Zavantazhennya system іz merezhі. ubuntu

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Your article will have a look at the installation ubuntu linux with the repository and with the least interests.

Also, on client computers, we will install Ubuntu 10.04 from server 192.168. To install in the language repository, you can use the dists/lucid/main/debian-installer directory. If you add similar directories for other repositories (multiverse, universe, restricted), then at the stage “Select and install software” the list of programs will be larger. I’ll look at the variant of my helper. If you have made a debmirror mirror, then you have nothing, no more catalogs. You can get them, for example, from Also, under the hour of installation, the installer independently from the selected repository is often sent to

Lesson 1: Server installation

Installing the necessary programs:

apt-get install tftpd-hpa openbsd-inetd

Packed and unpacked image for tethering installation:

tar -xvzf netboot.tar.gz -C /var/lib/tftpboot/

chown -R nobody:nogroup /var/lib/tftpboot

To take advantage of a measure, it is necessary to pass 2 parameters to the client: name of the capture file and the server of the capture file (for dhcpd, the parameters are filename and next-server):

filename "pxelinux.0";

Restoration server, you can install the system.

Krok 2: System installation

To install the system from the server in the merezhі, it is necessary to allow BIOS interest Merezhi (PXE). How does your bios support boot menu, then it is shorter for the choice expansive outbuilding hurry up with it yourself - if there were no problems, you will forget to change the order of entry.

If everything is good, then you will see the installer's welcome screen:

  • Basic Ubuntu Server
  • Name server (DNS)
  • edubuntu server
  • LAMP server
  • mail server
  • openSSH server
  • PostgreSQL database
  • Druku server
  • Samba file server
  • Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud
  • Virtual machine host
  • 2D/3D creation and editing suite
  • Audio creation and editing suite
  • edubuntu KDE desktop
  • edubuntu desktop
  • Kubuntu desktop
  • Kubuntu netbook
  • LADSPA and DSSI audio plugins
  • Great choice font packages
  • Mythbuntu additional roles
  • Mythbuntu Front End
  • Mythbuntu master backend
  • Mythbuntu slave backend
  • Ubuntu Netbook
  • Ubuntu Desktop
  • Video creation and editing suite
  • ubuntu desktop
  • Manual package selection

First of all, you will need a computer with Ubuntu or another Linux distribution ( given instruction written for Ubuntu), whichever way you install the system (server by size), that ISO image Alternate disk with the required version of Ubuntu.

Setting up a merged acquisition server

For zavantazhennya at least it is necessary to install on the server TFTP, httpі DHCP services to allow another computer to connect and grab all the necessary files.

To install everything you need, it's better to tweak aptitude, rather than being included before the standard distribution of Ubuntu starting from version 10.10. We start this with aptitude through whether the program installs the packages with the command

sudo apt-get install aptitude sudo aptitude -R install apache2 atftpd tftpd-hpa dhcp3-server

The -R switch is needed to make atftpd install without an inetd server, which is absolutely not needed for you.

Now the hour has come to fix all the components.

TFTP server

Demon, which vikoristovuє qi files - /etc/hosts.allowі /etc/hosts.deny for access.

Open the file /etc/default/atftpd anyway text editor with the rights of a supercorist, for example, like this:

sudo nano /etc/default/atftpd

Change the first row


Krіm tsgogo, remember the catalog, which is in the end of the OPTIONS row. You can use /srv/tftp for everything, but in older Ubuntu you can use /var/lib/tftpboot. Edit /etc/default/tftpd-hpa file:

sudo nano /etc/default/tftpd-hpa

write, forget catalog


Now just run atftpd:

sudo /etc/init.d/atftpd start

Now create the ubuntu folder under the OPTIONS directory. Let's take a look at how the /srv/tftp directory wins:


Then you need to mount your ISO image in the new directory. You can do it approximately with the following command:

sudo mount -o loop /home/tux/ubuntu-11.04-alternate-i386.iso/srv/tftp/ubuntu/

If you don't have an ISO image of the disc, but if you have an Alternate disc, just insert it into your CD/DVD drive. The disk is automatically mounted to /media/cdrom. Then you just need to create a symlink for the TFTP server: sudo ln -s / media / cdrom / srv / tftp / ubuntu

On whom, the TFTP setup is completed.

Apache web server

What-nebud in apache Not necessary, just enough to make the creations in front of the distribution of the ubuntu directory available via HTTP. For whom to create a new symlink work folders apache:

sudo ln -s / srv / tftp / ubuntu / var / www/ ubuntu

If you are not burning the ISO image, but writing the disk, write sudo ln -s / media/ cdrom / var / www/ ubuntu

DHCP server

All scho lost - tse correctly nalashtuvati DHCP server. Open the /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf file, for example, with the command

sudo nano /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf

Which file needs to be changed onset:

# Name of your internal domain. If you don’t want to talk about anything, just don’t change. option domain-name ""; # Your DNS server, which is guilty of cheating on the computer that is connected. Most often here is the IP address of the router. option domain-name-servers; # Just comment out this row authoritative; # Now you need to designate a measure for DHCP servers: # On the back of a bagan pіdsіti that mask pіdmerezhi. subnet netmask ( # Range of server view address range; # Router for Internet access option routers; # What kind of file to zavantazhuvat when zavantazhenny merge - show yourself in this way. filename= "ubuntu/install/netboot/pxelinux.0"; }

The next thing to say to our DHCP server is to listen to one of the interfaces. For this, open the /etc/default/dhcp3-server file and add the name of the required interface to the INTERFACES parameter. For example, the axis is:


Now you need to start the DHCP server and you can proceed to the installation. However, before starting, be sure that your network does not have any other working DHCP servers. Mostly DHCP is launched on routers, in which case you need to go to the router and start the service.

Also, to start the DHCP server, you need to use the vikonati command

sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server start

Now it is necessary to transfer another computer to the mode of advancement by measure. For your fault, the Ubuntu installation screen.

Installation behind the help of Minimal CD

For whatever reason, you can't win a full disk with Ubuntu, but still your computer has a CD and is connected to the Internet, then you can install the system on a large scale, using a small Minimal CD.

In this case, the system will be installed directly from the Internet repository, and the disk will be needed only to start the installation process.

In this article, the methods of capturing a computer through a network of different images of floppy disks / HDD disks are published (it is possible to use a different image of diskettes / HDD disks 1.44 Mb). Tse mozhe zadobitisya for the presence under the hand of another investigative wear, or for the sake of exploitation in the singing minds. The methods were most successfully tested in a real situation, and if you know otherwise, then force your options on the site administrator. How do you know how to ask basic ways, then force your options to the authors of the methods and publish them.

Method 1: Thinstation and RIS server

I present an article about the venture through a network, as if writing a participant in the OSZone conference.


Vinikla in me is such a situation. They brought a computer, the ice is alive, Asus S200, that little thing seemed like a year. Disk letter of splitting for a literate (two splits), and on another letter Windows distribution, Dyakuyuchi nalashtuvachu in front, having eased the task.

Also, maybe a computer without a CDROM flop. Є mesh card SIS900. The BIOS has the ability to take advantage of HDD, USB Floppy, USB Flash, USB CD-ROM and as much as possible.

At the time of the cob of torment, there was only a flash drive from him, but he was eager to get out of it. Distant USB CD or Floppy did not go far. There was no more merezhne zavantazhennya. To the point, as it turned out, it really helped the USB flop. USB CD did not fit.

Reading the MS docks and forums from autoinstallation, having come across the short RIS and guessing that you can get involved with the merging card and install everything. Axis and virishiv reverify. Having put RIS, having created an image, having configured DHCP and otrimav majestic bummer. The system was deftly zavantazhuvalas, went through the text part of the installation, and it got into the BSOD with the code 0x000000BB. Vіdpovіdno to tlumachennyh, naydenih on the Internet, for the correction you need nothing, replace the driver of the merging card in the distribution kit or replace merezhnu card. zavantazhiv new version drivers, after reading KB315279 and asking for it, having done everything as described, and dancing with a tambourine ended with a BSOD with the same code.

Garazd, so as not to jump out, let's read the instructions. Vyvchav, vivchav that having spent on mozhlivist vikoristannya is practical, whether it be an image of a disk for entanglement through a mesh.

What do you need

  • Utility for creating interesting lace patterns from the most beautiful ones. Zavantazhuemo
  • perl. Let's get excited. (This version worked for me, otherwise try it yourself, I'm not grave in Perl)
  • Notepad from standard Windows or any other ASCII editor
  • Ceinstalyation. , file (8.86 Mb)
  • Installation disk for Windows 2000 Server
  • Straighten your hands, the bajanna will learn :)

Let's start

Krok 1

Zavantazhuyemo and unpacking the transformation utility. For clarity, in D: BootDisk.

Krok 2

Zavantazhuєmo and install Perl.

Krok 3

We create an image of a floppy disk and vikoristovuemo ready an image.

  • If you don't see a floppy disk image looking like a file, then insert an MS-DOS floppy disk and take the D:\BootDisk\MKIMAGE.BAT DOS command. Standard 1.44 MB drives are supported.
  • As an image already, modifikuєmo the creation file of the exciting image.
    1. Open notepad and copy / write down the next code
      @echo off
      cd mknbi-1.4.1-win
      perl.exe --nosquash --format=nbi --target=dos ..\image.dos >..\dos.bin
      rem If you want universality, then comment on the top row (add REM)
      rem and comment out the lower one (we can see REM) (launching MKIMAGE2 image_name_with_extension)
      rem perl.exe --nosquash --format=nbi --target=dos ..\%1 >..\dos.bin
      Save yogo pid im'yam MKIMAGE2.BAT
    2. Copy the floppy image to the name D: BootDisk image.dos
    3. Run file MKIMAGE2.BAT

Krok 4

Check for the completion of the robotic batch file. Verify that rozmir dos.bin more space image.dos approximately 4 kb.

Krok 5

Unpacking the station. From the archive we need the file TFtpdRoot\ thinstation.nbi.zpxe. Copy yoga to D: BootDisk with names dos.bin.zpxe. Tse zavantazhuvach PXE.

Krok 6

Nalashtovuёmo DHCP (like nalashtovaniya, go to croque 7). I have a Win 2000 Server so I can describe it for a new one.

If DHCP is not set, then you need to set it back. ( Panel keruvannya> - Installed Remote Program- , Let's see Merezhev services, stock and check the box DHCP).

DHCP is enabled. Control panel - Administration, start DCHP equipment. Selectable DHCP server what mi want to nalashtovuvati. Potim z context menu collectable Create an area. At the master, who has appeared, enter the name of the region and comment. Let's make sense of the names, so that through the birth of a rock, another admin or yourself will be picked up. Let's enter a mailbox and a mailbox address, if you want to give it out via DHCP. The maximum capacity to deposit depends on the number of cars that are being installed at once. If in the range the address used static addresses, you can enter it on the next side to the list of exclusions. Dali to your thought. After creating the area in the section Parameters of the area, it is necessary to adjust the parameters 066 server IPі 067 Name of the file for the thrill. U parameter 067 write it down dos.bin.zpxe.

Krok 7

Install and configure RIS

Control panel - Installed Remote Program - Adding that remote Windows component, check the box Remote Entry Service. After the installation is completed, let's go to Administration - Services and start the service Forgiveness FTP daemon.

Krok 8

Copy to C:\tftpdroot files dos.bin.zpxeі dos.bin.

Krok 9

Installed on the computer twill adapter for PXE and try to get involved.
If everything is fine, then on the computer, which is zavantazhuetsya, will go to the DHCP server, then the zavantazhuvach will show what the IP address has been assigned, and the image has been taken.

Zagalnі primіtki

To edit/create a floppy image, you can tweak WinImage, plug-in to Total Commander

AOMEI PXE Boot is optional software security for zavantazhennya computers with ISO local lines. Being more forgiving of the wiki, this program allows you to capture a custom disk image (ISO) for remote capture of a number of computers, mind you, that they are connected to one local media. To rob AOMEI PXE Boot with a superbly brown tool for such tasks, as in the future, the development of support and supplements, especially at enterprises.

It's easy to install AOMEI PXE Boot: you install the program on the system, how to win as a server, mount ISO and check for client machines. The first part of the story is that AOMEI PXE Boot supports synchronously occupied a number of computers at the same time. Let's find out more about this wonderful program, and I'm sure that you can beat it to capture computers from ISO on a local network.

AOMEI PXE Boot: the main recognition and a few words about Windows PE

It is important that AOMEI PXE Boot is in the first line of appointments for fixing problems with computers in the region. You can hack a program to capture a system that is not functioning in an obscured environment. For those who want AOMEI PXE Boot, it is best to use Linux enchanting disk images, or Windows PE. The rest operating system with intermediary services, as a victory for the acquisition of a computer with a method of inspiration. Based on the Vista kernel, Windows PE is not a complete operating system. Natomista won't give a safe medium for fixing malfunctions from the computer and I will become a worker.

There are no occasions to consider that AOMEI PXE Boot will not work with any other disk rank. In the next hour of testing, I noticed that I was far away zavantazhit on the Damn Small Linux (DSL) client system, a vicarious zavantazhuvalny ISO image.

How to take advantage of computers for ISO help by local measure

Now, if you know about AOMEI PXE Boot, finish it off, the time has come to talk, how does this thing work. Process, vlasne, and two stages. The first part includes setting up the client computer to get started as much as possible, and the other part consists of setting up and running the program on the system that runs the server.

To give respect, that the offense of the computer is to blame, but it is connected to one line. My opinion is that the server will connect to the link through jetless channel Ale, the client's car was connected by a wire.

Part 1: Setting up the client computer(s) for merging

How do I pass the name, first, what is necessary to work, to fix the client computer or computers for entrapment through I will carry out a merezha. To make sure, you need to take access to BIOS menu computer. Below you can find out about those how to grow (the process is more or less the same, regardless of the computer’s picker):

1. Open the client computer and press to open the BIOS menu (typically Del, Esc, F8 or F12). In the BIOS, go to the Boot submenu and in the Boot Options Priorities section, select PXE (on some Legacy LAN, Realtek PXE B02 D00, Network boot from Intel computers) as the first advanced add-on. You also need to enable the PXE ROM option, as it is enabled.

2. AOMEI PXE Boot only supports Legacy capture mode, so you also need to enable the UEFI Boot option, as it won't support motherboard computer. This option can be found in the Boot submenu.

All that is necessary to work on client computer. Don't forget to save the changes made before BIOS configuration. Now let's move on to the server.

Part 2: Obtaining an ISO and running the program on a server computer

This part is really simple. For starters, consider installing an AOMEI PXE Boot (about 5 MB) on a computer that will serve as a server. In addition to this, you are also responsible for capturing a disk image for capturing a client computer or a computer. See below for an explanation of what you need:

1. Launch AOMEI PXE Boot. On the first screen of the program, select the option " boot from custom image file" and go to your ISO file (you can also wiki another option for Windows takeover PE or Linux ISO from the AOMEI website if you want). Once the image is displayed, click the "Start Service" button to start the service.

2. Now AOMEI PXE Boot displays information about the activity that is on the server and client computers. No more work is needed on the server. Sobachit real diї, move far away. І, zrozumіlo, addendum і, obviously, the server, due to running.

You just have to start the client computer and check in, while you are occupied with the best ISO image, whichever you select through AOMEI PXE Boot on the server computer. The axis will be replaced by a working distribution of Damn Small Linux, which works on the client computer:

Closing words

As an administrator of the merezhі, and simple joke efficient way(and without overheads) for distant laryngeal This OS management, AOMEI PXE Boot can be the same as you need. Tse yakіsny іnstrument, which is ridiculously simple at the nailed and working perfectly good.

Have a wonderful day!

For me, for a long time, it was a mystery why there are only two options in Ubuntu installation disk– Desktop and Alternate. Debian has the latest installation disks, which will install the latest GNOME or KDE, as well as the NetInstall disk, to install the system merge.

An attractive CD for such an assignment option for launching the installer, which installs the minimum set of packages. Reshta, if necessary, can be vacated and restored from the border. This option conveys the great qualifications of the coristuvach, which wins the installation, but also ensures the flexibility in the installation required components systems. It also allows you to protect disk space.

It turned out that in Ubuntu there is also an option for an installation disk, with destinations for installation as needed. Just a request for yoga head side site. And zahovana for the next address.

Less power, what is the minimum size you can get installed Ubuntu without special tricks. For the test, I tried to install Ubuntu from a minimal VirtualBox disk.

Expand the image of the minimum disk to become 11 MB. It’s not rich, and it allows you to sing yoga on be-yakіy, to bring the smallest swidkosti.

And the axis, when installed, is a mother’s channel in the Internet shvidshe. To that, the minimal disk, the cream of the installer's power, does not avenge anything. That is why everything is included in the installation process. Correct everything!

I'll try the viconati Ubuntu installation From a minimal disk, I made a connection by connecting to the ADSL Internet on a speed of 128 kb/s. Installation (importantly downloading packages) stretched out for a couple of years.

For the repeated experiment, it was far from knowing the connection to a significantly greater speed.

When you enter from a minimal disk, we are sent a bunch of text requests:

and then the standard graphic (!) Ubuntu menu:

The "Command-line install" item does not mean that the installation will be from the command line. In any case, the installer will run in text mode.

Item "Advanced options" in the add-on menu:

what does Vikonati Expert install. With this choice, a menu with installation options is displayed that allows you to select them in a reasonable order:

I select the item - "Install".

The textual installer is excellent. Such, like i in Alternate disk. It’s less obvious that the packets are not taken from the disk, but are downloaded by a chain.

The installer traditionally asks the language:

custom keyboard layout:

then suggest to choose a repository:

which for promotion is promoted locally for the selected country:

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