Description of image formats.

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  • Familiarize students with the basic raster image formats;
  • become aware of the possibility of converting formats;

Learn to select the optimal settings for the hour of scanning the image. Transferring images from one program to another, however, is the same for all different worlds digital images , so any program has its strengths and weaknesses. To quickly take advantage of the strengths of the program, images of the guilty parties are quickly and efficiently exported. To optimize this process, retailers software features

created the video computer files- Format. The difference between different formats is clear graphic files . To be able to resolve problems of image portability between one program and reduce them using the saving method

disk space

, and also know optimally graphic format For further processing, we will show what we know about some of them, the most extensive ones. Vlasny file formats Dominant format (native) – create a private format, creations specifically for

software program . For most programs, this format is the largest in an efficient manner when saving files during the editing process, they are not portable (or often portable) to other programs. The “old” format for CorelDRAW is CDR, which is the most commonly used format. For Microsoft Word The official format is DOC, for

Adobe Flash

- FLA format, etc. For a graphic editor

Adobe Photoshop The main format is PSD, in which you can save graphic information, balls, and channels. Adobe Photoshop is, without a doubt, the most popular way to edit images in the world. The popularity of Photoshop has affected others graphic programs

There are a number of different types of this format.

We are most familiar with the *.bmp extension, which supports data up to 24 b/p.

GIF Rastrove GIF format

(Graphics Interchange Format) was developed by CompuServe Inc. 1987 to securely compress color raster files that are imported via telephone lines and in computer networks. The GIF format allows you to save color data from 1 to 8 b/p.

GIF is a very effective archiver.

The format of knowledge is widely used on Web sites for images great strength colors (symbols, logos, buttons, design elements).

Multimedia programs also allow you to insert images in GIF format.

Features of the format: the image is painted downwards with a change in clarity and detail (option - interlacing), the format allows you to set the view area or determine the color color, which allows you to place the image on any aphid.

The ability to change the file is not limited, GIF allows you to completely set the size of the palette that is displayed in the image (other formats, as a rule, do not have the standard color options). Please bring up the format shortcomings the quantity is limited

possible colors. The format allows you to save a large number of image frames, so you can consider GIF as an animation format. JPEG

The JPEG format supports color depth up to 24 b/p.

However, the format may have a very small service to the file, due to the fact that it has become increasingly popular in Web publications and libraries to display images in those situations where richly colored photorealistic images are needed.


The PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format is specially created for placing graphics on Web pages.

This format is new and combines the advantages of GIF and JPEG formats.

It allows you to significantly compress a file from images without losing brightness, without being limited by a palette of 256 colors, supporting 8, 24 and 32 (24 b/p plus alpha channel) b/p.

In which format there is a method of compression, in which image information is visible and is poorly perceived by the human eye.

The compression level can be changed from low, if the compression is minimal, to high, if the image can show significant changes. The PNG format does not support transparency, but you can include a single alpha channel, which will make part of the image visible in the browser, which supports PNG channels. As in the GIF, here we will ensure a step-by-step transformation from a series of flamings.

TIFF One of the most advanced raster formats that are used when preparing images is TIFF (Target Image File Format), created by Aldus Corporation in 1986 to solve problems encountered when transferring graphic files from IBM computers to Macintosh and back. TIFF supports a number of compression schemes special functions image management. LZW compression is a non-lossy data compression scheme - when a file is compressed, no data is lost and no loss of data is required.

TIFF today is a standard file format that is supported by most graphics image processing programs, as well as

All the images that are used on computers can be divided into three great groups.

Here we have 2D graphics, in which flat images are created (which do not interfere with the third coordinates), and raster and vector graphics are added to this group.

The report is placed on the 2D group through the greatest width.

Images in raster graphics are an ordered array of single elements (pixels for a monitor or dots for a printer) to contain color information.

The number of such elements is determined by the size of the image and the individual content, and the size of the file is sufficient to include the color palette (black and white or 1-bit, shades of gray and 256 colors either 8-bit, high color or 16-bit, true color or 24-bit ).

Vector graphics contain mathematical descriptions of curves and color fills (areas filled with the same color and areas of gradients) to create images. The power supply and color palettes vary depending on the file being sent to a specific physical device and according to its characteristics.

In printing, this process is known as RIP - the process of distributing an image.

File compression.

The fragments of graphic files, as a rule, are large in size, which means there is a possibility of compression (packing) of information.

At this time, there are two ways of compression - without wasting and wasting.

One of the oldest and most popular formats for saving raster graphics.

Having come more than once from personal computers, however, they are the most widespread, they support almost all image viewing/editing programs.

Vikorist's simplest compression algorithm without wasting RLE capacity.

Tag Image File Format (TIFF)

Retailers - Aldus and Microsoft.

The universal format for saving raster graphics is widely used in the industry.

It is necessary to note that there are a wide variety of different types of compression algorithms. The most crazy thing is the format that the LZW algorithm uses. The format supports 24- and 32-bit color (CMYK), two types of recording IBM PC and Macintosh, can save information about masks (visible image areas).

TrueVision TGA (TGA)

Retailer – TrueVision company.

The format is used to save raster graphics and has a special feature - with the support of a 24-bit color, another 8 bits are added per image element to save additional information.

As was said above, this group of formats is important for “internal” influence (preserving intermediate results of image editing).

In addition to information about images, files contain a lot of data of a service nature that can be correctly interpreted by other viewing/editing programs.

Such data may include information about fonts, balloons, images (masks), curves, special effects, etc. The widest formats for vector graphics are cdr (Corel Draw) and ai (Adobe Illustrator), for raster graphics - psd (Adobe Photoshop) and cpt (Corel PhotoPaint).

As a rule, the end image (the image intended for publication) is imported into one of the formats designated for publication purposes (gif or jpeg for the Internet, tiff for desktop systems, etc.).

Igor Sivakov

Have you ever wondered what types of graphic file formats, such as JPG and PNG, exist, and what types of skin types they can be used for?

If you delve into graphic design, you can find a lot of both fruitful and bark, as well as the silly and creative to the point of God’s ville.

In order to understand the understanding of the “graphic world”, we encourage you to read this article and no longer worry about it.


Vector and raster graphics First of all, to describe the formats of raster and vector graphic files, it is necessary to differentiate between raster graphics and vector graphics. Raster images are made up of hundreds and thousands of rows of pixels.

Formats such as JPG, PNG and GIF are the most extensive raster file types in graphic formats.

Whatever picture you are looking at is a raster image in any other graphic file format.

HTML does not support vector graphics. The more pixels there are per unit area of ​​the image, the clearer it is and the more accurate it is. The idea is that you can change the image to the size of a postage stamp or enlarge it to a full-fledged billboard measuring 3 by 6 m.

What you do not remember, what is obvious to you vectornot shown logo, call the other person who sells all your products.

99% of them will have a vector version of your logo.

High versus low building density

How often have you heard such acronyms as DPI and PPI from your designer?

We reveal the dungeon to you.

DPI, which is dots per inch (dots per inch), and PPI, likewise, pixels per inch (pixels per inch) are the same thing that is used to characterize the individual features of an image.

And the smell itself indicates the brightness of the image and its suitability for these and other needs.

For example, the DPI or PPI values ​​for the images that you plan to place on the landing page can be compared to 72. The cost is low, but at the same time, every byte of information per page, such images will be consistent.

At the same time, if you are planning to deconstruct the image, then you should not go below the value of 300 dpi. Don't try to fool the system. In programs such as Photoshop, you can work as long as you don’t lose extra pixels.

Taking an image from a perspective and adjusting its value to the other end will not work: the image will be far from ideal.

Universal graphic file formats

Most graphic editors allow you to view and process both official format files and images presented in universal formats.


raster formats


JPEG (or JPG) - Joint Photographic Experts Group (under the name of the retailer)

JPG is one of the most popular graphic file formats that is under pressure.

This format is widely used in photography and transfer of images on the Internet. The average of its advantages is a high level of compression (compared to other formats) and low computational folding. What extensions can graphics formats have?

JPEG files


Zazvichay tse .jpeg, .jfif, .jpg, .JPG, or .JPE.

JPG has only one shortcoming, but it’s a matter of fact: in the world of compression, the image loses its brightness.

This format is not at all suitable for chairs, text graphics and medical images.

Use the JPG graphic file format to design your landing pages and other photographs at a high level. PNG graphic file format PNG - Portable Network Graphics PNG is ideal for designing Internet pages, but also useful for others. The image format does not lose its brightness, just as you edit it in a graphics editor.

Web designers love PNG format , because it allows you to save images from clear view. A Prozory backgroundі gives you more options when creating a website design..

Graphic format

We are most familiar with the *.bmp extension, which supports data up to 24 b/p.- What is the recording method? graphic information.

Features of the format: the image is painted downwards with a change in clarity and detail (option - interlacing), the format allows you to set the view area or determine the color color, which allows you to place the image on any aphid.— the algorithm is constrained, not so in search of new elements, but in the difference between pixels.

However, the format may have a very small service to the file, due to the fact that it has become increasingly popular in Web publications and libraries to display images in those situations where richly colored photorealistic images are needed. Coding of data is obtained at a number of stages. First, the graphic data is converted into a color space of the LAB type, then half or three quarters of the color information is supplied (depending on the implementation of the algorithm). Next, blocks of 8x8 pixels are analyzed.

It allows you to significantly compress a file from images without losing brightness, without being limited by a palette of 256 colors, supporting 8, 24 and 32 (24 b/p plus alpha channel) b/p. A set of numbers is formed before the skin block. The first few numbers represent the color of the block, and then the next few numbers represent the smaller ones.- The format for Merezha has recently been expanded, clicks will replace the old GIF. Vikorist's waste-free compression Deflate, similar to LZW (itself through the patenting in 1995 of the LZW algorithm of PNG). Styles are indexed

PNG files It is less similar to similar GIFs, PNG RGB is less similar to a file in the TIFF format. - hardware independent TIFF format

Vinik is the internal format of the Aldus PhotoStyler program. Its modular architecture appeared in the distance, and having successfully survived the death of certain programs, TIFF continues to evolve and develop to this day.

Today it is one of the most extensive and reliable, supporting almost all programs on PCs and Macintoshes and anything else related to graphics. As a rule, TIFF is

best choice when importing raster graphics from vector software and publishing systems. PostScript Photoshop is becoming increasingly popular with more and more programs.

It allows you to record images with a large number of balls (up to 1000), their masks, additional Alpha channels and channels of simple (spot) colors, shapes, vector, text balls, contours and other information - everything that Photoshop can create. Macromedia FreeHand Document

- There doesn’t seem to be anything special.The format is suitable only for FreeHand, Illustrator7 and more for Macintosh and Macromedia programs. Version 7 brings even more cross-platform madness.

The richness of the market is being promoted. PICT Vlasny format Mac OS Classic. The standard for the clipboard is the vikoryst graphic language of Mac OS. PICT is designed to carry raster and vector information, text and sound, and RLE compression.

Supports all programs on Mac. BMP (Windows Device Independent Bitmap) is another native Windows format. We support everything graphic editors, which is practiced under the keruvannya of this operating system.

It is used to save bitmap images that are used for use in Windows and, in fact, are no longer used.

RTF(Microsoft Rich Text Format) - text format RTF has been used here for its extraordinary features before transferring texts from one program to another.

It allows you to transfer formatted text from optical character recognition programs or text editors in graphic programs or in any other way. RTF can be displayed

great decisions— the format is known for its low stability, the poor number of files, and the color characteristics of the bitmaps that are used, which require CorelDRAW to be used very manually, which leads to undisputed leadership on the PC platform.

Many programs on PC (FreeHand, Illustrator, PageMaker - among them) can import CorelDRAW files. Adobe Illustrator

- Adobe's top product.
It was created immediately after the release of PostScript Level 1, which can be called an interface for PostScript.

Until version 9, the core format was based on EPS; from version 9, the PDF core was based.
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