Basic CMD commands. All Windows command line commands in one place

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command line - special program, which allows you to use the operating system for additional text commands that can be entered in the program. Її Її Її Її іnfeys povnіstyu tekstіv, vіdmіnu vіdmіnu zvіchny type of operating system.

Seeking help for the help of textual views, obviously, not so handy, like swiping on the icons on the screen, selecting menu items, opening program windows. But sometimes the command line is simply necessary, for example, in case of malfunctions in the system, robots with a fixed fence and possession, a call system additions. The axis of the kіlka prikladіv її vikoristannya:

  1. The systeminfo command allows you to collect data about the system, including installed updates that information about the measure. The graphical interface has no data removed.
  2. chkdsk - rechecking the disk for the presence of pardons for the created zvіtu.
  3. sfc /scannow - the main command to start the scan and update the original files.
  4. ipconfig - allows you to recognize the IP address of your computer in a fraction of a second.
  5. ping - rechecking the robotic network in case of problems with the router.
  6. help - command line to display a list of possible commands with short information about them.

The only thing left to do is to apply a corylic whiskey to the programs. In addition, through the program you can successfully work on the computer without going to the help of the mouse.

Ways to turn on

Use the following options to open the Windows command line:

In the version of Windows 8, in order to zastosuvat tsey way, you need to click on the magnifying glass on behalf of the koristuvach.

Also, for a quick launch, you can create a shortcut on the desktop and hot keys. You can create a label like this:

  1. Find the Windows\System32 folder in Windows Explorer, right-click on the cmd.exe file in it, then Create a shortcut and select a new name for it.
  2. Right-click on an empty space on the screen, in the context menu, find "Create Shortcut". Type C:\Windows\System32\cmd.exe in the field. Let them choose the name and press Good.

Now you can recognize hot buttons. Viklichte context menu created shortcut, press "Vlastivostі", "Shortcut" tab, enter the required combination in the field "Swedish Viklik".

To pay attention, it’s an hour to launch for an additional shortcut, for a joke that the explorer, the command line is launched from the System32 folder, and for the additional Vikonati item of the Start menu from the Users folder of your computer.

Vіdkrittya with extended rights

In the middle of looking at the methods, they allow you to increase the command line with the name of the administrator. On the right, in what you can see in a streaming robot, you win physical record Administrator, you don't have any other rights for the system to handle. It is designed to increase the reliability and reduce the cost of the cost of the low-speed programs.

Windows for splkuvannya with a computer zrozumіloyu yomu mine. However, as before, the launch of the programs is carried out for the help of a great command line (console). Vaughn є the ancestor of the interface that zasobom splkuvannya coristuvacha that PC. The essence of robotics lies in the fact that the commands are introduced in a row behind the help of the keyboard. This method of management is often challenged by system administrators. Zvichayny koristuvachі povinnі nobility of the main teams.

Console - what is it?

launch Windows programs zdіysnyuєtsya behind the help of the console - the command line. This is one of the types of text interface, which has become available to rich MS DOS users. Commands are entered at the command line in manual mode. Too many people who use the console in an old way of managing it, the need for which is often blamed on coristuvachiv and system fahivtsiv. The command line is in black and white with green inscriptions and a blinking cursor. At the appointed place, enter the specified command of the computer.

The command row is a uniquely handy way to solve a lot of problems. However, to communicate with the console, you need to know how to write commands. A plus for the one who spends an hour swiping up folding diy. For whom it is sufficient to introduce up to a row of requirements.

Need more commands?

The commands for the command line are necessary to establish contact between the coristuvacha and the operating system and the computer. A robot with a command line is a great need for fahivtsiv, as they are engaged in system administrators. The console is a small part of what can be hacked as a tool for working with Windows. The command row is handy, swedish, with the help of yoga it is easy to make a rich meal. For work with her, knowledge of commands and skills, which will lead to a positive result.

CMD - anonymous commands. Memorize the headlines for additional practice. For additional commands, you can change, edit files, create, redistribute, update, launch, reconfigure the computer, view folders, copy and more. Fakhivtsi to please put a list at the notepad important commands in alphabetical order. Tse zruchno that helps to quickly zorіentuvatisya.

How to run?

Commands for command Windows rows run without special difficulties. Regardless of graphical interface, The console is the main control of the computer. The basics of robotics from the console are needed by the great coristuvachev. To launch the command line, open the menu: "Start" - "Vikonati". Enter the word "Cmd" at the window, press "Enter". If the OS version does not have the “Vikonati” item, then “Win ​​+ R” is the only option.

In Windows 7, right-click the mouse on "Start", go to "Power" - "Nalashtuvati", check the box "Vikonati". It is also necessary to open the console as administrator, enter the command "Cmd" at the "Start" row, right-click on the "Cmd" program, select "Start as administrator". On the working table, manually create a shortcut, which will open the console. Starry look the width of the row can be changed for the color of the coristuvach (color, font, roztashuvannya).

Others can fix problems with copying and pasting text into the command line. The exchange buffer buttons do not work in the console window. It is necessary to make a copy, right-click the mouse on the screen, select "Design", see the text with the left mouse button, and then right-click. To insert the text, or write, right-click on the mouse at the window of the command line "Insert". In addition, pratsyuvati z console can be "hot" keys on the keyboard, arrows "up / down".


The head commands for the command line help to maintain the order of the first order of importance in a short term.


The list of commands, which can be supplemented, is often compiled by system specialists for working with information, as it is placed on a hard disk.

  • The "Format" command reads data from the hard drive, ready for copying. As an example, the format command is: "FORMAT disk: / FS: FAT (file system)".
  • "FC" command porіvnyuє files one by one.
  • "IPCONFIG" - show new information about fixing Merezhi, and also tell about the type merezhnogo z'єdnannya"IPCONFIG/ALL".
  • The PING command checks the availability of a site. Stock: "PING". The presence of numbers in the vidpovidi should tell about those that all the site is available for inspection.

Commands for Merezhi

The commands of the command row for the merezhі allow you to effectively work on the Internet, correct the pardons and adjust the parameters. To find out your IP address, enter the "Ipconfig" command at the console. In other options for connecting to the Internet, you can find out all the information about Merezh. After entering the koristuvach, the list is canceled merezhy connection, which is connected to the computer Wi-Fi call, the head gateway will vibrate for communication with the router. You can go to yogo nalashtuvannya koristuvach through the command, entered into the console. What computer is connected before local lines, you can find out about the IP-address through the command row with the help of a query.

For the help of the “Ping” and “Tracert” commands, the koristuvach is quick to know and use the problems with the robot Internet and the browser. The Netstat -an command displays the connection lines and ports. Tse duzhe core program adzhe vіdobrazhaє raznu merezhevu statistics. The "-an" switch displays a list of available connections, ports, and IP addresses. The Telnet command connects up to one-menu servers. It is necessary to take into account information about lace stitching, hurry up with the "Ipconfig" command. Without additional parameters, the command displays information about the IP address. If you need specific information, add the “All” command. Introduced into the row "Ipconfig / flushdns" - clear the cache in Windows.


Filters - commands of the command line, which are selected from the channel redirection symbol. The stench is needed for sorting, I will review that selection of the lists of other teams. Filters are sorted, divided, seen part of the information, how to pass through them. Among the commands can be called as follows:

  • "More" - display in the file;
  • "Find" - searches for the assigned symbols;
  • "Sort" - sort files alphabetically.

In order to send data from the file, the symbol “L” is selected, to direct it to the output channel “I”.


Krim vbudovanih CMD, the console vikoristovuyut to run great programs. To enter, it’s enough to type as many letters as you need at the “Vikonati” window. As a necessary review of the results, it is better to win a row. "SHUTDOWN" - a command to complete Windows robot, for some reason the "Start" button does not work. You’ll be in good luck, at the time you’ve got the computer in charge, you can’t interrupt (and you need to drink and don’t deprive the computer for a long time). Attachment will correctly join after the completion of the work independently. Tse shorter, lower set a timer.

Type the next command Shutdown-s-t-1300, press Enter. The numbers are an hour in seconds, after which the attachment will grow. The command to reboot the computer from the command line looks like this: "Shutdown-r". Press "Confirm" to activate. The "At" command - starts the PC at the appointments with a short hour. This utility reads that group in the operating room Windows systems.


List of commands for the grand console. Some of them are not shy and simple, but they are especially special in the middle, yak vimaging care from the side of the koristuvach. Be respectful! Sometimes you need to re-format the disk or flash drive. The command to delete all data looks like this: "Format C", additional parameters "/fs" - specify the location of the file system of the formatting disk, "/v" - set the label for the volume, "/a" - cluster size. Do not select the format command, as you are not familiar with your actions and do not know what is needed. The team saw all the information from the PC!


Deyakі commands of the command row are recognized for rechecking disks for the presence of systemic pardons. Command "CHKDSK" without additional parameters to display information about the station hard drive. If pardons are found, enter additional "/f" to allow them to be corrected. Before you turn over the disk, block yoga. If the console is full of commands, type "c/s" in the row to clear the screen.

System files revise the SFC command. With help, you can download the downloaded files. The command is supplemented with the parameters "/scannow", "/scanonce", "/scanboot" to change and correct system pardons in files.


It is impossible to know all the commands of the row, but the deacons of them need to be koristuvachev. For example, the "Assoc" command changes the link between extensions and file types. If you want to know the report information about the operating system and the computer station, you should then type Systeminfo. For the help of the editor, the "Regent" registry can be changed attachment OS. However, if you don't know what's up, it's not recommended to work because of the risk of breaking Windows. Calling up system configuration - a special service is easy by entering the "Msconfic" command line. If you want to learn more about the commands, write "Help" at the console row, with the improvements that the operating system is Windows 8th and 8th.

Before the corny commands for the coristuvacha fakhіvtsі bring merezhnі, system and filters. The "At" command is composed of a whole set of commands, which are used to install, reinstall, reset the modem. Vaughn is also respected by the planner team. With help, you can change, check, set up a task for a distant or local computer. In the operating system Windows is better win over the "At" command for the "SCHTASKS" utility. Її opportunism is richly wider.

Windows 7 has such operations, which are impossible or even more important to run them through a custom graphical interface, but really run them through the “Command Line” interface with the help of the CMD.EXE interpreter. Let's take a look at the main commands, which can be used to win the match for the selected instrument.

For the help of teams at the command line, various utilities are launched and several operations are completed. Most of the main command expressions are scored at once from low attributes, as they are written through a braid between ( / ). The attributes themselves initiate specific operations.

We do not set ourselves as a meta description of absolutely all the commands that are used when using the CMD.EXE tool. For whom I had a chance to write more than one article. We will try to include on one side information about the most popular and popular team language, divided into groups.

Launching system utilities

We are forwarded, looked at virazi, yakі vіdpovіdat for launching important system utilities.

CHKDSK- Run the Check Disk utility, as it will. This command line can be entered with additional attributes, so that, in your line, you can run the following operations:

  • /f- renewal of the disc in the development of logical pardons;
  • /r– improvement of sectors of accumulation in the development of physical ears;
  • /x– inclusion of the specified hard disk;
  • /scan- Scanning to the front;
  • C:, D:, E: …- Insertion of logical disks for scanning;
  • /? – a quick update on how the Check Disk utility works.

SFC- Launching the utility. The command viraz is most often victorious with the attribute /scannow. It launches a tool that checks the files of the operating system for compliance with standards. At times it’s better, for obviousness installation diskІsnuє mozhlivіst vіdnovlennya tsіlisnostі system objects.

Working with files and folders

The next virus group is assigned to work with files and folders.

APPEND– looking at the files at the appointment of a short-haired dad, he looked like a stink yakby was found in the necessary catalog. Obov'yazkovoy umovoy є vkazіvka way to the folder, until it will be blocked. The recording is carried out after the next template:

append [;] [[computer drive:]way[;...]]

When winning a command, you can win the following attributes:

  • /e- Recording a new list of files;
  • /? - Launching the finalization.

ATTRIB– the command is recognized for changing the attributes of files and folders. So it goes, like in the frontal vipadka, obov'yazkovoy umovoy є introduction at the same time with the command viraz of the new path to the object that is being processed. To set attributes, the following keys are used:

  • h- attachments;
  • s- System;
  • r- Reading tables;
  • a- Archive.

To block or turn off the attribute, a sign must be placed before the key «+» or «-» .

COPY- Zastosovuєtsya to copy files and directories from one directory to another. If you choose the command to obov'yazkovo, indicate the next path of the object copying that folder, in the same way it will be carried out. With this command virase, you can win the following attributes:

  • /v- Rechecking the correctness of the copy;
  • /z- Copying objects from the fence;
  • /y- Rewriting of the end object when typing names without confirmation;
  • /? - Activation of dovidka.

DEL– delete files from the assigned directory. The command line transmits the ability to win low attributes:

  • /p- Inclusion of a request for confirmation of withdrawal before manipulation with a skin object;
  • /q- Vimknennya zapitu when you are gone;
  • /s– visualization of objects in directories and subdirectories;
  • /a:- remote objects from the assigned attributes, as they are assigned for the help of the keys themselves, which is the hour of the victory of the command ATTRIB.

RD- an analogue of the front command window, but it also allows you to see files, and folders near the destination directory. When victorious, you can zastosovuvat those same attributes.

DIR– display a list of the used subdirectories and files, as well as the listings for the designated directory. Together with the main virase, the following attributes should be added:

  • /q- Withdrawal of information about the file;
  • /s– displaying the transfer of files from the assigned directory;
  • /w- Viewing the list in the columns;
  • /o– sorting out the list of objects that should be displayed ( e- 3 extensions; n- by name; d- by date; s- by size);
  • /d– displaying the list at the back of the columns from sorting after these columns;
  • /b- Display of all file names;
  • /a– displaying objects with sing attributes, for displaying them, the keys are used, which are the same when using the ATTRIB command.

REN– hack to rename directories and files. As an argument to the command, the command is shown the way to the object of that yoga new name. For example, to rename the file file.txt, ripped in the folder "folder", which is located in the root directory of the disk D, for the file file2.txt, it is necessary to enter the following:

REN D:\folder\file.txt file2.txt

MD– assigned to create a new folder. The syntax of the command is to change the language to select the disk where the new directory will be placed, and the directory of its location in that way, so we will put it in. For example, to create a catalog folderN, what kind of distribution at the directory folder on disk E, follow this viraz:

md E:\folder\folderN

Working with text files

The next block of commands is recognized for work with text.

TYPE– display instead of text files on the screen. Obov'yazykovym argument tsієї command є povniy way to the object, the text of such a next look. For example, to look at the file file.txt, which is hidden in the folder "folder" on disk D, it is necessary to enter the offensive virus:

TYPE D:\folder\file.txt

PRINT- Razdrukuvannya together text file. The syntax of this command is similar to the previous one, but instead of displaying the text on the screen, the next development is carried out.

FIND- Change search for text row in files. At the same time, with the command of the command, the way to the object is indicated, in which the search is made, and also the name of the row, which is to be smothered in the paws. In addition, at the same time with cym viraz, the following attributes are zastosovuyutsya:

  • /c- Vivoditsya zagalna kіlkіst ryadkіv, scho mіstya shukani viraz;
  • /v- Vivendennya ryadkiv, yakі do not take revenge on the chirping of viraz;
  • /I- Poshuk without urakhuvannya register.

Robot with oblіkovimi records

For the help of the command line, you can look at the information about the corystuvach systems and cherubate them.

FINGER- Displaying information about registrations in the operating system of coristuvachs. Obov'yazkovym argument tsієї command є іm'ya koristuvach, about how it is necessary to take data. In addition, you can win the attribute /i. For any type of visnovok, information is carried out for the list option.

TSCON– connects the koristuvach session to the terminal session. It is necessary to specify the session ID of the session ID of the name of the session, and to enter the password of the correspondent to whom it belongs. Password must be specified after the attribute /PASSWORD.

Work with processes

The next block of assignment commands for managing processes on a computer.

QPROCESS- Data on running processes on PC. The middle of the information that will be displayed will be the name of the process, the name of the host, which it is running, the name of the session, ID and PID.

TASKKILL- Victory for the completion of processes. The binding argument is the name of the element, which is necessary to name. Vin is specified after the attribute /IM. You can also complete not by name, but by process ID. Which vipadka has an attribute /PID.

Work in the measure

For the help of the command line, there is the possibility of currying with different actions at the border.

GETMAC– start displaying the MAC address connected to the computer fencing cards. In the presence of a number of adapters, all addresses are displayed.

NETSH– initiating the launch of a single-menu utility, for the help of which a demonstration of information about the parameters of a measure and its change is carried out. Tsya team, calling for its own wide functionality, may have a great number of attributes, skins for some kind of recognition for the performance of the singing task. For otrimannya reporting information about them, you can speed up the proof by zastosuvay such viraz:

NETSTAT– display of statistical information about the connection to the measure.

Other teams

Also, there are a number of other command viruses, which appear when CMD.EXE is reversed, which cannot be seen in a group environment.

TIME- Revision of the system clock setting of the PC. When this command window is entered, it will appear on the screen of the current hour, as in the bottom row, you can change whether or not.

DATE- the command is similar in syntax to the previous one, but it is stopped not to see that time, but to start these procedures at a reasonable date.

SHUTDOWN- Wimic computer. Dany Viraz can be victorious both locally and far away.

BREAK– enable or start button processing mode ctrl+c.

ECHO- see text messages that zastosovuєtsya for switching modes in їх vibrating.

Tse is far from complete list of all commands, which are victorious at the hour of the victory over the CMD.EXE interface. Tim is no less, we tried to expand the names, and also briefly describe the syntax and main functions of the most requests from them, for clarity, dividing them into groups for attributes.

Windows CMD commands, you can run system utilities more quickly, less robustly in the best way. I, although far from understanding everything about the sense of this text interface, let's make it old, really, the tool to do it correctly.

Moreover, yak for professionals, and y for outstanding coristuvachs. If you want to see more commands, run the command line (cmd) in the name of the administrator.

The need to win the command line

The cmd row, which is a standard tool of the Windows platform, is not affected by anything in different versions operating systems- І in somy, і in the eighth, і in the tenth, і navіt in XP. And all the commands, however, work with the skin of them.

For the sake of choosing a row and speeding up the work - sometimes you will need to enter the command more quickly, lower the file in the system folders. More to speed up the work from CMD, you can put it on the workbench or put it on the launch pad.

The disadvantages of the interface can be called:

  • manually entering commands from the keyboard;
  • the need to run CMD as an administrator (more commands will not run);
  • To finish the great list of commands, it is important to remember.

Calling the command line is rich in what guesses the interface of the DOS system. And even if you won't, you allow yourself to be richer more zavdan, deyakі command spіvpad іz old platform. For example, "format", "cd" and "dir" are necessary for working with folders and disks.

Robot with interface

Before Tim, how to start practicing with the command line, start yoga next to start. For whom you can speed up in many ways:

  1. Open the "Vikonati" menu (by pressing Win + R at once) and enter the cmd.exe command;
  2. Go to Windows folder on the system drive, open the System32 directory and run the file named cmd.exe. You can forgive the task by creating a shortcut that launches this addendum, and install yoga on the work table;
  3. Open the “Start” menu, go to the “All Programs” section, then go to the “Standard” section and find the command line.

Next to know: After the first launch through the Start menu, CMD appears at the top of the list - the list of most programs that run and utilities. You can open a row by working in any program (navit at grі), just by pressing the Win button on the keyboard.

Rice. 1. The command line of the Windows operating system.

The standard view of the command row is in black with white text. If this option is not sovereign, you can change the color stalely according to your strengths.

For which next, right-click on the upper part of the window and go to the CMD authorities. At the window, you can choose and change the row, and color the text or the window, and change the font. Here it is possible to expand the interface practically to the whole screen, increasing the efficiency of work with it.

Rice. 2. Changing the line of command

Commands to help you practice with CMD

It is even more simple to change the command line to help hot keys - even though the stench does not escape from the primary combinations of Windows. Replacing the standard sets of Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V, copying and pasting the text are marked in this order:

  1. Click on the selected row of the selected row of CMD with the right mouse button;
  2. Select the item "Identify";
  3. See the text behind the help left button;
  4. Click the right button again. After that, all information is displayed at the exchange buffer of the operating system.

In order to paste the copied information, press the same right button and select the "Paste" item. You can forgive the copying of data by ticking the box "I saw a bear" in the authority of the command line.

After that, the text can be immediately seen with the left button. If you uncheck the checkbox for the check box, the data will be inserted over the already written commands.

List of hot keys

When working with the command line, they are corked with such hot keys:

  • up and down arrows allow you to move the cursor in a window, including the previously entered commands;
  • Home and End move the cursor;
  • arrows left-handed and right-handed together with the Ctrl key pressed at the same time allow you to move the cursor from the given side to the whole word;
  • Insert, like and in be-like text editor, Switching the insertion mode to the text zі zsuv to the right and overwriting over the writing of the data;
  • Esc removes the seen information;
  • F1 ensures that the rest of the recorded command is entered one character at a time;
  • F5 enter the front command;
  • F7 displays the list of remaining remaining entries. For zamovchuvannyam їhnya kіlkіst dоrivnyuє 50.

Basic commands

The list of the main teams, yakі bіbnі bіlshostі koristuvachіv, pіvnyаnаnіnаnіnі і sіdavі z teams, yaki vykonuyut ії dії:

  • process from directories;
  • see the statistics of the work and various add-ons, measures and operating systems in a flash;
  • innovate the work of drivers;
  • mimic the computer.

For the help of the command line, you can format the disk (including the system one, which is not formatted with Windows in any other way) and navigate the process. And yet, vikoristuvuyuchi CMD, koristuvach richly svidshe otrimu access to the registry editor and change the configuration of the system.

Working with directories

The main command for working with directories is є dir. With help, you can rewrite it in the same directory. And if I need another folder, I’ll follow the next step to show the way to it. For example, select "dir C:\" or "dir D:\".

Rice. 3. Rechecking in place logical drive C.

Another command for working with catalogs is CD. With help, you can go to any selected folder. For example, by writing "cd C:\Windows" in the command line, go to the system directory. To open a folder on a disk that is already selected, issue a command like CD/D D:\.

Rice. 4. Move from local disk C disk D.

The mkdir command will ensure that a new folder is created. And the parameter, which is set after the new one, is assigned to the directory. So, after entering "mkdir D: \ New_Folder", a different directory appears on drive D. If you add a folder to the list once there are a few directories (for example, "E: NewGamesFallout_3"), you can create a whole tree of folders.

Rice. 5. Creation of a new folder from the command line.

The rmdir command allows you to display a directory by specifying the new path. For example, by writing "rmdir D:New_Folder", you can delete a newly created folder. Although there are other files in the middle of the catalog, the screen shows information about those that are not empty. You can see a non-empty folder by entering the rmdir /S command line. Before leaving, select item Y (Yes), confirming your decision.

Rice. 6. View folders for the help of the rmdir command.

Vimknennya computer

For the help of the shutdown command, you can turn off the computer - before that, either immediately, or by setting the timer:

  • shutdown /s simply attaches the operating system to the robot, shutting down all unfinished processes;
  • when you select the shutdown/s/t 3600 command, the timer will be set exactly for one year. It’s necessary to set whether it’s another hour, instead of 3600, it’s necessary to write the exact number of seconds;

Rice. 7. Awareness of the automatic attachment of the robotic system.

  • to check an already installed timer, enter the shutdown /a command.

Rice. 8. Completion of work.

Commands work the same way in any operating system. Retailing only covers in writings that are announced. So, for example, for Windows 7, the notification is displayed in the lower right corner of the work table.

Revision of statistics

Revisiting robotic computer statistics is started with the systeminfo command. You see maximum number information about the Windows system. Wanting to remove the bills more effectively won't system utility, And special programs.

For example, AIDA64 is a universal program for the collection of data, with a single short-term license. A month later, after you win for the utility, you will have to pay - from 1400 to 2200 rubles. for a computer, fallow in number of licenses, which are bought.

Rice. 9. Retrieving information about the computer and operating system.

The driverquery utility allows you to look up a list of drivers and their authorities. In the list that appears on the screen, you can specify the type of the selected program, the date it was sent, and the name of the module.

Rice. 10. Viewing the list of drivers on the screen.

The utility, called pathping, after the launch, will display information about the data, spent on the transfer hour between the post and end points. For additional costs, the teams are charged with the coefficients to spend for different routers. And behind the results of the robotic utilities, problems with access for okremih routers.

Rice. 11. A utility that verifies the work of the mesh.

The Netstat program shows information about active connections and statistics for people fencing protocols. When a command is run without specifying specific parameters, the screen displays no more TCP connections.

Rice. 12. Check active TCP connections.

The tasklist command displays a list of current processes on the screen, launched by the system. Z її with the help you can get acquainted with the data, take away the remote computer. Although, although additional parameters are not specified, information is hoped for only about current attachment.

The ipconfig utility displays information about the IP address and other parameters of the merging adapter. Together with the command, set up additional parameters - for example, /all, which allows you to take information about the skin adapter.

Rice. 13. Additional information about connection lines.

Change system parameters

The msconfig utility allows you to click the menu, for the help of which the configuration of the operating system is changed:

  • a list of programs that are automatically downloaded at once from the system;
  • launch options;
  • Windows Interest Settings.

Most often, the win command is used to remove or add the program to the auto-advance tab. And sometimes you can make changes to the order of occupancy of operating systems - for example, two are installed on the computer (for example, Windows 10 and Windows XP, skin of which can be useful for a particular coristuvach).

Rice. 14. Click the system configuration menu.

Running the regedit utility allows you to open the system registry editor - one of the most brown supplements for help in the distant programs, make changes to the service robot and fix problems. Varto signifies that changing whether it is significant (not seeming already about the distance) is necessary more carefully. Pardons in the registry can lead to system failure and lead to reinstallation. Read also our material: TOP-3 cleaning programs Windows registry 7.

Rice. 16. Starting reverification of files on the system disk.

The format command, which does not change for dozens of years, allows you to format any disk, including USB flash drives. If you select format C: the system partition is formatted. And for the help of additional parameters, you can file system(/fs), insert volume icon (/y) and set cluster size indicator (/a). Do not put singing minds, the cluster is restored automatically.

Rice. 17. Formatting drive H through the command line.


For the help of the command, you can start the singing process. For whom you can win an identifier (for example, 2616, as a mov ide about graphic editor Paint) and the /pid option. In addition, in case of serrations, it may be necessary to name the process and the last parameter /im. This editor is closed with the taskkill /im MSPaint.exe command.

Rice. 19. Utility for updating system files.

Screen cleaning

After vikonannya kіlkoh teams vіkno zapovnyuєtsya text, which can become a transition for a farther work. You can ask for the zayvih data for the help of the CLS (Clear Screen) command. After the launch, the screen will be cleared again, leaving room for distant diy koristuvacha.


With a constant zastosuvanni of the main commands, it is easy to be forgotten by a shorthand. And in order to find out about new utilities or guess the names of old ones, you need to enter /help in the command line. A list of possible commands will appear on the screen, which are unlikely to be correct. great koristuvach, but you can ask the robot administrators of local networks.

Today we talk about the command line, and about the commands themselves, as they will be colorful for the quotation. The command-line interface itself, as we know, is not easy for the eyes, prote, for the help of it, we can use the most necessary commands, so as not to mess up the graphic shell. Father, command the command line. Before the speech, substitute for the standard Windows consoles it is possible to win more functional.


This utility allows you to solve some problems. Bagato koristuvachіv in order to recognize whether or not information about drivers third-party programs, in to this particular type which work is not obov'yazkovo and it is possible to speed up with a familiar utility.

To start this program, you need to enter the command:


Recheck Disk - CHKDSK

As you may have guessed, name the item, the command line utility allows on the hard drive, and restore file system pardons.

To run the utility, you need to type the following command in the command line:

chkdsk C:/F / R

Z:- the letter of the drive, which is to be changed.

/F– a function that activates the verification of the disk for pardons.

/R- Zdіysnyuє poshuk poshkozhenikh sektorіv.


This utility allows users to recognize the IP address of their computers and information about the TCP / IP connection, as well as lace adapters, modems, etc.

So, for the help of deacons additional functions, for the help of this command, you can clear the DNS cache and update the IP addresses for certain add-ons, for example, a merging adapter.

To run the IPCONFIG utility, you need to enter the command in the command line:

To clear the DNS cache, you need to enter the following command:

The axis of such basic commands is based on the Windows command line. Zvichayno stench not єdinі and їх dosit rich. We already have є statya, where practically all commands are shown short description before them, On whom everything. Also read at that. Already raptom will be tsіkavo.

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