Idol version 2.1 0. Safe access to the Internet.

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Optimization of work Idol - program solution

, created by the Research Institute of Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences specifically to help high school students of the out-of-state school learn basic programming and revise their skills at workshops.

The name of this system again sounds like the Set of Basic Lights.

The warehouse includes a number of components.

The first, under the name “Standard”, introduces the traditional set of basic materials. The other, with the “Pro” prefix, further expands the “Standard” with additional courses. There are also versions of the PP for senior grades and for readers. Assignment The program solution is tested during computer science lessons. It implements a school algorithmic language, which is analogous to the syntax of old programming languages ​​on Pascal and Basic. Constructions in the code are indicated in Cyrillic, which makes it much easier for students to understand the logic behind these and other operations. Also here is a similar compiler and interpreter, to which the developers have given the names Robot and Designer. Skin care consists of theoretical and practical parts. For some lessons, a visualization of the result is transferred, so you can see the input of the changes to the change code. All available lessons are structured by other courses.

When conquering especially great tasks, Idol allows you to save unfinished programs

Vlasny format

in a number of stages.

They also introduced a function into Idol that allows constant control of the correctness of the code that is entered, and a special indicator that displays the values ​​​​on the side panel

logical expressions

Warehouse Idol 2.1

The system's warehouse includes three options graphical interface, compiler of the Idol movie for Wikonian byte code, compact byte code interpreter, six graphical Wikonavites, workshop support module.

Graphical interface options:

Classic The main interface is as similar as possible to Idol versions 1.8-1.9, with the addition of attaching child windows to the main window.

Appointments for grades 5-7.

About the interface is based on tabs, which makes it possible to change the content of the Idol program. Reader Similar to the “Pro” option, except with support for “Reader” functions: the protection of rows from editing and the creation of algorithms that check the entries from students. Graphical icons that are included before system 2.1: The robot is a classic one, the most popular one in the world. The malyuvalnik creates little ones on the arch, intended for learning the basics of raster graphics (discussed together with K.Yu. Polyakov for his proposition).

Aquarius is in charge of transfusion.

Konik zavdannya on the numerical line.


vector graphics

1) ; in version 2.1, Vikonavita now has "reader" commands that are necessary for

automatic verification


A turtle is a creation on the screen of small creatures that are formed from straight sections.

The remaining two versions have been rewritten for the 2.x system and are currently in the testing stage. Plani

Support for material robots in the Idol 2.1 system (Lego EV3).

Increased documentation.

Development of initial workshops.

Extended functions of automatic task verification. Plant for training

Vikonavets Koval live on the number axis.

Pochatkov location of Konica is point 0. Konica command system:

4) Vikonavets Koval is alive on the numerical axis.

Pochatkov location of Konica is point 0. Konica command system:

Forward 7

Back 5

5) How many times can I contact the program with the “Back 5” command so that Koval ends up at point 19?

Pochatkov location of Konica is point 0. Konica command system: Vikonavets Koval is alive on the numerical axis.

Support for material robots in the Idol 2.1 system (Lego EV3). Pochatkov location of Konica - point 10. Konica command system:

- The konik strokes forward 7 units,

6) - Konik strips back 4 units.

How many times can I contact the program with the “Back 4” command so that Koval ends up at point 43? Vikonavets Koval is alive on the numerical axis.

Pochatkov location of Konica - point 15. Konica command system: Forward 17

- Konik strips forward 17 units,

7) Back 6

- Konik strips back 6 units. How many times can I contact the program with the “Back 6” command so that Koval ends up at point 36?

Forward 7 Vikonavets Koval is alive on the numerical axis.

Pochatkov location of Konica – point 20. Konica command system:

Forward 3

- The konik strokes forward by 3 units,

9) - The conic strips back 5 units.

For how many teams can I hire Konik to point (-4)?


“Forward 4” (Konik strokes forward by 4 units),

How many times can I contact the program with the “Back 3” command so that Koval ends up at point 31?

Vikonavets Konik is alive on the numerical axis.

11) - The conic strips back 5 units.

Pochatkov position is point 0. Conic command system:

How many times can I contact the program with the “Back 4” command so that Koval ends up at point 31?

“Forward 3” (Konik strokes forward by 3 units),

12) - The conic strips back 5 units.

“Back 4” (Konik strips back 4 units).

How many times can the “Back 4” command appear in the program so that Konik ends up at point 32?

“Forward 5” (Konik strokes forward 5 units),

“Back 3” (Konik strips back 3 units).

How many times can I contact the program with the “Back 3” command so that Konik ends up at point 33?

The current Russian version of Idol appeared in 1995 and immediately became the main method of starting programming.

Over the year, the initial complex has been refurbished and repainted, and it is planned that in the near future it will be completed before the EDI is completed.

The add-on is licensed under the GNU 2.0 license, which allows you to use the Starter Lights Kit for any purpose, including commercial ones.


  • It is important to review all the advantages of this program, especially since it has virtually no accessible analogues.
  • Prote, you can see these:
  • simple language programming, based on ALGOL, easy to use;
  • Russian vocabulary of the inspired algorithmic language;
  • support for both Windows and Linux;
  • shvidke nalagodzhennya program;
  • Inspired by the Vikonavian Armchair and Robot;

creation of additional Vikonavians;

checking the created algorithm on the basis, which allows you to immediately improve your preferences.

There are a wide variety of algorithmic constructions that can be quickly added to

  • I created the program
  • extensions of the control of damages, including detection of: the milk index of the array, unimportant changes, numerical revaluation.
  • The program also contains a few songs, most of which are related to its interconnected obligations.
  • It is not possible to call a function and process the result of it: you have to select an unnecessary change;
  • there is no need for a lot of stocks, and the supply does not provide evidence for the power supply;

It is not possible to format the data given before the numbers;

The fluidity of the interpreter's work deprives it of its beauty;

Our programming is practically not needed anywhere and does not benefit from popularity.

Some of the shortcomings are planned to be included in the next version of Idol, which is already broken down and is at the testing stage.

Yak koristuvatisya

After launching the program, the installed editor will be prompted to prepare the new algorithm (Windows Robot is responsible for processing).

For consumption you can be named a Draftsman.

Let's calculate the area of ​​the square, for which we need to enter the offensive code:

alg Area of ​​a square

Rech Dovzhin, square

The program menu is Russian, and when the algorithm is entered, all the changes are immediately visible, which allows you to quickly learn programming for any person.


Write your first algorithm and read it basic commands I will help you with the upcoming report lesson.


On our website you can download Kumir at once with all the necessary components for comfortable robots in the program.

Language Ukrainian
OS Windows 7, 8.1, 10

(For Windows XP/Vista/7 (32-bit))

Safe access to the Internet

The Internet has long become an indispensable assistant to everyday people. The universal limit is a miraculous resource for new knowledge, helps with what has been learned, and borrows money. In addition, children actively surf the Internet, and most often spend more than an hour at Merezha, even when they are older. Junior employees will master their positions

Mittevyh notify and Internet telephony (ICQ, Skype, etc.), consult on forums and in chats, today you learn a lot of new and exciting information.

However, don’t forget that the Internet can be a great way to get started, like getting started and meeting with friends, etc. like the real world - Merezha may not be safe. Shanovni fathers!

Your baby is in trouble! The Internet is a world of colorful and colorful possibilities, but at the same time it poses a threat, especially for children. Aggression, re-investigation, shahraistvo, psychological pressure, contacts with online strangers - this is just another overflow of threats that they expect from a child in

global measure skin day

How can one kidnap a child from them?.

Why don’t you teach your child to start something else, because the child will learn on her own, unaware of the threats. It’s a good idea to explore the Internet and help your child master it. Start your child to properly search for the information they need, create a list of useful, useful, child-friendly resources and encourage them to use them correctly. From the very beginning, explain to the child that in no case can you disclose information about yourself and your homeland, as well as publish photographs that depict the child herself, family, school and other data.

Start your child's online etiquette. According to statistics, over 80% of Russian children have a profile with

social measures , and 23% stick to Merezhi for aggression and humiliation. Ask the child not to provoke conflict situations and put them before her as if she wanted them to be put before her. Explain that at all times it is not possible to post provocative materials, expand information or aggressively inform people about their intentions. Information posted on the Internet is available to everyone and can be used for any purposes, including those of Shahrai. Always remember the old adage “advance means progress.” Tell the child that both “good” and “bad” people are being harassed on the Internet.

Let me explain why it’s not a good idea to add people you don’t know as “friends” - they may not be the people they think they are.

Please tell the girl so that she doesn’t get caught up in “live” chatter with strangers on the Internet, first of all you need to tell you or your close relatives about it.

Encourage me to surf the Internet with those whom you are especially familiar with.

Mittevyh notify Beware of being overwhelmed by paid information, especially via SMS.

Explain why it is not possible to gain respect on the bright banner with information about wins and prizes.

The program follows the principle of a “white list” and is extremely simple in Vikoristan.

After installing the program and enabling the filter, children can only go to the pages of verified child sites (all static and dynamic objects of web pages that do not belong to the list of verified child resources are also blocked).

You can turn on the filter by asking your dad and giving him the program password.

Free browser

After installing the program and enabling the filter, children can only go to the pages of verified child sites (all static and dynamic objects of web pages that do not belong to the list of verified child resources are also blocked).

Children's browser Gogul

Child safety on the Internet is ensured by the presence of a large catalog of child sites, verified by teachers and psychologists, and recommended before review.

Gogul conducts statistics on websites to control children, and can also limit the time a child spends on the Internet.The children's browser Gogul allows you to adjust the access schedule in order to set a limit for children's use of the Internet by day of the year. Fathers can also select detailed information about the sites their children visited, as well as add or remove sites from the list of sites available for viewing. The selection of resources, photos and video materials admitted to Gogul is carried out by a specially created team consisting of fathers, professional child psychologists and teachers from various regions of Russia.

NetKids The NetKids service is designed for Fatherland’s control over what children are doing on the Internet. NetKids – it monitors related sites and blocks potentially unsafe sites.

This is monitoring of spilkuvannya on social networks and blogs.

This is a full-fledged father’s control through the web interface, without complicated adjustments and without harm for the handiness of working at the computer.

  • Batkivsky control is a component of the program
  • Kaspersky
  • Internet Security
  • 2012 and Kaspersky PURE
  • Attachment of files from the Internet in this category.
  • Listing your contacts through Internet messengers (ICQ, Miranda, mIRC, etc.).
  • Listing with your favorite contacts in social networks (Facebook, Yahoo, Twitter).
  • Resilience of personal data.
  • Listening to songs and listening to words through Internet pagers.

Additional materials on the topic “Safe Internet”

This site presents preparations made in conjunction with the information and analytical resource “Your Special Internet” and the Internet University Information technologies Materials for children, their parents and readers - interactive scenarios, short tests, ready-made lesson plans - all the ways children can cover the basics safe robots on the Internet.

Additional resources:

careless vikorstans

The Internet encourages Russian traders, large-scale organizations, commercial companies and government agencies to prevent the circulation of illegal content, as well as other anti-city activities in Merezha. 10 rules for a smart Internet user 1. Don’t let anyone know

Open Internet your specific details: reference name, telephone number, home address. 2. Using your computer

to the great community

, correctly complete work with the service: do not remember passwords on your computer and log out of the cloud account in the future. 3. Learn to protect yourself from unwanted mail, do not respond to unwanted mail and use email filters. 4. Pay attention to the files that came to you by mail, stinks can be nasty

dangerous viruses


Do not become obsessed with programs, music, or files from unverified files on the Internet.

8. Gambling games The Internet is associated with risk.

Know what is prohibited by the law of gambling on the Internet.

9. When you are careful about dating on the Internet, remember that there may be someone behind anyone and their avatar. 10. Tell the grown-ups (teachers and dads) that anything on the Internet threatens you and is full of incompetence, be happy with them about in many ways

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