Call your home phone with advertisements.

Contacts / I'll build a cleansing place

submit Golovna Russia now has a law that protects the mass unauthorized distribution of information.

Under the fence, SMS-routers were destroyed, which are used from federal numbers, - now the correspondent can read the name of the company.

In addition, to operate such outlets, the organization may have entered into an agreement with the operator

mobile connection


For the violation of these minds, the companies will be taken into account by the antimonopoly service and a fine may be imposed.

So far, this has only been used for unauthorized advertising by people.

There are no costs against the clicks themselves, since the number is in the power. Well-behaved people are pleased with unauthorized calls, they speak eloquently. Please note the letter, after which you can arrange a direct distribution agreement with the operator. Spam sent from low ten-digit numbers is prohibited by law. Now steel companies they have the right to block mass anonymous rozsilannya. Samy live method - Call the operator. As representatives of the Megafon company said, the customer is responsible for forwarding the notification with a text to a special

short number

, after which the spammer's feeder is blocked (for a specific subscriber).

As a rule,

service given Hope it's safe. What is the point of advertising jingles? Advertising on the Internet may come as a surprise to your friends. Often there is not enough time to review the information about those whose purchase of a product or contract for service is reasonable and the price is appropriate.

Residents submit contracts.

Therefore, the co-workers are urging the co-workers to keep the letters of confirmation away. Contracts upon contracts may have been laid out in text form since the past., which will have you billed for cooking, cost-free prices, cheaper insurance and much more.

The actions of these calls are serious, but most of them are just jingles.

How to punish all spam? In search of a payment, a subscriber who has received an SMS advertisement from a ten-digit number can kindly contact the FAS - or by email . The koristuvach can also submit skarga to Roskomnaglyad.

In order to formalize the scarga, you will need to provide all the necessary information about yourself (personal details) and about the offender - the agency may inform you about the receipt of the scarga. You don’t have to worry that you will have to independently prove your case in court. If you reach the authority on the right, then let’s speak mobile operator not vi.

One thing, about what’s going on, check that they didn’t let you pick up an SMS notification.

Well, well, that same “dirty font” that you are so lazy to read can play an evil role on you.

The reasons for expensive advertising clicks vary. All legitimate companies that are pursuing postal screenshots

The best way to avoid wasting expensive advertising clicks for all types is what is called data mining.

This means the provision of special data, including the official telephone number of the local authority.

Internet gambling and similar propositions where a phone number is requested may be taboo.

This is how you can lose your power.

If you still want to participate in games on the Internet or need to regularly register your details in online forms for other reasons, there are a number of quick ways you can avoid spam.

To avoid annoying calls, you just need to enter the wrong phone number. The initiators of this service provide a free number for guests in Germany and Austria. Well, of course, Frank’s number can also be passed on to all the people you don’t want to be your mother’s father.

What are the advantages of the new law?

In the United States, a subscriber has the right not to deprive the operator of blaming the delivery service without giving it away, but to go to court for compensation for overcharges. The amount of compensation for non-installations is determined individually. Consider, it will cost around 150-200 dollars for skin treatment.

Similar exchanges exist in the countries of the European Union.

To carry out SMS communication there, like the USA, it is necessary to identify the “clearly visible” subscriber. EU law specifically stipulates that all types of spam also do not have the right to seize their reference numbers. China has adopted similar legislation - the Directorate of Complaints requires the removal of the subscriber's name

more information

about the ability to sign up for the outlet. Prepayment phone number for Wikoristan on the Internet If you want more control over those annoying ad campaigns and other unwanted ones

telephone calls , you can purchase your mobile phone with upfront payment for browsing on the Internet., since its important number is in the hands of advertising companies, gladly, it was no longer helpful.

But, fortunately, there are other ways that can help you pinpoint disorder. Be the kind of person who lives in Nimechchina, German addresses

All telephone numbers registered in Germany can be registered with this protection list without any costs. This is also a bonus because the Robinson list can block a phone number for existing subscribers. You need to earn other skills. Another way to get rid of unwanted calls and phone calls is by blocking these subscribers. Phone numbers that are on this block list are no longer enforced on the phone.

Why break the law with calls to your phone from advertising?

Definitely so , and there are two federal law

: Article No. 18 of the Federal Law “On Advertising” and Article 15 of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”.

The Law “On Advertising” directly states: the removal of advertising messages can only be done for the benefit of the client, then you.

Especially because these are called cold calls.

This is an unsanctioned advertisement, about which the comrade has not been in agreement before.

  1. Unfortunately, as a victim of advertising gimmicks, one rarely realizes why there is such a benefit for a different font in any form.
  2. Tim is not less, since calls become costly and turn into telephone rackets, money may be filed with the Federal Agency.
    • The Federal Merger Agency proposes a form of money that can be sent by mail, faxed, or scanned as an e-mail insert.
    • Struggling over the phone
    • When the ringer is removed, the phone number is identified, which phone is being used, which company represents the one who is calling, and who has the document, where you agreed to cancel advertising offers.

You see from someone who is on the phone quietly: assign all calls to your number, remove your number from all databases used for calling

Send a letter to your address confirming that your data has been removed from the database. There is no need to worry: you are living absolutely within the law. U

to this guy

you are protected by Articles 9, 20, 21 of the Law “On Personal Data”.

Krok first: is the badge too big? Is it possible that you have a small friend here when you remove advertising calls, for example, for a telephone or an insurance contract or a newspaper subscription? Check your documents so you can also familiarize yourself with

Krok third: Vperto nutritious.

Unsound companies often close down their phone numbers so they are no longer allowed to work.

Do you have my year?

If you dropped off a newsletter to the call center at the other end of the series of requests, start contests.

And stay away from the crowd, as it is not true for you.

Pay attention to your meals.

Representatives of Russia are expected to carry out a review for a month, and will inform you about their decision.

It is entirely possible that the violating company will be subject to sanctions in the form of a fine (up to 500 thousand rubles) or an order.

After skarga to Rosspozhiv looking at the bourgeoisie, you can go to court with a call for the aggravation of moral harm.
