll have an awesome row on the AVG Security Toolbar. Vidality її not so easy. For whom the virus needs to know beforehand.

In addition, you can note that you have third-party content on your computer. This is the most obvious fact that can spur us to the point of eliminating computer spam and viruses. Now, if we know the answer to the question: "AVG Security Toolbar - what kind of program?"


Also, try using the AVG Security Toolbar, you can check out the "viruses and spam" sections about it. Richly koristuvachіv vіdznachayut, schogo toolbar pozbutis very important. Zvichaynym vydalnyam do not get along here. After restarting the computer, we will surprise you with a surprise - the program, as before, will be lost in the browser. Let's start our fight.

The best work is to check the operating system for an additional anti-virus program. Dr.Web, Nod32, Avast - you can quickly become some kind of anti-virus. Golovnya, schob vіn vlastovuvav you. Update the database with viruses, and then run deep revision. You can drink a lot of time on it - be patient.

As soon as you reject the result, test all known potentially unsafe and suspicious files. So, not all stinks will follow the command. "Non-hearing" documents need to be simply seen. In antiviruses there is a special button for this function. Ready? Then you can go to the next step. Golovne, don't overthink the Dotty computer, don't destroy the docks as much as possible.


How to improve AVG Security Toolbar? For example, since we have hurried to help the antivirus, you can try to get rid of this utility, as in special program- Through the "Control Panel". Well, look at the distribution at the "Start" menu. There you happen to know that vibrati "Installation that

Check, the docks will form a list of all installed content. When you're all set, check out the new AVG Security Toolbar and delete it. Remember to expand the root folder. As soon as the initiator closes, go through the path of the program, and then delete everything that will be found there. Objects varto "visibility" navit z "cat". All is ready? Well, then it’s rushing far away. Mi vzhe mayzhe meta.


Well, now we have a chance to improve a little bit from the so-called system registry. Navigate to the new one (Win + R, and then hit the "regedit" command) and select "Edit". Get to know "Poshuk". Feel free to press on the new one.

Now at the row that appeared, we type "AVG Security Toolbar" and start the recheck. When the process is completed, I will see everything that was revealed. For this, click on the skin row, and then select the "Vidality" command. Nothing fancy, right? It's important to know the system registry. We continue to fight with you with the AVG Security Toolbar.

Add-on software

Now we need one more utility, to help us get through the tasks we have set. It is called CCleaner and serves to help clean the system registry. To be in free access, bezkoshtovna, it is easy to coristuvanni.

Install the program, and then run it. At the left side of the screen, put a new scan option: all distributed hard drive, registry, browsers, Click on "Analysis" at the right side of the window. The process will take a few seconds, after which you happen to click on "Cleansing". From i all. We don't need more CCleaner to fight the AVG Security Toolbar. In this rank, we pass with you to the rest of the croc.


In order to get rid of the rest of our current virus, you should also look into the processes that are running on the computer. The stench, as a rule, zavazhayut to us with a likuvanni operating system.

Press Ctrl + Alt + Del, and then select Do someone happen to go to the "Processes" tab. Ready? So we can boldly marvel at the task that counts for the current moment. Find the AVG Security Toolbar there (click on the entry to be found in the "Description" section), see the next row, and then click on the "End Process" button. Every once in a while it happens to grow up tsyu diyu kіlka razіv - the virus creates its own copies. As soon as you change your mind, there is no process in the table, you can reset the computer. We ran into the AVG Security Toolbar!

Another reason for this was the old thought: "An anti-virus without a virus can't be good." Ale, everything is flowing, everything is changing, and the topic of bezkoshtovnі anti-viruses for personal victoria has gained sensation and clarity. At the same time, there are a lot of companies on the market, as a result of the release of commercial anti-virus products, they also release cost-free versions, as a whole, they provide basic protection for more home-grown coristuvachiv.

With bezkoshtovnymi antiviruses, a sprig of myths is tied up. The first, and most important, cost-free anti-viruses reveal higher viruses, lower paid counterparts. Tse not zovsіm so i mi tse shown in tsomu peer-to-peer. As a rule, anti-virus bases in all products of one generic are identical, as well as identical base anti-virus technologies that need to be installed. Another myth is that cost-free anti-viruses are greatly reduced in functionality compared to their paid versions. If it was true, and then at that hour it was too bright, and now the cost-free anti-viruses are overturning the paid versions of competitors for functionality.

These are the main myths related to bezkoshtovnym antiviruses. Why use cost-free anti-viruses, who are rooted in them? Statistics show that the number of cost-free antiviruses is growing at a relentless pace, but don't be surprised by those who, even if it's not enough, to invest in a pirated version of an antivirus can be skin-hungry. It's not worth talking about those that bezkoshtovnі antiviruses do well with their work, little people trust them. Plus to everything, there is a lot of satisfaction for those who are worthy of a licensed product, hi and bezkoshtovnym.

You can often read that cost-free anti-viruses cry out for suspicion, the shards are unaware of the work of their creators. Movlyav, yakscho bezkoshtovno, then what stink to live on? At whom it looks like a trick. I'm afraid that free versions of antiviruses are released great companies With a great staff, de professionals work, and people earn good money. Loyal koristuvachi, yakі changed as a product, willing to switch from non-kostovny versions to paid tsієї companies. Some of them swear to take away the additional functions and the mother of the full technical support. If you want to support the company, let out a good product.

Therefore, it would be better to compare among themselves paid and cost-free anti-virus products from one virobnik and to overturn all the above rightly. From whom we cannot deprive the anti-virus products of a productive company without respect. AVG Technologies.

In today's glance, we can see two products: AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition that paid AVG AntiVirus 2011. We will try to show what the paid ones really look like virus-free antivirus in AVG and varto switch from a cost-free product to a more functional paid product.

Validity between versions

Table 1: Features and functionality between AVG Antivirus and AVG Antivirus Free Edition

AVG Antivirus AVG Antivirus free edition
Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, Anti-Rootkit
AVG Identity Protection (proactive privacy protection)
AVG Social Networking Protection
AVG LinkScanner (Scanner and web pages)
AVG Online Shield
Priority updates
Technical support of the picker

Otzhe, as can be seen from the table, AVG Antivirus may still win in pairs AVG Antivirus Free Edition:

  • Rechecking files before downloading (the Online Shield component), which increases the level of security, blocking shkidlivy programs before being put on the computer;
  • Checking the security of the messages that are transmitted from the companions (the Online Shield component);
  • Priority updates (including updates for anti-virus databases, updates for anti-virus modules);
  • Access to technical experts to help you get help.

How and next to check the commercial version of AVG Antivirus for the account additive component AVG Online Shield and prioritized updates are responsible for more security nadiy zahist lower AVG Antivirus Free Edition. In order to understand all the subtle nuances, let's take a look at the products and report.

More traditionally from the installation of AVG Antivirus (the details of the installation of AVG Antivirus Free Edition are minimal, but we can show it), and then we will move on to the functionality and improvement.

System support

Minimum systemic help

  • Intel Pentium (or similar) 1.5 GHz;
  • 512 MB RAM;
  • 390 MB free space on hard disk (including vimogi before installation).
  • Intel Pentium (or similar) 1.8 GHz;
  • 512 MB RAM;
  • 510 MB free space on a hard disk (including widows before installation).

Operating systems that are supported

  • MS Windows XP;
  • MS Windows XP Pro x64 Edition;
  • MS Windows Vista;
  • MS Windows Vista x64 Edition;
  • MS Windows 7;
  • MS Windows 7 x64 Edition.

Supported browsers (for AVG LinkScanner technology)

Installed AVG antivirus

Installed AVG Antivirus do not call for everyday folding. The beginning of the installation is standard, it is necessary to accept a license agreement (div. figure 1). Here you go, you can choose your program interface and license area.

Warto signify that the installer itself is entangled from the AVG site, distribution kits of products are entranted already during the installation process. The size of the downloaded distribution kit (at the moment) is close to 120 Mb, which is important to protect against low I will pass the building Internet connection.

Baby 1: The Cob Installing AVG Antivirus

After receiving the license, please prompt to enter the activation key (div. Fig. 2). Like Bachimo, the activation key (in our case is trial) introductions automatically. Ale, as a backdrop, a commercial key was attached, it is necessary to independently indicate it in the introduction field. If the key is entered correctly, then the right-handed entry field will have a green check mark.

Figure 2: Entering the AVG activation key Antivirus

When installed AVG Antivirus Free Edition The replacement window for entering the activation key is displayed when you select the version of the product (div. baby 2a). You can choose between a non-commercial version or a full-featured commercial version AVG Internet security.

Figure 2a: Selected version of the AVG product to install

At the next stage of the installation, you need to select a directory for installing the required program components (div. Figure 3).

Figure 3: Selection of AVG components to install. Antivirus

After selecting the components for installation, it will be prompted to install the extension to the browser - AVG Security toolbar(Div. baby 4). AVG Security toolbar- tse even the same extension to the browser, yak pratsyuє spilno z component LinkScanner.

AVG Security toolbar reviewing requests for search requests from such search systems, such as Yahoo!, Google, Bing, Baidu, Yandex, Ask.com, AOL, Seznam.cz, in this way, signifies the safety of sites before switching to them. It also provides manual access to Facebook and Skype. Crimium of the main functions AVG Security toolbar can you tell me about the selection of new ones mail order and check the weather forecast.

Figure 4: Installing AVG Security Toolbar

Once installed, the browser may show up. Internet Explorer about the replacement of the postal worker (div. Fig. 6). AVG Security toolbar as a postal worker, I’m going to tell you to install Yandex.

Figure 6: Prompt about changing a postal worker

You can also register for new products from the AVG company, and you can also take part in the security program and product enhancements (div. Fig. 7). Registration and participation in this program is not necessary, but the site, on its own side, is recommended to come to it, to help retailers from AVG to improve their products and services.

Figure 7: AVG Product Registration Form

At whom the installation will be completed. After pressing the button Done, the smut of the program starts. Yakshcho restored AVG Antivirus, then it will show additional advance and about those that the trial version and indications of the term until the end of the trial license (div. baby 8). After the installation is completed, it is recommended to restart the computer.

Figure 8: AVG license term expiration warning Antivirus

Axis looks like a smut AVG Antivirus(Div. baby 9). Vimogi components and videleni Zhovtim.

Figure 9: AVG Antivirus smut

And so it looks like the smut of AVG Antivirus Free Edition (div. Figure 9a.).

Malyunok 9a: Golovne vikno AVG Antivirus Free Edition

Like Bachimo, the visual features are minimal. AVG Antivirus Free Edition has an included Online Shield component (which is not the same as Vic).

The main window displays the status of security components, version of anti-virus databases, hour the rest of the update that scan. A single mouse click on any of the security components you see, at the bottom of the window there is a short description-hint about the recognition of this component (div. baby 10).

Figure 10: Selection of the AVG head safety component Antivirus

Click on the selected component to view a detailed description of the component and its adjustment (Div. Malyunok 11).

Figure 11: Expanding the menu of the selected AVG security component Antivirus

Let's finish our acquaintance with AVG Antivirus and AVG Antivirus Free Edition, and let's move on to the main division of our review, de mirozpovimo about the functional of these products.

Possibility of AVG antiviruses

Components of AVG Antivirus

AVG Antivirus consists of a set of software components, skin care functionality. Let's get back to the Anti-Virus component.

The Anti-Virus component - detects viruses, bugs, Trojans and other non-bug programs. To ensure a high level of protection, the component will need regular updates.

Component Anti Spyware appointments for zahistu vіd spy programs for example, such as secretly collect special data from the computer of the koristuvach. The Anti-Spyware component will require regular updates.

Varto specify that the components of Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware cannot be installed.

Let's move on to the offensive component - LinkScanner. This component includes two modules: AVG Search-Shieldі AVG Surf-Shield. These two modules protect the computer of the coristuvacha from the shifty site of the site and post it on such sites for an hour to look through the pages on the Internet.

Module AVG Search-Shield works in Microsoft Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox browsers. The principle of the robotic module works in the offensive, if the search system searches for a request for a corystuvach, LinkScanner scans all the messages, which seem to be coristuvachevy (it seems to be more than quick, but sometimes the results of the scan are delayed). In the fall, according to the result of the scan, a special sign is placed (div. Figure 12 and Figure 13).

Figure 12: Deciphering the meaning of the icons that display the result of scanning by the AVG LinkScanner component Antivirus

Figure 13: Result of AVG's LinkScanner Antivirus

Yak bachimo, a lot of scoring the result when entering "keygen". In addition, how to point the bear’s vkazivnik at the sign LinkScanner bіla psilannya, then s'appear merging vikno s report description threats, risks and the result of scanning.

At the present time, the situation is becoming more and more frequent, that the great "clean" site can be infested and become infected. In this case, the koristuvach cannot be bothered with the fact that the site will require the installation of a program, or the launch of an ActiveX component, which in the end bag will lead to infection.

Dodatkovo protect against such click attacks AVG Surf-Shield, other module of the component LinkScanner Avg Surf-Shield, yak I Avg Search-Shield, forgetting the Zachist during the glance web-striking, ale on the vidmin vid nyoy, Avg Surf-Shited recognition for viyannes on the sites, pusking the code. Expoose, for the pre -unit of the Yaki Plainers can infect your computer, vikoristovuyuchi kakіs - or infuriating in yoga software security.

View component view Online Shield(more on that in front), which allows you to recognize more viruses and malware security, the Active Surf-Shield building module proactively detects exploits on Internet sites. Another thing that AVG Surf-Shield sees AVG Search-Shield is the fact that the first one scans HTTP traffic, without having to beat any browser, this module can be used for that.

The offensive component, about which the world is known, tse Resident Shield, like, like yelling out the name, taking care of the fast antivirus zakhist computer. Resident Shield scans files for hours, saves, copies, and protects system areas of the operating system.

At the time of the manifestation, threaten the koristuvach to speak in the wake of the warning. Resident Shield on the driver's license distant diy we reveal shkіdlivim software security, but you can nalashtuvati yogo on the automatic view.

On vibіr є three dії:

  • Move to a collection (infected files will be quarantined in a collection of viruses);
  • Go to the file (opening the folder to clear the file from Windows Explorer);
  • Ignore (infection files are left in the streaming space on the disk, however, due to the security method, the Resident Shield component is not allowed to be accessed by rooters).

Merit for a short riddle in looking at the components EmailScanner, which is the purpose for rechecking input or output email independently from vicoristovuvanoy client mail program(for example, TheBat or Mozilla Thunderbird). Email-Scanner supports POP3, SMTP, IMAP protocols. Note that SSL is supported for these protocols.

Component online Shield, which is available in AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition, consists of two modules: "Internet Defender" and "Exchange Defender mittevim reminders". Let's take a look at what these modules are.

Module Internet zakhist make sure you look at the web pages, scanning them together or including files, which will be taken care of before it appears in the browser or will be taken to the computer (div. baby 14).

Defend the exchange of mittevim and notifications, secure the defence, when working with popular programs exchange of notifications, such as ICQ, MSN, Yahoo. For the skin program, you can keep "white" and "black" lists of coristuvachs, which are allowed, or it is strictly forbidden to associate with coristuvachi.

Baby 14: Online Shield in AVG Antivirus by blocking the attempt to take advantage of random programs

And the axis yak on the right side of the wind AVG Antivirus Free Edition. (Div. baby 15)

Baby 15: AVG Antivirus Free Edition by blocking the spyware program

Like Bachimo, the file was infected with the virus in the cache of the browser, so the virus-free version of AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition still had a koristuvach on the computer.

Another important component of security - Anti Rootkit. Like the names of the names, the names of the destinations for the search and remote rootkits (programs that are used to attach the least amount of activity in the system). For these requests, it is necessary to run the scanning procedure.

Another important component in the warehouse of both versions of AVG Anti-Virus, as we can see. Identity Protection, a kind of proactive technology for protecting your computer against new and unknown threats. For some wines, we need constant monitoring of all processes running on a computer (including attachments) and over 285 behavior models. If the Identity Protection designates that the file is corrupted, the file will be placed in the "Virus Storage" and all changes in the system will be processed, as the program has created (changes in the registry, opening the port later). In essence, Identity Protection is nothing more than advanced technology to protect against intrusion ( HIPS - Host intrusion Protection System).

One more component in stock i AVG Anti-Virus, i AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition, about which we would like to know, tse PC Analyzer. The purpose of the assignment component for system analysis with a method of optimizing the robotic system, and PC Analyzer itself can:

  • Show pardons at the registry;
  • Viluchati non-required files(timing files, files that were lost after the program was installed later);
  • Defragment the disk;
  • Shukati and correct the "breaking" labels.

The level of criticality will be graded according to the chotiricolir scale (div. Figure 16).

Figure 16: Result of PC analysis Analyzer in AVG Anti-Virus

After the completion of the analysis, it will be requested to take advantage of the additional utility AVG PC Tune Up, as you can find problems. The first time the administration was pardoned without a cost, for the repeated administration of this utility, it is necessary to obtain a license. In fact, the PC Analyzer component is nothing more than a one-time trial version of AVG PC TuneUp.

Let's finish talking about the components of AVG Anti-Virus and let's move on to describing other functions of this product.

Scanning a computer for the presence of shkіdlivih programs

AVG Anti-Virus (like AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition) propane wide choice scanning parameters; you can scan a part of the computer, and the advanced scan parameters allow you to adjust the scan to specific numbers.

The next type of scanning is marked in front by a swipe for typing and simple verification of any folders for the presence of viruses. shkidlivih programs:

  • outside the computer scan;
  • scanning of all files and folders;
  • scanuvannya znimnogo I will build;
  • rootkit search;
  • scan for help command line.

Before the start of the first type of skin scanning, you can change the standard settings before starting the first one (div. baby 17). Here you can create a task for automatic scanning for the layout.

Figure 17: AVG Anti-Virus scan type selection

Figure 18: How to recheck your computer in AVG Anti-Virus

Figure 19: AVG Anti-Virus virus scan completed

Schob run AVG scan Anti-Virus for the help of the command line, enter the following command in the AVG installation folder (name C: Program Files AVG AVG10):

  • avgscanx for 32-bit operating systems;
  • avgscana for 64-bit operating systems.

For otrimanna new list available parameters, enter the second command at once with the parameter /? or /HELP (for example, avgscanx /HELP).

To finish the discussion about PC scanning, let's briefly look at the additional parameters of AVG Anti-Virus.

Advanced settings for AVG Anti-Virus

Regardless of its simplicity, AVG Anti-Virus has the ability to fine-tune it, which will delight anyone who loves to "control" the program (div. 20).

To open the dialogue box, select "Tools" -> " Additional parameters". Navigate to the required parameter of the quantity adjustment component; in the world of need, you can take a look at the skin cream dialog box(for the help of the button, the prompt for finishing or F1).

Figure 20: Advanced settings for AVG Anti-Virus

As you can see from the screenshot, the additional parameters of AVG Anti-Virus enable access to the installation of the required modules, as well as other functions.

A detailed description of the necessary points will not be carried out, but the rest of the stinks are already described in detail in the steps to AVG Anti-Virus.

Warto tell you about one more important part of AVG Anti-Virus - "History of Viruses". Vono є quarantine for all remote, infected or suspicious files(Div. baby 21). Quarantined files are protected from the encrypted view and do not become a threat. In order to open the virus collection, you need to go to the menu "History" -> "Virus collection".

Figure 21: AVG Anti-Virus Virus Finder

The collection of viruses allows you to open the file at the end of the day, or be it otherwise, which is especially beautiful, as if it was a pardon, and a legitimate file can be seen. In addition, from the collection of viruses, you can send files for analysis to the anti-virus laboratory, so that you can confirm the verdict about the speed of the file or correct the pardon.

Remain about what we would like to know about our look - tse Podia magazine. All important AVG Anti-Virus entries are recorded. (Div. baby 22). In order to view the “Journal of Pod”, you need to go to the menu “History” -> Log of Pod.

Figure 22: AVG Anti-Virus log

On tsomu mi konchuёmo spylny look at AVG Anti-Virus and AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition and let's move on to visnovkіv. Let's guess that the main part of the review is dedicated to AVG Anti-Virus, the shards of AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition are practically identical, for a few moments, about which they rose in the look.


Antivirus products AVG Anti-Virus and AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition modern products yakі tsіlkom pіdіdut for wealthy home koristuvachіv. Crim for classic anti-virus functions offences, products include some innovations.

Varto value component LinkScanner, which allows you to revise the web page to її zavantazhennia ( AVG Surf-Shield) that evaluate the safety of sites when vikoristanni poke systems (AVG Search-Shield).

Another important aspect of AVG products is the presence of a proactive Identity Protection module, which in real time monitors the activity of all processes running on a computer (HIPS).

The cost-free AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition building security and a sufficient level of basic protection, at first glance, looks a little like paid AVG Anti-Virus. Offended products can be boldly recommended before the establishment of that victorious station, especially for those who know coristuvachi.

However, AVG Anti-Virus has a component Online Shield, which, with the improvement of current realities, rob even the vagominous contribution to the advancement of security and protection of information. In addition, paid AVG Anti-Virus account holders can often update anti-virus databases and in case of any incidents, they can pay for the technical support of the vendor.

All in all, AVG Anti-Virus/AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition left us with nothing positive to say about it. These products are easy to install and robotic, subjectively use little computer resources, can be fine-tuned and can have wide functionality.


  • Ease of installation and lightness of the robot;
  • Low saving of system resources;
  • Proactive rechecking of web pages for the presence of exploits (AVG Surf-Shield);
  • Evaluation of the site's unsafety in the first hour of search engine search systems (AVG Search-Shield);
  • Availability of web anti-virus Online Shield (only in AVG Antivirus);
  • Handy add-on to the browser (AVG Security Toolbar);
  • POP3, SMTP, IMAP protocol rechecking from SSL;
  • Rechecking traffic ICQ, MSN, Yahoo;
  • Fine-tuning anti-virus parameters;
  • Vіdmіnna yakіst vbudovanoї dovіdki.


  • Rejection of Jabber traffic;
  • In our opinion, it is not necessary to group the components of the antivirus in the main program, it is possible, varto, to group the components for the functions that are to be combined;
  • Minor inaccuracies in localization, name some components not localized.
  • Less than two tricks in the AVG Security Toolbar Internet browser Explorer and Mozilla Firefox;
  • The results of the LinkScanner scan are markedly delayed by the browser's display.

At the head window of the program, information about the security of the computer is displayed (Fig. 4.44).

Rice. 4.44. AVG software interface

The green color means that everything is good. As a component of zahistu does not work, or anti-virus bases are outdated, the color changes to red. In addition, a large button will appear in the center of the window, as if to correct all the defenses (Fig. 4.45).

Rice. 4.45. Pardon button

Chotir tiles with Zakhistu components are displayed on the screen (Firewall is available only in the paid version of the program):

Computer; . Internet;

personal data;

El. mail.

Components can be mimic, mimic and change the parameters of their robots. To set it up, use the mouse button to click on the required component, for example, Computer (Fig. 4.46).

Rice. 4.46. Possibility to use the components to protect Computer

To turn to the head window, press the button

The cream of the tiles of the components in the front window of the program is the button, which is connected from the shield and the stitching under the tiles (div. Fig. 4.44).

Increase productivity. Apparently, in an hour of work on the computer, various system changes (outdated files) are accumulated, so as not to harm the computer, but to improve it to the robot. By pressing this button, you can scan the computer for the presence of such files and pardons (Fig. 4.47). If, having become aware of the results of the analysis, you want to correct everything and press the button, you will be asked to start the program, as before, you should pardon us without a cost, and the axis should ask for a penny for your work.

AVG Mobilization. For your zahistu mobile phone h operating system Android vіd vіrusіv і vіd vіrusіv vіd vіrusіv і vіdkіnіvіv bula razroblenа given vіdіya antivirus AVG. Press this button to go to the site where you can get AVG Mobilation.

More zahistu. Click this button to open a window with an advertisement for paid features to the antivirus.

See more AVG. I'll show you the first two buttons (Improve Productivity and AVG Mobilation).

Scanning. Scanning a computer for viruses in different variations.

Update at once. Click to update anti-virus databases manually.

Rice. 4.47. Vikno PC Analyzer


The parameters in the program are divided into two types: simple (Parameters) and extended (Additional parameters). Parameters duplicate the main program interface with minor additions.

To open the patch, press the button Parameters at the right upper codend program windows (div. Fig. 4.44). At the menu that appeared Parameters(Fig. 4.48) you can:

Start scanning;

Update antivirus bases;

Go to information about viruses;

Buy paid version.

Rice. 4.48. List of antivirus parameters

Let's take a look at the item Additional parameters (Fig. 4.49).

Rice. 4.49. Additional parameters

Dine in Additional parameters you can also use the components to download (click on the components and select Parameters). At the same time, you will spend a lot of time before splitting (submenu) nalashtuvan, which is brought to the same component of zahistu, which is done manually.

We can see the main points of nalashtuvan, the need for more coristuvachs. We are in front of the stink of the components of the zakhist.

On fig. 4.49 it can be seen that the deacons of the installation are united in a group.

Computer Defender, Email Defender, Website Review Defender, Identity Protection vіdpovіdat for components and zakhistu. On the back they put the optimal parameters of the effective fight against viruses. For bajannyam you can add some parameters or, navpaki, see.

Scanning. For locking, AVG Antivirus Free provides one typical set of parameters for several types of scanning, with which the scan itself will determine how many times the scan will be scheduled (Fig. 4.50).

Rice. 4.50. Scanning

The more parameters are assigned, the more timely re-checking, the more time that resource is scanned, the loan is richer. First of all, if the parameters are chosen less, then the re-verification will be faster, and the hope will decrease. Zvernіt respect: rorobnik postav optimal adjustment for skin type scanning. The only thing you can add is to install an ensign. Vrahovyuchi skіlki kom'yuterіv zaprazєєєєє іn vikoristanny of others neperevіrenіnіh mindful noses Tse will be right.

The shell extension can be scanned through the context menu.

You can set up a schedule for the AVG Antivirus Free group, for which AVG Antivirus Free scans the computer, updates the anti-virus database and the program itself (Fig. 4.51).

Rice. 4.51. Scheduled scan

Scheduling a scan is even easier. This operation consists of three points based on three tabs:

Arrangement - set the hour of rechecking;

Parameters - Select the parameters of the reverification;

Misce - choose what you plan to revise yourself (disk, folder, file).

With the layout of the update, everything is simpler. Activate (or deactivate) the schedule and enter the required hour for the required hours.

Some files of AVG Antivirus Free may be designated as unneeded and restrict access to them. In order to normally work with the required files in similar types, add them to Vinyatka (Fig. 4.52).

Rice. 4.52. Vinyatki

A collection of viruses is a place where viruses are detected on a computer. You can improve the size of the world and the possibilities for accommodation in new objects (Fig. 4.53).

Something else was wrong, and the program began to work harder, turn spat installations: press the Lock button at the bottom left corner of the Add parameters window.

Rice. 4.53. Nalashtuvannya Virus School


To start scanning outside, press the Scan button at the main window of the program (small 4.54). To select another version of the scan, use the button Scan options, as the right-handed option is set in the Scan button.

Rice. 4.54. Scan parameters

You will have access to the next Scheduled Scan, as well as the rechecking of four files and folders.

Even though the scan takes three hours, you can fix the computer after the scan is completed. For this window Parameters, click on the option Added parameters for scanning and in the window that appears, set the ensign After the scan is completed, turn off the computer (small 4.55).

Rice. 4.55. Additional scanning parameters

Or just rewrite the okremy file or folder. For whom to click with the right mouse button on the selected object that appears context menu beat the team Scan for help AVG. Guessing what parameters of the type of scanning are in the menu Parameters Extended Parameters Scanning Scanning expansion of the shell.

The next step is to designate what is accepted from the program. Handy interface, wide versatility and high headroom allow AVG Antivirus to stand out like a perfect computer protector.

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