All about gloomy technologies.

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Dark technologies are technologies for the use of server resources with the immediate launch of a large number of

virtual servers

independently one kind of one.

Interruptions in the work of one server do not affect other servers, which ensures completely uninterrupted work.

  • Moreover, smart technologies allow you to smoothly regulate and pay for abused resources, without overpayments.
  • As a rule, the current situation consists of a large number of highly productive servers on which virtual machines (servers) are running, their own for every client.

One of the main advantages of the disease, in addition to the independence of the skin problem from others, is the ability to smoothly regulate the use of allocated resources and, apparently, pay for those resources that are effectively needed for Nya zavdannya. Without additional boards.

How can you vikorystuvati hmaru There are two most optimal and suitable for most current enterprises methods for eliminating phlegm:

Hosting web projects;

Outsourcing of IT infrastructure.

First method

targeting companies whose activities are directly related to the Internet.(English private cloud) - infrastructure assigned to a single organization, which includes a number of associates (for example, subsidiaries of the same organization), possibly also clients and contractors Is an organization.

The privacy may be in the hands of authorities, management and operation of both the organization itself and third parties (or any combination of them), and it can be physically observed both in the middle and in the posture the jurisdiction of the ruler.

Public gloom(English: public cloud).

The infrastructure is intended for free consumption by the general public. You may be in power, management and operation of commercial, scientific and government organizations (or any combination of them).

Physically it is in the jurisdiction of the Vlasnik - the postmaster of servants. Hybrid hmara

(English hybrid cloud) - this is a combination of two or more different cloudy infrastructures (private, public or large) that are deprived of unique objects, but are interconnected by standard or private technologies for transmitting data and data kiv.

Hromadska Khmara

(English community cloud) - a type of infrastructure used for the development of a specific partnership of partners with an organization that can carry out large-scale tasks (for example, missions, security, policies and types of different am). Gromadskaya chaos can exist in cooperative (joint) power, controlled and exploited by one or more cooperative organization or a third party (or any combination of them), And you can physically exercise both the middle and the position of the jurisdiction of the ruler.

Service models Security software as a servant(SaaS, English Software-as-a-Service) - a model in which it is possible to use the application software of the provider, which operates in a cloudy infrastructure and is accessible from various client devices or using a thin line Item, for example, from a browser (for example , web-Post) or program interface.

Control and management of the main physical and virtual infrastructure of the computer, including networks, servers, operating systems, saving, and creating individual capabilities of programs (behind the culprit of the enclosed set)(PaaS, English Platform-as-a-Service) - a model where it is possible to rely on a basic infrastructure to host basic software for further placement on new or essential add-ons (authorized, divided into more additional supplements that can be replicated) .

The warehouse of such platforms can be reached instrumental features Creation, testing and testing of application software - database management systems, successful software, middleware of software - provided by a bad provider.

Control and management of the main physical and virtual hardware infrastructure, including networks, servers, operating systems, maintained by the hardware provider, due to the fragmentation or installation of programs, as well as, if possible, parameters of the configuration of the middle (platform).

Infrastructure as a servant(IaaS, English IaaS or Infrastructure-as-a-Service).

It is hoped that it will be possible to use a single-source infrastructure for independent management of processing, saving, and other fundamental computing resources. For example, people can install and run a variety of software, including operating systems, platform and application software. Residents can control operating systems, virtual data storage systems and

installed programs

, as well as interconnected control over the set of available services (for example, border screen, DNS). Control and management of the main physical and virtual cloud infrastructure, including networks, servers, types of operating systems that are monitored, and storage systems maintained by the security provider. Economic aspects

When vikoristannyh gloomy, count the companions

In the event of a negative change, the calculation of expenses for the living expenses will shift from operations.

In this way, expenses spent on paying for the services of bad providers are classified.

To explain the economical warehousing approach to calculation, an analogy is often drawn with the services of water or electricity supply, which are found in developed infrastructures along the type of utility lines.

The stench is easily accessible and payable in the world of water, and is not dissipated by the skin of the water intake or the installation of a water power plant.

  • Dark technologies: advantages of dark
  • The transition to low calculations gives the following economic advantages:
  • The placement of the IT infrastructure in Khmara allows for savings in the total volume of water supply from 30% to 70%.
  • Reduction of capital costs up to 70% when purchasing equipment.
  • Enhancement of resources and maintenance of up to 70% of costs.
  • Saving data center resources (electrical, refrigeration, space) up to 50%.
  • Shorter costs for reserving property by 50-70% for a similar level of availability in the market.

Replacement of licensing fees by 30% is expected. Speed ​​up the process of new services by up to 90%. main advantages

  • terrible technologies
  • Aligned with physical servers:
  • Availability.
  • Dark technologies are available anywhere on the Internet. Mobility. The Company's smartphones are becoming more mobile.
  • They can deny access to their work place, anywhere in the world.
  • A laptop, tablet or smartphone is enough.
  • The Company's robot is completely harmless.
  • Increased security with additional consolidation of computing resources.
  • Reduced to minimum

human factor

  • "
  • Alert customers to unauthorized access to the system and acquisition of data.
  • Data encryption, cryptography and data protection are confirmed to Art.
  • 152-FZ.
  • Improvements in the quality of IT services are expected with fewer highly qualified facists.
  • The number of initial capital expenditures or their shortening.

The Internet has become an invisible part of people’s lives, and new possibilities and new eases of conquest appear regularly. different orders.

What is new is terrible technology that can be found in various areas: lighting, medicine, logistics, etc.

What is this terrible technology?

  1. Of course, this is important because bad technologies depend on the ability of a customer to access data without installing add-ons on his device, as long as the servers provide all the security. It is important to know that such services can be either cost-free or paid, and may all end up as a result of drinking. In order to understand the implications of the stagnation of terrible technologies, it is necessary to extract their intelligence from the most advanced minds.
  2. For example, let's take e-mail, if

postal customer

installations on the computer, and all data is saved on the hard drive.

  1. In this case, you need to work with files.
  2. If we talk about mail, which people use to pay through a browser, this is already a terrible technology.
  3. It was realized that if there are problems with the server, then access will be lost until the post.
  4. Advantages of terrible services
  5. Let's start by focusing on some of the advantages that include:
  6. To save information, you don’t need to buy expensive computers and components, and save everything in the cold.
  7. PC productivity is improving, and even dark technologies in business and other areas require running programs, which means there is no good place for the computer. Problems with maintenance are rapidly changing, and the number of physical servers is gradually decreasing, and the security software is constantly being updated. The amount spent on purchasing software will vary, but you will still need to buy a program for “darkness” and that’s it, and sometimes you can still pay for it.
  8. Dark technologies cannot interfere with the exchange of data that is saved.
  9. Most often, the cost of such services amounts to millions of gigabytes.

Programs are updated automatically, so there is no need to monitor them as with downloaded programs.

"Khmara" can be vikorized on whatever

  1. Access is difficult due to the Internet and because it is not available, you will only be able to work with documents stored on your computer.
  2. Please note that the Internet can be both clear and clear.
  3. The slow service can be used at all times during the transfer of a large amount of information that is never installed by the program. It’s rare to find safety on the filthy level, except to avoid the worst “Gloom” backup copies
  4. there is no need to be turbocharged.

It’s a lot of money to bet, because you need to pay for low-level jobs, but it’s a business project for which people have to pay money.

Stagnation of gloomy technologies This is the basis of the song classification gloomy services

  1. , So the following categories of “harm” are seen: Public . This is the IT infrastructure, so you can use it immediately
  2. great quantity companies and services.
  3. The subscriber can be any company or other person. The advocates of public gloomy technologies do not have the ability to care and serve the “gloom”, since it is left to the authorities to serve.



  1. Describing the types of bad technologies, follow this secure IT infrastructure, control and operation for the benefit of just one organization. You can be located at the office of a deputy or at an external operator. Hybrid
  2. . This type has the main advantages of both previous options. Such “darkness” is largely determined by organizations during seasonal periods of activity, so that if internal IT infrastructure is not available, then there is a need to switch to gloomy technologies.
  3. Dark technologies in light Computers and the Internet have penetrated into the lighting system, which is why it is possible to thoroughly refine and ease the process of monitoring low-level tasks. Dark technologies in the lighting process can be used for the following purposes:


In the remaining hours of the “gloom”, medicine is actively promoted, which raises it to a new level.

New technologies provide great potential for revolutionary changes, and it is also becoming much easier to maintain and systematize medical documentation.

The use of bad technologies in medicine is important, as traces of the stench help to make a better diagnosis and develop a solution.

  • At the moment, such a service is only beginning to be introduced, as long as there are still daily regulatory mechanisms for saving medicinal space.
  • Dark technologies in logistics
  • Transport and warehouse logistics have significant potential for “darkness”.
  • With the help of advanced technologies, it is possible to ensure constant interaction between all participants in the transport process, such as the dispatcher, operators, transport company and haulier.
  • All smells can be dissolved in real time, regardless of the place of dissolution.

The use of bad technologies gives the following advantages:

conduct open tenders for contractors; identify the most distant routes; control postage;

carry out processing and save all data about the transportation;

Move up the vigor of the victorious prayer.

  1. Dark technologies in the banking sector
  2. The competition among banks is great and not all buildings stand during the crisis.
  3. Such financial organizations are beginning to embrace innovative technologies to reduce costs.

The best efforts to save data are directed towards the automation of financial processes.

In the 2000s, dark streaming services began to appear, so players can play important games via the Internet without downloading or logging into their computer.

In America and China this is already in full swing.

Recently, Microsoft issued an official statement about the fact that the DeLorean system is being dismantled, because every person can play through the bad service, and the system can be transferred to any action before pressing the keys.

Introduction to the basics of dark technologies Find out that you are a sergeant of a great corporation. Among your obligations is the provision of all necessary equipment and software to the military personnel. To ensure the security of your work, you need to purchase not only computers, but also software and licenses for the same. A new security program must be purchased with a new skin care agent, since it is not possible to add a new user until a new license is obtained.

Everything is so important that you cannot fall asleep in your expensive exclusive bed. Without a doubt, the problem of ceramics can be solved. Instead, to install a number of programs on your computer, it will be enough to install one program. In addition to this, the computers need access to a server on the Internet, which stores all the programs necessary for this or other robots. All programs, including postal clients and

text editors Before data analysis programs, start with from remote computers

, which belongs to another company.

In order to understand the structure of the cold technology system, manually divide it into two sections: the front and the back.

These two plots are connected one to another through a fence, most often via the Internet.
The front plot is covered with a sparrowweed (client). The rear plot is the worst part of the system. The client's computer (or a number of computers) and the program required to access the security system are connected to the front panel. Different bad systems have different interfaces for customers. Postal servers

use other web browsers, for example, Internet Explorer or Firefox.

Other systems have their own programs to access the network.

To the rear plot there are various computers, servers and data storage systems that create the “darkness”.

In principle, for the help of the gloomy system, you can get involved in any way

computer program from data processing to video..

In principle, programs ranging from text editors to programs specially created for certain companies can be acquired through the fraudulent system.
Is it possible to use programs on another computer system and save data on it?

There are a bunch of reasons:

Clients can access their programs at any time and in any place. They can connect to the dark system using any computer that has access to the Internet. All data is saved on more than one hard drive of the computer and not at the company’s internal storage.

Change vitrati to possession.

Professionals will not require more effort with greater productivity or greater memory storage - all demands are placed on the hardware system. All you need is an inexpensive computer with a monitor, keyboard, mouse and processor, all necessary for intermediate software. There is no need for a large hard drive - all information is saved on a remote computer.

Corporations in which computer technology plays an important role require proper software for successful operation.

For additional assistance from this company's system, please access to

Perhaps the biggest problem of the poor deductions is security.

A lot of people will be excited if they have to convey important data to another company.
Company managers will have doubts about the reliability of hazardous systems because they will save the company's information as another organization.

The argument for the worth of bad companies is that their foundation lies heavily in their reputation.
For them, it is important to have a reliable security system.

Otherwise, the company will lose all its clients. They are in the best interests of having the latest technologies to protect the data of their clients. Another important thing is confidentiality.

If a client has access to his data at any time, confidentiality can easily be compromised.

Companies that deal with dark technologies must find a way to protect client confidentiality.

One of the methods is identification technologies using logins and passwords.

Another method of tying with the authorization format is that the client can have access only to such data and programs that are related to his personal obligations.

Among the problems associated with dark technologies, there are philosophical ones. To whom does the data belong: the companies that profit from the services of the dark, and the organizations where the data is saved?

How can a company that deals with bad technologies block client access to its data?

These other food items are essentially the subject of serious calculations and are the subject of negotiations between companies, legal firms and universities.

What kind of influx of gloomy technologies is coming to other people?

The IT community is already asking: how to predict the appearance of terrible technologies in the field of computer maintenance and repair?

As companies switch to modernized computer systems, their IT support needs decrease.

According to the opinion of some experts, they will go to the back of the gloomy systems for IT services.

Section 6. Prospects for the development of dark technologies


List of references


Everything changes, the light does not stand still, and most of the world's owners also change their settings until the light changes.

The reason for this is “dark technologies” that set the “fashion” for using the Internet and saving files from Merezha.

“Behind the gloom”, Facebook, Amazon, Twitter and those “engines” are now operating, on which services are based on Google Docs and Gmail. Everything is good, but for the uninitiated it is still lost in words, shuffled and foolish. So how does it work anyway?

Despite the fact that such terms as “gloomy technologies” and “gloomy calculations” have long been heard by the rich, few people understand that gloomy technology itself is a gloomy technology. At first glance, you might think that everything is completely lost, so you don’t have to figure it out. It's true,

technology given It’s so simple and practical that every one of us has been using it for the past three hours, without even thinking about it.

So, for example, all social networks, file sharing services, YouTube, email clients, banking services and much more operate on the basis of hmari. The simple technology of xmari transfers a vikoristan computer/web program, hosted on remote servers, using a manual interface or program format. :

  • Enterprises and companies are victorious

  • different views

  • additions to the company, for example, for customer relationship management (CRM), personnel management, accounting and other organizational needs.

  • Purpose:

These other food items are essentially the subject of serious calculations and are the subject of negotiations between companies, legal firms and universities.

Vivchennaya nutrition appeared and the development of “Gloomy Technologies”. The robot is set like this

Cloud computing (English: cloud computing, also known as the term Xmarna (Russian) data processing) is a data processing technology that uses computer resources and is difficult to use as an Internet service. The customer has access to the official data, but cannot handle it and is not responsible for the infrastructure, operating system and official software with which it operates. The term "Gloom" is considered as a metaphor, which is based on the Internet image on the diagram computer network, or as an image of a collapsible infrastructure, which contains all the technical details.

According to an IEEE document published in 2008, “Data processing is a paradigm in which information is permanently stored on servers on the Internet and cached on the client side, for example, on

personal computers

, game consoles, laptops, smartphones, etc.”

It is difficult to summarize the data as the concept includes the following concepts:

infrastructure as a servant,

platform yak servant,

security program as a servant,

tribute as a servant, work place as a servant and other technological trends that are likely to increase the Internet's potential to satisfy the data-processing needs of consumers. For the worst technologies head peculiarity

Vivchennaya nutrition appeared and the development of “Gloomy Technologies”. There is unevenness in the supply of Internet resources from users. To smooth out this unevenness, another middle ball is stuck in place - Server virtualization

. Thus, the focus is shared between virtual servers and computers.– this is one great concept that includes a lot of different things to understand what services do.

Cloudstorage is a model of online storage in which data is stored on numerous distributed servers that are supplied to clients, most importantly by a third party.

On the contrary, the model of saving data on privately owned servers that are purchased or rented specifically for such purposes, since the internal structure of the servers is, in general, not visible to the client. The data is saved and processed, in the so-called darkness, which is, from the client’s point of view, one great virtual server. Physically, such servers can be expanded from one type to another geographically, even to the point of expansion on different continents.

In order to understand what kind of “darkness” it is, let’s start with history this food.

What is new is terrible technology that can be found in various areas: lighting, medicine, logistics, etc.

It is important to realize that while this technology is in the category of new ideas, this idea is not so new. There are a lot of current computers and mobile devices They can no longer imagine life without the Internet, which is so important in our everyday life. Recently, new innovative technologies have appeared that are very different from the classic models of computer systems, but sometimes follow similar principles.

You know the concept of “darkness”, although you know it, but you still lose the senseless.

Read about those below. Speaking in simple terms, we can say that technological solutions of this type are fundamentally respectful of preserving and vicarious information, software security or special services without actual training on computers hard disks (They will only be victorious for the initial installation of client software with access to bad services). In other words, the use of bad technologies allows the use of wasteful technologies to consume almost every day the computing resources of a computer terminal or mobile device.

The other one is on the right, if the mail screen is backed up on a remote server (for example, Mail.Ru, Gmail, Yandex-mail, etc.). The customer simply enters the site, enters his registration data (login and password), after which he denies access to his email. This is terrible technology in the simplest sense, since all correspondence is saved not on the computer (hard drive), but on a remote server. Vlasne, i special program for access to postal screenshot

not required (you need to use your original web browser, which is in

to this guy

changes the role of the client program).

In such a way, above all, the threat of bad technologies from standard IT methods lies in the case of stored information and any software stored on a remote server, which in due course has dropped the name “gloom”, and the possibility of sleeping access to the data or PZ.

Today it is possible to obtain faceless services based on the principles of darkness.

Ale, don’t make such a mistake.

Development of terrible technologies

Zagalom, talk about the introduction of such models since the end of the 60s of the last century.

  • Then the concept of the universalization of the computational capabilities of computer systems around the world with the organization in the form of a communal dominion, the authors of which were Joseph Licklider and John McCarthy, appeared.
  • The coming date was the introduction in 1999 of so-called CRM systems on websites that were expected to be subscribed to, which provided access to payment resources via the Internet, and in 2002, the online book store Amazon, which from earlier transformed into greatness IT-.
  • corporations.
  • And since 2006, when the Elastic Compute Cloud project began to emerge, people started talking in earnest about the large-scale introduction of advanced technologies and services.

Of course, an important role for these computing resources is played by the development and launch of the well-known Google Apps service, which began in 2009.

Such gloomy services

Consistently with the US National Standards and Technology Institute, there is a common shift in minds that can be associated with bad information technologies:

  • independent servicing in a feasible manner (the ability of the custodian to determine the level of availability of technological and computational resources for the visibility of access to data, the server time of their processing, the obligation of the same thing, without obligatory conditions or interaction with the postal manager);
  • access to the universal level (access to data transfer regardless of the type of device selected);
  • consolidation of computational resources (dynamic redistribution of efforts for the distribution of computational resources for a large number of accountants in a single pool);
  • elasticity (the ability to give, expand or enhance the range of services at any time) automatic mode that without additional data);
  • the type of services given to associates (abstracting traffic traffic, the number of clients and transactions generated by them, throughput capacity etc.).

Classification of laryngeal models has been accepted

Speaking about bad technologies, it is impossible not to guess the types of models of bad services that are being victorious.

Among them there are a number of main groups:

  • Privacy is an infrastructure that is owned by only one organization or enterprise, which includes a number of corporate employees, or by partner companies (contractors), which may be located before the organization itself. Or you need to exercise jurisdiction.
  • Public khmara is a structure intended for wide use and public access and, as a rule, is available to the official lord (postmaster of servants).
  • Gromadska Khmara is an organizational structure intended for groups of activists who have common interests and missions.
  • Hybrid darkness is a combination of two or more types of guidance, which in the structure are deprived of unique independent objects, but are interconnected with the new standardized rules for data transfer or additional add-ons.

Types of service models

It is important to see the methodology for classifying service models, so that the entire set of features and tools that can provide good service to customers.

Among the main models are the following:

  • SaaS (PZ as a service) is a model of software security aggregate that is offered by a good service provider, which can be used directly in a bad service with any device, or for additional access through thin clients, or through interface of special programs.
  • PaaS (platform as a service) is a structure that allows tools-based companies to hopefully overcome the hassle of developing or creating a basic software package by further hosting other software (authorized, attached or replicated) ) based on database management systems, middle wiki mov programming, which receives PZ, etc. d.;
  • IaaS (infrastructure as a service) – a model for the provision of a dedicated service with independent management of resources and the ability to host software of any type (OS), and interconnected control of other edge services (DNS, firewall) what).

Blocks of bad services

The fragments of bad technologies transfer the minimal part of the operator in the work to the entire complex and models that are formed from the faceless technological combinations that interact with each other for the rate of stagnation 3, at this stage of examination of such services, you can also see several important warehouses of any software and hardware complex , which are usually called blocks:

  • A portal for self-service is a tool that allows clients to complete a specific type of service with clarification of additional details (for example, IssA does not require virtual machine clarification of the processor type, volume RAMі hard drive or vidmova from її vikoristannya).
  • Service catalog - dial basic services and the associated templates for creation, which, with additional transfer of automation, can configure service creations on real computer systems and with a different type of software.
  • Orchestrator - specialized in monitoring the execution of operations transferred by the template to each service.
  • Tariffing and billing is a form of providing financial services, setting up payment schedules for the purpose of providing financial services.

Additional methods

In addition, depending on the distribution method, the technology of virtualization may appear to be a virtual server part, which is a form of communication between software services and parallel part (dividing virtual servers behind real ones).

Do not look bad and antivirus software will tempt you Suspicious files not on the computer, but in the dark or in a “sandbox” (Sandbox), where a preliminary check is carried out, after which permission is given for sending it to the computer, or it is quarantined in the dark itself.

Pros and cons of vikorystannya gloomy services

There are a lot of pros and cons, stink, of course.

The positive aspect is that with access to software, analogues or a built-in infrastructure for the owners of such services, costs associated with the addition of additional or additional equipment are significantly reduced, more than a licensed software. On the other hand, most experts favor harsh criticism of poor services due to their low security from third-party supply. On a daily basis, go out and save food for the great obligations of old ones or data, so as not to be abused.

Let's paint the butt of that one

Google services

, in any kind of koristuvach you can’t see any groups of data or services, so you don’t get into trouble.


Pay for meals

Information about the site