Pokrokova installation of MVS 3.0 from disk. Heading help: mobile system of defense forces (msvs) - the policy of koristuvachiv that group. Adjusting the video card and monitor

Golovna / Nalashtuvannya

  1. How to signify what is supported by the operating system this computer?

  2. What are the installation options for WSWS 3.0?

  3. Yaki mezhezhі protocols support the installation program?

  4. Do some types need the creation of exciting floppy disks?

  5. Do you override the main installation steps?

  6. What kind of zavantazhuvach vikoristovuetsya for zavantazhennya OS kernel?

  7. Chi override the main stages of capturing the core?

  8. What is lilo and lilo.conf?

  9. How can I see LILO and remember the weekend adventurer?

  10. Is the mechanism of the kernel modules still victorious?

  11. Which types of devices require a RAM disk?

  12. How to set up a RAM disk for the hour of interest?

  13. Why are floppy disks boot, bootnet and drivers interesting? How to create them? How to interpret them?

  14. What is the software package, the number of packages?

  15. What are the possibilities for package managers?

  16. What kind of package manager is used to handle software security?

  17. How to install a package from a CD, by size?
  1. Installing OS WSWS 3.0

    1. Main stages of installation

Installation from CD includes the following:

  • requested before the installation of that information about the documentation;

  • selection of the manipulator "Misha";

  • splitting the disk into splits;

  • nalashtuvannya zavantazhuvacha;

  • lashing the meshes;

  • setting computer name;

  • select time zone;

  • selection of complexes for installation;

  • installation of packages;

  • setting the root password;

  • folding zavantazhuvalnyh floppy disks;

  • adjusting the video card and monitor;
  • The skin point needs only one chirp of dialogic vicons.

    When installing a measure for the different servers of the server, it is necessary to add a copy of the additional forward curves:

    • preparation of a set of floppy disks for the acquisition of a computer and an organization access to the server

    • choice of a variant of a framing installation;

    • nalashtuvannya mezhі and organіzatsіya merezhіgo access to the server.
    In addition, as access to the media to the CD inserted in the drive on the server, there will be installations, the installer will often pick up the same buttons as when installing from the CD, starting from another button (“requested before installation”). It’s not necessary to fix the mesh with whom, it will be more necessary to confirm the stitching.
      1. Installed from CD

    Before the cob is installed, it is necessary to fix Computer BIOS So, first on the list of exciting add-ons, put the CD and insert the CD from the exciting WSWS 3.0 OS module into the CD drive.

    If the BIOS does not take advantage of the CD-ROM, it is necessary to additionally insert a boot floppy disk into the drive and adjust the BIOS of the computer so that the floppy disk is the first in the list of interesting add-ons. Modern computers sound like an advance from a CD, so the need for an exciting diskette can only be blamed when OS WSWS 3.0 is installed on the "old" computer.

    Let's next restart the computer. A request will appear on the screen of the monitor:

    The format of the requested request has the ability to transfer additional parameters in the installation program. For example, the command:

    boot: MCBC mem=128M

    let you know the installed programs operational memory which computer's cost is 128 MB.

    To start the installation program, you need to press the key. The kernel of OS WSWS 3.0 will be taken advantage of, which is accompanied by diagnostic assistance, then the installation program will start, as in automatic mode zavantage CD drive drivers and controllers hard drives, present on the computer and supported by OS WSWS 3.0.

    As the initialization ended with a pardon, it means that for this type CD drive or hard drive you need to get an additional driver. The installer will ask for a list of drivers, if you need to select the appropriate driver, then click the "Yes" button.

    This was done from the boot floppy, after the installation program was launched, the "Driver Disk" dialog box appeared from the destination, insert the drivers floppy with the drivers into the floppy drive. When choosing a boot floppy, you need to change the boot floppy and insert the drivers floppy.

    When the required drivers are requested, a request will appear on the monitor screen (small 9-1).

    1.1.41. Selection of the manipulator "bear"

    When the OS WSWS 3.0 is requested, the dialog box "Choose a mouse" will appear (Fig. 9-2).

    Select the type of "bear", for example, "Signal mouse PS / 2" and, as "bear" has two buttons, then you can emulate the three-button mode. For which it is necessary to enable the emulation of the third button and press the button "So".

    1.1.42. Splitting the hard drive into splits

    The dialog box "Disk partition" will appear (Fig. 9-3) and will be prompted by selecting the utility for partitioning hard disks: "Automatic partition", Disk Druid or fdisk.

    The most common way to split hard disks, disk arrays, LVM volumes is with the Disk Druid program. Moreover, the “Automatic expansion” mode is known as Disk Druid's automatic expansion of the proportions of disk space, it is possible to actually install it. If you need a low-level robot with a hard disk, you need to use the fdisk utility.

    See Disk Druid and press the key.

    The dialogue window "Rozbittya" (small. 9-4) will have a list of available disks and relevant distributions.

    Also, there are buttons for robots with divisions: "New", "Edit", "Vidality", "RAID", "So", "Back".

    The bottom row has hints for choosing hot keys: "F1-Help, F2-New, F3-Edit, F4-Vidality, F5-Skip, F12-So".

    In case OS WSWS 3.0 is installed on the computer from a clean hard drive. At this point, you can get a breakout, either for the help of Disk Druid, or choose automatic breakout.

    For a successful installation of OS WSWS 3.0, it is sufficient to create two partitions: the root partition "/" and the swap partition. The size of the root distribution can be less than 1200 MB.

    On the other hand, you can transfer the /boot, /home, /var, /tmp and other directories. This allows you to isolate, for example, the home directories of the root file system.

    UVAGA. On WSWS 3.0 OS, you can't distribute the /usr directory to a normal partition!

    To blame the directory on the okremium, it is necessary to create a partition from the file system "ext3" and assign it a mount point, which you should name the directory.

    To create a split, select the "New" button and press the key. At the dialogue window “Add a division” (editing a new division) (Fig. 9-5):

    • choose the type of file system (for split swapping - "swap", in other options - "ext3").

    • the size of the partition in megabytes (for consumption, you can “expand” the partition to the entire disk);

    • mount point, for the root partition - ce "/", for partition swapping, the mount point setup is not needed.
    To edit the current section, you need to see it and press the "Edit" button. After pressing the "Edit" button, the dialog box "Edit /dev/hda1" will appear, and /dev/hda1 has been selected.

    After the completion of the work and creation of the divisions, press the button "So" at the "Rozbittya" window.

    On the screen of the monitor, the dialogue window “Save Changes” will appear.

    Press the "Yes" button.

    The coming crock is the formatting of the creations of the divisions. A dialogue window will appear on the display screen with the heading "Uvaga!" This is the reflow of the divisions, which will be formatted when the “So” button is pressed (Fig. 9-6).


    A dialogue window "Nakashtuvannya zavantazhuvacha" will appear on the screen (mal. 9-7). For each other, it is necessary to choose the installation option of the system from the perspective or without it. The venturer allows the mother in the system to start, or choose the OS that will be ventured (there are more than one). In non-capture modes, the kernel of OS WSWS 3.0 is exclusive to capture in this system.

    Press the "Yes" button.

    Then a dialogue box will appear on the screen (Fig. 9-8) from the proposition enter Additional parameters, yakі will be victorious under the hour of zavantazhennya. For promotion, this year the flag was set to honor the LBA32 mode (the 32-bit logical block address of the hard disk), the shards of this mode have more capacity requirements for high-capacity disk support.

    If you have an IDE-CD drive in the computer, in the parameter input field of the installer, place a row of the “hdc=ide-scsi” look-and-feel (for example, it will drive connections in Master mode to another IDE controller).

    In addition to any other parameters I will change LILO, the kernel does not need to be transferred, it is recommended not to change the parameters requested by the installation program, and click the "Yes" button.

    The procedure for setting up the vantazhuvach has begun - the task of setting a password for access to changing the starting parameters of the system. So, for the sake of simplicity, it is possible to transfer special parameters of the kernel to the keyboard at system startup, for the sake of ensuring the necessary level of security, the possibility is given to be protected by a password. At the next dialogue window (small 9-9) enter a password, the number of which is not guilty, but less than 8 characters. Confirm the password by entering it again on the next row of windows.

    Press the "Yes" button.

    A dialogue will appear on the screen for the selection of exciting divisions (Fig. 9-10), with the proposition to indicate other divisions of interest, so you can take advantage of the additional advancement of OS WSWS 3.0. For example, as if on a computer with another OS, you can assign it a label and zavantazhuvat for help zavantazhuvach OS WSWS 3.0.

    Enter the required data in the respective rows and press the "So" button.

    At the coming vіknі (Mal. 9-11) the roztashuvannya zavantazhuvach is given on the disk. There are two options: hard drive master recording (MBR) (recommended in most drives), or lucrative sector(boot record)

    Please select and press the "Yes" button.


    At the same time, the program installed, I want one lace pattern, the screen will display the sequence of dialogue lines “Adjusting meshes for ethX” (Fig. 9-12), where X is the sequence number in which the parameters for skin card meshing are adjusted.

    Protocols for automatic configuration of parameters in the BOOTP and DHCP dimensions are awarded for the presence in the scope of a special server that provides the automatic configuration service to the client machine.

    If the DHCP server is available, you need to install mesh parameters obviously, you should choose “Activate the hour of interest”. After that, the window will have a row of rows, for which it is necessary to specify the parameters merezhnogo z'єdnannya.

    Merezhevі addresses are given in the format of a ten-dot notation (for example, Information about how to replenish the watering is due to the administrator of the measure.

    Merezhev addresses – IP addresses of the computer in the merezhі.

    Merezhev mask is a parameter that characterizes the class of the merezh segment.

    The gateway for locking is a high school, which is a kind of service communication of the local borders from the outer segments of the border.

    The first name server is a vuzol, which supports the service of resolving domain names behind the DNS protocol in an IP address. In the input fields, enter the IP addresses of the additional name servers (DNS). If there is one nameserver in the merger, these fields can be left empty.

    Press the "Yes" button.

    Rice. 9-13. Computer name setting.

    Rice. 9-14. Select time zone.

    Then we will need to install the name of the computer. The next dialog box “Setting the computer name” (small 9-13) will appear on the screen, for which you need to fill in the appropriate field. I'm also able to get in touch with the administrator of the merezhі.

    Press the "Yes" button.

    1.1.45.Select time zone

    On the screen, the next dialogue window “Choose the time zone” will appear, in which the parameters of the system time are set. In OS WSWS 3.0, the local mode is affected by the hour, so. The hardware year of the system unambiguously indicates the її hour without additional conversion of any other points according to the UTC type.

    At the end of the day, choose the nearest time zone of the computer, the time zone of Russia, which determines the time of the computer, from the designated difference in the time zone of the "zero" zone - Europe / Moscow (Fig. 9-14).

    Press the "Yes" button.

    1.1.46.Choose and installed packages

    The dialogue box "Choose complexes" will appear on the screen (Fig. 9-15).

    At this dialogue dialogue, it is suggested to choose such complexes:

    For the choice of the most typical option - the first three complexes, assigned for ablution, it is enough, without worrying about the next day, press the "So" button. It is more necessary to use the "Graphic interface subsystem" group, or the "Costs of distribution" group, it is necessary to indicate the appropriate field.

    Select group "Basic OS configuration" required components for the functioning of OS WSWS 3.0 in the basic version (without additional bones).

    Installation mode "All (including language changes)" means installation of all distribution packages, including modifications of the OS kernel, non-specific for this computer and a set of packages, necessary to prepare the WSWS 3.0 OS advance disk.

    For a more detailed selection of packages (perhaps, to save disk space, which is taken care of by the OS), you need to select the option “Individual selection of packages” and click the “So” button. Appear in the window "Select packages" (Fig. 9-16) with a list of groups of packages and packages.

    The group can be shaken up/blowed up, so that you can bring a line to it and press a key. To retrieve information about the package, you need to enter a new line of switching and press the key. Adding / removing packages to the list for insertion is pressed by pressing the keys.

    After selecting packages, press the "Yes" button.

    If you have selected an individual list of packages for installation, you can blame the situation if there is a dissatisfaction among them. Tse means that the selected list has є packages, for the installation of some other packages from the WSWS 3.0 exciting disk, they were not assigned. Dozvіl zalezhnosti poketіv will be broken automatically by the installation program.

    After selecting the packages, the screen will display the dialogue window “Installation start”. You will have information about the file /root/log in which installation program after the end of the work and save the list installed packages.

    In reality, the disk breaking and the installed packages will only be broken after pressing the “So” button at the “Start of installation” window. If necessary, you can interrupt the installation process by restarting the computer until that moment. In this case, all data on hard disks will be lost without changes.

    For the beginning of the installation of the packages, press the "So" button.

    The "Installing package" window will appear on the screen (small 9-17).

    At this stage, you can check the process of installing the selected packages, which will be automatically selected. For the skin pack see yoga short description, and also displays statistical information about the process of installing a streaming package and all packages at once.

    1.1.47.Setting the password for the supercodewatch

    The dialog box "Password of the root password" will appear on the screen (small 9-18). Set a password in the “Password” row and confirm the same entry in the “Confirm password” row (for appearance and password expansion, it is important to be safe, which is presented to the system; for locking, password expansion is not less than eight characters). When the password is set from the keyboard, from the security mirroring, the change of symbols to be entered, the stars are displayed on the screen. Press the "Yes" button.

    1.1.48. A collection of exciting floppy disks

    A dialogue window “A set of exciting diskettes” will appear on the screen (small 9-19). A set of exciting floppy disks may be needed for a variety of advanced recordings on a hard disk.

    To fold exciting floppy disks, press the "Yes" button. We gave to follow the instructions, proponed by dialogue dialogues.

    It is not necessary to create an exciting set, to press the "Hi" button. Nadali you can create exciting disk for help with the graphical utility or the mkbootdisk command.

    1.1.49. Adjusting the video card and monitor

    At the next stage, you need to set up a graphic system. For this, in the dialogue windows, following the instructions, enter information about the video card and monitor.

    As the installation program automatically determines the type of video card, information about it will appear (Fig. 9-20).

    Rice. 9-19. Creation of zavantazhuvalnyh floppy disks.

    Rice. 9-20. Select video card.

    Otherwise, the dialog box "Choose a card" will appear. Select її type from the list. If there is no required video card in the list, select "Unassigned card".

    At the “Select Server” window, select the X-server, with which the video card is created.

    On the next day the dialog box “The installation of the monitor” will appear (mal. 9-21). If the installer does not automatically select the monitor type, select the appropriate monitor from the "Change" list.

    At the time of consumption, you can enter the parameters of the monitor "manually". For which one, select the “Last” type item in the list and set the operating frequency of the image to expand the image vertically and horizontally (60~100Hz).

    Press the "Yes" button.

    After the choice of the monitor, the show “Dodatkovo” will appear (mal. 9-22). Choose from the window the necessary depth of color and the different building of the monitor. Krim tsgogo, at tsomu vіknі you can choose the mode of entry to the system "Graphic" (recommended) or "Text". Once you select a graphical input, the graphical interface system will start after locking. Please select and press the "Yes" button.

    After the graphic system has been adjusted, the information window “Installation completed” (Mal. 9-23) will appear with the notification “Vtaєmo, the installation of OS WSWS 3.0 is completed.”

    Press the "Yes" button to restart. The computer needs to be restarted. At the next hour, the CD tray will automatically hang up. Remove disc from tray.

    Rice. 9-23. Installation completed.

    Rice. 9-24. Insertion Method

    WSWS 3.0- stolen rozrakhovan on a rich coristuvachіv bugatozadachnoy OS in the meantime, rozroblen on the basis of Linux. The operating system ensures the safety of the system of priorities with the vitiating richness of tasks, virtual organization remembrance of that povnu merezhevu pіdtrimka; Pratsyuє s rich processor (SMP - symmetrical multiprocessing) and cluster configurations on platforms Intel, MIPS and SPARC. The peculiarity of WSWS 3.0 is to protect against unauthorized access, as it is to comply with the powers of the Key Document of the State Technical Committee for the President of the Russian Federation for the class of 2 kopecks counting technique. Custom protection includes access control credentials, access control lists, role model and auditing (protocol).

    The WSWS 3.0 file system supports file names up to 256 characters long, due to the possibility of creating Russian file names in directories, symbols, quota system, and access rights lists. Basic feasibility of installation file systems FAT and NTFS, as well as ISO-9660 (CDs). The quota mechanism allows you to control the amount of disk space, the number of processes that are started, and the memory that is seen by the skin process. The system can be set to look ahead when resources are close to the specified quota.

    Enter the warehouse WSWS 3.0 graphic system Improved X Window. For robots in graphic medium two virtual managers are supplied: IceWM and KDE. Most of the WSWS programs are oriented toward the graphic medium, which creates a friendly mind as a robotic coristuvachiv, and also at that transition from Windows to WSWS.

    WSWS 3.0 is supplied in configuration, yak, cream kernel, including a set of additional ones. software products. Herself operating system vikoristovuєtsya as a basic element of the organization of automated work areas (AWP) and budovі avtomatizirovanih systems. Additional software security can be installed on the choice, and focused on maximum automation of management and administration of the domain, which allows you to change the cost of servicing the ARM and concentrate on the maintenance of the core of your goal. The installer allows you to install the OS from an advanced CD or as long as you use the FTP protocol. Ring the link from the disks to install and install the installation server, and then, as soon as possible, install the installation of other computers. Installation server at the domain, which works, vikonu zavdannya novlennya and vіdnovlennya PZ on working areas. New version posted less on the server and then posted automatic update PZ on working places. In case of software security failure on working areas (for example, when the program file is deleted or the checksums are broken or the configuration files are broken), the software security is automatically re-installed.

    During installation, the administrator is prompted to select either one of the standard types of installation, or the installation that will be configured. Standard types are vicorated when installed on standard workspaces, and they cover the main types of organization of workspaces based on OS WSWS 3.0 (Fig. 1). Skin standard type defines the set of installed software products, disk configuration, set of file systems and a number of systemic improvements. The installation, which is configured, allows you to explicitly set all the designated characteristics of the end system, right up to the choice of individual ones. software packages. By choosing which installation to configure, you can install WSWS 3.0 on a computer with another operating system already installed (for example, Windows NT).

    Enter the warehouse WSWS 3.0 single system documentation (ESD) with information about various aspects of the system functioning. The ESD is compiled from a documentation server and a data base that allows you to write description texts, access to some options through browsers. Before the hour of installation of additional software security to the data base of the ESD, they are installed in the future. The ESD can be hosted locally to the skin worker, which WSWS domains can be seen on a special documentation server. The remaining option is to make changes in WSWS domains more spacious for saving total disk space, simplifying the process of managing and updating documentation. Access to documentation from other working areas is possible through a Web browser, which is available at once from WSWS 3.0.

    WSWS 3.0 is russified in both alphanumeric and graphic modes. Virtual terminals are supported, switching between them is possible for additional combinations of keys.

    The key point in terms of the integrity of the system is the operation of registering new WSWS coristuvach, if the coristuvach attributes are set, including security attributes, it is likely that the access control system is remotely controllable to the coristuvacha robot. The basis for the mandate model is the information that is to be entered at the time of registration of a new clerk.

    To implement discretionary access control, the traditional Unix mechanisms of access rights bits and access control lists (ACLs) are used. Both mechanisms are implemented only on the same file system WSWS 3.0 and serve as the setting of access rights to objects in the file system. Children are allowed to assign rights for three categories of coristuvachiv (vlasnik, group, others), however, it is not possible to achieve the gnuchka mechanism and zastosovuetsya when setting the rights for more files in the OS, however, the rank of vicorization of the main part of the coristuvachiv. In addition to the ACLs, you can set the rights to the same number of coroners and/or groups of corristuvachs, and, by the same token, access to the essential details of the rights manager. Lists zastosovuyutsya every hour of work with files, for which it is necessary, for example, to set different access rights for a small number of songs.

    One of the essences of the shortcomings of traditional Unix systems, with a look of safety, is the obviousness of a super-correct, which can be the most innovative. The peculiarity of WSWS 3.0 is the decentralization of the functions of the supercoordinator. The manager of the administration of the system is divided into a few parts, for which the administration of the system needs to be configured, ensuring that the audit. From the point of view of the operating system and administrators with the most famous coristuvaches, which is given the ability to launch special administrative programs and access to configuration files. The creation of public records of system administrators is taken into account at the stage of installing WSWS 3.0.

    For example, the administrator of the configuration manages file systems, interfaces, setup of system services, etc. The security administrator is responsible for the security policy and control of the system, which are necessary for security: the minimum password strength, the number of recent attempts to log in to the system is too short. At the same time, all subdivisions are protocoled, as if security is maintained, among them are the number of administrators. For the supervision of the audit, the administrator of the audit is responsible, which, for example, can clean the audit logs.

    Decentralization of the functions of a supercorristor makes it possible to implement the principle of "one eye". For example, the registration of a new WSWS 3.0 coristuvach is completed in two stages. At the same time, the administrator of the configuration creates the appearance record of the new koristuvach, and then the administrator securely registers the new koristuvach in the database of the system. Only after that we can enter the new coristuvach to the system.

    For the implementation of the administration task to the distribution warehouse, the “Koshti administruvannya” package is included, which includes programs for the maintenance of coristuvachas, files, security, auditing, systemic and systemic adjustments.

    First of all, as soon as possible, after the installation of WSWS 3.0, we consider that the administrator has formed a security policy that is implemented in this organization. One of the warehouse managers has improved the mechanism of mandated access control. On fig. 2 indications of the type of program for managing the mandate mechanism, which allows you to adjust impersonal mandate attributes of subjects and objects of WSWS 3.0. At the upper part of the window, the programs are supposed to establish security equalities, the possible values ​​of which can be, for example, non-confidential and confidential. In the lower part, there are impersonal categories that describe the subject area, to which information can be stored: “spivrobitniki”, “technical workers” just. It is possible to create supermultiples of categories (for example, “Category_1_2”), which include a sprat of four categories and other supermultiples. p align="justify"> The work with equals is the most fair when given to the tenth, as equals can be a hierarchical organization. In his line, when working with categories, they are clearly manifested in a double look, the shards of a category are not a hierarchical multiple.

    On fig. 3 views looking at one of the windows of the program management of the coristuvaches. The launch of ts_єї programs is only possible by administrators configuring that security. In case of skin of them, you can install or change only the attributes of the coristuvach, managing which to enter into your competence.

    On fig. 4 the butt of the program has been pointed out by the program keruvannya files, which allows you to look over and change the value of attributes in files. Visualization of the tree-like structure of the file system in the left part of the window for easier navigation through it and choosing the required file. At the right part, the attributes of the selected file are displayed, grouped according to their functional purpose. For the skin group, I saw a bookmark. The "Basic" tab contains such traditional Unix file attributes as type, size, number of hard messages, discretionary attributes and hour marks. A special feature of WSWS 3.0 files is the presence of mandatory attributes and the expansion of discretionary attributes in the list of access rights. Mandatory attributes are presented in the "Mandate label" tab. For accessing the ACL file, the tab "Permissions" is seen. When selecting directories, for which it is possible to create ACL for locking, the bookmark "Access rights for locking" is activated. On fig. 5 views view of robot window with ACL file. It is possible to add either a single entry for a correspondent or a group, or an anonymous entry with the same access rights. As in the case of the previous program, the launch of the program by the files can only be configured by administrators and security. You can change only the attributes of the file, managing which ones are included in your competence.

    WSWS 3.0 Services

    WSVS, like and be-yak іnsha operating system, serve to create optimal minds for vikonannya servіsіv and dodatkіv, scho zabezpechuyut automation and improve the efficiency of pratsі koristuvachіv.

    One of the main services of any OS is a service to a friend. Before the WSWS 3.0 warehouse, the other system enters, which allows you to store other documents in a reliable manner, as they are presented to the systems being stolen. Серед особливостей системи друку МСВС 3.0, що відрізняють її від аналогічних систем, є підтримка механізму мандатного управління доступом, яка дозволяє на етапі формування завдання друку визначити рівень конфіденційності документа і автоматично направити завдання на певний принтер відповідно до правил друку, прийнятих в даній організації. Leather overlays arcush are automatically marked with the appearance attributes of the document, which include the name of a koristuvach, which, having sorted out the document on that computer's name, from which the order was sent to another. One of the advantages of the system to a friend is the invariance of hundreds of additions, as they turn to the service of a friend. Tse means that she is not tied to essential supplements and do not change with the appearance of new additions. As a legacy, additions that lead to others, it is your responsibility to protect the marking of leaves and leave them for whom free place. The fact to each other is registered with a special journal in the form of reproduction of other documents. For work with a cim magazine, win special program, which allows you to review, edit the fields of the records and analyze them (Fig. 6).

    An important element of the WSWS 3.0 security system is identification/authentication. For successful authentication, you must enter the correct password. Obviously, the quality of the reversed password indicates the stability of the system before it is penetrated by malicious people. A special program is included in order to create passwords for koristuvachiv to the WSVS 3.0 warehouse (Fig. 7).

    For monitoring computers in the domain, a system for monitoring the functioning (CF) is installed, which is compiled from the server and special agents. Agents are installed on the computers of the domain and inform the server about their country. The KF system allows you to capture information about various aspects of the functioning of computers (stand processes, disk subsystems, kernel subsystems) and control the functionality of network services (ftp, ssh, etc.). Information about accessing the server is accumulated in special logs, which allows you to check how the current state of the domain is, and how to become a protracted period of the system's functioning.

    WSWS domain

    WSWS 3.0 is designed to create domains, on the basis of which the protection of automated systems is created. Physically, the domain is implemented as a local network of computers, most of which serve as an organization of working areas of the coristuvachs. Acts of them are necessary for the organization of resources of infamous corruption, such as a file server, a database server, a friend server, mail server. Logically, the WSWS domain is an anonymous computer that implements a single security policy and establishes a single space of administration. A single security policy can be applied on all computers in a domain, and there are a single set of subjects and objects for access, security attributes, as well as a single rule for discretionary and mandated access control. In my sense, the WSWS domain is also a security domain.

    The only area of ​​administration transfers the same administration of information resources (computers) to the WSWS domain. It is the basis of the single space of the core of the WSWS domain.

    • For the skin coristuvach domain on its working area, there is an oblique record that includes the necessary information about the coristuvach (logic name, password, P.I.B. and security attributes of the coristuvach). Given information vykorivovuetsya for vykonannya procedures _identification/authentication koristuvach when entering the domain WSVS.
    • On the skin computer of the domain from overhead resources (servers), on which one can practice data koristuvach, for the new one there is such a physical record, as well as on the other working area.
    • On the working area of ​​the security administrator, there is a data base with information about all the domains, which includes their appearance records, extended information (for example, location, name/number of the host), as well as their servers in the houses, computers access.

    In this rank, the physical record is the only one for this koristuvach within the framework of the WSWS domain and itself through it, it is possible to access the core with the access of the coristuvach to information resources domain.

    heterogeneous domains

    At the moment, when developing a protected automated system, they are taken as the basis for a purely local measure, in which, as a rule, servers and workspaces based on Windows NT dominate. The impossibility of a spontaneous transition of an organization to the WSWS platform gives rise to the problem of integration with Windows. Two aspects can be seen here: the choice of the optimal strategy for the transition to WSWS and the technical folding that will accompany this transition.

    As a result of the analysis of information flows in the protection of automated systems, it is possible to see businesses that are most important from a glance of security. Nasampered, to such dealers there are flows of import/export of information, oscillating itself through these flows of confidential information zovnishhnіy svіt: server and other information export to disks and lines. Others for significance are the business of collecting information: file servers and work stations.

    In the process of converting Windows-merezhі to the protected automated system, the first part of the blame is to modify those dilyanki merezhі, which are the most critical from the point of view of security. The first step is minimization and control of external information flows. As it was said, WSWS 3.0 can develop a system for the form and control of other documents, and allow in the least, prompting, on its own basis, to implement as many types of other documents as a hard copy.

    Another option is the transfer of file servers from Windows platforms. In WSWS 3.0, a developed system for managing the access of coroners to information resources in the operating system has been transferred, which allows organizing the protection of data coristuacs on the flat land.

    When integrating WSWS and Windows, there are few problems of a technical nature, the most important of which are the problems of the integrity of schemes for identifying / authenticating coristuvachs, the principles of access control of coristuvachs, like in these systems of cyrillic coding.

    The first two problems are related to the fact that in the Windows NT environment there is a scheme for logging in to the NT domain on the basis of a single data base, which is stored on a special key server - the domain controller. qia scheme principled in the form of a scheme, victorious WSWS. In addition, in the architecture of Windows NT, it is impossible to imagine a rich security attribute of the WSWS operating system. On Windows systems, the coding of CP1251 is beaten, while on WSWS 3.0 (like the fall of Linux) KOI8-R is beaten, however, the accumulated data (for work with any Windows environment), as a rule, is stored in CP1251 itself. With any tribute given to the coristuvachas, when they are introduced, that editing is included in the middle of the WSWS, they have to be recoded “on the fly”. In addition, for the purpose of data sorting (for example, data sorting), coding CP1251 is more convenient, lower KOI8-R.

    To encourage the protected automated system with the improvement of WSWS 3.0, with the possibility of temporal totality with NT, a terminal access system was developed (Fig. 8). Qia system allows organizing in WSWS a robot with Windows add-ons in the coming rank: file and other servers, as well as client sites will be based on WSWS 3.0, and for robots with Windows add-ons, an add-on server based on NT Terminal Server Edition is seen, access to which is possible special rank. One of the advantages of this option is the flexibility in the organization of robotic corystasis, which in fact takes away the possibility of working at once in two surgical environments and victorious skin programs from them. Nedolik - the need to create a program server with special access to create security before the appearance of security. As a result of the task of integrating WSWS and Windows NT, the WSWS domain is collapsing with an NT-based add-on server and a different terminal access system.

    Now let's look at how it works in the heterogeneous domain of WSWS. Koristuvach to enter the domain through his workstation. For access to the server, programs based on Windows NT must be sent to the terminal access client. At a special data base, which is stored on the server of add-ons, it is possible to identify between the names of the computer and the computer, as it is victorious when connecting the media disks for this particular server. As a result, when working in an NT session, the hard disk on your workspace can only be occupied by your home directory, as well as the main resources of the domain (file servers and printers). You can run Windows programs, but you can use only a limited number of files (of your own or larger ones) that are saved on computers with WSWS 3.0.

    For the organization of other confidential documents, the domain is provided with a server based on the WSWS, which is responsible for the appearance of the other, which will help the oblique reproduction of confidential documents. For other non-confidential information, you can connect local printers to ARM. Koristuvach, pratsyyuchi z Windows programs or WSWS, send the document to another, and there is no meaning, where the document is known - on the local machine or on the file server. For the assistance of the WSWS, an analysis of the level of confidentiality of the document is required. If the document is confidential, the task is redirected to a friend's server, if not, the document is stored locally.

    The proposed options allow organizing step-by-step transitions from the information infrastructure based on Windows NT to the protection of automated information processing systems based on WSWS 3.0.


    1. State Technical Committee of Russia. Core document. Cost of counting technique. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Security indicators for unauthorized access to information. Moscow, 1992

    2. D.V. Yefanov. System for the appearance of other documents // ACS and controllers. 2001 №1

    Andriy Tyulin- Spіvrobіtnik MO RF. Igor Zhukov, Dmitro Єfanov ([email protected]) - Specialists of the All-Russian Scientific and Successful Institute of Automation Management in the non-industrial sphere (Moscow).

    Release date: 2010
    Version : WSWS 3.0 Build 4, 5, 6
    Rozrobnik: VNIINS
    Retail website:http://www.vniins.ru/
    Architecture : x86
    Tablet: not needed
    Language of interface: Ukrainian
    Description : OS WSWS 3.0 command line, and in the graphical interface mode.
    The main features of OS WSWS 3.0 are resource management of the system and processes, vicory resources in the calculation.
    OS WSWS 3.0 - ce instrumental zasib for keruvannya technical means and tasks in the following areas:
    - automated systems of keruvannya virobnitstvom;
    - automated systems of care by the technological process;
    - information resources;
    - Mass service systems;
    - Systems for collecting and analyzing information;
    - Insurance on a rich coristuvachіv system of incriminating recognition.
    - OS WSWS 3.0 is certified in the system of certification for the protection of information and could secure the information of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation on:
    - 2nd class of protection of information in the form of NSD zgidno z RD;

    - 1 equal to the control of the presence of non-declared capacities from the RD.

    Certificate of validity No. 126 dated December 17, 2002.
    - OS WSWS 3.0 is certified by the certification system for the protection of information security by the Sovereign Technical Commission for the President of the Russian Federation on:
    - 3rd class of protection of information in the form of NSD zgidno z RD;
    "Koshti enumeration techniques. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Indicators of protection against unauthorized access to information."
    - 2 equal to the control of the number of non-declared capacities from the RD.
    Protection against unauthorized access to information. Software security sobіv zahistu. Classification for equal control of the presence of non-declared capacities.

    I will try to install a copy of RedHat Enterprice Linux for the needs of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, to marvel at how it works on a daily basis. The last issue of the WSWS was already in 2011, but still continues to be "brown" in the army of the Russian Federation:

    Let's get to installation

    Installed on a laptop FUJITSU LIFEBOOK N532, which I work stably in Linux and Windows. This laptop is released in 2012, all on the river for WSWS 5.0.

    Exciting vikno - a copy of RedHat Enterprice Linux:

    The stench began to look like a normal, exciting window, changed the background / logo, saw the inappropriate buttons and that's all.
    To continue the installation, simply press Enter:

    The retro-styled MS-DOS installer was taken advantage of, but before the release of WSWS 5, all distributions had a small graphical installer. Debian also has a text installer, ale wine is more simple and understandable, lower. They ask us, review the current DVD. Let's reconsider about every change:

    The disc was recorded normally, there are no pardons. They asked us to reverify the supplementary noses, but I can’t help it.

    The Disk Partitioning Tool is equipped with the selected option to view all partitions. And with the raptom of an officer, relying on the mind of the IT-industry, just press Enter?
    Now let's get to the disk layout. I have two other operating systems installed on my computer and I select "Make a mess"

    We have 30 GB of unformatted space, which is not victorious, we choose "Vicorate in a free space and create a feud for the ablutions" and we will take a pardon of the feud: it is impossible to split the supply

    We press "So" and we take the pardon of automatic breaking:
    Press "So" and select "Make a good break"
    So, as this "dos fdisk" does not show the occupied and free space, so that I can't see anything, I'm going to look at the distribution in the other OS and press the reset button (alt + ctrl + del I remember msdos).
    The computer just hung on words, instead reacting to CapsLock. Check more whilin 15 and just tisnemo reset. Let's take a different OS, switch to the correct choice of a free partition, continue installing it until the stage of distributing disks. The choice of file systems is not rich here, only ext2, ext3 and vfat (which does not fit on the screen).
    Let's leave everything behind the locks, so that the vikoristovuvatimemo grub:
    Just emboss Enter

    They asked us to create a password to change the grub capture parameters

    I had to enter a new password

    Now we proceed to the installation of the zavantazhuvacha. Installed on laptop other versions Debiana and Ubuntu, but the installer doesn't know them. As a result, after the installation of the WSWS, the menu for the selection of operating systems disappears and you have to bring grub through the LiveCD.
    To the list of operating systems at the very bottom, as it seems, what else is there. I tried to move it by pressing TAB, Ctrl, Ctrl+tab and other keys. Ale a bug at some camp, bov, at such a one he was left:

    Pressing So and continue the installation:

    We choose where to install the zavantazhuvach. I'm going to install an advance MBR entry on all linuxes, on /dev/sda, but for recent rooted Windows, it's better. Do all Russians know Unixy?

    Dali ide nalashtuvannya merezhі.

    None merezhy connection we don't have it, choose "Hi" and press Enter

    at the end of the prohannyam, it was necessary to enter additional parameters for adjusting the measure:

    Like bachite, there are no buttons "skasuvannya" and "not required". Only "so" and "back". It was logical, we installed the system of merezhі, and we have a DVD-disk with a new set of programs. Tisnemo Enter.

    Vee flooded the "gateway" field. Fallow view of your lace sharpening, there may be problems

    We press on and ask again to enter additional parameters of the measure. Let's turn around to the first century to fix the borders and it is possible that it is necessary to fix the border interface, although we don't have it.

    Ask to enter im'ya merezhi. Choose "Manually" and choose them

    Choose your time zone:

    Choose the root password (at least six characters):

    Select a list of packages to install. I selected all

    They gave a re-verification of fallows, after which it was noted in the end with the address of the installation log:

    Installation process:

    I don't understand, what are the problems with fonts and coding?

    The installation is 100% and the installer informs us about the completion of the installation, ask for inclusion remember your nose then press Enter to reload. Pressing Enter and the computer just freezes like the last time.

    We press the Power button, check the sprat of wheezing and oh, zhah, everything is English. What is the Russian language of the Russian army?

    Where are our Debian and Ubuntu? There's only one WSWS here. But it's okay, you can fix it by reinstalling the Grub wizard via LiveCD.

    Just press Enter to get excited

    The system is stupid for 15 seconds and shows pardons: Memory for crash kernel (0x0 to 0x0) notwithin permissable; unable to query Synaptics hardware

    and continue the advancement, in the process of advancement, the menu is adjusted

    Just select "Exit" and press Enter. After 10 seconds, such a screen pops up, there is no pressure on the graphics. Enter the login and password and the system is ready to work:

    To the point, respect, the kernel 2.6.18 is installed here. This core was released five years earlier than WSWS 5.0. That for five years it was possible to wake up a lot of promislovity, like in Stalin's feasts, but already 10 years have passed! I've only just started squatting with Linux. Wanting to, maybe, stink for five years, they audited the security of the code.
    Garazd, try to coristuvatisya tim, scho є.
    We are trying to start the graphics. In niks, to start the graphics, you need to enter startx, enter startx:
    and we take pardons:

    Here I specially opened the pardon log /var/log/Xorg.0.log, so that I understood why on the right: the system cannot be captured standard drivers fbdev and vesa.

    We are left with no need to reboot the system and turn into a working OS, we enter reboot and again it will hang when rebooting:

    Trying to install via VirtualBox:

    Also enter login root, password and startx

    Obviously, VNIINS with the security method does not recommend running xxi as an administrator. That's why even after the first launch, it was not proponated in the installer itself due to the security method simple coristuvachiv how about other distributions?

    O_o, it appears to work.

    Working style MCVS 5.0

    Otzhe, sho mi bachimo - garniy light robotic steel that simulates old Windows and KDE. Ale, no embellishments open source desktop

    File manager.

    The system tray has an hour indicator with a calendar, a keyboard layout jumper, and an availability equal indicator (alternatively, see WSWS retailers).

    Implementation of WSWS 5.0

    In Linux, some programs (for example, Chromium) with a security method do not run as root, so we will create a new root and enter the system through a new one:

    Start - adjusting - ELK sealing panel, sealing with coristuvaches - add a new coristuvac:

    The password must be at least 8 characters!

    Attributes of safety are against, but we are not chіpatimemo їх:

    Koristuvach done successfully. It seems that from the session it is consumed directly to the root console account, where we have a bunch of pardons:

    It looks like we're going to press Ctrl+D from the first image record, log in under a new shorthand and run startx. Іksy started up, but on the mouse and on the keyboard, they don’t react. restart virtual machine not dopomіg, iksi v tsіy oblіkovogo record so do not practice. Garazd, to happen to pratsyuvati vіd root, scho є porushennyam bezpeka.

    The size of the screen is 800x600, we are trying to change it. Go to the "Control Panel" and select the "Monitor" icon. At the end of the day, we remind you that we do not have the xorg.conf file and that the screen will be dark for the first hour. Do yoga chi?

    Press "Yes"

    Pardon of the initial configuration:

    If so, it will show up in the window with monitor options. We'll try to change it, but no reaction. It is noteworthy that at whom the butt is shown Windows screen 95. And when the buttons "So" are pressed, that "Skasuvati" does not close and nothing appears. You can close the window less by pressing on the cross.

    The "System" menu has the item "Switching screen permissions". We choose yoga and we see the program in the tray with only two items: 800x600 and 640x480 and a frequency of 60Hz. And then in the FreeDOS OS, I had to change the frequency. Zvіdsi vysnovok scho OS WSVS graphics higher lower in DOS!

    We look at the information about the possession:

    After the "OK" pressure, it looks like this:

    WSWS 5.0 software

    Tsіkavo, if we are translating the username of the mouse from the EDE program to KDE, the color of the username of the mouse is changed.
    Because the WSWS work desk is the sum of the EDE and KDE work desks.
    Merezha. A total of ten programs in this category, among them ELK-browser, IRC, Wireshark, GFTP, mail monitor, wire monitor and PPP setup and wire management.

    Keruvannya outbuildings

    The mail client does not start:

    Browser The ELK browser is an exact copy of the Aurora browser. Surprise, the stench renamed yoga to ELK, but forgot to change the logo:

    ELK Browser:

    There are already 4 terminals in the utilities: ELK-terminal, X-terminal, Console and terminal in the super-correct mode. Do you know why it's so rich? That's why the working style of WSWS is the sum of EDE with KDE. stink non-essential utilities, everything was put up for the minds so the stench was taken away.

    For this reason, here are a lot of programs from two different working tables, but with the same capabilities. It is especially worth reviewing pictures, documents (PDF, DJVU, etc.) and text editors.

    Emacs text editor on WSWS:

    Science. The scientific ones have a KDE calculator, which was released in 2005:
    graphics. We have distributed all the programs KDE + Xsane 2007 to the release date.
    Games. In the games of nabir іgor z KDE, in the middle of yakikh viyskі іgry of Minesweeper and Parashuti:
    Multimedia. Simple media program, audio disc program, K3b (CD/DVD burning), volume control and sound recording software.
    For reverification of the sound, it is necessary to get a movie from the virtual system. Sound and video do not work here. Putting VirtualBOX Alsa, Oss, SoundBlaster16 on the laptops - nothing works. Trying ogv, ogg, mp4 - in some windows you can install codecs, in others - show a pardon:
    Let's try to install ffmpeg:
    Open Start - ELK Control Panel - Program Manager
    before starting a few seconds, the lists of packages are checked
    try to know ffmpeg
    The axis is such a Russian language in the Russian army!

    ffmpeg leaning against the list of installed packages. And the search for oss and alsa (sound systems) did not give any expected results. Asking office and firefox didn't give the same results.

    k3b at the start of an hour, I see a pardon, because I don’t know the Mime type. You need to press OK 10 times and the same wine will start:

    Vimknennya system:
    1. WSWS does not work on the current possession
    2. The core of the system, as well as all the software, was released 11 years ago, it seems that it is not supported today
    3. The screen size is set to 800x600 and is not changed
    4. The video system works only in the emulator, but it shows pardons after the work is completed.
    5. The sound of fire does not work
    6. Graphics work only for root, which can damage security
    7. Commands for switching and re-keying for locking are available only through the console and work out only in the emulator.

    Zagalni vysnovki.

    WSVS5.0 – copied from 2011 roci RedHat Enterprice Linux5.0 (2007 roku), incorrectly running already on computers, released from 2011 roci. That in the Rosіyskiy -romantic dumped to the Globo old man, the same, the Aviaanesian cruiser "Admiral Kuznitsov" by the same trample, the deputy catapult, through the Yaki LITAI LITASIA INSOMENTIONA refueling pіd hour hike ...

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