How to redeem contacts on smartphones alcohol. How to restore contacts, visible from the phone or SIM-cards

Golovna / Contacts

Outside the skid nalashtuvan, or Hard Reset, turn your device back to factory settings. With this, all the accumulated data of the koristuvach are seen, including the address book. With this material, we will tell you about those, how to establish contacts on Android after I will add a drop-off.

Address book

Koristuvatisya memoirs, in the era digital technologies, It has become out of fashion. All contacts are saved from the address book of the smartphone. Before it, write down telephone numbers, email addresses and other necessary data. The more active the way of life, the more the person knows, the more the new contacts accumulate. The vtrata of these records is becoming an unbearable thing.

It’s easy to make contacts on Android, if you tell the story about their savings, it’s easy. Navite vipadkovo in the distance numbers and that address can be rotated with great imovirnistyu.

Inspiration for help from Google

For Vlasniks Android Appliances, the best way to expand the way to save contacts, to connect with the best services of the "Corporation of Good". For which it is necessary to use a google record and turn on the synchronization mechanism. A Google public record, at once from a postal address in the domain, is created during the first visit to the software store. In this rank, koristuvach, like a hocha, once installing the program Google Play, maє account, scho diє.

After dropping the settings on the extension, it is necessary to enter the data of the oblique record and adjust the synchronization. Addresses, saved on Google servers, will be displayed on smartphones in the same way as they were at the time of the end of the session backup.

If you want to edit the savings of contacts in advance, you can also vikonate, vikoristovuyuuchi demonstrative record. It is necessary to go to the parameters of the public record for an additional computer and manually sort the savings in the address book.

Backup copy

Another way that allows you to guaranteedly restore contacts is to backup. A lot of koristuvachіv include links with the shabby services of the "Corporation of Good" to save battery power, periodically synchronize your attachments with your computer. You can create such a copy for further inspiration in many ways.

Builder Utilities

May all the makers of mobile electronics create their own software security, as it allows you to backup data on a computer. Below is a list of the company's software, which is responsible for the task:

  • Samsung Keis or Smart Switch;
  • Sony PC Companion;
  • HTC Sync Manager.

Front FZ

To create backup copies of contacts, you can use other programs, especially for these purposes. The stench rushes out for additional outbuildings in various pickers, and skin renewal expands the base of consciousness. The axis of the list, to which the most popular programs are included:

  • Helium App Sync and Backup;
  • Titanium Backup;
  • gcloud backup.

In addition, as it is turned to the factory settings, I will add it, connect it to the computer and connect the contacts backup copy.

The same operation can be done through Google. Vikoristovuyuchi your appearance record, create a copy of contacts, exporting it to a computer or editing it in the dark in the required format.

Data renewal programs

The above described methods are suitable for koristuvachiv, as they say about saving the address book ahead of time. Let's take a look at how to restore remote contacts on Android, if the coristuvach is deleted, but there are no backup copies. Get in touch with such a zanedbanom vpadka, how and insha digital information did not know the unknown. I'll take more than an hour to renew you, but you can still vikonati yoga.

Come and win the special software, recognized for the recognition of the dans. One of the best, in its class, representatives of such software, is the cost-free 7-Data Recovery.

To work with the program, you need to connect the device to the computer in USB charging mode and start scanning. Digital data, as far as possible, will be displayed at the same time as the list. You will be left with less to indicate the necessary for the renewal of that check.

It is possible that part of the contacts after the operation can be edited manually. Cyrillic symbols, for an hour, are recognized incorrectly.

One more representative software created especially for such experiences – Dr. Fone. The principle of robotic software security is similar. Connecting to a computer is required for an additional USB cable in the charging mode.

Remembrance of data, as such a way is won, does not give a new guarantee of success. The work of the program is to lie in various factors. Injection can be robbed:

  • file system type;
  • the presence of pardons at the tables of distributions;
  • vіdsotok zapovnennya wearing danim, which was formatted.
  • the main file format that is saved.

Іsnuyut and іnshі factors, zdatnі vplinut on the quality of work file system that integrity of the data. If you're in a mood, as if you took up an update, it would be better to turn around if you want some of the information, I'll spend more.


Like bachite, there are no hopeless situations. You can return the data later Viconanne Hard reset. Sob contacts did not arise, and it was not possible to go into radical methods, think about choosing a backup method later. Hmarnі shovischa not so scary, like zdaєtsya at first glance. The transfer of data with help is consummated without cost. Having speeded up in this way, saving contacts, you will be saved in their savings and you can win the same operation with your Android device.

You can blame it later re-formatted telephone after a vipadkovy access to any information, or through virus links. Even though it doesn’t matter what the reason for spending money was, the process of renewing contacts doesn’t seem to change.

Update contacts via Gmail

More phones that work on the Android OS, may improve the data synchronization mechanism Gmail post record ohm. Also, to see the list of contacts, for the first time you need to go to your Google public record. To the left upper codend there is a Gmail button, you need to press її and then select Contacts. If necessary, press the "Dodatkovo" button (it will be above the list of contacts) and select "Add contacts".

Then it is necessary to indicate the date, on which it is necessary to establish contacts (this day, the month of that, you can enter 10 years ago or a year ago). On that occasion, if you happen to be able to tell the procedure, then remember the hour, if the contact list is updated. Next, it is necessary to launch the confirmation procedure for the additional button “Confirm” and after the completion of the confirmation, a confirmation message will appear at the top of the screen.

At any time, you can check the confirmation procedure by pressing the "Scan" button, as you know at the yellow notification on the screen. Since there is no such button, you can renew contacts - for which one you will need to indicate an hour before the beginning of the renewal procedure.

Even if it didn't help, you need to check if the contacts were synced with your Gmail account. You can also try to synchronize contacts on the phone, go to the contact book and try to contact data.

Even though this didn't help, you can also try removing and re-adding the Gmail appearance on your phone. Most of the problems with renewals happen to that person, as contacts were saved on sim-or on the phone, and not like contacts in Gmail.

Renewal of contacts through the program

You can also restore contacts on android for help special supplements. For example, Super Backup Pro. After the installation of the program, it is necessary to launch yoga and select the "Backup" item. If so, a new window will appear under the name of the backup copy of the contacts, and the orange color will indicate the place where to save dani file. After pressing the "OK" button, contacts will be updated. Cream of that given program Please make a backup copy by email.

There is no more need to worry about saving the list of contacts for the hour of cleaning, I will add it to Android inappropriate programs that file. As if there was an important number of letters from the phone book, it can be easily turned back ... but in one mind.

Update address book Send Gmail

Kozhen Vlasnik I will attach to Android systems may look Google entry, yak tied up postal Koristuvach address books are reserved for 30 days we will send a service Google. Tse means that contact data, entered in the book at a given hour, can be easily retrieved.

To update the postal address, you need to enter the headline from the browser side of Google and go to the public record, link to the phone: in the top, at the right side of the site panel, click on "Enter" and enter the mail address and the password. Then we need to open the program and select the Mail.

At the end of the mail, you need to press the "Gmail" button and select the "Contacts" item for the transfer.

At the menu click "Add contacts".

It is necessary to indicate the address of the book saving hour in the list “Recommend to camp on”, and then click on the confirmation.

Updating the phone book and other contact details

Respect! For the possibility of renewal in remote rooms h phone list Or a Google+ contact list, you need to activate the option of synchronizing the oblique record on your phone. And for some options for renewal, it is necessary to know how to take root rights on Android.

To sync your cloud record on the Android device with Google servers, you need to open the "Parameters" program, go to the "Share records and sync" section, select your cloud record and move the enabled slider to the "Unchecked" position.

In order to synchronize the selected data, for example, only contacts from Google+ or the phone book, it is necessary to click on the item “shape record” and indicate the need in the middle of the distribution.

To update telephone numbers and everything else (naturally, after synchronization), it is necessary through head side Google launch the program "Contacts". Then, at the "All Contacts" branch, press "Sche" and then "Information".

Yak i z address book Send Gmail, please indicate the hour the backup was made and confirm.

Copy phone book from a SIM card

As it turns out, through which the phone needs to be synchronized, it is possible to transfer the data spent on your phone from the SIM cards of another cardholder. For whom it is necessary:

Insert a SIM card into your phone and launch the "Contacts" program.

After this, the buttons of the main menu (three small squares near the top panel) are pushed and select the “Import/Export” command.

Designate a dzherelo - a SIM-card, for which the necessary numbers are known.

Let's find a new place for saving the memory, I'll build it (Tablet or phone).

Put a check mark required numbers and press the "Copy" button. The given numbers may appear at the contact book of your device.

Another correct way to redeem the numbers of people who have recently called, steward operator.

Third Party Utilities

Іsnuє chimalo programs, yakі recognized for renewal delete files and other data from mobile attachments. With this additional help, the information was used to go out and turn often, but do not wait.

Below are the most effective of them.

  • GT recovery.
  • Remote contacts.
  • Restore contacts.
  • Deleted Contacts Recovery.
  • Renewal of contacts.

And the next list is often victorious, as I see it, if nothing else helps. These utilities are victorious for updating different remote data on Android. For them, you need a connection mobile annex to the computer, and the utilities themselves are installed in Windows or OS X. Root-rights are required on the device.

Android Data Recovery

EaseUS Mobisaver (smartly cost-free)

data doctor Recovery Android(paid)

What work, how did all the contacts come from the phone? Cause a crash

Smartphones are multimedia attachments that allow you to play their functions at the borders. You can listen to the radio or record videos with them for help. If you log in to your smartphone through Google, you will be able to access the programs through play market(as it is difficult to blame, it will be easy for you to explain why you are not getting Google's public record on Android and correct the pardon).

But the main features of telephones, regardless of their other functions, are left out. І how to blame the problems with a sound or correct work sim cards, a smartphone from a blue device is transformed into a dribnichka. And if, for some reason, from the memory of the building of obscurity, important numbers are known, so that the fortunes for the wealthy can be equal to the catastrophe.

Why contacts can disappear in the phone

The reasons for such a rapt sign in the skin rash are different, and most often the stench is associated with such podias:

  • flipping blow. If your gadget suddenly fell down, it’s possible that in the phone book you don’t get a few, or even all of your contacts;
  • when viewing the sides on the Internet, be it, buvay, just by connecting to the border, Android will see the songs of the record;
  • SMS memory is overwritten;
  • Bula tried to synchronize contacts with oblikovets;
  • attachments were thrown off to the factory settings;
  • Contacts were deleted, but moved to the category of "attached".

In some cases, it seems to be without visible reasons. Stilnikovy can properly serve as a stretcher for many years, but at the right moment you just stop picking up the tribute, as they have been scrupulously chosen for a long time. Therefore, it’s better not to rely on the gadget, but transfer the contacts from the phone to the computer, or, in the old way, manually rewrite it in a notebook.

Why do contacts in the phone know that they are known

All lie down in the cause of failure. If you have rotated to factory settings, you can rotate the used numbers from the backup copy. As if the missing bula was due to manipulations in the Google cloud record:

  • try to log out of the public account and log in again;
  • go to create contacts in the public record, find the “Additional” tab, click “Read contacts”, selecting the required hourly note (for example, “Renew records by camp for 1 day, weekday, 30 days”).

On the forums, it’s also time to see the synchronization with Viber and start it again, without forgetting to re-start the attachments. If you suspect that the numbers are not visible, but simply do not show up, you need to work:

  • launch the Contacts program;
  • click on Menu;
  • select Filter Contacts;
  • activate the All contacts command, and you will have records that sim-cards, Viber, Skype and other messengers are available.

What is the way to save valuable data? Really, they are impersonal, you just pick the best varto for yourself. You can duplicate the numbers on the SIM card, or go to the help of current and other programs, such as anonymous ones, starting with Google Contacts services and finishing synchronizing the phone book with Outlook.

Singingly, the skin of the coristuvach PK at least once in life stuck with the vtratoy of tribute. And do not start to trap at the blame of the coristuvach - sometimes there are failures in the system, often pardoning the need for remote information, or a vipadkovy outbuilding. Before the reasons for using contacts from the phone book on Android, you can add and remove factory settings ( hard reset), and the attack of viruses, and theft of the phone, or simply the carelessness of the choice of the inserted functions. So chi іnakshe, ії situations ії vіdbuvayutsya dоsіtії often, і koristuvаchі nebhіdno knоbіdі, іѕ vіdnoviti kontaktіv na Androїdі in razі і consumption.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to turn the contacts in such vipads

For most smartphones that can be used on operating system Android, the renewal of the distant data is not a global problem. As well as syncing with Google's cloud record, you can simply redo contacts for the extra benefit of saving a copy of your Google servers. This way helps not only in that fall, as it is necessary to turn remote contacts. Vіn can be swiped and in case of inadvertently moving, importing or merging contacts, and when working Google mail from the computer.

An important honor! If you want to redeem the data for additional synchronization with Google's cloud record, try to save the information about the hour in which you started the update. This information may be needed for the confirmation of renewal.

The update of the contact update function, which happened recently (March 22, 2016), simplified this procedure even more: now you can rotate the version of the contact list for the remaining 30 days.

The procedure for updating contacts through Google may be the same on any smartphone with Android OS. You will need to click through to your Google mail account, then go to the "Contacts" menu. Choose "Dodatkovі dії" or "Sche", and then "Recommend contacts". Obov'yazkovo is necessary to indicate the hour, the camp on which the data will be inspired. Confirm the confirmation by pressing the button, and check - the process can take a sprat of khvilin. As soon as the data will be confirmed, the screen will show a reminder.

Buvay th such that data on smartphones are known after the hard reset. In this case, if the phone is turned on, you will not be authorized in the Google cloud record, which means that contacts will not be able to be added - you will simply need to import them from your cloud record. Look, the stink will not disappear, because after the drop, you didn’t go to your Google public record, and the synchronization didn’t win. Go to "Contact" on your phone and select "Import/Export". Let's confirm physical record Google mail, with which copy and indicate the place, in which it is necessary to save this data.

Other ways to renew data

Descriptions are better for renewing data for help google record- the most important and simplest, but there is one great minus - it is absolutely marny, because you did not synchronize with Google mail.

Backup copy

You can redeem the data for an additional backup copy of the data - however, I know, it’s less relevant in that case, as you saved such a copy on the computer or in gloomy shovischi(Google Drive, Yandex.Disk).

Special software for data renewal

Іsnuє rich paid that cost-free utilities to retrieve data from an Android phone. Actions are installed like programs on smartphones, actions are like full programs on a computer. But, as a rule, most of them are created for specific models smartphones and pid singing version Firmware of this rank is not universal. In addition, the process of robots will try to save on the computer or smartphones, potentially shkidlivi or nebazhanі programs, often not "powered" by the coristuvach. There are no saved copies of contacts, no syncs Google service, you can go in and up in this way No one will give you any guarantees that you can help.

Service center

Although the methods described above do not help, you can always turn to service center. Why is your firmware newer and smarter, more smart, so that the facsimiles with the necessary software and hardware security can read and save data from the memory of your device. Ale, remember that you need an hour, and a penny.

Call details for the help of a mobile operator

You can speed up in one more way - ask your style operator for details of the call and SMS for the rest of the months. The operator will give you less phone numbers without linking to the names in the phone book. In order to identify them and re-enter them into the book, it will take an hour, but the most important contacts will not be wasted.

Non-standard way to get data for assistance Viber

Deyaki mobile supplements for calling (for example, Viber) bind to contacts on the computer and numbers from the phone book. And if you have such programs, you can speed up. Only work is necessary, the docks did not start the scheduled synchronization of contacts - ring out once in a while.

It's a pity that such programs, like Viber, are not recognized for that, for their help, you can get data. Ale information about phone numbers there all the same. To win її, you happen to manually copy them back in text editor, and then write down to the phone book. A laborious way, but an efficient one, but there is no more way out.


The best way to avoid wasting your personal data is to sync it with a Google service. If you don't mess with your phone, you can always rotate your contacts list (navigate for help computer) and restore it to any version for the remaining 30 days. Other methods are richly folded and trivial, and you are unlikely to want to go into them, because there is more wasting of personal data in the most important situations and not in front of the environment.

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