Chi you can distribute wifi with. How to distribute mobile internet from Android phone via Wi-Fi. Creation of a wireless access point behind the Windows help menu

Golovna / I'll build a cleaning

Since a PC can be connected to cable internet, you can quickly organize a Wi-Fi point without buying an additional device from a smart router.

Golovne, the PC has a Wi-Fi adapter. All current laptops have such a coreless module already built by the manufacturing plant, and if this block is available for a stationary computer, you can add it and plug it in.

The cost of buying a Wi-Fi adapter will be significantly lower than the cost of a wireless router.

Wi-Fi distribution methods

Explore effective options for distributing Wi-Fi via home computer, for example, with the choice of tools in the operating system, with the help of programs from third-party retailers, and also with Windows 10, you can change the mobile Hotspot.

One of the main minds for the successful implementation of the set task is the connection to the PC with a cable from the provider, so that it is connected to the Internet, and also the computer is guilty of equipping with a special droto-free module.

Wi-Fi module's capacity in the PC, most handy optionє Connecting to a new external Wi-Fi adapter via a USB port.

It is necessary to indicate whether the driver installation is required for normal work outbuildings.

If Windows 10 is installed in the PC, then the system will install the software on its own.

Have more robotic computer early versions The OS, it is recommended, having seen the official resource of the owner of the distributor, install the driver in the computer.

In order to analyze the practicality of the Wi-Fi adapter, it is necessary to open the console with extended rights and enforce: "netsh wlan show drivers".

Let's click "Introduction". On May 1st, there will be a confirmation of a positive response in the column “Support for the placement of the fence”.

If you have read the above descriptions of the preparation, come in and, having looked at the availability of all resources, you can expand the organization dartless mesh without a twisted router.

Without a router. For help programs

Use a lot of programs, specially developed, to distribute Wi-Fi to other home accessories of the koristuvach through a computer.

Aje Mayzhe leather is a modern smart phone on operating systems: Android, Windows and iOS all-world web for the help of Wi-Fi.


No positive feedback from the mHotspot program.

You don't need to install it on a PC or a laptop, but by using the "" resource, you can immediately launch that organization of a home wireless point without using a router.

Starting the program, it is necessary to see the following:

"My Public"

Like the previous utility, it does not require installation. Enough "MyPublikWiFi" download and once again koristuvatisya.

To distribute the Internet for additional programs, you need to follow these steps:

"Switch Virtual Router"

At Windows environments Good practice program "Switch Virtual Router". On the Internet, won is available for download and installation free of charge.

Nalashtuvannya vykonuyutsya in an intuitively sensible interface, which is completely Russified.

Building addendum to be launched in automatic mode in the wake of the PC rush. Once you enter the password, you need to enter the name and password for the Wi-Fi connection and insert the icons in the columns to click on it.

Without programs

Yakscho specialized utilities there is no way to install it in a PC, you can successfully solve the problem by using Windows tools.

Everything that supports the company Microsoft Windows zdatni dіlitisya іsnuyuchim podklyuchennyam.

On different OS

In order to implement the plan, it is necessary to vikonate the kіlka of the last kroіv:

Note: The name is better written by the master of the computer himself, the smut, so that you can remember it instantly and then know the connection in the translation.

For security nadiyy zakhistu Z'dnannya zam_st "koddoctupa" to come up with and entrust a folding access code, which is made up of symbols and numbers.

If you need to pin the broadcast, in the console you need to instruct: "netsh wlan stop hostednetwork". Click "Introduction".

Through the command row in Windows 10

At "Desyattsі" the procedure for converting a PC to a modem may be different from the later versions of the OS and also works for an additional console.


  1. Run CS with extensions and override: "netsh wlan set hosted network mode = allow ssid = Tochka Dostupa key = koddoctupa";
  2. Press "Introduction";
  3. Paste "netsh wlan start hostednetwork";
  4. Click again "Introduction";
  5. Click RMB "Start", press the row " Merezhevy connection»;
  6. Right-click on the streaming connection and go to "Authorities";
  7. Date allowed other customers to come.

Windows 10 (Mobile hotspot)

The new operating system with the index "10" has an efficient method for executing the set task.

Because the koristuvach has the rest of the Microsoft distribution installed, you just need to use new feature write down the name, the code and indicate the connection.

It is necessary to vikonate only a few kilka of the last krokiv:

Note: In other words, do not lead to a successful completion of the task. The reason for this is the need for utilities that work in the PC, it is recommended to turn on the antivirus and firewall at the same time.

Windows 7

Today "Simka" continues to take the palm of leadership among the popular operating systems for PC. There are two ways to organize the distribution of Wi-Fi using the operating system:

  1. Through the console (the technique has already been reviewed more by my friend);
  2. A path for lashing a lace edging.

Finishing of lace honing

At the PC on "Simka" it is necessary to robit dії:

For help with Conectify Hotspot

It is necessary to vikonaty kіlka etapіv:

The program menu has available control over the z'ednanny.

How to distribute the Internet from a laptop?

The process of navigating through a laptop is not compatible with a stationary PC, the description of the methodology is clearly applicable for laptops.

Golovne, that the annex has a Wi-Fi module, or it needs to be connected via a USB socket.

Wi-Fi hotspot creation

Can you speed up Windows tools or third-party add-ons, Please indicate more.

Windows 7, 8 and 10 have a better way to create a point via the console.

If so, it is also necessary to viscount analogous divi in ​​the authorities of the in-line connection.

From the method of rewarding that distribution of distribution, follow the commands, pointing at the little one below:

As you can see, all other commands are exactly the same and work well on a mobile computer.

Our hour is digital i modern technologies for an average statistical bag of a place, it is impossible to make a living without the Internet. One of the blues can be called WiFi. And it’s natural to supply food, since it’s still necessary to distribute WiFi from a laptop, because there’s no possibility (abozazhannya) to connect a router. Let's take a look at the report.

Before Tim, how to distribute WiFi from a laptop

Before that, how to set up WiFi distribution via a laptop, you need to change your equipment to use a device for Internet distribution: WiFi adapter or USB or PCL type. You can look through your presence on the keruvannya panel at the contributor of Merezha and the Internet. If you know the point of Bezdrotov Merezha in Merezhevy connections, you can boldly proceed to organize the distribution of WiFi.

WiFi is a trademark Wi-Fi companies alliance. Possibility of connection for the standard IEEE 802.11 protocol. In general, it is a streak-free mesh, as it can be used with all outbuildings, which support a similar standard of transmission.

Software for creating a virtual WiFi distribution point

The first step is to create a virtual access point. Become your laptop. To get a new WiFi point, you can get cost-free programs from official websites.


One such program is called mHotspot. This software does not require installation. If there are any entanglements, it is necessary to launch mHotspot. There will be indicated the necessary adjustments to the programs. For example, the field under the name Mhotspot name is to enter the name of the future measure. The same will be visible in the list of points available for connection.

You can download the program from the official mHotspot website.

Vikno work with the mHotspot program

The next field is called Password. Tse password. Vin is guilty but not short for all symbols. It is important to enter it in order to secure a measure of access to it by outsiders.

The field under the name Max Clients regulates the number of gadgets, so they can be connected to a merchant. The maximum number of them is ten. As soon as one is indicated in the field, no one, the cream of your computer, can be connected to the new one. Press Start Mhotspot and navigate to the access point.

Video: how to use the mHotspot program

MyPublic WiFi

There is only one program that you can get on the Internet with MyPublicWiFi. Having transferred to the official website of the applicant, you can transfer the program to your laptop. The program does not seem to be installed and works right after downloading.

Roboche vikno MyPublicWifi

The MyPublicWifi program allows robiti wifi hotspot access from your computer. Robot instructions:

  1. Get MyPublicWifi (available version 5.1).
  2. Install the program.
  3. Restart the laptop.
  4. Run MyPublicWifi (or run the MyPublicWifi program as an administrator, which means that you will see a pardon at the start).
  5. Select Automatic HotSpot configuration.
  6. Select the name of the merge, as it will be created, in the Network Name (SSID) field.
  7. Specify a password for the Network Key.
  8. See (tick) Enable Internet Sharing.
  9. From the list, select the connection of the laptop to the Internet.
  10. Press the Set up and Start Hotspot button.

The MyPublicWifi program works automatically and does not require any special connection fees

Creating an Access Point: Three Best Ways

Distribution via the Internet

Distribute Wi-Fi via basic internet z'ednannya under the force of operating systems Windows 7 and 8.

In order to enable Internet distribution, it is necessary to complete these points:

  1. Start.
  2. Control panel.
  3. Merezha and the Internet.
  4. The center of management of the fences and the open access.
  5. Change adapter settings.
  6. Bezdrotovo merezhne z'ednannya 2. Rename Yogo for bajan. How you will be welcome.
  7. We know that the connection is more active. Basically, it is called connections according to local lines. It can also be called Virtual WiFi.
  8. In the authorities of the active connection, you should know the "access" tab and go to it. At this deposit, we put a tick, so it will be fine with all the points. And to herself:
  • it is allowed for other coristuvachas to vicorate the measure;
  • it is allowed to other coristuvacha keruvati connected to the selected line.
  1. Select your active connection from the list. Tobto: connection by local measure (otherwise, the name, in the same way, the connection was renamed).
  2. Press the "OK" button and restart the computer.

If you need a smartphone, tablet or laptop to get a hotspot, you just need to run the program for distributing Wi-Fi. And on outbuildings, which will be connected, it is necessary to enter passwords for access to the gate.

A way to improve the distribution of WiFi for the help of the command line

Refurbishment is a better way to work a little at a time, as it is necessary to distribute WiFi from a computer that has Windows 10 installed.

Like looking at the command line on the laptop screen

Stages of distribution of dartless chains for the help of the command line:

  1. Check the possibility of distribution. It is necessary to start the command line as an administrator and enter the netsh wlan show drivers command in it.
  2. Read the paragraph "Pidtrimka razmіschennoї merezі" English language, will be written Hosted Network). There may be the word so.
  3. Let's start at the command line by writing: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=remontka key=secretpassword. If so, in the team there are such statements, like remontka - tse im'ya without a dart line (you can write your own, try not to win). Secretpassword - tse secret password on WiFi. You choose yoga independently.
  4. Once all data is entered, enter the command: netsh wlan start hostednetwork.
  5. With the right mouse button, click on the menu on the work table "Start" and select "Merezhevі connection" there.
  6. From this list, select those Internet-z'ednannya, as if they were victorious at once. Clicking the right mouse button, open the "Access" tab. Allow access to other correspondents.

Nalashtovuemo feasibility merezhі through the command line

A message will appear on the screen that the threadless mesh is running. If there were no annual pardons and troubles, then you can connect phones, tablets and laptops to the network. They will now have access to the Internet.

Windows 7 access point: computer-to-computer merging

Video, how to distribute WiFi from a computer through Windows 7

In order to organize wireless connection on Windows 7, you need to create a "computer-to-computer" merger. At the lower right corner of the screen (deleting the anniversary, date, icons of the swid launch. It is called - tray) to know "Internet connection". Click on the new one, and then select "Center for control of borders and open access."

Show up at the window. For the new one, it is necessary to select the item "Setting up a new connection". І press "Setting up the "Computer-Computer" without dart line" and "dalі".

The new window has three columns:

  • im'ya merezhі (vigadati by yourself);
  • security type (WPA2-ptrsonal is the best);
  • security key.

Moving to the "Center for Care with Merezhy and Sleeping Access" at the distribution "Zmina additional parameters common access” set the ensign to “Uvіmknuti” at all points. Do not forget to check the box for the moment: “remember to fix the measures”. Press the button "dali".

After the system has started distributing to the Internet via WiFi, when you appear, it will be necessary to press “Umknuti hot access before connecting to the Internet.

The installation was successful, as the computer can freely distribute the Internet via WiFi

Security power when distributing Wi-Fi without a router

So, as a result of the organization of a virtual access point, an oblique record is created with standard parameters, the name admin, then be a person, if you want to know about the network, you can easily connect to it.

Sob what didn’t happen, it’s important to know the deaki moments. Dії, yakі nebhіdnі, schob to secure yourself that measure against the intrusion of the children of the guests.

Vikno 1921680.1.

At address row browser (whether or not) enter On the screen, you will be enchanted, in which case you will need to enter the name of the administrator and the password. Go to the Maintenance tab of the branch, which is called Administrator. In the New Password field, enter a new folding password. Yogo needs to be remembered. Vіn nadobitsya podklyuchennya pіdklyuchennya іnshih pristroїv to merezha. By clicking on the Confirm Password, we confirm those who choose to write the password. Following this principle, the Login Name is changed. For example, skin pressure is on the way Save Settings. Tse means: save the nashtuvannya.

In such a rank, we were hijacked physical record. With more help, you can change all the lining of the measures. Including the connection of that connection of devices, as well as the blocking of gadgets so that the stench could not be connected to the network.

Let's move on without a hitch to the access point. Already open deposit the browser knows the item under the name Setup, tobto Nalashtuvannya. The new one selects the Wireless Settings section. A new vіkno will be made. For the new one, you need to select a function called Manual Wireless Connection Setup. If you have a new extension, which is found in the Wireless Network Settings, you can set a new network name (SSID). We can do it buti fold it.

If you want to keep it simple, to tune in, don’t bother with other gadgets, then check the box next to Enable Hidden Wireless.

We connect a tablet, a smartphone and a laptop before distribution

In addition, as the distribution of Wi-Fi will be organized, before the newly-minted “router”, a laptop will need to be connected to smartphones, planets and other gadgets with support for a wireless connection.

Features of the connection may be attached, which can be used on the Android OS. Crazy, let's think about it more quickly, whether access to the border is allowed to other outbuildings.

As a matter of fact, it is necessary to enable the adb program. Won is recognized for the Internet from Windows on Android devices. With the onset of the crack, it is necessary to turn on the tablet or smartphone on the android mode I'll call it USB Upgrading. І next connect the gadget via USB cable to a laptop.

Unpack the adb folder and run AndroidTool.exe. It will show up, you will need to press the Refresh Devices button. The right hand will list under the name Select Domain Name Server (Dns) ... There you will collect your own DNS server. After pressing the Show Android Interface button, the program will be installed on your tablet.

Program USB Tunnel allow the rights of the supercorristor on the tablet. І boldly press the Connect button.

The Internet has become an invisible part of our life. Vіn otochuє us skrіz, at the number of home. Blame the situation if it is necessary to speed it up outbuildings, for example, on the telephone. Ale 3G - expensive and low-yield internet. In such vipadkah, Wi-Fi comes to the rescue. If you read it, then, better for everything, you know that you can distribute it, victorious computer. In this article, we need to inform you about how to distribute Wi-Fi, only PCs.

What is necessary for setting up wifi networks on a computer

How to distribute wi-fi from a computer? The computer is not a laptop. On the back, wine is not suitable for a meeting home measure. Ale, two words that allow you to live:

  • wifi router;
  • wifi adapter.

The router is expensive for the adapter and allows you not only to distribute the media on the computer, but also to receive it. If your meta is the key to creating Wifi for other outbuildings, then you can safely buy an adapter. Vіn buvaє dvoh vidіv: zovnіshnіy and vbudovaniy. We choose the one that suits your likenesses. If you do not want to install the adapter for a long time, choose the current one.

Now you need to talk about drivers. It is especially useful for those who recently re-installed the operating system. Also, the Wi-Fi drivers can be reversed through the connection network, but I don’t want to go there great koristuvachev. Іsnuє richer more easy way, What is the difference between driver packs. Optimal programs for this - drp solution and driverbooster. Go ahead and update all your drivers and install those that are not available on your device. On the Internet, you can easily find out that you can download these programs absolutely free of charge.

We distribute wifi for the help of the command line

This method is suitable for computers on windows 7,8,10.

Run the Command row as the name of the Administrator

Chi zrobili tse? Chudovo. Let's move on to the border. Copy in cmd a small rich:

"netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="luboenazvanie" key="luboyparol" keyUsage=persistent"

At the value of ssid and key, you can put everything you want, but you can’t leave it empty, otherwise you won’t see anything.

Alemera still does not work, even mi її navit not vvіmknuli. Її it is possible to launch, alce marno. The back of the hand is like this:

  • We select our active connection.
Click on the icon "Merezha Access to the Internet"
Let's go to the "Center for Management of Merezhniy and Overhead Access" Item "Change adapter parameters"
  • Click on the connection with the right button and select "authority".
  • Click for authority.
  • We put a tick on the first item.

Chudovo. Now let's turn to cmd. We introduce to it a row

"netsh wlan start hostednetwork"

Wee handed out wifi network. Note, but remember that once you start the PC, you will need to re-enter the command.

We create a hot spot

Nabagato is the simplest way, lower forward. Ale vin come only for computers with windows 10. So, let's get started:

  • It is necessary to know the "line and the Internet" on the back.
We go to " Windows Settings» Dali in the section "Merezha and the Internet"
  • We press on " mobile hot spot". All data has already been requested there. You can change them for the reason.
  • Take care.
  • The menu appears. At the new one, the buzzer is moved so that when he appears, he writes "on".

Now you can speed up Wi-Fi. As soon as you don’t go out and blame it, if it’s a pardon, turn on the firewall. How to appear, which is not in the night on the right, run yoga back.

wifi locking software

Another way to create homework is to win special programs. There is a large number of them on the Internet and most of them are located in for critical access. Ale is not recommended to vicorate for such reasons:

  • can fix problems with antivirus and firewall;
  • folded nalashtuvannya, as the program is not Russified;
  • there is nothing to be proud of with special programs, if current computer I have my own capacity for whom.

P_vedemo p_bags

Distributing Wi-Fi from a computer is not easy. For which you will need a special adapter, drivers and a little patience. We hope that you will be able to fix everything and soon all your outbuildings will be connected to the home fence.

Often there is a situation, if the Internet is connected to one computer, or a laptop, and you need to distribute the Internet to other devices. Smartphone, tablet, or other computer. If you went to this side, then, better for everything, you know that you can distribute Wi-Fi from a computer and without a router. In short, it’s better to buy an inexpensive router, connect to a new Internet, and even distribute yoga to all outbuildings. Ale, don’t wait, it’s such a good time. Itself in such situations, like a router, you can beat a laptop, or a computer with a Wi-Fi adapter.

You can launch a virtual Wi-Fi network and connect your computer to distribute the Internet in a number of ways. I have seen three ways: commands through the command line, through a mobile hotspot, and through additional third-party programs. At a time, we will look at the details of the skin method. You can choose for yourself the most suitable option and go to the completion for instructions, as you will know in this article, or for requests, which I will fill in the writing process.

How to distribute the Internet via Wi-Fi from a computer:

  • Through the command line. The most popular way, which is used by Windows 7, Windows 8 (8.1) and Windows 10. It is necessary to launch the command line, select a few commands and open access to the Internet. If the computer is more likely to transmit to the wireless network, until you can connect your attachment to the Internet. I have already prepared two reporting instructions: , i . The instructions are practically the same, written on the butt of different operating systems.
  • For additional functions "Mobile hot-spot". Tse standard function, Yaka appeared in Windows 10. Everything is much simpler there. It is enough to set the Wi-Fi name, password, choose the connection for general access, and start the access point. Instructions for setting up: . If you have a "ten" installed, then the raju will try the method first. It has its own nuances, about which I wrote in the article for the benefit of others.
  • For the help of third-party programs. There are a lot of both cost-free and paid programs, for the help of which you can run a virtual Wi-Fi network on your computer. In fact, these programs also launch distribution through the command line, just a little more convenient. It is not necessary to copy the command quickly, just press the button to complete it. Ale cі programs don't have to work stably and correctly. I also wrote about them in a few articles: .

Quiet instructions, sent to yak, I gave more, as much as possible, so that everything was done. Ale, so as I wrote one great and infamous article on this topic, then after the skin method I will write report aid. Obviously, from the pictures.

Get respect! If you want to distribute Wi-Fi without a router behind the help of a stationary computer (PC), then you can have a Wi-Fi adapter. Internal or external, which is connected via USB. I wrote about such adapters. Laptops have a built-in adapter.

It does not matter whether you have a PC or a laptop - Wi-Fi is guilty of pratsyuvati. The driver for the rootless adapter is responsible for the installation, and for the list of plug-ins, the adapter "Rootless tether" or "Rootless connection" is to blame. To check the ability to start the distribution of Wi-Fi, run the command line in the name of the administrator and enter the command netsh wlan show drivers. On the opposite side of the row "Pidtrimka razmіschennoї merezhі" can be "so".

Let's move on to polishing.

How to distribute Wi-Fi through the command row?

I'll guess which way is suitable for Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7.

It is necessary to run the command line as an administrator. For Windows 7, select "Start", then select "All Programs" - "Accessories". Right-click the mouse on the command row and select the "Run as Administrator" item. For Windows 10 and 8, you can simply right-click on the Start menu and select "Command Row (administrator)".

Copy and paste (using the Enter key) the following command:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid="my_wi-fi_network" key="12345678" keyUsage=persistent

Tsya team asks im'ya ssid="my_wi-fi_network" that password key="12345678" for Wi-Fi merezhi, yaku distributing a PC, or a laptop. I'm the password for your account, you can change it.

To launch the access point, I need to run the command:

The axis of such a result can be after the first and second command:

Attachments can be connected to the launched Wi-Fi network, but only the Internet will not work yet. Needed free access to the Internet.

For whom go to "Merezhevі podklyuchennya" (Center for keruvannya with a fence and overhead access - Changing the parameters of the adapter). Press the right mouse button on those connections, through the yak you connect to the Internet and select "Power".

Then, on the "Access" tab, it is necessary to check the box "Allow other short-term employees to connect to the Internet" this computer and select a new connection from the list. The name of the connection will have a number (Not obov'yazkovo such as I have on the screenshot), and below called merezhі, as shown by the first team.

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork

I start again with the command:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

After that, you can connect to a Wi-Fi network called "my_wi-fi_network" (so you didn’t change yoga), that koristuvatisya the Internet. Yak bachite, without WiFi router.

As if you ran into a problem, if the add-on cannot connect to the access point, or connect but does not connect to the Internet, then turn on the antivirus and firewall. So marvel at the stats, I’ll give you the strength for yakі below.

You may need:

  • - if there are no tabs for access, a list, what you can see, etc.
  • - Virishennya rіznih problems. Among them, there was a pardon "It was not possible to launch the placement of the merchandise. The group or the resource is not transferred to the required station for the necessary operation."

It is necessary to respect that the computer does not always want to pretend to be a router. Sometimes you need to dance with a tambourine 🙂

Implementation of the "Mobile hot spot" function (Windows 10 only)

At to this particular type everything is much simpler. Open "Parameters" (the button with the gear icon in the Start menu) that is passed to the section "Merezha and the Internet".

On the "Mobile Hot Spot" tab, you can find all the settings for these functions. There once it will be written im'ya merezhі ta string password. If you want to change them, press the "Change" button. Set new and save.

In case of any problems, turn on the antivirus and firewall.

For connection to the Internet, once a number of outbuildings, including in a dartless way, The classic Wi-Fi router is most often victorious. Modern routers miraculously cope with their own tasks, without worrying about that stance until the reset, the axis of only the router can’t be swayed by hand. The standard situation is that you decided to spend a few days at the dacha and took with you only a laptop with a USB modem. It would be bad for the mother to be able to connect through the new to the Internet not only on your portable computer, but on mobile gadgets like a smartphone or an iPod. Tobto. vinikaє need for a vikoristanni laptop like a good point WiFi access, to what extent other extensions can be attached to the analogy with the superior router. Even without knowing, the functionality for the implementation of such a task Operating systems Windows 7/10, smut your laptop will have a droto-free adapter.

Otzhe, at tsіy stattі in cover mode Let's take a look at all the main ways of distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop, which works keruvannyam Windows 7 or Windows 10. The access point can be created both by the system itself and by the help of the most popular third-party programs. A 3G-modem of one of the operators will become the Internet connection for a laptop mobile call. Vtіm, we have looked at the schemes to practice and at the same time wired connection Internet.

Creation of a virtual Wi-Fi router through the command line

Koristuvacham, yakі not be friends with command line. However, if you follow the instructions exactly, then it’s not your fault to blame the everyday problems. Naygolovnishe, Danish way universal, tobto. pratsyuє і in Window 7, і in Windows 10, і in case of which it does not require the installation of any additional programs.

Let's run the command line itself in the name of the administrator. You can do this through the row of the Start menu by clicking on the “Command row” item with the right button and selecting “Run as administrator”. In Windows 10, simply right-click on the Start menu icon and select "Command row (administrator)".

At the console, we immediately win the command netsh wlan show drivers To change the connection, that at the same time the Wi-Fi adapter of the laptop is built to work in the access point mode. After the introduction of the command, typically Enter and then the row “Pidtrimka of the placed line”.

If it is instructed to stand “So”, then everything can go to the next stage, if it is written “Hi”, then there is no sense, the adapter is not ready before the distribution of Wi-Fi. The reasons for the presence of the placed footprint may be different - due to incorrectly installed (or old) drivers to the point of nonsense streaming version Windows іz vstanovim obladnanyam. Methods of dealing with similar problems were assigned to the okrem article, so we won’t be able to pay respect to them at once and we’ll give it a go.

At this stage, we need to enter a command to initialize the created Wi-Fi virtual host. You look like this:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=InternetNout key=87654321

  • InternetNout - name of the dartless network;
  • 87654321 - password.

As if everything went well, I'll show up as a confirmation, like on a screenshot.

Now we are launching our team netsh wlan start hostednetwork, for pіdbags vykonannya kakoї mi may pat the message "The placement of the bag is launched."

It is required to reconcile, what really appeared to the new bezdrotove z'ednannya. We go into the "Center for Management of Merezhy and Sleepy Access" and we know that we have created a measure InternetNout.

True, her status is still “Without access to the border”, which categorically does not rule over us. In order for a virtual Wi-Fi point to be able to distribute the Internet, it is guilty of taking access without intermediary before that, through the laptop itself, it will take over the Internet. Our mind is Ethernet 3.

We click on it, and then we press on the “Power” button.

Next, go to the “Access” tab and put a tick in the instruction from the item “Allow other coroners to connect to the Internet of this computer”. Below the list, choose the number of connections. We have tse "Connection through a local network * 14".

Tisnemo "OK" for setting parameters. Now the center of management of measures has the status InternetNout changing to the "Internet", which we did.

We take a smartphone in our hands and let it be checked out for the vaguely divided wifi hotspot. As all the descriptions of the croques of the vikonan are described, the line will be unmistakably revealed. Click on it, enter the password and check if you are connected.

The laptop often gives out the Internet for our smartphone via Wi-Fi. Enter information about the measure, for example, the number of connected clients, the command allows netsh wlan show hostednetwork. To turn on the access point, we can use the command netsh wlan stop hostednetwork.

Distribution of Wi-Fi for the help of a wireless network computer-to-computer in Windows 7

This way allows you to create an access point without any manipulations with the command row, but also uses the Windows 7 method.

At the window, select the item “Installation of the computer-to-computer wire without a dart”, after which “Dali” is embossed.

We fill in the fields “Im'ya merezhі” and “Safety key”, then click “Dalі” again.

Show up victoriously, as if to remind you about those who are ready to win. At this stage, it is recommended to turn on the access to the internet connection. It is not necessary to obov'yazkovo grow, pushing on the voice of strength.

Now there is no more waiting for the completion of the operation.

In order to help the well-made fence, in the "Center for the management of fences and open access" it is necessary to go over to the help of the "Management of the threadless fences".

Here there is the possibility of turning with connections - see, add, change authority, set priority.

Mobile hotspot for Windows 10

The Windows 10 system has the ability to easily organize an access point mobile outbuildings through the Parameters utility. We start the program and go to the distribution of "Merezha and the Internet". Select the item "Mobile hot-spot" from the zliva menu.

If the laptop is connected to the Internet in a remote way, or for an additional USB modem, on the side you can allow sleeping room Internet connection with kіlkom attached. Tobto show up that same Wi-Fi access point, through a yak from a laptop for distribution to the Internet on other attachments. To activate the hot-spot, we move the tossing to the beast of the collar at the "Uvіmk" position.

I'll create a password for access to it will be specified below (the stinks are generated automatically). Merezha іsnuє (we call it DESKTOP-EHJUIN4 3118), but I still can’t access the Internet, where you can switch over by going to the center of management of the fences.

Schob vіdkriti tsey access, it is necessary to repeat tі sami diї, yakі mi robbed for an hour of work from the command line. We go in the authority of the connection, which allows you to connect to the Internet to the laptop, and on the "Access" tab, check the box next to the entry. Below you choose the need for a connection, for which you need access to the Internet. Choose to change with the OK button.

Let's switch over to the fact that the network is now connected to the Internet.

We come to her on smartphones, or be it some other addition.

Popular programs for sharing Wi-Fi from a laptop

As if all things have been done, there are ways not to dominate you, but for the help of them it was not possible to distribute the Internet, it is possible to use third-party programs, which are anonymous. We look at the two best in our sight.

MyPublic WiFi

This addendum has few positive comments and a simple interface that allows you to start distributing Wi-Fi Internet from your laptop even after a bet. Get the program from the official website and install on your laptop computer. Under the hour of installation, it is necessary to re-install the laptop. Next, run the utility and set up a virtual access point.

I will write down the name of the password, and it is also possible to connect, through which the distribution of the Internet for additional Wi-Fi is possible. The virtual network is launched by pushing the Set up and Start Hotspot buttons. The programs have a minimum, so it doesn’t matter to get into them.

Connectify hotspot

Another one popular program, that it is possible to distribute Wi-Fi from a laptop to portable devices without any problems. Get the Russian version of the utility for the address, install it and reboot the computer. Let's start the program. On the "Parameters" tab, we can check that the program can be run in a number of modes. Behind the promotion, the “Wi-Fi hotspot access point” mode was selected - we are in power. We set the parameters of the virtual router approximately like on the screenshot below.

Great respect that we have created a new wireless access point, otrimuyuchi Internet through the same wi-fi. The program allows this configuration. Having finished everything, we launch the point of pushing the button at the bottom of the window. After a few seconds, the clearing of the mesh may appear. We know that on a smartphone it connects by entering the password in advance.

We didn’t have any difficulties - after a successful connection, distribution to the Internet from a laptop was like that, yakbi was a great router. Information about all connections to Wi-Fi is displayed on the "Clients" tab of the Connectify Hotspot program.

Respectfully, for the creation of an access point, we vikoristovuvali free version programs, the functionality of which appeared to be quite sufficient. If you need more opportunities, then, obviously, you will have to pay.

Tse, maybe, everything that we wanted to spread on the topic of distributing Wi-Fi from a laptop Windows systems 7/10 or for additional special programs. Yakscho virtual router If you don’t want to do it, then, better for everything, there are problems with the adapter drivers, or you don’t support the robot in the access point mode (otherwise, it’s not very convenient). As soon as the network has appeared, but after the connection to it, the sites are not taken, it means that access to the Internet is not blocked, but blocked by a firewall / antivirus. Write about the difficulties that are blamed in the comments below, and with my best efforts we will try to help you.

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