What is the universal format of text files? Text file formats

Golovna / 2 Cool Readers

The word "format" has a lot of meaning. In the region computer technology under the term "format" the structure of the information object is understood. For example, the format of the file is the method of organizing the elements of information (bits, bytes) in the file, and the format of the electronic document is the method of formatting and submitting data in the electronic document.

Use a variety of different formats of electronic documents. Zagal їх it is possible to divide them into “single-programs”, which are controlled and supported by only one software retailer, and “rich software”, which are supported by a large number of retailers and can be processed by different programs.

Main formats of electronic documents

1. Text formats. The stench is mostly created for the help of text processors. The most extended text formats are:

1) single program Microsoft format Word, WordPerfect, as they may expand those programs, they are created;

2) RTF format, which is supported by different software programsі when you select formatting text;

c) PDF format (Portable Document Format), which is used to replace the image of the side, which includes text and graphics. Files in PDF format can be read with help of other programs, which are considered less for reading files, however, they are created only for help Adobe software Acrobat.

2. Graphic formats. They take images (for example, photographs, babies) and are divided into two main types:

1) vector formats, yakі take images like a set of geometric shapes. Among them are the most wide:

a) the DXF (Drawing Interchange Format) format, which is widely used in computer design programs by engineers and architects;

b) EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) format, which is widely used in floor viewing systems;

c) the CGM (Computer Graphics Metafile) format is widely used by many graphic editors (for example, by Photoshop);

2) raster formats that save images as a set of pixels. When changing the scale of the image, the raster graphics will be canceled. Among raster formats in the widest:

a) BMP format (Bitmap) - a remarkably low-level format, which is most commonly used in word processors;

b) TIFF format (Tagged Image File Format), which is widely used in software add-ons;

c) the GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) format, which is widely used in programs intended for the Internet.

3. Database formats are created with additional database management systems (DBMS). The stench is formed from the fields of that table, which will clean up the okremі elements of information. The program allows you to install links between different elements. For example, a data base about buyers can include fields with buyers' names, addresses, and purchase statements. The fields can be organized around tables (for example, one table for all fields with the names of buyers). Data bases can be converted to text format, otherwise links will be inserted between fields and tables (for example, you can enter 10 sides of names, 10 sides of the address and 1000 sides of information about purchases, so the information is clumsy).

4. Format spreadsheets. Files in the format of spreadsheets save numbers from the boxes and interrelationships between numbers. So, one middle can replace the formula, as if summing up the data of two other middles. Like database files, spreadsheet files, they may sound like the format of the program that has been created. Some programs can import and export data from other servers, including programs that are recognized for such data exchange (for example, the DIF format (Data Interchange Format). will be spent.

5. Video - that audio format. These formats replace the images that are collapsing (digital video, animation) and sound data, which are most often created and look at each other for additional advanced programs and are saved in a single-program format. The most popular are the Quick Time and MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group) formats.

6. Movie layouts, also called layout formats, should be filled with instructions on how to display that intelligence in the file. Before them one can see:

1) SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language), a kind of victorious in the rich countries of the world in the state authorities and the international standard;

2) HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), which is used to display all information on the World Wide Web;

3) XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a remarkably simple language, based on SGML and gaining popularity in information management and exchange.

The PDF format, created by Adobe Systems Inc., is already popular when exchanging documents and is widely used for documents on the Internet, which allows you to save the original look of documents and simplify changes to the document. According to the assessment of the Adobe company, even a pivmillard of people was taken advantage of. no-cost program Looking over PDF files, a lot of companies chose this format as a standard for transferring that collection of documents, and a few independent retailers promote products that support PDF, moreover, they are cost-free.

A modified version of the format, called PDF-Archive (PDF-A), is seen behind the cordon as one of the two main formats, which can be used for archival storage of electronic documents. Another format is XML.

It can be argued that the greatest expansion in the sphere of management was taken away by documents created with the help of text processors, especially Microsoft Word programs. A significant number of management documents are created in the format of spreadsheets (mostly for the help of a spreadsheet processor Microsoft Excel), the one in the format of presentation slides (prepared for the help of the Microsoft PowerPoint presentation preparation system). Few electronic documents give rise to such technologies that have recently appeared, such as e-mail, videoconferencing, websites. In the future, other technologies, such as geoinformation systems, operator centers, can become great "producers" of electronic documents.

Leather from the formats of electronic documents may have its own advantage and shortcomings in the fight against documentation security management. For example, text formats (Word Perfect, Microsoft Word, RTF, etc.) are handy for conducting a contextual search for documents in the database, and graphic formats (PDF, TIFF, etc.) the documents looked like papers, signed with signatures and visas.

The MS Word format is more convenient when editing a document and a group work with it, the MS Word prote file saves a lot of attached information (let's talk about zrobleni in the file change) and, also, even more unsafe at a glance, a round of service information. In a number of vipadkivs, such as commercial proposition or the draft contract, attached to the information allows you to install, as if they were vihіdnі pripuschennya i hto vplinuv on the text of the greatest vpliv.

During the group preparation of the document, the analysis of the editing gives the possibility of recognizing not only the names of people who have been robbed, but also those who have made the same contribution to the sub-bag option.

The main reason for linking with electronic document formats is the power of converting and (or) migrating electronic documents. When converting, the format of the electronic document is changed, and at the time of migration, the transfer of the electronic document from one software platform is changed without changing the format. However, during the next hour of migration, you may need to convert an electronic document. For example, when moving an electronic document from the Macintoch operating system to the operating system Microsoft Windows it is necessary to convert the electronic document to a new format (for example, RTF or Word 2000).

When possible, there are 3 main types of damages that need to be insured when saving electronic documents:

1) vtrata danikh. In the event of the expenditure of data, the song of the world is spent and the zmist of the document. The electronic document becomes inaccurate and unreliable;

2) vtrata oznіshny look, structure of the electronic document. For example, when converting text documents RTF format you can use some features of the original look of documents;

3) insertion of links between data (in spreadsheets, data bases) also renders the document inaccurate.

It is necessary to be sure that a copy of the document can be legally recognized in such a way, as if it was created in a distorted way that is accurate, perfect, and superb for a trivial vikoristannya.

Other food related to formats and controls electronic documents, - File compression power supply (compression). The advantages of squeezing files and saving money while saving, saving and simple transfer of files. Not a lot of squeezing files from that which can cost you money to waste. In addition, it calls out the need for additional research software- software for compressing files (WinZip, ZipMagic and others), which also causes problems of antiquity, rich versioning, and platform staleness.

Possibility of using the PDF-Archive format in the electronic archives of the environment: closed, the PDF-A format is not suitable for archival storage of audiovisual documents.

Pіdbivayuchi pіdbags: It should be noted that what is available from the format of electronic documents cannot be considered universal for a trivial archival collection, the equipment, technologies and software security are rapidly changing.

Text files are the largest type of data in the computer world. Іsnuє sparse problems associated with text files. The first is an overly large number of symbols needed for supporting different language. American software for robots with 128 characters to type US ASCII characters (American Standard Information Interchange Code). For the support of other languages, most of the time, 256 characters are not used, so at the same time there is a step-by-step transition to Unicode encoding, in which two bytes are already entered to save one character (that is, it is possible to encode 65536 different characters).

Another problem lies in what people want, what documents, what to design, how to fix graphics, diagrams, notes, headings, and what fonts were chosen for. Documents that are published on the Internet ( online documents), can replace animation, use different resources and sound support.

A lot of text files are transferred in plain text. A simple text is foldable and easy to read, because there are no fonts in different crosses, graphics, headings, subheadings, etc. text markings(markup).

Speaking about the layout of the text, they see the understanding physicalі logical markings. Under the hour of physical examination of the text, the exact appearance of the skin fragment is indicated. For example, "centered text, 14 point, bold, typeface Times". When logical razmittsi say logical meaning which fragment, for example, "the heading of the chapter." There are two ways of marking are assigned, as a rule, to win in different situations. To rozdrukuvat text on the printer, it is necessary to write a physical layout. Guilty buti adopted a decision about the expansion of watering and paragraphs. Early versions text processors won only the physical type of layout. When choosing for the skin fragment, the font is specified, the style is expanded.

Under the hour of exchange of information with other people, the physical design of the text imposes a low margin, especially on-line documents. Screen size, different buildings, different fonts for different systems. For these reasons, the daedals often win the logical design of the text. In some cases, logical design is practically necessary: ​​under the hour of the creation of electronic documents such as WWW sides and the publication of volumes of work, like a book.

To save the layout of documents during the hour of transferring text information from the car to the car, stop different ways. Text processors and visualization systems develop specially developed file formats, so that not only the text can be removed, but also information about those that can be designed. The main problem here is the inconsistency of such formats, folding programs ring, you can read files in competing software formats. The butts of such an approach are text processors Word and StarWriter.

For a different approach, special layout commands are inserted directly before the text of the document. If you don’t have any software that support such a format, you still understand in a new way. There are few ways to present a similar layout to the text, zocrema:

  • HyperText Markup Language (HTML), which is endorsed by the World Wide Web;
  • TeX and LaTeX, which are popular among rich academic scholars, as well as mathematicians, physicists, chemists and musicians.

Applications of the program, yakі allow recombination of the text in a similar rank, є Netscape Composer і LyX (KLyX).

Files created by various editors have unique extensions that allow, without looking into the middle of the document, to figure out how to mark the text. So files created by editors preparing plain text often have the extension .txt, and files prepared in Lyx editor - .lyx. The Word text processor automatically creates files in the MS Word format (extension.doc), but also supports other formats, for example RTF (extension.rtf). Documents to check the markup commands Movie HTML can expand.html or.htm.

Obviously, it is impossible to override all text editors. Many of them are "imprisoned" for that chi and other specific activity. The list below has only a small part of text editors.

Unformatted text editors

notepad vbudovaniya in the operating room Windows system, zrozumіliy and simple in vikoristannі; McEdit may be similar to the Edit editor from MS DOS, component file manager mc(Midnight Commander) OS Linux; KEdit the simplest text editor, enter up to the KDE Linux warehouse; KWrite text editor, what can I do dodatkovyh nalashtuvan compared with the simplest text editors; emacs use the functions of a file manager and a text editor; one of the recognized images is the possibility of creating macro commands (macros); є for all clones of Unix, including Linux; Emacs can be hacked on MS Windows.

Editors, how to create text from layout elements

Word serve for the creation of various other documents, as a component of office programs for MS Windows; starwriter enter the StarOffice warehouse, with a sultry look and the functionality of the wine predicts Word, but works well like MS Windows, and Linux OS; LyX(KLyX in KDE) a modern text editor, useful for people who want to see a document that looks like a professional, but spend at least an hour on it; the editor inserts TeX and LaTeX layout commands into the text; Netscape Composer insert the text of the command to mark the movie HTML, change the version of both Linux OS and MS Windows.

Electronic documents have become the most important part of archives, like a printer on a secretary's desk. Texts, photographs, armchairs, data bases, audio and video files go straight to the "figure", calling to life discussions about those formats that are the best accessories for the gradual collection of electronic documents. Fortunately, the Russian archivists have no one to turn to for help.

Talking about electronic documents is more and more common. In the United States, archivists have consecrated to whom directly the work of the profession is holy - Electronic Records Day, which is celebrated on July 10th. On the first day of the month, those practitioners are gathered at once to discuss the current nutrition of the preservation of electronic documents.

The Russian scientific community is also not left behind on the sidelines of practical tasks, high and not dated to the last days of the calendar. The past year, the Russian State Humanitarian University (RDGU) held a large-scale study different formats files of electronic documents with a detailed description of the nuances of their skin.

Visnovki, the main trends presented at the scientific advanced research of the Russian State University " Row analysis formats of files in electronic documents of permanent (long-term) saving. 1 federal bodies vikonavchi authorities, state and non-state organizations, as well as state and municipal archives, objectively advance to the selection of the most optimal format for permanent (long-term) storage of electronic documents.

Actions to help save electronic documents

Already at the stage of designing the CED, the system is vibudovuetsya in such a way that, by stretching the term of the protection, the authenticity, reliability and applicability of the document are independent of changes in the system2. Such changes can be made for the conversion of formats, migration between technical features, operating systems or software add-ons. In this case, it should be noted that when converting formats in the form of a thorough conversion, one can save at the warehouse of control information4. It is also important to know that, for the original electronic document, it is necessary to save the metadata document (description of the document) 5 for the purpose of saving the entire term for the electronic document. As the term for the storage of an electronic document outweighs the validation of the term for the establishment of data collection systems, it is necessary to document the migration plans for new systems6.

Readability is an invisible characteristic of an electronic document. She is responsible for the security technical characteristics document and software, available to the practitioners of the archive. The format of the file, intended for permanent (long-term) saving, is due to the technical capabilities of state authorities, state and municipal archives, non-state organizations and others. how to implement information from a long-term perspective7. Moreover, it is legislated that electronic documents are accepted for collection from the escort program contributions, which allow them to be confirmed, and to a set of supporting documentation8.

Although there are file formats that can be supported by electronic document management systems, there is no exact single-seat. Appearances on this year's legal and regulatory acts are rarely included in their final list. Наприклад, згідно з Рекомендаціями з підготовки федеральними органами влади переліків документів, створення, зберігання та використання яких має здійснюватися у формі електронних документів при організації внутрішньої діяльності (утв. наказом Росархіву від 29.04.2011 року № 32), присутність у ВЕД ФЗІВ електронних документів рекомендовано Available in PDF, DOC, RTF, TXT, XML formats.

Vidpovly, to the VIMOG to the INformation systems of the Elektron Documentary Office of the Federal Organization of Viconavchcho Vladi, the Number of the Number of the Danny Service of the Service of the Wested Wasteful (Obv. Chotiri format: PDF, RTF, DOC, TIFF. Other normative documents allow the presence of other formats of files in electronic documents in electronic systems of organs in the structure of state power.

In the spring of 2014, the experts are glad at the Ministry of Communications to convert PDF / A as a format for interdependence in the SED and to allow the storage of electronic documents. Order from PDF/A is encouraged to transfer XML-file with the details of the electronic document. Apparently, at the same time, from the FTS, a special order will be prepared from the authorities before the document is filed.

Recommendations for choosing the format of electronic documents

The choice of the optimal format for saving is determined by the type of information, characteristics technical aids protection (magnetic, optical, solid-state electronic data carriers), special features of data access and software features. In connection with cheaper data storage and increased capacity, software availability and readability to the file format in a long-term perspective, are considered to be the main factors in choosing the encoding method. The following criteria were insured in the sequential analysis of the formats of electronic documents (text, graphics, audio and video files, databases, presentations), conducted by RMDGU specialists:

  • retailer of the rights of authority;
  • rіk razroblennya file format;
  • rіk yogo remaining modernization;
  • frequency of software code updates;
  • presence of versions;
  • vіdkritiy chi closed program code;
  • description of the sequence of mathematical algorithms of compression;
  • file format recognition;
  • availability and availability of converters;
  • stability with multiple replications 9 .

Text formats

The text is the main array of information that is collected in the archives. To the new one can be seen as texts with the language of human splintering (with a little bit of hieroglyphic writing, close to graphic form), so with the language of programming. Often text files include fragments of graphic information. On the view of illustrations, audio and video recordings of texts data are given a significant amount for additional special archiving programs.

Based on the recommendations of the RDGU, the archiving of files is more quickly carried out in an unencrypted way for the help of ZIP (*.zip), and text information additionally write in the following formats: XML (includes XSD/XSL/XHTML), PDF/A-1 (ISO 19005-1) (*.pdf), PDF/A-2 (ISO 19005-2:2011) (*.pdf ). With the right minds, text formats can be embedded: Plain text (ISO 8859-1encoding), PDF (*.pdf) (embedded fonts), Rich Text Format 1.x (*.rtf), HTML (include a DOCTYPE declaration), SGML ( *.sgml), Open Office (*.sxw/*.odt), OOXML (ISO/IEC DIS 29500) (*.docx), EPUB (unencrypted) (*.epub). The best stability when migrating from one format to the selected software is up to the other formats *.doc and *.xml. Table 1 shows the results of changing the information exchange during migration.

Table 1. Matrix of changes in the amount of information about the hour of migration

Format files on weekends/
Format files in migration
Microsoft Word 97-2003
*.odt*.xml*.rtf*.pdf*.pdf (PDF/A)
Microsoft Word 97-2003
cob<3,3 >2,2 >2,7 >3,2 >3,7
*.odt>3,4 cob>8,4 >7,7 >10 >18,4
*.xml<2,2 <8,2 cob>1,04 >1,4 >2,6

Significantly, the OpenOffice office package, which has a wider range of licenses, may have a low limit, for example, for similar Microsoft Word 2007. sharpened Java (JRE) XML format OpenOffice 4 *.stw hasn't yet removed any significant tweaks to the description. Microsoft Word 2007 does not display the information in this format, it displays it as an empty document.

Graphic formats

Graphic information high-rise building, especially polychrome and navtone images, practically do not fit the archival style. As a rule, for saving raster formats, it is safe to save realistic scenes with great depth of color. In the context of a consistent analysis, only three formats turned out to be the most suitable for long-term storage of raster images: TIFF (uncompressed), JPEG2000 (lossless) (*.jp2), PNG (*.png).

For vector images The recommended format is SVG (Java script binding) (*.svg). armchair, block diagrams, graphically presented algorithms, which are composed of graphical primitives (double lines and lamanich lines, rich cut lines, kіl and elіpsіv), are most effectively implemented in such vector formats as SWG, WMF, CGM and others like them. However, you can't forget about those that vector formats can produce before creation. color scheme folded image.

For encoding 3D images (virtual data formats), X3D (*.x3d) is acceptable.

Audio and video formats

Yak i graphic information, audio and video information may not be subject to effective archiving: 5% does not exceed 5% in the average. vibir different types The coding of such data is directly embodied in the file, which is being saved, to that, due to the necessary quality of creation, and, as a legacy, accessible to the archive collection, it is necessary to lay down the burden of that other format. Recommended formats for saving audio information: AIFF (PCM) (*.aif, *.aiff), WAV (PCM) (*.wav), AES3 (LPCM) (*.aes). Best results for the sake of video data savings, the following formats were shown: Motion JPEG 2000 (ISO/IEC 15444-4) (*.mj2), AVI (uncompressed, motion JPEG) (*.avi), QuickTime Movie (uncompressed, motion JPEG) (*. mov).

Bazi ta banks of data

Choosing the format of saving the base to deposit is more important than the structure. If the base is one file, then additionally select it in the coding that matches the file type. When the database is saved, records that are formed from fields of different structures, RTF and PDF encoding are most often encoded, but in that case, there are no audio-video fragments in the database. The most universal formats for trivial database storage are Comma Separated Values ​​(*.csv), Delimited Text (*.txt), SQL DDL. In four different formats, there can be different formats: DBF (*.dbf), OpenOffice (*.sxc/*.ods), OOXML (ISO/IEC 29500)(*.xlsx).


Joden z basic formats do not ensure a high level of reliability for the safety of the presentation. With some caution, we can recommend the OpenOffice (*.sxi/*.odp) and OOXML (ISO/IEC DIS 29500) (*.pptx) formats. The PowerPoint format (*.ppt) and other presentation file formats are not suitable for savings.

Hybrid information

For the collection of complex documents, the structure of which includes fragments of a different nature (text, photograph, armchairs, etc.), the most advanced modern text formats such as MS WORD, RTF. The stench is allowed to turn on graphic images at raster codes. As a rich illustration, such a document is recommended to be saved as a single image - in the shortest and graphical format.


  1. The research work was carried out within the framework of the sovereign contract No. 016-3 dated 31 January 2013 “Following the current processes of documentary management and development of electronic document management. "Scientific update" Comparative analysis of formats of files in electronic documents of permanent (long-term) saving" (as part of the implementation of the federal program "Culture of Russia" (2012-2018)).
  2. DSTU ISO 15489-1-2007 "National Standard Russian Federation. System of standards for information, library and visual reference. Document management. Zagalni vimogi” (approved by order of Rostekhreguluvannya dated March 12, 2007 No. 28-st).
  3. Migration of electronic documents - the transfer of records from one system to another system while preserving the authenticity, integrity, integrity and transparency of the victories.
  4. The structure of the description of the document is formed from the description of the physical and technical structure and the її logical structure, so that it can be seen between the elements of data, warehouse documents. Report about the creation, management and selection of metadata divas. DSTU ISO 23081-1-2008. System of standards for information, library and visual reference. Process keruvannya documents. Metadata for documents. Part 1. Principles (approved by order of Rostekhreguluvannya dated November 13, 2008 No. 310-st).
  5. GOST R 54471-2011 “Electronic document management systems. Documentation management. Information that is collected in electronically. Recommendations for ensuring reliability and reliability.
  6. The rules of the organized zbenensnya, the configuration, the regionalist of the Vikoristanny Documentyv Foundation of the Russian Federation of the same Arkhivnoy Documents at the sovereign of the muni -cyproxy, museums of the TA BIBLIOKECH, the organized -ups of the Academy of Sciences (approved by the Maintenance of the Culture of the Culture of the Russian Federation of the Russian
  7. In the same paragraph 4.4.3.
  8. Replication - the best way to save digital information a way of creating one of the most recent copies (clones) of digital materials. Replication will require special visits to support all copies in the current state.

At to the current world information is the best resource, which can be matched at any time. Information vikonuє impersonal task of the life of society, ensuring communication between all warehouses, fixing, saving and transferring otrimani that accumulated knowledge. Still, the key role of information plays itself in management.

Management information is fixed in documents. A document as a wearable information as an information resource, the management of which is put on fakhivtsiv-document examiners who call on organizations technological process documenting that work with documents, including current records information technology.

At the current stage, no one is aware of the need to introduce new information technologies to the management process and we are ahead of the sphere of documentary security management (DOA), as one of the most important warehouse processes. Speaking about the introduction of new information and communication technologies (ICT) in the field of DND, as a rule, it is possible to design and implement an automated system for documentary security management (AS DND) with no options for building and adding modules.

How else can one stand behind these information technologies and systems of AS DOP? Few of the fakhіvtsіv-dokumentoznavtsіv razumіє tse povnomu obsyazі. At the same time, it is quite obvious that without basic knowledge in the field of information technology (IT) a document collector cannot manage.

In the rest of the national standard, which regulates the process of managing documents DSTU ISO 15489-1-2007, it is clearly stated the validity of "key documentation", so that fahivtsiv at the gallery of documentary security management, for the design, implementation of that automated system of DOP . It’s not worth talking about those that document investigators can no longer be third-party posterigachs when designing and implementing AS DOP, and only then they’re coristuvachi. The stench is guilty already at the first stage of the design to take an active part in the process of installing the main components to the functional warehouse system.

Vіdpovіdno up to іmоg to qualіfіkatsії, the document collector takes part in setting up the task, designing, operating and fully (in part of the information security) automation information systems and control systems. I also take part in the development of new information technologies, designing and updating databases and data banks. Watching and acknowledging the latest developments and foreign information from the gallery of the DNZ.

The training of computer and information technologies in management activities is important for the heads of professional training for the specialty "Documentation and Documentation Security Management" . The current fahіvets is guilty of good orientation in different software applications and revealing its own variance of software and technological solutions for the implementation of the DOP task.

It is possible to develop a new vision of the need to broaden the horizons of document collectors in the field of stosuvannya of information technologies in DOP and its particularities.

The most important problem that is to blame for the implementation of IT in the activity of any, especially state-owned organization, is the problem of saving electronic documents and access to it after the end of a significant period of time. Another problem is due to the exchange of electronic documents in the administration, especially on the international level. At the current stage, the problems are partly supplemented by the versatility of the format of electronic documents.

The country is actively discussing the development of the supply of electronic document management on a equal basis (for example, the program "Electronic Russia") , Electronic Moscow , the concept of forming an electronic system , implementation of electronic administrative regulations , association of state information resources ). The improvement of the food supplied to these documents is not possible without the improvement of the formats of electronic documents (ED).

Important documents that set the main directions for the development of information technologies in the Russian Federation, the Doctrine of information security and development strategy informational support . Particular respect is given to the Programs and Concepts, zvajayuchi on those that themselves laid down in them the methodology for the promotion of modern IT in Russia, including in the field of DNZ. Among them, of particular interest is the Federal target program"Electronic Russia (2002-2010)" , The concept of molding in the Russian Federation of the electronic order until 2010. , The concept of the development of information technologies among the activities of federal state authorities until 2010. that in.

The concept of development of the national system of standardization є a system of looking at the problems of development of the national system of standardization in the Russian Federation until 2010. and to revenge the primed lines, the task of directing the development.

We can dedicate a series of articles to the review of this food, in which the main formats of electronic documents will be described, the development of free software, the specifics of such formats of electronic documents, the practice of their settlement in Russia and abroad.

The format of an electronic document is, more precisely, the format of a file in which text and / or audiovisual information is stored in an encoded view. "Encoding" is not a slut to stray from the understanding of "encryption". Enciphering is carried out before the transfer of information, and coding is just a transformation of information in one form into another.

If you analyze current vocabularies of computer technologies, then understand the “format” differently and foldably. For koristuvach it is enough to know that the format of an electronic document is a circuit logic or an algorithm, following some machine-readable information, it is transformed into an understanding for people and navpacki. Format can mother see different, from simple and intermodal possibilities to folding and building ones to carry impersonal functions, including the possibility of making layout, typing and encryption.

In the field of computer technology, the term "format" refers to the structure of an information object. For example, the format of the file is the method of organizing the elements of information (bits, bytes) in the file, and the format of the electronic document is the method of formatting and submitting data in the electronic document .

Pererahuemo briefly formats of electronic documents, as they are written in DOP .

Text formats are created for the creation of text documents and are most often created for the help of text processors.
For example:

DOC is a popular electronic document format, intended for revision and change (editing) of the text of the document. The format is more convenient for one-hour work on the document of a number of victors.
.PDF - format for displaying a document in an identical look to any operating system the kind in be-yakoy dodatku. Popular when storing documents, presentation materials, advertising booklets, etc. I look at those that the format of assignments for revising the document does not allow you to make up to a new unauthorized (or incomprehensibly) change, and to change it manually into the DOP. It should be noted that all the standards of the international organization for standardization (ISO) are superseded to Rostekhreguluvanny itself in the PDF format.

RTF - appointments for revision of documents and their editing in different versions software products. For example, versions of Word for Windows. The DOP format is actively supported by the fact that it allows you to rewrite files without using the structure and the replacement part of the document and working with them in one operating system, but also in different time-based versions.
Graphic formats take images (for example, photographs, babies) and fall into two main types: vector formats, which take images as a set of geometric shapes (DXF, EPS, CGM), and raster formats, which take images as a set of point-pixels (BMP ) , TIFF, GIF). Saving the image can be added to the text of the document and edited for the design of the presentation.

Database formats are created with the help of database management systems (DBMS). The stench is formed from the fields of that table, which will clean up the okremі elements of information. The program allows you to set links between different elements. For example, the data base about spivrobitnikiv can fill the fields with the names of spivrobitnikiv, addresses and statements about the work that is being looked at.

Files in the format of spreadsheets save numbers from the boxes and interrelationships between numbers. So, one middle can replace the formula, as if summing up the data of two other middles. Like database files, spreadsheet files, they may sound like the format of the program that has been created. This format is easy to handle when working for a short time.

Video and audio formats can be replaced by random images (digital video, animation) and sound data, which are most often created and looked at for help with other programs and are saved in a single-program format. The most popular are the QuickTime and MPEG formats. At DOP with their help, you can take minutes of the meeting, for the sake of it.

We report on the layout formats, so that we can read the instructions to show the clarity of the file.

It is possible to convert the language markup of texts in electronic documents to the metamovie SGML (Standard Generalized Markup Language). A bunch of wines buv splitting for sleeping victoria machine-reading documents in the great corporate and aerospace projects. Vіn widely vikoristovuvavsya at drukanovіy that vydavnіchіy sphere, but yogo foldedness made it wider for the everyday vikoristannya.

SGML has been approved by the International Organization for Standardization ISO in the ranks international standard ISO 8879:1986 "Information processing - Text and office systems - Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)" and won by the state authorities of the rich world.

The type of text layouts in SGML documents look like new, more finished moving layouts HTML and XML.

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) hypertext ”) - Tse appendage of SGML. Vіn vykoristovuєtsya for vіbrazhennya mayzhe all the information in the measure. Conforms to the international standard ISO 8879:1986 i standard my document layout All-World's Spider(www).

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a subset of the SGML movie. Gaining popularity when managing information and exchanging it, as if it were a simple move to mark texts of documents. XML - text format, appointments for collecting structuring data (replacement) database files ), for the exchange of information between programs , and also for the creation on the basis of yoga there are more specialized words of rozmіtka, which are sometimes called dictionaries.

The XML format adopted by the standardization bodies of the Internet community in particular the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), which develops and maintains technological standards forAll-World's Web that UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration) organization that develops the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration standard, recognized for the purpose, registration and discovery of Web services, to promote companies. This specification is how it is set up by the powers up to the subdivided informational register of the Web service. .

For the recognition of the format of electronic documents, you can mentally add to:
- Format for revision of the document;
- formats for revision and change of the document;
– Change the document format.

According to the possibility of transferring formats in electronic documents, there are:
– be transferred cross-platform;
- Transferring between programs;
- Specializations.

As a rule, there is no clear cordon between these categories. Formats that are portable across different platforms can be portable across programs. Specialized formats zastosovuyutsya at the narrowest zavdannya and vikoristovuyutsya, as a rule, only the additions of one firm and most often closed.

For the availability of formats, they can be vindicated and closed. Close the formats for the authority of a specific organization, both for winning in order to guarantee the stability of the product, and for defending the position of technology by competitors.

Vіdkritiy format – the specification of digital data storage is readily available, free of charge for licensed exchanges with victories. Zocrema, can you buti be able to turn on the support for the critical formats? vіlne (vіdkrit), so i proprietary (vlasne, nevilne) PZ , which expands on licenses characteristic for skin z tsikh types. The head meta of critical formats is to guarantee the possibility of access to data for a trivial hour without regard to licensing rights and technical specifications. Vіdkrity format of the electronic document protects not only when changing versions of the program, but also gives the ability to read documents in the minds of the inaccessibility of the program, for the help of which the electronic document was created.

What is the preferred XML format? To expand the language of the Extensible Markup Language, take it from your own data, and “carry information that describes the data. Vіn zastosuєmo to whatever computer addendum it allows you to transfer great amounts of information without the need for a laborious transformation of data structures " .

For the time being, software developers quickly switched to Wickbox XML in their products and in this way implement the idea of ​​standardizing document formats based on XML, in fact open format electronic documents

Prodovzhennya at the next number.

DSTU ISO 15489-1-2007. Document management. Zagalni vimogi.

Katerina Kolesnikova, radnik of the state civil service of the Russian Federation 3rd class.

Especially for the Taxi company.

Electronic formats of invoices, the journal of appearance and display of invoices, books of purchases and books of sales, supplementary lists to them are known to us from that moment, as viyshov Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, dated 05.03.2012 No. ММВ-7-6 / [email protected], which zastosovuvavsya from 05/23/2012 and having entered the chivalry on 04/13/2015 at the link with the authorities of the Federal Tax Service of Russia issued on 03/04/2015 No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected]

The format of the original documents submitted to us on March 21, 2012, is subject to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 21, 2012 No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected](changed in the editorial office on 02.02.2015). By this order, the format of the electronic consignment note (TORG-12) and the act of acceptance of work (services) was approved. Prote, apparently, since 2013 the Federal Law of 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ appointed the warehouse of evidence in the first oblique documents, as well as the forms of their filing, put on the paper of the economic entity. In connection with the changes in legislation, the approval of the FNP of Russia formats and forms of primary oblique documents from albums of unified forms that have been used in obov'yazkovіst zastosuvannya has become irrelevant.

On the legislator's level, a work has long been carried out to bring the formats of electronic documents to the level of validity up to the present day. "Modernization" of the format of invoices TORG-12 and acts of acceptance and delivery are presented to us for example in 2015, according to the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 30, 2015 No. ММВ-7-10/ [email protected] dated November 30, 2015 No. ММВ-7-10/ [email protected]

As stated by the FNP of Russia, the old format of invoices TORG-12 and the assets of the acquisition and delivery of the work will be effective for the future of 2016. In this rank, in the participants of electronic document processing, to spend an hour on mastering new formats and reconfiguring information systems of companies for working with them.

New formats for submitting documents on the transfer of goods, work, services, which will be due from 01.01.2016

Punishment of the FNP of Russia issued on November 30, 2015 No. ММВ-7-10/ [email protected] dated November 30, 2015 No. ММВ-7-10/ [email protected], which approved new document formats (hereinafter - new formats), by clicking on expanding the scope of electronic document processing. Narazi transfer of documents, yakі payers of taxes vіdpovіdno up to paragraph 7 of Art. 80 and paragraph 2 of Art. 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation can be submitted to the tax authorities for TCS within the framework of the procedures for filing a claim from a tax return, significantly more.

Format, approved by Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated November 30, 2015 No. ММВ-7-10/ [email protected], signifying the xml-file in the transfer of the TCS of the primary oblіkovy document, which formalizes the acceptance and transfer of goods from vikonannі agreements at the borders of vіdnosin, regulated by Chapter 30 of the DC of the Russian Federation "Purchase and Sales". Such an electronic "waybill" can be used to transfer any kind of value of one subject to another. The document on the transfer of goods є two files. One is to avenge the seller's information about the correctness and electronic signature of the confirmed person. The other one is identification information about the first file, information about the buyer's favor, as well as the electronic signature of the upgraded individual.

I have my own line, format, approved by the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, dated November 30, 2015 No. ММВ-7-10 / [email protected], describing the possibilities to xml-files in the transfer of the TCS of the primary document to electronic form, which draws up the acceptance and transfer of the results of the victorious work (giving them the services). Vin is also made up of two files. In one place information is collected: information of the transferring party about the please and electronic signature. Otherwise - identification information about the file vykonavtsya, data about the favor of the deputy's side and yogo electronic signature. With this new format, the situation is transferred, in which case it is necessary to blame, mind you please, or through looking at the counterparty at the formation of a unilateral act. In each case, the electronic document will have more than one file with a qualified electronic signature of the party that edits it.

New formats and requisites, which are similar to the previously recommended formats, may be supported by the Federal Law of 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ before the original documents. With all new formats, the victories are repulsed by victories for the presence of the presence in them of the free informational fields, as the organization can zapovnyuvaty on the ruling court.

So the titles of the field can be filled with organizations, whether it be some additional details (50 characters), which allow you to secure the specifics of the operation that is being processed, as well as the meanings of these details (2000 characters). In addition, the payers of the taxes are expected to be able to include the primary document of the file, whether it is a structure of the kind that allows it to be displayed in a larger document new information fact of the state's life.

In addition, in new formats it is possible to form different versions of the document with improved corrections. Another plus of new forms is the ability to change the name of the type of electronic document. For example, the deputy of the "Act of vikonanih robit" can write the type of document "Act of acceptance and transfer of the result of the robit", the form of which is divided in the organization.

As well as the previous formats installed for the original documents (overhead TORG-12 and acceptance-delivery acts), the new formats are no longer recommended to us before we get stuck in the robot, and their confirmation does not depend on the language version. Otherwise, organizations can exchange documents in whatever formats, open and separate on their own. And again, I would like to point out once again that it is recommended by the Federal Tax Service of Russia that the documents of such electronic documents can be submitted before the tax inspection for assistance with the submission of documents without the cost of labor costs.

The new format of the original document, which includes the invoice

Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia issued on March 24, 2016 No. ММВ-7-15/ [email protected] the format of the invoice was approved, that format of filing the document on the transfer of goods (vikonannya robit), the transfer of the main rights (document on the transfer of services), which includes the invoice, in electronic form.

With all the approvals, the format may vary in the documentary execution of the fact of the financial and state life of the organization:

Option number 1.
Rahunok invoice z additional information with the function of rahunka-invoice, which is victorious in case of rozrahunka, with a tax on additional payment of vartist, є a file of exchange in the seller’s account and a postage of information, transfer for rakhunkiv-invoices in accordance with regulatory legal documents. The file is signed by a qualified electronic signature of the person who is trusted to sign invoices.

Option number 2.
Rahunok-invoice with additional information with the function of rahunka-invoice, which is awarded at the time of rozrakhunkas with a tax on the additional payment of wages, that document on the promotion of goods (visiting work), the transfer of main rights (document on the transfer of services), the result of any change in the transfer of financial status accepting parties. Document includes:

  • an exchange file for submitting information to the seller, which includes the account invoice, which is stagnated during the repayment of the tax for the payment of the payment, as well as dodatkovі vіdomosti the transferring side about taking the fate of the favors of economic subjects, the object pleases and other sources of furnishing the formalized favors. The file is signed with the electronic signature of the person who is trusted to sign invoices, as well as with the electronic signature of the person who confirms the fact government activity from the side of the subject, what is transmitted;
  • an exchange file for submitting an additional invoice to the purchase invoice of the purchase information from the receiving party according to the agreement that is being processed. The file is signed by an electronic signature of an individual, acknowledging the registration of the fact of government activity on the side of the subject that he accepts.

Option number 3.
Rahunok-invoice with additional information with the function of a document about the transfer of goods (vikonannya robit), the transfer of my rights (document about the transfer of services), the result of any change in the financial status of the party that transfers that acceptance. Document includes:

  • an exchange file for submitting information to the seller, which includes the information of the transferring party about taking part in the favor of economic entities, the object please and other furnishings, please have the structure of the exchange file of the invoice (seller information). The file is signed by an electronic signature of an individual, vouching for the registration of the fact of the state's life on the side of the subject that is being transmitted;
  • an exchange file for submitting additional information to the seller; purchase information as a receipt of the receiving party according to the agreement that is being processed. The file is signed by an electronic signature of an individual who confirms the fact of the state's life on the side of the subject that he accepts. Tsey file You can be independent, but it is not necessary to create a bilateral document before the civil legislation.

Later, in the future, in recognition of the collection of legal requisites, the XML-file of the document about the transfer of goods (robits, services, mine rights) will be changed.

For the folding of the account-invoice, there will be a file of exchange from the statements transferred to the Decree of Order dated December 26, 2011 No. 1137 and art. 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, signed by a special person. In case of any other authority, it is necessary to comply with the Order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia on 04.03.2015. No. ММВ-7-6/ [email protected] rahunka-texture format is not available in electronic form.

To fold the primary document, the file must have the proper requisites set by the authorities federal law dated 06.12.2011 No. 402-FZ, which is composed of two files exchanged with information about economic entities, so that they take part in them, and about the subject please. One title is to be signed with a special specialty for formalizing the fact of the government's activity on the part that it rules, the other - with a special acceptance.

In order to fold a similar universal document, which is used in the function of the invoice and the primary document, the file must be folded from two files to exchange and replace both documents' language details.

In this way, at the moment in the organization there is a new set of document formats for registration in electronic form, be it the situation of financial and government activity, owing to the transfer of goods, labor, services, and other rights to one sub-manager. Format the distribution of all documents, as they are most often requested by tax authorities in taxpayers, so that it is possible to optimize the process of working with them.

Exchange electronic documents with counterparties richly swidshe, lower than paper ones. Take care of it, shukati and present it to the FNP for help. Find out about the advantages of using electronic document management for your company.

Publication date: 24.05.2016

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